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[B]?You know damn well ya bastard, if it were up ta me, we?d be headed Down Under.? [/B] She smiled at him as he looked over at her, clearly worried [B]?She'll be right, I know where your wantin to go. We?ll go afta the bloody vamp and get your sista.?[/B] Tegan smiled and ran a hand through her braids. He pulled her toward him and kissed her quickly and softly on the lips. She smiled at him as he gazed at her for a second, then turned his attention to the road. Jade stretched her shoulder, testing her flexibility after her injuries. With a sigh, she leaned back in her seat, closed her eyes and propped a foot on the edge of the dash [B]?I need some tucker and a coldie.?[/B] Tegan glanced away from the road for a second and smiled, resisting the urge to laugh. [B]?There?s some water and food in the bag behind you.?[/B] [B]?Water? That?s the best ya could do??[/B] [B]?You know, considering your power, you?d think you?d be more health conscious.? ?Hey, I don?t smoke tabaca, I don?t do mull and ?pot? where I?m from is a 285 ml beer glass.?[/B] Tegan laughed and shook his head as Jade reached in the back and took a big swig of water and closed her eyes again. [B] ?You know what I wanna do, more than anything right now? ?What?? ?I wanna curl up and veg out on the sofa. No vamps ta kill, no where else I need ta be, jus you and me with no where ta go? god that?d be great.?[/B] Tegan sat in silence for a moment. [B]?We?ll get there Jade, I promise.?[/B] Jade opened her eyes and looked at him, letting out a slight laugh[B] ?what are ya, some damn Figjam? Ya honestly think we?re gonna come outta this one??[/B] [B]?Yeah, why not??[/B] he smiled at her then got a concerned look on his face, [B]?wait, what exactly is a figjam??[/B] She laughed for real this time and smiled, looking out the window. [B]?I?ll tell ya later.? [/B] She felt the vamps, they were getting closer. They?d be the first ones there, the first into this final battle. [I]Yeah, why not.[/I]
Light hit the edge of the clearing, slowly melting off the dew. Father Alma woke and carefully pushed himself off the damp grass. The woman lay still beside him, unmoving. [I]He couldn?t have been asleep for longer than an hour or two[/I]. He reached over to her chest and felt it rise and fall beneath his palm. Sighing with relief, he glanced back across at the sun rising. It?s warmth spread revealing a bright rich green beneath it?s spread. It stretched out and covered her body causing the gem at her throat to sparkle and gleam. As he watch he gasped at the beauty that lay in the grass before him in the morning light,[I] it was almost angelic.[/I] Jade shot up into a sitting position, holding her chest , gasping and letting out a slight cough. The father rushed to her and patted her back. [B]?Are you? alright??[/B] Jade nodded and pulled her knees up to rest her forehead on them, her dark braids cascading around her crouched form. She sat there silently for awhile, then lifted her head and gazed across the field. The father reached over and touched her arm. [B]?May I??[/B] Jade looked at him, then leaned back so he could check her wounds. They were mended completely, but they looked as if she?d have a nasty scar on that side of her body. [B]?A miracle.? [/B] Father Alba leaned back and shook his head [B]?what was in that bottle??[/B] Jade gave a small smile and stood, brushing the grass from her legs. [B]?Some of the best herbs the outback has to offer father.?[/B] Jade looked back over the field. [I]There had been blood spilt that night... ash floated on the wind... And Tegan was out there, somewhere. Somewhere near by. She could sense him.[/I]
Ren kneeled next to the boy with her hand at his throat. [I]Dead[/I]. She looked up and gazed at the street. Bodies were being cared away by survivors. Sand and crystal shards covered the blood stained cobble stones. [I]If it wasn?t for this boy, there?d be more dead.[/I] Ren stood and brushed the sand from her pants. One of the people ran up to her. [B]?Lord Ren, a dragon messenger has just arrived, they asked for you and I??[/B] Ren ran down the street to meet the messenger at the once strong city gate. [B]?Lord Ren Adaer?? ?Yes, what news from the Golden City??[/B] [B]?Here, I was to deliver this to any living Dragonheart lords left in the city.?[/B] He handed her a scroll [B]?That?d be me.? [/B] Ren accepted the scroll and the rider took off. [COLOR=Navy]?The cities of Darkshire, Icelenia, Milan, and the Golden City have been attacked. The death tolls are high. Soldiers will be sent to protect what remains of your station. This is a summons to the Golden City. You are to leave immediately.?[/COLOR] [I]Milan? no?[/I] [I]?Kaiya!?[/I] The golden dragon swooped down over her and landed just outside the gate. Ren?s travel bag was already looped around the dragon?s neck since Ren had planned to go and inform Onyxia of the attack. But now she had another plan. [I]?Milan Kaiya? ?Are you sure?? ?Damn sure?[/I] ---------- They landed in the streets of Milan. Ren nearly fell off the dragon at the site of her home, or what had once been her home. This looked nothing like it. She stared in silence at the wreckage, the death, all of it. Someone was calling her name. She turned slowly to see one of her brothers running up to her. [B]?Ren! Praise the gods Ren!? [/B] He hugged her so hard he picked her up from the ground.[B] ?They said? they said so many cities? were attacked? they said you were probably??[/B] [B]?I?m fine, look at me. I?m ok.?[/B]He nodded [B]?Is mother alright??[/B] [B]?yeah? listen Ren, there?s something you should know.? ?What? What is it?? ?These attacks were lead by exciles? and? I saw him? ?What?? ?Ren, I saw Ryan.?[/B]
