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Everything posted by Astdis
Everyone was looking at her now. [I]Everyone was shaken by Pat?s disappearance, from right next to them[/I]. [B]"Who's the...lady? And is everything alright, Ashlyn?" [/B] Rogger shook his head [B]?No idea who the lady is, but we aren?t going to find out standin around here. I say we go back to the boat and head out.?[/B] [B]?I agree, Pat?s probably just playing one of his dumb jokes, it would serve him right if we left him behind,?[/B] Alex said, looking over the field Everyone nodded, and most liked Alex?s explanation and started walking toward the boat with a lighter step. Ashlyn grabbed Leo?s arm and they fell to the back of the group. She whispered as they walked. [B]?Leo, this, I saw this before?[/B] [B]?What, the knights??[/B] [B]?No, Pat vanishing? it?s exactly like this dream I had last night. The hill, the field, Pat?s disappearance, all of it.?[/B] she paused and looked up at Leo?s thoughtful face [B]?I must sound like a crazy person.?[/B] [B]?No, not at all. Don?t worry Kelly, we?ll find him?[/B] ------ [COLOR=Navy](OOC: everyone gets back to the boat ok, and they can make out on the water. Anyone who is a reincarnate with a magical power will have a kind of ?upgrade? in their power and their knowledge of it and how to use it; this can be through an event or interaction on the boat, or from this next bit, you decide (have some fun with this). All reincarnates get glimpses of their former lives: a single memory, a feeling in the present that doesn?t fit, etc. Again, your choice.Everyone else, build your characters as you see fit. You're all good RPGers, so you know the drill) [/COLOR]
[B]?Tegan? Oh bloody hell?? [/B] [I]not again[/I]. She had seen this before, just before he left? [I]before he ran[/I]. [CENTER]Things had gone wrong with the cops, they believed Tegan had murdered someone and he was locked up. Jade had had her hands full trying to convince them the guy he?d offed was a vampire. That?s when it happened. He had shown up on her doorstep in the middle of the night, she knew now that he had been on the edge, but then she hadn?t had a clue. When it happened last time, he ran, leaving a note in her unconscious hand that read [I]"[B]One day I'll show you what an emerald looks like[/B]."[/I][/CENTER] This was the side of him that was different from other Wakanda; that made his eyes glow red and she suspected made him pause before killing vampires, [I]why he always had to have a reason.[/I] Tegan pulled away from her and turned his back. [I]He obviously didn?t want her to deal with this. Well, that was too bad, he wasn?t running from her this time.[/I] [B]?Hey, you gala, turn back around.?[/B] Tegan turned and looked at her questioning. [I]Ok, so she was getting a little narky. She didn?t care. If he was trying to protect her, it was too damn late.[/I] She walked over to him and put a hand ruffly through his messy red hair, holding his head so his eyes met hers [B]?We?re getting out of here. Now.?[/B] Tegan looked at her for a moment, and then nodded. He placed a hand on her shoulder and they started down the hall. About half way, a vampire turned from a side room and ran right into them. [I]He was obviously headed for the fighting behind them[/I]. Jade quickly pulled a knife but Tegan stopped her. He grabbed the vampire by the throat and lifted him up. Jade couldn?t see what was going on. She went to move around Tegan, but when she could see, he dropped the vamp?s limp body to the ground. [I]Dead. No, not dead, empty[/I]. Tegan closed his eyes and shivered. The cuts on his arms healed. He turned to Jade and almost floated to her. [I]No limp, no weakness that had been there before when she found him[/I]. He brushed the stray braids out of her face gently with his hand and leaned in as if to kiss her. He stopped, inches from her lips. He pulled back slightly and smiled at her. [B]?Come on Sheila, let?s go.?[/B]
Just lettin y'all know I'm back from my short VK. I noticed there arn't any posts. If this is because my last post was too vague, I'll edit it, but if not let me know or post something up ASAP :catgirl: . Either way, let me know
