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Lex turned off the shower, wrapped herself in a towel and went out into her apartment. It was bleak and barely furnished. Two bar style chairs by the kitchen counter, a single circular cushioned chair in the main living area and a couch/bed against one wall. The place looked totally abandoned except for a bag casually thrown on the still made bed. There was one other thing out of place as well. An envelope that must have been pushed under her door while she was in the shower. She bent over and picked up the envelope and slitting it open in one smooth motion with knife from the kitchen counter. [I]So, she got the job. [/I] Lex returned the towel to the bathroom, pulled on some cargo pants and a tank top from her bag, bushed her light brown hair into a ponytail with her fingers and closed the bag, draping it casually over her shoulder. Grabbing her weapon belt from under it, she strapped in on and walked out of the apartment hearing the definite click of the door behind her. She scanned the dock, then glanced down at her watch. She was a little early, but not bad. Lex leaned on a post and waited.
Riley stood frozen for a moment, judging the situation as best she could. With her many centuries of fighting training she could continue this fracas to it?s final out come, but she didn?t know enough of the situation to be able to judge if that was wise.[I] If she emerged with nothing but a bunch of corpses she?d have no answers and Eden could be over run any moment by an attack they may not be able to contend with. But they obviously intended to leave the catacombs, offering no direct harm to Eden or the clan and what?s more she was being damn near cordially invited to join them. [/I] This peaked her curiosity. Riley took her hands from her many other weapons and moved toward the back of the plane. There the smell of blood and death was extremely potent. Riley closed her bright green eyes and went into a meditation she had used in battle to shut out these? distractions. When she opened her eyes again, her hunger was quiet and calm and she could place her concentration elsewhere. She heard Eden?s voice in her head [B][I]?Where are you child?? What?s happened??[/I][/B] To this she knew Eden could gain no response as she could give none. [I]Perhaps Krishna could enlighten Eden as she was obviously in league with these Riley was now a traveler with. The idea of Krishna?s betrayal to Eden seemed unfathomable, but it was clearly there. That combined with the note Riley had left that something was clearly wrong, the catacombs were shortly to become a very interesting place indeed?[/I]
[I]Something was not right here. [/I] Riley was no fool, she was head of the clan guards for a reason. She grabbed a gun belt from her closet, and marched out into the hall and toward Kizan?s combs when a wave of power hit her? [I][B]"You make sure Sarin does what he is supposed to do and nothing will happen?Dean." "Not my fault. Hi Allura"[/B][/I] There was the sound of a gun being cocked and they turned to see Riley, co-pilot door thrown open aiming a gun at Kizen?s head, [B]?You?ve got some explaining to do?[/B] --------- OOC: I took a shot at it Sazabi, pm me if I missed the mark
OOC: I took advantage of this to go into Riley's character a little. If Eclipse or Knuckles' Girl have any issues with it, please pm me ____________________________ Riley watched Krishna waltz away down the hall. [I]Something about the whole thing cause a tingle of misgiving to run through her mind.[/I] She watch Lady Eden walk out passed her with six soldiers behind her, in Riley?s mind she heard Eden?s voice [I]?I?m going to wake him. Stay here and keep watch.?[/I] Riley nodded to herself and began to move down the hall, the other vampires of the keep inclining their heads some smiling at her as they let her pass. [I]She had no trouble with anyone else in the hold, in fact they all liked and respected her, only Krishna. [/I] Riley remembered the day Krishna turned, the death of Krishna?s sire, all of it. And Krishna had ?grown up? fast in the vampire world, [I]too fast[/I]. But Riley felt something Krishna would never and could never understand. She had the pulse of ancient blood in her veins, and that alone alters the mind. [I]Eden had not sired many of her own vampires for that reason. And for that reason Riley had sired none.[/I] [I]Granted she was? god, how old was she now? 300, no 400 and? 30? 50?[/I] Riley rested her head on her hand. She had totally lost track now. [I]She had spent so long wrapped up in the fighting she had forgotten?everything. She had never loved, though many vampires in the clan were paired off she had remained distant and cool. And despite all of Kristna?s flaws, Riley was proud of her fighting skills and did respect her loyalty to Eden... however long that would last.[/I]A shout brought Riley from her reveries. One of the door guards was dragging a limp female body down the hall toward her. [B]?Intruder for Lady Eden, Morgan's instructions.?[/B] He said, inclining his head. Riley brushed her brown leather trench coat aside and knelt down to look at the girl?s face. She had seen it before, the girl was maybe in her mid twenties and very fit. This was one of the hunters she had seen on the outskirts on her way back. [B]?Lady Eden is indisposed at the moment Kennith. Leave her with me.?[/B] he hesitated, and then smiled at her. [B]?Sure thing boss, here? [/B] he tossed Riley some chains [B]?You?ll be needin those.?[/B] Riley took the girl with one hand and, turning into a room just before Eden?s office she chained the girl to a post in the middle of the room, took a position behind her own desk, put her boots up on it and with green eyes burning bright as fire she waited?
