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Everything posted by Drake06
"No." Kyo replied to Ryan's question. "I see myself as a person, no different from others. It doesn't bother me when people seem to talk behind my back. Only when others try to physically harm me do I get angry. I am not bothered by the fact that I am a half breed." "Oh." Ryan lapsed into silence and began to drift away. "People," Kyo thought to himself, "are strange. This is the first time that I've communicated with any other people besides my master since I can remember. They talk so much. Although, I don't really mind it." Kyo continued to walk along, following the rest of the group. His eyes scanned the surrounding area. He studied every single one of the other people. Each was different from the other. He looked down at his small egg. "I wonder what you'll be my friend." He whispered to his blood red egg. "I hope that you are a dragon. I can't wait until you hatch. I want to show you to master." Kyo smiled to himself, thinking of the coming journey. The others continued talking, some glanced back at Kyo, wondering what he was smiling about. "Maybe," he thought to himself, "I'll find out what friends are." The wind whipped his hair around as he drifted behind the other people.
"Go to sleep kid." Cass told Ace as he yawned. "Staring at your charizard isn't going to help it get better faster. Get some rest, tomorrow is going to be a long day." Cass turned around and walked up the stairs onto the deck. Ace just continued sitting at charizards side, wanting to help it. He rubbed its side with a cool cloth, charizard was extremely hot to the touch. Ace's hands were red from the heat. "Dammit," he thought to himself, "if I wouldn't have been so stupid and told charizard to jump into the ocean after gyrados, none of this would have happened. He may have been resistant to the water but he probably would've lost that match if it had continued." He continued rub charizard, not caring about the pain it brought him. "Cass is right." Ace thought, "I should get some rest if I want to remain strong." He finally stopped rubbing charizard and plunged his burning hands into a pitcher full of ice cold water. His eyes became droopy, gradually closing. Ace fell asleep on the floor of the hull, next to his recovering pokemon, charizard.
?Come here young man.? A sage voice resonated through the woods, reaching the sensitive ears of the shunned half elf, Kyo. ?The time has come for you to return to the people. Though they cast you out as a child, despising the fact that you were half elf and half human, you must now return. The training that I have given you must not go to waste.? Kyo jumped down from the massive tree that he had been climbing and landed on the forest floor with barely a whisper. He sped through the woods, leaping towards the voice. He passed near one huge bear and a pack of wolves, leaving them undisturbed. He came to a break in the trees, a hut stood in the middle of the hidden field. He dashed over to it, bursting through the door with excitement. ?What took you so long?? An ancient man said as he glanced at Kyo. ?You should have been here two minutes ago.? ?Sorry master.? Kyo replied meekly. ?I had to bypass some dangerous creatures along the way.? ?That?s no excuse for being tardy.? The ancient scowled as he scolded Kyo. ?Next time be quicker. It may mean life or death. It?s time to go to the Council. Oh, I almost forgot, take this with you, you?re going to need it.? The old man handed Kyo a gleaming silver-blue blade. ?Thank you master.? Kyo said as he turned around and walked away. ?I shall miss you greatly. I?ll visit you when I can.? Kyo left the hut, vanishing into the woods, heading towards the village which laid 4 miles away. ?I should be there in 16 minutes.? He flitted through the woods, like a ghost who knew no bounds. ?The truth is,? the Kyo?s master said quietly to himself, ?I may not be here when you return. I wish you luck Kyo, for the sake of mankind.?
Name: Kyo Ken Age: 18 Gender: Male Description: See attatchment, 2 pics, one in armor other in everyday clothes Race: Human/Elf Weapon: Double edge sword and Katana Egg Color: Blood red Creature: Dragon Creature Description: See attatchment Creature Name: Fang Creature Abilities: He can sense the presense of others from miles around. He can spit fire. He is good at sneaking around and is strong enough for Kyo to ride him with out getting tired. He is also a good ally to have in a fight.
