As they reach the Pokemon center a strange girl blocks the way in. She's wearing a black jacket and a black hat,blue jeans and long blonde hair.She has a Houndoom at her side and a Larvitar poking his head out of her backpack.
Craig:Um could you move please?
???:Sure if one of you want's to battle.
Craig:Allright I'll battle you.
???:1on1 Ok?
???:Lets battle in that vacant lot accross the street.
As they were walking over to the vacant lot Larvitar jumped out and started to talk to Houndoom.
???:go Larvitar!
Craig:Go Dratini!
???:Larvitar earthquake!
Craig:dratini Dragon rage!
Larvitar hit the ground with such an enormous blast that no pokemon would've been been able to withstand it. Dratini fainted.
Craig:Aw man. Dratini Return.
???: that was a good fight. Well I might as well tell you my name is Jackie. This is Larvitar and the Houndoom here is Topaz
Craig:What other Pokemon do you have?
Jackie:Um...With me I have Larvitar,Topaz,Feraligatr,Arcanine,Nidoking,and,Blastoise.
Craig:Um...Would you like join us?