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Demon Eyes Kyo

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About Demon Eyes Kyo

  • Birthday 05/14/1984

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    demon eyes kyo12

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  1. Name: Ryu Ichimonji (Real Name) Kagami Sonoda Age/Sex: 24 Male Description: [URL="http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/9393/2006dragontigergate06hl8.jpg"][B][U][I]Click Here[/I][/U][/B][/URL] Rider Gear: Locke Belt: A belt designed by Smart Brain specifically for Kagami. With the belt he is able to change into his rider form. It also contains the ability to repair itself. Rider Name:[URL="http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/4430/kamenriderlockebyxerovldp3.jpg"][B][I][U]Kamen Rider Locke[/U][/I][/B][/URL] Rider Description: Clock Up System: It’s a switch-pad on the hip of the belt. Once activated the rider goes into a super speed state when the area around his slows down and he moves at increased speeds. Rider Finisher: (as of right now just) RIDER KICK- The tachyon energy stored within the Locke belt is released to Kagami's right or left leg. Once charged up, Kagami sails at the enemy with a jumping tornado kick. Character Profile: Kagami father was one of the scientists given the project of the rider system. His job was to make the perfect rider. Since his son was only 4 years of age he figured that he could train him now so that he will be the perfect person to be able to use the Rider belt. Over the years Kagami became everything his father wanted him to be, the perfect person to be able to become the perfect Rider for Smart Brain. Kagami became nothing more then a solider that fallowed orders. Since he was so young when he got started into the rider program disobeying them was never an option. After seeing that Kagami became such a success they began production on more Rider belts. Some or the wrong people must have got wind of this because a few weeks later one of the Smart Brain companies that Kagami and his father were with got attack. Being the number one rider they had his job was to defeat the intruders so he did just that. But there was one person that gave Kagami more than a challenge. For the first time Kagami had fought another Rider. The fight went on for a while but in the end Kagami lost. His belt got damage and he was kicked back into the building unconscious as it was burning down to the ground. Unknown to Kagami while he was unconscious his belt kept him in his rider form long enough for him to survive. But it came with a cost, with the belt being damage in his battle and still active while in the burning building it malfunction in every since of the word causing him to lose his memory. When he woke he had no clue where he was and who he was. He went wondering the streets along and scared not knowing what to do. The only thing he had with him was a belt. One night on the streets he saw an old man getting mug. He came to the old mans rescue defeating three men armed with knifes by himself not know how. The old man was so grateful for his help that he offered him a place to stay once he realized he was homeless. After finding out that his hero had to clue who he was the old man decided to help him out by giving him a new life till he gets his old one back. He was given the name Ryu Ichimonji and he has a job with the old man helping him run his restaurant.
  2. sorry i haven't got a post in, i been busy with OT at work but i'll have a post up tomorrow
  3. I chatted with the Red Star and he wanted me to tell you all that he's coming back and he be posting soon as he can
  4. Kagami stood with his back against the wall looking down at the table. ?I just can?t do anything right.? He thought to himself as he stands in shame. Today just wasn?t his day, first he got one of his partners killed and also his and Takumi?s mobile suit almost destroyed in the process. And now the files on all of the mobile suit pilots had now been copied putting everyone in danger. ?Some leader I turned out to be.? He says as he walks over to his desk and bends down very slowly still in a lot of pain with his right arm holding across his chest. With his left hand he reached under the table pulling something from under it. He had taped the disk that Alexandre gave him the other day there. Rising slowly to his feet Kagami?s mind was made up. He was going to give Alexandre the disk back and tell him he can no longer be Freedoms leader and that he will be leaving. Kagami then put the disk in his back pocket and made his way to Alexandre?s office. When Kagami made it to Alexandre office he notice that the door was already half way open and also no one was at the front desk to tell Alexandre he was here. So not waiting for an invitation Kagami walk on in. As he step into Alexandre office he saw him packing files into a fold and his office look as if he was leaving. ?Sir what is going on here?? Kagami ask curious of what was happening. ?Some things have occurred and now I have to leave, don?t worry you are still going to be in charge while Im gone.? Alexandre replied. Kagami approach Alexandre office desk getting in a little closer to tell him the news. ?That?s why I?m here Sir, I can?t be Freedom?s leader anymore.? Kagami said knowing full well that this was the best choice he has made since being Freedom?s leader. Alexandre stops packing his things for one moment. ?Kagami as much as I would love to entertain you about this I don?t have the time. If this is about the spy, I already know about it. Don?t worry its okay not a problem.? Kagami didn?t understand how could have Alexandre already know about the spy he just found out himself. ?What do you mean you know about it?? Kagami ask with an interesting appearance on his face. ?Kagami I made all the information on those files up just for this fact alone. You didn?t really believe that there was really just one spy did you?? Alexandre asks continuing to pack his things. ?I did. But why would you do that? If the enemy gets there hands on those files they are going to think the information is real. You have names of other people in different organizations in them files. You are putting there life?s at risk.? Kagami said with his voice slowly rising. ?Just relax Kagami, those other people don?t matter there nothing more then pawns. Kagami this is war and war is nothing more than a chess game. It?s the jobs of pawns to be sacrifice so that you?re more important pieces can get in position to get at the goal at hand. Kagami for someone who is suppose to be so smart, your not.? Kagami stood there just amaze at what he heard. ?So Mari was nothing but a pawn to you to? One of the people who have did so much for?? Kagami then stop talking as something then hit him. Alexandre never brought up Mari?s name. When Kagami came into the office Alexandre automatically assume it was about the spy but why would he? ?I understand now, we are all pawns. Why didn?t I see this sooner?? Alexandre stop what he was doing wondering what was going to happen next. ?You were planning this from the beginning.? Alexandre then replied by saying. ?Been planning what exactly?? ?When I came in here about to tell you I was going to leave freedom the first thing you brought was about the spy. How did you already know about that unless you planned it? Why not bring up the death of Mari? You had been waiting me to fail from the start.? Alexandre then sat down in his chair and rests his chin on his hand. ?Enlighten me Kagami?? Kagami then gave him self a second thinking of everything so he could get it all plan out. ?You want to have Freedom all for yourself. Thing is your not next in line, Takumi is. So in order for you to be leader you need to get him out of the way. So while everyone thinks your nephew is just away and while you still have more power then Takumi you made me second in charge. You knew that with me in charge that I would make mistake and end up getting everyone killed leaving you as leader. Why else would you pick a mechanic to be leader? Because you needed someone who you could control, you knew I wasn?t going to turn down the roll of being leader because you had the footage of me killing Kurenai. You could easy wing that to make me seem like I?m a spy too since I never told anyone. Only question I don?t know the answer to is why would you go threw so much to rule Freedom? Isn?t your goal also to destroy the judge senate? Why would you care who leads as long as the job gets down.? Alexandre waited a moment and then began to laugh a little. ?Kagami you are aware that what you speak is consider treason you could be killed for this without hard proof.? ?Your right but the thing is your not going to do anything to me. See an innocent man would do nothing. If he did nothing wrong he wouldn?t have anything to hid. On the other hand a guilty man would have me killed but the only thing is it would raise eyebrows and there would be others who would look in what a said and find out the truth.? After the statement Kagami just made the room was silent neither one said anything they just looked at each other till Alexandre broke the silence. ?If you would accuse me Kagami I have things to finish here.? In the inside Kagami knew that he had him but he didn?t have and hard proof everything was just a theory. If he was going to get proof on Alexandre he was going to need help. Later that day Kagami was heading to the holding cell. Reason being because after the incident between him and Takumi, Alexandre had him locked up and sentenced to death for trying to kill Freedoms leader. This act only helps prove Kagami?s theory. All he had to do was some how get Takumi to see it but after what happened it wasn?t going to be an easy task. ?I?m here to release prisoner Takumi Inui.? Kagami said towards the guard. ?I?m sorry Sir but that can?t be done.? ?And why the hell not?? he replied with his voice starting to get a little aggressive. ?Well Sir he is going to be put to death for trying to kill you.? Kagami let out a soft laugh. ?If he tried to kill me why would I the LEADER OF FREEDOM be here getting him out? It would make no since right? Now I?m going to tell you one more time. I am here to release prisoner Takumi Inui.? For a moment the guard didn?t know what to say or do. If the new leader of freedom is saying he wasn?t trying to kill him he had no choice but to believe him. So he then unlocks the door and hands Kagami the keys as he walks by. While walking to the cell he notices Masato standing there talking with Takumi. As Kagami continues to walk to the cell Masato turn to his direction. ?You look like hell.? He says watching Kagami holding his rib cage area while he comes near. ?I?ll live.? He replies. ?Not for long.? Takumi said from the cell. It was obvious that Takumi still felt strong towards killing Kagami. ?I know nothing I say will change how you feel towards me and I don?t blame you for it. But there something I must tell you it?s very important but first we have to get out of here.? Kagami then used the keys to open the cell?s door. Takumi slowly got up to his feet and walk towards the door. As he got next to Kagami he lean in close to his left ear. ?This changes nothing. I promised Mari I would kill you and I will, count on it.? Takumi said as steps away from Kagami and goes and stands next to Masato. ?Whatever you have to say make it fast.? Wasting no time Kagami jumped right into it. ?Well it about Alexandre, I think he wants you de?? Before Kagami could finish his sentence alarms sounded at the Freedom