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About BakaMonkey13

  • Birthday 09/30/1991

Profile Information

  • Biography
    I'm a red-head with an attitude. Give me a reason to yell and believe me, you'll get a busted eardrum.
  • Occupation
    None, other than being a student scraping through school.

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  1. BakaMonkey13


    I always listen to the song a few times, to see if I like it before I find the lyrics. My favorite songs are 'Otherworld' from FFX and 'Calm Before the Storm' by Fall Out Boy. [i]Otherworld[/i] Go on if you want it. An otherworld awaits you Don't you give up on it. You bite the hand that feeds you. All alone cold fields you wander Memories of it, cloud your sight Fills your dreams, disturbs your slumber Lost your way, a fallen knight Hold now, aim is steady An otherworld awaits you. One thousand years--you ready? The otherworld it takes you Go into the sand and the dust in the sky Go now, there's no better plan than to do or to die Free me pray to the faith in the face of the light Feed me fill me with sin now get ready to fight You know you will You know you will You know you know you know you know that you will You know you know you know you know that you will Fight fight fight Fight fight fight Fight fight fight Hope dies and you wander The otherworld it makes you Dreams they rip asunder The otherworld it hates you Free now ride up on it Up to the heights it takes you Go on if you want it. An otherworld awaits you [i]Calm Before the Storm[/i] I sat outside my front window...this story's going somewhere: "He's well hung," and I am hanging up. Well there's a song on the radio that says: "Let's get this party started." So let's get this party started. What you do on your own time's just fine. My imagination's much worse, I just never want to know. And what meant the world had folded like legs and fingers holding onto what escapes me; what he has: a better kiss that never lasts. You said, between your smiles and regrets: "Don't say it's over." Dead and gone. The calm before the storm set it off, and the sun burnt out tonight. A reception less than warm set it off. The sun burnt out tonight. This is me standing in the arch of the door hating that look that's on your face that says there's another fool like me. There's one born every minute. What you do on your own time's just fine. My imagination's much worse, I just never want to know. What meant the world imploded, inflated then demoted all my oxygen to product gas and suffocated my last chance.
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Name: Aia Alise Hunter Age: 16 Gender: Female Race: Caucasian Personality: Very talkative and hyperactive. Usually is optimistic but has secrets that sometimes drag her down. Carefree for the most part but very short-fused and with a attitude problem. Wise for her age but she's so confident that some call her cocky. She's witty and clever, but a bit of a ditz at times. She's an amazing athlete, good at everything from running to wrestling, she also has a tough streak a mile long. Whenever someone picks on or hurts anyone she loves, she bails out her stength and the person usually ends up beaten pretty bad. She has a love for peace but will fight if needed. Crest: Stength Gifts: Well attuned senses and amazing strength and speed. Magic Color: Blue Mount: A seven-year-old Palamino Quarter Horse named Makai. Bio: Aia was born and raised in Kerri, but when she was ten, both her parents were murdered. She was found outside Kerri by a priest named Zeb Ager, who took her to Sagira and raised her as his daughter. Aia was trained as a preistess, but she defied Zeb and began training as a warrior. She still dwells in Sagira but far from everyone else, on a small farm. Aia is about 5'9, on the skinny side, and is tanned. She has elbow-length blonde hair usually held in a ponytail and crimson eyes streaked in silver. On her right wrist is a tattoo of a broken mirror with 'Aia' spelled out in glass. Writing Sample: Aia bailed hay into the stall of her horse, Makai, then swung her hair over her shoulder. Her eyes narrowed from the bright sunlight.The sound of crunching reached her ears and she smirked, opening her mouth before even turning. "What to you want, Zeb?" she snapped, turning slowly. Zeb Ager stood a good three yards away, a look of suprise spread across his old face. His grey eyes and face were weathered with age and knowledge of so many things, but no matter how much he knew, Aia never seized to amze him. "I came to see if, perhaps, you would reconsider training as a priestess," he announced. Aia cocked her right eyebrow and put her left on her hip, frowning. "I already made my decision. I'm a warrior, not a priestess. You'll have to cope with that," She made