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About SirPsychoSexy

  • Birthday 03/10/1982

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  • Occupation
    Grad Student/Translator

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  1. As for myself, it depends on the series. I'm a translator, J-to-E, and I like to compare the English ideas of the charas with the Japanese ones. I *really* love the FMA, Cromartie High School, and Excel Saga dubs, as well as Trigun and Cowboy Bebop. YYH isn't bad, especially with all of the added references the ADR writers put in to make Americans "get" it. But I just like to compare, because it's two different languages, and two different audiences. The only reasons I have the subs on my DVD's are because I have something to focus on, and I can make fun of the bad translations.
  2. [quote name='FireDemon_Hoshi']We all know rumors fly around on the web about these two being gay. Question is do you think they are? In my own opinion, and I have to be opened minded about this because I'm a big Hiei and Kurama fan...I think they have deep feelings for each other that go beyound the normal friendship of others but I don't think they would ever let it show through to much. I once read on a website where the guy that made Yu Yu Hakusho had answered the question to whether or not Hiei and Kurama were meant to be gay. The creator responded with...he didn't mean for them to be gay but only be close friends but it's the way you see it. They can go either way. And that was his response. So I want to know what you think on the matter. :catgirl:[/quote] In canon, they're not. The only gay couple that's in canon is Itsuki and Sensui, like it or not. :animesigh But it's not up to me to interpret the "OMG they are sooo standing next to each other!" subtext. Guess I'm a weirdo because I don't do that.
  3. Alright, the anime that is my current favorite right now has to be Yû Yû Hakusho. I like the fact that it's not all about the fighting...you have very fully developed characters, moral dillemmas, et cetera. Togashi did a brilliant job making flawed characters you can sympatize with, and also reflecting on the "outsiders" in modern-day Japan (punks, drunks, queers, psychos, women, etc.) :animesmil And this is why I've started to read/watch Hunter x Hunter. Because I love Togashi's mind and the way it works so much.
  4. 1. Age:- 23 2. Gender:- FtM (female-to-male transperson) :P 3. Where are u from? (nationality, country) USA, babeh. 4. How did u come across anime? My brother was addicted to DBZ when he was younger, and I watched it with him. 5. Do you think Anime influences u as a person? Explain It's just one of many hobbies for me. It does enrich my life, in the sense that I see different styles of art and different ways of thinking than I would have had I just stuck to being a Western art/cartoon fiend. 6. Research shows that anime is increasingly popular with the western world. Why do you think this is so? It caters to a niche market -one that wants to watch animation with more adult themes and topics. Like my father pointed out, it's our generation's Star Trek. 7. What attracts you to anime? When I was a teenager, I would have replied because it was different. Now I say because of the level of characterization that is sadly lacking in a lot of American programming. (Not that 'harem girl' anime's any better...I jsut like shows with brains.) 8. Is your interest in Anime, in any way related to an interest in Japan or to learn about Japenese society? Yes, actually. Anime was my impetus to learn about Japanese society, and later, Buddhism. :animesmil 9. Have you taken a Japanese language class or been to Japan? I've been taking Japanese for four years at the college level, and I do fan translations. 10. Have you learned anything about Japanese culture, and if so, give 3 specific examples? 1.) The language has to count for something, right? It's interesting to see how some other culture represents their way of thinking. (Kanji, the two kana systems, idioms, the DAMN PARTICLES...) 2.) There are, of course, very few Japanese Christians. Most Japanese practice an informal blend of Shintô and Buddhism. 3.) During the feudal era, male-male romantic relations were rather common, especially among the warrior class. However, after contact with the West during the Meiji era, the attitude towards homosexuality became similar to that of the Victorian Western world- that it was a shameful disease. Yaoi mang are NOT that accurate, fangirls. :p
  5. Mmmkay...here goes... 10.) Dragon Ball/Z/GT. This is the anime that got me started on anime. I may not like it now, but once upon a time, I was obsessed with it. 9.) First Gundam. A classic, and also my favorite Gundam series to date. ^^ 8.) Cowboy Bebop. Also one of my favorite anime back in the day. Who doesn't love Radical Edward? 7.) ROD the TV. One of the most original fighting shows I've seen to date. 6.) Hôshin Engi/Soul Hunter. One of my current favorites, with a very diverse cast of characters, and based on Chinese mythology. Plus all of the interesting Paopei rock. 5.) Excel Saga. An anime that has kept me up laughing on countless nights. Plus the satire is brilliant. 4.) Noir. I was blown away by this anime when I first saw it. The Christian mythological references, the lush European setting, the gunfightrs and shôjo-ai hints...I was hooked. 3.) Full Metal Alchemist. The reason I stay up until midnight on Saturdays...I just love the whole concept. The close brotherly bonds, the alchemy, the alternate world, the homunculi...all of it. And the females are awesome, and everyone has their own distinct personality, espoecially the military folk. 2.) Fruits Basket. My very VERY favorite shôjo series ever. A perfect blend of screwball comedy, romance, and wise insights into human nature. Plus the unique use of the Chinese Zodiac. And... 1.) Yû Yû Hakusho. All that I could ever ask for in a shônen title. Not only do we have the requisite fighting, but we have strong female characters (Genkai, Mukuro), people who are usually thrown out in Japanese society being the main characters (Yûsuke and Kuwabara),Shintô and Buddhist mythology, and a psychological complexity to all of the characters that many other shônen shows only dream of aspiring to. THIS is the main point of the show, NOT the fighting, IMHO: the workings of the minds of the characters (ALL the characters- you quickly learn that nothing is black and white in the YYH-verse). :animestun