Jade continued up the stairs, ignoring the screams of pain that chased after her. Soon she could hear nothing but her own breathing. The first door she tried was bared and locked. She considered that this could be where Tegan was? [I]no, continue on?[/I] --------------- [COLOR=DimGray][B]?Jade, this is ridiculous, why are we out here anyway??[/B] She turned and ground out a cigarette with her heal. [B]?Because the bartender tipped me off.?[/B] Tegan sighed and leaned back against the alley wall.[B] ?So, how long are you planning to wait??[/B] [B]?As long as it takes?[/B] [B]?Right.? [/B] He sat there and looked at her for awhile [B]?What??[/B] [B]?Nothing. Your eyes are, glowing.?[/B] He stood and walked over to her, brushing a hand down her face [B]?They?re so bright, like emeralds.?[/B] She smiled and pulled back from him, leaning against the wall [B]?I?ve neva seen an emerald, so I wouldn?t know?[/B] [B]?Jade?? ?Wha?? ?Move.? [/B] Tegan grabbed her arm and threw her to the ground as three vampires came up from behind some garbage bins directly behind where she had been standing. Tegan drew his guns and fired until they were all dust?[/COLOR] --------------- There it was, a set of large oak doors. [I]Locked.[/I] She pulled her guns and kicked the latch while pulling at the grains. The doors splintered open. Tegan was pacing across the floor, he looked up sharply as she entered [B]?Jade!?[/B] He ran to her and picked her off the floor hugging her. [B]?you?re ok?[/B] [B]?Well yeah, though I might be missin some ribs if ya don?t let me down? [/B] Tegan set her down and brushed a braid out of her face [B]?Come on, we have to hurry, they?ve taken Katima.?[/B] [B]?Tegan I?? [/B] he turned and looked at her. She considered the look in his eyes. [I]She didn?t want to do this, all she wanted was to get the hell out of there. But that look. It was his sister after all? [/I] [B]?OK, lets go?[/B]
[COLOR=DarkRed]They walked in silence to Raven?s place. [I]Ima was alive. She couldn?t believe it. But there was a large chunk of Ima missing, a huge piece of her identity that Kariz could feel like hole in her soul. [/I] The rain dripped off the short pieces of black hair that fell in Kariz?s eyes, she didn?t care. She reached up and pulled one of the guns from it?s holster and handed it to Ima. [B]?Here? [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]?What?s this??[/COLOR] ?It was yours before?well anyway, that doesn?t matter. It belongs to you.?[/B] Ima looked at her questioningly and took the gun into her hands and turned it over, examining it. The rain was pretty heavy, Raven must be pissed. They turned down an alley and dodged the deepening pools. Kariz felt someone bump into her. [B]?Easy Ima you almost??[/B] Ima was on the other side of the alley with Zane. Kariz looked over to see a women being held up by a man. The women stood and shook the water from her hair, walking up to Kariz. [COLOR=Indigo][B]"Fancy running into three of the four remaining Zodiac." [/COLOR] ?Reoan, nice to see you again.?[/B] Zane straightened up and took a fighter?s stance. Ima looked slightly confused but took Zane?s lead and raised the gun. The man with Reoan took a defensive stance toward Zane. Kariz calmly stepped between them and looked at Reoan. [B]?So, you got something to say to us this time? Or are you going to run again, desapareça?? [COLOR=Indigo]?Aren?t you going to try to kill me??[/COLOR][/B] Kariz shrugged [B]?Why would I do that?? [COLOR=Indigo]?I thought the entire Zodiac wanted me dead?[/COLOR] ?não, you must have been misinformed.?[/B] Reoan smirked [B][COLOR=Indigo]?So you wish to join me??[/COLOR][/B] [B]?I never said that.?[/B] Reoan paused and looked at Kariz, taking her in. Kariz met her gaze and didn?t blink. [B] [COLOR=Indigo]?So what do you want??[/COLOR][/B] [B]?I want to know what started this. I want to know why there?s a war so I can figure out what action will truly bring a balance. I?ve seen enough death in the past three years to last a lifetime, now I?d like to see a solution. Your turn...? [/B] [/COLOR] ----------------- (OOC: I'm going away for about a week. I'll be back the monday after thanksgiving. PLaese don't kill my character b4 I get back :catgirl: )
[B]?I?ve noticed over the years that age doesn?t bring wisdom, only arrogance.? [/B] Jade flipped one of the knives in her hand and watched the vampires. [B]?Where?s Tegan?[/B] [B]?Who?? [/B] the female vamp looked at her with a mix of distain and confusion. [B]?Tegan... must be that male Wakanda Malik had brought upstairs earlier.?[/B] Alec turned toward Jade. [B]?Why??[/B] [B]?Well, see,? [/B] Jade explained as she set down one of the knives and loaded a couple guns, [B]?I know you bastards are fast. I know your good, that how ya got this old,?[/B] she pointed the gun and two knives slid into her boots, another two into her belt as she talked, [B]?But I?m not you?re typical Wakanda. I?m not in this for the team spirit, to save our ?leader?, hell, I?ve never even met her and she?s certainly no boss of mine. These boys,? [/B] she indicated her fellow captives, [B]?They?ve got their own reasons for bein in this. Let them defend those reasons themselves,?[/B] Jade was already near the door, she raised more weapons around her and backed towards it, keeping a back shoulder to the wall so she could see the whole room. Jade kicked the door soundly and it swung open with a crash. [B]?So those stairs, would they be this way then?? [/B] She backed up until her foot hit the landing. A narrow stone staircase, just wide enough for one person stretched up behind her. Jade turned and ran up the stairs. [I]She had to get to Tegan, then get the hell out of this place... [/I] -------------- (OOC: OK, I?m going to be gone until the Monday after thanksgiving, so I?m going to ask that no one, except maybe Kairi, interact with Jade in their posts until I get back so I don?t loose track of my character. Thanks, see y?all after thanksgiving)