to turn and walk away from the man, but he wasn't about to be ignored, especially by this imcompetent teenager. "Aia Hunter! I hoped it wouldn't come to this, but I WILL drag you back with me!" She spun on her heel, eyes burning and blush spreading on her cheeks. Her voice was deadly. "You can't tell me what to do! You're not my father!" Zeb swayed a bit, almost liked her words had tired to knock him over. He nodded, the frown on his face becoming deeper. "All right, I understand, but you know what this means..." Aia drew in a tight breath and nodded. She would have to leave Sagira and never return. "Then I will leave you to get ready," Zeb finished, before storming out of the barn. Aia huffed then stormed back to her small home.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Character's Name: Aia Hunter Character's Gender: Female Character's Year in School: 10th Characters Age: 16 Description of Character: Choppy, elbow-length blonde hair streaked with dark purple. Crimson eyes speckled with silver. Tall, about 5'8, and skinny. A medium-tone tan. She sports a tattoo on her right wrist of a broken mirror with 'Aia' spelled in broken glass. Usually wears black shorts or blue jeans and tank tops or t-shirts and black Chucks. Additional Character Background Info: Aia is a bit of a ditz but she's very witty at the same time. She's incredibly spirited, almost always laughing at something, and constantly enjoying life. While she seems carefree, she understnads the hardships of life. Her family was murdered when she was young and she lived with the head of a group of assassins her whole life. When she's stressed, she plays gutair or gos for a run. She's an incredibly fast runner, a extrodinary gutairist, and she can even sing (she's an alto). Her grades are good enough to be passing but not the top, and it seems like she always has something else on her mind besides school. Some days she'll also go skateboarding or swimming.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I just recently finished [I]The Da Vinci Code[/I] by Dan Brown. Robert Langdon is a religious symboligist and professor at Harvard. After a lecture in Paris, he is scheduled to meet with Louvre curator Jaques Sanuiere, but the meeting never takes place. In the middle of the night, Robert recieves a call telling him a member of the French Judicial Police is coming to get him. The officer tells him that Jaques Sanuiere was found dead in the Louvre, his body arranged in a disturbing manner. Robert pieces together the clues and uncovers a dark secret that the curator kept for years. Teaming up with the late curator's granddaughter, Robert travels through Europe trying to unearth the incredible history and grand treasure of the Priory of Sion. Warning: This book has contridictions to the Bible and extensivlly mentions the Pagan religion, it also has some sexual content and there's some other stuff. And now I'm reading the [I]Pendragon[/I] series, I'm currently working on the third volume. Bobby Pendragon was a normal fourteen-year-old, star basketball player, most popular boy in school, and everyone's friend.When his Uncle Press comes to find him and then takes him to a place he calls the 'flume', he tells Bobby he is a Traveler, a protector of the territories. Bobby comes face-to-face with Saint Dane, a man who is definatly not a saint. Saint DAne wants to control Halla, all the territories, all the people, and everything. Bobby must come to grips with his destiny, because, as he will later find out, he's no ordinary Traveler. He's one of the last Travelers. Both of these are my must-reads![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkRed]As the world has changed, so have the people that dwell there. In the year 3015 the earth colonies have expanded to the far reaches of the galaxy, but with the exploration comes the rise of a communistic empire headed by a man known as X Ager. A small group of assassins, led by the infamous Zeb Ager, brother of X. The group, more infamously and famously known as the Hunters, have sworn to tear down the government, kill X, and restore peace throughout the galaxy. If you want to be an assassin or anything else, here's the info sheet: Name: Age: Description: Weapons: Other: You can be an assassin, a memeber of the communists, or anything else that you want to be.[/COLOR]
  6. Name- Aia Hunter Age- 17 Gender- Female Appearance- Thick, choppy elbow-length blonde hair. Dark crimson eyes specked in silver. Tan. Has a tattoo of a broken mirror on her wrist with 'Aia' spelled out in broken glass. Usually wears black shorts and grey tank tops and black Chucks. Gold Item- A thick gold chain slung on her belt. Other/weapons- Two silver pistols, twin blades, and a katana. Nickname- (if any)
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