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Everything posted by komugi-chan

  1. The funniest manga I have read have got to be either Yakitate!!Japan or MAR. But I think Yakitate!!Japan is more funnier than MAR.
  2. My fav are: Fullmetal Alchemist Sokyuu no Fafner Yami no Matsuei DNAngel Kyo Kara Maoh Yakitate!!Japan Sukisyo
  3. I would spend all that money on anime/manga related things.
  4. It seems mostly everybody is very tall here.
  5. Well, I didn't see this thread before. I wondering how tall everybody at OB is. I am 5'2".
  6. One time I had this dream where I got a 93 on my science report. Guess what? The next day when I got my report back, I got a 95! Isn't that weird?
  7. There's this guy in my class that likes to make me mad. Everytime he says something to me that I don't like, I want to hit him. He makes me so mad. :mad:
  8. The Cowboy Bebop movie. One word: awesome.
  9. Gotta love the fighting. Horror manga is also great too.
  10. I think School Rumble is great!
  11. I'm not sure about age, but I know I started liking it in 4th grade.
  12. I think this channel is ok. Thats because it mostly has old anime. But now I enjoy watching Descendants of Darkness.
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