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Everything posted by ForgottenRaider
Yes, it is odd. Leaving formative schooling and either entering the workforce or college is strange and interesting, scary even. Well worth it thought. I often see school like family, most people are just forced to be with a specific social group that you have little choice in, where as uni allows you to choose your friends and work allows you to have the money to go and meet people that interest you. Personally I have enjoyed my first year of uni more than any other form of schooling. Everything from hardcore partying, awesome friends, horribly great sex, and several other forms of entertainment that just aren't an option while being stuck in school. Sure while in highschool there is the social aspect, in fact for those of you old enough on these boards may remember The Otaku Crew, which at the time (to me) seemed like the best there was as every lunch we would meet on the front lawns and chat and stuff around. Though all of that slowly drifted away (I think Harlequin in the only one of us that still frequents this place) and that was the general trend of highschool. Uni and work is also like this though there is always new interesting things which is why I would take it over highschool any day. So never fear! Great and unimaginable things are on their way... (I hope for you!)
How do I express my feelings?
ForgottenRaider replied to demon slayer 5's topic in General Discussion
RTFM :) ...wait, females don't provide those. Bugger. Just get to know the person, find friends around them you can relate with to get closer, take your time, and learn how to move through life without asking every simple basic question on forums! -
By [i]made out[/i] do you really mean [i]had sex with[/i]? If you did then that is normal. Parents [b]hate[/b] that. If not and you really mean they got up you for a good old kissing session then you are lying to yourself. Your parents would have far better reasoning than that and really you need to sit down with them and find out those reasons, then come to a compromise or solution. Always try to look at locked situations like this from the other parties perspective.
Survival of the fittest I say; enjoy [i]your[/i] life. :D
...and the psychotropic drug industry successfully introduces a new generation to its customer base.
When you feel ready and think it's right. Simple as that. There are to many factors for any one here to offer any advice that would really help you. Hope your relationship goes well and remember in general people assume 'love' or at least 'like' (or in desperation 'lust') in relationships so rushing or making a big thing about saying it might just be a tad bit silly. :)
Mmm as a long running joke by my friends (three years now!) I'm meant to have a foot fetish. I categorically deny this! Though funnily enough I've suspected that about Tarintino after watching his movies. ^_^
Otakubaords - a community apart?
ForgottenRaider replied to Lord Dante's topic in General Discussion
Ironic, most ironic. Lord Dante I find it amusing in a thread about quality of the forums you misspell [i]boards[/i] even when it is listed in the title bar of every page! ^_^ Mmm though I totally agree with you...I personally tend to avoid forums where the posting quality is worse than my own and while OtakuBoards goes through patches of rubbishy posting on the whole it has been very good over the years. This sort of quality is rather rare indeed as I only see it in mostly geeky/technical forums. Most others are in poor form these days and all of this is made more suprising when you realise how young the average OB poster is. From a thread about this topic many years ago people commented that it must be the culture of quality that the moderators and general userbase expects. I agree. Elitist? I'll take the ability to easily read posts over name calling any day. :) -
Redundant, most redundant. Linkk I'm honestly very impressed...In just over two hundred and fifty words and three posts you've kept a thread going and finalised it without giving the posters any small hint to what they are posting about. I've never seen any one pull that off before. Kudos! :)
Oh go have a cry. In all seriousness who here has never seen anything offensive toward Mohammed, Jesus, Buddha, and all that lot? And getting the PM of a country to appologies because of a newspapers political comic guy decided to put in print what every rasicst, western country administration, and afraid (uninformed) citizen is thinking? Get off your high horses and get a dose of reality. I'm rather sure at some point during your lifes (excluding those muslims here, though I know some that have had rippers of jokes!) you've made a 'towel head' joke or some thing equally as cruel or god-forbid rasicst. As the saying goes; I don't agree with the statement, but I'll die for the right for it to be said. Welcome to free speech.
To be completely honest at school the times when we willingly did a lot of exercise was when teachers just said stuff-it and let us out for a lesson to play instead of doing the lesson. Fifty minutes of freedom outside the classroom laying on the grass, playing touch footy (I'm a geek so doing this sort of thing is rare for me), handball, running races and the like...This happened rather often during years ten through twelve and due to the total lack of requirement to exercise during this time (we weren't being forced) most were completely open to the idea of just doing excerise in some form that they picked. Now that I think about it we were tricked into that one rather well. :| I guess what I'm saying is that PE tends to be a chore and excerise should really be done in a completely fun way, when you feel like it, and every one else is happy to join in. I remember the only PE lessons I ever attended were the ones by two teachers who never planned their time and just opened up the sports sheds for the students...and grilled and ripped into everyone if some thing wasn't returned at the end of the lesson...everything else was up to us. Our grade of 180(+/-10) students only had one over weight girl and that was a genetic condition. Interesting statistic don't you think?