Ren leaned against the wall and watched the boy hitting the pell. [I]His reflexes were good, but he was young[/I]. She watched him silently, trying to figure out why he was sent to her. Onyxia always had a reason for sending students out for training; most were trained on school grounds. A scream echoed through the tower. Turning sharply Ren looked up the stairs to see a servant running toward her. [B]?The city milady! It?s..? [/B] Ren pushed passed him and ran up the stairs to the courtyard above. The city was in chaos. Wild creatures ran through the streets; tigers and large desert dogs ran in the streets. From above soared gryphons with horrible long talons and? dragons. [I]?Ren? hurry? can?t hold on much? longer??[/I] Ren ran into the street and pulled her crossbow. A large tiger bore down on her. She fired and it fell to the ground, another leaping over the body, landing on her. Her bow went skidding across the stone of the street. The animal clawed into her and she stabbed it in the chest with her hunting knife. Pushing the dead cat off her, she stood. A concerned onlooker gasped as she watched the wound in Ren?s shoulder knit itself cleanly as her other injuries ceased bleeding. Ren turned to grab her weapon and the boy tossed it to her, the dead body of a desert beast as his feet. [B]?Do what you can to protect these people. I?m going to find who?s controlling these beasts.?[/B] The boy nodded and ran down the street into the fray. Ren scanned the streets, then turned her gaze toward the sky. Only the creatures. The only people on the street were running from the attack of these animals. Ren tried to feel out Kaiya, but her thoughts were jumbled and angry. She looked up and saw the dragons destroying the city walls, the crystal shattering under the heat of their breath. She turned and ran up the winding stairs of the tower. Once at the top, she scanned the desert. A dark woman stood on a hill miles from the city with a desert beast at her side. She had to be controlling this horror. [B]?Wrong city witch.?[/B] Ren said under her breath as she took her crossbow from her shoulders and took cool aim. She fired. The bolt soared over the city and struck the woman in the shoulder, just above the heart. She staggered, then pulled the bolt from the wound. Ren watched the streets as the animals turned and ran from the city, back to their master. When she looked back at the hill, the woman was gone.
Father Alma leaned over the body that lay in the field. He has escaped the burning temple with basic medical supplies, but no beds, no way to move her safely. He ran a hand over her face, brushing a stray braid aside. Cold sweat. It was then he saw her arm, cuddly bandaged and yet? He lifted it to get a better look.[I] Someone skilled in healing had done this[/I]. [I][B]?pack?[/B][/I] Father Alma looked at her sharply [B]?what was that child??[/B] Jade?s eyes blinked open slowly [I][B]?pack? green bottle.? [/B] [/I] She slipped back into unconsciousness The father lifted her head slightly, and then he saw it. Her leather backpack, still strapped to her back. Holding her carefully with one arm, he reached in the bag and pulled out various small glass bottles. Laying them out on the grass, he found the green one she had weakly indicated. He opened it and smelled the contents. It was unfamiliar to him, but he trusted the dieing girl?s judgment. Carefully he poured it over the open wounds on her chest and arm and waited...
Jade faced the thing Tegan had become.[I] If what he said was true, that his wakanda half was in the sword in her hands, then there was only one way to fix this.[/I] [B]?Come on!?[/B] Then beast gave her an odd look, like she was insane? [I]maybe she was.[/I] [B]?COME ON!? [/B] she screamed, holding the sword upright in front of her, in the strongest fighting stance she had. She felt the earth pulse beneath her feet. The woods were completely silent, waiting for her command. She watch as the beast charged her, she dodged and swung, the sword connecting with its backside. There was a spark and she pushed energy through the blade into the creature. He screamed and pulled away from the blade. He ran a hand over the gash then turned back to face Jade. Some of the red had faded from his skin and his hair had lost some length. He growled at her, his eyes deepening in color, the beast fighting for dominance over the Wakanda. [B]?Ya think I don?t know how to handle your kind after all these years? You're nothin' special, just anotha model of the same old dustable pattern.? [/B] She watched as he circled her. She had to be careful, if she didn?t do this right, he might?the thought was pushed quickly from her mind. Suddenly, he was gone. Out of sight? [I]but that didn?t mean he wasn?t there[/I]. Instead of searching she pulled on the earth beneath her. The air moved and she turned. [I]Everything happened in a split second.[/I] He charged her. She stabbed the sword into him and pushed with all her energy, her connections to him, everything she had. She pushed his essence from the sword into the being.[I] A sharp pain ran through her arm. There was screaming. [/I] Jade fell back, landing against a tree and collapsing to the ground. He fell to his knees and roared, the sword still in his side. She pulled at the earth with her last bit of energy and roots sprung out and bound his hands so he could not remove the sword. The sword glowed brightly, then faded. Jade looked down at her arm. She was bleeding? --- OOC: only Kairi can reply to this one :catgirl:
Ren stretched and pushed herself out of bed. She went to the opposite wall and pulled a long gold rope. The wall seemed to open as heavy red curtains drew back to reveal a window that stretched from ceiling to floor and across to each wall. From it she could see the entire city stretched beneath her. Only in this city of crystal could such a view be possible, windows in any other city would be little more than vents. Ren brushed out her long black hair and pulled it back with a strap of leather and went behind the screen to change. When she left the house she had a crossbow across her back and knives on her belt, she walked around the tower to the back where a large gold dragon lay stretched in the warm sun like a content cat, blending in with the sand. Ren leaned against the wall and watched her for a moment [I]?Kaiya?[/I] The dragon opened one eye and then, with a slight rumble, stretched her length across the sand and shook, pulling herself to her full height, nearing that of a two story inn. [I]??water??[/I] Ren smiled and pulled a lever on the side of the tower. Water poured from a spout into a large tub. [B]?I?m going to the inn, see if there are any new comers to Desolace that seem suspicious.?[/B] The dragon seemed to nod as she drank. Ren turned and walked down the streets of the crystal city. Some she passed look at her with fear or suspicion. But most smiled as she walked by, knowing her to be a lord of the guild and so armed to protect the city and its people. This wasn?t one of the peace cities like her home in Milan, but still most people who lived there didn?t carry this kind of weaponry. Once in the inn, she sat at the bar and the innkeeper came over handed her a hunk of bread and a piece of fruit [B] ?Mornin Ren, nothing new to report this morning. Though, a young man came through yesterday, seemed to have a lot of weapons with him.?[/B] Ren nodded [B]?He?s from the Golden City. Onyxia?s newest young one for me to train, he?s a few months from judgment as I understand it.?[/B] [B]?Has it really been that long since you were stationed here??[/B] [B]?My judgment was 15 years ago.?[/B] He shook his head and ran a hand through hair that was turning gray[B]?Well, you hardly look your age then, where I get older you stay young and beautiful, I tell ya, it?s not fair?[/B] ------------- OOC: I guess her song would be "Bitch". Ren's unpredictable and not a person to be trifled with. :catgirl:
[B]Name:[/B] Ren [B]Sex:[/B] female [B] Allegence:[/B] Dragonheart [B] Location:[/B] Desolace [B]Appearance: [/B] 5? 5?, hazel/green eyes, long black/brown hair. Has the same tattoo as in the picture (only not a live one). Her cloths are a cross between celtic and japanese styles, however her wraps are tunics rather than dresses, and she's never been seen in typical feminan clothing, never without her knee high leather boots and pants. [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/Dragon_Woman0.jpg[/IMG] [B]Personality:[/B] tough, sarcastic, edgy and very focused when there?s a job to do. When there isn?t a job to do, she has managed over the years to learn how to relax and have some fun. [B]Power: [/B] Her dragon?s scales seem impenetrable, even by spear or heavy crossbow. Like wise her health has always been impeccable, never sick and healing wounds rapidly. Her vision is also nearly hawk like being able to see farther than any other human she?s met. Her weapon of choice for that reason is a Heavy Crossbow, and two curved 10 inch knives. She can use a sword well, but doesn?t carry one as of yet. [B]Writing snippet:[/B] The city of Milan, 15 yrs in the past? Ren sat on the ground, her back braced against the house, sheltering her head from the rain. In her hand, she held a knife and a block of wood that she was working between her fingers. [B]?REN!?[/B] She sighed and pushed herself up from the ground. [I]?oops? ?Kaiya? What did you do??[/I] [B]?REN, get in the house, now!?[/B] [B]?What is it mother??[/B] She turned the corner and saw what it was, the back entranceway to the kitchens had a gaping hole where the framing of the door had been. Her mother stood, broom in her hand and thatch in her hair and covered in stone dust, glaring through Ren like a bull. [B]?That beast has destroyed my kitchen!?[/B] [I]?Sorry Ren?[/I] Ren sighed and ran her hand through her hair [B]?Mother, I am sorry, but it?s not all Kaiya?s fault. This village is too small for a Dragon of her size.?[/B] [B]?Well,? [/B] her mother set the broom against the table a sighed, the anger slowly leaving her, [B]?I guess it?s better than the trouble you used to get into, you?re lucky young lady that you are still with the living.?[/B] [B]?Well mama, when you think of those things, remember that it was Kaiya who saved me, and think upon her with a bit less harshness.?[/B] Her mother smiled slightly and nodded. [B]?When do you return to the school??[/B] [B]?Soon. And I have my judgment in a month.?[/B] [B]?Well, you can help your father and brothers mend this mess then before you go.?[/B] [B]?Sure mama. But before that I?m going to join my brothers at the inn, see if I can get some gold off them in the card games before I go.?[/B] Her mother shook her head and sighed, [B]?Just try to avoid a knife fight this time.?[/B] Ren grinned [B]?Hey, it?s just a little friendly sibling competition.?[/B]Ren walked through the streets, passed the inn and down toward the beach. She perched herself on a rock and watched the tide going in and out. She felt a cold breeze wash over her and she wrapped her arms tight around her knees. [I]She wouldn?t cry[/I]. [I]?Ren? ?What?? ?You miss him don?t you?? ?Shut up Kaiya? ?Come on Ren, it?s ok to miss him.? ?Even after he nearly got me killed?? ?Even then.? ?Where do you think he is?? ?I don?t know Ren, could be anywhere.?[/I] --- The Golden City 17 ½ yrs in the past? [B]?I?m not doing this.?[/B] [B]?Come on Ren, no one will catch us?[/B] [B]?You realize how close that was last time Ryan? I?m lucky I still have my arm.?[/B] [B]?Hey,?[/B] He walked over to her and ran his hands down her folded arms in a comforting gesture, [B]?I would not let any harm come to you. You know that right??