It's ok, calm down, that's easy to fix :catgirl: [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/wp-sasuke.jpg[/IMG]
[B]"You three alright? What the?"[/B] Rogger stopped in his tracks as he noticed a knight, fully armored, [B]"What the bloody ell!?" [/B] He yelled as he regained himself and ran to them, [B]"Who's this fella than?"[/B] [B]?Trouble? [/B] Ashlyn took cool aim and shot the knight in the arm. He fell off the horse with a clang. The horse started and ran off into the mist. Just then the rest of the group arrived and stared at the fallen knight. Alex broke the silence first [B]"What's happened here?" [/B] asked Alex, making his way over to where the girls stood over the knight, [B]"And who the hell is this guy?"[/B] [B] "We don't know. That's what we're trying to find out," [/B] said Rowena, [B]"The guy just attacked us for no reason, along with another one just like him, but I don't know where he went."[/B] [B]"Are any of you hurt?"[/B] [B]"Kei's got a tiny scratch on her cheek, but apart from that we're all ok, I think."[/B] Ashlyn and Kei nodded,[B] "A little shook up but pretty much alright."[/B] [B]"Good. We'd better try and find out what this guy was doing," [/B] said Alex, , grabbing the knight by the wounded arm and dragging him to a tree [B]"Now, what were you doing here?" [/B] he asked, a hint of menace in his voice. The knight removed his helm. He was Leo?s age, his long brown hair tied back with a strap of leather. He looked at Alex for a moment, and then nodded. The fog, which had started to dissipate, thickened again quickly. The knight smiled slightly and said something in an odd tongue before the fog closed around him and he disappeared, right from under Alex?s grip. The fog lightened and everyone turned and looked to see where the knight had gone to find nothing but themselves and the knight?s sword on the ground. Alex stood up and shook his head vigorously[B] ?What did he say? Did anyone understand what he said??[/B] Kei stood and walked over to them. [B]?He said the Lady calls us.?[/B] Everyone looked confused. Ashlyn looked around at the group. Everyone was there, except? [B]?Where?s Pat??[/B] Leanna turned quickly and checked behind her before looking at Ashlyn [B]?He was just here a moment ago.?[/B] Leo nodded [B]?She?s right, he came with us to check on you. That?s very odd?[/B] Ashlyn looked up at the field and the hill the knights had ridden down. Her breath caught in her chest and she took an involuntary step backwards. [I]It was the exact same hill from her dream?[/I]
Ashlyn bent to feel his pulse. As she neared the knight he faded into the mist. The knight that remained held his horse at bay and stared at them. Ashlyn stood and faced him, taking the crossbow graciously from Rowena who stood looking firmly at the spot the knight she shot once lay. [I]This was weird, really, seriously, weird. She hadn?t used that word since her high school days, but it was the only word that fit this. [/I] Ashlyn leveled the crossbow at the knight. [B]?Who are you? Why 'ave you come 'ere??[/B] The knight didn?t reply, he simply stared her down through his silver helm. Off in the distance, Ashlyn heard voices.[I] Some from their group were on their way to the ?rescue?... [/I]
Ashlyn drew a gun from under her jacket and Rowena jumped at the sight of it[I]. It wasn?t normal to carry one, but Ashlyn had been raised in a different world then most.[/I] She took cool aim at on of the knights and fired. The horse spooked at the sound so close, but the bullet entered the knights chest then healed over immediately just as if she had shot the fog itself. [B]?Your crossbow Ashlyn, try that!?[/B] Rowena said hurriedly as the knight turned back toward them again. Ashlyn quickly holstered her gun and reached for the bow across her back, but it was strapped too tight for her to get off herself. [B]?Rowena, grab the bow and take a shot... make it count??[/B]
[IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/wszf.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/wp-sasuke.jpg[/IMG]
