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Everything posted by ForgottenRaider
(mature???)Random question! What turns you on?
ForgottenRaider replied to orbindo's topic in General Discussion
Some one who is smarter than me...Like nerdy and prefferably drop dead sexy. :p And yes, some one who likes to play a bit rough. ;) -
[quote name='Starwind']Actually, while the PATRIOT act, which did in fact have large supprot only a few months ago, it has fallen in this incline ever since republican majority cahirman Tom Delay has stepped down from office the act has lost quite abit of it's support and will be coming to and end in the next month.[/quote] Did you really need to quote my whole post? Also I just checked and what I said was accurate: [url]http://politics.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/12/22/1659257&tid=123&tid=219[/url] My favourite line is "That vote came on the same day that The New York Times reported that President Bush authorized the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on U.S. residents, without warrants." Again. Enjoy your freedom; don't spend it all at once! :)
(mature discussion) Your Opinions on Sex Change
ForgottenRaider replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
I don't agree with it. Though not strongly enough to distance myself from the sort of person who would do it. I cannot see it as some thing that would block a friendship though I could certainly never be in a relationship with some one who had been changed. In reality every one hates their bodies (generalisation) and those that take it to that extent are misguided as are those who have, purely, cosmetic surgery. It is some thing every one has to deal with and this is giving in. -
At it again ey James? That extra line pointing out that it was a joke was added just for you though unfortunately as usual your keen sense of humour just ran right by. I often wondered why it is that with your need to defend the biggest super power on the planet on any little point and after awhile it just seemed that it is some thing you like to do. Your reasons are your own and I have learnt not to question them ? negative reinforcement - though please once in a while just let some thing slide? Now in defence of myself before I made that [i]joke[/i] I researched it and while your point of comparison to other far worse (in your opinion) regimes is valid (and to be fair I didn?t consider it fully) I still feel that my point of jest is valid or at least should provoke thought and maybe action on behalf of the American people to avoid it slipping down that long slope. My father often told me if you have to explain a joke to some one, [b]don?t[/b]. [quote name='Starwind']?do you really think this is the democracy first invisioned by the our founding fathers?[/quote] Interestingly enough my contempt for the American version of democracy that I held when compared to that of the English or Australian systems was replace with pure respect when I spent a great deal of time researching your founding fathers. In fact it was replaced by disgust at the degradation of their work and that their words of wisdom have been lost on the people of not only America but any one trying to maintain a democracy. So much so that the quote in my signature is sitting at the top of my list of favoured great words - and I whole heartedly agree with the sentiment. The group of people that created America were indeed smart and well thought men and I find it shocking that their works (there are a lot of them) and ideals aren?t some thing learnt in your schools. Also when they did create this system Jefferson (along with the others) predicted all of the current pitfalls and even which side of politics would cause them. At the time they stated it was the best system that they could come up with and mused that it would only last a few hundred years before corruption and fractures would appear by which time they had hoped that similarly intelligent people had updated it or replaced it completely with some thing better. This hasn?t happened and we are (as a world) dealing with the results?DMCA any one? [quote]Fortunatly certain clauses of the patriot act, which was the biggest slap in the face to the bill of rights in almost a hundred years, are about to expire and we can begin to return to normal.[/quote] I believe there was overwhelming support for a six month extension to the PATRIOT act. Enjoy. :) [quote]?idea to solve the problem on terror was to create this color coded chart to induce terror[/quote] Unfortunately it isn?t his idea and even worse he didn?t even pull it off that well. This current fear of terrorism is just a created myth much like that of the Cold War and similar repeats through history. Sure the threats are there but there really wont be much behind them (I believe the term is paper tiger?). It is a very clever control mechanism where in you get a population to have absolute fear in some thing and they will agree with your choices if you present yourself as a strong leader. It is how tribes operate. Do you honestly believe that you will be killed in a terrorist attack? Look at it, there is more chance that you will die living your day to day life in the next hour than being blown up. So why live in fear of it? I love laughing at people who refuse to go to the shops because of the terror rating or that there [i]might[/i] be a threat. Seriously... One thing that does interest me is the thought that maybe it is the idealists just hiding behind the curtains around the place that slowly some how swing things back towards the centre (from the left or right of ideologies). I?ve never really thought about how this does happen; does any one know about this specific part of this topic in regard to historical points?
