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Changed my character pic. After over two years, her appearance would have changed after all... :catgirl:
Jade went to her room and grabbed her weapons from the drawer and her leather jacket from its post. She always had been a light packer. She checked under her bed, but she couldn?t seem to find her leather travel bag. [I]Where could she have left it?[/I] Jade went down the hall, trying to remember, when she heard Sin and Thayne?s voices coming from the open door to their rooms. [B]?Hey Sin! How was your, whoa??[/B] Jade walked into their room and was going to ask Sin about his date, but got instantly distracted by Thayne?s hair. [B]?Bloody hell ya whacker, what?d ya do to your hair?? [/B] She said, walking over to Thayne and running a hand over his now much shorter cut. He grinned at her [B]?Knew this would make you notice me?[/B] [B]?Excuse me??[/B] [B]?Oh come on, you?ve only been paying attention to Tegan since he arrived.? [/B] He said, obviously picking on her. [B]?Hey, that?s right?[/B] Sin chimed in, walking over and placing a hand on her shoulder [B]?She has been rather ignoring us since he got here hasn?t she??[/B] Jade rolled her eyes and tried not to laugh [B]?Ok, ok. I?m sorry I?ve bin neglectin your egos boys. I?ll try to pay more attention, although?? [/B] she rounded on Sin [B]?I ?ear you been getting a bit of ?attention? yourself, so I don?t see why I?m bein picked on ?ere?[/B] Thayne stifled a laugh and Sin shrugged, leaning against the wall with a cavalier air [B]?She?s cute, what can I say??[/B] [B]?So your date went well then I take it??[/B] [B]?Yeah? could have been better if we didn?t have to cut it short, but it was good.?[/B] Thayne tossed a small leather bag of supplies and a crossbow at Jade [B]?Here Sheila, wouldn?t want you unprepared for this fight? [/B] She grinned, dropping the bag and checking out the crossbow. After a short examination she tilted it on her arm and aimed for a target just to the right of and behind Thayne. She fired, hitting the light switch next to the window. The boys looked over to see her shot. She patted Thayne on the back. [B]?You should know me better boys. I?m always prepared for fight.?[/B]
OOC: let me know if anything need be changed [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][B]Name[/B]: Karizmasophie (Kariz) [B]Height[/B]: 5? 5? [B]Weight[/B]:120 [B]Age[/B]: 27 (soul 148) [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL=http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/2437-Radarany-01K.jpg]before the war[/URL] [COLOR=Black]now:[/COLOR] (though normally has a ruffer edge) [IMG]http://www.newyorkmodels.com/NYModels/NoemieDitzler/Noemie4.jpg[/IMG] [B]Race[/B]: Aries [B]Position[/B]: neutral. She believes there?s something out there, she?s just not sure what. * Believes in balance in nature. [B]Power[/B]: can control and start fires with her eyes or with her hands. Also can create and direct heat without flame. Seemed to have gained some wind to back her flames after another Zodiac, Ima, died in her arms... [B]Morph[/B]: tiger [IMG]http://www.worldwildlife.org/tigers/images/index.jpg[/IMG] [B]Weapons[/B]: 9.38in (blade) Jungle Commander Bowie, 13 3/8" (blade) Jungle Khukri Style Survival Machete and a customized (for humidity) .40 s&w. Now also carries Ima's [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/loheng.jpg]sword[/URL] and [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/BlackbirdsGlock.jpg]glock[/URL] [B]Bio[/B]: [I]grew up on the beach near the city of Rio de Janeiro in South America with her ?Pai? (father), three brothers (one older, two younger), and her ?Avó? (grandmother). Her mother had died in a boating accident when she was 7. Her pai raised her like the boys, so she grew up beautiful and strong. She played soccer in school and went on hunting trips with her pai and brothers in the jungles. Her avó noticed her powers before she did, always telling her she was a blessed child. When Kariz turned sixteen, Avó gave her a raw-cut ruby pendent the size of a quarter, telling her it would bring her luck and never to remove it. Once while wondering the city after dark, a strange man attempted to rape Kariz. His hands on her wrists blistered and burned and his sleeves caught fire. She ran home and told Avó. For the next 8 years she trained to control and embrace her gift. While her pai and brothers didn?t understand it, they took it as a gift from God and supported her training.