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Ok, so I was wondering if someone out there could put a banner together for me? I have two pictures attached that I'd like used and a quote here [I]"...And I find it kind of funny I find it kind of sad The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had."[/I] So if someone could put something together for me, that'd be really great :catgirl:
Jade walked down the streets of a city that was sound asleep, or hiding under the covers. She looked up and down the street before turning into a back ally. She looked over at the door at the end. She sighed, rummaging through her pockets for her keys. Unable to find them, she turned back to the door, kicking the jam hard with her left foot, causing the molding to crack and the door to swing free. Jade brushed passed the door, walked straight back to the bedroom, threw some basic needs in a leather backpack, and headed back to the door. Half way through the kitchen she paused, turned and went back the fridge. After a minute of looking, she grabbed an amber bottle, popped the top with her teeth and walked out of the apartment. _______________________________ Jade entered the restaurant and looked around. She spotted a couple of guys at a back table one dressed in high collared black sweater on and dark blue jeans, the other wearing a black trench coat with a hint of silver and all black underneath. She smiled to herself, she?d been gone for awhile, she wondered if they?d remember her. She walked over and leaned on the wall just over the man in the trench coat?s shoulder. [B]?Well boys, looks like I went on walkabout just in time.?[/B]
[COLOR=Blue]OOC: As you can see DC, I decided to go with my own character :catgirl: . Let me know what you think. And if anyone wants to sent up a situation w/ me to work my character into the square, that'd be cool, just pm me. If not, I'll come up with something on my own. [/COLOR] [B]Name:[/B] Jade [B]Gender: [/B] female [B]Age:[/B] undeterminable [B]Race:[/B] wakanda [B]Position:[/B] wakanda, but she excepts half-vamps who want to help the wakanda side as equals [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://www.royaltybraids.com/demonstration0.jpg[/IMG] 5? 5?, startling green eyes, brown hair, still has a bit of her native Australian accent. Typically wears leather and cotton clothing in shades of brown, green or black. Is proficient in two sword fighting: carries two silver katanas as well as silver throwing knifes. [B]Ability: [/B] she works with earth and weather. She also has a strong background in natural herbs for cures or poisons. [I]Pull of Earth [/I] ? allows her to use any natural form to her advantage, for example; crumbling part of a mountain to start an avalanche, braking off trees or branches, causing earthquakes and control of natural metal weapons such as silver and gold. [I]Loki?s Storm [/I] ? she can create natural storms such as; pounding rain w/ or w/o lightning, hurricane winds, cyclones and typhoons on a small scale. (body of water required for typhoon) [B]Personality:[/B] Jade loves life and enjoys truly living every moment of it. She is a very personable, friendly individual. Her natural charisma attracts people to her at clubs or bars. She?s the type people follow and admire as far as social skills are concerned. But when it comes to things she feels passionately about, she becomes very systematic, calculating, and sends a ?don?t **** with me or I?ll take you out? edge to her normal persona. [B] Character Snippets: [/B] Jade sat in the Chicago bar, drinking her Jack Daniels, and smiling as her guy friends staged a fake fight nearby while other friends placed bets on who would win. Something on the air caught her attention. Few who weren?t in her line of work would notice the smell. It was the smell of death. Through the doors came a man, dressed in a black suit and white dress shirt. The shirt was obviously an attempt to make the skin hold more color, but it didn?t work as well as they always thought. She watched from the corner of her eye as he reached under his jacket. Jade whipped around, drawing two knives, setting them on either side of her on the bar, making sure he saw the glint. He paused, obviously he had heard of her powers and was wary. Damn. She liked it better when the vamp assassins we dumb. She took advantage of he pause to yell at the crowd [B]?MOVE! He?s got a gun! Everyone DOWN!?[/B] he growled [B]?Jade, you b*tch.?[/B] He drew the gun and aimed. She squinted her eyes and the knives moved from the bar and flung themselves through the air at the vamp. He fired a shot. As her knives removed each of his hands by the elbow, she put up a hand and froze the bullet three inches before it reached her. It fell to the ground with a thud, echoing in the now silent bar. He looked up at her, pure hatred in his flame red eyes. [B]?I?ll get you for this.?[/B] he turned ran from the bar, holding the stumps of his arms tightly to his chest. She turned back to the bar and finished her drink, paid her tab and walked out of the bar. It would take the vamp a day or two to regenerate fully. That was enough for now. It looked like the rumors of war were true. In which case, she?d be aiming to kill from here on out?
I noticed there is no AMD thinning time underground, so I'll put this up here. Where the heck did everyone go?? I realize that in the summer, posting slacks off a bit. My own game died because of that ( I lost three major characters). But I had a small cast to begin with. This board has a rather large cast of what seemed to be eager players, so I'm wondering what happened to everyone.
