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JT Darkfire

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Everything posted by JT Darkfire

  1. All right, here is the criteria for the registration. Anything else you want, go ahead and enjoy yourself. [COLOR=DarkRed] [B]Name:[/B] [B]Age:[/B] [B]Element:[/B] [B]Alignment:[/B] You don't need this in a separate section, you just have to make this clear [B]Bio:[/B] [B]Physical Description:[/B] Either be detailed or add a picture, you choose [B]Weapon:[/B] Optional[/COLOR] Please remember that this RP will be in chapter form for the convenience of everyone with limited internet access. I will PM you when it is your turn to post. You will have a maximum of one week to post when it is your turn ____________________________________________________________________ If you make the cut, I will post your name here. Don't worry if your name isn't up there automatically, though. It may take a while for me to get through this part. chrono-flash
  2. Are you ready for an action-packed RP with intense story and severe plot twists? Well, my friend, youve come to the right place. You can find it all in... [CENTER][B][SIZE=4][COLOR=Red]Accolyte: Rebirth[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [I]Long ago, Colegria was a beautiful place. The world teemed with life. Powerful mages kept the peace, healed the sick, and brought life to the land. Everything was undeniably perfect. That is, until the day the magic died. Thousands of mages fled Colegria, never to return, and they took the magic with them, leaving the world to fend for itself. No one knows exactly why or when this happened, or even if it happened. The true story of the paradise that once was Colegria was lost in time, and had become nothing more than a mere children?s bedtime story. Millennia later, Colegria separated into two factions: The Empire of Torcos and The Empire of Largos, two warring nations whose sole purpose seemed the destruction of their rival. The cause of the war was unknown, but that never stopped it. The two nations continued their struggle, victorious at times, while failing others. The Torcan Empire managed to maintain their position via tactical prowess, but Largos was slowly gaining the upper hand, their technological advances an incredible asset to their arsenals. Torcos was barely managing to survive their deadly encounters, and their time was running out. It was then that the tides of war turned. The Torcan army had a new weapon in their hands, a weapon that would prove to be the downfall of The Empire of Largos. They had rediscovered the lost arts, brought back magic, and ensured their victory. The Torcan army marched into battle with newfound confidence. Largos charged recklessly, expecting it to be a battle like any other. They were wrong. Wave after wave of Largan soldiers fell to the onslaught of Torcan sorcerers. Nearly the entire Largan army fell that fateful day. The surviving troops retreated, and Larcos surrendered. The war was finally over. One would assume that the end of the war would have made Colegria a more peaceful place, but this was not so. The Emperor was a tyrant, and he ruled through fear. His cruel methods eventually led to the creation of The Rebellion, a group of ex-Largans dedicated to overthrowing the throne. This ragtag group of warriors would never be powerful enough to defeat the well-armed sorcerers of the regime, so a secret weapon was created. A special task force was designed to combat the magic-wielders of the Torcan Empire. Through advanced cybernetics and genetic engineering, each operative of this force was enhanced to their optimal physical and mental capabilities. The soldiers were also gifted via inhibitor chip magic capabilities and mastery of an element. These powerful soldiers are known as the Accolytes, and this is their story.[/I] Okay, everyone, this is an intense SciFi/ Fantasy RP where you have near-absolute freedom when designing a character. There are just a few basic rules: 1) If you choose to be an accolyte, you may only use one of these elements: a. Fire b. Water c. Earth d. Wind e. Light f. Dark 2)Everyone has a weakness, and I'm not talking about obscure psychological weaknesses like being shy around girls. I'm talking about real"Oh no, if this happens I might die" type of weaknesses. 3) You don't need to be either a sorcerer or accolyte, we need regular people too. When I next go online I will post a sign-up sheet. Once I feel that we are ready to begin, the registration process will end. Well, start your planning, registration will commence tomorrow, Tuesday at the latest. Well, that's it for today. Happy Planning!
  3. I threw in the last line so I [I]could[/I] throw off the rhyme scheme. The symbolism of this poem is so that the final stanza is meant to be different from the rest of the poem, and the whole point of this poem is to be flawed. But, so the rest of you know, I am currently working on a poem caled "A Light at the End of the Tunnel." It will have a more organized rhyme scheme. Oh, and DW, thanks for the advice, I'll take it into consideration for the next poem.
