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Everything posted by Astdis

  1. [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/triela2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/Gunslinger20Girl1.jpg[/IMG]
  2. np, here you go :catgirl: [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/devil.jpg[/IMG]
  3. [B](OOC: back tracking a little so y?all can know what?s been going through Jade?s head from my side through all the posts people have included my character in?)[/B] Jade flipped Tayln off and went back to sit by the wall. [I]She barely knew the whacker anyway, so she didn?t give a damn if he was fanged now. They?d all be dust soon enough as it was. The balance of nature would have her fill of these creatures before the war was over, of that Jade was sure.[/I] It was then she heard the metallic clang of shattering metal. She heard Richard scream and a vampire argue with him. She watched as her bars too shattered with the force of something Thayne had done. She heard them fighting. And only them. [I]No rescue party[/I]. [I]There was no way they were making it out of this alive, they were horribly out numbered. The boys we obviously enraged and fighting back for Katima? for Tegan?[/I] She shook her head and looked down at the chains that bound her. [I]If she just sat here and waited, they?d come and take her like they had Tegan, bound and helpless. If she fought as she heard the boys doing, she might die, and that wouldn?t serve her purpose either. She?d have to be smarter than that?[/I] ---------- [I][B]?Here he comes.? [/B] [/I] Jade whispered to herself She had found a wooden chair, and had been entertaining herself by spinning it in the air in front of her. But she heard him coming now. She pulled at the energy before her and separated a leg of it into her hand. [I][B]?Five, four, three, two??[/B][/I] Tayln came around the corner. Jade pushed at the air and the chair went flying into his face. [I]He stood there stunned, like how dare this girl throw something at him. She had to concentrate hard not to bust down laughing.[/I] [B]"How'd ya like that mate?" [/B] she walked closer to him, smiling in spite of herself. [B]"You can try to stake me, Wakanda, but you will not manage it. You may be the most physically fit Wakanda, but I am faster, stronger, more agile than you will ever be. I could snap your neck before you could even think about staking me," [/B] said Talyn coldly. Oh goody. A new blood that thinks his new powers make him a God. God she hated the arrogance that came with new bloods. Outloud Jade said [B]"Oh really? Let's see about that." [/B] She raised the chair leg, and aimed as if to plunge it into Tayln?s chest like some new priest that had seen too many vampire movies. Talyn moved quickly, rushing behind her and grabbing her around the neck. [I][B]"You see, Wakanda?"[/B] [/I] he whispered into her ear, [I][B]"You see how you cannot win against the vampires?"[/B][/I] She rolled her eyes and smirked. Oh darn, she had missed [B]"Do it, then," [/B] she said, easily placing stubbornness into her voice, [B]"Break my neck. Finish me now."[/B] [B]"Oh, I would, believe me, but Master Malik wants you alive. So I can only knock you out. Like this," [/B] She felt a pressure on her neck.[I] ?perfect? [/I] she thought as her world went dark?
  4. to answer Demonchild: Gwenhyvar was a Christian in a world of celtic magic, so she didn?t have any powers per say, but she was manipulative and very good with words (high charisma basically). And I believe that she was the type that would be good with herbs, healing potions, that kind of thing. hope that answers your question
  5. well, here?s a basic banner, if you want something written on it I can do that, just tell me what. And I made a couple avatars, but I don't know if they?re what you?re looking for or not. [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/c11c8516.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/danteav.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/dante.jpg[/IMG]
  6. Ok, this is the cap on reincarnates... sign-ups are still open, but no more reincarnates for now, lets see if we can balance it out a little. Also, this is up in the underground, check that out and in the next couple days the game will be in the square :catgirl: [B]** I'm allowing another reincarnate, just an fyi...[/B]
