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Your Mother

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Everything posted by Your Mother

  1. [quote name='Papa Smurf']Okay, if you want to play with the cliches? What's so appealing about a cliche ninja? There's absolutely nothing compelling about the cookie-cutter-"STEALTH IT!"-OMFG KATANA BLADE AND SHURIKEN11!!1!-Japanese ninja LOVE-ninja. [/quote] [SIZE=1] Maybe that's your opinion, and I still have to accept it.?[/SIZE] [quote name='Papa Smurf']Oh, and talking about disease...Dread Pirate Roberts came back from being mostly dead, and healed to 100% within an hour. Show me a ninja who can come anywhere close to that, and who's friends with Billy Crystal, Carol Kane, and Andre the Giant, to boot.[/quote] OMG! ALL PIRATES HAVE SUPER-REGENERATIVE POWERS! Can they fly too? [quote name='Papa Smurf']Don't get your panties in a twist, and post an actualized point next time, and then I won't judge your rebuttal as half-assed or unacceptable. You want ninjas to be taken seriously here, you're going to need to provide more than just "Dude, get over yourself." lol. If you don't like that, tough. It's how things work, mate.[/quote] [SIZE=1] Hey, you know what? When you stop sounding like a smug, condesecending little prick on her period, maybe I'll take your whining seriously. All right? I just told you, I - don't- GIVE A FLYING F**K whether [I]you[/I] think my rebuttal is acceptable or not. Everyone else here respects the opinions of others, maybe you should try it too! [/SIZE] [quote name='Papa Smurf']Batman is a ninja only insofar as he's got ninjitsu training and implements stealth into his techniques. [/quote] [SIZE=1]Your point being..? Shinmaru already discussed that.[/SIZE] [quote name='Papa Smurf']Try only one ninja-esque character is a millionaire. The rest are poor as hell and/or god-modded to the extreme. lol[/quote] [SIZE=1] Yeah. I suppose you work as a teller at the First National Ninja Bank.[/SIZE]
  2. [QUOTE=Papa Smurf]The standard ninja is as boring as batsh-t. Standard pirate is fun as hell. Your example, like so many of the pro-ninja arguments, just fell flat on its face. lol If you don't think standard ninjas are boring, then let me ask you: when's the last time you heard of a ninja relaxing on a nice tropical island with some good alcohol, great fishing, and absolutely gorgeous bright blue water on the beach? You want to talk about standard examples...dude, the standard pirate just ganked your ***. lol[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]I suppose you think physical deformities like hooks for missing hands, missing eyes covered with patches, and peg legs are "fun as hell". What's the point of relaxing on the beach if you're suffering from several diseases at the same time? And dude, no one really cares whether you deem the pro-ninja arguments as acceptable. Don't flatter yourself. Ninjas live through thrills man, day in and day out. Look at Bruce Wayne. Millionare playboy by day, cold-hearted crimestopper by night. Who wouldn't love to drive that Batmobile around, I ask you... Yeah, I know, not all ninjas are millionares. But they don't necessarily have no lives either.[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]That's it. I must speak. [U] Ninjas > Pirates.[/U] Because Ninjas are stealthy, skilled, silent and deadly. Pirates clump around on peg legs. Ninjas will whip serious booty in a one on one fight. Who says Pirates are better in bed? Huh? Just because Johnny Depp and Keira Knightley are good looking doesn't mean jack. Pirates are fat, ugly, dirty, hairy, AND smelly. Ninjas are muscular, in tiptop shape, and have stamina after training and living in hellish conditions. Ninjas would have the stamina to keep f***ing all night. Pirates would tire their unfit a**es out after thirty seconds. Who the hell would you rather sleep with, someone who smells like a garbage disposal or someone at their physical, mental, and sexual peak? Think about it! Depp and Knightley are exceptions to the rule. They are NOT the rule. I am NOT TALKING ABOUT ANYONE. Forget Han Solo, Batman, the Ninja Turtles, Johnny Depp, the Power Rangers, and ANY PARTICULAR NINJA OR PIRATE mentioned in this thread. Think of the standard ninja, compare that to the standard pirate. Now who is superior? Ninjas. [B]Period.[/B][/SIZE]