[COLOR=DarkRed][COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]"So who is Luminous?"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=DimGray]"He is the dragon leader."[/COLOR][/B] Kariz leaned in the doorway to the bedrooms, facing Kadar. She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at him. He looked over at her and shrugged. She rolled her eyes, sighed and went into the bedroom, sitting next to Ima who was looking out the window. [B]?I got your message.?[/B] Ima?s eyes lit up[B] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]?It worked then?? Oh good, I was hoping I?d be able to? are you ok?? [/COLOR] [/B] she said, pausing to look at the back of Kariz?s head. Kariz raised a hand and passed it over the blood-caked patch. [B]?Yeah, I should be. We got in a fight of our own back there? Ben took off.?[/B] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][B]?He what?!? [/B] [/COLOR] [B]?Just what I said, he?s gone. Left right after the fight. I?m shocked he stuck around as long as he did, except for he got some good fighting in.? [/B] Kariz stood and walked to the window looking out on the street. [B][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]?OK, but where would he??[/COLOR][/B] [B]?Back to Reoan, where else.? [/B] [I]Like she gave a damn.[/I] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][B]?That kinda weakens us doesn?t it??[/B][/COLOR] [B]?I doubt it. We?re fine on our own.?[/B] Ima stayed quiet for a second as if think that over. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][B]?So what do we do now??[/B][/COLOR] Kariz shook her head, still gazing down at the street below. [B]?We move on, we keep fighting, we keep going till our task is done. That?s all I got for ya babe.?[/B] Ima nodded and walked over to Kariz, patting her shoulder before leaving the room. Kariz zoned out, staring through the life playing out on the street. [I]She had felt an animal move inside her during that fight. The fury she?d felt at being held as a hostage, then the pain of the gun butt, then the run from the building. Something deep within her had bared its teeth and clawed out at the man who held her. It had purred and rubbed like warm fur against her insides. She had smelled the blood on herself and the others while in the car, and she had liked it. [/I] Kariz continued to watch the people, hurrying about the market place. Opening up stalls that had closed during Raven?s storm. Shaking out umbrellas and chasing children who had strayed into the deepening puddles. [I]Kadar would have a speech or explanation for them soon. They?d ask their questions, compare notes, then move on to the next destination.[/I] She glanced toward the door. [I]No, she needed to get the blood out of her hair and off her body. Maybe she?d talk to Kadar one on one later. Right now, she needed a shower. [/I] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Kariz?s eyes flamed. [I]That bastard. At that moment, she hated being female[/I]. She felt a warm wetness at the back of her skull. She saw the flames rising up from the demon?s body and catching to the gas she had spilt. She had intended to throw a fireball at it, but this was going to work just as well [B]?MOVE!?[/B] she yelled, dragging herself off the floor and throwing herself toward the door. Ben caught her arm and helped to drag her out. As they all rounded the corner she heard the blast of the flames hitting the tanks. The building went up in a huge fireball, at least 7 stories high. Debris came raining down on them, Ben throwing himself to cover her as they hit the pavement. When thing seemed settled, they dug themselves out and moved a bit further down the street before collapsing against a wall. [I]She vaguely heard Kadar talking to the others, but her head was pounding. She shook it as if trying to get her thoughts to clear like a etch-an-sketch. Ben leaned over her, acting very relaxed and under concerned. [/I] Through the din she felt a pull which became stronger the longer she focused on it. [B]?Ima.?[/B] Ben nudged Kadar so that everyone was looking at her [COLOR=DimGray][B]?What?s wrong Kariz??[/B][/COLOR] She stood and brushed herself off, ignoring the pain in her head [B]?We have to get back to the hotel, fast.?[/B][/COLOR]
OOC: note to Ben ; Ima's at the hotel actually :catgirl: [COLOR=DarkRed]Kariz watched Ben as he walked in front of her. [I]He seemed perfectly ready to fight with the zodiacs, whatever their cause, when just a week before he had fought with Reoan. There was so much to consider in this fight she found herself in, so much to think about. She had to focus on the task at hand. Everything else could wait.[/I] Kadar stopped walking [COLOR=DimGray][B]?You feel that??[/B][/COLOR] Ben paused and shot Kadar a questioning look. Kariz placed a hand on the wall next to her. Just a block down, she caught what Kadar had. Their zodiac was in that warehouse, and there was a fight going on. She pulled her gun and caught Ben?s gaze, he was looking toward the cars [COLOR=Black][B]'Yakuza, I'd guess.' [/B] [/COLOR] Ben said with a smile, [COLOR=Black][B]'Wonder what they're doing there.'