  6. Biggest dissappointment? I hate to have tomatoes thrown at me by fangirls, but Gravitation. It had every single gay stereotype and cliché on the books, and I wanted to ask Shûichi where the hell his balls had gone off to, and Yuki...I was mad at him for being an insensitive bastard and basically beating on Shu. Two guys in love are NOT LIKE THAT, people! Jeez! (But then again, I'm pretty jaded when it comes to the whole of the yaoi genre.) :animesigh
  7. You have some truly great villians up there, but I'm going to have to pick Sensui Shinobu^^. Second would be the Homunculi/7 Deadly Sins from FMA, though...
  8. First off, I've always been more of a book person anyways. Second off, most of the time, the manga is the original work as the creator intended. Anime may get censored to appear on Japanese TV. Third, I see manga as having more variety in their art styles. So I *usually* prefer the manga over the naime, but that doesn't mean I dislike anime. As someone else said, the movement and the voicing give the characters personality. :animesmil
  9. [QUOTE=r2vq] Hey. I'm not a lumberjack, or a fur trader... and I don't live in an igloo or eat blubber, or own a dogsled... and I don't know Jimmy, Sally or Suzy from Canada even if I am Canadian. [/QUOTE] ...Why does this makes me think of Python? "III'm a lum-ber-jack and I'm o-kaaaaay..." :animeswea
  10. [quote name='EVA Unit 100']When The Batman leaves the line-up then Yuyu Hakusho would be able to return. Dragonball Z's redub will be taking up the 2nd One Piece slot in May so July is the earliest it could premiere. The timing actually works out quite nicely because without interruption the remaining YYH episodes would run up until about the time the license expired so the show might end in a big marathon ala Dragonball Chronicles. Currently Toonami's schedule is stuffed. A lot of what it is stuffed with may be crap but it is crap that companies are paying big bucks for to air. We're extremely lucky DICE is actually leaving the block. Currently Toonami is in a slump but as long as they keep airing Duel Masters, Justice League Unlimited, and Zatch Bell and Teen Titans returns to premieres soon I still have some reason to watch the block and come fall we get Naruto (which WON'T be a hackjob), Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, IGPX, YYH, the possible return of Gundam SEED, plus the announcement of if MEGAS gets new episodes (hopefully done by Madhouse since they rock) and just maybe unhacked episodes of One Piece, so we'll be getting good stuff later in the year. Adult Swim is rocking harder than ever with Ghost in the Shell and Full Metal Alchemist plus Samurai Champloo, Paranoia Agent, Scryed, some movies, 2nd Gig, and the likely acquisition of Chromartie High coming later in the year so AS has nothing to worry about, especially since Milk-Chan will likely be off the air by the time every episode has been repeated once.[/quote] I
  11. Hehe...take a wild guess. *points to his sig* I'm pretty much like Sensui Shinobu. Except: 1.) I am NOT a misogynist bastard. 2.) I only have one personality; however, I have mood swings like whoa. 3.) I never really want to kill people. 4.) My eyes are brown, I'm not that tall, and I'm bigger around. :animesmil But like him, I am extremely stubborn, and tend to think that MY WAY is the "right" way. I'm not terribly fond of human behavior ;) , and I'm pretty much a self-centered loner-typer person (people say my ego is the size of Alaska). I'm also traumatized by stuff that happened in the past, and trying to make sense of everything. So, umm, yeah.
  12. I LOVE LOVE the dubs for FMA (it just makes it come alive for me; I saw the J version once and thought it was really WEIRD), Excel Saga (how anyone can translate that many jokes is brilliant), Princess Mononoke (Neil Gaiman+Real Actors= GENIUS), FLCL, and Cowboy Bebop. OK Dubs...most of them. I don't mind the YYH dub, except I just prefer it in Japanese. I never really liked the DB/Z/GT dub...Or One Piece, or Shaman King... But the worst dub I have ever seen IN MY LIFE was Speed Racer. OMFG, so cheesy, it makes DBGT and Sailor Moon look like Shakespeare. (PS: It's like a trainwreck. Seriously.) :animeswea N.B. I've had 4 years of Japanese under my belt and do fan transaltions. So, umm, yeah.
  13. Welp, I'm a gay guy. I'm not terribly attracted to pretty-boys...I like guys with masculine looks and/or attitude, and who are really cool people to boot. (I also tend to seek out guys who are like me in a way.) Therefore it should not surprise you that I drool over... Sensui, Itsulki, Yûsuke (YYH) Roy Mustang (FMA) I used to have a massive thing for #17 from DBZ...hehe. However, I'm more into looking at real-life men than drawings of them.
  14. 1.) Sensui Shinobu (YYH). He is just SO COOL. Not only is he one of my fav antagonists, he's one of my favorite CHARACTERS EVER. 2.) Scar (FMA). He has a reason to be the "bad guy". 3.) Altena (Noir). Manipulative, scheming...love her. 4.) Lust (FMA). So ruthless and awesome. 5.) Fûma (X). I love him 'cause he's so damn twisted.
  15. [QUOTE=Godelsensei]I find it more offensive when properly-proportioned female characters are portrayed as having an inexplicable obsession with housework. Tsunade has a formidable bust, but she's hardly a push-over. That's the distinction most people seem so unable to make: low-cut does not equal dis-empowering. In fact, the situation is frequently quite the opposite. After all, Haruko is able to keep a household full of men at her beck and call while wandering about in an entire array of questionable outfits.[/QUOTE] You have a point. The "housewife" sterotype is somewhat more sexist than a girl with a big rack and no brains. However, there are a lot of women in anime who are physically, mentally, or emotionally strong. (The girls of FMA are prime examples of this...and also don't underestimate the love interests of shônen heroes!)
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