  7. Jade had screamed at the guards who had taken Tegan away. One had hit her across the face, so she had responded by nailing him in the crotch with her steel toe boot and spiting at him. She had interested him in a fight, but his companions had pulled him away. Now Jade sat in the prison alone, leaning her head back against the wall and listening to the screams and shouts of other prisoners. She could hear voices from what must be the other end of the prison. [I]One sounded like Richard?s, the bloke she had helped in the airport. Another sounded like Thayne?s. She hadn?t heard Sin?s voice anywhere, he must have escaped. If he had, maybe others had. And maybe they were coming for them now. [/I] [I]Jade tried to remember why she was doing this, besides the prospect of a good fight. Tegan had said it was to rescue Kalei. She didn?t know this woman, and had only heard of her through Tegan and once through Thayne years ago. And now she was in a prison, held by her pray and kept from the few people she gave a damn about in this. [/I] [I]Her roommate and best friend, Ash, had always said Jade did stupid things. She dated guys in bands and bartenders in clubs who had other girls on the side. She went on walkabout with nothing but a backpack and a knife and got lost for weeks at a time. Once she got arrested in Sydney for speeding on a motorcycle just to win a bet. Now she was in prison for fighting for a cause and she didn?t even know what that cause was.[/I] Jade sighed exasperatedly and melodramatically flopped down on the cold stone. She heard a small click. She opened her eyes and saw the emerald in front of her, glinting in the faint light. [I]Maybe that?s why she was doing this? but damn if that wasn?t one of the stupidest reasons ever?[/I]
  8. [i][color=Navy][size=3][font=Times New Roman] Morgaine watched as the mists closed around Avalon, locking her out forever?[/font][/size][/color][/i] [center][color=DarkRed]@))[/color][color=Green]---[color=DarkGreen];[/color]--------[/color][/center] [center][SIZE=2]The setting is modern day British Isles. People have been disappearing from the area for the past month. After the last disappearance, a group is being put together to find out what happened to these people and bring them back.[/SIZE] [/center] [CENTER]----------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] This obviously is the underground thread for the game in the inn. If anyone has questions about making a character etc, post them here or pm me. Also, attached to the inn is a basic over view of the version Avalon story I based the RPG off of in case anyone has questions along that line. I?m leaving the inn open for awhile due to a small cast. I want to get this game started. Before I do, everyone post here what their character?s relationship with the situation is (grad student, student, local, etc) and why they volunteered to take part in the search party. Then we?ll be moving to the square :catgirl: .
  9. [I]OOC: I'm going to wait at least another day before we get this started and see if I get more sign-ups. Spead the word guys![/I] :catgirl: _________________ [B]Name:[/B] Ashlyn Kelly [B]Age:[/B] 27 [B]Gender: [/B] female [B]Reincarnate: [/B] Morgaine Le Fay [B]Physical description or pic: [/B] [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/ashlynkelly.jpg[/IMG] [B]Personality:[/B] Strong willed. She?s smart, not shy or quiet, but never goes out to party with the other grad students. She typically is found doing research at the house or eating at the pub. [B]Basic bio:[/B] She grew up In Ireland with her parents and four siblings. Her father was a former member of the IRA, he raised his children knowing how to defend themselves. Her mother was a quiet woman, but she knew how to keep Ashlyn?s father in line and he joked her mom wore the pants in the family. Her father was very big on education, he sent all his children to good private schools and bought them every book they every wanted to read. When she kept up an excellent gpa, they found a way to pay for her to go to Oxford. There she majored in architecture, specifically ancient forms. She also studied ancient mythology and medieval combat, specifically the crossbow. [B]Weapons or skills:[/B] a knife and a gun her father gave her, and a crossbow she?s been studying combat with as part of her grad project. Basic sorcery, potions and spells.
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]?Hunting,?[/B] Kariz braced a knee against the back of the seat in front of her and brushed her hair out of her face with a careless hand, [B]?and training, yeah, I guess you could call it training.? [/B] Kariz ran a hand absentmindedly over a four-inch scar that ran across the bicep on her left arm. [I]It was covered by the leather jacket, just like the rest. Things had defiantly changed in two years.[/I] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][B]?Have you been home at all??[/B][/COLOR] Raven asked, since obviously they were headed now to her home. [B]?Yeah, yeah I went back about a year ago.? [/B] Kariz turned and looked out the window, remembering.[B] ?The house was empty, abandoned. I was able to find out from neighbors that there had been an attack while I was gone. My family fled."[/B] She spoke matter-of-factly, like she was talking about a dinner she had had one night. She turned and looked back at Raven. [B]?I know at least on of my brothers is dead, but there?s a possibility that two are. I didn?t bother looking for them.? [/B] Raven gave her a questioning look [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][B]?You didn?t go searching for your family? Why not? Don?t you want to know where they are??