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About WingZero120

  • Birthday 04/23/1988

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Profile Information

  • Biography
    Well Im 5"7 Black Hair Brown Eyes Weight 154
  • Occupation
    Saving The World Day By Day

WingZero120's Achievements

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New Member (1/6)



  1. [quote name='LoneTecko']Just given heads up dude Wingzero120 got all those spoilers from me he my friend, but theres more of them lots more.[/quote] Yea i may have got some of the spoilers from u but i figured some of them out on my own to man. but its chill we mostly worked on .hack together but for everyone that doesnt play it u should its a great game.
  2. i agree man who cares if she wants to rule the world or shes just sweet looks dnt matter. and they shouldnt matter to the world. and the girl that would be my gf would be from soul caliber sung mina
  3. I dont see the point in judgeing people on how they look. if both people are attactied to each other than who cares about looks. me im looking 4 a gf but really cant find any that have any of my interests. wb
  4. They all look the same but there different in there own way. 1 tells u how the infection starts, 2 infection was spearding through the comp world and the human world, 3 they made plans to stop the wave, and 4 the final battle and u better be prepared man its so hard. alright part 1 the story just starts u meet a few of your party members. part 2 teh mutation is spearding through the comp world and the human world. part 3 they devise a plan to try and stop the infection. and part 4 the final battle begins and someone dies. [color=#4B0082]Combined the double post. In the future, please use the Edit feature, as double posting is against the rules. - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color]
  5. The games that really got me into gaming was megan, tekken, adn street fighters. The reason they got me into gaming was the kool game play. Megaman Was the kooliest character for the Nes besides Link. Tekken Wang was the all time best no one could beat me when i used him it was so funny, and street fighter was a great 2 player game with awsome 1 player action
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