  4. [QUOTE=Rapture Ruckus][color=crimson] Ha! The UN workers should have known better than to bunker down in a part of Lebanon that Israel is blasting the **** out of, it's common sense, the UN convinces me once again that it lacks that attribute. I find it humorous and insanely grating at the same time, that the international community has been so swift to condemn Israel over this incident, when the response so far has been "go ahead, defend yourself." Why shopuld Israel tip-toe around some UN workers that put themselves in the middle of a bomb ravaged area on purpose, did it not register to them this kind of thing could happen, you know, in a war zone? [/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Sure. Let's forget all the dying, starving people lodged in that war zone, all the crying, fresh new orphans, and all the people who can't get out. SURE! F**K HUMANITY and EVERYTHING THE UN STANDS FOR! WHY NOT?! If an attacking army blew the s**t out of your hometown, and you were trapped in there with no means of escape, no food, and no shelter, I think you'd be singing a f**king different tune. And the worst part is, Israel allowed the UN into the country.[/SIZE] [QUOTE=Rapture Ruckus][color=crimson] [spoiler]Judging on the suicidal nature of Hezbollah and their ilk...[/spoiler] So long, Lebanon. [/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Up for a good genocide, huh?[/SIZE]
  5. [QUOTE=Retribution][size=1] I was under the assumption that Hezbollah fired rockets into Israel with utter disregard to civilian life, and Israel launched a military incursion in response. I don't think that sounds outrageous or over the top here. Yes, Israel has taken civilian casualties, and I'm not trying to claim that they have clean hands here either, but it is nothing compared to Hezbollah's malevolence. Perhaps if Hezbollah didn't hide within the civilian population, fewer civilian casualties would've been taken. You should be angry at Hezbollah, not Israel.[/size][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Why? Why should we be angry at Hezbollah, not Israel? Israel has killed hundreds of Lebanese civilians, and caused half the country to flee. Sure, the deaths may be labeled "accidental", but after almost four hundred innocent people have died in Lebanon, some American citizens, some [I]UN workers[/I], suddenly you realize that Israel isn't so innocent anymore. [/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Another thing. Quit spitting this idealist crap (Retri, I'm not talking to you, but to the general thread) about how inhumane and stupid Hezbollah's rocket attacks are. When a WHOLE F**KING CITY, and not just any city, the CAPITAL, gets torn down over a country's desire to find a handful of militants, I would damn well fire rockets in retaliation.[/SIZE] [QUOTE=Retribution][size=1] I absolutely despise how blind some people are over there. Even after Israel has given concessions, even after Israel has stated it only wants one soldier back, violence continues to brew. What do you want from Israel, short of completely dissolving? Israel gave back the Gaza Strip and the West Bank settlments, and still the fighting continues. And when Palestinian or Lebanese civilians are killed, guess who is mad, despite being the perpetuators of the violence? [/size][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Two soldiers, actually. But thats irrelevant. The point is that this is a seriously disappropriate reaction. Are [I]two[/I] soldiers worth waging war? Maybe, maybe not. But I don't see how ripping Beirut to pieces and forcing people to spend decades rebuilding it again is going to solve anything.[/SIZE] [QUOTE=Retribution][size=1] It's a childish battle being waged, and I don't think the Middle East will be in a hurry to mess with Israel after all of this is said and done.[/size][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]The [I]Middle East?[/I] Don't, don't, DON'T point a finger at a region and accuse it of something a few people did. If you'd watch the news, you would see that there are Arab countries disagreeing with Hezbollah's actions. Saudi Arabia. Syria. To name a couple.[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]I've never taken Martial arts before, but now that I'm going to university, I'll have the chance. I can choose between [B]Aiki Jujutsu[/B], [B]Aikido Yoshokai[/B], [B]Judo[/B], [B]Godai Ninpo[/B], and [B]Tae Kwon Do[/B]. Could you guys let me know what each entails and recommend one?