Ashlyn walked with Armes down toward the boat. She updated her on the events of the morning. Strangely, she merely nodded at Alex?s unexplained note. [I]Must be she too believed it to be a prank. [/I] Ashlyn looked up to see all had gathered except for Kei [B]?I?m going ta walk down the shore and look for Kei, she wasn?t in her room.? [/B] A breeze rippled over the water and caught everyone?s attention. The air felt foreboding. The party held looks on their faces that plainly wondered if Kei had been taken [B]?Look, she canna be too far off.?[/B] The others nodded and she started to walk off. [B]?Wait! You can?t go by yourself, I?ll come too.? [/B] Rowena hurried to walk next to her. They walked in silence for a while [B]?I don?t like this.?[/B] [B]?What??[/B] Ashlyn looked at her [B]?Just a feeling. Even Alex has been a bit on edge, like he?s afraid of the water, and he?s not afraid of anything.?[/B] [B]?I wish I knew where Kei was.?[/B] Rowena nodded [B]?God this fog is dense??[/B] ------- Back by the shore the others waited for their return in nervous silences. Only Armes seemed calm, leaning against a rock and almost smiling to herself. Alex paced and ran a hand through his hair. [B]?What?s wrong Alex?? [/B] Armes asked smoothly -------- [B]?I can?t see where we?re going? ?Hello?? ?Kei!?[/B] They ran up and found Kei standing in the field. [B]?I came out early to check some figures and I got lost in the fog trying to find my way back to the boat?[/B] [B]?Let me check the compass?? [/B] Rowena fished in her bag [B]?Wait?? [/B] Kei looked up sharply as if she were trying to read the fog in front of her.[B] ?Something, is coming this way? fast.?[/B] Ashlyn gave her a questioning look. [I]What was she talking about?[/I] She strained her ears and held her breath. [I]Nothing. Then she heard it. Horse hooves, coming down fast. [/I] She peered through the fog as it parted and her heart leapt up to her throat. Two horses tilted down across the plain toward them. They were dressed in medieval armor and their swords were drawn, pointed directly at them? ----------------------- (OOC: Reiku and DC, these knights won?t talk to you, but you can try. Everyone else interact with eachother, let the three of us have a chance to deal with the attack before anyone trys to find us. Good post so far guys)
[I]Good Thayne. Distract them, way to go. [/I] Jade?s sarcastic and cynical thoughts ran through her head as she picked her self up and stood, brushing off her jeans [I]Hmm, dropping me from a foot in the air defiantly taught me a lesson.[/I] She looked over toward Thayne and the two vamps cornering him. The female had ignored Alex and was still licking Richards wounds. Jade reached over and picked up the knife Talyn had removed. She still had the other in her other hand. She leaned against the wall, content to watch for now without drawing attention to herself. She closed her eyes and felt the room. Jade started with the far wall and let her energy slowly and lightly cast over the entire space. [I]Good quality weapons. Excellent[/I]. Her eyes opened and Alec was looking at her. Tayln was now holding Thayne for Alec and was looking at him and the girl continued to torture Richard. [I]Only Alec had been powerful enough to sense it.[/I] [B]?What did you do Wakanda?? ?Nothing, I stood up.?[/B] Alec stared at her[B] ?I felt it, you know I did, now what did you do??[/B] [B]?As I said, nothing. I notice you have good quality weapons here.?[/B] [B]?Obviously, they?ll hurt more.?[/B] Tayln grinned[B] ?Yeah, so shut up you Aussie b*tch, you?ll get your turn?[/B] [B]?Quiet Tayln.?[/B] Alec chastised him. He continued to look at Jade with an air of intrigue. [B]?I was just wondering, don?t wounds caused by silver take longer to heal??[/B] Alec smiled [B]?Yes, of course, that?s why we practice fighting so much, so we don?t drop the knives on our toes.?[/B] Tayln chuckled. [B]?Good,? [/B] Jade spoke as all the metal weapons in the room lifted up off their shelves and hooks and hovered a few inches in the air, [B]?comfortin to know you galas got one thing right.?[/B]
[COLOR=DarkRed][I]?Kariz??[/I] Kariz froze outside the hotel. [I]Too many energies were hitting her mind at once and in them something more important was masked.[/I] She closed her eyes and then turned her head upward. [I]On the roof.[/I] Her eyes opened sharply and she caught it. A flash of black and red. [I]Someone was on the roof, watching her[/I]. Kariz quickly entered the hotel and sought out Zane. She found him heading down the stairs to meet her. [B][COLOR=Navy]"Kariz, it?s good to see??[/COLOR] ?Zane, there?s a trap. You?ve got to get out of here, now.? [COLOR=Navy]?Wait, what??[/COLOR] ?There?s no time. Contact Raven, tell her to steer clear. We?ll have to meet somewhere else.?[/B] Zane reached up and grabbed her arm as she headed up the stairs [B][COLOR=Navy]?Kariz, why are you??[/COLOR][/B] [B]?Because someone followed me here, and I?m going to find out who.?