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Everything posted by ForgottenRaider

  1. [quote name='userdan']Actually, Apache is a server to browser communicator(STBC), not a server, a server is a PC running apache.[/quote] I believe this is just a complaint about the use of the term [b]server[/b]? If so I'm happy to replace [i]server[/i] with [i]service[/i] which is a far more apt description of Apache in this new "Gates Speak" world. Though if you really want a fight about it I have [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_server]Wikipedia (clicky!)[/url] and the [url=http://httpd.apache.org/]Apache Foundation and Project (clicky!)[/url] agreeing with my use of "Apache (web) Server". Though I disagree that the box that a service runs on can be the only object/system that gets to use the term server.
  2. [quote name='Lady Asphyxia][font=Arial Narrow][size=2]As for PHP: It's another way to tell the webpage what to do. At its most basic level, people use it to include their layouts rather than having to paste the layout [I.e head /head tags, etc] onto the page. In the same way that External CSS sheets mean that you can have all of the pages linking to that -- so when you change it, the changes are reflected on everypage --, PHP includes mean that you can include your entire layout in just two tags -- and have the content in between.[/size'][/font][/quote] I am impressed Asphy. :) I didn't see you as one to pickup web design/art really... Though why use a mixture of tables and divs on your site? Though off topic. :p I hope the following helps as I think you are a bit confused Sean. Okay PHP since about version 3.x(.2?) has moved beyond the realm of simple web "helper" and addition abilities and over 4.x and now 5.x branches has turned into a full OOP language very similar to C++. What this means to you Sean is not very much at all... Luckily the PHP community loves you and every one in the world who is interested in PHP by providing one of the best new user and developer manuals in existence, which you can find [url=http://www.php.net/manual/en/]here (clicky!)[/url]. Reading about and learning MySQL/PHP is your best chance of getting more work (if you are after web development money on the side) and enjoying web coding as these features are very advanced and leave you well on the way to knowing LAMP (google it!). Plus you will be able to do what you are talking about by following the examples in the manual. [b]So now you have no reason not to RTFM![/b] ..heh. Though you don't seem to overly understand MySQL and what it has to do with PHP. SQL is a database accessing syntax and MySQL allows you to interact (phpmyadmin is a very good new user tool for this) with current generation databases via an open source SQL platform. PHPs involvement here is that it allows you to call databases using SQL from any SQL-compatible backend (normally MySQL) from _inside_ the webpage which you can read about in detail in the manual. This allows for a huge expansion of websites, instead of just injecting your headers and footers from an existing store (or your content) you can hold your whole website in a database (probably what you'd want for a comic) that is dynamically created every time some one loads it. This allows for easy editing through backends that you can create or that you tie in to existing Content Management Systems (CMS - google it!). A note though, why reinvent the wheel? I'm rather sure there are several comic specific frontend/backend solutions available for free... Of course if there isn't you can write one and release it under the GPL so others can benefit. :D 2cents... EDIT: Apache is a web server! It deals with the interaction of your web browser ([url=http://mozilla.org/]Firefox (clicky!)[/url] I hope!) and the server that your website sits on. It in effect serves (just like the nice ladies at your local coffee place - mmm coffee) the code and pre-scripted events to your browser so you can see them. Apache has a MySQL module that allows it to use SQL to interact with the servers database and the web pages code - so apart from that the two programs are completely different and independent of each other, the same applies for PHP.