[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]Yup, routine is important, definitely important. There are different schools of thought on working out. Some people lift weights every day. Some work out different parts of their bodies on different days of the week. What I do is try to get all of my body worked out in a day (takes about an hour and a half) and spend the next day running, or swimming, etc. Muscles, especially abs, show a lot more when there's no fat hiding them. Translation: Exercise, and drink water. A lot. At least ten glasses a day. Also, take lots of protein; eat dairy foods, eggs, and meat. Drink milk, too. You have to be consistent, too. It won't take that long, but a few weeks of lifting ain't going to get anything done. Also, if you're looking for a better body, then you [I]have[/I] to eat. You can't build muscle without fuel, just like you can't build a house without cement. But, avoid junk food, candy, soda, etc., and you'll be suprised at how fast your body changes.[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]I have a question for all you ladies....When a guy is getting to know you and flirting, how long should he wait between meeting you and asking you out? When's too soon and when's too long?[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]Congratulations, you're really good at drawing. So good at drawing, in fact, that you become famous and spend all your time on the road, unable to see your family and watch your kids grow up. I wish I was really, really hot XD[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]Hmm..sleep? I dunno.....how could four men all gain from a game?[/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1]Has anyone here had any experience with being a Master of Ceremonies? For example, being the night's MC at a school talent show, or a poetry-reading night. If so, was it hard or difficult for you to do? Were you nervous? If so, or if you've had experience, try and give some pointers- I'm going to audition to be the MC of the upcoming talent show in our school. E.g. what should be said to the crowd, how to introduce the next performance, and so on.[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]I'm speechless; left dumbstruck after this chapter. It's as if you [I]interviewed[/I] Itachi for an autobiography, ridiculous as that may sound.[/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]The FAFSA is for [B]financial aid[/B], which is different than a [B]scholarship[/B]. Some people may not get scholarships, but everyone is entitled in financial aid, depending on their family's income. I'm turning the FAFSA in today or tomorrow; the CSS PROFILE as well.[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1]Well, you have to get to know her first. So introduce yourself to her. It's not that hard, just be confident, smile, and find a reason to talk to her. If you can't, just say "Hi" in the hallway or something.[/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1][B]Surfer:[/B] (unaware of whats happening) "Keep up the pace. Gotta break 4:40"[/SIZE]
  16. [quote name='Ziggy Stardust][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Yes of course... burn down the embassies! That'll convince people you're not terrorists![/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote] [SIZE=1]You are beginning to f**king piss me off. You wanna make it your little stupid mission to oppose every single pro-Religious post in this thread? Some people have already stated the "sticks and stones" philosophy. And that's fine if you feel that way. But if some punk like you is going to go ahead and mock all Muslims in the world (I'm Muslim), then I'll be damned if I'm just going to sit here and take it. You think all Muslims are terrorists/ idiots? When you [B]PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR A**[/B], feel free to come back and post. For every single stupid psycho terrorist who claims to be a Muslim there are many, many pacifist Muslims (who obviously, get zero attention from the media, but that's the way it is.) You think those ******** deserve to be labled Muslim? They deserve to be labled **** in my opinion. But you know what? So do you! Yes I agree that this embassy-attacking is way out of line, and I'm all for holding an AK-47 to their damn heads and giving them hell. According to you, some "petty" people want to boycott a country? Well, guess what, idiot? They [I]have the right to do it.[/I] If those idiots in the Danish newspaper claim "freedom of speech", then the Middle East can claim "freedom of expression". And there ain't jack **** you can do about it. Get the hell over yourself, instead of mocking a region you don't know about and obviously will never understand.