[/B] She saw the concern in his eyes. [B]?I?ll be alright, there?s only one I?m pretty sure, I can handle that. Go. I?ll find you.? [/B] He nodded and Kariz turned and ran up the stairs to the roof. There was a chain across the door. She stood back and shot at the lock. It crumbled and the door swung wide. Rubedo, turned quickly and faced her [B]?So it was you.?[/B] [COLOR=DimGray][B]?Hello Kariz.?[/B][/COLOR] Kariz kept a cool aim [B]?Did you bring your new boss with you or is she to follow once you?ve found us.?[/B] [B][COLOR=DimGray]?Oh, she?ll follow alright, but not because I want her here.?[/COLOR] [/B] Rubedo approached Kariz. She felt the energy pouring off him. [I]Rage, war, blood to be spilt? but not hers[/I]. She lowered her gun and walked out onto the roof. [B]?Well no wonder, a minor empath in England could track you with the wave you?ve got.? [/B] Rubedo sighed and ran a hand through his hair [COLOR=DimGray][B]?I know.? [/B] [/COLOR] He looked out over the roof [B][COLOR=DimGray]?I?ve decided something.?[/COLOR][/B] [B]?Oh yeah? What?s that??[/B] [B][COLOR=DimGray]?We need to move this war, get it off earth, make them choose another battle ground if they wish to continue.?[/COLOR][/B] Kariz looked at him thoughtfully. [I]She had heard he had gone rogue in the three years since he left the Zodiac, killing angels and demons alike, anything that wasn?t human. This plan of his sounded like something from that train of thought. [/I] [B]?So have you come to kill us or join us??[/B] Rubedo turned and looked at her [B][COLOR=DimGray]"Reoan is close, we should go?[/COLOR][/B] [B]?I?m not going anywhere with you giving off radar like that. Especially since I?m not all that convinced you haven?t come here to kill us? [/B] Kariz stood her ground and waited for his reaction.[I] She didn?t know where this was all going, but she had decided one thing in the past few years of this. She was not going to join the dead in this war, not if she could help it. The balance was important, but she wasn?t a martyr or a suicide bomber for a cause. She was a warrior. She?d die for a cause, but she?s much rather live for it.[/I] Suddenly a sharp pain hit her mind and caused her to clench her eyes and raise a hand to her forehead. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][I][CENTER]?KARIZ! Help me Kariz, hurry!? [/CENTER] [/I] [/COLOR] It was a flash from the past, a voice of a ghost. [I]Why now? Why was she remembering this?[/I] She shook her head and concentrated on clearing her thoughts. [I]Then she felt it. An energy that had been in the hotel just a moment before. She had thought that Zane was alone, and she had ignored the zodiac energy until now?[/I] Kariz walked passed Rubedo and looked over the edge of the roof. [I]Zane had left as she had told him to, and he hadn?t been alone[/I] [B]?Ima??[/B][/COLOR]
Pat snorted, attempting to laugh while drinking coffee. Everyone gave him questioning looks [B]?That was me, the bird thing. Thought it?d be funny.?[/B] He looked around, but no one was laughing. Ashlyn rolled her eyes and went back to her coffee. [B]?What? Oh come on, he?s always talking about the whole Arthur war strategy theories. Fine dude, I?m sorry. And I have no clue on the other one Lance, sorry man.? [/B] He got up and left the room. Ashlyn got up and went into the kitchen to get some food. [I]She was going to need her strength if she was going to put up with that for days on end.[/I] She pulled a cinnamon raisin bagel from the freezer and put it in the toaster. [I]Leaning on the counter she thought over her dream. Maybe it wouldn?t be so bad if Pat disappeared. [/I] She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned quickly around to see Prof Arcaine looking at her. [B]?Hey, you ok? Alex was going to check on you but I told him to stay put.?[/B] [B]?Oh, well thanks Leo. I jus cana stand Pat some days, especially when he messes with people like that. Maybe we should leave 'im behind.?[/B] [B]?Hmmm, tempting.? [/B] He said, moving around her to lean back against the counter [B]?But maybe we could plant a tracking device on him and use him for bait?[/B] Ashlyn laughed and saw a twinkle in the professor?s eyes. [B]?Thanks, I needed that.?[/B] [B]?Come on back to the table. We got to finish plotting our course, and then we can head out.?[/B] [B]?Actualle,?[/B] she said, reaching around him to grab her bagel [B]?I put a blue X on the map where I think we should start; everyone should get their breakfast down and get their stuff tagether. I?m going to go make sure Armes is awake...?[/B] __________________ OOC: Ok, sum up breakfast, gather your things and everyone meet up on the lawn and head down to the water. :catgirl:
(pic link doesn't seem to work)
Request Memoirs of a Geisha Avatar/Banner Request
Astdis replied to Pumpkin's topic in Creative Works
[IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/memoirs1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/memoirs2.jpg[/IMG] -