[/B][/COLOR] [B]?I?ll look for them when this fight is over. Until then, they just aren?t my priority.? [/B] Kariz looked up over the seats at the in flight movie and then sank back down again because it wasn?t worth watching. She looked up at the over head rack and sighed[B] ?Wish they?d just let us bring our weapons on board, it would make my life a whole lot easier than having to sneak shit.?[/B] Raven smiled and nodded [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][B]?Yeah, that much hasn?t changed and probably never will. So, you?ve been hunting for Reoan all this time??[/B][/COLOR] Kariz smiled [B]?Not just Reoan?? [/B] [/COLOR]
  11. [I]OK, I'm trying this again. I'm sorry it died over the summer, but I lost major characters so it was near impossible to keep going. This time around, if everyone who signs up, and I accept, sticks w/ it, it will be a far better RPG all around. I promise to do my part if you all do yours...[/I] ___________________________ [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/a527d757.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]Morgaine Le Fay, the former priestess of the Avalon, stood at the bow of the boat and watched as Lancelot threw Excalibur into the mists, returning it to its rightful home. Avalon opened its gates to them. Arthur lay in the boat, slowly dieing from the wound Mordred had give him. Morgaine went to him and helped him up so he could see. The land was the purest beauty, the perfect paradise. She began to cry [B]?We?re home brother. The Goddess is welcoming us home.? [/B] Arthur clung to her and he too began to cry. [CENTER][I]?he reached up and caught at my hand with his own. ?But it is really you,' he murmured, ?it is you Morgaine...you have come back to me...and you are so young and fair...I will always see the Goddess with your face...Morgaine, you will not leave me again, will you?' ?I will never leave you again, my brother, my baby, my love,' I whispered to him, and I kissed his eyes. And he died, just as the mists rose and the sun shone full over the shores of Avalon.?[/I][/CENTER] Arthur had died in her arms. Morgaine watched as the mists closed around Avalon, locking her out forever?[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]@))[/COLOR][COLOR=DarkGreen]---[COLOR=Green];[/COLOR]--------[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] Katie looked up from her map and shielded her eyes from the sun. She?d been out there for a few hours, studying the castle wall remains. She walked toward the woods, checking her compass. There was supposed to be a wall there, but there were no remnants of it. [B]?Hey Pat, come look at this.? [/B] A guy with gq sunglasses and notebook came over to her [B]?look at this map.? [/B] He leaned over her sholder[B] ?Huh, weird.?[/B] [B]?Yeah, I?m going back to the house to check this against Carol's forms.?[/B] [B]?Ok. I?ll get the others back by dinner.?[/B] Katie nodded and walked down a green slope to the shore. There were small row-boats tied up along, and she climbed in one and shoved off. She rowed, lost in her own little world. After a moment, she snapped back into reality. A fog had come up out of nowhere. She fished in her pocket for the compass... Pat came into the main dinning room of the house, joking with the other students, ready to relax after the long day. He looked around and saw one of the professors at a table. [B]?Where?s Katie??[/B] [B]?What are you talking about, isn?t she with you??[/B] The setting is modern day British Isles. Katie isn?t the first to disappear into the fog, others have been going missing from the area in the past month. After Katie?s disappearance, a group is being put together to find out what happened to these people and bring them back. Anyone who signed up for the game before can put in the same character or another one. I figure it's best to try this again from the beginning since we didn't get too far into it. Also that allows it to take a different track, you never know. Characters can be graduate students (including Pat), students, professors, or locals, (all of which have the option of being reincarnates). No Arthur or Morgaine reincarnates, and if anyone wants to do Lancelot they can pm me with how they?d play it. For other reincarnates, please check this [URL=http://www.hour25online.com/pix/mists-of-avalon_characters04-1.jpg][COLOR=DarkRed]chart[/COLOR][/URL] . New Members please pm me before posting a character sheet. (I get veto on any character submitted, and I don?t like God-molding, so just don?t do it) [B]Name:[/B] [B]Age:[/B] [B]Gender:[/B] [B]Reincarnate[/B] (if applicable): [B]Physical description or pic:[/B] [B]Personality: [/B] (at least three sentences) [B]Basic bio:[/B] (a couple graphs) [B]Weapons or skills [/B] (if any): (keep it real people...)
