[quote name='Eikoviva']I've lived in england all my life and we hardly get any anime or manga over here!!! Does anyone know of any conventions i can go to? the last one sed i had to be over 16 *cries* Does anyone else come from england on here? :animestun[/quote]
I've lived in England all of my life too (all 38 1/2 years of it!) and it isn't as bad here now as it used to be! There are far more UK releases now than ever (including boxsets) and although it isn't perfect, it's much much better, I can assure you!! I've been an anime fan for almost 13 years!
You won't be able to go to the Aya convention if you're under 16, but you will be able to go to Minami Con but the likelihood of there being any places left is pretty much zero (they fill up within weeks of the bookings for the next year, so 2006 will probably be full already!).
If you want more info on anime in the UK, you could try the animeuknews website (it's .co.uk). There is info on all anime releases in the UK plus any other anime news relating to the UK.