[/B] She looked up into his deep reassuring eyes. She did love him and he would protect her? [B]?Ok, I?ll go.?[/B] He smiled and kissed Ren deeply before taking her hand as they ran stealthily out the doors and across the lawns of the school. He started to scale the walls ahead of her, offering her his hand he pulled her up the wall? ? [B]?Wait,? [/B] Ren started to back away, [B]?If we get caught at this, the punishment will not be light. We could be exiled.?[/B] He turned to her [B]?You behave as if the other magic we?ve taken has not had a risk?[/B] [B]?Not a risk like this!?[/B] she hissed in whisper [B]?Well I?m doing this, are you with me or against me now??[/B] Ren shivered. [B]?I?m with you, I always have been.?[/B]? ? [I]?Help! Kaiya!!!?[/I]? ? The next few weeks she had cried almost constantly. He was gone, probably exiled, she?d never know. And if Kaiya hadn?t saved her, [I]she?d be with him[/I]? [U][B]Dragon[/B][/U] [B]Name:[/B] Kaiya (?forgiveness?) [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/SKYBOWL.jpg[/IMG] (w/o the guy) [B]Personality : [/B] calm and rational, good at responding back to Ren?s sarcasm. Is the perfect balance for Ren.
Jade descended from the roof and looked around at the other Wakanda. They parted before her as she made her way to her room. Thayne tried to talk to her, but she just kept walking and slammed the door. She reached under her bed and pulled out her leather backpack and started filling it. When she had her change of cloths, soap bar, and medicines packed she grabbed the bag and headed for the armory. She was stocking up on shot for her crossbow when she heard someone enter. [B]?Where ya goin?? ?Hi Sin? ?Jade, what?s going on??[/B] She placed her knives on her belt and in her boots and turned to leave. [B]?I?m goin on Walkabout. See ya around.? [/B] Without another word she threw the bag over her shoulders, sheathed Tegan?s sword on her belt and walked out the door passed Sin and out of the building. She dropped to one knee and felt the ground between her fingers. Looking up at the woods she felt the sun rising in the distance. Standing, she brushed the earth from her knee and headed into the woods.
Kansas smiled at Jason and took a bite out of her big mac. She probably shouldn?t have hit his to the floor, that was a bit extreme and a waste of perfectly good meat. Ash and Chris were gone from the store when they headed back toward the school to get her bike. After saying goodbye to Jason, she hopped on the motorcycle and headed back toward the main part of the city. She liked to ride around and unwind before heading home, especially if she didn?t have to be home for supper since she just ate. [I]That was one good thing about living in the city; the streets were never dark. In the country, her parents had had a rule about being in when it got dark, but these streets pulsed with life and light long after the sun was gone. [/I] She saw a few girls in heavy makeup and light clothing standing on the corners. [I]Maybe they didn?t read the news.[/I] Kansas knew one thing for certain, [I]this was the kind of situation that should make girls who had never gone to church run to confession and hide under the covers[/I]. She believed strongly in the ?let the man here with no sin cast the first stone?. [I]She knew she had sinned, practically everyone she knew had in one way or another. But it was the degree of sin here that seemed to be the button pusher. Whoever these killers were had watched Boondock Saints ( a movie she herself loved) one too many times. [/I]
Kansas walked down the hall toward her locker deep in thought about the death that hung over the place like a cloud. [I]Things were changing, fast. Her senior year was defiantly becoming memorable, but hardly for the reasons she thought it was going to be. [/I] She threw on her leather jacket and went out to the parking lot where Jason was sitting in his car, windows rolled down and country music blasting from the sterio. She pulled the door open, hopping in and putting her feet up on the dash. [B]?Did you seriously think I'd object to country music??[/B] She grinned at him, knowing that?s why he had gone out to the car before her. [B]?Seriously? You like country?? [/B] he said, looking at her with surprise. [B] "Babe, I was raised a country girl. We?re gonna have to swing by here and pick up my bike later ya know.? [/B] Kansas said, looking out the window at her baby parked outside the front of the school. [B]?I can?t believe the VP hasn?t gotten you a ticket yet for parking in his slot.?[/B] Kansas laughed and put on her best innocent face [B]?For some reason the principal isn?t inclined to listen to him. She seems to think he?s just over reacting.?[/B] They drove down the street toward the McDonalds. They were talking about what dj Kansas was thinking of hireing for the next dance when Jason turned in his seat and slowed down, looking out the window. [B]?What?s up??[/B] He didn?t look at her, but kept looking across the street. [B]?It looks like Chris and Ash.?[/B] [B]?Ok, so, what?s the big deal with that??[/B] He turned back to face the road and shook his head. He looked really serious [B]?Nothin it?s just? well, I think they?re standin outside Vala?s work.?[/B] Kansas laughed and shook her head [B]?Maybe they?re just looking for some action. You know what she?s like Jace, you?re never gonna change that and she?s never going to change, no matter what she says to ya.?[/B] [B]?I know, I refused to talk to her today, she was really pissed?[/B] Kansas grinned [B]?Want me to run her over with my bike? I could make it look like an accident?[/B] That got Jason to laugh. He grinned as they pulled into the parking lot [B]?Maybe your dad could put her under the cement they?re pouring at that new project he?s on, that?d be way less messy.?[/B]They both laughed and walked into the McDonalds.