[B]?M?lady Eden? [/B] Riley entered her sire?s private rooms and bowed her head slightly in respect. [B]?My child, welcome home.?[/B] She glided forward and gave Riley a quick embrace before motioning her to a chair. [B]?You have excellent timing. The soldiers under your command have been getting restless.?[/B] Riley ran a hand over the cut in the leather of her coat she had just received [B]?I noticed.?[/B] [B]?You know of course of the powerful lord we now have under our roof,?[/B] Eden said draping herself over a chair across from Riley. [B]?Yes, that?s why I came.? ?My messenger never reached you??[/B] [B]?No M?lady. Perhaps he was? derailed. I?ve noticed the hunters have become far more organized of late.?[/B] Eden nodded dejectedly. [B]?Yes, the constant thorn in our side. Trouble is defiantly brewing.?[/B] [B]?Is there any plan of?? [/B] Riley was cut off by the slamming of the door against the wall as Krishna rushed into the room. [B]?Intruders, on the grounds?[/B] Eden stood and Riley turned her head, hand on her hilt, listening. [I]Then she heard it, the front door was being thrown open?.[/I] She turned to Eden [B]?He?s headed this way.?[/B] Eden looked only at Riley [B]?Then kill him.?[/B] Krishna hiss slightly [B]?I could do just as well as her mistress?[/B] Eden?s eyes flared[B] ?Riley is your superior. I placed her in charge of the warriors of this keep many moons ago and you will respect that. Put your personal issues aside and follow her lead. Now!?[/B] Riley looked into Krishna?s hateful eyes and saw that she did understand; the threat was getting closer and that was a priority to work together over an inner rivalry. They both drew their weapons and Krishna let Riley lead her out the door straight into the path of the intruder?
She pushed open the glass door of the massive center building and glanced around the vast lobby. It was full of third generation women, draped over the furniture and leaning on the walls all focused on clipboards. She shook her head and made her way to the front desk. Women parted in front of her, seemingly out of respect, though it could have been the katana and double gun arm holster. A woman behind the white marble counter looked up and smiled. [B]?Lieutenant Cartel, or is it Captain now?? ?Cute, very cute. One guess what I?m here for.?[/B][B]?Ah, yes? [/B] the woman handed her a white clipboard with a single sheet of paper on it. [B]?This is it?? ?yep, that?s it.?[/B] [CENTER][B]?Name :[/B] Lexiana Cartel [B]Age:[/B] 25, 3rd gen. [B]?Gender:[/B][/CENTER] [I]Gender? What for?[/I] [CENTER]female [B]?Position Aboard:[/B] fighter [B]?Reasons for Application:[/B] I just finished a 4 year run as the ship gunner and fighter for the intrepid [I]Catcher [/I] which as the government is well aware was retired recently. My service record is unimpeachable. I addition to this, I wish to travel a bit further and learn more than I have been able on the limited quests I?ve been on thus far. [/CENTER] Lex slid the board over the smooth counter to the women, nodded her head and then walked back out the door to check and see if her apartment was still waiting for her... --- pic of Lex - [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/brunette.jpg?t=1168991512[/IMG]
OCC: reposting this so DC and others can respond... -------------- Riley saw the flash of steal and leapt up and back, flipping in the air and landing on the other side of the girl. Glancing down she saw a small cut in her pants where the blade had glazed her. [B]?Well, glad to see the soldiers in my charge have kept up with their weapon studies in my absence.? [/B] Krishna let out a low growl and made a move to charge her. Instantly a gun appeared in Riley?s hand aimed coolly at her head. [B]?You can be dust for the servants you?ve left alive to clean in the morning.?