[/B] [/COLOR] He drew his guns and headed for the ally, Kadar and Kariz followed suit. They walked to the warehouse, Kariz climbing the fire escape, the boys heading for the closed double doors. As if on cue, she kicked in the door and walked onto the platform, gun drawn. Kariz placed three carefully aimed shots. One knocked the sword from the air in front of the Zodiac. The second two shot down a plank from the ceiling which punctured a large gas tank on the back wall.The next few seconds were a blur. Kadar started to clear a path between where he stood and the zodiac on the floor. Ben held his ground, firing on anything that moved that wasn?t Zodiac. Gas started to spread across the floor. A man started for her, she attemted to bore a hole through him with her gun. She saw out of the corner of her eye Kadar and the other zodiac trying to get to the doors. Ben was having some trouble holding everyone back. And somewhere in the back of her mind she felt Ima draw on her power for a fight of her own?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Kariz looked over at the girl Kadar had brought in, she still looked rather shaken. [I]What the hell was going on here?[/I] Ben walked over to her and leaned against the wall. [B][COLOR=Black]?What do you make of it??[/COLOR][/B] Kariz shook her head, never taking her eyes from the girl [B]?I don?t know? but I don?t like it.?[/B] Ben nodded. This girl wasn?t a zodiac, but she had been with Kadar for a reason. She walked over and stood next to Kadar who had been watching everyone [B]?You seriously need to stop getting yourself into these messes, or we?ll never get through this? [/B] She was only half teasing him Kadar ran a hand through his hair [B][COLOR=DimGray]?Shit, I don?t know what it is. I guess my karma just sucks that bad? [/COLOR][/B] she sensed he too was making a half joke. [B]?Look, do you think someone is after you? Could they have followed you here??[/B] he shook his head[B] ?I don?t know? yeah, I guess someone could have, it?s possible.?[/B] Kadar and Kariz stared at each other for a moment. They both were thinking the same thing. They had to go out for the next Zodiac. But not in this large a group, and not without a distraction. Kariz glanced over at the group, then she locked eyes with Ben who nodded at her and grabbed his coat. She turned and looked over at Raven, motioning her over. Raven came with a questioning look on her face. Kariz laid out her idea [B]?Look, we need to go out and get the other Zodiac.?[/B] Kadar nodded [COLOR=DimGray][B]?But we really shouldn?t take Clara with us, nor should she be left alone.?[/B][/COLOR] [B]?I think Ima, Zane, and Camilla can keep the base here, the rest of us should go and retrieve the Zodiac. If anything goes wrong, Ima?s strong enough to sence us out. Now Kadar thinks there?s a chance this place is being watched, or that he was followed?? [/B] she looked at Raven and then out the window at the clouds, [B]??think you can cook us up a distraction??[/B][/COLOR]
OOC: that's fine Reiku, you didn't move it too fast at all (and it works with my thoughts). Sorry I've been kinda MIA guys, my grandma has been in the hospital since last Wed. Between that and work I haven't had much time, sorry gang... :catgirl: ------------------------- [B]" Great. He's probably waiting for us on the banks on the other side," [/B] Ashlyn sighed. Kei pulled a comforting hand on Ashlyn's shoulder. [B]" We should get going then,"[/B] she suggested. [I]Leo. Damn it Ashlyn the guy?s name is Leo, even the kids like 5 years younger than her could call him that, why the hell couldn?t she?[/I] Shaking her head, she looked out over the water. Some of the mist had faded, but not enough to see the shore. [I]Kei was right; she was not acting her age, or her experience. She wasn?t a college geek with a map. She was 27 years old, she had a master?s degree from Oxford in architecture and medieval combat, Her father was in the IRA, and so far it was just a couple of myths in tin cans, that?s all. It was time to dig in now. She could handle this.[/I] Ashlyn went to the boats with a new glint in her eyes. Emory seemed so startled by it he nearly dropped his equipment in the lake. Pat just appeared as bored as ever, having not gone too see what had happened in the first place. Alex looked slightly confused by this new glint but Kei was completely unruffled, climbing into the boat with Armes who seemed almost disappointed. Alex went into the boat with Emory and Pat climbed in behind Ashlyn. Pat reached over to take the oars winking at Ashlyn ?That?s no job for a lady.? She turned coolly to face him, took an oar from his hand, and flipped it to hit him square on the back sending him flying into the lake. ?I never claimed to be a lady.? Kei cheered and Alex nearly fell out of his boat for laughing. Emory scrambled to help pull Pat out. None of them saw the ripple the came toward them across the lake, as if something on the other side, had also fallen in?