  12. [COLOR=DarkRed]Kariz watched Kraven and the fallen one walk away. [I]Heading for an airport no doubt. She knew a short cut. She?d get there before them and then follow them onto the plane.[/I] Kariz turned and started to place her knife in her boot and received a sharp blow to the head. When she awoke she was in a warehouse. She had no way of knowing how much time had past or where she was for that matter. Three demons, who looked oddly familiar, stood around the room grinning at her. She cracked her neck and stood up, her guns and knives were gone, however they had failed to bind her in any way. [I]Amateurs.[/I] [COLOR=Black][B]?So you?re that fire breathin? bitch we?ve had so much trouble with.?[/B][/COLOR] One of them walked toward her, cocking a gun in his hand. [COLOR=Black][B]"You don't look all that tuff to me"[/B][/COLOR] She just looked calmly at them through her short hair as she scanned the place with her peripheral vision. [B]?Why did you bring me here??[/B] Her guns were on a table to her far left past one of the demons. [B][COLOR=Black]?Because you?re trouble maker, and we?d like to get rid of those.?[/COLOR][/B] The demon with the gun walked closer and another started to approach. She saw her gap. [B] ?Maybe you should have tapped this fire breathin? bitch?s mouth shut then boys.? [/B] A ball of flame transferred from her hand to the demon between her and the guns in a mere second. He ignited and started to scream. The others didn?t know how to react,[I] apparently they hadn?t believed the rumors about the fire.[/I] She flipped over the demon who was now crouched on the floor aflame and made a grab for her guns. Placing them quickly in the holsters, she reached for her knife, turning the blade white with the heat from her hands. Kariz turned and flung the knife at one of the still standing demons, who had just raised a gun with the return of his senses. The knife pieced him with it?s heat straight in the heart and he fell. Two more demons entered the warehouse. [I]They must have been guarding the doors and heard the screams[/I]. She prepared a fire ball in each hand [I]and prayed she?d be fast enough to duck all the bullets with her name on them?[/I] There was a sharp shatter of glass above her head and a raven flew in and landed in front of her in the form of a dark haired Zodiac? ------------------------ [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][B]" Kariz...."[/B] [/COLOR] Raven spoke softly.[B][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen] " I'm going back to Greece to meet up with Zane. If you want to come with, now that we've fought with each other again, then that's fine with me."[/COLOR][/B] Kariz leaned back in her chair at the café and looked out the window. [B]?I saw her Raven?[/B] [B][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]?Who??[/COLOR][/B] [B]?Reoan.?[/B] Raven?s coffee cup hit the table with a sharp click. [B]?And she?s got a new recruit.?[/B] [B][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]?Dare I ask??[/COLOR][/B] Kariz turned and looked at her. [B]?Rubedo.?[/B] Raven froze for a moment and then regain her calm face. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][B]?Huh. So, you met Reoan. Is that how you ended up in a demon trap??[/B][/COLOR] [B]?No. Though I could have killed her?[/B] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][B]?And you didn?t?! Why not??[/B][/COLOR] [B]?Because I don?t think that?s the answer Raven, you know that. I want to talk with Reoan, I want to find out her side of things. I think it would help a great deal in our mission of restoring the balance if we knew both sides.?[/B] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][B]?I think you should have killed her when you had the chance.? [/B] [/COLOR] Raven turned back the window and shut her eyes. This was obviously a lot to take in all at once. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][B]?So, are you coming with me??[/B][/COLOR] Kariz leaned back and looked Raven over. [I]Raven had stopped fighting and gone back to her cop job, like nothing had happened. Now there she sat, willing to start up the fight for balance again? or maybe a fight for something else...[/I] [B]?Alright, count me in.?[/B] [/COLOR]
  13. [I]?Jade... [/I] . [B]?Jade, are you alright?? [/B] [B]?Yeah, I?m jus dandy.?[/B] Jade looked up and took Tegan?s hand. He pulled her to her feet and she brushed the dry clay dust off her cloths. The hot August sun burned down on them as they stood in the middle of the outback, the river to one side and some ruff tree coverage a little further on. [B]?That was quite a hit you took, what was that??[/B] [B]?The Aborigines call them the snakes of Bahloo.? [/B] She pulled her knife from the ground and sheathed it as she began to walk toward the trees. Tegan followed, glancing over his shoulder at the body of the supernatural snakes she had killed [B] ?There?s more in this country to fight than the vampires. It?s more than just boomers and Bunyips ?ere ya know.? [/B] She said, turning and smiling at him. He shook his head. [B]?You?re something else Jade, how have you handled this so long? Being the only one in this country??[/B] Jade shrugged and looked over him at the sun and the caverns before she answered [B]?I reckon I?m jus? a lucky Sheila. She?ll be right Tegan, no worries?[/B] Tegan shook his head again and laughed. He didn?t pretend to understand her slang he just shrugged it off. They continued to walk into the trees. The sun was setting. They had to set up camp? . [I]??Jade??[/I] She coughed violently, then spat out blood, licking the inside of her cheek. Her head swam in pain. [B]?Jade?? [/B] She peered around the cell and saw his outline a few feet from her. Tegan. [B]?Are you alright??[/B] concern flooded his voice. She found that she was chained to the ground by her hands and feet,[I] the chains probably just long enough for her to stand a go a couple feet. No more than that. [/I] She sat up and leaned against the bars. Her voice was gravelly and ruff. [B]?I reckon? I reckon I?m jus? a lucky Sheila... She?ll be right Tegan? no worries?[/B]