[/B] [B]?A gun? Probably loaded with explosive rounds. Pathetic. I?d expect more from you.?[/B] but Krishna didn?t move toward her, just leaned with a blatantly non caring expression. Riley shrugged [B]?It?s effective, that?s all that counts here.? [/B] [B]?Oh come on, who killed your fighting spirit [I]boss[/I]? I?m disappointed.? [/B] Her voice dripped with distain. [B]?Well, shockingly, I?ve got more important things to worry about than your disappointment child. Don?t you have a hunter to torture somewhere??[/B] [B] ?Huh, right, like I?ve got nothing better to do.? ?Would you rather I give you orders then??[/B] Krishna bristled and moved toward Riley slowly [B]?I?d like to see you try bitch.?[/B] Riley smiled slightly [B]?Don?t push your luck.? [/B] with that she turned and headed down the hall toward Eden?s quarters, vampires inclining their heads and parting in her wake. She heard a loud hiss from behind her and preceded as if she hadn?t heard it. Seconds later she was slamming Krishna against the hard stone of the wall at full force. There was a loud crack of stone and bones as Krishna fell sharply to the ground. [B]?Never stab an opponent in the back child. It?s gutless and cowardly.?[/B] she leaned in over Krishna and whispered through her teeth. [B]?I?m disappointed.?[/B] Riley rose and walked off to check in with Eden.
OOC: I know, I'm new, don't worry, I have permission to be here... ----------- The dark was deep and punctuated only by lighting striking in the distance. Through the rain she could make out the outline of the great iron gates. She ran a hand over the rough bars and closed her eyes. The gate creaked open before her and she mounted the walkway with a sharp clicking of her boots reverberating threateningly in the silent night as her long brown leather trench coat swished in beat. Coming to the doors, she pounded loudly and demandingly upon the wood. A servant opened the doors and peered out warily at her. She smirked at him and leaned on the door frame. [B]?Tell Lady Eden her darling enforcer is home.?[/B]
[B]Name:[/B] Riley Green [B]Race: [/B] Vampire [B]Age:[/B] somewhere between 370and 430yrs, but she doesn?t actually know for sure, never kept track (appears 25) [B]Gender:[/B] female [B]Class:[/B] turned [B]Personality[/B]: very high charisma that causes her to be mistaken as an elder upon occasion by the less observant. She tends to operate as a ?force to be reckoned with? walking armory. But She loves to laugh and has a very dry sarcastic bend of humor. [B]Appearance: [/B] 5?6?, athletic build [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/Green.jpg[/IMG] [B]Weapon: [/B] browning hi-power .40s&w and a katana, and spent most of her undead life in hand to hand combat training so she?s rather proficient :) [B]Bio:[/B] Was raised in a family with a reputation as skilled vampire hunters. Eventually she was trained to hunt them. In her hunt she was taken hostage by a group of vampires wishing to wipe out her entire family. They succeeded with exception of her older brother who ran and abandoned her to die. She escaped and crossed borders hunting down her brother. When she found him, she killed him. In her efforts he stabbed her causing her to bleed heavily. Observing her fighting skill and passion, Eden ?saved? her for her own purposes. After some serious adjusting, Riley came to terms with her new ?life? and took a position as a head enforcer for Eden?s clan as afforded by Eden?s driving desire to survive. She is in charge of the vampires turned or protected under Eden. Krishna Brown is one of those vampires, Riley?s not sure what to make of her despite the century or more she?s had to get used to her ?methods?. But that aside, Riley respects her loyalty and that?s what counts to her, though Krishna?s particular interest in tormenting a hunter by the name of Carmen has peaked Riley?s curiosity.