OOC: OK, I need a time check. At what point in the school day are we? Some people are going to classes and others are going about their afterschool stuff so I'm a little lost and I need to know for my post where we're at in the day
Jade walked through the building, ending under the over hang, looking down on everyone as they scurried around. She could see all the floors as she leaned on the sword and felt Tegan?s presence pulse through, in an under current. [I]Something was wrong, something big, and she had to think. [/I] She had to sit alone and think this one through before she acted. [I]Vampire[/I]. That was the energy she felt, through her feet firmly planted on the cement floor up to the vibrations in the sword. [I]It was him. Tegan had tried to tell her. She had to think. Vampires? she had studied them for so many years, she should know this? of course! Malik would use his bond through his children to? [/I] She had to move fast. Jumping from the roof she flue through the air and landed on her feet, crouched like a cat. Holding the sword in one hand, she placed the other on the ground and felt the pulse of the earth beneath her. [I]Tegan... she felt him walking along the hall, passed the kitchen. [/I] She jumped to her feet and started running down the halls. She passed a few who looked confused and tried to talk to her, but she ignored them. She burst into the kitchen to find blood, cold, and the remnants of a breakfast gone horribly wrong. [I]He had been there.[/I] Jade backed out of the room and ran down the hall. Around a corner she nearly collided with Sin and Thayne. [B]?Jade! Jesus, what are you doing? Where have you been??[/B] Sin hissed a whisper at her, catching her and placing her back on her feet. She didn?t answer, but brushed the braids from her face and saw ahead of them Tegan, who seemed to be laying in wait like a panther on the prowl. Jade took a deep breath and a firm grip on the sword and made to walk to him, but Thayne grabbed her arm. [B]?Are you crazy? What do you think you?re doing??[/B] [B]?Stoppin this.? [/B] She wrenched her arm from him and continued toward him, she felt the roots beneath the cement working under her feet and the silver in her hand. [B]?Tegan!?[/B] He turned sharply and stood stunned, silently staring at her [B]?Get out of here Jade?[/B] [B]?Not on your life?[/B] [B]?I?m not kidding Jade, leave?[/B] [B]?That?s not gonna happen and you know it.? [/B] She raised the sword and walked closer to him. The energy he had poured into the weapon pulse along her hand as she drew closer. Her eyes were set, unblinking and glowing she was sure with the power that surrounded her. Tegan took and stance and watched her move with a hit of hunger in his eyes that normally would cause her fear, [I]but not this time. She was done being afraid, she was sick of standing by and watching.[/I] Once she made up her mind to fight something, nothing stood calmly in her way. [B]?He can?t have you.?[/B] [B]?Jade??[/B] [B]?Period.? [/B] She slammed the sword against the cement which shuddered and cracked with the power of it. The sword, unharmed, moved back into a fighting stance as she stood before Tegan. Jade stared at him straight in the eyes, matching him, calm and ready for whatever would happen next...
OOC: hey all. I've been very sick and stuck in bed for three days. I will post soon, I promise. Please forgive my absence, especially Kairi since Jade is supposed to be working with his character...
Kansas finished her busy work just as the bell rang. Grabbing her bag and slinging it over one shoulder, she made her way into the hall. People bumped and pushed their way to their next classes, but Kansas seemed to have a clear path in front of her as she made her way down the hall, listening to her headphones, waving at and high-fiveing friends she passed as she went. She was turning the corner by the gym when she passed Jason. He walked right by her, running his hand through his hair and muttering.[I] He was defiantly upset about something[/I], but before she could turn and stop him to see what was up he had disappeared into the throng of students. Shrugging, she turned and went down to the main office to see about her parking permit. There, sitting outside the nurse?s office a girl, [I]Tori she thought her name was[/I], was sitting with an icepack. When she came back out, she saw Tommy walking out with another icepack. [I]Something was defiantly up, only one period had passed, what could have happened in that amount of time? Tommy didn?t look good, there was something else wrong other than the growing bruises. [/I] [B]?Tommy! Hey, what happened to you? You look like hell boy.?[/B] [B]?Huh? Oh, hey Green. Yeah? I gotta go home.?[/B] [B]?You can?t have been hurt that badly.?[/B] [B]?No, no not that. I just got? they just told me? I gotta??[/B] He looked blankly through her. Something truly awful must have happened. [B]?What happened Tommy??[/B]
OOC: Antonia is in music, Kansas is in math :catgirl:
[B]"Kansas! Come on hunny, other people need to use the shower this morning!" "Ok, ok, just a sec."[/B] She checked her hair in the mirror and opened the door letting her mom in. [B]?You know, you could have done your hair in your room? ?Yeah, sorry about that.?[/B] Kansas poked her head in her room and grabbed her black book bag from the door. On her way through the kitchen, her dad tossed her an apple and her keys. [B]?Have a good day kido?[/B] She grinned [B]?Thanks?[/B] She hopped on her bike, tucked her hair artfully under the helmet and took off for the school. They didn?t have parking spaces assigned yet, so she swung the bike around and parked out front in the teacher?s parking. [B]?Nice parking Green.?[/B] She took off her helmet and shook out her hair, grinning at Jason Maxwell, who was leaning on one of the cars. [B]?Thanks Jace. I try.?[/B] They walked down the crowded halls toward their lockers. Some of the freshmen girls were gossiping nervously outside the girls room and another group of girls was gathered near the cafeteria doors. She caught some of what they were saying ?Another killing? Kansas sighed deeply. [I]Ever since the killings had started, the school had gotten intense. There were twice as many security guards in the halls, some teachers were requiring girls to leave the room in pairs, and the senior ?out of school? lunch privilege had almost been revoked. Now every girl who had ever been called a slut behind her back in the lunch room or study hall note passing could be at risk. It wasn?t just a dumb high school soap opera anymore, it was real.[/I] Jason broke into her thoughts [B]?So, what are your after school plans??[/B] [B]?Huh? Oh, I?ve got a honors society meeting and a dance committee meeting, but I?m hoping to be outta here by 6.?[/B] [B]?Wanna grab a bite at McDonalds or somethin after then??[/B] [B]?Sure,? [/B] she grabbed some books from her locker and slammed it shut with her foot. One of the football boys walked by and whistled at her [B]?Nice ass Green?[/B] She turned and flipped him off [B]?Better than your girlfriend?s ass O?Riley.?[/B] He laughed and kept walking. The bell rang. She said a quick goodbye to Jason and then worked her way through the crowd to math
Jade went down to the workout area. She had some stresses to work through. She went to her room and changed into a fresh tank top and shorts. She threw her waist long braids into a thick ponytail and started the de-stressing process on the kickboxing bags. She was alone down there for the moment anyway. [I]The others would come down to play later[/I]. Jade practically flew through the air as she moved. She knew that at some point she?d have to go through some form of meditation to reconnect to nature to balance everything out. [I]You?d think she was a hippie or something, but it?s what she had to do to stay on top of her game[/I]. It was while she was roundhouse kicking the bag that she felt it. An energy that pulsed through the floor of the empty gym. She stopped and stood still, feeling the pulse. It rose through her, from her feet on the hard cement to a strange sensation in her fingertips. She turned cautiously. Tegan was moving through the doorway toward her. He was at her side in a moment. [I]The energy was so strong, so full of emotions; confusion, resentment, depression, anger, and some kind of heat that wasn?t any of those. [/I] She wiped the sweat from her forehead with her arm [B]?Tegan, are you alright??[/B] Tegan didn?t answer. He was obviously dealing with whatever it was Katima had told him. After a moment he broke through the energy. [B]?Come with me? please??[/B] Jade nodded and followed him out of the room.
[COLOR=DarkRed][B]?Zane, It?s Kariz. Yeah, I?m fine. Listen, Rubedo is right, the balance can only be restored when all forces from Heaven and Hell are sent back to their respective realms. No, Reoan agrees actually. She said that after she gets her revenge, she knows she has to go back as well. I don?t know, I?m almost leaning toward letting her get her revenge, I think she?s earned the right. Look, I know that but I? shit, Zane, I got to go. I?ll meet you back at Ravens.?[/B] Kariz clicked the cell phone shut and looked around. Sirens. [I]The cops.[/I] She was on a back ally, no one else around, and the sirens where headed her way. She hopped on the bike and blasted through the alley into traffic. Weaving in and out of cars at top speed, she knew they couldn?t keep up. [I]She?d lose them in no time[/I]. And then she felt it. An energy serge from one of the cop cars. [I]Demons. Damn it, they weren?t after her because she stole the bike, they were after something else?[/I][/COLOR] (OOC: I know it's short)
[B]?I?ve seen this before from him.?[/B] Jade watched him heal Talyn. ?[B]Last time this happened, he broke outta jail and ended up knockin me out during a fight with a local vampire underground. When I came to, I was on my couch with a note on my chest. He didn?t want me to see? this.? [/B] Jade pointed to the castle and back at Tegan [B]?I never even knew he was in Australia. I didn?t know there were any Wakanda there.?[/B] [B]?Yeah. I?m it. One of a kind I guess? [/B] Katima looked at Jade, considering [B]?So, will he be ok ya think??[/B] Jade looked over and saw the red fade from Tegan?s eyes. She smiled [B]?Yeah, he?s goin to be fine.? [/B] She turned and looked into Katima?s eyes. Hers were deep with something other than worry over her brother [B]?You?re hiding something from him, aren?t you??[/B] Katima looked startled [B]?What? No I? I mean why would you??[/B] [B]?Look, don?t worry bout how I know, but ya?d betta tell him. Whateva it is. That?s all I gotta say? [/B] Jade walked away from Katima and placed a hand on Tegan?s sholder. [B]?Ya alright ya damn galah??[/B] He turned to her and slipped an arm around her waist [B]?Yeah ya crazy Sheila, I?m fine.? [/B] He glanced over at Kalei who walked off with Sin, talking quietly. She felt him go slightly rigid beside her. [I]He had sensed what she had, that they were keeping something from him.[/I] [B]?Well, I don?t know about you, but I could go far a coldie and a sanger right bout now.? [/B] Tegan laughed and shook his head [B]?You never change do you??[/B] [B]?Naw, where?s the fun in that??[/B]
