Angel Lover
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[COLOR=SlateGray]James stood beside a bulding, Pheonix's wing over his head. "Would you cut that out that stupid fire is getting really hot." James snapped batting at pheonixs wing In response Pheonix spat a fire ball at his feet. He lept back in suprise onto an mans foot. He slowly turened around to face a Vulcan. "Crap." he mutered under his breath "I reallly hate these people. PHOENIX help would be nice." Pheonix screamed in response and flew to his side. His body seemed to brun brghter and hotter. James nodded at him and Pheonix shot towards the Vulcan. The Vulcan laughed and stepped to the side. "That was your attack. It was pitaful." "Of course that was npot my attack...that was my attack." James said lauging as the man lay sproled on the ground shouting in pain from the ball of flames shot at him from behind. "Would you just kill him burning flesh is gross." Pheonix screamed againg and finshed off the man. James nodded a thanks and walked out of tha allyway. he ran his fingers through his hair while he waited for his "pet" to catch up. It was late out and he needed to find a place to rest quickly. [/COLOR]
Sign Up The Mourning After [M-V, L very likely]
Angel Lover replied to Sir Gawain's topic in Theater
ooc: this sounds cool IC: Name:James Kema Age: 15 Appearance: [url]http://www.angel-guide.com/images/A...gel-picture.jpg[/url] Just take away the wings. And he wears a black t shirt. Pet's Name: Phoenix Pet's Appearance: [url]http://www.couch.coop/Phoenix/Images/phoenix-3.png[/url] Bio: After his parents deaths he lived with his anut. He rally spoke. He was sitting in the living room, his aunt left to talk to a man James did not reconize. He crept to the door and over heared the man say "Vulcan." Enraged he ran from the house. He finnly stopped in a cave in a darker part of the woods. Entering the cave he heared a small squeking noise come from the ground at his feet. He bent down to fell around and his hand hit a pile of ashes. There was movement in the middle of the pile. He fell backwards. A small baby bird stumbled from the pile. Laughing at his own couredness he carefull picked up the bird and brought it back to the farm. Hiding it in the the barn he carfull sliped back into the house. Now at 15 he uses that same bird to try and hunt down the Vulcans. He has had some luck. But with the few he has killed he feels that there are many more. Tell me if i should change things -
[COLOR=SlateGray] This sounds like fun. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Chase Orik Age: 18 Gender: Male Personality: He can get along with most people. He isin't a really dark person nor is he somebody who is always happy. He is more of a midium kind of person. He has his limites but they can be streched so it takes a bit to make mad. Appearance: He wears a dark green shirt and a pair a black shorts. His hair and eyes are both a matching blue. His hair falls to his eyes. Bio: He lives off campus in an apartment with his older brother. Their mother and father are divorsed. They fought for custade of him. They fought about it for about 3 years when his brother stepped in. He has lived with his borther now for 5 years. They don't get along all that well. They basicly ignore each other. They only thing good about living with his brother is that he gets just abount any thing he wnats or needs. His brother even paid for him to get any type of any eduaction. He has always had a fancey for Elaments. He has studied the elament of fire. He is always carring a lighter or matches. Although he is the best in his class is acuttly not all that good at the class. ID#:12180 Specialty:Elamental-Fire [/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray]"Cause school sucks and i need to make sure my sorry excuss made it to work and anient dead. And what things what was going on. My head is in the clouds and i am rambling." "Yeah strange things." Katrina said "Yeah well ok I guess i can stick around I just wont go to class... damnit I am rambeling again." OOC: i cant think of what to write.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray]Hunter stopped at his locker to get the things he needed to go home. He was just going to skip the rest of the school day. Grabbing his backpack a picture fell out it was of him when he was five right before he father ditched. He slamed his locker shut and started back down the hall. Looking at the picture he thought about life back then. Not paying any attention to where he was going He crashed right into a girl coming in from the football field. They both fell back onto the floor. "Sorry." he said reaching out his hand to help her up. It was Katrina. So insted he moved his hand the picture which he had dropped, slipping it into his backpack. He reached out to her again. "LIke I said sorry I am kinda out of it."[/COLOR]
Sign Up Game Boost (m for L,V and S if you want it)
Angel Lover replied to kyo'slove91's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Magenta]Name: Colmin James Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: She has short blonde hair. Her eyes are dark blue due to the contacs she wears. She only wears bright colors such as pink and light blues. Right now her style is a pink tank top with a pink mini skirt. Her shoes are black high helled lether boots that go up to her knee. Her skin is a dark tan. She wears a necklice with many different charms on it. When she pulls one off it grows to the right size of that wepon and when she is done she can just push a small butten and it shrinks again she is also highly trained in Kung-Fu. Personality: She is always in a good mood and tries to make the best out of any sitution. She nevers seems to be unhappy and of she is she hides her feelings. She has a lot of energy and is always on the go. She is frendly to everyone. Bio: She is popualur in school and has a lot of friends. AT home her parents praise her and her twin brother and her little sister and brother.She always has what she needed to excel. She has a boyfriend and she is head cheerleder. She never thought about getting involved in VR programs but when her twin brother dissapered she has spent all her free time trying to figure out which program he used last. OOC: Not what you expected right Kyo? :cool: so not like me right? :D :demon: [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=SlateGray]Hunter sat in the lunch room, he was staring off into space. He had eaten his lunch in record time. thought about ditching the rest of his classes. But then he thought about his mother the way he had seen her this morning. She had been a mess, so he thoufght better of it. He looked down at his hand he had had to bandage it this morning when he broke a glass in his hand. In his other hand he had gripped a pencil so hard it had snapped in two. Letting otu a breathe in a hiss he stood up quickly. He dropped the pencil the waste bin. Walking out into the school yard he noticed two kids by the wall one figured was Katrina seeing as she a) wasent a new student and b) she looked like the chick that always changed the way she looked. He just rolled his eyes and walked past them both with out a word. Finding a tree he leaned agenest it and thought about his dad or at least all that he could remember about him.