[I]My head, it hurts. Where am I? . . . Oh no! Charizard![/I] Ace woke up from his fitfull sleep. He looked around the room that he was in. "Where am I?" he thought to himself. "How did I get here? I remember now. Charizard brought me here. That old man must have brought me into this cabin when I fainted. I have to go check on charizard." Ace hurried to get up but ended up sprawled out on the floor. "I feel so weak." He told himself, wondering how he was going to get to charizard in this condition. He began to crawl. Inch by inch, he was getting closer to the hull, where he had last seen charizard's wornout body. He continued crawling, slowly getting stronger as blood flowed through his body. He barely made it up the stairs and onto the deck. He continued, inching his way to the entrance to the hull. He finally reached the doors and barely managed to open them. He started forward again, but ended up flopping down the stairs that led into the hull. He laid on the floor, groaning. He remembered his mission and looked up. Charizard was still down, its flame was a little brighter but not by much. Ace was so focused on his charizard that he didn't notice the old man descend down the steps. "That was stupid of you." The ancient voice started Ace out of his trance. "You are hardly any better than your pokemon and yet you managed to get out of your bed and crawl down here. I admire your caring for your pokemon. However, how will you care for them if you die? Here have some soup." The old man placed a bowl of fish stew in front of Ace and left the room. Ace ate part of it and took up the bowl, crawling over to charizard. He fed charizard the remaining portion of the soup. Charizard was barely able to get it down his throat. The old man returned. "By the way. My name is Cass the fisherman. What's your name and how did you get here?" He asked Ace. "I'm Ace. I'm a pokemon trainer." Ace continued to tell the old man his story. Cass listened, intent on Ace's story, paying attention to every detail. Charizard roared while Ace was finishing his tale. Ace rushed over to him, forgetting about his weakened body, anxious to know how Charizard was doing. "How are you buddy?" He asked charizard. "Are you going to be alright?" Charizard roared a reply, lifting its head up. He seemed much better, the flame on charizard's tail was getting stronger and stronger. "Wow. Looks like your pokemon is recovering pretty quickly." Cass commented. "Pretty sure its going to be in top shape by tomorrow. Tell you what, since I'm going to the Hoenn Region myself, why don't you guys just stay and hitch a ride with me?" Ace looked up at him, not believing what he was hearing. ?Things are getting better for us.? He thanked the old man. ?Thanks for allowing us to stay on your boat sir.? ?It?s nothing. You remind me of my grandson. Besides, you aren?t staying here for free. You are going to help me on my ship.? He told Ace. Ace groaned, not looking forward to the coming days.
Name: Shannon Kybo Age: 24 Gender: Male Race: Human Appearance: 6'2", 200 lbs. He has a lean and well muscled body. He has short jet black hair and silver eyes. He wears a black jedi suit. He hardly ever gets mad; he only gets mad when his friends get hurt or are in danger. He always seems to be calm and sure of himself. His eyes appear to see everything, making people feel like he can read their souls. His face often breaks into smiles. When he's angry, his appearance makes even the bravest doubt themselves. Side: Republic, Jedi Weapons: His silver lightsaber Side of the force: Light Skills: Bypass security locks and can pilot anything Force Powers: Move anything with the force (including self) and quick heal Is that alright? :animeswea
"Go machoke!" the old fisherman yelled as he released his pokemon. "We'll need your strength to move this charizard down into the hull." Machoke moved quickly to obey. It struggled for a moment, trying to lift charizards massive body, and finally succeeded in half dragging charizard down into the hull. Ace and the old man followed machoke down into the hull. The old man pulled out is first aid kit and gave charizard a dose of some type of medicine. Ace just watched him, helpless. "Is he going to be okay?" Ace asked the old man. "We'll have to see." He replied grimly. "If your charizard is still alive in the morning, then I reckon it'll pull through." "That's good." Ace said as he slumped to the ground. "I hope he makes it." Ace fell face flat onto the ground, a fever raged through his body. The old man ran up to him, checking him to see if he was alright. Ace didn't respond, he was stuck in an uneasy sleep. His body was burning up.l
[quote name='Who Am I?][B']Wow...another RPG made from you. You sure do make a lot.[/quote] Yeah. I figured that I might as well post them since all of my rp's haven't been able to get started due to little or no sign-ups. I just figured that I might as well post my ideas before they go away. :animeswea Thanks for signing up you two.