[I]OOC: Hope you don't mind a little of Merlin's powers finally coming out Astdis. I think it would b a good idea if you did a nice long post, so we can get the story moving along. Just a suggestion.[/I] I know, I need to make them longer :animeswea . But that's why I gave us a fight, too keep it moving . And that's exactly what I want, play the character out the way you see her, use the situations presented to you to expand her, have fun! :catgirl: [I]OOC: Hope I haven't rushed anything or gotten in the middle of anything important here, Astdis and Reiku[/I] A little rushed (I didn't get to fight anything, lol) but it's fine. That's what happens in an online rpg, I'll just have to give something else to fight... [I]OOC: Seriously, I should be fined for how long it takes me before I remember to post.[/I] Hey, I could seriously use the $ if you're offering Starr :catgirl: You guys are doing great! (goes off to find lil kitsune boy and Kairi...)
[COLOR=DarkRed]Kariz had volunteered to sleep in the living area. Let someone else have the bed, she was used to sleeping on the floor. Besides, she wanted to think. She was tired, but she was also still had adrenaline from the almost plane crash and landing. Kariz went and checked on Ima, who was already sound asleep. She went back into the main room and leaned against the wall, watching the others who had opted for the main room sleep. Kadar, Ben and Zane all seemed to be unconscious on various pieces of furniture and the floor. She looked out the window. The streets of Japan were deserted. The party scene was down due to it being a weeknight, Kariz assumed. She picked up some papers that included hotel info and looked them over.She walked over to the mirror and checked her reflection, running a comb through her long black hair. Kariz brushed it back into a ponytail, grabbed her room key from the main desk and slipped out of the room. She walked down the hall and glanced at the elevator before taking the stairs down. She hated elevators, too much could go wrong. She walked down the main hall. Kariz got the feeling that someone was following her. She ignored it and walked into the 24hr fitness room. She picked out a bag hanging in the far corner and started beating it, working out some frustrations, also for practice. She kicked the bag a few times then turned to punching. [I]It was apparent that they?d be fighting their way through this, and she wanted to be up for anything[/I]. After about ten minutes she sensed the feeling of being followed enter the room. She continued to punch the bag. [I]Left hook? right hook?and round house! [/I] [B][COLOR=Black]?Uh!, jesus.? [/COLOR] [/B] Ben stood behind her rubbing his cheek. [B]?You shouldn?t sneak up on people like that.?[/B] Ben nodded [B][COLOR=Black]?I?ll try to remember to watch myself?. Shit?[/COLOR][/B] She smirked at him and turned back to the bag [B]?So what are you doing down here??[/B] Ben shrugged and leaned against the wall [B][COLOR=Black]?Couldn?t sleep.?[/COLOR][/B] [B]?I see that?[/B] she continued to punch the bag. She had the feeling of Ben watching her, probably enjoying the view. She tried the concentrate but she was irritated and she landed and punch wrong, twisting her wrist. She gritted her teeth [B]?God damnit?[/B] Ben moved quickly from the wall [B][COLOR=Black]?Here, let me see it?[/COLOR][/B] She raised an eyebrow at him [B]?Thanks, I got it?[/B] He ignored her and ruffly took her arm, gently touching her wrist, being careful not to cause her more pain. [B][COLOR=Black]?I got an ace- bandage upstairs; I can wrap this for you tonight, should be fine by morning.?[/COLOR][/B] Kariz took her hand back, not understanding why Ben was being nice to her [B]?Thanks.?[/B] Ben nodded and looked over at the bag [B][COLOR=Black]?You done for the night??[/COLOR][/B] [B]?Yeah, might as well go back and try to sleep?[/B] Ben nodded again and pulled the door open for her. She hesitated. This was weird. [B] ?uh, thanks? [/B] she walked through, shook her head and headed for the stairs. [/COLOR]
OOC: that?s ok Reiku, the post is excellent :catgirl: - Ashlyn nodded to the man, but Alex looked uneasy. [B]?I don?t know about this guys??[/B] Ashlyn looked around the shore. [I]No Leo.[/I] [B]?I?m going to walk down the shore and look for Leo. He can?t be too far off.? [/B] The others nodded and she started to walk off. [B]?Wait! You can?t go by yourself, I?ll come too.?[/B] Kei hurried to walk next to her. They walked in silence for a while [B]?I don?t like this.?[/B] [B]?What??[/B] Ashlyn looked at her [B]?Just a feeling. Even Alex has been on edge, like he?s afraid of the water, and he?s not afraid of anything.?[/B] [B]?I wish I knew where Le? I mean, Professor Arcaine was.?[/B] Kei nodded, ignoring the name slip. [B]?God this fog is dense??[/B] ------- Back by the shore the other waited for their return in nervous silences. Only Armes seemed calm, leaning against a rock and almost smiling to herself. Alex paced and ran a hand through his hair. [B]?What?s wrong Alex?? [/B] Armes asked smoothly -------- [B]?I can?t see where we?re going?[/B] [B]?Let me check the compass? wait??[/B] Kei looked up sharply as if she were trying to read the fog in front of her. [B]?Something, is coming this way? fast.?[/B] Ashlyn gave her a questioning look. What was she talking about? She strained her ears and held her breath. Nothing. Then she heard it. Horse hooves, coming down fast. She peered through the fog as it parted and her heart leapt up to her throat. Two horses tilted down across the plain toward them. They were dressed in medieval armor and their swords were drawn, pointed directly at them? ----------------------- (OOC: Reiku, these knights won?t talk to you, but you can try. Good post so far guys, keep it up!)