  3. [quote name='vegeta rocker']really juvenile and stupid.[/quote] I love this quote as I get to guess a stereotype! I have only read two posts by you and I'm guessing one of two things, you are religious or young (under 16)? I say this because any one who has been in a sex shop gets the idea [b]very[/b] quickly that adults have some really strange fetishes and comes to the realisation that it is just another way to have some fun unless you like the normal positions and that is all you ever want in your love life. This of course makes anything related to sex that is strange not juvenile at all (as every one involved is older than the required legal age!) though possibly stupid. I think people should be free to do what they want in this area without others putting them down for it. So Cybering is just another angle on this and is basically a new form of phone sex, I don't see anything wrong with it. I find the idea of cheating to be silly, if people don't like a relationship they shouldn't be in it, so for me I don't hold a view there. And what is this assumption it is for people who can't get any, what about those living far away from each over that are to poor for phone calls (:p)? It personally makes me feel sheepish so I avoid it completely, Charles is right in my opinion. :P
  4. Other wise known as [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malware]malware (clicky!)[/url]. I would suggest that you [i]might[/i] have continuing problems with msn messenger and internet explorer in future until the operating system is reinstalled even if you have reinstalled these programs. If you do and if a reinstall sounds like a big thing that you couldn't be bothered with I suggest doing what I do in that case... Switch to [url=http://mozilla.org/]Firefox and Thunderbird (clicky!)[/url] for browsing and email and an alternative like Gaim (google it) for msn as this almost (almost!) eliminates this sort of thing happening in future. I recommend doing this anyway as our friends at Microsoft seem to have little idea how to write a program that is secure. :)
  5. This was a simple case of people out side of geek culture thinking they know what viewers want and how they can make more money off it. Unfortunately it is not rare for this to happen to any large scale entertainment targeted at the computer loving world. It seems the only things that survive are independent groups like redvsblue, pure pwnage, ctrl alt del and the like.
  6. I've had a good look for it now and I've had no luck finding a decent quality copy of it anywhere. I've found half an episode on a very old VHS tape though it wasn't watchable. :( Also seeing as it is very old I have no moral problems pirating it though even after a good look around the usual places it doesn't seem like any one has it. Though when it was on TV the internet wasn't some thing that people used every day, let alone to send shows over it... I'll keep looking thought I don't think I will have any luck. Just would have been cool to watch it again. :)
  7. [QUOTE=Evil Jedi]The verdict didn't really suprise me at all. The prosecution builds up this scandalous case, and the defense shoots it full of holes, and turns the tables on the accusers, who thought they had this pretty well planned out. IMO: Michael should seek compensation, Sneddon should retire.[/QUOTE] I'm going to have to agree, none of us saw what the media didn't want to show though still the case seemed dodge and I doubt every news network was being bias in Jacksons favor. Though Jackson isn't in a position to seek compensation and I doubt the people have the money anyway. Innocent until shown without a doubt to be guilty is what law in most of the western world is based on, it seems that held true in this case which is a win for the legal system in America (it needs one every so often...). I'm happy with the outcome.
  8. Hehe, well not to worry benakittie, just because some thing is hereditary doesn't mean you will get it. Well it might if the disorder is linked to a dominant gene though I'm not really up on that side of skitzo people. Ask your mother what the chances are that you will inherit it and also remember that the drugs and control for this sort of thing are better now than they ever have been in the past. Though it isn't really a pretty one to get stuck with.
  9. Recently I got a few music clips done to anime (aka anime clips) from a mate. One of them happened to be from Samurai Pizza Cats which I quickly remembered from when I was very young, back when agro's cartoon connection was newish and cheeze tv wasn't even thought of. Bringing back all of those good memory's I thought for a laugh it would be great to get the whole series and sit down and watch it all with friends who all remember it too. Problem is it doesn't seem to exist any more. Which is why I am asking for some help. Does any one know of a way of obtaining some thing this old? Does any one else even remember it? :p
  10. Anything I do not have to cook, clean up after, or pay for is the best food in existence. If it is meat based, has garlic, and chips on top of that I'm basically in heaven. Else anything that is easy to cook and tastes nice - pork chops are a prime example of that - is good.
  11. [quote name='Bloodseeker']5. Exactly, the sales say that sex sales, and that the prime demographic for gaming are younger males.[/quote] Most gaming males have a sister and/or a girlfriend. Is it just me or is Maxis the only company on the planet that has realised that so far? Do you have any idea how many females play The Sims and have many of the expansions? (My sister has at least five expansions all costing around $50.) And it isn't really because they overly like The Sims that they are so involved, it is because there is nothing else focused towards types of games they enjoy playing. Generalisations yes, guys do play The Sims and there are one or two other games for females (eg sol.exe (win) or frozen bubble (lin)).
  12. [url]http://www.pointlesswasteoftime.com/games/manifesto.html[/url] First off the link has mild swearing and probably one or two off references, though I don't think it is overly vial considering some of the things you hear gamers saying in cs. Anyway that manifesto is making the rounds currently and I am glad some one has finally sat down and written a well thought out list of things that modern games suck at. It missed out a few things like hype problems around games, pre-release lying, try hard graphics, 14 year old boys who just found out about the ?c word? and wish to inflict insults on every one in multiplayer games with it, and Steam (which is evil) though I hope some one in the game development world picks it up and takes note. Apart from pointing that out to other gamers here I'm interested if people agree with the author, or if they have things they want to add, or even going against popular opinion and say some of the complaints aren't complaints at all but in fact features! And are you happy with current games or do you think indie games (like DH Lore: Invasion) will own or promises (which have been broken before) like UT2kX (X=6,7) detail are the future?
