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I've been playing this game on and off (mostly off) since it came out. It has its goods and bads. The new combat system, I have to admit, was very well thought out, and if you take the time to learn the great ether abilities, the game is a lot easier. There is one major complaint I have about the game, though...and I think it's a perfectly legitimate complaint. There are no shops. That's it. You play the whole game without ever buying curative items or even new equipment, and there's not even a form of currency. And curative items are semi-rare drops as it is. You have to think too hard about whether or not to use a Med Kit, because you don't know if it'll be a half hour till you find another one. Let me tell you, that gets aggravating. But this is easily ignored, because ether skills are really all you need to survive a fight.
Quite Possibly The Most Useless Piece Of Legislation, 2006
JT Darkfire replied to Morpheus's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='AzureWolf][COLOR=maroon]*groans* For the last time: when I said it speaks volumes, I elaborated [B]twice[/B] before. Please don't keep going back to how [B]YOU[/B] misinterpreted me. It's a failing argument at best. I'm not apologizing for your own misinterpretation of what I said: The minute the thought of "second class" or even the phrase "speaks volumes" goes into your head, read this quote. Read it as many times as necessary for you to not bring up your own misinterpretation. It speaks volumes when you avoid going online at home when you can because you are doing something you shouldn't be. If you are referring to the ice cream example, they are doing it because they are losing money. It may be good for you, but [i]overall[/i'] it's bad. If you meant the topic at hand, read on.[/COLOR][/quote] Your statement in that quote is COMPLETELY irrelevant. I'll straight out say it. I agree, if it's something you'd feel ashamed to view while at home, don't look at it. But that has NOTHING to do with this. And if you don't want to be misinterpreted, try not to use terminology that can be so easily misconstrued. Even using the term "second class" creates an air of superiority and, to be honest, your use of "speaks volumes" was degrading and was SUCH a stereotype. But before I get considered off-topic, here we go. The ice cream argument and a nationwide ban on viewing specific websites at libraries is like comparing apples and nuclear explosives. Visiting Myspace at a library...it is not always an attempt to view porn or plan your next weekend orgy. Thinking like that is just plain ignorant. I'm not defending this on my behalf. In fact, I'm not a huge fan of myspace myself. I'm just even less of a fan of politicians wasting money on a policy that is completely pointless. There's no real reason to do this. Tell me one solid reason[B] without analogies[/B] why. [QUOTE][COLOR=maroon]It's just like cell phones, even, where people were driving and talking at the same time. Then that got banned, and everyone whined about it being a stupid law, even though there were a bunch of cell phone-related accidents. Likewise, although maybe not death or injury, the issue is the same: there's no need for myspace or facebook in a place like the library or school.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Oh yeah, I'd give you this point...EXCEPT that vehicular safety and recreational activities are COMPLETELY unrelated topics. That's like comparing apples and...nuclear explosives. Talking on the cell phone while driving is dangerous; chatting on myspace is unnecessary. [QUOTE][COLOR=maroon]Simply put, they are doing it because these sites are starting to become a burden[/COLOR][/QUOTE] And who says that myspace at the library is a problem, really? Oh, it's SUCH a hassle to have increased traffic in the library, which in turn increases government funding in that venue, thereby providing those research computers you love so dearly and adding a decent supply of books to the otherwise dwindling ammount that you see today. [QUOTE][COLOR=maroon]I don't know what to tell you. No matter what I say, you just complain about how much harder it is for you and you alone.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Umm...I'm PRETTY sure that this affects more than just Retribution. [Quote][COLOR=maroon]I've traveled through most of Ontario this summer, and not once have I stepped into a library or school, yet I've been able to check my mail and access the internet [B]for free[/B] with no problem. From Toronto through Aurora, I've gone online. So you can understand why I might be just [i]a little[/i] skeptical with what you say about how impossible it is for you to go online for free.Maybe I just know where to look (or just ask someone where to go), but then you should learn to do the same. Also, I've been through most of NYC, and the same thing: free internet.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Is it just me, or did the names of the cities that you named sound pretty familiar? Oh, that's right. It's probably because they're BIG CITIES. Of course they are going to be a little more convenient when it comes to internet availability. Assuming otherwise would be just stupid. But what about people who don't have the convenience of living in (or in your case, visiting) a big city? That library could be the only place for miles that offers free internet availability. [QUOTE][COLOR=maroon]Exactly! And THAT'S why it speaks volumes if you do so. Some people actually do that, because they are myspacing with girls, trying to get laid, and so forth. They obviously can't write "hey babe, let's meet up" when their parents are reading. And that, was exactly why I said "speaks volume" in the first place.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] While dating is one feature of myspace, it isn't the sole function. You'd do well to learn that, or the rest of your arguments will continue to sound as lacking in a foundation as that one did, discrediting whatever credible points you have. [QUOTE][COLOR=maroon]The library computers are there as informational resourse, not a porn transfer system or a socializing tool. If they lose that functionality, it's no one's loss - maybe loss of some people's undeserved convenience, but the library has not lost any of its original intention Neither have schools, or office spaces. If anything, they have increased their functionality. Well, yeah, like I said, you seem to misinterpret things quite easily, so it's understandable that you would miss my argument. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Undeserved convenience? Who are you to judge if someone deseves convenience or not? Also, if someone is caught transfering porn (and dude, it's not that hard to catch an upload) they have their membership revoked. Most libraries that house a fully functional internet connection require a library card. If you have a problem with porn on a library's PC, rest assured that they do take care of it. [QUOTE] [COLOR=maroon]And... you've obviously never been to a Starbucks, have you? O_o Dude, we finished [B]projects[/B] there. And only one of us bought a coffee. Really? It's honestly a matter of opinion. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Only one of you bought a coffee? Are you trying to imply that a non-profit organization like a library is more annoyed by visitors than a Starbucks is by no-profit customers? Running that internet connection obviously costs more than that ONE coffee. [QUOTE][COLOR=maroon]You may think me crazy, but I'm entitled to my opinion, and it's this: there should be no research on finding a cure for AIDS. People who get AIDS in such a well-informed time deserve it. Prevention, given a century or two, will remove AIDS (I know it won't happen like this because people are stupid and hopeful for a cure, but it's my opinion). Why give people hope and make them infect others? Yes, I realize there are some people born with it, but think about it: how did they get it? Because mommy or daddy got it illegitimately. Don't argue about the above because we'd be deviating from the topic.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] You topic-deviating hypocrite. [QUOTE] [COLOR=maroon]I'm just showing you that it is indeed a matter of opinion. You think AIDS is a criss abroad that merits attention. I beg to differ, and probably am annoyed by people wasting time on the disease as much as you are about this myspace dilemma.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Are you HONESTLY saying that more funding should go into the banning of a stupid website at a public library than the curing of a deadly disease? If so, you REALLY need some help. [QUOTE] [COLOR=maroon]The government does have the resources to handle small and big things. If they didn't, we'd only have a "structured coating" with chaos on the inside.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Well now, isn't that overdramatic. I don't think posting a bulletin on Myspace is going to create total anarchy. Think before you talk next time. -
Here it is, the booklist of the one-time avid reader (stupid work, killing my book time...) JT Darkfire! First of all, let's get down to the basics. I'm half tempted to slap everyone on this thread for forgetting a timeless classic like [U]The Giver[/U] by Lois Lowry. It is a clever representation of the falsehood and utter impossiblity of a utopian ([U]Utopia[/U], another good book)society, much like [U]Brave New World[/U]. Sure there's no war,no famine... but is it really worth the price? You'll be asking yourself this question by the end of the book. Another must read is [U]Robin Hood[/U] by Howard Pyle. He's not the same Disney fox you all grew up loving (or hating, that's up to you). This is a timeless tale of the little man making a difference in a cruel society. Note: If you think about it, The Merry Men=The World's First Union. Only without the dues. Another entertaining read would have to be [B]The Halfblood Chronicles[/B]. The combined efforts of fantasy greats Andre Norton and Mercedes Lackey were an instant favorite. I fell into the story and just couldn't put the books [U]Elvenbane, Elvenblood, and Elvenborn[/U] down, and believe me, I tried. I blame having to retake spanish class on this series, but that's a whole 'nuther story. It's a shame they haven't finished the final story, though. I've been waiting for about four years. .. ...Anywho, on with the show. Then there is a series that I never thought I would like, from an author that I normally can't stand. [B]The Dark Tower[/B] series by Stephen King. I'll admit, at first I was hesitant. I mean, come on. The master of terror (the one genre that I don't really care for; just call me a chicken) trying to write a fantasy novel? Bad call, Stevie. But to be honest, it wasn't. It was an epic tale, a story worth being told, a seven book series that was almost a painless read. (To all you future or current readers: even if you don't like book four, press on. It's worth it.) I'd have to give this series an 8.7 out of ten (Wizard and Glass: good job, bringing the score down and all). Well, that's all I can think of at the top of my head, but there are more. [I]Way more[/I]. But don't take my word for it. Give these books a read, and let me know what you think. I'm always willing to discuss a good book. ;)
Actually, that low compatibility is normal. You see, every time you use a GF, it raises it's compatibility with it's user just a little bit, but lowers the compatibility of all other GFs by a small portion. And seeing as how Squall has had Ifrit since the beginning of the game, and Shiva is a pretty early addition to the team as well...you probably just notice it more with him. Odds are Squall hasn't used Shiva much, right? That's why it kept going down; you just kept using Ifrit. The only real way to get more than one GF to peak is to use items, but that takes a LOT of time and effort, and once you use the GF...well, say goodbye to perfect for any other GF.
I personally found this to be one of the better FF games. Sure, at times times it seemed WAY too long and tedious, but it was the constant training that made it a great way to pass an hour or two when I was bored. I'll have to admit, though...there was a lot of searching involved. It got annoying at times. Also, a lot of the random encounters were just as hard as bosses. That's because bosses leveled up with you, while the overworld monsters got harder as the story progressed. I discovered a lot of little tips that made the game easier as I went along, however. There is one hardcore strategy that you can get later on in the game. And by later on I mean WAY later on. It is, to me, one of the best defensive strategies there is. If you want a handy tip, pay attention. If not, that's what the spoiler tags are for. [Spoiler]Have everyone in your main party junctioned with a GF that has learned Elem Def Jx4.This is crucial. After this, Junction Ultima, Shell, Full Life, and Life. I know most of you like to Junction Ultima to Attack. Still,which would you prefer, high attack or 190% resistance to all elements? (that's 90% absorption of all damage from elemental spells and attacks). All in all, it depends on your style of fighting. [/Spoiler]
There probably aren't many people out there who will even know what this scene I'm about to mention is, seeing how [B]Generator Gawl[/B] is such an obscure title to most OB members, but there is one particular episode that just had me bawling. Episode 10, to be precise. [Spoiler] Natsume's suicide letter had my eyes starting to water, but the silent explosion is what really got me.[/Spoiler] On a completly different note, here is a popular title that caused some tears in my household. [B]Samurai X: Reflections[/B]. The ending...I couldn't tell if mine were tears of joy or tears of sorrow. I mean,[Spoiler] To die right after reuniting[/Spoiler]...what tragedy...[Spoiler] But I guess it was happy that Kenshin's/Shinta's suffering was finally over.[/Spoiler]
There's probably no one in the world who will agree with me on this, but I'd have to say Kuchiki Rukia is about as badass as it gets. I mean, come on. The girl's confidence, sarcastic "I don't really care what you want, it's gonna happen this way" attitude is to die for. Not to mention her Zanpakutoh, for any of you out there who are that far in the manga. So beautiful and graceful, yet that thing'll do some serious damage. Anyone who can make killing an artform definitely fits my definition of badass.