[/I] . She joined up with the Zodiac two years before to bring balance to the world, to find a way to restore a basic peace and equilibrium; also to protect her brothers and her family. This was a noble and foolish cause. Their once strong and large group of Zodiac had been killed in a hotel room in Japan. Only she, Raven, and Zane survived. It was a massacre. It was during this battle she had first morphed into her tiger form, and used its teeth too rip the throats from her enemies. Once back in human form, she had held Ima?s hand as she died. Her friend, her closest companion in all this, was gone. Her anger at the sight of the room after battle had caused the hotel to burn to the ground. After this, she and the two remaining Zodiac went in search out Reoan, to find some answer, some explanation that may bring balance and an end to this horrible war. Kariz is also looking for a human named Ben, who once fought with the Zodiac. She feels he was hiding something from them, something that may have saved the others from dieing had she known it. Kariz knows that at least one of her brothers, Anthonio, is dead. She doesn't know about the rest. They don?t know if there are any other Zodiac left out there, they?re just doing what they can to end this, once and for all. [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
Jacqueline closed her eyes a breathed deeply a few times before answering. [I]She shouldn?t be appearing this weak in front of another player. She needed to get control of herself.[/I] With one more long controlled breath, she straightened herself up in an attempt to regain some dignity. [B]?I know you don?t understand, but I can tell you this much for certain. You may have just saved my life Alexander. So thank you. You can go if you like.? [/B] He paused and considered for a moment, then nodded solemnly, squeezing her shoulder in a gentle reassuring gesture before turning to go. [B]?Wait.?[/B] He turned back [B]?I would ask that you don?t mention this to the others. It is your choice of course, however I would ask you not to.?[/B] [B]?I believe I can do that. I hope you feel better soon.? [/B] He then turned and left. A doctor came over to check on her, and suggested bed rest and had a servant take her back to her rooms. Once inside, she walked to the armchair and collapsed. [I]She looked out the window, at the warm sun and green grass. She felt the soft fabric of the chair under her fingers. [/I] In that instance, Jacqueline wished she had done more with her life. [I]For a moment, she had felt what it was like to believe you are going to die. Now she wanted to travel, to feel the grass between her toes, to write a food column, to have a real home, to have someone real to hold her at night instead of that dream from before?[/I] Her stomach began to settle. She went into the bathroom, brushed her teeth and washed her face. She then went to the main mirror and brushed out her long hair like her mother used to do for her when she was upset. Jacqueline appraised herself in the mirror. [I]She was strong, confident, and she would not be beaten this easily.[/I]
[B]Day 1[/B] [I]She was shocked she had slept as well as she did? that card? of course she knew who she had to go to? but how to approach it?[/I] She opened her eyes. The sun was coming in from two sides surrounding her and wrapping her in cozy warmth. Jacqueline stretched and slowly moved from the bed, scrunching her toes into the thick carpet. [I]That dream had been so vivid. She couldn?t see the person, but she had felt them...holding her? protecting her. Not necessarily protecting? but she had felt so safe, so comfortable[/I]. She leaned in the window, looking at the brilliant greens and blues across the country?[I]what if she didn?t get to him in time? What if she didn?t make the deadline. Deadline? she?d never taken that word so literally before.