[QUOTE]I have this image I'm in LOVE with. But I'm an idiot when it comes to photo and image editing (trust me, you don't want to see what comes out when I try it...), and I want to ask someone out there (or if more than one person wants to try, go ahead! ^^ Odds are I'll use all of them at some point, if I fall in love) to try and make me a banner and avatar from it. I attached the image. All I really want is my username (no caps, just like its typed. ^^; I do that on purpose), and if you can work it, the phrase "let's play the killing game" (no caps again...). To anyone who tries it, I thank you SO much in advance! ^^[/QUOTE] ummm... there is no pic, which is probably why you haven't gotten anything yet :catgirl:
[IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/436.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/47.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/squallavi.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/ffx2_toppere.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/ffx-2_by_dark_link_999_002.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/boy.jpg[/IMG] Ok, sorry so much stuf... I got a little board tonight...
[COLOR=Navy]OOC: It?s ok to use some old posts as long as you do some editing and it all still works with the story line[/COLOR] ________________ [B]"I can only apologize for Patrick. You know what he's like once he gets a bit lairy. He'll calm down in the morning."[/B] [B]"I bloody hope so,"[/B] She said,[B] "Or I might ave ta kill him. And that never looks good on a college report."[/B] [B]"Yeah, you do face some slight problems with that. Don't worry, he'll be sober tomorrow, and actually he'll be more subdued than usual. Hangovers can do that to a person."[/B] They both laughed. [B]"So what are you looking at there? Maps of the locations where the people disappeared? They seem to be mostly around the water. Maybe that's a connection."[/B] [B]"I was just thinkin the exact same thing. Somethin's funny with the water. I suggest that we go and check out the lake tomara, first thing."[/B] [B]"Sounds like a plan to me..."[/B] Ashlyn held up her beer and toasted him on it. [I]She liked hanging out with Alex. She couldn?t quite put her finger on it? he was so casual, they could just sit at the bar and talk for hours without an issue.[/I] She looked up from her beer to see Leo talking with another professor and a couple girls from the house. [I]She didn?t know those two, they must have been on a different project under one of the other grad students. [/I] [B]?Well, come on Ash, we?ve got a long day ahead of us.?[/B] Ashlyn nodded and drank down the last of her beer before walking out with Alex back to the house. [CENTER]__________________________[/CENTER] [COLOR=DimGray]She sat on a green hill over looking the blue of the lake. The others in the group stood or sat near by, also observing the landscape. The weather was clear and sunny, there were no buildings in sight, no disturbance in the water, no trees to hide anything, no caves, nothing; no place where the missing people could be. Prof. Arcaine walked over and sat next to her. [B]?I?m sorry professa. I coulda sworn this area had to be where they disappeared.?[/B] He smiled at her [B]?That?s alright, we haven?t checked it completely yet, you could still be right.?[/B] She nodded and watched the other students. Emory was walking around with some techy device, Kei and Armes were comparing notes, and Pat was standing looking at the landscape. He had probably discovered what she had; that there was no way this was the area. As she watched, he started to turn toward them, and then, he wasn?t there. He was gone. [B]?Pat? Pat!?[/B] Ashlyn jumped up[/COLOR] Ashlyn looked around the room. She was sitting up in bed, the adrenaline pumping through her. She ran a hand through her hair and looked at the clock. She was supposed to meet the others downstairs in the dinning room in an hour. She got up, took a shower, blow-dried her hair, putting it in a bun and got dressed in a tee shirt and jeans. She went down the stairs. [B]?Morning Ashlyn.? ?Hey Professa.?[/B] [B]?Ashlyn, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Leo??[/B] She smirked at him [B]?Aparentle a few times more.?[/B] He shook his head, hair falling gracefully over his eyes. [B]?Do you know where we?re going??[/B] [B]?Ya, I looked over the maps ya gave me. It was basic to discover where the people musta disappeared from, especialle since Katie vanished between the site and 'ere.? [/B] She sat down at the table across from Prof. Arcaine, and poured herself some coffee. [B]?I 'ope everyone is up for this, we could be gone for a few days, or longer.?[/B] [B]?Or never.?[/B] She glared at him over her mug [B]?Don?t even joke. You keep making jokes like that I?m going to have to make this coffee Irish.?[/B] [B]?Sorry, couldn?t help it. I think everyone we?ve recruited will be fine? except maybe Emory? he doesn?t strike me as the adventure type, but he insisted on going.?[/B] [B]?True.? [/B] Ashlyn smirked in spite of herself. That kid was such a geek. She looked over the edge of her mug and waited for the rest to come down... [COLOR=Navy]OOC: If you haven't posted yet and you signed up for this RPG, please get on that. I need to see who actually willing to write for this thing before we get too far in and I build story lines around your characters. everyone who's posted, good job. You can finish your nights before you switch to morning, just put a little time bar between :catgirl: [/COLOR]