  14. [B]"I-I'm not sure I can look at you right now, James. Look, I understand that you were doing it to save your own life, but to kill three people... that is something I just cannot condone. I'm sorry..." [/B] Jacqueline spoke through the shock and horror of what she had just witnessed, it didn?t even sound like her voice [B]"No!" [/B] James shouted, turning to the Master, [B]"You see what your sick, twisted little games have done! You've destroyed me!"[/B] He slumped into his chair, his eyes glazed over, his face blank. The Master got to his feet, and began to speak... Jacqueline couldn?t hear him. She just stared at the table. Too many things were running through her mind. [I]Sakura's card had obviously been an attempt to humiliate her. Riana had been forced to eat her dog which she had walked beside so proudly only a couple hours before.[/I] The mere thought of what that emotional pain must be like brought a glisten to Jacqueline?s eyes. [I]She suspected that Allegra too had lost her finger not in an accident, but from some task of the master?s. And what James had done was horrendous. But the master seemed committed to drawing the worst from all of them, forcing them into a form of twisted survival? [/I] [I]She had voiced complete disgust with James? actions, and it did go against everything she ever believed to be able to kill another person? particularly that mother... [/I] [I]However, upon entering the mansion she had assumed that if there was any task they decided not to complete, they could just walk away. Now, looking in the master?s cold twinkling eyes, how he fed of James? pain, she wasn?t so sure if any of them would be walking away from this venture? [/I] Jacqueline pulled a small pad and a pen from her purse. She placed them in her lap and, never moving her gaze from the table, scribbled out a short note and passed it to James... [B](OOC: I'll pm the note to you Fallen)[/B]
  15. [I]Jacqueline looked at him with a slight surprise but she was glad he thought of her[/I][B] ?Thank you James I?? [/B] The other guests stood in a panic and started to leave. The master looked over the situation and then stood, ordering the other guests to calm. [B]"Everyone...be seated and remain calm. I know who the killer is...believe me, you all are not in danger...so please, sit down and relax, enjoy yourself till dinner is ready to be brought out."[/B] With some hesitation, everyone sat back in their seats and remained quiet. Jacqueline took this all in with some interest, some fear. A murderer? she looked up at James who placed a comforting hand on top of her's. [B]"Lady's and gentlemen, we have some special events going on this evening...and I wish for you all to enjoy them."[/B] The master made a nod in Sakura's direction and one of the servants handed her a note. [B]''Oh...and James...will you please give Mieruru your little gifts now...I would love to see them..." [/B] he had a sadistic smile on his face. Jacqueline arched an eyebrow and turned toward James. His face remained composed though it paled drastically. [I]And his eyes, they gave away much. They moved as if he were trying to think, fast[/I]. [B]?James, are you alright? What??[/B] James whispered urgently to her [B]?Not, now, I?ll explain later.?[/B] To the master he said, [B]?They?re in my rooms. Would you like Mieruru to follow me there??[/B]
  16. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]"What the hell was that about?" [/B] shouted Kariz, rolling onto her feet and putting her weapons away, having been just barely able to grab her guns before the crash.[B] "You didn't kill him, but you damn near killed us!"[/B] [COLOR=SlateGray][B]"Quiet, girl,"[/B][/COLOR] Asariel said sneering, [COLOR=SlateGray][B]"We don't need your input right now[/B]." [/COLOR] Kariz rolled her eyes and flipped him off, flames licking her fingers ever so slightly. [I]Where the hell were they getting off treating her as if she was 12 anyway? She was 27 years old and her soul stretched beyond that. That [/I] was possibly the one thing she hated the most was people treating her like she was some damn grade school princess. [B]?[I]Bastardos arrogantes[/I]? [/B] balls of flame appeared in her hands. [I]She?d let them handle it if that?s what they wanted until she had to defend herself. [/I] Rubedo had changed over the years, there was a shadow of his former self, [I]but it was a dark shadow. The side of his personality that had kept him quiet and reclusive from the group.[/I] Things had changed. She had once been a leader among the zodiac. Now she was on her own, a ?girl? among fighters who each had dilutions of grandeur that held themselves higher than any other fighters. She half watched as the boys fought. Her main attention was turned to the woman. So this was Reoan. Kariz had been searching for two years for this woman and now here she stood, not even a yard from her... [/COLOR]
  17. Jacqueline smiled [B]?It?s a pleasure to meet you. James and I met earlier? [/B] James smiled at her. He didn?t look too well. In fact, he rather resembled her reflection from earlier. [B]?Are you headed to dinner?" [/B] Allegra nodded and James stepped forward between them, offering his elbows. [B]?Shall we??[/B] Allegra and Jacqueline exchanged looks, obviously neither was used to this kind of chivalry. They then smiled, each taking an arm and he walked them down the stairs. It was then Jacqueline noticed Allegra?s bandage. It was quickly turning red. [B]?Have you tried ? closing it?? ?Closing it??[/B] [B]?That injury to your hand. It looks as if it needs stitches, or you could try burning it.?[/B] Allegra looked sharply at Jacqueline. [B]?I know, burning would be highly painful, I agree but??[/B] [B]?But it would work? [/B] James finished for her. [B]"Right..."[/B] Jacqueline looked up at JAmes for a moment, then turned to Allegra to explain[B]"... my father is a chef, kitchen accidents, he's had some knife injuries."[/B] [B]?OK, maybe I should see the doctor before dinner. Please, make my excuses to the master should he arrive before me. If they can?t stitch it now, maybe they can provide a better bandage to stop the bleeding.?[/B] Jacqueline squeezed her shoulder reassuringly as she left them, then she and James entered the dinning room to see what was to be served up next in this game?