[/I] She went to the closet and picked out a dark red knee-length flowy skirt and a white tank top. She decided she?d better go to breakfast and taken care of this, before it got too far. Jacqueline went out her door and descended the steps. [I]She?d just have to talk to him or something? couldn?t tell him the card, but she could explain the basics of her situation?[/I] Jacqueline was halfway down the stairs when she felt it. Something in her stomach clenched. Her knees bent and she doubled over in pain. Then, she fell. Down the rest of the steps, landing hard on the floor below. [I]She heard running feet, not from the dinning room?someone knelt beside her?[/I]
Jade came into the room near the end of the fray. [I]She didn?t know Katima at all, but she understood why Katima had a right to be angry. She herself was used to this reaction, since she too had a tendency of wandering in and out of people?s lives without warning.[/I] Jade winced as Tegan hit the wall. The boys ran in to restrain Katima and Jade stood off to the side, waiting to see how it would go down. When she saw Katima was calming down, she went in to check on Tegan. He could barely stand. [I]She new he had been injured before his sister?s attack, so he had to be hurting.[/I] She bent over him tentatively [B]?Tegan??[/B] He groaned and tried to give Jade a reassuring smile, but it failed in it?s purpose. The wound on his arm was now bleeding more heavily. She ripped the bottom of her shirt off and wrapped it tightly around the injury. [B]?Thanks babe.? [/B] Tegan said in a gruff voice that told her there were other internal injuries that were beyond her to fix. Jade linked an arm under his shoulders and helped him to his feet. She looked over to Thayne and Sin. [B]?I?m taking Tegan to the hospital wing?[/B] Thayne and Sin nodded [B]"Maybe I should talk to her..." "No."[/B] Tegan shook his head [B]?Jade, it?s ok, she had right to be??[/B] [B]?Ta be completely pissed at ya? Yeah, I reckon she does. Regardless, you?re injured, now decently severely. You'll find her later to explain.?[/B] That is, if she didn't go to him first... OOC: sorry Reiku, I was in a hurry and late for work
Since there is no underground, I?ll post this here. Anyone, feel free to interrupt Jacqueline in the ballroom. She has to wait until after breakfast to make any move on her second card anyway...
[COLOR=Blue](OOC: reposted to add something on the end...)[/COLOR] -------------------------------- Jacqueline sat in silence at the table. She noticed most of the guests were acting the same, reading their cards in silence. She folded her card and placed it in her purse, picking up her fork she continued to eat calmly. [I]She felt rather than saw some of the others watch her as if they wondered why she was so calm about her task, how could she eat? Obviously there was cause to be worried, but no need to show it.[/I] Most got up from the table and hurried off to who knows where. She finished her meal, wiped her mouth with her napkin and placed it carefully on her plate as she stood. Jacqueline walked down the hall, the sound of her heels on the marble echoing in vast halls. She retraced her steps into that grand ballroom she had seen while searching for the dinning hall. She entered the brightly lit room, though it did not appear to have been used in many years. She ran a hand gently over the ivory keys of the piano. Continued by it to a small glass serving table against the wall. There were two vials sitting on it. They each had intricate engravings in silver on the sides; one with the image of a fly and one of a spider. Jacqueline stood and gazed at these two objects, completely lost in thought. As she focused on other things, a gorgeous piano piece played across the back of her mind? With a decisive gesture, she reached out a grabbed the spider vial, toasted to no one in particular, and drank the contents down. She set the vial back on the counter and turned to the piano. She sat and began to play a beautiful piece that echoed in the large empty room. As she played, the table opened to reveal another card with her name embossed in gold upon the cover?