Here are some banners I was able to come up with for you, if you'd like something written on them, just let me know [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/squallb.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/squall-carb.gif[/IMG]
Jade sat back, one hand resting carelessly on her knee. [I]Thayne could barely stand and it was obvious all the fighting to escape mixed with his anger and rage out bursts had weakened him. Richard was in much the same state.[/I] Jade ran a sleeve over her nose. That was all that was still bleeding. All her other wounds from the battle before capture had sealed if not healed completely. She had bruising on her legs and arms, but those two had gone to a shade of mid-healing green/yellow tint. Her cell had been broken by the boys when they escaped adn she ahd done very little flighting before recapture. Jade watched the boys go back and forth over Kalei. She shook her head. [I]They weren?t strong enough to be screaming like that. [/I] Then Thayne?s power surged and quickly died, he fell back on the ground with a punch from Tayln. Jade stood and went to his side, kneeing and checking his pulse. Talyn walked back to the wall opposite the prisoners, and picked up a particularly wicked-looking knife, curved and serrated, with an incredibly sharp point. He walked over to Jade, and raised it. [B]"Prepare yourself, Jade. That chair you hit me with hurt, so now I'm going to repay that pain!"[/B] She straightened up and faced him. He grinned manically at her. She smiled right back [B]?Hmmm? that wouldn?t be silver would it?? [/B] She raised a hand and felt the air around the knife. In the same instance, Talyn lunged at her. The knife twisted in his grip and missed her shoulder for which he had been aiming. She turned to face him again and he regained his balance and glared at her. [B]?You dodge quick for a Wakanda, especially against a vampire's far superior speed.? [/B] Jade kept her face blank [B]?Just lucky I guess.?[/B] The other vamp, Alec she though she heard Tayln call him, walked over and circled her. [B]?There?s no vampire in her,and yet I didn?t even see her move.? [/B] He paused and looked at her, brushing a hand down her cheek [B]?No fancy displays of power huh? No shows like your friends here to entertain us with??[/B] Jade turned to look at him [B]?Too weak. I?m trying to conserve my energy.?[/B] Alec smiled slightly. [B]?Wit. I like that.?[/B] Talyn growled [B]?This one?s mine to torture Alec.?[/B] [B]?Well then, get on with it.? [/B] Alec motioned toward Jade with his hand and went back to where he had been standing, kicking Richard hard, causing him to join Thayne on the floor. Tayln grabbed another knife and walked with hunters step toward Jade. [B]?Let?s see you dodge two knives without moving b*tch.?[/B] He ran at her with a blinding speed. She closed her mind to everything but the knives. Just as he reached her the knives were wrenched by the air from his grasp. They paused in the air in front of Jade for merely a second, then turned and slid into her hands as Tayln regained his footing. They turned to face each other in the same instance. Jade held the knives at her side in a fighters stance and smiled at Tayln [B]?Butterfingers, can?t even hold a knife properly?[/B]
OOC: The centered bits are memories... [COLOR=DarkRed]Kariz stood outside and looked around. Greece. It had been over three years since the last time she was here. Her mind began to whir? [I][COLOR=Gray][CENTER]This is Raquel Mario, bringing you the latest update on the assassinations that took place just the other day. The supposed assassin was captured and detained by the police...however; yesterday while the execution process was underway...a power outage enabled the killer to escape, and now is nowhere to be found. [/CENTER] [/COLOR] [/I] Kariz strapped her bag on her back and looked at a map she had grabbed from the airport. The hotel was ten blocks over toward the left. Opposite of the way Raven had gone. She strapped her knives on and checked her holster under her jacket as she started to walk? [I][COLOR=Gray][CENTER]As of this moment, delegates of North Korea have declared war upon all of Greece. Those who have served under those past politicians are hungering for blood...and they will not accept a simple escape of such a killer. They believe that the Greek government, and the police were negligent; and are convinced that they had something to do with these murders.