Sign Up The Legend of Zelda: The Eternal Gear [PG-V]
JT Darkfire replied to Jokopoko's topic in Theater
[SIZE=3][B][CENTER]Hylian Mage[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [B]Name:[/B] Sebek Gamore [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Age:[/B] 37 [B]Race:[/B] Hylian [B]Appearance:[/B] Standing at 6'4", Sebek is tall and lanky. The youthlful, stubly brown beard on his face contradicts his age. His graying long hair, however, speaks of an older man, one in his eighties. He is a walking oxymoron. [B]Personality:[/B] While Sebek is all for progress, he's still a major advocate of the old ways. Technology intrigues him but he has no talent at mechanics. The Cult of the Machine sickens Sebek in severe ways, seeing as he grew up to stories of heroes and legend. His faith towards the goddesses is unshakable, but he is the last person you'd expect to go crazy over hearing someone else's oppinion. Perhaps that is because he is understanding, perhaps it is because he's senile. Who know's? His eccentricities and strange behavior are often overlooked because of his kind nature. [B]Abilities/Items: [/B] The most basic spells in Sebek's arcane arsenal are simple low level spells of elemental properties; easy to manipulate, but not incredibly powerful. His higher level spells, however, including the "Spell of Sealing," require powerful ingredients and complicated incantations. Other than the previously mentioned spell, his most advanced magic is called "The Rune of Light." This spell, said to be a prayer to the goddesses in a long forgotten language (now dubbed the forgotten language of miracles) is capable of creating a large barrier of light designed to keep evil from entering. However, this barrier has been forgotten since the dawn of this Industrial Age. [B] Weaponry: [/B]A large tome that is simply titled "Majik," it is the compilation of several researched books and scrolls, and was written by Sebek Gamore himself. On page 163 of this book, there is a a complex rune written in the language of miracles. This rune, when read aloud, causes a sturdy rod to rise from the surface. The top of the rod can be unscrewed and used as a knife [B]Background:[/B] Sebek Gamore was a young lad who grew up hearing stories of the goddesses and their great deeds. Thus, he became a devout follower. However, he turned away from his original plan of becomming a priest the first time he saw a traveling troupe of street performers. Among their ranks was a magician, who's simple parlor tricks were more than enough to keep him yearning for more. When he turned 16, Sebek (his original name was Thomas, but he changed it because he thought Sebek sounded much more imaginative and creative) set out to find a master. Unable to find one, he had to take on odd jobs and street performances to feed his arcane addiction (as well as his stomach). The more he learned, the more he wanted to know. He eventually became well known throughout Hyrule Castle City...more for his borderline crazy personality than his talent as a spellcaster. But nonetheless, his talent does receive plenty of recognition. [B]Character Snippet:[/B] "Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Step forward and be amazed!" Sebek began his oh-so-common performance amongst the crowd. Using his skills in simple prestidigitation, he pulled a coin from behind the young man's ear. While scanning the crowd, Sebek's eye's met a young lad, no more than five. A look of fear graced the poor boy's face. "You, kiddo, come here." The little boy looked around a few seconds, made eye contact with Sebek the Magnificent, pointed to himself and mouthed a question. Sebek nodded, and motioned for the child. "First of all, what is your name, young man?" The little boy whispered his response. "I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that." "S-sylvester..." "Thank you, Sylvester. Now, I have just one more question for you...do you know magic?" Sylvester shhok his head sheepishly. "Well, then how about I teach you a little something?" The young boy's eyes lit up, and he smiled. "Very well then, Sylvester, this is what we'll do..." -
[U][B]Name:[/B][/U] Takahashi Hoshi [U][B]Age:[/B][/U] 27 [U][B]Gender:[/B][/U] Male [U][B]Appearance:[/B][/U] With bleach-blonde hair, and pale skin, he doesn't look like your typical Shinobi. Add in his short stature and young appearance, and you have a rather strange looking ninja. You'd be hard-pressed to find him without his typical smile, and his fashion sense (all bloodred) is a bit debatable. [U][B]Alliance:[/B][/U] Konoha [U][B]Personality:[/B][/U] Happy-go-lucky, with a somewhat juvenille attitude towards life. Hoshi is a blatant flirt. Hoshi has a soft spot for outcasts such as himself, and often goes out of his way to help those that are feeling down. He regards himself as an expert at making others smile, and prefers to look at life optimistically. [U][B]Biography/Character Snippet:[/B][/U] Takahashi Hoshi is a jounin of the Leaf Village who's parents fought against the Kyubi when he was a child. This left him without a mother, and led his father to drinking. In order to keep his father from slinking into terrible depression episodes, Hoshi swore to himself to never cry, to be strong and always be strong. Of course this was hard, but he managed to go 17 years of his life without shedding a single tear. That single was shed at the passing of his father. However, even without his father around, he tries to stay strong, and keep a happy face. When Hoshi turned 17 he passed his Chunin exam and joined the ranks of accomplished ninja trainees. His unusual techniques (later discovered to be attributed to a kekkei genkai, a "gift" from his mother) drew much attention from the Hokage. Within two years Hoshi reached the rank of Jounin. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hoshi awoke in a pile of debris, the sun shining directly in his face. "Wh-where am I?" He looked around, and saw other children; some crying, some injured, some dying... Tears started to well up, his fear becoming almost too much to handle. "Don't cry, it's alright son." Young Hoshi recognized the gentle voice, and a smile came to his face. He turned around to face his father, filled with hope, ready for a comforting hug from his mother, the hug that always ended his tears. Instead, he saw his father, battered and bruised, tears running down his face. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [U][B]Techniques:[/B][/U] [B]Suzakugan: Stage One[/B]-A Kekkei Genkai that at first glance involves the eye(the user's eyes turn gold). However, this technique actually focuses on the senses of touch and sound. The user of this genetic trait releases chakra in the form of a red wind, which is able to detect the movements of anything within a certain radius. Thus, by sensing slight vibrations in the wind, one is able to predict logical possible motions, and the brain then deduces which will most likely be chosen out of those possible moves. This gives the appearance of prediction of the opponent's technique [B]Suzakugan: Stage Two[/B]- While the first stage is designed for an advantage over those that focus on taijutsu, this form is ninjutsu and genjutsu specific. It seals the chakra of anyone within a limited radius created by the chakra created red wind. This forces both sides to rely solely on taijutsu. The only visible difference between the first and second stages is the change in eye shape and color. The user's eyes become birdlike and red. Note: While this Kekkei Genkai may be useful, only one stage may be used at a time, thus limiting the usefulness of stage two (remember that Hoshi has fairly low physical strength). [B]Gale Force[/B]- Hoshi focuses his chakra into a strong gust of wind designed to knock the foe off balance, making dodging much more difficult. [B]Crimson Cyclone[/B]-Hoshi creates a vortex around himself, then releases his small razors into the cyclone. Anyone unfortunate enough be pulled in is lacerated by the minute razors, resulting in massive blood loss. The blood is then caught in the whirlwind, seemingly turning it red. [B]Fighting style:[/B] Hoshi was backed into a corner, and he knew it. His opponent was faster, stronger, and a much better fighter. "Well, damn. Why does it always end up like this?" Hoshi closes his eyes and smiled a large smile. "Well, it was a good try, Mister. But I'm sorry, it was pointless." His eyes slowly openned, and as they did, the wind began to blow fiercely. The golden glare stunned his foe for a second, but that was all. The opponent shinobi launched his first attack. A kick, a punch, a well timed jab; all effortlessly dodged. The whole time, Hoshi smiled. A blow went straight at his face, and Hoshi bent over backwards to dodge it. The enemy ninja was beginning to lose his focus, swing more wildly. This was the break that Hoshi was looking for. He sidestepped the swing and elbowed him in the spinal collumn, disorienting his skillful foe. Hoshi reached into a pouch and pulled out a small razor, which he held between his middle and forefinger. One swift stroke at his foe's exposed neck, and it was over. "Damn that was fun. What's next?" [B]Weapons:[/B] Hoshi keeps a few small pouches filled with tiny razors, the kind typically used to cut parchment. He keeps one in between each finger, to use as a sort of makeshift cat claw. They can also be used as a projectile, or a basic cutting instrument if necessary.
[CENTER][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=4][COLOR=Red]Slain: Rebirth [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [B][FONT=Times New Roman]December 18, 2007 10:42 PM Bellevue Hospital ER Room 243 Los Angeles, California[/FONT][/B] Doctor Victor Cruz never had any luck. He was always scheduled the night shift, the busiest time of day at Bellevue Hospital. All he wanted was a night off every now and then; a chance to get out of the sanitized hallways, enjoy the night life, hang out at the clubs. Tonight he was not that lucky. Instead of cruising for chicks, he had ER duty. "Heart beat, stable. Respiratory systems, functioning. Vital signs, clear. And yet he's still comatose. Dammit, what the hell is wrong with this man? Bridget!" An attractive young nurse walked into the room.[I]Damn,[/I] thought Victor, [I]I'd like to get me a piece of that.[/I] Bridget was used to the Victor's stare. He was the most well known doctor in the building. He was a creep, and everyone knew it. "Yes, doctor?" "Get me this man's file!" Bridget rolled her eyes. "Yes, doctor." She exited the room leaving the "good doctor" alone with his patient. "All right, let's check his response to external stimuli." Victor aimed his small flash light in the patient's left eye. "Hmmm...Seems normal enough." He turned around to record his observations on the chart. Just when he did, the right eye of room 243's most recent tenant snapped open. His pupils began to dilate into thin, reptilian slits. His arm reached out and grabbed Victor by the throat. A look of terror crossed the doctor's face. A repeating chant filled his head:[I]Oh God oh God oh God oh---[/I] [I]Snap![/I] Bridget walked into room 243 with the file in her hand. * * * * * * * * * "Doctor, here's the file you---" Bridget's mouth dropped open. Lying on the floor, alone in a pool of blood, was the late Victor Cruz. [B][FONT=Times New Roman]December 18, 2007 11:02 PM The Streets Los Angeles, California[/FONT][/B] The former patient of Bellevue Hospital, Room 243 raced through the streets in a frenzy, demolishing everything in his path. The crazed man rounded a corner, coming face to face with a man in a gray trench coat. He let out a violent howl. The man in the trench coat stood their, almost bored. This former patient lifted an angry fist, preparing to strike the seemingly powerless victim. The man in the coat dodged the clumsy blow, pulled a gun out of a hidden pocket, and squeezed a single shot straight into his attacker's chest. The man in gray turned his back and walked away, pretending not to notice the black cloud leaving the fallen man... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ That was the opening of this tale. Now, to fill in the details. A strange virus is going around. This virus infects both mentally and physically, increasing the strength of its victims, but driving them progressively insane, up to a primal and dangerous point. Once they reach their brink of insanity, the mutations begin. No, not your pretty, X-Men mutations that give special powers yet leave the physical body unchanged. The victims become horrendous (and dangerous) abominations. However, after a while, the truth of the virus will become known. In reality, this virus (which seeks out the darkness in human hearts) is a method Lucifer implemented in an attempt to create an army vast and powerful enough to storm heaven and claim it as his rightful place. God's only opportunity to stall this onslaught was to send an arch-angel to thwart Satan's plans. He sent Ezekiel, a trusted and skilled angel who fought as Michael's second in command during the original bannishing of Lucifer from heaven. When Ezekiel arrived on Earth's surface, he had absolutely no memory of his past, and he had become mortal. What you read above will be the first chapter of the story. Those who choose to participate in this RP will play as people who were either saved from the virus by the man in the gray trench coat ( Ezekiel Albright), or they will be other people with special capabilities to combat these demons. If you wish to be a villain, contact me via PM. Oh, for the record...those of you who think this sounds familiar, that's because it is a failed attempt at the chapter system I tried many months ago. However, now that I have finally found a way to balance my schedule, I can focus my attention to this, my most successful role play.No chapter system this time. Enjoy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [SIZE=3][B]Sign-Ups[/B] [/SIZE] Here is the base rubric for sign-ups: [B]Name:[/B] [B]Age:[/B] [B]Gender:[/B] [B]Blood Type:[/B] For some characters, this may not be relevant. Others it may. I figured I should cover all the bases. [B]Physical