[I]Ace felt like something was pulling him down. He felt like he was drowning in the ocean. He could feel water going down his throat and nostrils.[/I] Ace's eyes snapped open. He was underwater, slowly sinking down into the ocean depths. His muscles were unable to respond to his brain due to lack of oxygen. He was beginning to lose consciousness, drowning in the dark.Something grabbed his arm and pulled him up, clear of the water. Salt water gushed from Ace's mouth, sweet ocean air flooded his lungs. Ace's eyes snapped open as he began to recover the functions of his body. He looked up and saw charizard holding on to his arm. It looked at him, worried, waiting to see if Ace was okay. "I'm alright boy." Ace said in a weak voice. "I just fell asleep for a moment there. I shouldn't do that again. You can drop me now." It was still dark, the stars still bright in the sky. Ace heaved out a sigh, the water was cold. He knew that if he didn't get out of it soon, he would die from dehydration and cold. His teeth chattered against eachother as he tried to warm himself using charizard's body heat. "What the heck are we going to do?" Ace asked charizard, his only companion. "The ship is long gone. We'll have to fly around looking for another ship." Charizard seemed to be alot stronger now. Ace decided to get on his back and give flying a try. He mounted charizard and told him to take off. Charizard rose from the water. His powerful wings created waves of their own as they beat air against the ocean surface. They rocketted into the air, charizard's flame burned brighter than ever. They took a course that was in the general direction of where they had last seen the ship. Ace knew that if they didn't find a ship soon, they would be back in the ocean, struggling to stay afloat. They zipped through the air, charizard's energy seemed endless. Ace scanned the ocean, looking for any hint of lights from ships. He finally spotted a light, shining from the deck of a medium sized boat. He directed charizard towards it. They increased their speed and were on the ship in less than a minute. It was a fishing ship. "Young man what are you doing here?" an old fisherman asked him as he came out from the cabin. "How did you get on my boat? Is that a charizard? It looks strange." Ace just looked at the man in relief and joy, he was safe. He turned around and looked at his charizard. Charizard was down on the deck, knocked out from its exertions. Its flame burned extremely low, almost nonexistent. Ace ran to it and checked its heartbeat. He could barely feel a pulse. "Help me!" Ace yelled to the man who rushed over to check what was wrong. "My charizard is dying!" "It looks bad." The old man said in a grave tone as he checked charizard's heartbeat for himself. "We have to get it below deck."
[I]The wind moaned as it swept across the open ground. Water trickled down a small stream, swirling into a pool. Birds twittered as they darted through the forest and undergrowth. Life was abundant. Nothing wanted to stay still, even the trees moved once in a while. The wind continued on its way, over a hill and around a mountain. Somehow, on the other side of the mountain, it was cold and overcast with rain-loaded clouds. The rain fell in torrents, lightning flashed across the sky. There wasn?t any peace here. The sounds of battle flowed with the wind. Keeping all of natures creatures at bay. The wind flowed to the source of the sounds. It was one man, surrounded by 1,000 warriors. The ground was soaked in blood, bodies were everywhere. The single man stood heaving, nearly at his limits. His grim opponents watched him warily, even though they outnumbered him 1,000 to one. A hulking figure pushed out from among the mass of men and confronted the lone warrior. ?So,? the hulking man said with a sneer, ?here ends the last of the noble Guardians, Dragon. No more of your blood flows within the veins of human kind. No more of you are left to protect those puny weaklings. What happened to your legendary powers? Where are the legendary Guardians who swore to protect mankind until they died? That?s right, there are no more besides yourself. I?ll fix that.? The huge man gave a signal to his troops and they all fell upon the lone warrior. Dragon fought back bravely, managing to kill half of them while receiving one hundred wounds himself. He stuck his sword into the ground, leaning on