[/COLOR][/I] "It's starting..." [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"Yeah, but...so soon?"[/COLOR][/CENTER] [I]Ima?[/I] Kariz looked down the street through her sunglasses, watching as people parted on the sidewalk for her to pass. Mothers gripped their children?s hands and hurried passed. She stopped at a small street vender to buy an apple and ate it as she walked? [I][COLOR=Gray][CENTER]We don't know when the attack will occur ladies and gentlemen...but we do advice that everyone stay indoor; locking all doors and windows. Our government feels that they will not attack civilians...but are indeed targeting two of our major cities for invasion...Athens, and Sparta. God bless everyone...especially for those in the cities I just mentioned. [/CENTER][/COLOR] [/I] Kariz paused and looked behind her. Nothing. [I]She could have sworn she felt someone following her.[/I] She was getting close to the hotel now, only four more blocks or so. [I]She could have told Raven that Rubedo was not in Greece. She wondered when Raven would meet up with them... [/I] [CENTER][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"I guess she must be the one we're looking for..."[/COLOR] ??She?s alive, just knocked out? ? ?[COLOR=Green]?Who the hell are you??[/COLOR] ?We?re the zodiacs. How ya feelin??? [COLOR=Green]?My head hurts. Where the hell is Rubedo? Cause if he?s not dead, I?m gonna kill him?[/COLOR] ?No idea, here, let me help you up. By the way, I?m Karizmasophie, Kariz, Aries? [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]?I?m Ima. Aquarius.?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Gray]The woman nodded, still holding her head. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]"Raven, Gemini, nice to meet you.? [/COLOR] [COLOR=Gray]She looked down the street.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]?Rubedo!?[/COLOR][/CENTER] Kariz shook her head as Raven's voice from the past ran through her mind. She looked behind her again. Again, no one. She turned and continued to walk. She could see the hotel now. Kariz felt Zane?s energy. [I]There was another pulse of energy near him, a familiar one, but she couldn?t quite place it[/I].[/COLOR]
We have one more person who expressed an interest in signing up, his sheet isn't in the inn yet, so he'll hopefully join us later. If people left gaps in their sheets, make sure you fill those in. Ok, the game is up in the square. I'm giving you guys a night before the trip to give a idea of who your character is in their normal setting :catgirl:
[IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/a527d757.jpg[/IMG] [i][color=Navy][size=3][font=Times New Roman] Morgaine watched as the mists closed around Avalon, locking her out forever?[/font][/size][/color][/i] [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed]@))[/COLOR][COLOR=Green]---;--------[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER]The setting is modern day British Isles. People have been disappearing from the area for the past month. After the last disappearance, a group is being put together to find out what happened to these people and bring them back. [/CENTER] ________________________ Ashlyn sat at a table in the pub, with a blt sandwich half in one hand and the corner of a map in the other. Prof. Arcaine had asked her to look at the maps of the area in which people we believed to have disappeared. [I]So far it seemed to cover the riverbank areas that had fringes of woods on them. A few were in the open fields though, so that was a loose connection. The strongest link seemed to be to the water.[/I] She set down her sandwich and reached for her beer, still looking at the map. [I]She had to be prepared; tomorrow they?d be heading out.[/I] [B]?Well well, if it isn?t the prettiest girl in the isles?[/B] She looked up over the edge of her glasses to see Pat grinning at her. [B]"What do ya want Patrick??[/B] her voice came out in a heavy Irish accent. Patrick slid closer so that she felt him lean against her arm[B] ?I want you, to take off those glasses, set down that map and come out with me tonight.?[/B] She smirked and brushed a strand of brown hair away from her face [B]?Well as temptin' as that offer is, I think I?ll 'ave ta pass.?[/B] [B]?Oh come on Kelly?[/B] He leaned over and put a hand down on her map [B]?You know you want to go out and have some fun. I?ll even buy your drinks.?[/B] She raised an eyebrow at him. [I]She was tempted to hit him, but that might be a bit extreme. Maybe someone would rescue her from this egotistical pain in the?.[/I]