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Everything posted by MysticalShawty

  1. :D Enjoy!!!....I've been writting poems for a while... oh yeah i gotta give 0ut a big Hey to Gold_angewomon.... Britty ttyl.... Ashley.. ________________________________________One day it'll all be over, one day I'll make it end. I'm sorry to my family, and also to my friends. This world is not for me, I feel I don't fit in, I'm at war with myself, and it seems I'm not goin to win. I wish I had the courage, to end it all right here, but no matter how much I hate this, I'm oh so full of fear. I don't want to spend eternity, with flames all around me, in Heaven, with the angels, is where I wish to be. But if I take my life, this could never be, for in the flames of hell, Satan will wait for me. The misery will never end, it will only get worse, so I guess I'm better off here, living with this awful curse. One day it'll be over, One day it's goin to end, but not because I lost the battle, I thought I'd never win. ------------------------------------------------------------------- He said "little girl" described me best, But he doesn't know me like the rest. I'm more mature than I used to be, But he doesn't look for the real me. The girl he likes is not that great, To me she acts like she's only eight, Something is there that he must like more, But now I'm hurt cause' my heart he tore. People disagree with what he said, It is not true, what is in his head? If he found the time to talk to me, Then he would find what other guys see. ^^ thats a poem about aq guy who didnt even give me a chance.. because he said i was a lil girl.. o well theres 1000s of other fish in tha sea :D--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :freak:
  2. :( Eh The journal thing was a good idea but unfortunily for me that s hard i cant write down my feelings nor can i speak them if i have to say what i feel i will say it but i wont tell everything,And i am affraid to write in my diary/Journal thing now because a few months ago my sister brought it to school and showed everyone ****,and that like ruined me, lol, well thanks for your Comments/advice i really cant thank you all enough :angel: -Ashlie
  3. I agree with Lotus, Many people hide or keep there feelings, its not that they dont like u its just that they are affraid,:rolleyes:
  4. :smirk: Thanks for all the Replys, most of u all say that i should forget about him, so maybe i will, lol, Lol, Thanks
  5. Lol, Well i aint that Depressed now because i m Finally talking to my old b.f but now i am in the middle of happy and depressed
  6. alright me and my b.f split up and i am really depressed and it has been 10 days since we have been done, and now i cant stop thinking about him, so i wrote a poem and gave it to him.,...he Crumpled it up without reading it, and i dont know HOW AM I SUPOSSED TO GET THREW TO HIM , that i still L...O....V...E... him,?? Please can anyone tell me, i have called him up and i tell him alot but he just ignores it, and then chanages the Subject.
  7. [COLOR=limegreen]Alrighty....Lets see 1.2.3...........5 friends have done this to me, they went behind my back after me telling them everything that i thought i could trust them with,...I aint going to say any names because none of them are on otaku....Dang, and i told my friend straight up that i could'nt be friends with her if i couldnt trust her, [/COLOR] :mad: She didnt take it the right way, so obiously it made our friend ship end, but the best advice i would give u is Just like, expolain to them how they made u feel, such as if they hurt u or something, i dont know just exlplain to dem how u feel... I have been hurt alot, and i still dont know why i trust them over and over again? :flaming: It just P*ss3s me off when i think i can trust someone and then it turns out that i cant trust them at all,
  8. But i am sure that things will get better for all of us that are depressed, i mean u cant live ur life being sad ...Or can u ? Dat is da Question...eheh j/p.:wigout:
  9. Alright, i am both, because 1 i lost my boyfriend and the other because i lost my best friend, I am happy because i have a really good friend who i can trust, : Gold_angewoman=G_A,..Lol Britty u know that i couldnt leave u out on this one, :D And i am happy because of other stuff, but i am mostly depressed, :devil:
  10. That s what i can say:[COLOR=blue]Relationships never work out for me, [/COLOR] Never ever has one worked out for me, i was with a guy for 4 and a half months then because my friend said something to him about someone in the family he broke up with me, and then he and i are really good friends and i still have feelins for him "like no duh" Rotflmao, but i like Steady relationships, :D
  11. [COLOR=chocolate]Omg!!!!!! Now this is hard!!!!![/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]I like Rap and Hip-Hop.and R&b[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]But i will narrow a few down....This is the Hard Part...Hmmmmmmm Lets See[/COLOR] [COLOR=skyblue]Eminem,Dmx,Missy,JaggedEdge,Tyrese,[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]112, Kc-i and Jo jo[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Destinys child, ray j , lil wayne,montell jordan,Mya,Craig Davids,Biggy,Blu Cantrell[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Sisquo,Boys2men,willaford,puff daddy, joe ,Ludicris,Usher,LilBowwow,OutKast,D12.3lw,Geniwine,big pun, afro man...[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]And theres more that isnt all but thats all i can/Should name for now[/COLOR] :cool: :cool: :babble: :love:
  12. I Need a Frined OfCourse i am new on here as a matter of fact i signed up last night.. and i olny know one person on here and shes really cool but i need some more friends !! know what i mean Well Pm me f yoou want to be my Friend :love: Ashlie
  13. I am New On here !!! and yes i do need a frined !!! [FONT=century gothic]Yes i Need a Fri3nd[/FONT] :cool:
  14. I dont have a boyfrined either and it sucks Cause my best frined is going out with him now :(:D :wigout: But i gotta be nice to her cause shes my gurl
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