it, taking in his last breathes of sweet mountain air. His opponents backed off, waiting for him to die. The storm became even more furious. Lightning flashed out of the clouds, increasing their fury. Trees nearby were struck down. The people surrounding Dragon became increasingly nervous. The hulking figure was no longer so confident of his victory. Dragon?s body straightened, he stood tall and imposing. His eyes were a strange white color. The men surrounding him backed away in fear. ?If I?m going to die,? Dragon shouted over the storm, ?then I might as well take you all down with me!? His body began to glow, emitting a strange white light. A roar escaped from Dragon?s mouth, drowning out the thunder, as he summoned up the last of his powers. The people surrounding him stood foolishly nearby, not sure of what to do. The leader was afraid. He ordered his men to charge and try to stop Dragon. Their blades plunged into Dragon?s unprotected body. He stopped glowing. The warriors were relieved. Suddenly, beams of pure energy exploded forth from Dragon?s erect body, burning all of the people who surrounded him to death. No one escaped. The light disappeared, only Dragon was left standing. He slumped to his knees, near death. His last thoughts were: ?I am not the last. My son still lives and I am sure that the other Guardians still have living descendants. They may still be young, but they are humanity?s only hope.? Dragon, thought to be the last of the ancient Guardians, died. The sky cleared, the sun returned to shine on the black meadow, littered with burnt bodies and one great warrior. The peace on Giniba was shattered with the death of the Guardians. Chaos would soon rule the land.[/I] Here?s the story. The Guardians were ancient families who swore to protect the people of Giniva from destruction and the forces of chaos. These ancient Guardian families possessed mysterious powers which enabled them to defeat anything. The only way a guardian could ever die was from physical wounds, they were resistant to age. The Guardians were hunted down by powerful men who wanted their powers. But they couldn?t obtain the powers of the Guardians so they decided to kill the Guardians. They hired demon warriors to do their dirty work. Every Guardian was killed off 15years ago, only their unknown descendants were left alive. They are the only ones who stand between the forces of Chaos and the destruction of mankind. These new Guardians will have to face things that are worse than anything that the Guardians have had to face before. Hell was coming to Giniva and only the new inexperienced Guardians could stop it. You are one of these descendants of the Guardians. Hope this got you interested. Sign-ups are as follows: Name: Age: (14-25) Sex: male/female Weapons: Powers: (Immunity from aging and poisons are automatic. Can?t be too powerful. Can?t be strong enough to kill god. Start off fairly weak because you will increase powers along the way.) Appearance: (paragraph or picture) Personality: That?s about it. No bio needed but you can post one if you want to. My character: Name: Kinto Typhoon (Dragon?s son) Age: 16 Sex: Male Weapons: Double edge sword Powers: He can create small orbs of pure energy and blast things to smithereens. He has super speed and strength. His powers have not yet even neared their full potential. Appearance: 5?10?, 145lbs He has short black hair and steel gray eyes that seem to look into a person?s soul. His mouth always seems to have the hint of a smile on it. He always carries his sword with him. He wears a black suit, silver gloves, and silver cape. He appears to be a rich kid. He has a lean, well built body which always appears to be tense and ready for anything. He carries himself tall and proud, appearing to be oblivious to everything that surrounds him. Personality: Kinto is usually joy full and nice. However, when trouble pops its ugly head up, he becomes a completely different person, serious about everything. He kills without remorse because he only kills when it is necessary. He is usually calm and calculating during times of strife, always on the lookout for trouble even when he is having a joke with some people. People try to avoid him most of the times because his eyes makes them feel naked, like he could read their thoughts. He likes having a good sparing match. He never backs away from a challenge or anything threatening.