Blue, green, bright light, swam in front of his eyes. And then slammed sharply into focus. Ken pulled himself up slowly. His head felt heavy and throbbed as he moved. [I]Crash. They had crashed.[/I] Then the pain hit him again ?Aw man, my head?? Ken placed a hand at the side of his skull. He pulled it away. [I]Blood. Not much, but some.[/I] He turned to look. He had hit it on a rock that stuck up from the beach. Slowly, he tried to stand, pulling himself up. He looked over and saw Aka running toward him. [B]?KEN!? [/B] she dove toward him, hugging him hard around the middle [B]?Uf!?[/B] he wrapped an arm around her and tried to balance [B]?Aka, help me stand.? [/B] She looked at him and nodded, like she wasn?t exactly sure why he needed help. She glanced down at the rock and saw the blood [B]?My god Ken??[/B] [B]?I?m fine, just a little dizzy.? [/B] She linked her arm underneath his shoulders and Ken could stand up straight. He looked around. He saw the others grabbing their things from the water, covering up with blankets. He turned to look where he had hit his head. Just behind the rock were a large pile of fallen tree branches leading into the trees. Aka turned too, then she laughed. [B]?Looks like you found some fire wood. Knew that head of yours was good for something.?[/B] He gave her a sarcastic look and they collected some of the wood, as much as they could with Aka still supporting him, and made their way slowly toward the others.
Discuss Welcome To Your Lesson On Love Underground [M-LSV]
Astdis replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
Um, some how I (Ken) seem to have been cut from the groups completely. I was in a group in the first list, now I'm not. Also "Amy" and I were working on something for the game in PM's, but the lists have changed a lot and I can't figure out which group I'm should be in now. Please help with this. (1st grouping) Group One Alex Aka Maria Hoshiko Kaela Andrew Kyo Natasha Courtney Group Two Jace Micky Rin Zephan Ranmaru Ken'Ichi Kina Dirk Amy -
Ken ran a hand through his hair and looked blankly through his suitcase. He was packed, the taxi would be there in half an hour. Aka was taking another shower. Guess she didn?t trust there?d be running water wherever they were going. Ken was out-of-it for a different reason though. [I]Maria had called. She wasn?t going on the trip. In fact, she was leaving. Everyone was shaken by the explosion, so they were moving to a different school. He may not see her again.[/I] Ken sat on the bed and placed his head in his hands. [I] He had never admitted it to anyone, but he had liked her? really liked her. Not like he did the other girls, she was different? way different.[/I] He heard a hesitant knocking at his door. He looked up to see Aka looking at him with concern. [B]?Hey there. The cab is here?Are you ok??[/B] [I]Already? Had he seriously been zoned out that long? [/I] He stood and shook out his hair, grabbing his bag and walking past Aka to the door. [B]?Yeah, I?m good. Let?s blow this place.?[/B] They rode to the airport in silence. At the airport, students crowded the boarding deck, talking and checking their bags. He saw Kaela, who waved, grinning at him. He managed a killer grin in return, but couldn?t make it over to her because of the crowd. He decided to look for others he could talk to closer to him until they boarded.