  18. [COLOR=DarkRed]Kariz gave a quiet cynical laugh. [I]Girl huh?[/I] She shook her head, and smiled. [I]Men never learned, demon, angel, fallen, whatever, they all thought the same when it came to women on one level or another, whether they admitted it or not.[/I] Well, she was hardly weak nor a person to be trifled with. She had become what Ben would have called a ?bad ass? in the past two years. She figured that would come in handy when it came down to fixing the gash in the balance. Kariz leaned her head back against the seat and closed her eyes, bracing a knee up on the back of the seat in front of her. [I]So they thought Rubedo was there did they? It had been over two years, she barley remembered him. She doubted he?d even recognize her. And of course she knew the difference between the fallen and the demons, but let them think she was no more than a naive girl born with powers. Perfeito. That was to her advantage.[/I] She lifted her head and pulled out her guns, laying them on the seat beside her as they drove. Picking one up she began to reload it. She looked up and caught the driver glance up to look at her through the mirror. She smirked at him and her eyes flashed yellow, the pupil narrowing into a cat like gaze. She held them that way for a minute, then they melted to their normal deep brown and she turned back to the gun. [I]Let him mull THAT over in his head for a bit. What was his name again? Krayen? Kraven? Yeah, that was it. [/I] [I]They?d be at the hotel soon enough. She wondered where this step in her journey would take her next in the ever moving war?[/I][/COLOR]
  19. Jacqueline left the show and made her way to her rooms. The results of the competition would probably be announced during dinner. She entered her room and lounged across her deep comfortable bed. The tropical pink flowers had been changed for fresh ones while she was gone. She inhaled them deeply and rolled over, crushing the carpet between her toes as she crossed the room, her dress flowing as she walked. She looked in the mirror.[I] She felt that she wanted to look beautiful at dinner that night. She didn?t know why, but she had an urge to look her best.[/I] Jacqueline went to the drawer where she had placed her jewelry upon arrival. She thought the tropical blue dress she wore now was perfect as far as flattering her basic shape and setting off her eyes and hair. But she needed to wear a necklace with a dress with that low a neck. After a few moments, she brought out a three tiered shell necklace her grandmother had sent her from France. She put that on, ran a brush though her hair and headed down the stairs to dinner. She was early, so she took a minute to drift back toward the ballroom. There Jacqueline leaned in the doorway and watched the lights dance across the mirrors. In her mind, she saw finely dressed couples, dancing across the glass to a familiar tune. She felt the warm breeze from the circular porch as it swept across the floor and smelled the glorious cooking from the kitchen near by. She imagined herself dancing among the people gathered in her mind, [I]held in [I]his[/I] arms? [/I] A scream ripped through the mansion a tore her from her thoughts. Turning she hurried back up the stairs. As a journalist, she was naturally nosey, but that scream had hit her to the bone, someone was in pain. She ran up to the hall and turned in the direction of the scream. Approaching the door her hand paused before knocking. [I]What if this was a card? Her card alone had been enough to make anyone want to scream, what if this was something just as horrible. No, she couldn?t just turn her back on this.[/I] She knocked urgently [B]?Is everything alright? Do you need help in there??[/B] She thought she heard a man's voice, but a woman answered, [B]?No? no I?ll be fine. Don?t bother yourself. ?[/B] Jacqueline paused. [I]She didn?t want to just leave her, but she knew she had to. [/I] Without another word, she turned and started to walk back down toward the dinning room?