base. Kagami and the others rushed to the hangar to see what was going on. Masato and Takumi made it to the hangar before Kagami did so they had already ask what was going on. "There are five objects approaching. Judging by their speed and formation, they are most likely Judge fighter jets. Wait... the one at the front of the formation... it's too big to be a fighter jet. Bringing it up on the monitor." What the group was looking at seemed to be Tremor but with modifications. ?I have seen that design before.? Takumi said nothing really sure where he seen the new design for the improved Tremor. They continue to watch the monitors as four fighter jets release a barrage of missiles on the colony base, destroying large portions of the colony. Alarms went off once again, and the emergency backup power came on. "All mobile suits prepare for combat! I repeat! All mobile suits prepare for combat!" For the first time Kagami didn?t know what to do or say all he could do was stand there in terror. It wasn?t long before Takumi broke the silence between the three. ?Come on Masato you heard the man we have a job to do.? Masato stood there a second thinking of the condition Takumi was really in. Even though he tried to hide it Masato seen right through it. Before Masato could ask Takumi about how he was Kagami step up and said something. ?I?m going to.? Takumi turns around with fury in his eyes. ?No the hell your not, you already got one of us killed and I be damned if it happens to another mobile suit pilot.? Takumi shouted. ?Look I made a mistake. Mari died because of my actions and I will never forgive myself for that. Right now we are being under attack and I can help make things right.? ?How do you think you are going to help? With those broken ribs you have you can?t pilot a mobile suit. All you would do is get your self and everybody else out there killed.? With all his strength, Kagami then stood up straight hold his pain back. ?You can?t stop me. I?m going to help.? Takumi started to laugh. He then walks in close to Kagami stopping once they were face to face. ?Your problem is you don?t listen.? Then out of no where Takumi deliver a devastating blow to Kagami?s stomach. The effect of the blow made Kagami fall down to his knee?s passing out laying down at Takumi?s feet. ?What about you Takumi? Don?t you think you should escape with some of the other who is not fighting?? Takumi then turns around to face Masato. ?Come on old friend you know my place is out there with you on the battle field.? Right as Masato was about to answer he and Takumi look over to the side as they watch Kagami?s and Takumi?s mobile suit get taken away. ?Seems like they don?t want to take any chances. They taken yawl mobile suits to the secret base.? Takumi then turns around watching as his mobile suit was being taken away thinking to himself that this probably was going to be the last time he sees it. ?Yea this was always me and Christophe plan. If ever under attack take the entire mobile suit?s that couldn?t be used in battle to the base me and him made secretly. Shame I wont see it again.? Takumi then could feel Masato come up behind him. ?Don?t worry my friend you will use it again.? It took a moment to sink into Takumi?s head and once it did it was to late. Masato had hit Takumi in the back of the head knocking him out. ?Don?t worry I?ll hold them off with the rest of the mobile suit pilots so you and the rest can escape.? Masato stopped a couple of private who were evacuating. ?You guys get these two and take them with the others to the underground base quickly.? Masato stood knowing that this might be his last battle but if it was he was going to take out every son of a bitch that he could. He then ran to his mobile suit to go and help out the other members of Freedom.
  5. Kagami stayed up all night and most of the day running through the folders of all the mobile suit pilots. Normally he would have just waited for the next morning but the images of himself killing his friend kept running in his mind making it hard to sleep. So to keep his mind occupied he read up on all of the people he is now reasonable to lead. For all of this time he was studying up on them trying to learn all he could about them all. One fact that he did learn is that all of them seemed to be for the ideals of Freedom. By looking at there profiles he would never guess that any of them could be a spy but at times like this you could never be to sure. Out of everyone only three people really stood out of the entire bunch. These three just wasn?t any ordinary pilots, they were hand chosen by Christophe. Only information that was given in there profiles were the names of them and their mobile suits, everything else was classified. What was interesting to Kagami was the fact that the mobile suits were not made by anyone from Freedom but by Faust. Kagami has heard of Faust a lot of times specially when it came to mobile suits. Question is why he only worked on these three suits. While doing all of this research there was a knock at his door. ?Come in.? Kagami yell out. A young man with a clipboard in hand and had on the standard Freedom gear for a private. ?Can I help you?? Kagami ask with a tired look on his face. Staying up all night normally doesn?t get to him. He?s used to long nights working on the nuclear reactor but just sitting at a table reading peoples biography is something else. ?Sir you are need in the dinning hall. I?m here to take you to meet THEM.? It was obvious by the look on his face and the way he said them he was referring about the top three pilots in Freedom. To most people this would be a great honor to be working with them but for Kagami, that wasn?t the case. Kagami then closes all of the folders on his table and stacked them in one big pile. Kagami got up and walked pass the private waiting for him to leader the way. While Kagami was walking pass the private his eyes had glance at the pile of folders. Once they got to the doors of the dinning area the private stopped at the door and pat Kagami on the back wishing him luck. Kagami responded with a fake smile. He walks in and notices right away that nobody else was here besides the three. ?Wow, abuse your power much?? He said to himself amazed at the fact that they kick everyone out just to they can eat alone. As he was approaching them in the corner he could over hear them laughing and joking having a good time. ?They don?t seem like a bad group after all.? He thought to himself. Once he got close enough to been notice a big gentlemen wear a green pilots suit with a scar running from the top to the bottom of the right side of his face gave a head knob to the others signifying that they had company. Right away they stop talking and focus all there attention to Kagami. He stood there a moment not knowing what to say. So he figured best thing to do is introduce himself. ?Hey I?m Kagami Arata new member of the team. Before you saying anything let me guess. Your Masato Kusaka, you pilot model number XXXG-01H better known as the [URL="http://img183.imageshack.us/my.php?image=gundamsentrailbynightwijy8.jpg"][B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Hope Mobile Suit."[/COLOR][/B][/URL] (clicky) The big guy said nothing at all he just kept on looking at Kagami as if he was crazy. By that look Kagami figured out that he was the strong silent type. He then move on to the female sitting to his right. As he was looking at her was lost in her beauty. She had long pink mix with red color hair that went perfect with face and the way the sweat was running down her face made her pretty sky blue eyes sparkle. ?You must be so wet.? It took him a second to get what he said and once he realize it his eyes got wide and he began to shack his head from left to right and shake his hands back and forth. ?That?s not what I meant. I was trying that you are wet? I mean the sweat from your face makes you hot.. I mean that the heat in here.. aww just forget it I already put my foot in my mouth.? Kagami was embarrassed and he had every right to be. The young lady at the table seemed to be the only one who found who showed any emotion she displayed this by laughing at Kagami. ?Its okay Kagami, I know what you meant. You can continue this is quite entertaining.? He took at second and this time he actually thought of everything he was going to say to make sure he doesn?t slip up again. ?You?re Mari Sonoda. You call you [URL="http://img133.imageshack.us/my.php?image=quantumgundambynightwinbg0.jpg"][B][I][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Mobile suit Peace[/COLOR][/I][/B][/URL] mobile suit Peace.? He was happy that everything came out right and that there was no mistake. He then looks over to the left at the last member of the group. ?Last but not least Takumi Inui. You pilot mobile suit model number XXXG-01J2 also known as [URL="http://img75.imageshack.us/my.php?image=guardiangundambynightwidj9.jpg"][B][I][COLOR="Red"]Justice.[/COLOR][/I][/B][/URL] They say your skills are equal to Christophe.? Kagami took a moment before he continued talking. ?I have to say I?m honor to be work along side you guys? and girl.? Takumi laid his drink down on the table and lean back in his chair. ?First thing, are we post to be impress by that little display of information you just shot out here? If so we?re not. It?s going to take more then learning background checks to make an impression with this group. Second don?t play us as fools, we know that you are not here to work along side us but lead us. Let me make this clear right now.? Takumi then lean up at the end of his chair and his face was livid. ?The only leader of this team and Freedom is Christophe. I could give a rat?s ass what his uncle may say or think. When Christophe is gone for he reason I then take control till his return. Don?t think for one second that you are going to replace him.? ?I?m not here to replace anybody. To be honest I didn?t ev?.? Before Kagami could finish Takumi interrupted. ?Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit that?s all I hear when you speak. I don?t care what you have to say. You just sit back and don?t get in our way and there won?t be a problem. If for some reason you do have a problem you can be sure to take it up with big tank here.? Takumi said while pointing at Masato. Masato then crush his soda with three fingers displaying his power to insert fear into Kagami?s heart. It would be a lie to say it didn?t work. Takumi and the rest of the two got up from the table and were about to head off to there own quarters till the alarm went off. A man then spoke on the PA trying to out sound the alarm going off. ?Takumi, Masato, Mari and Kagami are to report to the hangar at once we have a code JS-2.? I repeat Takumi, Masato, Mari and Kagami report to the hangar we have a code JS-2.? The group all looked at each other and smiled. They were happy because they haven?t got any action in a while and a code JS-2 meant that they were about to get down and dirty. So right away they all but Kagami took off to the hangar. For a moment he stood there not knowing what that code meant. Even though he has been with Freedom for some years, learning the codes for fighter pilots was not his forte. Standing around wasn?t going to give him any answer so he then took off to the hangar to find out what is going on. When he caught up with the others he could tell they had already been told what was going on. ?How did they find us?? Takumi ask while trying to hold back his anger. Over the past year he and the rest of the Freedom organization made sure to be careful so they won?t be noticed by the Judge Senate. ?Well Sir Mr. Arata had taken his mobile suit out just yesterday so they must have caught onto the disturbance and traced it back to his last location.? Takumi then looked right at Kagami. ?Nice going rook, you haven?t been on this team for an hour and you already mess up.? ?Takumi!? Mari shouted telling him to lay off. ?What ever. How many are there?? ?We reported four mobile suits and one fighter jet.? A big smile appears on Takumi?s face. It seem to be the only sign of emotion he has shown all day besides being angry. ?A fighter jet huh? I haven?t gone against one of those in a while. This should be fun.? They all then head towards there mobile suits. As Kagami was going to his he got stop by Takumi. ?Not you rook, you done enough damage you just stay here and watch how things are post to be done.? Takumi then ran off to his mobile suit leaving Kagami behind. Inside the cockpit of his mobile suit Takumi was hitting switches making sure everything were in order before he took off. While he was checking everything the monitor of his right showed displayed Mari?s face. ?Takumi don?t you think you were a little hard on Kagami?? ?Nope.? He said with a simply reply. ?Four against five sounds better than three against five you know.? Takumi began to get a little frustrated. ?Damn Mari are you sweet on the boy? Why you care so much how I treat that rookie? He F up and now we have to fix his mistakes. You know Christophe wouldn?t accept anything less than perfect. And that boy is far from it. I?m just treating him how Christophe would. Besides we been against tougher situations before, this is nothing we can?t handle. Takumi out.? Without even letting her reply he cut commutations getting ready for battle. Some time has pass and Kagami stood in the hangar looking at his mobile suit just wondering what was going on. They have been gone for the past 30 minutes and they haven?t gotten a word back from then since they left. All this waiting began to get to him. Normally he wouldn?t have a problem doing what he was told but for some reason he didn?t want to do anything but be out in that battle field fighting with the others. This stroke him odd because of the fact he never was a fighting type to begin with. He finally got to the point where he couldn?t wait any longer. Waiting no time he then climbs the latter next to his mobile suit. Once in the cockpit he turned everything online and made sure everything was operational. He was a little hesitant to leave. Kagami has never been in a real life battle and the only life he has ever taken was his friends. Before leaving to join in the battle field he sat there in his cockpit thinking everything out trying to think of every outcome. He kept telling himself that he could do it that he can?t be beat. He repeated that in his head over and over giving himself some courage. Once he felt like he was ready he took off into battle. Rushing to the battle field first thing he noticed was Takumi was in the air fighting the jet fighter and Masato was taking on two mobile suits by himself. Then it hit him. ?Mari, where is she?? he said to himself. As he quickly looked around he noticed that she was in trouble he snapped. Wasting no time he took off full thrusters in here direction. While heading forward he pulled out his beam saber. With the art of surprise on his side Kagami approached behind the judge marine mobile and cut the legs off from under him. The mobile suit then fell down to the ground falling in its back. To make sure that pilot wouldn?t try to do any sneak attack Kagami used the tail on his mobile suit and jam it through the mobiles suits cockpit killing the pilot. He then look and saw that Takumi was in trouble with the jet pilot so he then took off into the skies. As he took off he didn?t know that the other mobile suit pilot who was fighting with Masato had locked on him. So when he took off Mari mobile suit had took all of the attack head on damaging her mobile suit to the point he it was paralyzed from the waist down. Kagami noticed all this when it was to late. ?NO!? he screams out realizing he made a mistake. He then changed his direction heading toward the shooter of the mobile suit who had damaged Mari?s mobile suit. As Kagami was approaching the Judge was firing away with his machine guns. Kagami quickly began to move from left to right trying to make sure to avoid any vulnerable spot on his mobile suit from getting hit. Once in striking distance he cut the machine guns in half. Right away he notices his enemy pull out his heat sword. Reacting as fast as he could he brought his saber up to the right to avoid attack that was about to cut right through his mobile suit if he didn?t react fast enough. While there swords were lock up against each other Kagami could feel that his opponent must have thought they were at a stalemate. Then a slit had opened from the left forearm of Kagami?s mobile suit and then a beam saber from the inside of shot out. This saber was different from the one in his right hand. This saber was connected directly to the suit's powerplant as opposed to running on its own internal power source, allowing its length and intensity to be adjusted considerably to cut through even heavily armored mobile suits as if they were nothing. Now with his other saber out he quickly used this surprise to his advantage and brought his forearm under his other cutting the other mobile suits arms off. Now that it was rendered helpless Kagami then wasting no time sliced the mobile suit right now the middle cutting it in half then quickly flew backwards as it blow up with debris flying every where. Looking up he saw that Takumi was in some trouble, he then went to give him some aid. They both were trying to attack the fighter jet but just ended up getting in each others way as they both would try to attack and avoid being hit at the same time. After a while this began to get tiresome to Takumi so he quickly opened a line of commutation to Kagami. ?God damnit Kagami you getting in the way just fall back.? Inside his mobile suit Kagami shook his head no. It was as if he was another person as he was piloting this mobile suit. ?No Takumi I can take him.? ?I don?t care what you can do, you will fall back that is a order.? Everything in his body was telling Kagami to keep fighting but he knew he had to fall back so he did so. Kagami watched on as Takumi was fighting he could have gone and help Masato fight the last mobile suit but he didn?t want to. His attention was on the fighter jet. Mobile suit were slow compared to his and a fighter jet would be a challenge to Kagami so he could really test his skill. While watching he noticed the pattern both Takumi and his opponent were doing as both were attacking and evading each other attack. After a while Kagami caught the pattern the guy in the mobile suit was doing. He knew how to stop him. Watching them on his left he took off to the right. Takumi kept firing at the fighter jet all seem for nothing his. He didn?t make not one direct hit and he was about to run out of bullets. Takumi then began to fire in a up and down formation making his enemy do a barrel roll to the right. When the fighter jet came out of the barrel roll Kagami was right there waiting for him as if he knew he was going to be there. The person piloting the fight jet tried to avoid Kagami but it was to late, Kagami was a step ahead of him. He quickly had sliced the wing of the fighter jet off as the pilot tried to avoid him. The jet with its wing gone lost control and went for a nose dive right for the wrong out of control. Kagami look on waiting for the pilot to crash. As he was looking on he notice that even though the pilot was out of control he had enough control to head right at Mari who?s mobile suit was on the ground damage. The pilot was going to die and take someone down with him. Takumi release what was going on about the same time as Kagami. Both of them took off heading towards Mari. Takumi was firing his gun like crazy trying to knock the plane off course but nothing seemed to be work. Kagami had so much power going to his thruster that they were in the danger zone but this didn?t matter he had to save Mari?s life. Then at that last moment it felt like time was moving in slow motion for Kagami and Takumi. As soon as both had got close enough to do anything it was to late. The jet his Mari?s mobile suit died on blowing up on impact killing the pilot and Mari instantly. The blast of the explosion sent both Kagami?s and Takumi?s mobile suit flying destroying half of the suit in the process. All the power in Kagami?s mobile suit had went off and electrical wires where swing around sparking in the cockpit. Kagami tried to open the cockpit but it would open. He slowly fasten himself him his straps and crawled to the cockpit door and opened it manually. When he opened the door he saw his mobile suit head laying in front of him. As he was thinking of the damage of his mobile suit it then his him, Mari. He tried to run to direction of the wreckage but his leg had got injured so he was limping as fast as he could. While approaching the rubble he notice Takumi mobile suit was in just as much bad damage as his. Takumi quickly noticed Kagami once he got into his sights. He picked up the closets thing next took him took off at Kagami. Once Kagami was close enough he delivered a baseball swing to Kagami stomach with full force. Kagami fell to the ground instantly coughing up blood. ?YOU SON OF A BITCH YOU ARE GOING TO DIE FOR THIS!? Takumi screams out as he continues to stump a mud whole in Kagami?s face. Masato quickly run to Kagami?s rescue grabbing Takumi stopping him from killing Kagami. As all this was going on none of them noticed the last Judge leave the scene heading back to headquarters. A couple hours had pass and Kagami laid in the infirmary a bloody mess. He had a couple of fractured ribs and face wasn?t even recognizable. He was lucky that Masato came when he did if Takumi had just a few more minute Kagami would probably be died right about now. He was also lucky that they place Takumi in another building to make sure that there wouldn?t be a round 2. A nurse came in to check on Kagami. ?How are you feeling?? She asked feeling bad for him. ?I feel great cant you see it on my face?? He said sarcastically. ?I have to get out of here and get with a team and get what?s left of the mobile suits.? As he tried to get up the nurse slowly laid him back down. ?You don?t have nothing to worry about they have a team already working on that.? Kagami looked around thinking of something to come up with but nothing hit his head so he went with the true. ?Look I cant be here I?m going to my room.? She then kept her hand on his chest trying to make him stay down. ?You are in no condition to go anywhere you have to rest.? ?And that I will in my own room now get your damn hands off me.? He then smacks her hands off of his chest and head towards his room. It took him forever but he made it to his room. As the door opened he went to the direction of his bed. But on the way there he noticed something at his desk. He walked slowly to his desk and noticed that all of the folders were scattered all over the table and left open. Kagami knew for a fact he didn?t leave the folders this way. It took a while but he added everything up. Someone came in and took pictures of all of the folders on his desk and if someone did that. It means. ?There was another spy.? OOC: Sorry if it might be a little sloppy i was in a hurry to post this. It should at least be read able. Next post i'll take more time on it.