Jade wandered around the temple. She had been on the top floor of the temple when Sin had had his attack. She had seen most of it from there, but been too far away to help Thayne. She had sat by his bedside after they strapped him down. When Thayne had told her he?d be fine in an hour or so, she had moved back to her walk around the temple. [I]He?d need to blow steam off after something like this anyway, and that was more Thayne?s territory than hers. [/I] She walked along the highest walkway till she reached the edge where she could see down into other floors. [I]Hmmm? she was out of practice? but from here she thought she could just make it?.[/I] Jade pushed herself over the bars and fell past three flights to one of the floors below. Her heart pounded, her body moving on reflex, on trained memory. She landed in a crouched hunter?s position on the hall of the second or third floor, she wasn?t sure which. She pulled herself upright and looked up at where she had been, smiling. She loved the rush of life, particularly in battle, but she?d take it where she could get it. She tucked a braid behind her ear and turned to continue her walk. At the end of the hall she saw a figure round the top of the stairs and pause, facing her. She looked at him for a moment, unsure at first if her eyes were playing tricks on her? [B]?Tegan??[/B] The man smiled and started to walk toward her. She started walking slowly toward him, then broke into a run and pounced him, hugging him tightly. He laughed and hugged her back. She detatached herself and stood where she could get a good look at him [B]?Well it?s about bloody time ya showed up. I was beginin to think ya?d be on the back of bourke for the rest of my life till I got your note and? " [/B]she paused, concern entering her voice[B] "Tegan?? [/B] she reached out and touched his arm lightly, he winced. Her fingers had blood on them. [B]?Tegan, ya gotta get that looked at. Come on, I?ll take you down to the infirmary?? [/B] He stopped her as she started to walk past him for the stairs. [B]?It?s fine Jade. Just a scratch? [/B] He smiled bracingly at her and then thoughtfully. He reached out and picked up the emerald that hung from her neck. He rolled it in his fingers, and then smiled at her.[B] ?I?m glad you got my note. We?ll need all the help we can get in this one; we?ll need a crazy Sheila like you on board.?[/B]
wow... our crew seems to have lessened dramatically in number... what happened to everyone?
[COLOR=Navy]OOC: Fallen: Jacqueline isn?t a native of the Hawaiian islands (though she would be tan from having been there for a few years). She went there for college and stayed. Sorry my sheet wasn't clearer on that. No big :catgirl: [/COLOR] ------------------------- Jacqueline checked her reflection in the mirror. All the dresses had fit perfectly. She liked this one best though. It was blue silk that went to her knees. She turned and ran a brush through her hair, deciding that she didn?t really have time to put it up since she still had to find the dinning room. She left the room and looked around. No one else was in the hall. She sighed. [I]She had hoped there?d be someone else wandering around looking for the room[/I]. She went down the stairs and turned first to her right. There she found a library full from ceiling to floor with books and smelled of comforting old leather bindings. A little further on was a large open circular room with no furniture just a marble floor with an old piano in one corner and a balcony which must, she assumed, look over the country side. She gasped at the sparkling beauty of the crystal chandelier and the glint off the mirrors around the room? [I]she had never seen an antique ballroom in a modern mansion before.[/I] And at the end of the hall, she could hear sounds of a meal being prepared; the sizzle of steam, the clanging of pots, and the voices of people preparing a grand meal. [I]The dinning room must be on the other side of the stairs.