  4. [QUOTE=Minako]I liked it. It has the constant struggle between light and dark that all of us has seen, or even faced, at least once in our lives. If I may be honest, the last line bugs me. The whole poem is full of good rythm (sp?) but the last part, [I]In the end we are all in the dark, never knowing what might have been.[/I] I may be inexperienced with poetry (you can take or leave my advice) but I DO know the basics about rhyme and rhythm. It doesn't seem to fit with the rest of the poem. I like the quote, but it doesn't fit here. Or maybe it's separate from the poem. If so, it's not very clear that it is. It's inside the quotation marks so I assumed that it was part of the poem... As I said, you can take or leave my advice because I don't know much about poetry.[/QUOTE] The last line is more symbolic than anything else. If you read the the poem very thoroughly, it doesn't merely reflect on the struggle of light and dark, but also upon the fact that they work as much with as against each other. It also states the theory of fate, and how fate is always balanced. It delves a little into the belief that good and evil, light and dark, are merely a manner of perception. The last stanza of this piece symbolizes the instability of predetermined routines chosen by fate, and man's capability to overthrow predestination.
  5. [quote name='Kaimara][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue']O.O wow.....that's like, really good, man...wow[/COLOR][/quote] Hey, thanks. I needed that. But why was it good? And I know there are some things I need to work on, but because I am a biased individual in this situation I can't find them.
  6. Come on, people! Read and reply! Is that so hard? Okay, calming down now... Anyways... I could always use advice. [CENTER][B]The Struggle[/B][/CENTER] "Light breeds darkness, darkness breeds light. A constant struggle, no end in sight. A perfect partner, a rival, a foe... You can't find the joy without the woe. A contrast, a comparison; a happiness and sorrow, Unsure of your next tomorrow. A blank stare, a tear, a voice, Constant life without a choice. A whisper, a murmur, a silent tear, An enigmatic, happy fear. Light breeds darkness, darkness breeds light. A constant struggle, no end in sight. In the beginning we are all in the light, a hope for tomorrow; In the end we are all in the dark, never knowing what might have been."
  7. Please read and respond to this thoroughly, so I can make it the best it can be. Okay, everyone, while this is nowhere near perfect, it is an upgraded version of Accolyte: The Beginning. Let me know how you feel with this back story. If you have any suggestions on how to improve it, just let me know by posting on this page. Oh, and just for the record, there is a method to my madness. I changed the name because I feel the whole story of the world of Colegria would best be portrayed in three parts. Rebirth will be the beginning of the story while Accolyte: The Beginning will be a prequel to this story. The final installment will be released, but its title has yet to be created. Okay, enough rambling. Let the story begin! [I]Long ago, Colegria was a beautiful place. The world teemed with life. Powerful mages kept the peace, healed the sick, and brought life to the land. Everything was undeniably perfect. That is, until the day the magic died. Thousands of mages fled Colegria, never to return, and they took the magic with them, leaving the world to fend for itself. No one knows exactly why or when this happened, or even if it happened. The true story of the paradise that once was Colegria was lost in time, and had become nothing more than a mere children?s bedtime story. Millennia later, Colegria separated into two factions: The Empire of Torcos and The Empire of Largos, two warring nations whose sole purpose seemed the destruction of their rival. The cause of the war was unknown, but that never stopped it. The two nations continued their struggle, victorious at times, while failing others. The Torcan Empire managed to maintain their position via tactical prowess, but Largos was slowly gaining the upper hand, their technological advances an incredible asset to their arsenals. Torcos was barely managing to survive their deadly encounters, and their time was running out. It was then that the tides of war turned. The Torcan army had a new weapon in their hands, a weapon that would prove to be the downfall of The Empire of Largos. They had rediscovered the lost arts, brought back magic, and ensured their victory. The Torcan army marched into battle with newfound confidence. Largos charged recklessly, expecting it to be a battle like any other. They were wrong. Wave after wave of Largan soldiers fell to the onslaught of Torcan sorcerers. Nearly the entire Largan army fell that fateful day. The surviving troops retreated, and Larcos surrendered. The war was finally over. One would assume that the end of the war would have made Colegria a more peaceful place, but this was not so. The Emperor was a tyrant, and he ruled through fear. His cruel methods eventually led to the creation of The Rebellion, a group of ex-Largans dedicated to overthrowing the throne. This ragtag group of warriors would never be powerful enough to defeat the well-armed sorcerers of the regime, so a secret weapon was created. A special task force was designed to combat the magic-wielders of the Torcan Empire. Through advanced cybernetics and genetic engineering, each operative of this force was enhanced to their optimal physical and mental capabilities. The soldiers were also gifted via inhibitor chip magic capabilities and mastery of an element. These powerful soldiers are known as the Accolytes, and this is their story.[/I] Well, what do you think? That is the backstory and teaser for Accolytes: Rebirth. While some things may not seem to bear any significance to the plot, I assure you that they do. If I do breathe life into these words, I will probably use the chapter method for posting. [B]Off Topic:[/B] While this story has a scifi feel, I assure you that The Beginning will be more of a fantasy. Please, any tips or constuctive critcism would be greatly appreciated.
