Your Mother
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Everything posted by Your Mother
That's weird. I was just comtemplating going to the DMV this fall to get a Michigan driver's license. Thing is, I don't have a permanent address in Michigan (I live in a dorm, since I'm a college student.) and live overseas. Would having a dorm address be enough to get a license? And how many months would I have to wait?
Stop talking about me!
[SIZE=1]Dude. Listen. If you wanna keep her for more than a week, you're gonna have to screw your head on straight. The harder you chase this girl, the more you smother her, the faster you're gonna chase her away! Try laying back and let her do something for YOU for a change. You see what I'm saying? It's waaaaay better to ATTRACT a girl than to CHASE one... chase her and it's a guaranteed "ForgotteÑ-HerÖ, let's just be friends" within a couple weeks. Something else that's harsh but I gotta say it. People here are saying "just be yourself"..... well that is almost the worst. advice. imaginable. for your love life. I mean, you're on an anime forum here, bud, it's a safe assumption that you're no stud. Coolness is alllll about being comfortable with yourself, but at the same time, you have to believe that YOU ARE THE MAN. Let HER qualify herself to YOU and worry about attracting YOU. And be veeery careful dropping the love word! If you go on dates, make her pay for her half. You're just a kid, you don't have cash to go throwing around like that. I leave you with the number-one turn on for chicks. Confidence.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Hey Nikki, can you hear us all the way back in the fifties? [/SIZE]
It's true this time, the fillers ARE ending. Spring 2007. Around March. [spoiler]Time skip[/spoiler] merchandise has officially gone on sale in Japan, which can only mean one thing. [URL=http://forums.narutofan.com/showthread.php?t=156916]Click HERE[/URL]
Lol, yeah the part Boo mentioned was great too. Actually all scenes with the [spoiler]chicken [/spoiler]were good. The parts [spoiler]where people were trying to teach Borat how to drive, dine, and tell a joke ("NOT"!) [/spoiler]were spectacular.
You gotta be kidding me. Has no one seen this yet? It's HILARIOUS... I honestly was laughing from start to finish. It's great! There were some nasty scenes, I'll admit..but it was definitely worth watching. [spoiler]The part where they bought a bear and put it in the back of their ice cream truck and scared off the children running up for some ice cream was GREAT! I almost fell out of my seat...[/spoiler] If you haven't seen it? Go. NOW.
[SIZE=1]I'd order my wife's death because my daughter couldn't divorce me with alimony charges and take my house and car if her mother died. Would you rather drown or be hit by a car? [/SIZE]
[quote name='Gavin][SIZE=1']America is the puppeteer in this show and they're the ones who'll make the Iraqi courts and judges dance.[/SIZE][/quote] [SIZE=1]Amen. Amen. AMEN.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]What happened to Gary?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I'm in college. I work at a library scanning old books and converting them to digital images. Pay's about 8 long ones per hour. It's a boring job. But I have to put myself through college somehow.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]She's not an actress, but...[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B][CENTER]Rihanna[/CENTER] [/B][/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.artistdirect.com/Images/artd/amg/music/bio/3273392_rihanna_200x200.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [SIZE=1] ...is captivatingly beautiful. I let my friend talk me into her good looks being mostly camera work when her first album came out, but when "SOS" debuted, I fell in love. The goregeous Bajan sang and danced her way into my heart....and I don't think she'll ever leave.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]For all you college veterans. This fall I'm entering my first year at the University of Michigan. I qualify for the Work-Study financial aid package, which means I have to get a job to get the money. That's no problem, but I'm not sure which job to look for. I would ideally like a job with lots of idle time for me to study in (going into Engineering, but might leave it.) OR a job in which I can meet lots of new people. Or, of course a fun job. Any ideas?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Well damn. I couldn't bring myself to watch any more fillers after the Raiga Saga. That was just an unequaled exercise in gayness.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I've got a beef with this movie. I'd rather have real actors in turtle suits, playing the roles, than CG animation. It just gives it a more realistic quality.....you know, makes the Turtles look real and not fake. The first three movies were great (especially the second) and one of the best parts was the human-like qualities and behavior of the turtles. [/nerd rant][/SIZE]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b340/taperson/costume_ent-lead__200x2850.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE=1]Camel: Yeah so...I auditioned for the part of Joe Camel. You know, the smoking camel on billboards. They laughed me right off the set! Croc: You think you have it bad?! (sob) I...I wanted to join the Ninja Turtles and... and....they said I was a crocodile!! I'm a reptile like them! But NOOOOO, they have their whole elite turtle clique (sniff).... they think they're so cool... Camel: Our lives both suck.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Who needs athletes to endorse your product when you can have......a [I]squirrel[/I].[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]You should have said you never had a good bangin'. You could have gotten laid that night.[/SIZE]