Eve took some deep halting breaths and then turned to Kairi. [B]?Where are your other injuries??[/B] He pointed them out to her and she went about healing him. Faith went over to Zech and curled up by his feet. She needed the rest. [B]?Why are you so kind to me??[/B] Eve looked up at Kairi?s questioning face and smiled [B]?You saved my cat.? [/B] Kairi?s quizzical look was unaltered, but he did smile slightly. Once he was all healed, Eve went into the house to check on the others. She noticed that Kabato was not there. He had disappeared early in there walk back to the safe house, she had assumed he had made it there ahead of them. [I]Odd?[/I] Eve was about to turn back to the main room when she saw Cole, sitting just inside the bathroom cradling her arm and staring into space. [B]?ere, let me elp you with that.?[/B] Cole pulled away from her and stared up at her, not with hostility but surprise. [B]?I?m not goin? to ?urt you. Trust me.?[/B] Slowly Cole let Eve take hold over her arm. The wound was deep and nasty. It would take a lot of energy to heal it completely. [I][B]?Faith.?[/B][/I] The cat appeared at her side and looked up at her expectantly. [B]?I?ll need you in a moment.?[/B] Eve turned her attention back to the arm. Resting her hand on it, slowly the wound started to change color. First purple than green, then yellow. Eve stepped back and leaned against the wall. [B]?It?s clean, and mostly ?ealed. Faith, lay on her arm until it?s mended.? [/B] Seeing Coles odd expression Eve explained, [B]?She?s a very? special cat.?[/B]
Zech and Eve slammed into the side of the building panting from running the hill and the fight, they threw themselves through the door. Eve leaned against the wall, eyes closed, concentrating as small wounds up her legs and arm sewed themselves up and she shook off the intensity from the past few seconds. Zech placed a hand on her shoulder. She opened her eyes and gave him a weak smile. Scanning the room, she saw some of the others but? [B]?Where?s Faith??[/B] [B]?What?? [/B] Zech was startled, he turned scanning the room. [B]?She disappeared when the fightin? started, she should ?ave been able to appear ?ere.?[/B] Just then Eve felt a sharp pain go through her mind. With a quiet scream she collapsed against the wall. Zech caught her and braced her weight until she pulled herself up. [B]?She needs ?elp.?[/B] Eve reached for the door and Zech started to stop her. She turned and stared him down. He knew she had to go back out there. As much as he wanted to protect her, this was her fight, not his. Eve ran out onto the field and saw Kairi, holding Faith. [I]He was injured, badly, and Faith was too hurt herself to be able to heal him, she had to heal herself first[/I]. Eve started toward them, then she heard it. [I]The howling[/I]. She looked beyond them and saw the wolves mounting the hill. [I]There was a protective shield around the house, but it didn?t reach Kairi.[/I] She removed the bow from her shoulder and notched an arrow. She fired and then reloaded and fired again. She didn?t have to look, she knew each shot would go exactly where she wanted it to. The sound of small explosions reached her ears from the arrows landing positions. Eve slung the bow back across her back and ran to Kairi, kneeling beside him. [B]?Eve??[/B] She reached out and ran a hand over his leg. The fire from her hands transferred to the wound and it healed. Eve extended a hand to pull him to his feet. [B]?Come on, I?ll ?eal the rest once we?re safe.? [/B] Quickly she ran a hand through Faiths fur and her painful muews stopped. The wolves had recovered from the explosion and were regaining their footing. Kairi glanced back and then they ran up the hill and dove into the house.
They broke through the woods to see the safe house a few yards ahead. Spawn slunk in the shadows, unable to get close to the building.[I] Alexia must have done something to shield it. That still however left them outside.[/I] Eve looked at Zech who slipped one of the guns from his shoulder and cocked it. Eve just stared at him disbelieving for a moment. Instantly he had shifted from protective boyfriend to a fighter. [B]?Do ya know ?ow ta use one of those??[/B] [B]?Yeah, point and click, easy enough.? [/B] He looked at her, his eyes were blank, a side of him she had never seen before.[B] ?I got this babe.?[/B] Kairi nodded at them and positioned himself for attack. Eve turned her attention back to the spawn. Silently she released the katana from its sheath and felt her fingers tingle with a strong warmth? She sliced through the first spawn before the others even saw them coming. He fell before her in two halves, both perfectly scorched and cartelized. The next went less neatly, but just as quickly and hotly. Off to her left she could hear Zech?s gun firing; to her right she heard the crushing sounds of hand-to-hand combat. Faith stood at her side for an instant, then was gone. Eve brushed her long hair from her face and ran for the safe house?