  6. Just giving everyone a quick heads up. I'll have my post up later tonight. i have been a bit busy with work getting in the way.
  7. I notice post now started to die down now that all the fighting is done. I was thinking that maybe we could have all the groups meant up at some secret location and have talks about a alliance. Seeing that with the Judges attacking and everyone came to help, a good move would be to join up. Also with what happened it has to have other groups thinking that maybe they have spies in there own organization. Also if this alliance would happen who would be the group that they cant trust. There was only one group that didn't show up when everything went down. Who's to say Freedom can be trusted. This is just a idea i figured id throw out there trying to get everyone minds rolling. Tell me what you all think of the idea or if you have a better one or would like to add to it or whatever
  8. Back at HQ in the hangar, Kagami sat in the cockpit of his mobile suit thinking about everything that was bothering him after he just killed his friend. Ever since he came to Operation Freedom he never had any friends. Everyone just stayed away from him thinking that maybe Kagami was stuck up or arrogant because of how smart he is. Kurenai was the only person who befriended him seeing Kagami for who he really was. Both of them worked on all the mobile suits together as a team. Even though Kagami is a smart individual he always had a problem forgetting about the small little things, that?s when Kurenai would remind him whenever they ran into a problems. They were a team and for the most part friends. That is why his death lays so heavy on Kagami?s heart even to the point he began second guessing himself about what his and Freedoms true goals are. Were Kurenai words true? Is stopping the Judge Senate really what is right for everybody? Ever since Kagami was a child he never had a problem with the Judge Senate everything really didn?t start for him till he joined Freedom. That?s when he saw other members of Freedom and other organizations die at the hands of the Senate. As these entire questions begin to dwell in his head he began to seeing things from a different light. [I] ?When you think about, who really are the bad guys in all this? I mean under the leadership of the Judge Senate mankind has been free of war, pollution and hunger. For the most part crime has dropped enormously. So who is to say they are really the evil ones? If I was in control of the Judge Senate myself I would probably do the same thing they are doing when other groups rise up and try to obliterate everything I tried so hard to build. Maybe I am on the wrong side. If so then that means I killed my friend for??..nothing.? [/I]Kagami thought to himself. After a while of thinking he finally got out of his mobile suit?s cockpit. While getting out he sees one of the fellow Freedom members on the stairway above him standing there as if he was waiting for him to come out. Kagami made eye contact with him letting him know that he acknowledge him. ?Sir sorry to disturb you but Mr.Brousseau wants to see you right away in his office its emergency.? This was a total shock to Kagami. Why would the leader of Freedom want to speak to him, he?s only a mechanic? This must have been pretty important for him to be summoned to Brousseau quarters. ?Tell him I?m on my way.? Kagami said trying to hold back how nervous he really was. The last time he had seen or even heard from the leader was when he and his team finished the first mobile suit years ago. Moments later Kagami stood still in front of Brousseau?s door not knowing what was waiting for him. The only thing he can do is walk in and find out. Kagami stretch out his arm and grab the door handle turning it slowly and opens the door walking threw it slowly. As he walk in he notice Brousseau standing at his window looking out at the scenery. ?Come in sit down Kagami, we have a bit to talk about.? He said as he heard Kagami open his door and walk in. He waited a bit before turning around making sure he gave Kagami enough time to be seated. He turns around slowly making eye contact with Kagami. ?So Kagami let me ask you something. Are you aware of everything that went down in the past hour?? Kagami began to get a little worried some how maybe Brousseau must have found out that all the information they had on freedom gundam must have been stolen. It was stupid of Kagami to think that he could keep this kind of information from the leader of this organization. But before Kagami admit to anything he has to know first how much he really knows. ?I can say that I don't sir, I been out on the testing field running through some new operation schemes on my mobile suit. Why do you ask?? The look on Brousseau face showed that he might or might not have believed him. ?Well so make a long story short. It seems that the Judge Senate attacked the Scavengers today and a lot of other groups join to help the Scavengers but it was all for nothing. The Judges made it off with some mobile suits that belonged to the Scavengers. It?s safe to say they had a spy in their group. One can even assume that every group might have a spy themselves in their own organization including us.? [I]?It seems that Kurenai wasn?t the only person who thought that maybe the Senate is the correct side to be on.? [/I]Kagami thought to himself. ?Kagami, you wouldn?t happen to know anything about this would you?? Kagami could answer him honestly but the problem is already solve to why should he say anything and at least this way his friends name wont be known as trader. ?Sorry Sir I can?t say I know anything about that.? Brousseau then sat down in his sat and reached in some secret department and pulled out a remote pressing a button pointing it at the screen behind Kagami. ?So I guess you were doing your little test run by yourself then.? Brousseau said as the screen then displayed Kagami and Kurenai. Kagami didn?t know what to say as he watched on as this video showed that he in fact knew that Freedom did have a spy. Brousseau stopped the video before it got to the scene of Kagami killing his friend. He was thankful for that because he couldn't watch the death of his friend more then once. ?It?s okay Kagami I?m pretty sure you had your own reasons for not telling me that you did find out today that Kurenai was in deed a spy. But as the video shows at the end I know now that you are not the spy and that you are for our cause. Knowing this I want to give you something.? Once again Brousseau reach in the department once more and pulled out a disc. He then threw the disc in Kagami?s lap. ?That there is the true information on Freedom Gundam. With that you will be able to develop a working and successful nuclear reactor.? Kagami was shocked at first trying to think about what he heard. ?That can?t be right I was with the team who worked on the Freedom gundam. I?m the one who found out about the capabilities of the nuclear reactor. What do you mean this is the real information?? ?Technically you were part of the second team. Do you really think that something of that importance I would let just anybody work on? I had my own personal group of people work on it first. Then they left the scraps to you and your team. I had to know that you and the others could be trusted. And by what happened today I see I made the right move wouldn't you say?? Kagami really couldn?t blame Brousseau for what he did. If he hadn't who?s to say that the Judge Senate wouldn?t have the information on the Freedom gundam now. ?Well know that now that I have this I?ll make a security on this information that no one will be able to crack without the password.? ?Happy to hear that, I would hate for that information to get in the wrong hands. I know you will have that reactor up and running in no time.? ?That I will sir, matter of fact I?ll get right on it now.? Kagami said as he was about to get up before Brousseau stopped him. ?That would be nice but the thing is you have other matters to worry about.? ?Other matters?? ?My nephew is gone and there is no telling when he will be back. With him gone Freedom doesn?t have someone to lead them in battle. That is why I called you here. You will be Freedoms leader till Christophe returns.? Kagami knew what he heard couldn't be real. ?ME?? He said out loud. ?Sir I?m only a mechanic I can?t lead a team into battle. For that matter I don?t even like to fight. That?s why I work on the mobile suits not destroy them.? ?Kagami we both know you are more then qualified. Since you got here you did nothing but watch Christophe and other mobile suit pilots learning from them making there skills your own. By now I know you knew I known of your gift. And with your gift your skills comes second to Christophe himself. Or who?s to say that your skills might be a little better sine your mind is like a human computer. I now you always wanted to know and now we all will find out how well of a mobile suit pilot you will become.? There was a lot that Kagami wanted to say. First thing being that he might not be the right one for the job being that he has been second guessing himself if he made the right choice by join Freedom. But if he told Brousseau now there is no telling what his reaction might be after all the events that took place today. Brousseau could easily think of him as a spy and why not. He lied about not knowing Kurenai was a spy to begin with. Brousseau could spin that to make up what ever he wants. Either way the only thing Kagami could do is take this offer. ?Thanks sir I?ll try my best to make you proud.? Kagami then got up from his seat and walked towards the door. As he grab the handle to open the door Brousseau stopped him once again. ?Kagami don?t try, do.? Kagami looked back taking in the last words then walk out heading to his own room.
  9. Just to give you all the heads up I spoke with The Red Star and he wont be able to post for some time he is a bit busy so I'm be talking over the freedom organization till he returns. And my post will be up later today.