  8. [I]...Meanwhile, a few mies away in the desert, Coins marched from dune to dune. The wind blew sand in his face. He swore silently to himself. [/I] [B]Coins:[/B] I can't believe she convinced me to do this! Here I am, marching along like a common soldier amongst this ragamuffin group, and do[I] I[/I], a [I]close personal friend [/I] of Joan's I might add, get any respect? No! [I]Coins kicked a rock absentmindedly.[/I] [B]Coins:[/B] Man, I need a vacation... [I]Suddenly, the sky grew dark and the winds blew violently. Dragons of countless sizes and shapes flew from the void.[/I] [B]Coins:[/B] Here we go again... All right troops, let's move out! [I]The twenty-second branch of the army of Light armed themselves and prepared for battle.[/I] [B]Coins:[/B] This doesn't look good... we need reinforcements. [I]Coins let out a loud cry.[/I] [B]Coins:[/B] If their's anyone out there...I COULD USE A LITTLE HELP!!! [I]No one came.[/I] [B]Coins:[/B] Aw, crud...
  9. Name: Zaier Malkior Age: 36 Personality: As a villain, it is quite obvious that this man is not a very nice guy. He is power-hungry, spiteful, greedy, and wicked. He will do anything to succeed, and doesn't care who is hurt in the process. Appearance: Zaier is 6'2", with green eyes and long black hair. Has a tatoo of [I]kaminari[/I](Japanese for thunder) on his back in a strong, dark symbol. He often wears a black suit with a fluorescent yellow shirt underneath his jacket. He never goes anywhere without his black sunglasses. Bio: Zaier Malkior is a skilled scientist and a cunning adversary. He was raised in the slums with a by his mother, who became clinically insane after she was abandoned by Zaier's father. Needless to say, his childhood was not a happy one. Zaier's heart became cold at the tender age of 5. After turning his back to the world at 12, Zaier began his research in weapons. He developed many powerful weapons and trained in countless forms of combat. He then became the tyrant owner of Omega Industries, a technology manufacturing company with a hidden agenda. Element/Sword: Thunder Extra Weapons: An energy glave (designed by Omega Industries) and a hand gun with powerful neuro-toxins loaded in the bullets. OOC: How does this look? I hope it's not too over the top. If there is anything that needs to be changed, please let me know via PM.
  10. [B]Name:[/B] Sand Gambler [B]Nickname/Callsign:[/B] Coins [B]Attribute & Subtype:[/B] Light/Spellcaster [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://www.yu-gi-oh.ch/images/Ancient-Santuary/AST-069.jpg[/IMG] [B]Affiliation & Rank:[/B] Sand Gambler is a loose ally to the Alliance of the Last Cause who holds no rank and isn't a true member of the army,so you might say he's a loner on the battlefield. [B]Reports to:[/B] Due to his lack of ties to the military, the only person that Coins listens to is Joan herself [B]Weapon:[/B] Horn of the Unicorn [B]Weapon Ability:[/B] He uses this sacred object to intensify the strength of his spells [B]Special Ability/Abilities:[/B] Capable of conjuring intense sandstorms at will, he can destroy armies at a time. You don't want to be around him when he charges to use this ability. [B]History:[/B] Coins was the world's most renouned professional gambler up until the beginning of the war. He was considered a disgrace among light monsters due to his less than pure ways. This made him an outcast not accepted into any group... that is, until the day he met Joan. She found his nefarious ways to be a good change of pace. Finally being accepted for who he is, the Sand Gambler vowed that he would fight alongside Joan no matter what happens. One might say that Coins is a friend for life.