[I]Right then. Going back. [/I] Eve sheathed her sword and brushed a long strand of blonde hair from her face. She turned mutely back toward the mansion. Eve was surprised that Alexia had regarded Zech like one of them. Karma had made the distinction immediately. [I]They were warriors, Zech was not. It didn?t matter how much she loved him or his physical strength, it was just a fact[/I]. Faith walked a few paces in front of them, gingerly stepping around the dead they had cut their way through earlier. She was staring pointedly at Kairi. Eve wondered if she was speaking to him or just trying to figure him out. She wouldn?t pry, she?d let the cat be for now,[I] Faith liked it better that way.[/I]
[B]?Nice slit? [/B] Eve shot a look over her shoulder at Zech who was smirking. [B]?I ?ad to do somethin?. It?s not easy fightin? and runnin? in a dress you know.?[/B] [B]?Yeah, you?re lucky that sword came with a belt.?[/B] Eve nodded silently and moved to walk next to Zech as they continued through the woods. She felt a brush of warmth across her leg and reached down and scooped Faith up. The cat purred and nuzzled into her arm. [B]?Yeah I know, yer a tough force ta be reckoned with who ?as an incessant need for attention.?[/B] They continued deeper until they could no longer see the clearing where the mansion had been. She heard sticks cracking to her left and turned sharply to see Kairi walking toward them cutting through the trees. [I]So, he made it out.[/I] Eve nodded to him and turned back to the trail?
Eve straightened up as Kyne came toward her and threw her a bow and quiver with barbed arrows and a sheathed katana. She buckled the belt of the sword around her waist [I]wishing she had kept the jeans on[/I], and knocked an arrow in the bow. The arrows were decently high tech, and looked like they had explosives on the end. Zech started to say something but Faith glared at him and he shook his head, and then turned to follow the group heading for the trees. Omega towered over the destruction of the mansion as Eve took cool aim. She knew no one could take on this monster alone and win. But everyone did have to get out of the mansion alive if they were ever going to win which meant Omega would need to be taken down a couple notches? She fired and the arrow soared practically straight up in the air and nailed omega in the center of his eye. There was a thundering [B]rawr[/B] as omega clumsily raised a paw to scratch at the hole where his eye used to be. Looking over the scene carefully Eve noticed that Kairi was still inside the mansion, [I]but she had given him he chance to escape. If he didn?t take it, there was nothing more she could do[/I]. Eve turned and ran to catch up to the others gathering into the woods...
Eve was leaning against a tree meditating. Everyone they had rescued were healed, though she could feel that not all had made it to safety, death hung over the mansion. She felt Zech run a cautious hand over her shoulder. Eve kept her eyes closed [B]?I?m fine.?[/B] Zech gently kissed her forehead and walked away. After a moment Eve sensed more than felt Faith return and rub against her leg. Eve opened her eyes and focused on the cat. [I]Murrrrow[/I] Eve nodded and stood, walking over to Marquis. [B]?Alexia is fine, they ?ave reached the armory and should be out to meet us shortly. The survivors should be moved inta the trees on the far side of the manor, they don?t need to be involved in whateva ?appens next.?[/B] Marquis looked at her considering, then nodded, and started instructing the people where to go. Once they were moved, all that was left was waiting. Cole came too and shook herself. [B]?Kairi, what happened? How?d I get?Is he crazy???[/B] a wave of pain hit her and she grabbed her head. [B]? ?ere.? [/B] Eve reached over and placed a hand over Cole?s forehead. Cole shook herself [B]?Thanks.?[/B] [B]?What ?appened with Kairi? Now that you mention it, wasn?t ?e supposed to be out ?ere ?elpin us??[/B] Marquis shook his head. [B]?Yes, but he stayed behind? he?s fighting Omega.?[/B] Zech looked at Marquis in shock [B]?Alone? That?s not heroic, that?s suicidal!?[/B] Cole stood up [B]?I tried to help him and I? he knocked me out didn?t he??[/B] Marquis nodded [B]?I?m thinking we might as well stay out here and wait for Alexia. We may yet get to him in time.?[/B]
note to DC: Faith should appear at your feet by your next post. i described her powers to you earlier so you should be able to work with her easily enough