Appearance:[/B]A detailed description and/or a picture. [B]*Special Ability:[/B] [B]*Weapon:[/B] [B]Personality:[/B] [B]Biography:[/B] Keep it brief, but give us enough detail so we get to know the character. [B]Character Snippet:[/B] Just a sample of your writting, so we can see your style. Note= * means that this section is not required. Here is my sign up, as an example: [B]Name:[/B] Ezekiel Albright [B]Age:[/B] Unknown (Countless millenia, way before the birth of mankind.) [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Blood Type:[/B] O+ [B]Physical Appearance:[/B] 5'9", with shoulder-length gray hair and gray eyes. He wears a long, flowing trenchcoat and has a scar across his left eye. Of a medium build, and somewhat thuggish in apprearance. His looks are intimidating, to be sure, but he seems to radiate an air of trustworthiness to anyone willing to give him a second glance. His hands at first may seem large and clumsy, but they are dextrous and agile. [B]*Special Ability:[/B] His blood is the cure of the demon virus and he is capable of sensing the virus in others. [B]*Weapon:[/B] A pair of hand-made, fully customized pistols loaded with bullets containing his own blood. [B]Personality:[/B] Somewhat aloof and anti-social, Zeke has grown accustomed to being alone, and he shows it. He is serious, but can show a dry, sarcastic humor when he wants to. [B]Biography:[/B] Ezekiel was one of few angels who remained faithful to God during the first war of Heaven and Hell. He fought alongside Michael as second in command. His skill and cunning were renowned among those of Heaven, but after Lucifer's exile, he had no foe to triumph over, and he fell into despair. His name was a joke amonst angels, and he had lost all pride. That's why he jumped at the chance to combat demons in the mortal world. It gave him a chance to regain his glory, and once again fall into the Lord's good grace. Upon his journey to Earth, however, his memory was corrupted. He had no idea what he was or what he was capable of. He knew his name and he knew his purpose, but not why he did what he did. After police officials witnessed the aftermath of one of Ezekiel's battles, he became feared as a criminal, wanted for several cases of homicide and assault with a deadly weapon. Hated on Earth by both sides, those he was meant to protect and those he was meant to destroy,he lives secluded in fear of what will come next. [B]Character Snippet:[/B] You've seen my sample. Just look above.
Sign Up Gates of Caldroth, The Last Revolution [PG-LV]
JT Darkfire replied to Pumpkin's topic in Theater
[B]Name :[/B] Dhelar Peregrine [B]Age:[/B] 22 [B]Sex :[/B] Female [B]Alliance :[/B] Light [B]Hometown :[/B] Sharanell [B]Weapon(s):[/B] All Dhelar uses is a single bullet, and a left-handed stone gauntlet. [B]Gift:[/B] When Dhelar was younger, her right arm was very weak and atrophic. In fact, despite her best attempts, it would never get any stronger. That is, until she hit 17. A fire had started at her home in the slums, and as a reflex, her right arm reach in front of her face, shielding her from the ash and flames. Instead of burning, her arm absorbed the fire and began to ignite. Strangely, however, she didn't feel the intense heat. It felt like a missing part of her, one that she had finally found. Dhelar's arm may be weak, but it has the ability to temporarily merge with any non-biological thing she touches, and makes the rest of of her body immune to that substance in the process. However, she can only merge with one substance at a time, and the duration is always irregular. She uses a leather glove to keep her arm from absorbing random objects [B]Biography :[/B] Dhelar Peregrine lived with her mother and younger sister until she was seventeen, when a fire burned her home down and killed them both. All she has to remember the two with is a singed blanket, a memento of her younger sister and her most prized possession Now she spends night after night trying to find a new home, and a way to make ends meet. She has often resorted to petty theft, and occasionally breaking and entering. [B]Personality :[/B] Dhelar is a nice enough person, but years of living in a dead city filled with lowlifes and criminals has somewhat hardened her.She has a hard time trusting people, and believes everyone is out to get her. [B]Appearance:[/B] Dhelar is short, about 5' 4", and has brownish-gray hair. The hard years have not taken her beauty, however; she has piercingly bright green eyes, and a smile to die for. Her arm, once atrophic, finally gained muscle when her gift kicked in. However, she still uses her leftarm for nearly everything. She wears gray or white clothing, mostly because dye is expensive,and she had to make them herself. [B] Character Snippet :[/B] In the small town of Sharanell, a mere remnant of a once-booming metropolis, finding a home, a safe haven, is more difficult than finding money; that can always be stolen. Dhelar had spent the past 5 years moving from place to place, trying to find a new place to call a home. Instead, all she found were greedy, thieving, insignificant little fools. "Well, I guess this place is as good as the next..."Dhelar Peregrine said to herself as she shifted the refuse and rubble. She pulled a scorched blanket from her bag, her sole reminder of once having a place to call home. "Don't worry, we'll find a place tomorrow," she said to the blanket, as if talking to an old friend. As she slept, memories of flame and terror racing through her dreams, two men struggled, one with a knife, one with a coin purse. Dhelar awoke to the sound of screaming as the man with the coin purse fell to the floor. She stayed as still and as quiet as she could, watching the all too common brother against brother attitude at it's worst, a man killing his fellow man over spare change...spare change that could mean the difference between eating and going hungry...surely the man lying on the floor, who could be no younger than forty, must be the father to someone... When the other man left, Dhelar went to work searching the dead man for precious items overlooked by his attack. [I]It may be despicable, but a girl needs to eat, too,[/I] Dhelar thought to herself, hating herself for what she was doing... but knowing that if she didn't, someone else would. She saw that the man had a piece of paper clutched in his blood-stained hands. She tried to open them, tugging at his fingers, but not making much ground. She removed her leather glove from her right hand, and grabbed a shattered stone shard. Dhelar's arm glowed brightly, and it became stronger...as strong as solid cement, and just as hard. She used her newfound strength to pry the man's hand open. "What's this...?" In his hand was an envelope sealed with a strange crossbone... -
Kura? I looked at some of your former posts, and decided to hold a spot. As for bodhidharma...Please...pretty please...work on your spelling, grammar, and punctuation. After you do, I may consider it. Sorry, don't want to sound arrogant or anything, but a mature themed RP requires mature posting quality.