[/I] She turned and walked back around the base of the stairs. There was the lounge in which they had originally waited for the master. She looked inside to see if anyone was there. Finding the room empty, she turned to continue down the hall and was knocked over sharply. [B]"I'm so sorry,"[/B] she heard someone say as a hand appeared in front of her to help her back on her feet, [B]"I'm in kind of a hurry, I was late for dinner." [/B] James smiled down at her and she took his outstretched hand. [B]"Don't worry, so am I"[/B] she stood and brushed her hands down her dress to straighten it. She tossed her hair from her face and looked at him [B]"Do you want to turn up together? It might make us look a little better," [/B] he said warmly. [B]"Sure" [/B] They walked down the hall towards the dining room. The huge doors were pulled open, and the two guests hurried into the room and sat down, taking places next to each other. [B]"Ok, it doesn't look like the Master of Games is here yet, so I think we're ok," [/B] whispered James, looking around the table. Jacqueline noticed a new comer sitting two seats down from her. She was the one missing from their group at the start. Jacqueline wondered which room she was in on their hall. Not everyone was there yet. [I]She wondered what would happen to them if they were late for dinner...[/I] [B]"So where are you from, Jacqueline?" [/B] [B] "I'm from the Hawaiian islands, that?s where I went to college and I decided to stay. Not on Hawaii itself, but I have been there several times. It is only about half an hour's boat ride away from where I live. And I take it you are English?" [/B] His accent made this obvious, she had traveled enough to know different dilects. [B]"Pure Brit, born and bred. Currently I'm living in London, but I never like to stay in one place for too long. Unless there's a special something there that I wouldn't leave,"[/B] he said. It didn't sound as if that had happened yet [B]"I understand exactly. I love to travel. That's why people say I follow in my father's footsteps. He was a traveler at heart, but he was anchored down when he married my mother."[/B] [I]Anchored down by the shopping bills from every country from Spain to Germany[/I] she thought wryly to herself. [B]"So, what do you think of the house? Of the Master?"[/B] asked James. [B]"The house is beautiful. It's a lot bigger than I imagined, and a lot grander. I imagined somewhere with a more cozy sort of charm, if you understand," [/B] James nodded at this, so she continued, [B]"And the Master himself is a little creepy, but I imagine we will get used to him."[/B] [B]"Well, someone worth thirteen billion can afford somewhere like this. He doesn't need cozy charm with that kind of cash in his pocket."[/B] Jacqueline supposed this was true. She couldn?t say herself what kind of mansion she?d have with his kind of money, [I]but it would have an amazing kitchen [/I] she thought, smiling to herself. A gong sounded. She looked up to find the other chairs had filled while she had been talking. Servants hurried to form a line against the far wall. [I]The Master must be coming?[/I]
[B]?Let?s go!? [/B] Jade yelled after the vamp she and Sin had been fighting dusted. She ran over to Thayne and linked her arm under his shoulders to help support him. She was headed for the terminal when she saw one of the Wakanda twitching on the floor. She paused. Sin patted her on the back and took Thayne from her. [B]?Go. See if you can help him.?[/B] Jade nodded her thanks and went to the man?s side. [B]?I?m Jade.?[/B] The man nodded once to her then looked at the floor next to him. [B]?Blade?[/B] Jade looked and saw a knife next to the man, as if it had fallen from his grip. She picked it up and offered it to him. He shook his head vigorously. [B]?Can?t. Too shaky. You?ll have to help.?[/B] [B]?Alright?? [/B] Jade took the knife and knelt beside him [B]??what do ya need me ta do??[/B] The man pulled back his sleeve [B]?My arm??[/B] he began to twitch more violently [B]?? hurry?[/B] Jade paused only a second. Then she grabbed him at the wrist to attempt to steady him. With one quick move, she drew the blade across his forearm. He groaned and his twitching lessoned as he bled. After a moment, he sat up and wrapped a cloth around his arm. Jade stood and offered him the knife. He placed it on his belt. She left her hand extended to help him to stand. [B]?Come on, we got a plane to catch.?[/B] He nodded and patted her shoulder roughly. [B]?Thanks, Jade?[/B] [B]?No problem? ?I?m Richard by the way?[/B] Jade nodded to him as the entered the terminal and smiled [B]?I tell you what Richard. I could use a coldie and a sanger after a fight like that??[/B]