[quote name='Avenged666fold']If you nuke em u can still take the oil and diamons then sell it for poppies.[/quote] Fine! I am overly analytical. Firebombing would by far be the better way as a nuke attack would not only put the oil fields at risk but it would also destroy the infrastructure that would allow you to easily take the oil. And the effects of a nuke blast on a diamond field would (I assume) be rather bad leading to a lot of broken diamonds. So really if you were to be evil in this way you'd have to plan it so you could 'steal all the booty' (because you would be a pirate, duh!) and buy poppies.
[QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]Aw, c'mon, Raider, don't spoil the fun with your overanalytical antics. I'd run - why stick around to fight a battle that you could die in? Running is the best option, solely because you save your own life without risking it in an attack. But don't listen to me - that's just myself trying to justify my cowardice.[/size][/QUOTE] But MMMMAAAAAAAAAH...I like spoiling fun and then jumping on the thin plastic bag that the fun was hiding in. Oh so much distaste of the fun! *Continues jumping on the bag!* Though the way was I think is if they are annoyed enough to kill you they are probably going to put effort into chasing you...So why be the one on the back foot? Seriously you could be all quiet and cool like some one out of the Matrix just hiding behind sunnies and BAM you take down one of the bad guys and run away from police. So from the logical (and I use the term extremely loosely) point of view and the coolness factor angle I'd do what I pointed out in my first post. ...So much hate of the funage! *Kills it some more with a rubber mallet!*
[quote name='Stark']To fight off the possibility of Totalitarianism, which is entirely possible, as well as Rome's fate, I believe that people need to know what's going on in the world.[/quote] Oh...My bad. I thought America was already a Totalitarian State with all your PATRIOTness, no need for court approval to wire tap, and lovely emergency powers that the president refuses to give up. Guess I'll give it another year then, you guys should be right for that title by then, right? (*It's a joke, laugh!(tm)) I would like to clarify my first post also: I have no wish to quash idealists as I myself am one, and while the sentiment that one voice can in fact make a difference is a farce a group of like minded people can go a long way to change a region or even a large part of the world. So if you have a good idea run with it. Also a government becomes corrupt when it stops serving the people and at this point should start losing respect. The flaw of course is that people refuse to partake in civilised and educated debate in regard to politics so governments are left unchecked at voting time. Similarly the Church while it may have noble goals of love for every one in Gods eyes it turns a blind eye to its own faults and causes large rifts in society to meet a minority ideology.
Enter key dude, enter key! Use it... Anyway you make a huge assumption in your lead up and that is that the world is in fact fair. This is a huge mistake to make and, not that I want to crush your spirit or anything, tends to stop any major leaps forward in society - or it at least slows them down a lot. Another assumption is that this generation will have any real control some time soon; don't worry life has already thought of a way around that. Those that control the world and its direction now have no real wish for it to change and unfortunately (or fortunately for them because else they would die) they wont give up this power to idealists or new people meaning that by the time any from our generation get this might they will be already bitter and hate change as much as those who came before them. A famous person who I couldn't be bothered googling for once said "Everything has been thought before" and even more profoundly an Australian band Something for Kate (far more recently) sang "You're not the first to think that everything has been thought before." So there you have it; countless generations have all thought like you and very few have made anything of it...And those that did (as badly pointed out by Corey) tended to be Hitler, Stalin, Marx, Gates, Bonaparte, Ra and the like. So by all means be the one that changes everything for the better - just make sure nine out of ten non-brainwashed peasants agree that you're not insane before you do. I, on the other hand, plan to be some one who uses the current system to do good. :)
I'm guessing this is a troll thread? Mmm also a 'war' requires there to be two (or more) forces out to eliminate the other. You talk more of a duel or hunt as per (generic) Dragon Ball-Z sort of rubbish. Anyway as a personality question I guess I would go to ground and find out as much information about the some one (or group) after me. Once the information was known work out the simplest way to avoid further complications - involve police, obtain weapons for some 'dirty work', or reason with said party. Then enact the plan. Even though it is a badly asked question I would be interested to hear others reactions to this sort of question. Would they lash out or be calm and collected about dealing with the event?
For me personally (I am 19 at the moment) I would consider a female two years either way out right and upto 25 if there was some thing there. I perfer some one my age though maturity level doesn't worry me, to much.
A maths book. Please, please, really, don't ask.
I love how things like this just slowly make their way around the internet...In fact just off the top of my head I'm sure this is the sixth time this has been raised as a thread in all the time I've been coming to this forum. What is really interesting is back in 2000 when this started going around I remember it was horridly difficult to pick if it was a Photoshop job or real where as these days it can easily be picked as a chop. Funny how we get used to CGI and being able to pick it from a mile away... So what's next? Some one going to post about the debug virus in c:\windows\? ([url=http://vil.nai.com/vil/content/v_99436.htm]clicky![/url])
It is just another fad; it will pass.