  10. Kagami sat back in his chair waiting for the computer to finish its calculations for the test he was running it through. Since they have found the Freedom gundam Kagami?s main job have been to harness the power of the nuclear reactor. He was picked to do this job being that he is one of the most intelligent people in the Operation Freedom. Also that after the Freedom gundam was found he was part of the group who came up with the designs for the other mobile suits that were put in mass production. For months he has been trapped at his computer trying to understand what is it that he was missing in unlocking the secret to how to control the power of the nuclear reactor. He has spent so much time on this project he has barely had the time to work on his own mobile suit. As Kagami was seating back thinking of very thing he had tried or haven?t tried the computer went off. [I]Simulation Complete. Reactor stable holding at 95%. Reactor still stable holding at 97%.[/I] ?This is it I think I might got it.? Kagami said out loud to himself hoping that this time it won?t be a failure. [I]Reactor stable holding at 100%[/I] ?I?ve done it, I finally done it. I have found away to control the nuclear?s power. I have to tell Katsuhito about this.? Kagami rolled back in his chair and got up excited about the news. As he was about to walk away he heard his laptop once more. [I]Reactor unstable at 115% reaching critical mass[/I] ?No no no this can?t be happening I thought I had it this time.? Kagami then walked over to his computer and pulled the wires from the laptop out from the freedom gundams powerplanet. ?Damn I was so close.? He said in shame as he ended the simulation on his laptop. He sat back in his chair and began again starting from step one. As he was working one of the crew members came up behind him with some news for him. ?Sir we have a problem.? He said with urgency in his voice. Right away Kagami knew that it couldn?t be to important because he is coming to him with the news. Anything that is of real importance they wouldn?t bother telling a mechanic. ?Look I?m busy and don?t really have time for anything but this reactor. I don?t really mean to sound rude but go tell someone else who might care.? He then pulled his attention back to his laptop. ?Sir it is about the reactor.? He replied as Kagami turned around slowly in his chair now paying more attention than before wanting to hear what he has to say. ?It seems that someone has downloaded all the information we have on the freedom gundam and the nuclear reactor as well.? ?I can?t believe you came bothering me with this. The person was me I had some information missing on my laptop so I downloaded everything from the network. See problem solved.? Kagami then began to turn back around to get back to work but was stopped one last time. ?Sir someone else downloaded the information from an unsecured network. They have everything on freedom gundam and the mobile suits we have.? Kagami got up from his seat and took the papers out of the man?s hand and read everything over seeing the time and what information was stolen. ?This can?t be right, you would have to have a password in order to even get into our network and even with that you will still need a password to get any data we may have. The only people who know of this are me and?. did you tell anyone else about this?? "No just like you wish, if anything happens that deals with the reactor we report to you." "Good lets keep it just between me and you ill fix this myself." There are four people including himself who knows the password but there is only one people who it could be. ?Where is Kurenai?? Kagami asked with some attitude in his voice. It took him a minute to answer as he stood there taking sometime to think of it. ?He was last seen in the hangar.? Kagami eyes open wide as his worse fear could come true. If anybody got there hands on that information the organization will be in trouble and Kagami will be the one to blame being that he is the one who is post to have all information on freedom secure. But even with the information stolen it would still take someone with Kagami?s intellect to crack the code that he has placed inside just in case if something like this would happen. Kagami moved the man aside and took off running heading towards the hangar. In the hangar he ran upstairs to the platform to get to his mobile suit. As he was in the hangar he noticed that Kurenai?s mobile suit was gone like he figured. He stopped once he reached his mobile suit. His was different from all of the other mobile suits. One of the main things that set his mobile suit from the other from mass production was the fact his have no long range weapons at all. His only focus on speed and close range fighting. Besides its offense battle fighting its color was different as well. While the other displayed colors of hope and freedom his was all black with hint of red on the chest and outline of the legs and arms. As Kagami got into his mobile suit, control pop up in the right hand corner of the monitors. ?Kagami are you going to join in on the battle going on?? Kagami looked up at the monitor as he finishes bulking himself in. ?Battle? What battle are you talking about?? He asked not having a clue what was going on. ?Kagami the Judge Marines are attacking the scavenger, seems like a lot of people are getting involved to help. I see that you are in you mobile suit so I figured you must have found out and now on your way.? Kagami let out a little laugh before he answered. ?It?s not my call and not my problem I have other things to worry about like where is Kurenai?s mobile suit?? ?One second? He just left not to long ago just east of here.? ?Thanks and if you don?t mind could you open up those pretty little doors so I can be on my way?? Control first made sure that the take off area was clear and know one was close by. Normally this wouldn?t be a problem but this wasn?t a schedule launch. After the count down Kagami and his mobile suit [URL="http://img375.imageshack.us/img375/845/0002gundambyagito666su9.jpg"][B][U]Vengeance[/U][/B][/URL] took off out of the freedom base. A few moments later Kagami had caught up with Kurenai. What Kagami?s mobile suit lack in offensive of weapons it made up in speed. He used all the technology he learned from freedom and used it to his best ability for his own mobile suit making it faster then the mobile suit of production. Kurenai mobile suit stopped in its tracks. Kurenai must have seen Kagami on his radar. Kagami then open a line for commutation. ?I have just one question, why? Why would you give our information away and to all people the Judge Senate?? There was a moment of silence before he had answered. ?Kagami me and you have been friends since you join Operation Freedom. As you live you meet a lot of people. You see them live and you see them die. Everyone wants to do something big something that when they die they will be remembered by. You Kagami you will be remembered for making the nuclear reactor work, it?s only a matter of time before you get it right. And for me?.? Before he could continue Kagami then cut him off. ?That?s what all this is about? You stole the plans so that people will remember you as the perspn who got thousands of people killed? You do know that?s what people will remember you by once they get their hands on that data. You honestly think the Judge Senate is going to give us a slap on the wrist? You will bring death to everyone who is part of operation freedom and people who have anything to do with us. I?m sorry I can?t let you give that information out.? ?Kagami you never looked at the big picture. A war is coming and its time to choose a side.? ?So you side with the people who killed your family? What would you little girl think of you?? ?SHUT YOUR MONTH! You don?t know anything about my little girl. I?m doing this so that no father would have to go through what I did. No father should have to see their children die. I know she will be happy of me. Think about it Kagami if another origination wins this battle they are only going to form the world the way they see fit. Like the saying goes [I]better the devil you know than the devil you don't[/I].? ?Well when you see your daughter why don?t you ask her.? Kurenai then pulled out his beam saber. ?Kagami you know why I picked this day to put my plans in motion? Because this is the day when you work on your mobile suit, the day before you work on it you disconnect all the weapons you do have and work on them to make sure they are up to date. I knew it would be you who would come after me and you would do so by you self because you wouldn?t want anyone to know how you mess up. And when you would come out here you will do so leaving your weapons behind like so, making your self a sitting duck.? ?I will make sure you die a fast death my friend.? ?So you still going to act like you have the upper hand? Very well. DIE KAGAMI ARATA!? He shouted as he turned around and ran toward Kagami. Kagami stood there waiting for his pray to come closer, waiting to end Kurenai life. Before Kurenai got into striking distance Kagami shed one tear and said. ?Farewell my friend maybe you will live peacefully in the other life with your family.? Right before Kurenai?s mobile suit was about to attack there was a bright flash then moments later his mobile suit exploded. Kagami?s mobile suit stood still with its back facing the explosion. Before the moment of attack Kagami had used a flash bang to blind Kurenai momentarily then he used his hidden beam saber that is connected to his forearm. With it he had cut right through the mobile suit hitting the powerplanet of the mobile suit making it unstable causing it to explode. He then headed back to base.
  11. Word around the camp fire is they did this movie to open up for a tv series. Me personality think it should have been a tv movie any way. How many movies do you know can do good with a former power ranger as the lead character
  12. When i was writing up my character i meant to put Operation Freedom as the organization but instead i mistakenly put Golden Echelons Incorporated. that's all i was just reading everyone ones and got mixed up
  13. i made a mistake thats all my bad its meant to be Operation Freedom. it was late night was half asleep you all no how it can be
  14. I didn't know if it was to late to sign up or not but i figured it wouldn't hurt to try. [B]Name:[/B]Kagami Arata [B]Age:[/B]19 [B]Gender:[/B]Male [B]Organization Information:[/B] Operation Freedom [B]Technology Basis:[/B] Freedom Gundam [B]Bio:[/B]Kagami was born an orphan. His mother got ride of him at birth and no one ever seen her again. One of the nurses at the hospital that couldn’t have children took Kagami in as her own. As time went on and he got older she noticed that he was not like any average kid. If he would see someone do something he could he could mimic it almost exactly. As he got older he would learn things faster then normal people. His step mother began to think about his future and what would happened if someone found out about what he could do. Not knowing what to do she sent Kagami to the only person she could trust, Alexandre Christophe Brousseau IV. Kagami joined Operation Freedom as one of their mechanics. He was part of the team that worked on the prototype ALEXANDRE. The team that he is with main focus has been trying to replicate the nuclear reactor but has been unable to do so but Kagami refuses to give up. During the time he wasn’t work on the reactor he sent working on his own mobile suit. To help aid Katsuhito in his quest. [B]Mobile Suit:[/B] [URL="http://img375.imageshack.us/img375/4329/0002gundambyagito666dr5.jpg"][B][I][U]Prototype Vengeance[/U][/I][/B].[/URL] His mobile suit is a more slender making it faster, agile. The suit is armed with weapons effective only in close quarters, avoiding ranged weaponry entirely. The main weapons are two beam sabers. One of the sabers is stored inside its shoulders. The second saber extends from the left forearm. The forearm saber is connected directly to the suit's power source, allowing its length and strength to be adjusted significantly to cut through even heavily armored mobile suits. The third weapon is its tail. The tail extends and the tip opens up like a claw. That could be use as bring an enemy closer of rip through a vulnerable spot.