Jacqueline followed the group up the stairs and was lead to a room at the end of the hall. [I]Perfect.[/I] She could turn easily and see where the other players were staying by tilting her head slightly to the left.[I] James was two doors down and Riana was four. The rest she made note of their appearances and basic placement in the hall. The [/I] woman escorting her waited patiently behind her. [B]?Oh, I?m sorry, just taking it all in.? ?Of course miss.?[/B] Jacqueline opened the door and gaped. The entire room was done in cherry wood. There was a queen bed, a dresser with two full mirrors (one across it and one beside it), a brown leather armchair and a desk. On either side of the bed and by the desk the two walls were full windows that over looked the courtyard and gardens on one side and the countryside on the other. The room smelled of warm vanilla and hints of the tropics. The carpet was deep and a rich cream color. Her stiletto heels sunk in as she walked into the room. There were two bouquets of pink island lilies. [I]That was where the tropical sent had come. [/I] She ran a hand over the dark red comforter on the bed as she walked to the windows. [B]?Is everything to your satisfaction miss??[/B] She turned sharply, having forgotten there was anyone else in the room. [B]?Oh! Yes, thank you. If I do need something before dinner, how would I let you know?? ?just ring the bell on your bedside table miss. Dinner at 6, dress formally remember.? ?Yes, yes thank you again.?[/B] The woman nodded and left. Jacqueline turned to the closet beside the dresser and drew it open, intending to place her things inside. On hangers were gorgeous dresses of different styles and colors. She ran her hand gently over them and smiled. [B]?Hmmmm...these had better fit??[/B]
[B]?It?s nice to meet you.? [/B] Jacqueline turned and looked back toward the main room and shook her head [B]?What do you make of the guy singing to the headphones??[/B] The woman giggled and nodded [B]?He?s a character isn?t he? He?s been doing that since he got here. Apparently he?s not interested in socializing with us.?[/B] [I]She seemed like a nice, quiet type of girl, Jacqueline wondered if she?d have what it took to win this thing once things got more cut-throat. [/I] She heard a noise from the doorway and turned to see who had arrived. A new comer entered and stood for a moment in the door, looking around. He was tall, had long silver hair but couldn?t have been much older than themselves. He glance into the lounge and then over at them. He walked toward them. [B]?Hello ladies. James Gregson.? [/B] He extended his hand, first to Jacqueline, then to Riana. [B]?Jacqueline Abney. And this is Riana? I?m sorry, I didn?t catch your last name."[/B] Riana gave a small smile [B]?Riana Martinez?[/B] He nodded [B]?A pleasure. How long have you been here? Has our host shown himself??[/B] Jacqueline shrugged [B]?Not yet. Possibly he?s still waiting for more to arrive.?[/B] [B]?More? How many people do you think have entered this?? [/B] Riana asked, glancing over to the lounge. She shrugged again [B]?I don?t know, but one would think he would have introduced himself if these were all the players.?[/B] James nodded [B]?That makes sense.?[/B] He looked up at the mansion and let out a low whistle. [B]?a master of games could hide a lot of things in a place like this.?[/B] Jaqueline smirked [B]?true, but there?s only so much you can hide in the light??[/B]
Jacqueline sat by the shore, her laptop balanced on her knees. She re-read the e-mail and then called her family?s lawyer in New York. [B]?Yes Ms. Abney, money has shown up in your private account this morning. Is it a mistake?? ?No no, I was just checking on it. It?s for a long needed vacation.? ?Ah. Very good Ms. Abney. Will there be anything else?? ?No. Thank you Clark?[/B] She closed her cell phone and looked out over the water. She looked back at the laptop and hit the reply button. [I]Dear Sir, Thank you for your invitation. As a journalist, I am naturally intrigued by and curious about your game. Therefore, I will jump at the opportunity to compete. I will make ready to leave today. Thank you again. Sincerely, Jacqueline Kay Abney[/I] She was in her bedroom packing when she heard the doorbell downstairs. She pulled her hair back and went to the door to see a brand new black suv and a man in a black suit standing on her porch. [B]?Ms. Abney?? ?Yes.? ?I?m here to take you to the airport. Your flight will be leaving soon, so we must get going.? ?Oh, yes, alright. My suitcase is upstairs.?