  13. I am slightly worried as I was talking to a few people today who suggested that the game was very limited. For example they say it is basically a long grind from lvl 12 to lvl 20 and then just pvp untill you get bored or they add new content. Though the screen shots look very nice and easily more detailed than WoW.
  14. I have great hopes for this game. Having read about it before it was even started, seeing the prelim art work, and following the story line. Though largest amongst those hopes is that I will get my friends back! Week after week I lose more to the WoW addiction, two last week. One came out tonight admitting he was addicted and asked that we cut off his account, we tried but he disabled our access, I can only assume he went back into the game world and I assume I will talk to him in a few days time. Apart from that the other WoW addicts that are in my group of friends all said they would try this game when it came out of beta. So I am hoping in the conversion from WoW to GW that they notice reality and decide to stay! Or that GW doesn't have an addictive playing style so I can play a long with them with the knowledge that it wont put me behind on uni and work. I knew many of the people on the first beta of GW and even then the graphics were stunning. I am kind of disappointed as the world could have been just that more detailed but as they have dropped the requirements back to people with 32meg graphics cards those using the latest grunt don't really get much. Though that might just be me. I have liked the idea since I heard about it and I look forward to playing it with far more depth. Hopefully Linux support will be coming soon (I haven't looked at who intends to support it) and I will really be able to dig into the game play. Speaking of game play - I was on for a few hours at my local internet cafe and it wasn't bad at all. I enjoyed it more than WoW which I have been avoiding due to work and a life to maintain. Though I have noted down some of the names from this thread, might whisper some of you. :) Added note: For Linux gamers we can look forward to Cedega (winex) supporting Guild Wars completely in the near future as it is "playable" out of the box to a major extent now. Though I'm not sure what the plans are time wise. [url]http://transgaming.org/gamesdb/games/view.mhtml?game_id=3370[/url]
  15. [quote name='Lightwing']I don't know how though. Can someone help me?[/quote] Hehe, no need to worry. I can tell you now you wont like the same girl by the end of highschool, in fact I'm owed $50 by some one who wouldn't believe me when I pointed that out to them. Over the few years you change so much personality wise which makes long lasting relationships nearly impossible. Though some advice for when you do get older. I wouldn't do anything you've ever seen before, if you are planning some thing big to pop the question, be original. Personally I hate big fusses so I can picture myself just asking with a ring on one knee etc. Though knowing how strange the sort of people I'm falling for at the moment that idea might get a lot stranger before I do every propose. Hehe. Out of interest how do others expect it to happen?
  16. All dayers are the hard ones. Now that I have no parents or others regulating my sleeping patterns with food I am free to sleep when I choose. The only conditions are ones I set on myself, which are 7 hours of sleep before work (four to five if I think I can get away with sitting next to the coffee machine all day), and three hours sleep before Uni. I guess I just keep doing what ever I do until I am tired or one of those above conditions is meet. My rooms are dark at any time of day so I never notice. Though around 1am the music on the radio gets better. :) Other than that I will be eating lunch in about an hour (10pm) and dinner some time close to 2am when I finish my foundation electronics assignment.
  17. [QUOTE=AzureWolf][COLOR=blue]It's hard to argue with results. For instance, the SATs are almost a true representation of your college success. Most of the time, those who do phenomenol on the SATs do phenomenol in college, and those that do bad, do bad in college. Of course there are exceptions, what with things like "circumstantial A's" as mentioned above. In addition, it really reflects what education your school is giving you. You aren't just competing with students in your school, but throughout the entire country. It's neat to see how good you are compared to everyone else. There's nothing different in the test for someone taking it in Florida versus someone on the other side of the country in Washington. Your true knowledge or competence are all that separate you.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] There is a well known effect of large scale testing in this manor of students believing that the test is 'it'. If you do not pass this one you will be a) not acceptable to your future place of study and b) not as good as other students. This leads to a huge amount of effort put into the test, sounds good? Flip side is students can burn themselves out and only just make it through the first semester of uni before dropping out. So I might suggest that your assumption that doing will on SATs will also allow the student to do well at Uni. I can also see a problem if the average student gets dumber, like in England over the last 50 years, the education will dive down to meet them. (Not looking to offend, I love England.) The smarter students will be crippled by the stupider and lazier students under this system. And I feel for the teachers who will have to teach just for the act of teaching, not to impart knowledge - the part they really like about the job. So I see it as a move with short term advantages and long term horror, much like many actions of the current leaders of the world. Is it just me or did every one in power just stop caring about tomorrow or our future?