Yes there is far to much Pokemon though I personally only credit the following as being legitimate: Pokemon the series, the gameboy games blue and red, the card game (and gb version), and lastly pokemon snap on n64. Everything after that was just to far. I remember being a huge fan of Pokemon in primary school and now I'm in University. So yeah...
[quote name='MangaFan007][b]First[/b], make sure your computer has all the latest security patches installed. To search for new security updates, point your browser to: [url]http://update.microsoft.com/[/url']. NOTE that the online update system will only work in Internet Explorer, as it requires embedded ActiveX controls.[/quote] For users who do not wish to use Internet Explorer to apply their Windows Updates due to its security flaws the following service is worth bookmarking [url]http://windowsupdate.62nds.com/[/url] . WindizUpdate allows you to update Windows easily using Firefox, Opera, MSIE, and practically any mainstream browser plus it tends to be quicker and the update function doesn't break like the official Windows Update System.
Heh. I think the only passing of the day that I noticed was one news report quickly noting that some parents and loved ones had some gathering at "ground zero" and some one yelling "HAPPY BOMB AMERICA DAY ALL!" on IRC. I just don't care at all. Though since then we've had two (pointless?) wars that have made my petrol costs painful and increased the chances that I personally may come under attack. A tsunami that killed hundreds of thousands of people and several famines that went unmet leading to the deaths of further hundreds of thousands. I think I'm entitled to just not bother with a few deaths in a building that one country thinks is more important four years after the fact. ...Maybe every one else has come to the same conclusion? To quote Southpark - Nothing to see here, move along.
[quote name='Dagger']Hey--I was the first convert on these boards! Way to steal my glory. :p[/quote] We are all equally worthy of being touched by HIS Noodly Appendage. Heh, you must remember science (as a community, mmm misusing words!) is just treating an incorrect explanation the way any other submission to peers of incorrect research would be. The fact that the submitters are now religious folk and not intelligent (flamebait+1) scientists who have researched and come to a conclusion has thrown a spanner in the works. Think Marge Simpson as "just one screwball" on a mission to put God into every ones lives again. Intelligent Design is not a scientific theory and has never tried to be, it hasn't submitted any evidence or research to any recognised source... It just rocked up one Friday afternoon when every one just wants to knock off and get a beer from a bunch of guys who thought they could do some thing interesting one day. And that is why it is so laughable in the real world, at least when some one pushes it as a non Christian scientific theory instead of a faith based adaptation of Evolution that sits nicely with the Bible which when you get down to it is all it is. The community of scientists has never had a chance to formally put this theory to death because it has never been presented to them for logical and straight forward debate. (I wonder why?) This isn't ID vs Evolution. This is a bunch (and a small one at that, they just have big mouths) of Christians putting down Evolution because it doesn't fit their nice safe world as described by God. Scientists know that it is a joke but they are fighting it because the implication of taking science out of the science class room is unthinkable. RAmen.
Okay...I want what you're smoking. [url=http://www.webelements.com/webelements/elements/text/Uuq/key.html]ununquadium (clicky! webelements.com)[/url] [url=http://www.webelements.com/webelements/elements/text/Uuh/key.html]ununhexium (clicky! webelements.com)[/url] [url=http://www.webelements.com/webelements/elements/text/Uuo/key.html]ununoctium (clicky! webelements.com)[/url] (doesn't exist) [url=http://www.webelements.com/webelements/elements/text/Uuu/key.html]unununium (clicky! webelements.com)[/url] [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interstate_90]Interstate 90 (clicky! wikipedia.org)[/url] (doesn't go near New Orleans) [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Orleans]New Orleans (clicky! wikipedia.org)[/url] Okie day... Ununoctium Phosphonicide (which you spell incorrectly) doesn't and cannot exist, as Ununoctium doesn't exist (yet). Also Interstate 90 goes no where near New Orleans and therefor cannot have been the cause of any deaths due to Katrina. And if for a moment you believe any of the above that you talk about is real you need to come to the real world. Else, I'd score it a six out of ten for trolling - no style but you still got responses and put basic effort into it. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to learn slightly more than I already knew. (Mmm researching is fun!) Nice work on the Magnus Opus reference as well. So thanks for playing and have a nice day. *Calls in the Mods*
