[QUOTE=Sage]Excuse me, but [I]what kind of a sick thread is this?![/I]
Somebody tells a story of a little girl getting arrested because of a nervous breakdown, and bunch of other people write that she should be beaten more often or locked up in a closet? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!
First person with a ******' bit of intelligence to post in this thread.
[quote name='SJHINJI172']Were not saying she should be locked up in a closet. Where just saying that what she did was wrong and that as she was being violent the police needed to intervine and lock her in a cell [/quote]
You want to go and send a little girl to jail scaring the **** out of her? When she's not even old enough to form full ******* sentences? While you're ******* AT IT, DON'T FORGET A ************* TAZER, why don't you? The POLICE needed to intervene?
Oh God, what's next- sending a kid to Death Row for not doing his homework?