[B]?Alrighty then?? [/B] Ashlyn said under her breath shaking her head as she went into the main hall. Kei was sitting in the dinning room, she could see Pat sitting out on the front lawn sun bathing like an idiot. She was about to turn into the dinning room when she saw a piece of paper tapped to the door. [I]?Ashlyn, inform the others that I went ahead and will meet you at the shore line. I had something to take care of. Don?t worry about me. If anything should happen, I have a tracking device in my watch, you will find a watch of similar make in the library on my desk. See you guys soon. ? Leo?[/I] [B]?Oooo, Leo huh??[/B] She turned around to see Armes peeking over her shoulder. Ashlyn rolled her eyes [B]?Don?t even start with that.? [/B] She looked around and realized something [B]?Hey, when was the last time you saw Alex?? ?Alex? Last night, I saw him come in dragging Pat.? ?He wasn?t at the meeting this morning was he?? Armes shrugged ?I didn?t see him? ?k, I?ll send Emory to see if he?s awake. Then I guess we?ll head out??[/B]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Kariz was knocked to the side when one of the demons went for Ben. She fell and rolled into something with a thud. She stood slowly, trying to maintain balance of some kind, the demon?s backs were to her. Kariz was about to draw a knife when she noticed what she had fallen into. It was the controls. She turned and studied them quickly. She had seen a few movies involving close plane crashes. She leaned over the body of the pilot and took the wheel, pulling it up hard. The plane began to level out. A demon noticed the change in decent and turned to her. Kariz drew her smaller knife from her hip and turned to the demon. He grinned at her. [B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]?What do you plan to do with that little stick pin then??[/COLOR][/B] She returned his smile. He paused, grin fading, taken aback. She took the knife and jammed it hard in wheel to keep it level and whipped around with a roundhouse kick, knocking the demon off his feet and sending him skidding across the pit.[/COLOR]
[FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed][B]Name[/B]: Karizmasophie (Kariz) [B]Height[/B]: 5? 5? [B]Weight[/B]:120 [B]Age[/B]: 25 (soul 145) [B]Appearance[/B]: [IMG]http://www.latin-internet.com/Photos/2437-Radarany-01K.jpg[/IMG] [B]Race[/B]: Aries [B]Position[/B]: neutral because of the two dif. religious influences on her life, Buddhism from her grandmother and Christianity from her father. She believes there?s something out there, she?s just not sure what. * Believes in balance in nature. [B]Power[/B]: can control and start fires with her eyes or with her hands. Also can create and direct heat without flame. [B]Morph[/B]: tiger [IMG]http://www.worldwildlife.org/tigers/images/index.jpg[/IMG] [B]Weapons[/B]: 9.38in (blade) Jungle Commander Bowie, 13 3/8" (blade) Jungle Khukri Style Survival Machete and a customized (for humidity) .40 s&w [B]Bio[/B]: grew up on the beach near the city of Rio de Janeiro in South America with her ?Pai? (father), three brothers (one older, two younger), and her ?Avó? (grandmother). Her mother had died in a boating accident when she was 7. Her pai raised her like the boys, so she grew up beautiful and strong. She played soccer in school and went on hunting trips with her pai and brothers in the jungles. Her avó noticed her powers before she did, always telling her she was a blessed child. When Kariz turned sixteen, Avó gave her a raw-cut ruby pendent the size of a quarter, telling her it would bring her luck and never to remove it. Once while wondering the city after dark, a strange man attempted to rape Kariz. His hands on her wrists blistered and burned and his sleeves caught fire. She ran home and told Avó. For the next 8 years she trained to control and embrace her gift. While her pai and brothers didn?t understand it, they took it as a gift from God and supported her training. She's now a strong member of the Zodiac, putting her fire power and basic street smarts to work to help bring the balance back...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=DimGray]She sat on a green hill over looking the blue of the lake. The others in the group stood or sat near by, also observing the landscape. The weather was clear and sunny, there were no buildings in sight, no disturbance in the water, no trees to hide anything, no caves, nothing; no place where the missing people could be. Prof. Arcaine walked over and sat next to her. [B]?I?m sorry professor. I could have sworn this area had to be where they disappeared.?[/B] He smiled at her [B]?That?s alright, we haven?t checked it completely yet, you could still be right.?[/B] She nodded and watched the other students. Emory was walking around with some techy device, Kei and Armes were comparing notes, and Pat was standing looking at the landscape. He had probably discovered what she had; that there was no way this was the area. As she watched, he started to turn toward them, and then, he wasn?t there. He was gone. [B]?Pat? Pat!?[/B] Ashlyn jumped up[/COLOR] She looked around the room. She was sitting up in bed, the adrenaline pumping through her. She ran a hand through her hair and looked at the clock. She was supposed to meet the others downstairs in the dinning room in an hour. She got up, took a shower, blow-dried her hair, putting it in a bun and got dressed in a tee shirt and jeans. She went down the stairs. [B]?Morning Ashlyn.? ?Hey Professor.? ?Ashlyn, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Leo??[/B] She smirked at him [B]?At least once more, as always.?[/B] He shook his head, hair falling gracefully over his eyes.[B] ?Do you know where we?re going??[/B] [B]?Yes, I looked over the maps you gave me. It was basic to discover where the people must have disappeared from, especially since Katie vanished between the site and here.?[/B] She sat down at the table across from Prof. Arcaine, and poured herself some coffee. [B]?I hope everyone is up for this, we could be gone for a few days, or longer.?[/B] [B]?Or never.?[/B] She glared at him over her mug [B]?Don?t even joke?[/B] [B]?Sorry, couldn?t help it. I think everyone we?ve recruited will be fine? except maybe Emory? he doesn?t strike me as the adventure type, but he insisted on going.?[/B] [B]?True.?[/B] The others started filing in in various states of awakeness. Once everyone was there, Ashlyn presented where they were headed, and the professor have a basic pep talk and told everyone what they?d need to bring for basic survival. They agreed to meet back in half an hour with their stuff, ready to go. Ashlyn went up to her room and put on her shoulder holster and placed her basic knife on her belt with her fighting knife in her boot. [I]No one knew about her father or her upbringing. They all thought she was a bookworm with a decent sense of humor[/I]. She grabbed her leather coat to cover the gun and grabbed her book bag from beside the bed. She glanced in the mirror and started down the stairs to meet the group.