"That was over quick." Ace thought as he left the deck. "What did I do wrong? I still have a lot to learn. What was wrong with my pokemon? It seemed as if they didn't want to fight her pokemon. I guess I have to work more with them." Ace walked down into the ship, on his way to his room. "Too bad I wasn't able to use the special training I did with them on this ship. Charmeleon would've lit it on fire. They should have both been much faster." Ace planned out his new training scheme, focusing on speed, combination attacks, and power this time along with the resistance training. He reached his room and got ready to go for another swim. He released his pokemon into the room. Charmeleon was already recovered from the quick battle. The pokemon stared at Ace, wondering what he had planned for them. "Don't worry guys. It wasn't your fault. I should have communicated more with you during the battle. I underestimated that trainer." He reflected as he talked to his pokemon. " He walked over to the window with his pokemon trailing him. The dark ocean filled him with calm and stimulated his mind. Ace could spot a gyrados swimming near the ship, it looked angry. It's eyes wandered over the ship and feel upon Ace. The gyrados roared and reared up, attacking Ace with a bite attack. "Charmeleon flamethrower!" Ace jumped away from the window as charmeleon's river of fire struck the gyrados right in the face. It was hurt and became even more furious. The garydos came level with Ace's window and countered with hyperbeam. It struck charmeleon a glancing blow and did a little bit of damage to him. The remainder of the hyperbeam demolished the bed. "Go out side of the ship to fight charmeleon! The ship will sink if this continues!" Charmeleon jumped outside of the window and strait into the ocean. The gyrados turned and dove into the water after charmeleon. "Shoot! It's in its element but charmeleon isn't. Charmeleon may be resistant against water but it will still slow him down. I have to go in there." Ace dove in after the two fighting pokemon. The water boiled around him as charmeleon managed to create some flames underwater. Ace watched the two battle, unable to give commands while submerged in water. "Charmeleon will have to surface sometime, he can't go on without oxygen." Ace watched his pokemon try to dodge a bite attack from gyrados. Charmeleon was barely able to get above its head, avoiding its jaws as the gyrados swept past him. It turned back around as charmeleon resurfaced. Ace did the same, trying to keep charmeleon in view. The ship was leaving him behind. "Shoot! One thing after another! I'm trying to battle a wild pokemon with a fire pokemon in the ocean, the ship is leaving me behind, with out any pokeballs to catch water pokemon, and I left the rest of my pokemon on the ship. Man am I screwed." Ace told himself as he continued to watch charmeleon struggle with the gigantic gyrados. Charmeleon gave gyrados another flamethrower in the face. Gyrados was now severely weakened, but charmeleon was also beginning to show the effects of having two straight battles in a row, with out rest. Both of the pokemon's movements were becoming sluggish, each had only one attack in them. "Charmeleon can't lose. If he does, then there is no hope of us getting back to the ship. I have to do something!" Ace began to swim closer to charmeleon and the gyrados. Each only had one attack left in them, Ace could tell as he approached the pokemon. Garydos was floating, glaring at charmeleon who returned the look. Suddenly gyrados flashed forward, going in for one final attack. Charmeleon just continued to float, now severely weakened from the combined back to back battles and being in the water in his weakened state. "Charmeleon!" shouted Ace as he saw that his pokemon wasn't doing anything to prevent gyrados from attacking. "Use your last attack when I tell you to. You have to trust me!" Charmeleon glanced at Ace, as if confirming Ace's order. Gyrados was now only twelve feet away from charmeleon. He cmae closer and closer. Ace just watched while charmeleon waited for his command to fire his last attack. Garydos was right on top of charmeleon. "Now! Don't hold back!" Ace shouted. Gyrados' mouth was open, going in for a bite attack since he didn't have the energy to use hyperbeam anymore. It closed in on charmeleon. Charmeleon's mouth opened up as he heard Ace. Torrents of fire issued out of charmeleon's open mouth, his final attack. The flames consumed gyrados' head and half of his body and into his open mouth. It was knocked out and fell forward, onto charmeleon. Charmeleon was too worn out to make any attempt to dodge it. It floated in place