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][B][CENTER]It all began with a sword...[/CENTER] [/B] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] The great sword of legends, Rakavolver...the sword said capable of rending a soul from it's foe's body with but a single strike, a sword with the power to trap the souls of the wicked...a holy sword. The evil Demon King Serevayis struck terror in the hearts of all those who saw him, using his great powers to torture the living, and torment the dead. All who ever withstood him died in an instant...all except one man. The great sage Chronos, Rakavolver in hand, fought with Serevayis for three days straight, neither giving an inch, neither drawing blood. Chronos knew that this battle could have no victor, so in a last effort he charged recklessly and drove the sword through through the demon king's chest, while Serevayis's sword pierced his own. As he lay dying, Chronos invoked the sacred chant..."Fortunna Eternum, Seleza Camphrit..." With those last words, Serevayis's soul was trapped for what would hopefully be all eternity...unfortunately, Serevayis did not intend to go down quietly, either. He called upon a dark and ancient magic, leaving behind six remnants of himself as his body slowly turned to stone...those remnants were swords of unimaginable strength...each one enchanted, each one cursed... [CENTER]200 years later...[/CENTER] The paladin Malkior knew that the holy blade Rakavolver lay within this village, and he knew that if he could make it his own, he would be the undeniable captain of the holy templar knights. As he searched the cave, he found marks of what must have been a great struggle... "It's got to be around here somewhere..." Just then, Malkior spotted a giant of a statue. It was a monstrous form, a beast that could only be the Demon King Serevayis...plunged within the titan's chest was a sword, it's eerie glow catching Malkior's eye...a nearly silent dirge filling his ears. "I...must have it..." ____________________________________________________________________ Well, there you have it, the intro of AotF! This story is not your traditional story of good vs Evil because, honestly, no one in it is all that good. Let me explain... When the Demon King's soul became trapped in Rakavolver, it corrupted the Blade. It filled the future wielder of Rakavolver with a terrible greed...and that greed was for power and souls. The tainted Rakavolver became a soul eater, instead of a soul seal. With each kill it grows in power...Hence, Malkior is the main antagonist of this plot. However, let's not disregard the other six fragments of Serevayis's power...the six swords. Each one is (and I know it's cliche) a different element, but it doesn't stop there. They all have unique powers and a deadly sin attached to it. The list goes as such: Fire, a sword of tremendous bloodlust that makes the user both skillful and immune to all forms of pain...contains the vice Wrath. Water, with the power to shapeshift both itself and it's user...contains the vice Envy. Earth, with incredible strength and a hard to penetrate defense...contains the vice Sloth. Wind, with increased speed that is nearly faster than the human eye...contains the vice Lust. Light, with the power to heal the injured...contains the vice Pride. Dark, a sword that casts illusions and has the power of invisibility...contains the vice Gluttony. Those six swords will be used by our protagonists of this story. Please remember to keep in character if you choose to be a sword wielder...we need characters who are willing to stab each other in the back at a moment's notice...also note that I don't wan't them all to be in a party...that would be a bit riddiculous, since each is after the other's sword. However, if a few meet each other and form a temporary truce, that's fine by me. Well, here's the sign-up: ____________________________________________________________________ [B]Name:[/B] [B]Age:[/B] [B]Physical Description, or Image:[/B] [B]Sword:[/B] [B]Personality Traits:[/B] (Before and after finding the said sword) [B]Short Bio, or Sample of Your Writing:[/B] ____________________________________________________________________ Well, that's that. I look forward to RPing with you!
Sorry, but I think you put this in the wrong forum. Try the OB Anthology.