Alex looked around. There was a long tunnel that seemed to be lit by emergency lights. With the rubble the place looked deserted. Eric looked over at Alex [B]?So, what are we looking for??[/B] [B]?Anything suspicious, or dangerous, whichever comes first.? [/B] Ivy smirked at her for that and they kept walking. There were empty metal medical tables knocked into the path and against the walls. Eric shifted some of the rubble and a liquid among glass chips glistened in the dim light. [I]Whoever had been down there had left in a hurry when she and the guards had blasted through[/I]. Ivy handed Eric a vile and he took a sample before they moved on. They turned a corner and the rubble abruptly stopped. The lighting was the same, but the hall was completely empty. No doors, no tables, nothing. Ivy looked around [B]?Weird?[/B] Alex nodded. They walked on until Alex heard a hollow pop, like a thin piece metal being leaned on. She turned quickly and started pushing on the floor behind them with her foot. Ivy and Eric caught on quick. She heard the noise again. Eric grinned [B]?Jack-pot?[/B] He knelt down and started feeling for a crack or seem. He pulled up and the revealed a stairway. [B]?M??[/B] [B]?Yeah Alex, whatcha got?? ?Stairway, we?re going down.? ?Alright. Be careful? ?Will do?[/B] Ivy nodded to her [B]?So, who?s first??[/B] ----- They climbed down the stairs and opened into a square cement room with three doors. [B]?Shit, times like this we need someone for gun fodder?[/B] Eric and Ivy chuckled and Alex opened the first door on the left. They walked out onto a metal over look, with another staircase going down into the dark. Eric pulled out a flood light. [B]?Whoa?[/B] The room was huge, with beds stacked four high and 16 across. They walked down the stairs and started examining the bunks. Whoever or whatever had been in there had left in a hell of a hurry. Alex leaned over one of the bunks. There was something metal sticking out from under a pillow. She pushed that aside. It was a computer chip. She picked it up. [B]?Eric, shine the light this way? ?Interesting?.?[/B] Alex nodded and put it in her pocket. [B]?Uh, guys??[/B] [B]?What??[/B] they walked over to where Ivy was standing. She was looking up at the bottom of one of the bunks. There was a small, flashing red light. Alex started backing away [B]?RUN!?[/B] (OOC: Eric or Ivy take it, I post too much, lol)
[COLOR=DarkRed]Kariz stood and looked at the other zodiacs. Kadar looked at her [B][COLOR=DimGray]?Demons?[/COLOR][/B] [B]?Shit?[/B] Kariz reached up into the over head bin and started passing out weapons [B]?Ima, see if you can do something about the angle of this decent?[/B] Ima nodded and closed her eyes. The nose of the plane tipped slightly back up, but not enough [B][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]?Too fast?too heavy?? [/COLOR][/B] Ima mumbled [B][COLOR=Black]?Well, what are we fighting here?? [/COLOR][/B] Ben said, standing in the aisle. Zane shook his head [B][COLOR=Navy]?I can?t see anything?[/COLOR][/B] Camilla nodded [B][COLOR=Magenta]?Maybe the cabin??[/COLOR][/B] Kariz nodded to her and start heading for the front, which was an easy trip, since gravity was seriously pitching in there. Ben, Raven and Rubedo were right behind her. Kadar and Zane seemed to be trying to support Ima, and Camilla was calming the passengers. They did not seem to be comforted at all by their weapons etc, but that wasn?t the main concern right now. Kariz tried the cabin door. It was jammed [B][COLOR=Black]?Stand back?[/COLOR][/B] She moved and Ben kicked it in. Five men stood in the cabin over the dead pilots. They turned and she could see their eyes glowing red. [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]?Well well, if it isn?t the infamous zodiac, welcome to the party?.?[/B][/COLOR] (OOC: sorry so short guys...)