as gyrados' body struck it down into the water. "No! I'm coming charmeleon!" Ace dived underwater. He could dimly perceive charmeleon's body, sinking slowly into the depths of the ocean. He increased his efforts and barely reached charmeleon as he ran out of breath. Ace struck for the surface, charmeleon?s limp form in tow. He broke the surface, pulling charmeleon?s head above his own as he held him in his arms. Charmeleon?s fire was burning low, almost gone. ?No! You can?t die. I know you?re tougher than this.? Ace closed his eyes, wishing that he had never boarded the ship. Charmeleon?s body began to glow and rise from the water. ?What?s happening?? Ace asked bewildered as he watched charmeleon?s body rise from the water. Ace could see charmeleon changing in the strange glow. ?You?re evolving.? Ace realized as he watched charmeleon change into charizard. ?But, I thought evolution only occurs when the pokemon is at his strongest and in its fittest condition.? The glow was dissipating, Ace?s pokemon?s new form was becoming distinct and clear. It was now a charizard alright, but it was different. (I hope that this is okay with everyone else. If it isn't then just tell me and I'll change it.) Charizard wasn?t red or orange, he was a strange silver blue color. It sank back down to the water, its flame was now more powerful, a blue fire instead of the regular orange or yellow. Charizard?s eyelids fluttered open and he stared at Ace. Ace just looked back, staring at his newly transformed pokemon, wondering why charizard was silver blue instead of red or orange. ?It?s okay buddy.? Ace said to charizard as they laid floating on the water. ?I?m sorry for getting you into this mess. Lets try to find the boat now shall we?? Charizard grunted an answer and began to make an effort to fly. Ace was so absorbed in his pokemon that he didn?t notice that the ship was nowhere in sight. They were stranded in the middle of the ocean. With no food, water, or even any land in sight. ?We?ll make it through somehow. We?ll have to wait until you recover enough for you to fly.? Ace said quietly to charizard as he turned onto his back and gazed at the twinkling stars.
Dreams are not just images stirred up by the human brain, they aren?t ?dreams? at all. They are actually glimpses into other universes besides our own. Some of these other universes are akin to our own, others are extremely different, filled with those creatures that we call demons from our worst nightmares. The humans in each of these universes are even more advanced than our own societies, living among the stars and inhabiting other worlds, things we can only dream of . . . One day these other humans found a way to travel between universes. This created a huge problem; now the evil beings have also picked up on this technology and are mass producing it, preparing for invasions of the universes, especially the ones where men live. We, the humans of Earth have no idea that this is happening. A huge multi-verse war has broken out. It?s humans against everyone else. Until now, the people of the other universes have been able to hold off the alien and monster hoards. However, they are beginning to run short of people to help them fight. Not only that, some among the human ranks have turned against their own kind, they fight for greed. The Monsters and other things have bribed countless people to join their side and live. These people are unaware that the monsters and aliens mean to wipe humans off the face of every galaxy. The humans of the other galaxies have come to the us, people of Earth, for help. Our mission is to help human kind to win the multi-verse war and to provide a refuge for those who have lost their homes and planets. We must drop all discriminations and unite in one final effort, for the sake of mankind. This is our story, we must face the perils of the unknown, there is no choice in the matter. If we lose, then another species will replace us. It?s win or die. Here?s the story, we are drafted to fight in the greatest of all wars. With our consent, the more technologically advanced humans will perform new DNA modifications on us, making us stronger, faster, live longer, and even giving us unknown powers. These powers will prove to be necessary. The other humans are sure that we still haven?t met the worst of our enemies yet. Hope that this got you interested. Sign ups are as follows: Name: Age: Sex: male/female Appearance: (good paragraph or picture) Personality: Powers: (If you accepted the genetic modifications. Anything except being able to kill god with one hit. Use your imagination) Bio: (If you want, it?s not necessary.) I?ll be posting my character up later.