[B]?Tegan??[/B]Jade stood beside Tegan and watched as the dark circle formed and pulsed above the building. They were the first to get out, [I]what if the others didn?t make it in time? Wait, when did she start careing about the others, she never had before. She didn?t now. It was Tegan. His friends and comrades, his leader, his sister? they were all in there.[/I] Kalei was the first of these to emerge, then others followed, Katima was hurt, but when she saw Tegan in his trace she flung herself on him and begged him to stop. He ignored her. Jade had seen this trance before, she knew that nothing would stop him now[I] except for himself[/I]. She looked up and saw Kalei approaching her. So this was the leader they had all been talking about. [B]"Jade,"[/B] Kalei called out. [B]"Aye," [/B] Jade stood and moved toward her, paused, looked back at Tegan, then back at Kalei. [B]"I need your help."[/B] [B]"O....k."[/B] Jade slowly made her way over to Kalei, who placed a single hand on her shoulder and turning back towards the Spanish house. [B]"I need you as a pillar."[/B] [B]"For what?" [/B] Jade didn?t want to leave Tegan?s side, but she knew there was little she could do now. [B]"This..."[/B] Kalei closed her eyes. Jade could hear the crumbling of stone and Thayne, [I]was that Thayne on the roof? [/I] Then it happened, Jade saw Thayne, Talyn and Kalei jump from the roof and in slow motion they made their way to the ground below. The Kalei that stood beside her took in a sharp breath, then fell to the ground. Jade turned and started to help her up [B]"I'm fine, go help Thayne bring Talyn over here." [/B] Jade straighten and glance for a second at Tegan, ran to where the boys had dropped. [B]?Thayne? Thayne! Are you two alright?? [/B] [B]?My legs busted up Jade, Talyn?s out cold, lost too much blood, here? [/B] Thayne tried to stand [B]?Help me pick him up.[/B].? he fell back on the ground with a groan. [B]?Looks ta me like yer not going far either as is.?[/B] She placed a hand on the ground and pulled. A tree root emerged from the ground in front of Thayne and wrapped firmly around his wounded leg. [B]?What the f??[/B] [B]?I suggest ya hold still? [/B] Jade stood and pulling her gun, and shot at the root where it met the ground until it broke off. [B]?There. Come on, we got to get this one to Kalei?[/B] Thayne pushed himself off the ground, and with his new splint was able to walk to Thayne and help Jade left him from the ground and together they carried him to Kalei and lay him next to her. [B]?There ya are, and here?[/B] Jade reached in her jacket and produced a bottle of ointment [B]?This should help stop the bleeding. Made it myself? [/B] Then she turned and with quick stride went toward Tegan?
[COLOR=DarkRed]Kariz walked in silence beside Zane and Ima. They were all on edge, [I]and they should be[/I]. [I]This thing was big, much bigger than the difference between right or wrong, good and bad. This was a war after all. [/I] Kariz looked up the street and then stopped walking. Zane and Ima paused and looked back at her. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][B]?You alright??[/B][/COLOR] [B]?Yeah Ima, I?m fine? Zane, I suggest you two go back to Raven?s.?[/B] [COLOR=Navy][B]?Where are you going??[/B][/COLOR] [B]?I?m going to find Reoan. I?ll be on my cell if you need me?[/B] Zane hesitated and then nodded, giving Kariz an understanding smile. They walked away up the street. Kariz crossed the dark street and hotwired a motorcycle that was leaning outside a closed down store. She hopped on and blasted down the street. She knew where Reoan was? [I]she could feel her?[/I] She whipped the bike onto the sidewalk in front of the girl and Reoan, blocking their path. [COLOR=Gray][B]?Zodiac!? [/B][/COLOR] the girl screamed and rushed the motorcycle. Kariz put out an arm as the girl flung herself on her. [COLOR=Gray][B]?Run Reoan!?[/B][/COLOR] Kariz knocked the girl on her ass with a quick push of her arm. She climbed off the bike and pulled off the helmet,shaking out her short black hair and looking at Reoan. Reoan nodded. [COLOR=purple][B]?It?s alright Amber, she won?t hurt me.?[/B][/COLOR] The girl looked up at her in confusion, then back at Kariz [COLOR=Gray][B]?No matter, we have to get to Kraven!?[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]?You go ahead Amber, call me if things get bad. There are things to be discussed here.?[/B][/COLOR] The girl looked like she wanted to object, but only stood, nodded, and ran off down the street. Reoan walked over to the curb and sat down. [COLOR=purple][B]?So zodiac. You?ve found me, yet again.? [/B] [/COLOR] She looked up at Kariz and smiled [COLOR=purple][B]?You?re animal must be quite the hunter?[/B][/COLOR] Kariz looked at her, considering for a moment, then joined her on the curb. [I]Reoan didn?t look like someone heaven and hell would give up the world to stop. She didn?t look much older than Kariz herself. But then, she?d seen a lot of strange things over the past couple years.[/I] [B]?Who started this??[/B] Reoan sighed and shook her head [COLOR=purple][B]?That one I?ll take upon myself, fair or not.? [/B][/COLOR] She stared off into the distance [COLOR=purple][B]?I fell in love. Guardians aren?t allowed to do that.?