  11. A personal favorite would have to be Generator Gawl (HIGHLY underrated, folks; check it out sometime). It had awesome dialogue, stunning battle scenes, character dvelopment that just can't be ignored, and eye-popping plot twists. You try and tell me that it doesn't sound great.
  12. Come on people! Don't you remember how awesome Sojirou was in RK? He wasn't just some randome cold-blooded killer, yet he still manages to smile while slaughtering his foes. And the man can move faster than the human eye! That...is...AWESOME!
  13. I'm kind of thinking of bringing some life to this idea, but I'll need some help with it, people. Tell me if it sounds good, because I have[I] no idea[/I]. "In a world of machines and mayhem known as Colegria, war is a constant occurence, famine is widespread, and despair sweeps the land. The lands of Torcos and Largos are in a constant power struggle, and no end is in sight. This war could go on forever. That is, it could have gone on forever if it wasn't for Torcos's recent discovery, a discovery which will change the way we view this world forever. They had discovered magic. Hordes of sorcerers swept the the battle fields, destroying all who opposed the will of Torcos. Largos, despite its strong military and technological advances, was crushed in an instant. Torcos had finally succeeded. They had conquered Colegria. That was twenty years ago. While the Largan empire has long since been dead, I still hold my ties to it very dearly. that is why I joined The Resistance, to reclaim the might that was once Largos. The Resistance, while small in numbers, is holding its ground. We have only one resource that allows us to stem the flow of Torcan power. We have a group of soldiers whose prowess and ingenuity is unrivaled, whose cunning is unmatched, whose determination is unbridled. We have the Accolytes, the perfect combination of magic and machine." This story was specifically designed to holdno limits when designing a character. If you want guns, you got guns. If you want swords, you got swords. Feel free to go nuts. These are all you need to tell me if you wish to participate. It will take me a short while to get this baby started, but I will need your cooperation to do so. Name: Age: Race: (Human, Cyborg, Android) Job: (Be Specific; remember, we need villains, too) Weight: Height: Gender: Physical Appearance: Be descriptive or add a picture, you choose which. Elemental Allignment: (Not required if you don't cast spells) Spells: Must all be of one elemental allignment, Max of 5. (Not required) Brief Bio: Weapons: Equipment: Strengths: Weaknesses: If you are one of the lucky few who are chosen for this, I will post your name on a list at the bottom. You will know it when you see it. Now goodluck, peace, and I am out.
  14. [QUOTE=Dragon Warrior]The idea of Chewy and my character was to make it seem like a couple, but not exactly in terms of being gay. If you've ever seen Neil Simon's [b]The Odd Couple[/b], you'd understand what I mean. But yeah, in a sense, it's like they're together, but they're not. Just... yeah... [img]http://img131.exs.cx/img131/8930/dwwashere9rz.gif[/img][/QUOTE] Ah, so that's why it seemed so familiar. I'm a huge Neil Simon fan, and a just as big star wars fan, so the absolute beauty of that piece nearly brought a tear to my eye... Yep, I always thought that Chewie kind of had a downplayed part in Star Wars, and they never actually mentioned Han Solo's connection with him. Maybe there was a kinky situation involving a certain princess... Okay, that's enough JT, you're [B]really[/B] starting to creep yourself out...
  15. [QUOTE=SakuraMinomino][CENTER][COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif]Well, I don't really get how you can be Homophobic. What, SCARED of gay people? That doesn't even make sense! (Of course, this IS coming from the scared-to-death-of-oatmeal girl...) [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER][/QUOTE] I know it may seem like an outrageous claim, but I have friend who is clearly homophobic. Apparently, when he was young a homosexual threatened to rape him. While we may hold different views in that aspect, I've learned to accept him and realize that there is probably nothing I can do to change his mind.
  16. [quote name='Kuraineko']I'm pretty clausatiphobic (afraid of huge crowds). Mines not very serious, I usually can't breath when surrounded by people and I'm also scared of getting trampled. [/quote] I have the same thing, only I have an extreme case. If I am even on the outskirts of a crowd, my mind actually shuts down and I have less mobility in my arms and legs, and if I'm in the crowd I sometimes pass out while standing. Needless to say, I'm not very fun at parties. I also have an immense fear of heights. It's strange because I have a fear of heights but not falling.