"Hah, she was so easy to fool." Ace thought as he turned around to go eat his food. "She actually thought that she hurt me. I love doing that. Making people under estimate me and making them think that I'm a hot head who can't think on his feet. I'll accept her challenge. She doesn't know who she is messing with, yet." Ace continued eating, anticipating the challenge. "That Gardevoir wasn't very strong at all. It should have been able to throw me across the room but it wasn't able to. I could feel its psychic energy straining against me. Even my pupitar would be able to defeat it any day. I wonder what else she has, maybe some of her pokemon might be able to give my charmeleon a good fight. I hope charmeleon will evolve into charizard." He finished his food and got up, walking to his room. He reached his room and gathered up his pokemon: charmeleon, treeko, ponyta, wartortal, scyther, and pupitar. He left his room again and walked to the port-side deck. He stepped onto the deck, the clean ocean air filled his lungs, cooling his nerves down. "Well, at least I'll get some fun on this trip." He looked around, searching for the lady who had challenged him. She was nowhere in sight. "I hope she didn't decide to back out of the challenge. I was starting to look forward to this." He walked over to the railing and stared out at the ocean, observing the lapras and occassional gyrados whipping through the waves. "Hey you!" some one shouted from down the deck, "Are you done looking at the pretty fishies? I'm ready to battle." It was the crazy lady. She was standing at the far end of the deck, staring hard at Ace. Ace just glanced her way, and gave her a strange smile. "Yes, I'm done looking at the "pretty fishies", as you call them." Ace replied as he turned his body to face her. "So, you want to battle me? I thought that I wasn't worth your time. How many pokemon do you want to use? I'll be willing to let you have all six of yours while I just use charmeleon. That would be a close to fair match; I'd still be a little better." The lady looked mad at this remark. "Probably just faking it." Ace thought to himself as he watched her careful and calculated movements. "She looks extremely experienced. I have to be on my toes on this one. She might actually be a challenge." He smiled to himself as he watched her getting ready to battle. Ace turned around and took two steps back. He turned to face her, she looked extremely calm and focussed. "Yep," he thought to himself as he prepared for battle, "She's experienced alright. I'm willing to bet that she was once a pokemon league champion. That's alright, that doesn't really mean anything to me. I've defeated the best of the best. Ash Ketchum and Gary Oak have lost to me. Even better trainers than them have been defeated by me. This is going to be a piece of cake." The lady spoke up. "First lets decide how many pokemon we'll use . . ."
"Look at them." Ace said to himself as he quietly observed the other trainers. "They are so full of themselves, not having a care in the world. They all look like some rich kids who just wanted to go on a cruise. I'm willing to bet that almost none of them are really serious about this mission." Some of the other trainers stared at him nervously, wishing he would look somewhere else. "Humph. They aren't going to last. What are they doing here anyway? I could complete this mission myself. Oak just had to announce it to the whole world. Guess I'll be stuck with them for the trip. I'll just get some training done with my pokemon." Ace turned his back on the other trainers who were babbling annoyingly like a bunch of school girls who found their finger nails fascinating. He walked up the ramp, flipping a coin in the air as he looked around. "Who does he think he is?" Ace heared someone behind him ask another trainer. Ace just smiled and continued up the ramp. The ticket collector, who waited at the top of the ramp, was huge. "Where's your ticket?" he demanded with a greedy grin, "Give me some money while you're looking for it, or else I wont let you on this ship." Ace looked up at him, showing the man his ticket. "Here's my ticket, and as to the money, I don't need to tip your lumbering carcass." The ticket collector's face went cherry red and he reached out to grab Ace. Ace punched him strait in the nose and knocked the man backwards onto the deck. The man was out cold, blood streaming from his nose. "That'll teach you to mess with me." Ace said to the unconscious man as he stepped over his huge body. "Someone better help him before he drowns in his own blood." Ace said as he continued on his way. The trainers behind him just stared at his back in shock; not believing that Ace had just knocked out a man that was twice his size. Ace walked down the halls of the ship and found a room that suited him, room 6F. The man hadn't given him a key for a room so Ace just broke the lock and entered. It was large and clean with three large windows opening out to sea. "Just what