  15. Sup everyone. A lot of you don't know who i am but i did this story a long time ago and it did pretty good. So i decided to change it up a lot and make a better story for it hoping it will do a lot better then before. The story begins on the planet Zantar with Princess Erika. She is the first born of Queen Xertia and King Zitan. Princess Erika is the oldest of three children. Her brothers are Raizan, the middle son, and Xon, the baby of the three. Since she could remember she has dreamed of being Queen of Zantar, but due to a certain law passed by his Majesty, this dream is nearly impossible for her to fulfill. The law states that the first male born shall be king. So because of this law her brother Raizan is next to being king. Erika has been forced to create another way in which will enable her to become Queen, so she plots and waits. In the law of succession set forth by his Majesty a loop hole has been found. If the current King and Queen of Zantar were to die without any male heirs then she would be eligible for the ruler-ship of the planet. In her particular case something "tragic" would have to happen to the rest of the royal family and as by God's miracle she would be the only to survive. Given the power of the royal family, only another member of the royal family would have create this tragic scenario. Now she knows what must be done, she must choose her targets carefully. Her mother seems to be the weakest chain in the royal family for as a child even she grew to recognize the mental weakness that her mother exhibited. As a master of manipulation with her Kizer crystal she would easily be able to turn her mother's hand away from attacking her to becoming the first sacrifice to her glorious rise to power. She would need to injure herself first in order to create the appropriate distraction for her mother, then and only then would she be able to land the killing blow. Then without question the others could believe a lone assassin snuck into the palace to attempt to kill them both. As she entered the room, staggering every step as if she was about to pass out, her mother ran toward her. The Queen asked her daughter what had happened. As she tried to reply she coughed up blood and appeared to pass out. The Queen began to focus her energies inward toward the crystal. The crystal began to respond and then all was dark. Her daughter standing above her mother smiling triumphly as she held her mother's crystal in hand. The Queen looked down in confusion and realized that a large hole has appeared in her chest. She then looked up at her daughter and noticed that her other arm was covered in blood as well. As she tried to say something her daughter knelt down next to her. She then held her head closely and told her that she did this to her. As she finally lay to rest tears rolled out both eyes. For a moment the daughter had some small shred of regret. Even though she sought power above all else it is always hard to eliminate the one's you build attachment to. She shrugged her shoulders and thought to herself, It will be much easier then next time. Xon was the next target on her list, but she must hurry or she would draw suspicion. After all if she did not make it back in time to her mother's chamber and set the stage the rest of the family might unite against her. She had head toward the training area knowing full well her baby brother would be there training as always. Her plan was to mislead her brother’s mind the same way she did their mother. When her brother saw his sister looking as if at any moment might be her last his reaction was just like his mothers. As he was apporching an instant imagine of a person flash to his left. Being alert he jumps back and then his sister then reveals herself ending the illusion. She had used a lot of her power on her mother to make sure that illusion was flawless but by doing so she didn’t realize exactly how much energy she had used. Now that her surprised attack was ruin she now had to fight her brother arm to arm combat. The fight went on longer then she expected. Xon powers had grown since last time Erika had encountered him. Her only conclusion was that he had now learned his Kizer’s Zan Cu. Being so she had to unleash the true power she possess. The fight still seemed to be on equal ground. So knowing that time is against her she then revealed her big secret to her baby brother. She told him that she is destined to be Queen and she knows it because she has done something that is not possible amongst the Zantar people. She reveals that her Kizer have two Zan Cu’s and that Xon will be the first to see. Erika then unleashes an attack that Xon couldn’t block or dodge or even counter for that reason. The results of the attack left him motionless on the ground barely breathing. She then kneeled down and took her brothers crystal. As she was about to leave her other brother Raizan came out of the shadows from being a spectator of the battle. Erika was about to attack her brother until he willing gave her half of his Kizer crystal. Even though this is what she wanted just getting the crystal wasn’t enough. Before she could get ready to attack Raizan assured her that he would disappear and she will not ever see his face. As Raizan was walking away Erika thought that this would be a good time to get ride of Raizan since he only has half his crystal and his back was turn. Soon as she was about to go on the offensive he appeared within a blink on an eye behind her with hand at her throat. He then also assured her that even within the state that he and she is in he would have no problem killing her. So she dropped her guard and let him go on his way. Now that she has three crystals in her possession there is only one left to get and that is her father, King Zitan. This one she decided to use what she had to her advantage. After all of the commotion she and her brother caused the Royal guards would come instantly. Seeing that she had just been in a battle the guards will believe that prince Xon and her were ambushed. This also will give her a chance to let he power regenerate as well. When the guards got there they seen Prince Xon body lying on Princess Erika. They believe that they were attacked and Xon had jumped in the way trying to shield his sister. This is what she wanted them to think this way it would make since to why she is still alive as for her brother being dead. The guards immediately took her to father’s torn room to explain to him what happened. When they brought her to the King they rested her in one of the chairs. He ordered the guards to leave. Shocking to her the king seemed as if he had already been crying. She didn’t know what was going on but she still had to keep up the charade. The King sat down in his seat and ordered his daughter to stop the mockery. She couldn’t believe that he had seen through her. So she asked him. “How father? What gave me away?” He looked at her with dissatisfaction. “I am the King. There is not much I don’t know. You and what I have left of a family is all tied to my crystal. I know when you are in danger or about to DIE! The question is why, why would you do this?” She then stands up from the chair and throws her crystal and the others she had gathered on the table. “For power.” She simply says as she walks up slowly to her father. “Since I was born all I wanted was to rule but you took that away from me. You didn’t want a woman to rule, to have power. So you made that mindless rule making sure that what is post to be mine wont be.” He couldn’t believe what he just heard. “Is that what you believe?” He asks. “It is what I know.” She replied. “Reason why is because I didn’t want you to live a life of war. You as Queen you would be nonstop war until a male heir took your place. Our enemies would think you were weak and would stop at nothing to prove it. And I could…” She then cuts him all before he continues. “If you believe that father then you’re a fool. I’m far beyond weak. As you already know I killed mother and your baby boy Prince Xon. Only a strong and powerful leader could defeat three Royal family members in the same night.” The King then got up from his chair and made sure not to drop his guard. “Three? I still feel that you brother Raizan is still alive.” Princess Erika then lets out a little laugh. “He is for now. But I wasn’t referring about him.” To the King’s surprise his daughter was right behind him. The whole time he was having a conversation it was with the power of Erika’s crystal. With the combine powers of the crystals she killed her father with little effort and took his crystal. As she was about to combine with her fathers Kizer the torn room door was busted open. To her surprise it was her little brother Xon. After he had blown the door down his crystal instantly went to his arm. With every thing he had left he used the power of his Zan Cu knowing full well that he will die once he uses an attack. Using the last bit of power he had he unleashed an attack even with the combine Kizers Erika had couldn’t even handle the attack. The force of the attack had detached her from the other Kizer’s. Xon’s personal lieutenant Lanzo came to his captain’s side as he was dieing. He came to the palace when he heard Xon was dead. Xon told him to take his crystals along with the other three that were just in front of them before his sister broke free of all of the debris that was coving her. He told him to take the crystals and exit this planet. Erika got free seeing Lanzo escaping. Other royal guards and captains all came into the torn room. She then told them that Lanzo is a trader and that he killed her family and now has their crystals. Now as Queen she orders them to kill him and bring the crystals back to her. Lanzo made it to his ship and took off. Not to far behind were most of the planets Captains and lieutenants. They fired on Lanzo ship right as he was about to make the jump to hyper speed. The ship got damage but at the same time he was lucky enough to make the jump at the last second with out them being able to lock onto his coordinates. On the planet Earth year 1974 a secret organization was working on some special crystals that they had found. The two main scientists working on this discovery were Rieko Riki and Shiren Lei. Riki and Lei's goal was to make the power of these crystals stable enough for a human to control it. After 3 years of hard work they believe that they might have come to the point were the crystals were ready to test out. They found 4 people to test these new crystal's. After 3 weeks three of the subjects died. But the one who survived he gained the powers of the crystal for a short period of time. Super speed, strength, agility. Later test showed that without the crystal that the subject is still attached to itl still having the abilities that it gives you but only at half power. After the test subject got use to the crystal he unlocked a new power in the crystal. Some type of armor appeared over his body along with a new type of ability. This new found power was to much on the human body. The result was the death of the last subject. Unknown to Rieko his partner Lei was planning to kill him so he could take the crystals for himself and use the power to his will. One day when both scientists were together Lei went on the attack he had grab the white crystal and stabbed Rieko in the back. A few moments later the lights and