There are to many different values and personal goals between populations and this is easy to see in things like racism which tends to come about when sticking points between these sets of ideals clash and cannot be resolved. So it just isn't possible to start a world government that would stay stable... Just look at how damaged the UN was after America said it was a waste of time only to come running back a year or two later when it needed help. In fact that is a very good example of what one country, nation state, state - what ever you want to call it under a world government - would be able to do to put unfare pressure on a governing body and cause it to possibly disband or at least lose popular support. This sort of thing has already caused large rifts in Australia between one of our states and the others. (For those of you who are unaware of our policitcal system we are a federation of states so we have the main government who makes choices and then we have a senate which (is ment to) screen each choice to make sure each state gets equal opportunities/doesn't get screwed over and they have equal powers though in the past it has been abused causing big problems and one state has used the threat of leaving the federation as a means to make sure it gets its 'rightful' share and this still lingers. For those Australians who haven't done social science in Australian histroy I'm talking about Western Australia.) To be simple about it democracy simply, in its current form, cannot scale to some thing that large. There are enough problems just dealing with states and small populations as it is and on top of that you have the possibility of insane, corrupt, or just out right evil people getting into power leaving people no where to turn unlike now where you can just move if you don't like a choice of those in power. It is just an outright bad deal for the population and the best that could possibly be hoped for long term is an Orwellian reality... (Please read 1984 if you have not already done so.) If it how ever does come to a world government I will be supporting the Waffles party and its maple goodness!
As a gamer I feel it's important that I note that DDR [b]is pure evil[/b] and may as well be called 666! Also I find it comical how the school system in question missed this craze by a good two years and is trying to play catch up by being 'cool' and 'hip' ontop of commercialising some thing that should really be fixed by good lunches - a slap to the parents who feed their children crap day in and day out instead of [i]learning how to cook on a stove or even just a microwave![/i] - a good few games of footy for ten to fiften minutes a morning (estimated time the Australian Senate report (2005) into the issue recommends to defeat our countries over weight problem) - and basic common sense, eg: if you eat all those cheese burgers you're going to get fat. Then again what can you expect from a country who's school system is honestly attempting (and succeeding to some degree) to change the fundamental definition of science so it can teach childrens stories in science classrooms? (If you disagree with this paragraph you should join the [url=http://www.venganza.org/]First United Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster[/url] (clicky!) and fight to get the rightful Intelligent Design [strike]theory[/strike] accepted!)
Your Idea of the most romantic date
ForgottenRaider replied to Tical's Foxboy's topic in General Discussion
Mmm I don't tend to be romantic very often, or at least I don't feel like it as I'm told I am most of the time? Confusing people saying things! Anyway to me being romantic tends to be the idea of completely spoiling my girlfriend/partner by doing what ever they want and generally having fun. Going out for dinner at a nice restaurant, seeing a movie, going clubbing and ending up in one of the many great parks of this city just sitting on the grass in light rain looking at the stars and talking. Though it normally ends up being random long walks to no where or laying on the couch just talking for days on end (as in all day, every day, for a week or two) in each others arms etc. Or even just imprompt sex taken slowly. :) -
Another Tech Thread, About Energy
ForgottenRaider replied to Amorphous's topic in General Discussion
Mmm I agree, Q should sue for royalties...Seriously! Unfortunately this is really a [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_elephant]white elephant[/url] (clicky!) and on top of that it has the unfortunate side effect that if they lose containment (and there is a lot of debate on what this containment is) that they can remove a sizable chunk from the earth (Chernobyl future bomb style). -
[quote name='Amorphous']And as Retribution said it will only take time before it becomes more sophisticated.[/quote] Are you sure you're not American...Like it sounds like you're scared of your own shadow...I would yell 'terrorist' to check but I'm sure most of the people on this board would go into hiding. (It's a joke, laugh!) Okay what you need to understand is this is [i]Active Camouflage[/i] so even when it gets to the end point of the technology, camera's and oleds [b]in[/b] the fabric meaning it is only the coat and no external projectors and camera's, you are still only going to be 'invisible' when you're standing perfectly still. Watch Die Another Day (latest Bond movie) and look at his car for an example of what you should be expecting to be watching out for in the distant future. It's not like we are talking about Klingon cloaking of doom that the Federation has no counter to!