[B]"Kyne! Kabato! Come with Aesera and I to the armory. The rest of you," [/B] Alexia raised her fist and slammed it just below a shelf. A small wooden door popped open. [B]"Use this passage to get out of this room and back to the main hall. Try to get every one out of here. We'll meet back up with you."[/B] Alexia darted back past the other three and out the main door. Eve shoved herself back from the table as her servant was knocked across the table by a falling piece of ceiling. [B]?Grab her Zech. Let?s go? [/B] They moved where Alexia had directed them and Zech laid Anna on the marble floor of the hall by Eve. He then went and started helping people escape. Eve checked Anna over finding a large gash on her head. Eve went to touch the wound and her hands tingled with warmth, and then began to glow. As she watched the wound knitted itself and Anna came back to consciousness. [B]?What happened??[/B] Eve shook her head and helped Anna to her feet. [B]?Later, get out of 'ere? [/B] Eve pointed toward the door and went to help Zech. There was a loud hiss and an orange blur hit her leg and bolted up her landing claws in on her shoulder. [I]marrowww[/I] Faith youwled loudly next to her ear. Eve rolled her eyes [B]?Yes we saw it, omega?s kinda ?ard to miss ya know.?[/B] [I]murrr[/I] Faith curled up and affixed herself firmly to Eve. Eve found Zech pulling someone from under the rumble. He turned to her [B]?Give me a hand.? [/B] She rushed over and together they pulled him out. Zech threw the unconscious body over his shoulder and they ran for the doors. Out on the far edge of the front lawn, the rest of the group had laid out the injured and were waiting for Alexia. Zech and Eve joined them [B]?Faith, go back in and find Alexia. Find out if she needs any more back up.?[/B] [I]marrow[/I] [B]?You?ll get over it, now ?urry? [/B] Faith leaped down and ran back toward the mansion, disappearing into thin air before she was half way there. Eve turned her attention to the wounded workers and knelt beside them, moving her hair out of her face to check over their injuries?
OOC: there was a slight missunderstanding on the seating, I placed Eve [I]next to [/I] Kyne and Kairi is on the other side of him with Zech on the other side of Eve. :catgirl:
Eve splashed water on her face and looked at herself in the mirror. New highlights had appeared in her already blonde hair like thin trails of bright golden fire. So [I]that?s what happened to the gold chain [/I] she thought, looking down at the red glimmering jewel. She wondered what everyone else was going through right now. [I]She had been the first, so she had no way of knowing until dinner.[/I] [B]?Hey babe? [/B] she felt Zech run his hands down her shoulders as he nuzzled her hair back so he could lightly kiss her ear lobe. She felt a slight thrill of energy run through her over the usual comfortable feeling Zech made her feel. The soul of the God of Love. Great. She turned to face him, placing her hands on the sink edge for balance. [B]?Is it time already??[/B] [B]?Yeah, the maid type person just came in and asked me to tell you the dinner will be served shortly and we?re expected downstairs. You were in here for quite awhile.?[/B] [B]?You may think I ave adopted some girly habits, but I was in ere thinkin over things.?[/B] [B]?I figured, though I suspected you might have gotten hypnotized by the blow drier and spent the time fussing with your hair.?[/B] [B]?Oh, very cute.?[/B] She said, pushing past him into their room. She started for the door but paused, glanced down at herself, then turned and returned walking toward the closet. Zech laughed [B]?Yeah, as much as I love seeing you in nothing but a bra, something tells me that wasn?t the first impression you were going for.?[/B] ----------------------- They made their way to the dinning hall once again. This time Eve put on a more formal blue kee length dress and Zech had changed into slacks. The etiquette lessons were kicking in for both of them it seemed. Once there Eve observed many of the faces she had seen before. [B]?I?ll be right back.? [/B] Zech whispered to her. She nodded and made her way around to sit next to a rather stiff looking quiet man on the other side of the table. [B]?I?m Eve Halifax?[/B] she said, extending a hand. The guy turned to her, slightly startled. He took her hand gently and winced slightly as if the gesture had hurt [B]?Kyne Axel.?[/B] He didn?t sound all that welcomeing, but she didn?t care, she liked a challenge. [B]?Are you alright? You appear ta be in some pain.?[/B] Kyne nodded and adjusting his position he seemed to clench his teeth. Eve shook her head [B]?Jus like a man, ere.? [/B] She reached over and placed a hand on his back Kyne moved away [B] ?I'm fine ? [/B] He looked at her conseringly for a moment and turned away again just as Zech sat down beside her and Alexia entered the room.