other electrical appliances in the building began to flicker on and off. Lei looked around wondering what was going on. He looked down at his dead partner’s body. He watches as the crystal it self became part of Rieko. The crystal made it way from Rieko’s back to the front of his chest. Right in front of Lei’s eye’s he looked on as Rieko body began to grow in height and body mass. His hair color had changed from brown to white and it grow in length. Rieko opened his eyes and looked at Lei. Lei felt as if Rieko was looking into his very soul. Rieko had risen up from the floor as if he floated up from the ground. Wasting no time Rieko killed Lei with little effort. Now being part of the crystal it had downloaded into his mind all the information about its origin. He not only learned that they were called Kizers but he also learn how to make them. By 2004 Rieko who no longer known by that name had changed it after the day he believed he was reborn. He now goes by AI No. With all the information that Ai No obtain from his Kizer he has made hundreds more. He opened up his own personal academy using the organization that he used to work for that now is under his supremacy. Along with having his own academy he owns Japan it self. It is where his academy is at, where they only took in the best fighters around the world. The school it self main focus is fighting but he also made sure that they got the best education there is to offer. During the first school year after seeing what all the student were made of he then introduced them to Kizer’s. Only thing was by using the resources that Ai No had to his exposal he was only able to make 4 different types of crystals. Fire, Water, Wind, Earth. Every last student was given one. The Kizer’s themselves picked their own users. Being so there were three students that none of the new Kizer’s chosen. Ai No found this to be interesting so he brought the three students to his quarters. Once they were there they notice three very different Kizers. Ai No told the students that what they were looking at were special Kizers for special people. The kizer alone chose there new masters. Coming to the end of the year Ai No had form his own little tournament for the school. He did this for his own means. All students had to participate. This tournament is what Ai No believe may have put a dent into his future plans because during this tournament a few students figured out what his true goals where. At the finals of the tournament he had released his new creation. He had fused to different types of crystals into one for one person to try and control. His creation had gone out of control, the power of two crystals combine was to much for any human to manage. The price for Ai No’s greed was the deaths of many students at the tournament. There would have been more chaos if Ai No’s dark creation wasn’t stopped by the number one crystal fighter. Years later after seeing more and more powerful students coming to the school he had decided to make another type of Kizer crystal. The new crystal was the Lightning Kizer. The first prototype crystal went to the only person who had beaten the first year’s number one rookie. After seeing that this new crystal was a success he made more for the new students who would later attend. The time is now 2008. Ai No has his own team of fighters who he personality hand picked. They are his team of Destruction. The small group of people in the beginning who knew of Ai No’s real goal has turned into a underground faction now. So Ai No decided to push his plans forward. His plans are to take over the world and become its ruler and what better way to do so if you have your own group of powerful warriors that has abilities that the world has never seen. His goal is to get followers along his side and if any decide to stand against him then they must die. On the planet Zantar, what the former King predicted came true. Queen Erika, Princess Rukia and the Zantarian people have been in nothing but a nonstop battle against the Zatourans. Two of the nine Overlords are on there way to Zantar to finish off the planet. While during this time of war what few scouts she could afford she has sent all over the galaxy to find her crystals. She need to get the royal kizer’s back in her possession or in the next great battle to come against Zoturans and the Two Overlords her and her people will all die. There is one scout who might get lucky seeing that he is heading to Earth. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay guys and girl there is the story. But there is still more information you all need to know. If you want you all can make your own characters or use already pre-built characters. If you decide to use a pre-build character you have full creativity with him or her. The only thing I ask is that you keep the main Bio if you will but you can add on what you like. If you want to change the Zan Cu (im explain what it is) that’s cool you can change there name and sex if you like. Down bottom is the list of the pre-build characters in the story. If no one picks these people up they will still be in the story seeing that they are all key players. If you’re making your own character here is a little bit of information to tell you all. First if you’re on Earth the only Kizer crystal’s you will have in the beginning is Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, and Lightning. The Earthly made Kizer’s doesn’t have the ability to achieve the Zan Cu form. But later I plan for everyone to get there own Kizer crystal. So you can still write what yours is going to be when you get it. But if you want to keep your original kizer you can if you like. Oh yeah when you make your Kizer I don’t want any one to have the same one. One more thing if you decide to be a Zantar as you already know your planet is at war with the Zatourans. Zatourans are monster like creature that has abilities similar to Kizer’s. When a Zatouran kills a Kizer user it adsorbs his or her powers. When adsorbs a great deal of power is evolve into a new creature known as a Zatan, they are equal to a captains in power. When Zatan’s kills and takes enough Captain kizer power’s they then become Overlords. Overlords look more like humans but still have a little of there monster looking characteristics. Overlords are the finial evolution for the Zatouran race. As an Overlord their power are equal to or more powerful then the royal crystals. These are the Royal Kizer’s are Life/Death, Chimera, Hyper, Ice, Iniquity,Vigor. Queens Erika [B]Kizer:[/B] [I]“That what you think you see will be your death!” [/I] She has the Chimera kizer. Her Kizer is very unique for the fact that it is the only Kizer that has two releases. This is the first and only one known in Zantar history. With her kizer she has the power of illusion and poisons. [B]Zan Cu: [/B]When she uses her Zan Cu her kizer will put her opponent into an illusion world that seems so real that you can die in it. She can control what you see, feel, hear and what happens around you. Other part of her Zan Cu is that she injects a very powerful poison with her two index fingers anywhere on your body. The poison then goes to you heart and stop it. Princess Rukia Kizer: [I]“Sleeves of white snow!” [/I]She has the Ice kizer. She has the ability to control and make ice. She can freeze object and people. The air around her she can turn to absolute zero being able to freeze the area around and also increasing her own abilities Zan Cu: her body is covered in an ice armor shaped as a swan. Her attacks are increased and she has a new ability of attacks. Ai No [B]Kizer:[/B] [I]“Your death is my beginning!” [/I]He has the kizer that belong to the king. His Kizer is known as Life/Death. With it has the ability to heal any and everything. And live on forever. [B]Zan Cu:[/B] He has the most powerful and deadly Zan Cu there is. Once he is in his Zan Cu form if anyone who is not in a Royal kizer level of power dies instantly and adds their life force on to his expanding his own. But even those with high level of power even slowly die. If he concentrates he can speed up the process. And what ever attack he hits you with speeds up the process as well. [B]Name:[/B] [B]Age:[/B] (human) 17-24 (Zantarian) 200-800 [B]Race:[/B] [B]Appearance:[/B] [B]Personality:[/B] [B]Bio:[/B] [B]Rank:[/B] (For the school if you want you can put your rank out of the entire school. But if you are a Zantarian you’ll put Captain, lieutenant, Officer, warrior, or scout) [B]Group:[/B] (For the Zatarians what squad you belong to out of the 15. highest number being the strongest the lowest being weakest squad. If you’re in the 15th squad the Queen is that squads Captain and her daughter is the Lieutenant ) For the school is doesn’t really matter because in this story its not a important factor. [B]Kizer:[/B] There are three different Kizer types. Zanpo is more of the standard type Kizer. The Queen’s kizer is an example of a Zanpo Kizer. Zanpo kizer’s are kizer that have their own special type of abilities. People who have Zanpo kizer’s rarely use energy based attacks. Only weakness a Zanpo user have is if they haven’t unlocked the true power of there kizer and become one with it there is no way they can advance in power. Next is the Zanchi. Zanchi are kizers that feed off of the user increasing him or her power. Since there kizer don’t have any type of extraordinary powers their attacks are mainly energy based. Zanchi user’s main weakness is how much their body can handle. If a Zanchi user gives more power to their crystal then they can handle they can die or their crystal will be destroyed. Sho’s hyper crystal is an example of a Zanchi kizer. The last most powerful and deadly kizer type is Zanchu. Zanchu kizer’s our combination of Zanchi and Zanpo. Not only does the kizer have its own unique ability but it also increases the user power by feeding them or something else. If a Zanchu user is not careful they could be consumed by their kizer and loss there mind while losing control to the kizer it self. Once the kizer it self takes over the person is then turned into an Overlord with the kizer in control. [B]Zan Cu:[/B] (Only people known to reach this level are Captains and Lieutenant, not saying that it is not possible for anyone else) Is the Kizers final form. Can only be achieved when a crystal user has finally become one with his or her Kizer, only then they are able to unlock the true potential and increase their power several times over. [B]Attack:[/B] [B]Achievement:[/B] This you don’t have to do if you don’t want I figured if you do it will let others know more about your character. Here are the pre-built characters [B]Name:[/B] Rain [B]Age:[/B] 22 [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Bio:[/B] She and Sho went to the same martial arts school as kids. She and Sho grew up as brother and sister but as time went on they began to get closer. The day the master decided to chose his apprentice he had Sho and Rain fight. The end result was Sho being the victor but the master didn’t chose him instead he chose Rain. She watched on as Sho when into a blind rage almost to the point that he was about to fight his master. Only reason why it didn’t come to that is because the master told him that the reason why he was not picked is because of his attitude. She then watched on as Sho left and never returned. Years passed and she learned