[/B][/COLOR] [B]?So now we have a war? How does that figure??[/B] [COLOR=purple][B]?We?ve had two because of it actually. The first, God ended it by sending my love to kill me. All for the sake of the balance. And this, this is vengeance. Pure and simple?[/B][/COLOR] [B]?It?s not that simple anymore.?[/B] [COLOR=purple][B]?It sure isn?t?[/B][/COLOR] They sat in silence for awhile. [B]?Rubedo thinks balance can only only be brought if all the angel and demons are gone?[/B] [COLOR=purple][B]?Sent back to their realms??[/B][/COLOR] Reoan nodded [COLOR=purple][B]?Yeah, that sounds about right.?[/B][/COLOR] Kariz stared off ahead of her at nothing. She still had one more thing she needed to know. [B]?Who ordered the demon attack on the hotel? Who would want us dead other than you??[/B] Reoan shook her head[COLOR=purple][B] ?I don?t know. I honestly don?t. Even I don?t want you dead, so I don?t know who else would have that motivation.?[/B][/COLOR] [B]?Maybe Ben?[/B] Reoan looked at her sharply[COLOR=purple][B] ?Ben? You?ve seen Ben? When??[/B][/COLOR] [B]?Two years ago just before the slaughter. He bailed out of the car and I haven?t seen him since. Other than the people in that hotel room, he was the only one who knew where we were.?[/B] Reoan considered her for a moment [COLOR=purple][B]?no? I don?t think Ben did that. He was in everything for himself and he would have had nothing to gain from it.?[/B][/COLOR] [B]?So what now??[/B] [COLOR=purple][B]?You?re asking me? Believe me babe, I will get my revenge. And when that happens, only when that happens, all beings who don?t belong here need to be sent back ? including me.?[/B][/COLOR] Kariz looked at her. [I]This wasn?t about random killings. This wasn?t about causing people pain. It was about causing God pain. And she did intend to end things and balance things out when she was done?[/I] A cell phone ringing broke the silence [COLOR=purple][B]?Amber? Yeah, yeah, ok I?m on my way.? [/B] [/COLOR] She hung up the phone and stood [COLOR=purple][B]?I have to go, Kraven needs my help?[/B][/COLOR] [B]?Wait?[/B] Reoan turned and looked at her. Kariz stood [B]?We?ll take the bike. Hop on?[/B][/COLOR]
[B] Name:[/B] Kansas Green [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age: [/B] 17 [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/Green.jpg[/IMG] [B]Personality: [/B] A country girl in a hip-hop dominated area, but for some reason she seems to fit right in. She prides herself on her grades; she is in honors classes but doesn?t fit the geek persona at all. She likes to hang out and sometimes plays soccer after school. She drives a motorcycle one of her uncles bought her, is a little sarcastic and has a ?don?t mess with me? edge, but is popular and the person everyone goes to for help or advise. She likes to help after school and tends to be behind the majority of school dances [B]Moral Behavior:[/B] nope, not a virgin. Her sophomore year she dated a senior for 9 months. Had herself convinced that he was ?the one? she was going to be with for the rest of her life. When he graduated and went to college, he found another ?one?, many other ones. She tends to be a little flirtatious and misses having a boyfriend to hold her and care about her, but she hasn?t dated anyone since that guy. [B]Bio: [/B] She grew up in the city but has a lot of family outside in the suburbs. Her dad is the one who rasied her on country music. He works as a contractor. She's always been a "daddy's girl". Her mother is a teacher, not in her school, but in the next district over and is the main reason she stresses so much over her grades. She?s an only child, so when the killings started her parents got super paranoid, but she?s not very worried. She feels she can take care of herself
[IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/yuna20tidus20magike20kiss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/tidus_yuna_2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/imagesd.jpg[/IMG]
[B]Name:[/B] Ren [B] Age: [/B] 27 [B]Gender:[/B] female [B]Appearance: [/B] 5? 5?, hazel/green eyes, has a scar across her cheek and another across her opposite arm. Has the same tattoo as in the picture (only not a live one). [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/Dragon_Woman0.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bio:[/B] Her father was a dragon rider. He raised her brother to ride, to fight. Some how, he found a dragon?s egg, she never did find out where. But when the dragon hatched, it chose her. Furious, her brother left that night and never came back. Her father first showed her the scars the life of a dragon rider had given him. Some from thread, others from the war. When she told him she didn?t care, that she still wanted to fight, he agreed to train her. She left her home with a mission to search for others like her, to form a force that would stand a chance of freeing the people from this dark king she had heard so much about. After 8 years of searching and fighting, she has yet to find another rider. She?s considered tuff and not someone to be trifled with, but no one really knows her, the people just whisper about her? [B]Side:[/B] Allies [B]Weapon(s): [/B] Heavy Crossbow, curved 10 inch knife, can use a sword well, but doesn?t carry one as of yet [U][B]Dragon[/B][/U] [B]Name:[/B] Kaiya (?forgiveness?) [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/SKYBOWL.jpg[/IMG] (w/o the guy) [B]Personality : [/B] calm and rational, good at responding back to Ren?s sarcasm. Is the perfect balance for Ren.