Eve sat near the head of the long cherry wood table, looking down it as the others came in. Zech sat beside her, holding her hand under the table. She wasn?t scared or nervous at all, but it didn?t hurt anything to let him rub her hand. Faith sat next to her observing the others coolly and unblinking. [I]It was curious they all made it on the same day, within hours of each other in fact. Especially since it was clear, there wasn?t a yank among them. All foreigners, linked by one cosmic chain. A perfect connection. It was almost creepy.[/I] [B]?Eve Halifax?? [/B] Eve snapped out of her thoughts and turned to see the maid that had opened the door for her standing behind her [B]?Yes??[/B] [B]?Lady Karma will see you now. Please follow me.?[/B] Eve stood, Zech following. They went down the shadowy hallway, her heels clicked and echoed on the marble as they went. They got to a large open sitting room. The maid turned and looked at Zech for a moment. [B]?I can stay out here.?[/B] [I]Purrrr[/I] Eve looked down at Faith [B]?I know, I con?t tell you ta do anythin.?[/B] The maid smiled slightly and walked into the room. [B]?Eve Halifax milady.?[/B] She then turned and left the room. Eve was left standing in the middle of a large open thick carpeted floor facing a wall of windows with dark wood antique sofa, chairs and a desk against the wall. In one of the chairs near the desk sat an elegantly dressed woman in emerald green with long deep red hair. Eve was immediately transported back to etiquette school and felt herself curtsy slightly before walking any further into the room. Faith stepped in behind her, prancing with all the feline dignity she could muster. The woman just reminded her so much of her own mother at some formal occasion. She suddenly felt underdressed despite the fact that her jeans and shirt were expensive designer brands. The woman gave a small smile which faded quickly into a serious aura. [B]?Please, sit.?[/B] Eve sat across from her obediently. [B]?Do you know why you?re here??[/B] [B]?I ave my suspicions. Star is returning. The counterfeit gods are fightin back.? ?Yes. What do you know of the souls?? ?That we are the chosen warriors ta carry them. I?ve known this day would come for a couple of years now? though knowin is different from confrontin it at last.?[/B] [B]?Well said.? [/B] Lady Karma stood then and turned to the desk opening the top drawer and removing a pendent on a gold chain.[B] ?This is for you? [/B] Eve stood and saw the chain had a ruby the size of a pound. Lady Karma slipped it over her neck and [I]she felt a warmth flow through her veins. [/I] Eve closed her eyes and breathed it in. Faith purred and sat by her feet in a sign of respect. Opening her eyes and glancing down Eve saw the gem had molded in with her flesh just over her heart. Lady Karma took a step back and gave her a grim smile. [B]?No wonder he?s so protective of you, you were born to a very special destiny as the god of love?s soul has chosen you.?[/B] [B]?Zech?" [/B] she wondered if he could hear them talking from outside the door [B]"I know, he?s? he?s great. He understands I told im??[/B] [B]?Everything. He?s a born follower of Star to be sure. But not a warrior. Be sure he understands all of what you?ll have to do, without him.?[/B] [B]?He knows. ?E doesn?t like it, but he knows?? ?Very good then. I?ll have Anna show you to your rooms, or would you prefer to?? ?One room is fine, if it?s no offence to you that is.? ?None at all.?[/B]
Eve ran down the deserted street and pulled a sharp turn round the corner to see a man beating a woman against the wall. [B]?Jeremy! Stop, please, can?t you hear me hunny? Stop! Someone help!?[/B] Eve raced toward the man, tackling him to the ground and cracking his skull hard on the pavement. There was a sick squishing noise like bone penetrating soft meat, then silence. The woman rushed over and pushed Eve aside, laying her head on the man?s chest. [B]?You killed him,? [/B] she whispered in disbelief, [B]?you killed my son.?[/B] Something resembling a large black worm oozed from the crack in his skull [B]?No, I didn?t kill ?im, that did.?[/B] Eve turned and walked away. ------- [B]?What do you mean you have to pack? You just got in, don?t you want to at least sleep a little first baby??[/B] Eve was half-absorbed in the closet, throwing articles of clothing over her shoulder. [B]?Zech, Im sorry, but ya I ?ave ta leave as soon as possible. Things are goin on, bad things, and??