  20. [COLOR=DarkRed]Kariz heard the squeal of tires first. Then the crush of metal and a swish of swords being drawn. [I]This wasn?t a gang brawl she was listening to[/I]. She hurried down the street and around the corner to find a car, sidewise about two blocks away from her cutting off the road. One man stood on top of the car, a sword in each hand. Another, who radiated of unworldly energy, came through one of the car?s doors. They were surrounded by demons. The man she took to be one of the fallen, charged the demons. The man who stood atop the car grinned, obviously enjoying the prospect of the fight. [I]These two were no angels. She had not often seen demons attack their own? unless? Reoan?[/I] Kariz walked then with a steady and purposeful step, pulling her guns and checking her ammo as she went. She fired at the backs of the nearest two demons who flinched, one falling to the ground. The other turned and faced her. He sneered and ran at her. She was still too far away to pull the sword, so she continued to fire until he was nearly to her, and he too fell cracking the cement as he hit. Now she had their attention. Two who weren?t fighting the men came for her. She had continued to approach the fight, and she was close enough to them now to use the sword. She pulled Ima?s sword with her left hand and created a fireball in her right. One of the demon?s growled at her [COLOR=Black][B]?Zodiac.?[/B][/COLOR] She merely smirked at them through her dripping short strands of hair. She had come to thirst for and love the fight. Her skills had much improved since she left the cinders of that hotel as she had spent the past two years fighting her way closer to Reoan. She knew she was one of the few left who had not picked a side, who remained neutral. But it was a demonic force that most often attacked the Zodiac, leading her to believe they didn?t want any of them to find Reoan, which made her curiosity and drive to find her ever stronger? [B]?Come and get me [I]bastardos do inferno[/I]. And when you see your boss, tell him who returned you??[/B][/COLOR] --------- (OOC: hope this works for everyone, if not, pm me. I wanted to get Kariz back into the action :catgirl: ...)
  21. (OOC: I talked to DC last night before I posted. She said there was a mix up because she forgot about the two years later thing. I reminded her that in our posts on our sheet we were separated: Zane and Raven one way, Ima another and Kariz another. So she agreed that we should start off at the 'two years later' point and try to find eachother. I thought she would have pm the others too...)
  22. [COLOR=DarkRed]Kariz stared out at the sidewalk in front of her threw a dripping short strand of hair. The rain was pouring down on her, but she didn?t care. She lit a ball of flame in her hand and surrounded herself in it?s warmth as she walked. She heard a crunch of someone landing behind her. Slowly she pulled her 13inch hunting knife from her knee high boot and spun around, flinging it at the shadow. Pinned by the wing in the brick wall stood a man, a half angel. Kariz walked toward him slowly, observing him trying to remove her knife where it held him. [B][COLOR=Silver]?What did you do that for? I'm here to help you, to watch over you.?[/COLOR][/B] [B]?Is that right?? [/B] Kariz said, approaching closer and leaning toward him placing her hand on her knife [B]?Well, I neither want nor need your protection halfbreed. [I]mesmo vai para o deus[/I]? [/B] she ripped the knife from the wall and placed it back in her boot. Kariz turned and began to walk away. [B][COLOR=Silver]?That?s it? You?re just going to walk away??[/COLOR][/B] [B]?[I]Si, adeus[/I]. Don?t make me kill you.?[/B] The angel fell silent and Kariz continued to walk. She paused and turned to see the angel still standing there. [B]?You want to help me? Tell me where Reoan is?[/B] [B][COLOR=Silver]?I? I don?t know that. No one does.?[/COLOR][/B] Kariz gave a cynical chuckle. [B]?Oh, I can think of at least one person who does? [/B] She looked up at the sky and then back at the man. She nodded to him and then continued to walk, continued her two year search for Reoan. Only now she felt strangely that she was getting closer?[/COLOR]
  23. [I]Jade wondered what it was he was hiding from her, but she wouldn?t pry. He?d tell her when he wanted her to know, and that was fine. Tegan was looking ahead, probably to see if his sister was far ahead of them. Then she heard it. Footsteps, from the other direction. Some were landing around them, moving silently. It was an ambush.[/I] [B]?Tegan, duck!?[/B] Tegan moved as a vampire came up behind him and connected with Jade?s fist. He stumbled backwards and drew a gun, firing at Tegan. Jade focused on the bullets, spinning them back at the vamp. Tegan continued to dodge and landed next to another vamp who slammed him into a near by building. Tegan kicked him off but made no further move to attack. Jade?s attention was quickly drawn back to her fight. Her vamp had dodged the bullets and was charging her. She took a stance and pulled the crossbow firing into the vamp until he dusted in front of her. While she had been focused on that attack however, another vampire landed behind her and grabbed her arms causing her to drop her bow. He bent her head to the side and made a move toward her neck... Jade glared ahead. Two knives rose from her belt and turned on the vamp that held her, stabbing him