Haha you American's amuse me... You are worried about some primitive 'cloaking' technology when you can buy (off the shelf) weapons that make swis cheese out of other people and the like. Why can't you just see it from the point of view of 'hey rad, that's some nice tech, wouldn't mind having a play with it!'
It is illegal in [i]most[/i] Western countries to make a citizens arrest as you are holding some one against their will. Thus you personally can be (and most likely will be) fined and/or jailed for your crime which is seen as very serious (on par with kidnapping). See your local laws for how this is applied.
How the woman's body is used. [Mature Topic]
ForgottenRaider replied to Citrus's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Goddess][size=1]So, please don't take offense (if any :P ). [/size] :bdance:[/QUOTE] Mmm none at all. What I said was a sweeping generalisation which doesn't even apply to me well though covers everything reasonably effectively. -
- That I'd get $12 more a week from Centrelink if I sat at home unemployed.
How the woman's body is used. [Mature Topic]
ForgottenRaider replied to Citrus's topic in General Discussion
I thank those in this thread that have some sense and are speaking for the common people...It was starting to make me sick reading all of the self righteous 12-15 year old opinions of why porn is the devil because their mothers told them it was. Look people it is as simple as every one jerks off reasonably often (unless they are in a realationship where they are getting it often) and after awhile just looking at a clothed female or males doesn't do it so people tend to look for more. This is where mags come in, pictures, movies, the internet, and more perverted stuff. If you aren't one of these people and you are over 18 you are part of a vocal minority (often religious based) and it is you with the social problem...The rest of society just continues quietly and laughs with the knowledge that you'll have crap sex with the lights off for the rest of your life. And let me be specific this applies to males and females almost equally - as it happens the only user at work today to look at porn on the web was a female (who btw was warned as per our AUP). And two naked females? Common, I have an email sitting in a cache at work with two females doing 'interesting' things with double fists that got caught in a mail filter a month ago from one of the most respected and influential persons in this city - That I would class as degrading to females though I have reasonably high moral standards. Every adult looks at porn and enjoys it and if you don't you are broken socially, mentally, or physically (not that that is a problem?). That is if we are being mature about this topic anyway - and blunt. Move along and get on with your life. (And don't search for your porn at school or work; your sys admins are watching!) -
Everyone loves Magical Trevor.... right?
ForgottenRaider replied to Ryoko Lita's topic in General Discussion
I just cant wait till people have a look around and find Salad Fingers...Oh that will be fun. :D Either way this is old news...Nothing to see here...Where can you find Lions? Only in Kenya! Do De Do Do DO! -
opinions on gun control/right-to-carry concealed weapons
ForgottenRaider replied to Dale_Valley's topic in General Discussion
I carry a small pocket knife and two screw drivers around so I don't forget them at work...According to police and airports they are concealed weapons though they are purely work related tools and I dislike not being able to carry them without risking the fine. (I carry them anyway.) As for firearms I am a big fan of rifles and I'm a rather good shot though I support Australian style firearm laws almost completely. The gereral population has absolutely no need for projectile weapons of any description out side of sport and even then there is no need for anything more powerful than a 303 target rifle or a mid caliber pistol. As one of those who enjoys the sport I have no problems getting hold of a weapon and clubs to join to fire to firearm. (In Australia in a sporting club you sign two forms, hand over money for the rounds, and borrow a club weapon as you go onto the range and all up takes about five minutes.) I also sleep soundly at night enjoying the thought that if some one breaks into this house the most they will be carrying is a knife. If there is a complication or the robber is nervous there is no chance than I can be accidentally shot in the following confusion. It does however confuse me how some in this thread support the arms race idea of leveling the playing field when it is clearly not the case in every other country (according to Michael Moore) and hasn't been the case in historically similar events (Cold War anyone?). Maybe you Americans are just to stupid not to kill each other even if the civil population was disarmed? -
What do you do when you have nothing to do?
ForgottenRaider replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
Chatting on IRC, uni assignments, work, learning computer langs, movies, tv shows, general internet surfing. There is plenty to do and if I can't find anything interesting I just go to mates and hang out. Fun stuff. :) -
[QUOTE=Ryli][COLOR=DarkRed]I doubt you are even mature enough for a relationship at the moment, so get out of the situation and don't date .... I'm 19 and I am still not ready. It's not really love if you feel like you can't die for that person.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I was about to say I'm 19 and no where near mature enough; but you beat me to it! I can out right say that I haven't loved any one though the people I have gone out with I've liked greatly which has made it painful when the relationship ends. And those are the breaks - get used to it. And mate if you think you've got ex-gf problems you've got nothing...Try "it might be yours" on for size. :animedepr