[/B] He sighed and ran a frustrated hand through shaggy brown hair, leaning in her doorway [B]?I know, I know. Where are you going??[/B] [B] ?New York.? ?Then I?m goin with you.?[/B] Eve sat up and looked at him though disheveled strands of blond. [B]?Are you sure??[/B] [B]?Yeah. Look, my parents have a loft in Manhattan, moms been begging me to come back and visit for over a year now.?[/B] Eve stood and went to him, burying her face in the warmth of his neck [B]?you?re a great catch babe, ya know that?? [/B] Zech turned slightly and kissed her forehead, running a hand through her hair. [B]?Well, I?d better go throw a shirt, hoodie and pair of jeans in a bag and get us some plane tickets.?[/B] Faith rubbed against her leg and purred [B]"Don't worry, you're goin too"[/B] ----------------------- Eve stretched and dragged her carry on behind her. She had slept the whole way over curled in Zech?s arms and now was having issues walking and un-cramping. The taxi had dropped them off in front of a large mansion just outside the city. Eve led the way up the stairs and into the large echoing front hall, Faith, free from her cage walked in beside her. A girl not much younger than herself with black hair with a streak of violent red came over to them. [B]?Welcome, please, leave your things here and go into the room to my right, we?ve been expecting you.?[/B]
London, 5:50 am, sunrise Eve walked down the deserted streets, toeing an empty beer can along as she went. [I]It had been a long *** night, three bar fights and a shoot up outside the movie plaza. The spawns were acting up. They had always been there, but now they seemed spurred by something, something was going on and it wasn?t good[/I]. If she wasn?t 20, she?d have had a hard time interfering in the fights at night, people don?t like ?kids? getting involved, especiallya round the bars. [I]Dontae and Isabel must be up to something?[/I] She felt a warm brush of fur against her leg. [B]? ?ello Faith?[/B] An orange tiger cat with deep amber eyes appeared in front of her purring loudly. [B]?He knows I?m usually out late, I ?aven?t even been back to the apartment yet.?[/B] The cat seemed to shrug, and purred again, this time with less fervor. [B]?I know. It?s not your fault? let the boy know I?m alright, I?ll be ?ome shortly. I just got one more place I want to check for spawns.? [/B] Eve smirked slightly at her boyfriend?s concern, [B]?and I?ll even bring back breakfast this time.?[/B] Faith nodded and then she turned and walked down a side alley, seeming to disappear in the shadows. Eve continued on her path. As she turned a corner toward the main sector of the city, a cop car pulled up along side her. [B]?Where are ya ?eaded this early in the mornin? girly?? ?Been out all night officer.? ?Now what?s a rich gal like you doin out ere without an escort??[/B] The car had stopped and he had gotten out, reaching toward her with a smug smile. She turned and looked at him. Bored world police looking for another innocent victim. [B]?Leave me alone, I ?avn?t done anything wrong, and ya know it.? ?I think I?d be the best judge of that.? [/B] He grabbed her arm. She cracked her free hand against his wrist, forcing him to let go. He grunted with pain and reached for his gun. Eve roundhouse kicked him in the jaw and he sprawled on the cement. She heard a scream a few blocks behind her. [I]Spawns.[/I] She broke into a run toward the screaming, breakfast would have to wait a bit longer. --- Eve- [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/eve.jpg[/IMG] OOC: sorry, old habits, I like having a picture
[COLOR=DarkGreen][B]Codename:[/B] Ms Green [B]Appearance: [/B] [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/killer.jpg[/IMG] [B]Personality:[/B] She was obviously raised in a high-class environment from the way she carries herself and behaves in social situations. But her natural rebel is perceptible in her blatant flirting and her motorcycle. She?s a tease most of the time, attractive and fun but has nasty reflexes and a deadly aim. Her few friends are the ones who know how lethal she could be and tend to be risky in their own right. She?s never been arrested and as far as anyone knows she?s never been to a physiatrist. She?s calculating and slippery. Strategy and fighting are her favorite hobbies. [B]In One Sentence:[/B] "Her lips tasted like a loaded gun: enticing yet dangerous..." (- unknown)[/COLOR]