Ken look up at the night sky. He, Maria and Aka had gone to a fast-food place and goofed off for a couple hours. He held the door open for Aka and Maria as a guy ran up to them. [B]?Aka, there?s trouble.? ?What are you talking about??[/B] he must have been one of her gang members [B]?There?s some new gang moving in on us?[/B] [B]?Ok, Ken I gotta??[/B] He nodded [B]?I know, just hurry, and cell it if you need any back up?[/B] She returned the nod and patted his shoulder before running off with the guy. Maria looked a little pulsed [B]?Is she going to be ok??[/B] Ken sighed [B]?Should be. Sounds like a business meeting not a fight, yet. I?ll give you a ride home.?[/B] Maria nodded and they walked down the street to the apartment. Maria [I]was quiet, this allowed Ken to watch her, the way her hair moved when she walked, the way her eyes sparkled in the street lights.[/I]They reached the apartment and he climbed on the bike, handing her his jacket [B]?It?s going to be cold?[/B] She raised an eyebrow at him [B]?Thanks?[/B] They rode to her place and he parked the bike, walking her to the door. She turned and looked at him considering [B]?You surprised me today Ken?Ichi?[/B] This caught him off guard [B]?Yeah? How so??[/B] [B]?You?re always such a goof off, and a lady?s man, but today when you ran in with Alex to pull students from the wreckage, you proved you?re also a good guy. I was proud of you.?[/B] She smiled at him Ken ran a hand through his hair, looking at his feet and then he looked up and grinned at her [B]?Thanks babe?[/B] She took off his coat and handed it to him, smirking [B]?Go home trouble?[/B] He continued to grin [B]?Night, sweet dreams?[/B] He rode back to the apartment, went up the stairs and tossed his keys on the counter just as his cell started ringing [B]?Yo? ?Ken, it?s me? ?What?s up Aka?? ?Can you come get me? We?re done here.?[/B] She gave him the directions and he went back down and jumped on the bike.
[IMG]http://www.knowlesville.com/matt/images/2002-09/2002-09-26.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Navy][I]Morgaine watched as the mists closed around Avalon, locking her out forever?[/I][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]@))[/COLOR][COLOR=DarkGreen]---[COLOR=Green];[/COLOR]--------[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]The setting is modern day British Isles. People have been disapearing from the area for the past month. After the last disappearance, a group is being put together to find out what happened to these people and bring them back. [/CENTER] Ashlyn sat at a table in the pub, with a sandwich half in one hand and the corner of a map in the other. Prof. Arcaine had asked her to look at the maps of the area in which people we believed to have disappeared. Tomorrow they?d be heading out. [B]?Well well, if it isn?t the prettiest girl in the isles?[/B] She looked up over the edge of her glasses to see Pat grinning at her. [B]"What do ya want Patrick??[/B] her voice came out in a heavy irish accent [B]?I want you, to take off those glasses, set down that map and come out with me tonight?[/B] She smirked [B]?Well as temptin' as that offer is, I think I?ll 'ave ta pass?[/B] [B]?Oh come on Kelly? [/B] He leaned over and put a hand down on her map She raised an eyebrow at him, [I]she prayed someone would rescue her from this egotistical pain in the?. [/I] ---------------------- (OOC: Ok, everyone, I?m giving you a night before the quest begins to set up your characters and do some interacting. Students and Professor would be either at the pub or the main house. If anyone is playing a local, they?d be at home or possibly at the pub. Have fun guys :catgirl: )
Ken walked over to his bike. He saw that Aka?s was gone and shook his head. He?d thought about going to the hospital with Kaela, but he wanted to be home in case Aka needed to get a hold of him. [I]She was off dealing with gang buisness no doubt. [/I] Maria was leaning against his bike. [B]?You got an extra helmet??[/B] [B]?Here? [/B] Ken tossed her one [B]?You can wear mine?[/B] [B]?You are such an idiot? [/B] she said, smacking him in the head and climbing on behind him He just grinned and drove back to the apartment. [B]?Ok, make yourself comfortable and pick out some movies, I?m going to call and check on Kaela??[/B] --------- [B]?So she?s ok??[/B] [B]?Yeah, Kaela?s fine. They wanted to double check, make sure nothing was broken, but she?s fine.?[/B] Ken sighed and smiled [B]?Thanks Dirk.? ?No problem man.? ?Hey, is Alex there?? ?Yeah, he and Jace just came out. Jace went to find a nurse I think.? ?Can you put Alex on?? ?Yeah, just a sec?[/B] Ken heard some muffled talking then Alex came on the line [B]?Hey man? ?Hey, how you holdin? up?? ?Decent, my back hurts though.? [/B] Maria held up a couple movies and Ken nodded to her [B]?You should stop by on your way back from the hospital. We got an action movie line up going.? ?I might. Jace wants me to get checked out though, so I?ll probably be here for awhile.? ?Alright man, but everyone?s ok?? ?Yeah, as far as I know.You should call Zeph, he might want to do the movie thing? ?Yeah, I'll call him. I?ll catch you later then.? ?Later.?[/B] Ken dialed Zeph but didn't get an answr. He left a messege and hung up the phone, falling onto the couch. Maria stuck in a movie and sat with him [B]?So, were?s Aka??[/B] Ken shook his head [B]?I don?t know. I just hope she doesn?t get into too much trouble.?[/B]