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray]Hunter sat in Ms. Currigan's class. He liked it, because it was so easy. He glanced up when the new kid walked in. his name was Kyle or something of that source. As long has he was left alone he couldn't care less. He lissened to to the girls talk in wispers around him. [COLOR=DimGray]"He's so cute."[/COLOR] wisspered one of the girls staring the new kid. [COLOR=DimGray]"Maybe i should ask him out." [/COLOR] her friend said quickly a little to loud. [COLOR=DimGray]"No I am."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]"Poor guy."[/COLOR] Hunter muttered looking at him [COLOR=DimGray]"Five minutes into a new school and he is already getting mobbed."[/COLOR][/COLOR] OOC:not much i am kinda brain dead today
Sign Up Chaos Eaters: The Outbreak Begins [M-LVS]
Angel Lover replied to bogger3k's topic in Theater
[COLOR=SlateGray]OOC: sounds like a good story Name: Hunter Base Age: 16 Gender: Male You Are: Student Appearance: He has dirty blonde hair, it alwas seems messy and it is always in his face. His eyes are a lome green. He waers a grey shirt with a pair of black baggy shorts. Bio: Nobody goes near him cause when he was in middle school a girl got on his nerves one to many times and he beat her up. His dad ditched him and his mom when he was five years old. He does not live a great life with his mom because she is always working. And even if people talked to him he would only glare at them and turn away because he never really talks and he always keeps to himself never opening up to people. Weapon: a long sowrd he awlways keeps in his locker when at school, that he had found in his fathers stuff that had been left behind when his dad ditched. It is sorta like a imporent family item. tell me if i need to change any thing[/COLOR] -
"Me no. I live at Shigures old house with my father. I onmly come here to have lessons with Kyo in fighting. So why are you here Kokiro-san?" "My parents made me move here." "Oh." Yukin replied lost for anything to say "Well i really should leave now i have to cook and i have but loads of homework to do so um... bye." Yukin turened on his heel and started back to his house again. Reaching his house he went straight for the kitchen and begain making dinner.
Getting the feeling that the new girl was un happy Yukin turened back and headed back to the main house. OOC: i dont haver much to go on ppl post
[COLOR=SlateGray]Name:Jake Mats Nick Name: Dido (he repets things sometimes) Age: 19 Gender: Male Nationality: L3 Race:Elemental, Fire Group: Mystic Lunar Section: L3 Personality: Jake is a shy and short tempered. He apperes as a dark person. He keeps to himself never wanting to intrude on others. He is smart but never shows it. Appearance: He has short brown hair. His eyes are bright green. He wears a long sleeved white shirt with a black t-shirt over it. He also wears black losse jeans. Bio: He found out about his powers when he was 5. Hiding it from his parents for 2 years, he trained mastering using his powers. His mother discovered them when lite his bed on fire while having a nightmare. Fearing for her sons saftey she pulled him out of school and never let him out of her sight. for almost a year he hid his powers from his father, but he had a slip when his fathe finshed work early and came home to find his wife teaching their son to control his powers. His father was so mad he cuffed his son across the head sending him sprowling across the ground. He lost the control he had over the fire and lite their home on fire. Losing their home just made his father angryer he left his son at an ophange. There he got the name Dido by doing whatever anyone else was doing. He lived there till he was 15 when he just up and left. He has sided with the Mystic's only because he was able to learn to fight and cause one of his friends asked him to. Now at 19 he lives as a loner working part time at the diner. OOC:Tell me if it is wrong[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray]"Oh hey. Your that new chick right." Kokiro nodded "Some kid. I don't live here and I couldn't give a crap. So what ever Si crap is about could matter less to me. And he is standing right there with that other guy." He said waving his hand at them "Now Yukin-chan is that any way to talk about your elders?" Si came in from behind Hatori "Yes." Walking past her and out to the street. "Stupid Si what the hell does she know." "Alot more than you Sohma. You have crossed the line this time." Si said following him to the street "Ah it's Si run." He had had just about enogh of Si's mouth. 'Why does everyone think that Si is like a god' he thought has he contiuned to walk back to Shigures house. "You going to trail me the whole way home Si?" "No." she turend to head back to the house OCC: Ya I know her punction is kinda bad :rolleyes: . Kyo from now on before you submit the reply make sure the puction and grammer is correct or else it can be hard to understand :animestun . Sorry for the confusen Latharix_sama and i kno what you are going through with the dial-up. I lost my dial-up to and i don't think it is coming back. But your post was fine. Something is wrong and now when ever i log into my name it brings me back to my friends :mad: :mad: which is why it is under Mimru. Which i did not know would happen. Sorry for the mess up. ~Angel Lover~[/COLOR]
OOC: People is any one going to write on here or not?????
Sign Up Fruits Basket 2: The next Generation (M-LVSD)
Angel Lover replied to Angel Lover's topic in Theater
[COLOR=SlateGray][CENTER][SIZE=4][B]IT HAS STARTED[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] andarakitsune you can be the last to sign up. Everyone elses they all look great keep up the good work in the story to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/COLOR]