[/B] The man came into the house and waited inside the door while she collected her things. He carried her cases to the vehicle while she locked the door and walked away from her current life to enter a new one for who knew how long? ------------- The flight was first class. She watched the in-flight movie with only half her attention. The rest she spent looking out the window at the sky. When they landed, she was taken again in a new black vehicle. [I]She road in silence though she burned to ask the driver some questions. She couldn?t help that. She was a journalist after all.[/I] But she held her tongue and waited patiently for them to arrive. She grabbed her baggage and walked up the walk to the mansion. She shook out her long black hair and straightened her knee-length skirt. [I]She wanted to make a good impression, even if she had just gotten off a plane.[/I] She walked smartly up to the door, where a butler meet her, handed her things off to another of the staff, and directed her to the main lounge. When she turned the corner, she saw three people; one woman, one girl, and a man singing rather off key to a set of headphones. [B]?Well, isn?t this an interesting venture??[/B]
Jade stood next to Sin and Thayne. The vamps they had been fighting were dust. They were just now looking around to see how the others were fairing. It was then they noticed that these vamps had had leaders, three of them. They were fighting Katima, and she wasn?t doing well. Jade ran to her side to help, pulling the last leg from one of the tables and forcing it toward one of the vamps. He dodged it and pulled a gun. He aimed and fired, Jade dodged. The bullets hit Thayne square in the chest. Jade turned and kneeled beside Thayne, seeing Sin go into the fray from the corner of her eye. [B]?Hey you crazy Aussie bitch, how you holding up??[/B] Thayne asked, giving her a weak smile, holding his chest. [B]?I want you to grip into my left arm, cause this is going to hurt.?[/B] Thayne nodded and held on. Jade hovered her hand above his chest and closed her eyes. And pulled. She felt Thayne?s grip tighten on her arm. The bullets came out of his chest and landed in her palm. She sighed. She had been lucky they were made of silver. Thayne coughed and bent over, patting Jade on the arm to let her know he?d be ok and she should go back to the fight. Jade stood and turned, catching one of the vamps feet in her hands. He had been attempting to knock her out of the game while she was down. She pushed him hard and he fell backwards. Sin grinned at her. She pulled a couple knives and cracked her neck. [B]?Let?s party.?[/B]
Angelus_Necare (in reguards to your OOC post...): I don't know about the other Wakanda, I put my odds at two to one in my post. My character has been hunting vamps for a long time, I figured those were fair odds. Heck three on one would have been fair, but I don't speak for the other Wakanda. I only can defend myself here.
thanks doc!
[B]Name:[/B] Jacqueline Kay Abney [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Sex: [/B] female [B]Location: [/B] Hawaiian islands [B]Appearance:[/B] Long blackish brownish hair and eyes, 5? 6?, fit body (takes kickboxing to stay in shape) [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/d748b4d3.jpg[/IMG] [B]Personality:[/B] typically strikes people as the quiet studious type, but isn?t really. She just likes to observe people and can often be found reading as one of her covers to observe. Once you get to know her, you find she has a witty sense of humor and loves to socialize. She also likes to cook, something her father taught her. And she is very ?street wise?, something traveling the world has taught her. [B]Bio:[/B] Her father liked to travel, her mother liked to shop, so they traveled the world since she was very young. Her parents weren?t extremely rich, just a notch above middle class. Her father had worked hard as a chef in NYC?s finest restaurants to afford these trips abroad. Jacqueline had no real home because of this however. When she was 16 her mother went on a shopping spree in Paris France and her parents got a divorce because of the money issue. When she was 17, she went to school in Hawaii and decided to stay there, working as a journalist for a local paper and living on the beach. [B]Greatest Desire: [/B] to be a world famous food critic. (Even deeper down you?d find a desire to be loved). [B]Greatest Fear: [/B] failure. at her job, in relationships, in the eyes of her parents, in life.