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][B][CENTER]Conquest: Arcana [/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [I]The land of Arcana is a strange place. It?s four countries house unique creatures, and even more unique individuals. The Empire of Aeron, with its swift Rocs and skillful archers. The Island nation of Porthos, with its nimble thieves and mighty Sea Serpents. The Desert country of Geo, filled with mighty warriors and the impenetrable Gollem. The molten territory known as Pyrax, with its master craftsmen and deadly Dragons.. Each one of these nations held an unstable alliance with one another. The slightest spark could set off an open war. And that?s when it happened. A young dragon managed to escape from its hatchery and attacked the neighbring country of Porthos, throwing them completely off guard and destroying the home of one of Porthos?s most prominent politicians. Taking this as a sign of aggression, Porthos prepared a counterstrike. Aeron and Geo, believing that the treaty had been violated and that they might be the next target, took to arms. This led to an open war, consuming the continent in total warfare. Lives were lost, homes were destroyed, and bonds were broken? ...I wish I hadn't been there.[/I][/COLOR] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello everyone! Welcome to the Underground for Conquest: Arcana! If you thought the story was the only thing that was unique, wait till you hear this; I have decided that if this becomes a large enough hit in the Arena Inn, I will create four different threads, each one for a nation from the continent of Arcana. Forgive me if I seem a bit...eccentric right now. I haven't had an RP that has been this successful this early on since...ever. I will be putting links for the different RPs below if it turns out I need them ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Space reserved for links ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For those of you who have no idea what this RP is about...Please check [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=52759]this link[/URL] to visit our sign-up section in the Arena Inn. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This Underground is actually where you can place questions/comments about the RP, or even just discuss it amongst yourselves. This a thread for anyone who's interested, participant or otherwise. As soon as a few more people sign up, I'll get this thing started.
[IMG]http://img71.imageshack.us/img71/3593/irrelevantcity4py.jpg[/IMG] Hello everyone! Welcome to our city. It is a peaceful place, full of harmony and love for your fellow man. Nothing bad ever happens here... ...Well, except for the occassional homicidal maniac, master thief, terrorist agency...and the mimes. Those damn mimes... Who am I trying to kid? This place is the pits. Hell, I'd rather be homeless than live here. But I guess some of us don't have that option. And others are too stupid to take it. ...Anyways, these constant attacks are too much for any police force to handle. That's why Irrelevant City is the number one home for super beings down on their luck. The city often hires heroes to protect the town, and room and board is simple to find (notice how I said simple, not cheap). However, because of the crappy conditions, that's often the kind of hero you find in Irrelevant City: crappy. Like I said, who'd want to live here? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Okay, while Irrelevant City may not have much order, we still need to put any and all residents on file. Here is the necessary form for becoming a citizen of Irrelevant City. If you are deemed WORTHY you will be allowed to enter the annals of history as part of something great, which you probably wouldn't have been able to do otherwise. [QUOTE]Name: Age: Sex: Physical Description or Image: Affiliation: (Hero, villain, or citizen) Powers: (Not required for citizens) Origin: What makes you stupid:[/QUOTE] Here are some examples from my ongoing web comic (still in the works; when it's finished, you'll be the first to know. [QUOTE]Name: Invisi-guy Age: 36 Sex: Male...(I think) Physical Description or Image: Dude, he's invisible Affiliation: Hero Powers: See Physical Description Origin: He started his Superhero career as a lackey for "The Heroes of Ambiguous Title." Was recruited almost immediatly after interview What makes you stupid: The only reason they accepted him to join the team was that he had a minivan that his mom lets him on weekends[/QUOTE] That's all there is to it, so be creative. The crazier the character the better. Just post your creation, and wait to be approved. Then, you can officially start your life as a somebody! Happy posting!
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][B][CENTER]Conquest: Arcana [/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [I]The land of Arcana is a strange place. It?s four countries house unique creatures, and even more unique individuals. The Empire of Aeron, with its swift Rocs and skillful archers. The Island nation of Porthos, with its nimble thieves and mighty Sea Serpents. The Desert country of Geo, filled with mighty warriors and the impenetrable Gollem. The molten territory known as Pyrax, with its master craftsmen and deadly Dragons.. Each one of these nations held an unstable alliance with one another. The slightest spark could set off an open war. And that?s when it happened. A young dragon managed to escape from its hatchery and attacked the neighbring country of Porthos, throwing them completely off guard and destroying the home of one of Porthos?s most prominent politicians. Taking this as a sign of aggression, Porthos prepared a counterstrike. Aeron and Geo, believing that the treaty had been violated and that they might be the next target, took to arms. This led to an open war, consuming the continent in total warfare. Lives were lost, homes were destroyed, and bonds were broken? ...I wish I hadn't been there.[/I][/COLOR] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In this RP, you have plenty of freedom. You can be citizen or soldier, Portan or Pyraxian, Cadet or Captain...The list goes on. This RP isn't just about those who fight in the war, it's also about all of those caught in the middle; the children who lost their father in a border skirmish, the wife who is left alone to care for her family, the young cadet who was forced into a war he/she thinks is wrong...This isn't just the battlefield, it's life in general. Remember, this isn't all serious. It doesn't have to be completely depressing. There can be humor. Heck, I'd prefer it, since the subject is a bit...dark. We need a few people who, although they take it seriously, don't want this to be excrutiatingly painful to read. However, due to the subject matter, and the range of what could happen, I strongly suggest that only those who are mature enough participate in this work. Well, here is a sign-up sheet for this RP. Please keep inmind, you don't all have to be soldiers, and the specialties listed for the nations aren't meant to be restrctions, but rather guidlines. If you are from Porthos, you don't have to be a member of the thieves guild. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Age: Gender: Nation: (any among the four listed in the plot description) Occupation: (be as creative as you want to be, but keep it semi-realistic for this medieval-style world with fantastic creatures and minor magic) Family information: Anything else: Don't be afraid to include anything that I haven't listed. Brief sample of your writing: No offense, but spammers aren't welcome here. These are very serious topics, and we want to keep it that way. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, that's all there is to it. I look forward to spending time with each and every one of you.
[SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]Slain[/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][CENTER]Prologue[/CENTER] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [B][FONT=Times New Roman]December 18, 2007 10:42 PM Bellevue Hospital ER Room 243 Los Angeles, California[/FONT][/B] Doctor Victor Cruz never had any luck. He was always scheduled the night shift, the busiest time of day at Bellevue Hospital. All he wanted was a night off every now and then; a chance to get out of the sanitized hallways, enjoy the night life, hang out at the clubs. Tonight he was not that lucky. Instead of cruising for chicks, he had ER duty. "Heart beat, stable. Respiratory systems, functioning. Vital signs, clear. And yet he's still comatose. Dammit, what the hell is wrong with this man? Bridget!" An attractive young nurse walked into the room.[I]Damn,[/I] thought Victor, [I]I'd like to get me a piece of that.[/I] Bridget was used to the Victor's stare. He was the most well known doctor in the building. He was a creep, and everyone knew it. "Yes, doctor?" "Get me this man's file!" Bridget rolled her eyes. "Yes, doctor." She exited the room leaving the "good doctor" alone with his patient. "All right, let's check his response to external stimuli." Victor aimed his small flash light in the patient's left eye. "Hmmm...Seems normal enough." He turned around to record his observations on the chart. Just when he did, the right eye of room 243's most recent tenant snapped open. His pupils began to dilate into thin, reptilian slits. His arm reached out and grabbed Victor by the throat. A look of terror crossed the doctor's face. A repeating chant filled his head:[I]Oh God oh God oh God oh---[/I] [I]Snap![/I] Bridget walked into room 243 with the file in her hand. * * * * * * * * * "Doctor, here's the file you---" Bridget's mouth dropped open. Lying on the floor, alone in a pool of blood, was the late Victor Cruz. [B][FONT=Times New Roman]December 18, 2007 11:02 PM The Streets Los Angeles, California[/FONT][/B] The former patient of Bellevue Hospital, Room 243 raced through the streets in a frenzy, demolishing everything in his path. The crazed man rounded a corner, coming face to face with a man in a gray trench coat. He let out a violent howl. The man in the trench coat stood their, almost bored. This former patient lifted an angry fist, preparing to strike the seemingly powerless victim. The man in the coat dodged the clumsy blow, pulled a gun out of a hidden pocket, and squeezed a single shot straight into his attacker's chest. The man in gray turned his back and walked away, pretending not to notice the black cloud leaving the fallen man... [B]OOC[/B]: Well, the first person has been assigned, and they should begin their post soon. It should be up within a week and a half.These installments will have to do, For everyone out there, sorry for the slow pace, I just want this to flow well.
All right, we start on monday. I'll still be trying to work out who has first posting privileges while at work tomorrow, but don't worry.You'll all have the opportunity to write your chapter(s). Remember; everyone's character is accessible, but you need to respect the wishes of their creator. If you want to do something that seems unlike the way the character was originally intended to be, please contact the creator for permission. Also, before submiting your chapter to the Otaku Arena, please send me a copy. I wish to review it for spelling, grammar, and/or flaws in portraying a character accurately (be sure to inform me if you have permission to alter a character's actions). What I have written is the prologue, so I will continue my work on chapter one using a at least one available character. I would prefer that not every character is introduced at one time, guys. Let's make this as close to a novel of the highest calibur as we can, okay? If this works out, it will probably be one of the biggest hits on the OB.So let's all stay focused, try hard, but most importantly, have fun.
To me, I guess obscurity is the only way to go. I know the majority of you have never heard of "Generator Gawl,"but I would have to put the full episode ten of that series as the all-time saddest moment in anime. I swear, I don't cry often, but that episode get's me every time. I guess another incredibly sad moment would have to be the very ending of "Samurai X: Reflections." I just sat there staring at the screen, jaw dropped and moist eyed for about five minutes after the movie was over.
Don't worry, everyone will have their chance to shine. You can use any characters available, but you don't have to use them all. And as for the chapter, the size isn't what really matters. What's most important is that it gets the point across, and makes sense. Just try to keep it entertaining. Not too short, but not too long. Just what you think is good enough. Since we've already had a drop out before it started, I'll make a list of available characters. Just take a look at the signups to see the descriptions of the characters.
Well, in this chapter system, yes, some people will be controlling your character, but don't worry. The way I figure it, when each person has a chance to post, they must first submit it for review. I figure at least two-thirds of the cast must approve.That way everything flows a little better, and there is less conflict involved between the members over the decisions made. This way may appear more of a hassle, but it makes it easier in the long run. All things considered, this is probably the way to go. You can PM me if you think of any simpler way to make this run.
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][CENTER]Extra Information[/CENTER] [/SIZE] [/FONT] [/COLOR] Okay, everyone, this thing starts sometime between the 15th and 22nd of August, regardless of the number of people participating. I can't decide exactly when, but I will make it clear to anyone involved. Remember how I said this would use the chapter system? Well, that's still my intention. I will be PMing each of you individually when it is your turn to post, so as to keep confusion to a minimum. That is one choice. The other is a hand-off system, where the next writer is chosen by the current. Either way, everyone will have their chance to participate, and will be given one week's time to complete their chapter (unless I am informed prior to the deadline). If the chapter is not completed, I will either choose the next writer, or the group will. It is up to you as a team to decide which option you wish to implement. The choice is yours. Majority rules in this situation, so choose wisely. And don't worry if I take some time posting; it will be a bit harder to get on very often. You see, I start my new job on the 15th, but I won't let that distract me. I will be working on this story during nearly every available break I can get my hands on. Oh, also; this is just a shameless plug, but I will be displaying the prequel to this series in OB Anthology sometime soon, so look out for [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Slain: Beginning of the End[/B][/COLOR]
Yep, yep.I discovered OB via myOtaku, which I discovered in turn via Yahoo Profiles. I was bored out of my mind, so I figured I should do something to waste a few hours here and there, so here I am! The true master of darkness and, er, fire found his home when surfing the web out of absolute and total boredom.