everything that her teacher had to offer before he had died. Ai No had sent a recruit to get Rain to join his academy. Her first day she was happy and shock to see Sho there. Her first thought was to go and hug him and see how he was doing. But he made sure to end that by the first that came out his mouth asking her for a fight. She thought that this might have been his way of seeing how she has grown in skill. They fought as she they were fighting she believed he was getting to aggressive. Seeing that he was fighting with everything she did as well. During there final attack she had knocked Sho unconscious. While comatose Sho had strike Rain in the center of her back with everything he had paralyzing her from the neck down and also ending her school year short. Over the years as she laid home motionless she blamed everything on Sho, him for taking revenge on her because the master chose her and not him and for ending her school year before it even began. Most of all she blamed him for paralyzing her. She promised that if she ever got the chance she would make him pay three times more. In 2006 Ai No came to Rain telling her that he could help her walk again. The only thing she would have to do is be completely loyal to him and him alone. She then told him if he can make her walk again that her life will be his. After that Ai No then took her to his private lab where he began to experiment on her with a new crystal he was making. After seeing that her crystal was success he made other but hers was different from the others he made. Her crystal had Ai No’s mixed with it so that as long as she wears it she would have total use of her body. After having control of her body again she began to train her body back in peak condition. After all her training she had peaked pass her last limitations. The thought of getting her revenge made her stronger than ever. From the 2007-2008 year she has been Ai No’s private assassin taking out all the students who he sees fit. [B]Rank:[/B] No rank [B]Group:[/B] No Group [B]Kizer:[/B] [I]“You’ll be dead in a flash!” [/I] Zanpo type. Rain has the Kizer of Lightning. Hers is more powerful then the others. With her crystal she can control lightning itself, using it as defense move of an offense attack. When she releases the power of her Crystal she moves at speeds unmatched to any crystal user. Zan Cu: Doesn’t have one but can get one since her Kizer is mixed wit the Royal Kizer. [B]Name:[/B] Chung-Hee Deshi [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Race:[/B] human [B]Appearance: [/B] [B]Bio:[/B] Brother of Ju-Long. He was given the Kizer of Vigor by Ai No. Afterwards he quickly had risen in the ranks quickly becoming number one in school. He then was approached by Ai No himself and asked to stand along side him, he did so. He became the leader of his own group with the supervision of Ai No. While being at Ai No’s side he was seen less and less during the school year and lost his rank of number one and moved down to number two. After finding out this news he wanted nothing but to fight the number one rank student of the school but Ai No forbidden it till the tournament. While being with AI No he was shown all of his plans. At first he didn’t know what to think of this, so he paid it no mind. The day of the tournament had come and Chung-Hee believed that now he would finally see who was the better fighter between him and the number one rookie. But at the last minute at the finals Ai No told him that he would not be fighting along side his team as captain but that someone else would take his place. It was Ai No’s new creation. He had used the power of Chung-hee and his brother’s crystal. Chung watch on at the tournament at his brother almost died at the hands at Ai No’s monster. Before he could act he witness what would go down in history as the best and worse crystal moment ever. After the tournament he left and was never seen again. [B]Rank: [/B] 2nd (First year) currently not enrolled [B]Group:[/B] None (Was the leader of the first Team of Destruction) [B]Kizer:[/B][I] “In the end only I shall stand!”[/I] He has the Kizer of Vigor. It’s a Zanchu. His crystal absorbs the energy of the living things around him increasing his power. He can release a special type of energy attacks that once it hits his opponent it will weaken them with every hit till leaving them with no power to the point they can’t use their kizers abilities. [B]Zan Cu: [/B](I didn’t think of one for him) [B]Name:[/B] Ju-Long Deshi [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Race:[/B] human [B]Appearance:[/B] [B]Bio:[/B] Is Chung-hee’s younger brother. He retrieved the iniquity kizer from Ai No. He was placed in the Blood pack group with Cong and Sho. At the tournament he almost lost his life but was saved by Sho. Now he is Ai No’s leader of the new Team Destruction. He does all the dirty work that Ai No asks from him. [B]Rank:[/B] 5th(first year) currently has no rank. [B]Group:[/B] Leader of Team Destruction [B]Kizer: [/B][I]“There is only darkness!” [/I] Zanchu type. He has the Kizer of Iniquity. His crystal is better known at the Kizer of evil. With his crystal he can control anyone that has evil in there heart. Also his Kizer feeds off the darkness in his heart making him stronger and also making him more evil. [B]Zan Cu:[/B] His power is increased by the fear from his opponent and also his anger and pain he takes. The area around him he pulls in a total abyss. That drains the will of his opponent to fight. [B]Name:[/B] Cong Feng [B]Age: [/B]20 [B]Bio:[/B] He was given the crystal of wind. He had joined up with Sho and then later Ju-Long. He was the brains of the group. He quickly got the reputation of being the smartest student in the school. His strategy skills and able to read an opponent with just a few moves made him one of the top students at the school. At the finals of the tournament he had lost his grandfather. His grandfather was like a father to him, he promised himself that he would never forgive that man responsible.Over the years he has found out the truth about Ai No and he had been trying to get groups together so that when the tournament comes back around it will be the last. [B]Rank:[/B] 8th (first year) Currently he is 13th [B]Group:[/B] Fierce Storm [B]Kizer:[/B] [I]“You will hear it to, the voice of the wind!” [/I] Zanpo type. Has the Kizer of wind. Has to control the element of wind and use it how he se fits. [B]Zan Cu:[/B] He is the only student with a regular crystal who has a Zan Cu. His is Zan Cu is an offense and defense one. A spinning column of wind surrounds his body that uses air friction to electrify his body. His speed and attacks are increased greatly. The electricity following around his body is as a defense shield from melee attacks. He makes it a point to never use this Zan Cu since for the fact his Kizer is not post to have the ability to do so and it takes a great deal of strain on his body. Here is my character [B]Name:[/B] Sho Kirie [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Appearance: [/B][URL="http://img396.imageshack.us/img396/9585/normalamorqk6.jpg"]Click here[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Calm he is a nice guy and likes to joke around. Mostly never serious about anything but when it comes to fighting he becomes another person. Very quick to anger and doesn't think before he acts. Can be very bull headed and reckless. When he has his mind set on something there is no changing it. [B]Bio:[/B] His first year of the academy he knew he had to make a name for himself. So to prove that there is no one who is his equal the next person that walked through the academy gates he would fight. To his surprise it was his long time friend Rain who he used to go to martial art school. He left after she was chosen to be the master next true pupil, after witch he became a street fighter coming up with his own style that he calls total fighting. From all the styles he learned he combine them as one. He challenged her to a fight. Being the first fight of the school year it had grabbed everyone attention. They fought for a hour before a winner was crowned. Sho lose but he made sure to leave his mark as for his friend Rain, even though she left with a win she also left with her body being paralyzed from the neck down. After that fight Sho promised himself that he would never lose another battle again. From there on he went on fighting waiting for the day he could fight the number one rookie Chung-Hee. After the first month of school he then got the Hype crystal from Ai No. from there he went one winning all his battle taking over the number one rookie in no time. His team became the most famous of all the teams in the school. Sho made it his goal to make a name from himself so that’s what he did. He had fought every last student in the school but one. But at the tournament all that would change. At the tournament he and his team made it to the finials. To his surprise Chung-Hee wasn’t the leader of his team. Instead it was someone he had never seen before, a new and more powerful opponent. Sho and his team and were beating like they were nothing but Sho refused to give up. He watched on as this monster of a man killed his own teammates and was about to kills Sho’s. At that moment Sho was driven into a blind rage where he released a new attack never seen before that was so powerful that not only did it kill the monster that seemed to be unbeatable but it even shattered the barrier field a feat that is truly impossible. The destructive power of the attack didn’t only do those to great achievements but it also took the life of his only friend Cong Feng, grandfather. At the moment after he realized what he had done he swore he would never crystal fight again. So he dropped his crystal and walked away. After what happened at the tournament he left and went to America and moved in with his uncle. He now works at a grocery store that his uncle owns. [B]Rank:[/B] # 1 the first school year. Currently he is not enrolled [B]Group:[/B] Was the Leader of the Blood Pack [B]Kizer:[/B] [I]“No one can stand next to my power!”[/I] He has a Zanchi type. Sho has the Hyper Kizer. His kizer feeds off his adrenaline giving him more power. [B]Zan Cu:[/B] [URL="http://img354.imageshack.us/img354/3224/crystalarmormebyphantomtg6.jpg"]Click here[/URL] Sho’s Zan Cu is a very simple one. His speed, strength, attack, and defense are all increased greatly and his ability to increase the power he give his crystal works better three fold. [B]Attacks:[/B] Dragon’s Fist- Attack that gathers his energy into one form off attack where he releases it at his enemy and the blast takes the appearance of the face of a dragon. Dragon’s Rage: He strikes the ground sending a great deal of energy to his opponent through the ground. His last attack is unknown he has only did it once and that was at the first tournament and he has no clue how to do it again. [B]Achievement:[/B] [I]2004 School Year:[/I] He got the second number one rookie spot but he held it all the way through the school year. He fought ever single student but one. He left with what could arguably be the best record ever 188-1. He was the first tournament champion. 2005-2007 School Year: Not enrolled. I believe that is everything hope you all like and join up. if there is any question just ask away.
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