that's great! could you put it up on an attachment so I can copy it to my signature? thanks :catgirl:
Thanks. I'll look forward to the edit :catgirl:
Jade sat and listened to her headphones. This was going to be a long flight. She felt rather than saw movement. Katima hit the floor. Jade was on her feet and in one swift movement turned and faced them. Two were headed for her. She saw Sin and Thayne start to try to block them. [B]?Stop.?[/B] They turned and gave her questioning looks [B]?These are mine. If I need help, I?ll ask for it. Don?t? start treating me like a lady now.?[/B] Thayne nodded and tapped Sin?s shoulder, directing him off to their own fight. The two vamps smiled at her. Jade merely lowered her gaze meeting theirs and smirked. [B]?What do you have to smile about wakanda? You shouldn?t have sent your friends away, you?re sorely out numbered now.?[/B] Jade shrugged, put her hands out to the side and paused, making good eye contact with both the vamps. [B]?I guess that?s just the [I]nature[/I] of things.?[/B] Then she pulled. Listening to the music in her earphones, like a soundtrack to a good fight scene, she reached out to the sides of the room. With a loud cracking sound two thick raged edged lengths of wood appeared before her. She pushed outward with her hands. The pieces of wood bolted toward the vamps. Two tables on opposite sides of the room crashed over from loss of limbs. [B]?What the fuc??[/B] the first vamp, unprepared, got stabbed straight through the heart in and out. He dusted before he hit the ground. The second tried to duck, the wood stuck in his chest, but not deep enough to take out the heart. He lunged for Jade, knocking her off her feet and punching her hard in the arm. The throb in her arm gave her an adrenaline boost that she fed off of. Jade yelled and kicked him off her so that he staggered back onto his feet a couple feet away. She jumped up and faced him. He leered at her. [B]?I am a servant of Mailk. Do you understand what that means b*tch? You?re going to loose.?[/B] Jade smiled, eyes glowing a deep brilliant green. [B]?I got a news flash for ya. I?m an Aussie. You?re just a pathetic galah. And you?re about to cark it.? [/B] She roundhouse kicked him square in the chest, shoving the wood through, ripping out his heart. Jade smiled and blew his ashes a kiss before turning to see how the others were fairing?
Jade walked behind the group with Sin and Thayne. [I]She didn?t know anyone else in this group. To her knowledge she was the only wakanda in Australia. When she went on walkabout a few years before she had met Sin and Thayne in a bar that was later attacked by vampires. She had wandered across the US with them for a year fighting the vamps before going back home again. Why had she left home this time? She had been trying to figure that out as they walked. There had been the note?[/I] ---------- She had gone to the police station early to pick up any notices of strange attacks the night before. When she got back to her flat her roommate was waiting for her. [B]?I thought you had to go to work Ash, or are you chuckin a sickie??[/B] Jade said, setting the police scans down and rummaging through the fridge coming up with some orange juice. [B]?I am going, but this bloke came by, left something for ya. Wanted to make sure you didn?t miss it, so I stayed to give it to you. He said it was extremely important.? [/B] She shrugged and stood, handing Jade a manila folder. [B]?Besides, I can stay late tonight. No problem. But he looked a bit like a bushranger, so be careful.?[/B] [B]?Aren?t I always? You?d best hurry. Someone here has to pay the rent.?[/B] Ash left and Jade had looked the envelope over. No writing on the front. She dumped it out. An emerald green pendent clanked on the counter, a note floating after it. She picked both up. [I][B]?Sheila, you best be moving on. A war is brewing. Kalei needs us all.? [/B] [/I] -------- Jade fiddled with the small emerald that now hung from her neck. She looked over at the woman who now led them. [I]She had heard she was close to Kalei, but that was all. And the writer of the note? she knew who had left that package, but he wasn?t with them now? where could he be?[/I]
wow..., i love it. If you could show just a little more of the dancer and the flame/lava in the back, that'd be about perfect. I'm going to keep yours Lady Katana on my computer though, because I like that one too, but I like the larger one for this site. :catgirl:
looks good, way better than I could have done :catgirl: thanks!