Thank [url=http://www.venganza.org/]Flying Spaghetti Monster[/url] that this sort of talk is limited to America and that the rest of the world is staying perfectly sane about the issue (and ignoring it). I can only hope that American's importance in the world fades before it slips to far into religious control and starts to force its ideas of pseudosciences onto the rest of the world which is honestly trying to understand the world around it - not feel better about that second car and the poor blacks drowning because no one helped them flee because god is once again safe for blind belief. (For flamers who might want to dig into that last comment: Well? Did you even think to raise a finger before the event, heh, even the whites there weren't helped.) Or is American already there? I have my ticket to Mr Bush's next weekly Bible reading in the Whitehouse, do you? I urge any one who really wants to be informed on this issue to join myself in the [url=http://www.venganza.org/]one true Intelligent Design theory (clicky! venganza.org)[/url] (of the [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_Spaghetti_Monster]First United Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (clicky! wikipedia.org)[/url] - we have a stripper factory and a beer volcano in our heaven!) or to learn about the the subject by taking an in depth and independent of religious implications (don't ask your priest) look at both Evolution (by Natural Selection) and Intelligent Design. Please note this is a frustration post based on the pure insanity of the people who honestly support this ?theory? of ID without any understanding of the background or implications of inclusion of a non science in a science class. This is inclusive to all but two of the posters on the side of ID... At least two of you know what you are talking about - and if you still believe it is right to [b]force[/b] this on the science world I guess out of principal I respect your right to do that... Just remember, the earth was once flat according to people just like yourselves. And for [url=http://www.venganza.org/]FSM[/url]s sake, the Big Bang has nothing at all to do with ID and Evolution - any one who has even made that implication in this thread (or history!) has painted the words ?I Do Not Really Know What I Am Talking About!? on their forehead in big letters. And I leave you with the definitive proof that the [url=http://www.venganza.org/]FSM[/url] is the one true creator from a fellow Australian who unlike myself holds a PhD... [quote]"If intelligent design (ID) is based on science, not faith, then it should fulfill the same criteria as any other scientific theory. One of the most important of these is Occam's Razor, the principle that the best explanation for a given phenomenon is the one which is simplest, or to put it another way, raises the least new questions. Most ID theories fail the test of Occam's Razor, because they do not define what entity is doing the designing, or they imply that some sort of god is responsible, which raises the question of whether this god actually exists. However, Flying Spaghetti Monsterism explains clearly who the intelligent designer is, and furthermore, unlike the case for god, there is ample experimental proof that spaghetti does actually exist. I therefore recommend that if ID is to be taught in schools, it should be made clear to students that FSM is by far the most plausible of the many competing ID theories. RAmen." [b]-- S. Bilson-Thompson, PhD (Australia)[/b][/quote] RAmen.
[quote name='James][font=franklin gothic medium']That way these things are taught in a more accurate context and students can make educated decisions about both concepts.[/font][/quote] [b]Are you calling me a liar[/b]? [i]I think you are[/i]!... Intelligent Design is a well thought out factual explanation of what really did happen. As well as this I am fighting for the right that my beliefs in Intelligent Design, specifically the strand handed down to us from up high and practiced under the [url=http://www.venganza.org/]United Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster[/url], will remain strong until this fight for the minds of young people all over the world is won in our favor! Those of you who point out that creationism and evolution are completely separate events/ideas and don't conflict with each other are just trying to use logic to corrupt our firm knowledge that we are right. We shall ignore you like a well worn shoe! Further more this applies to those pathetic biologists in their fancy I'm-a-rich-boy-not-a-stupid-hick-like-you lab coats who can shove their examples that Humans are in fact rather badly designed in the first place so if any one did have a part in it they should be fired and sued for negligence talk out the window. That's right, we at the [url=http://www.venganza.org/]Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster[/url] are on to you and your misuse of truth and fact, soon we shall cover you in tomato and mince goodness until you surrender your scientifically accurate ways! And as for I-only-give-one-version-of-Intelligent-Design Bush we at the [url=http://www.venganza.org/]Church of the FSM[/url] look down on you for ignoring our true goal in believing in Intelligent Design... To increase our security in the knowledge that we are (as fundamentalist Christians), and always will be, right. PS. Evolution sucks.
[quote name='DjManix']just a thought....but isnt this thread steering down the off topic lane? anyways, your guys info has helped me alot too guys ^^[/quote] With the hand break firmly on... :| Glad you did learn some thing though. :) For me code > design; though design should be dependant on good code!
I personally had more fun with [url=http://moon.google.com/]Google Moon (clicky!)[/url].