[QUOTE=Papa Smurf] You people want reality? This is reality. And this reality is that this war will only end when there is absolutely nothing remaining, or until Hezbollah relinquishes the captured soldiers. No UN resolution will stop it. Outside interference will be met with severe consequences (incidentally, the only outside interference we'll be seeing is from Syria or Iran, and Israel alone will decimate them). [/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]First off, if Iran and Syria got involved? That would drag everyone into World War III, buddy. And if you're naive enough to think that Israel can stretch its army to fight against Syria, Iran, and Hezbollah.....well, if that happened, you could kiss Israel goodbye, 'cuz, unlike Lebanon, Iran and Syria have [I]militaries [/I] and air forces and even a fair share of [I]nukes[/I] (in Iran's case).[/SIZE] [QUOTE=Papa Smurf] Cease-fires will not solve the problem, because we've passed the Point of No Return. Any bullsh-t you hear from Condi Rice is prepared public-speak and will never reflect what's actually happening and what's going to actually happen. [/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]You're right about that. Hell, America actually [I]wants[/I] this to happen. All the goddamn Republicans and conservatives running Capitol Hill are probably throwing beer blasts right now. God knows Washington alone is more corrupt than a hard disk full of viruses.[/SIZE] [QUOTE=Papa Smurf] You know what else I find interesting? The story about the mouse and the cookie. We all know how it goes. Give a mouse a cookie, and he'll want a glass of milk. Give him a glass of milk...etc. Israel has tried giving the mouse a cookie numerous times in the past and catered to damn near every one of that mouse's whims. No more, not any longer. They're going to blow the mouse's head off, folks, and the mouse deserves it.[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Haha. Ahahahahahahaha. I'd like to know where you learned your history, man. Israel may have more firepower than Hezbollah, but do you really think that the entire Middle East hates them just because they're Jewish?[/SIZE]
Writing Red Blossom [Naruto, Action/Adventure][PG-LV]
Your Mother replied to Yamisui's topic in Creative Works
[SIZE=1]You............you...............you......... .............[I]updated.[/I] My God.[/SIZE] -
[QUOTE=Shinje][color=crimson] I have not seen either Hezbollah or Israel talk of an unconditional cease-fire. The anger should be directed at Hezbollah, Iran's little attack dog that couldn't care less about the Lebanese people they cower behind. It's their rockets and the continued launching of them that digs Lebanon into a bigger, deeper hole. Can't you see that?[/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1] It's actually been the UN talking of a cease-fire, only the US has been dragging its feet and Israel just straight up doesn't want one. Yeah, Hezbollah does take a share of the blame. Actually, a lot. I would be mad too if someone got me in trouble. But I would also be really, [I]really[/I] mad at the guy who blew up my home or my car when he had [I]no right at all[/I] to do it. The fact remains that, Israel's intelligence is ****. They don't have a clue where Hezbollah is hiding. They have no idea at all who they're shooting at. It's like a blindfolded guy taking random potshots at a room ful of people, hoping he'll hit the right one. Btw, Hoodwinked kicks major booty. I just watched it last night. [/SIZE]
[QUOTE=Shinje][color=crimson] You see, these militants do not have a tangeable base per say, they're essentially nomads, going from town to town with their truck and missiles, striking from wherever the hell they want. So while nobody in your Dad's neighborhood has given Israel trouble, Hezbollah probably has, and that has to be enough to strike when faced with an unconventional enemy. Israel is taking drastic steps here, no doubt. While this is every bit as unwanted as the Katyusha strikes on Israel, they simply cannot let up. Hezbollah will not stop until Israel leaves Southern Lebanon, Israel will not stop until Hezbollah is crushed and destroyed...fair enough. U.N resolutions will not do anything here because neither side is going to let up. Both sides think that they're in the right and the other is the devil, whatever. Lebanese people have a right to be pissed off right now, but their anger should be directed at Hezbollah and the actions taken by this group that started the conflict, and their eye for eye rubbish keeping it going. Anti-Israeli marches for peace are oxymoronic.[/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]What, are you saying they don't have a right to be mad at the immediate threat? They'd be [I]idiots[/I] if they weren't mad at Israel. After all, who's the side opposing the cease-fire? Who's the side bombing roads and bridges to prevent people from fleeing the country? And do you really think that measures like those will help them fight Hezbollah?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I think that we've firmly established that "other people" are poor judges of anyone's age. lol[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]What happened to the neighbor's house? It cannot be denied that Israel is taking this way too far.[/SIZE]
[quote name='Boo][size=1']Especially since this fred isn't serious at all. :^D[/size][/quote] [SIZE=1] Yeah, you're right. Sorry, lost my cool. What's a fred? lol[/SIZE]