  17. [QUOTE=r2vq] Also have to remember that Japan itself is a sexist, chauvinistic country. Only recently have things been changing. Traditionally, men practically owned women like property and women are only meant to be "good wives". Things [b]are[/b] starting to change, I hear, only very, very slowly. -ArV[/QUOTE] That is an excellent point. When most people think about sexism, they think about the author or characters of the anime as sexist and seen to forget that originally this kind of attitude wasn't peered at as sexist. You have to take into account that this was what was perceived as the truth in the culture in which they live. I'm guessing that the sexist nature of anime will slowly diminish as the Japanese culture evolves its attitudes towards women into a more positive note.
  18. I hate to admit it, but this does not surprise me.Sure, I'm outraged at the fact, but this kind of thing has been going on for a while . I used to love the show when I was little(and if the show happens to be on nowadays I pretend to be too lazy to change the channel), but this is just another example of WAY TOO MUCH SPARE TIME! And you know it had to be a vast minority of people complaining about the Cookie Monster. I still love the fearsome battle cry of COOKIES!!!!, and never heard anyone say to me "That there Cookie Monster is a bad example. Cookies? What's next, PCP?" Come on, people. Get Your priorities straight.
  19. You know, the death penalty is kind of a gray area. On the one hand, put yourself in the place of the innocent who were accused. No, I'm pretty sure that at that moment you feel that this was an unfair punishment. Now, for a twist. Imagine you were the family of the victim.I know it sounds like a personal vendetta, but I would want the worst for that person who was found guilty of a loved one's murder. Then, there is the problem with the family of the accused.They, in turn, would be the ones who suffer most, not the convicted. People always think of this as a punishment for just one person, but that's not the case. There is no right answer for this problem. If the convicted does not face capital punishment,the family of the accused feels relieved, while the family of the victim feels forsaken. If they do face capital punishment... See what I mean, no clear cut solution. While I do openly voice support for the Death Penalty, I do realize that the system has its flaws, and that our goal should be to try to fix those as soon as possible instead of bicker amongst each other about if its a good or bad idea. At the current, it is in action,and no matter how much you complain an innocent person could be sentenced with it at any moment.
  20. I don't know why, but everyone seems to be passing up The Scorpions, Lynyrd Skynyrd,ZZ Topp, Guns and Roses... for me the list keeps going. I guess I just love classic rock, but I'd have to say that my favorite is Styx. I love everything they've done (with exception to their album "Kilroy Was Here;"What were they thinking?) Eric Clapton is another must, and so is Queen. I guess I'm just a classic rock addict.
  21. Yeah, FFIX's boss is really tough, even if you know what you're up against. I was beaten at least eight times by that... thing.
  22. What you bring up is double standards.You can find them pretty much anywhere,even(getting back to the subect)in anime. People complain about how sexist love anime is, but nobody brings up this fact: in Evangelion, while the women do provide fan service, you musn't forget that in that anime only women held authority positions, except for, of course the villains. Even Shinji is placed in a position where he is the stupidest and least tallented of group, who only is victorious in battle do to flukes or tragedies. You see what I mean? You are only looking at half of the picture. But , I'd have to agree that sex does sell,and in order for an anime to be a success, it needs fans, right? Aesthetically pleasing figures are a lot more likely to get an audience. Sure, a lot of it it is unnecessary, but some of it isn't.
  23. True, but you've got to take into consideration that the character development for a lot of animes always ends up with a nearly stereotypical cast of characters. If you take that into consideration, thenyou'll see what I mean.
  24. Although I'd have to say that Tales of Symphonia was one of my favorite games ever, I will admit that the final boss was a pushover.After you get the best weapon, all it takes is a few basic attacks and you've already won.Of course, there are secret bosses that make the game worth while...
  25. While this is true,most animes do have subtle similarities that can be noticed if one looks hard enough.For instance, in a large amount of animes you often see an anger mark (you know what I mean), the sweatdrop,the sleep bubble,etc. Also,animes tend to have theme similarities, if not similar plot form if you look hard enough. The good vs evil/ victory at whatever cost is a theme that is commonly used in anime. Compare Ruruouni Kenshin and Trigun. Despite setting and style,the plots and themes of these two works are very similar. Don't get me wrong; I love anime. But the different series' tend to be recycled from other popular animes. If you look hard enough, you can tell if something is anime. It doesn't have to be written by the Japanese, it just has to have that classic anime feeling.
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