[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]To Rapture Ruckus/Lord Rannos: You're American, right? Well, I'm Muslim. American, too. Now, as far as I can tell, in our country, no one just goes around painting pictures of Jesus on crack? Why? Because its inappropriate? Because the majority of America is Christian? Becuase it's just plain immature and stupid? All those reasons. No one is going to [I]appreciate[/I] a stupid stunt like what the newspaper did. It's as if they did it just to piss people off. Which they did. And what the hell do you know about the Middle East? Don't go labeling it as petty and childish. You don't live there. I do. Here, religion is a large part of everyday life. If the Danish newspaper is "within its rights" to print stupid ****, then the Middle East is "within its rights" to boycott the hell out of the Danish, even if it isn't the best solution. I'd like to see the actions performed by Christians when some prints some crap proclaiming Jesus was gay, or something like that.[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1]Bush: Damn, looks like Osama's given us the slip... I can't even see those mountains. General: Sir, please remove the lens cap: Bush: What did that terrorist do? Place a smokescreen around all of Afghanistan? General: Sir...[/SIZE]
  19. [quote name='Liam'] (IE: It's NOT an Illegal war, and is supported by the United Nations and law)[/quote] [SIZE=1]Where the hell do you live? Under a rock? Or just Laa-Laa land? Bush attacked without, let me repeat, WITHOUT the UN's support. In fact, with basically no one's support. (Except for Britain, but then again what does Blair have to do other than kiss Bush's *** all day long?) Now Iraq is a madhouse- stability may very well never return there. That idiot has stacked on so much national debt, the US will probably be a 3rd-world country by the time it's paid off. Bush didn't know jack **** about what was happening in New Orleans- he even complimented the now-fired FEMA head Michael Brown. You want to know exactly what he said to Brown? "Brownie, you're doing a heckuva job." I did NOT make that up. I suppose America can't exactly stroll out of Iraq now, but he messed up- BIG time- trying to start a war for oil while cleaning up Daddy's mess. For a list of all the stupid things Bush ever said, click [URL=http://politicalhumor.about.com/library/blbushisms.htm]here[/URL]. [/SIZE]
  20. [quote name='renayiiq']I'm not pretending, I'm seeing right through everyone. I have a very good ability with that. My intuition has never steered me wrong, and neither has my ability to see right through people. [/quote] [SIZE=1]Aren't [I]you[/I] the girl who was bi***ing about her broken messed up, totally F**ked up relationships a month or so ago? Insight? Yeah right. Just keep on crying, because no one is going to hand you a tissue.[/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1]"Ahh...now that'sh the schtuff..."[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1]Oh man, this was hilarious. There were way too many quotes for me to list. But the parts with the tricycle, the twins, the "wut" wordplay, and and Alan's [I]awesome[/I] quote ?You two fellers really put the dick in ridiculous, you know that?" nearly made me cry.[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1]I'm sorry everyone, my browser didn't let me see Shinji's picture. So, when I looked at his post, I didn't see anything. You guys can wait for him to declare his winner before continuing. But, I'm going to pick my favorites now. [/SIZE] 1st Place [quote name='Goddess][size=1][color=indigo][b]Baby Pic[/b]- "And so, the three little piggies went wee-wee-weeee...all the way to the pub."[/size'][/color][/quote] 2nd Place [QUOTE=IceRose][B] Mother looks at father. Mother: I told you we should train our kids to handle alcohol but I didn't mean now![/QUOTE] 3rd Place [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet][font=lucida calligraphy] There are just some times when you [i] shouldn't[/i] grab a Heiny [/color][/font][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1] Good job to you three.[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]I think a reality check is in order.[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]Such eloquent brilliance... I repeteadly had to convince myself that this was not the actual storyline, but extremely good fan fiction. From what I know about Itachi Uchiha, this defintely sounds like him.[/SIZE]
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