  18. I cannot agree with the death penalty. Mistakes happen, and because of that punishments like this are insane. Also as we slowly move away from the grounding that "every one is innocent until proven (without a doubt) guilty" it will become far more dangerous. I refer to 'The Staircase? as an example of this fundamental principal being broken.
  19. The Saudis are doing what now? EH?!?! [quote]Nothing is more frustrating than the feeling that every time I fill-up the tank, I am sending my money to people who are trying to kill me, my family, and my friends.[/quote] The last time I looked they were not interested in killing Americans, and frowned apon many of the attacks. I guess supporting the guys who kill off one of your biggest money makers is bad for business... Damn I hate spam and chain letters.
  20. [quote name='Adahn']From what I can garner, it's fake.[/quote] The babel fish is using strong words in the translation though that in a less strict note is rather standard on many websites. I have the same thing on two websites that I maintain as the companys that own them might have information slightly out of date or inaccurate and under our law that can lead to you being sued. (If some one was bored enough.) Also this link has been around for a few days now and no one has come out saying it is a fake so I can only assume for moment that it is real. ...I still want one...
  21. [quote name='Gabriel][SIZE=1']I still don't understand him; sometimes things he says totally catch me off guard.[/SIZE][/quote] I would agree. People have a great ability to hide who they are, for all sorts of reasons. I spent some four years getting to know (really know) a girl, though every so often she would change completely, and I would feel like I had just meet a completely new person - and again I would start trying to work her out. I have a quote that I feel sums it up perfectly, by one of my favourite authors, though it talks about some thing slightly different. "There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened." [i]D. Adams[/i] Though I do not think it means we should ever stop trying to work it out. Who knows, there could be a really simple answer and you'll make a mint selling a book about it.
  22. I guess this goes here, besides the fact that it is so much cooler than consoles. [url]http://www.sakakibara-kikai.co.jp/products/other/LW.htm[/url] In english thanks to babel fishy [url]http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sakakibara-kikai.co.jp%2Fproducts%2Fother%2FLW.htm&lp=ja_en[/url] Think of all the sporting possibilities, mech warriors in real life, real robot duals, a mad way to go around town. You could even stomp on stuff. This would be the madest geek toy on the planet, I cannot wait till you can buy these - and they have funner weapons. Like cool lasers, Zoids laser tag in the local forrest. :cool: [color=#4B0082]Unless it deals directly with console games, it doesn't go in Play It. Sorry. *moves to Otaku Lounge* - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color]
  23. I would just like to note two things. I have little time for political correctness and I am against sexism - at least while it exists. As I said in my last few posts I can personally see a need for it to exist though, and I have pointed out why I think this, but I do not know the extent that it should. Thank you for the defence AzureWolf and for pointing out that I was just going out onto a tangent. Though I would like to, going against my last statement saying I wouldn't, add another question - and I'm sorry if it is my fault that this might go off topic. This time directed at elfpirate, just to help you or others to at least see this side of the coin - I am not asking you to agree. I am interested in your wall idea - which I agree with. This can be extended back to portrayal in Anime and other areas of life assuming the wall is the act in question. If some one puts a wall in your path instead of it just being an easy road, then to over come that wall would you not have, for one, the ability to know you can push yourself harder to find your abilities in scaling the wall and have the skill of climbing the wall for the next challenge that comes along?
  24. I honestly hope she has not been a live these 15 years... Being stuck in your head with only yourself has been described as worse than a living hell. And for 15 years, I doubt any one can imagin some thing so bad.
  25. [quote name='Dirt][b][color=darkgreen]There should be no tolerance for any kind of discrimination. Period.[/color'][/b][/quote] No further arguement.
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