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Everything posted by duomaxwell1202

  1. *sorry I was gone for so long:rolleyes: But while I'm gone could you guys keep my charctar going?* Shiro:What's that on radar? Leigh:The pirate ships. Duh!! Shiro:No! It's attacking the pirate ships!! Kevin:What! Shiro:It's allready destroyed most of the ships!! Leigh:We're recieveing a radio transmission. Duo:Hey! Are you going to just sit there or are you going to help me?
  2. The only Gundam Shows are Gundam Wing,08th Ms team,and Mobile Suit Gundam. Out of those three.....Gundam Wing rulez
  3. On top of that bar a lone person stands.He has adark blue jacket, black pants, a black hat, and long brown braided hair. he watches as an android is thrown out of a window and has it's head blown off. Duo:Well,well,well what do we have here. Someone finally took care of that android. Better see who did that and congradulate them on being the only person who actually beat him. Then he jumped off the roof and walked into the bar
  4. Let me be in it too!! Name;Duo Maxwell(The Duo from Gundam Wing & EW) Mobilesuit;Deathscythe H Custom(from EW) Weapons:Caster machine gun:flaming: Gundam weapons:The same ones from EW(A duh)
  5. As they reach the Pokemon center a strange girl blocks the way in. She's wearing a black jacket and a black hat,blue jeans and long blonde hair.She has a Houndoom at her side and a Larvitar poking his head out of her backpack. Craig:Um could you move please? ???:Sure if one of you want's to battle. Craig:Allright I'll battle you. ???:1on1 Ok? Craig:OK ???:Lets battle in that vacant lot accross the street. Craig:Right As they were walking over to the vacant lot Larvitar jumped out and started to talk to Houndoom. ???:Ready. Craig:always ???:go Larvitar! Craig:Go Dratini! ???:Larvitar earthquake! Craig:dratini Dragon rage! Larvitar hit the ground with such an enormous blast that no pokemon would've been been able to withstand it. Dratini fainted. ???:WOOHOOOOO Craig:Aw man. Dratini Return. ???: that was a good fight. Well I might as well tell you my name is Jackie. This is Larvitar and the Houndoom here is Topaz Craig:What other Pokemon do you have? Jackie:Um...With me I have Larvitar,Topaz,Feraligatr,Arcanine,Nidoking,and,Blastoise. Craig:Um...Would you like join us? Jackie:Uh,well,um,er...OK.
  6. Name:Jackie Weapon:sword and a machine gun Location:Outback Australia
  7. My perfect gundam would be like the wing gundam but instead of a bird mode it would have a wolf mode.:devil: When it would be in the gundam mode the head of the wolf would be a beam cannon/something to crush things with. The only other weapon would be a double-sided beam saber. It would have wings like Zero costom.:devil::D Ps I think u all should know this is the first time I have done this:rolleyes:
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