Cruel Robbers Take Items From Cemetery
ForgottenRaider replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Red]No offence intended but in this day & age this kind of thing is bound to happen. It's not uncommon, it's thousands of years away from being a new occurence, it's just human nature. For some people, freely available item = theft. Big old block of stone in the ground = graffiti spot, and so on until we're all blue in the face shouting atrocity & outrage. It won't change, there are just too many people on the planet.[/QUOTE] This day and age? Heh, I'm just impressed how civil people have been about this sort of thing for the last four hundred years or so. My limited knowledge in this area suggests that death has been treated far more seriously recently and stealing, damaging, and attacking graves is no where near as bad as it was before this time. So isolated cases of the work of some stoner's or drunks can easily go by without a problem. Painful for the people involved but still only some thing short term - they will fix what was broken and hopefully get on with their lives rather quickly. ..Or in short, I agree with Red. -
Anime What if you could have any Anime turned into a movie?
ForgottenRaider replied to a topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='Hayama']Evangelion! They're already working on a live action Eva movie but if I could I would make it already be done so I could see it NOW! I think it will be very interesting to see what they do to fit Eva into a movie or movies. I hope they cast people who really fit the the characters. But you know, it's going to have a very western taste to it (if they ever get around to actually making it!) I hope they do a good job![/quote] Rei will be renamed to Ray. This is typical of the changes they are making. I think the original idea of Evangelion will just be twisted beyond recognition, I don't think I look forward to NGE having a western spin. [edit] A Hellsing movie would rock! -
UserDan your comment discrediting Aiyisha post is inaccurate as her (just guessing? :p) definition of a server is completely correct. :) A computer server is [i]normally[/i] a computer that is running specific software for a specific area of a systems, it does [b]not[/b] have to be on the internet. I agree with Wikipedia on what a server is: (Following quoted from [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server]Wikipedia (clicky!)[/url]) [i]In computing, a server is:[/i] * A computer software application that carries out some task (i.e. provides a service) on behalf of yet another piece of software called a client. In the case of the Web: An example of a server is the Apache Web Server, and an example of a client is the Mozilla Web Browser. Other server (and client) software exists for other services such as e-mail, printing, remote login, and even displaying graphical output. This is usually divided into file serving, allowing users to store and access files on a common computer; and application serving, where the software runs a computer program to carry out some task for the users. This is the original meaning of the term. Web, mail, and database servers are what most people access when using the Internet. * The term is now also used to mean the physical computer on which the software runs. Originally server software would be located on a mainframe computer or minicomputer. These have largely been replaced by computers built using a more robust version of the microprocessor technology than is used in personal computers, and the term "server" was adopted to describe microprocessor-based machines designed for this purpose. In a general sense, server machines have high-capacity (and sometimes redundant) power supplies, a motherboard built for durability in 24x7 operations, large quantities of ECC RAM, and fast I/O subsystem employing technologies such as SCSI, RAID, and PCI-X or PCI Express. [quote name='Aiyisha][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Because, [i]smart-arse[/i], it's using a floating DIV on the left for the nav and another floating tag on the right for the content, By default DIV tags don't stretch when floating child elements hit the bottom of them. Obviously, tables do, thus they were used to house the content and nav DIVs. We could use specialist CSS classes, of course, but it wouldn't freaking matter because IE's a piece of **** and doesn't recognise them. There's your question answered. ~_^ *coded the layout*[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] Though dear one should not use tables for layout as they are designed for tabular data only. A mixture of (X)HTML/CSS is far better netiquette and makes sure that it is cross browser compatible with Firefox, Opera, and Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE). W3C standards outline the correct method for defining layouts and simpler (easier to follow) guides to using these standards are easy to find at places like [url=www.w3schools.com]w3schools (clicky!)[/url] and [url=www.htmldog.com]html dog (clicky!)[/url]. Anyway I was just interested in why they were used considering most of the page followed standards. Now there is no point putting down MSIE as it is stock standard with all Windows installs so the people using it are to lazy or just haven't been educated in the dangerous risks of using it to switch to some thing better. So it is just a fact of life until the majority of the web makes the switch to newer browsers. Though just because it holds slightly over 80% of the browser market doesn't mean it is an excuse to be a lazy web coder and not adhere to standards; remember when Windows Vista is released it is expected that Firefox will take up to 60% of the market. Firefox isn't a fan of none web standards code. :p [i]If double posting is not allowed please merge these two posts[/i] [color=#4B0082]I'm sure you're competent enough to use quote tags manually and edit posts to add things later. Next time you can do it yourself. :p - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color] I rather sure I am as well. :p