until he loosened his grip. She fell to the ground. Looking up she saw Tegan through her braids. [I]He seemed to be fairing well as he fought but?. Something was odd, out of place. [/I] The vamp came around with a kick that knocked her from her knees, causing her to roll away on the sidewalk. She pushed herself back up and shook it off. Standing she fired three rounds into the vamp from her gun. He stumbled, but didn?t dust. He kept coming; she round housed kicked and connected with the vampire?s chest. He fell backwards with enough force he landed on her crossbow, dusting as the bow pierced him through the heart. She quickly retrieved her bow. Jade saw the rest of the Wakanda fighting hard at their own battles, dusting some, falling before others. They had been separated from Katima and Sin in the fighting?Thayne was behind them somewhere... then she saw what was different about Tegan?s fighting style. [I] He was defending. He wasn?t attacking, he was self-protecting only. He had had opportunities to kill some of the vamps and was purposely avoiding doing so? and he didn?t seem at all happy about it. She shivered sharply as she felt his rage rising?[/I] [B]?Tegan, what the hel?? [/B] She was cut off by a sharp blow to the back of her head that brought her to her knees. [I]She thought she saw Tegan make a move toward her. She tried to shake it off. She felt a warm liquid run down her neck. She saw a blinding light and then, the world went black?[/I]
  24. Jade had spent the helicopter ride listening to her music and watching the others. [I]She had been tempted to go over and sit with Tegan, but Thayne and Sin didn?t need more fuel to tease her with. She had missed Tegan very much, and wanted badly to talk with him. She wanted to hear what he?d been doing, where he?d gone, but that would have to wait. [/I] She felt someone nudge her shoulder. Thayne plopped down next to her as the helicopter made it?s decent. [B]?I?ll give you a cookie if you stop looking at, talking to or thinking about Tegan for the rest of the day? [/B] he said, smirking at her. She turned and looked at him, returning the smile. She took off her headphones and grabbed her bag from the overhead rack. [B]?Darlin?, you should know me better than that.? [/B] He cocked his eyebrow at her. [B]?you?d ?ave better luck with a coldie,?[/B] she said, stepping over him and walking off the copter, knowing he was watching her go and laughing to himself. She stepped onto the mat and looked around. Jade had been here only once before, with one of her flat mates. [I]This was one of the largest vampire gathering grounds in the world. It seemed to pull them, for whatever reason. She had yet to figure that out, but that one summer she had spent here she had killed more vamps than in one year in the US.[/I] Jade checked her knives and loaded her gun with the proper ammo. [I]If she didn?t use silver or gold she?d loose an advantage over the enemy, and she knew she?d need every advantage she had. [/I] [B]?Jade!?[/B] She turned and saw Tegan approaching her [B]?You know, I?ve been offered a whole cookie not to talk to you.?[/B] Tegn feigned shock [B]?And you turned it down? Wow, I would have taken the cookie.?[/B] [B]?Yes well, I upped the bet actually. If he finds me somethin? amber in a longneck, you may be outta luck.?[/B] Tegan laughed and shook his head at her [B]?You are something else you know that Jade??[/B] [B]?I try?[/B] The rest of the plane emptied and they began to walk. Tegan was silent as he walked beside her, lost in thought. [I]In fact, a more serious air seemed to fill them all as they moved closer to rescuing Kalei...[/I]
  25. Jacqueline soaked in the bath until her senses cleared and she felt fully relaxed. She had had a servant deliver some bread and ginger beer that she had consumed slowly while she relaxed and expelled the bad energy from her. She padded into her room and looked down at the main lawn. There she saw them all gathering on the field. [B]?Hmmmmm, interesting?[/B] She went and pulled out a knee length flowy blue dress and tossed her hair into long thick waves down her back. Pleased with her appearance, Jacqueline made her way down to the lawn. She scanned the crowd carefully, and then made her way toward the back row of the box, where James was sitting. [B]?I seem to be late,?[/B] she said, placing herself beside him [B]?Have I missed much??[/B] [B]?No, nothings happened yet. You look? well, you look good.?[/B] She cocked an eyebrow at him. He cleared his throat quietly, and then explained, [B]?I heard you took a fall this morning and they had you taken to the doctor.?[/B] [B]?Oh that. Yes, well. Must have eaten something that didn?t agree with me is all. I?m much better now.?[/B] [B]?Glad to hear it? [/B] he really did look pleased. She smiled at him, then turned her attention to the dogs. Riana stood, fidgeting with her dog?s lead and talking to her puppy rapidly in another language. [I]Though she did not seem nervous, just excited. It seemed her cards to this point had not been even close to the trial she (and she suspected others) had endured. Why should she have such an easy task and other harsher ones? It didn?t make sense. No one had stepped out of line as of yet that she had seen, so how had he decided the cards?[/I] It was something to consider carefully as she watched the dogs prance before the boxes?
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