I was looking for. The perfect place to practice and work out." He took up his pokeball and released his pokemon, as none of them were too big, and commenced practicing. He went over to one of the windows, took off some of his clothes, opened the window, and dived into the sea. All of his pokemon followed after him, not questioning their trainer. They all disappeared into the water, leaving small ripples that betrayed their presence. "No one better come into my room while I'm swimming." Ace thought to himself as he continued sinking deeper into the water. "I have to cool off." His pokemon finally reached him, swimming around his suspended body as he remained immersed in his thoughts. "The ship isn't leaving for another hour so this is the best thing I can think of doing for the moment. Toughening my pokemon for the coming battles." He struck out and burst to the surface of the water, exhaling and taking a deap calm breath as he stared up at the ship. Some one was watching him from the ship deck. "You'd think that people would have better things to do." he remarked as he swam towards the ship. His window was about 60 feet above the sea level. "Wartortal, charmeleon, boost me up there." He waited as wartortal and charmeleon quickly rose to the surface, right beneath Ace and knocked him straight into the air. "Yeah, this feels great. I can't wait until you turn into a charizard, charmeleon, then we'll be able to fly for as long as we wanted." He shouted out with joy as he reached his window and easily flung himself inside. Someone was in his room, staring at him. "Oh great. That just ruined the moment." Ace mumbled to himself as he observed the stranger who was staring at him, shocked. "I didn't know that anyone else was in here." The stranger stammered as she retreated out the door recognizing him as the person who decked another man larger than himself. She blushed furiously as she closed the door, "What happened to your clothes?" she asked Ace closing the door as she finished her question. "Oh shoot," Ace told himself as he looked around for his clothes, "I forgot that I had taken off my clothes." He found them and hurriedly put them on, not minding the salt water that was beginning to dry on his skin. "This is going to be a long trip." He said with a weary tone. He went back to the window, retrieved his pokemon leaving them eating poke food in the room, and walked out to get something to eat.
It was July 4, 2005, something went terribly wrong that day. Someone, it was never discovered who, activated the launch system for releasing 200 nuclear bombs, each capable of destroying whole countries. The nukes were targeted at specific spots around the world, each major city was a prime target. There was no way anyone could destroy the nukes and stop them from reaching their destinations. Bomb shelters and radiation protection suits were sold like wildfire within a couple of hours. The nukes were due to strike in six hours, maybe less. Every major city was evacuated along with anyone within a 1000 mile radius of the destined areas. Riots showed up every where around the world. No one wanted to face the fact that they were probably going to die. Six hours later, after the bombs were triggered, they all struck simultaneously. The world shook as people stared in horror, there was no escape from this dreadful fate. Nearly everyone was killed in the nuclear blasts. Only a few survived, something in their genes allowed them to live, to survive the terror. These few survivors developed strange powers, things that, before the nukes were launched, they could only dream of and read of in comic books. These few people, only about 500 of them survived out of the 6.5 billion people who lived on Earth before, populated the Earth once more; they passed on their strange powers and genes to their offspring. Each generation became more powerful than the last. Regular humans had been replaced by super humans. The radiation stayed but the people were adapted to it, the nuclear radiation became as harmless as water. However, the once rich Earth, was barren. In their place cities of steel grew up from the black ground. The Earth was no longer alive, only the people lived. Humans developed new spaceships by the year 2060 that were able to travel faster than the speed of light. They sent out expeditions, searching for new worlds and galaxies to inhabit. Humans moved to the stars, living on the newly discovered planets and gigantic spaceships, abandoning the Earth. Little did they know that dark things awaited them out in the universe, and new evils were evolving on Earth, beings that were even more intelligent and powerful than humans ever were. Judgement day was coming. Hope this got you interested. Sign ups are as follows: Name: Age: Sex: male/female Job: (pilot, space cop, etc.) Powers: Physical Description: (pic. or a good description) Personality: Bio: (character background) I?ll post my character later. Hope that I get at least 5 people to join this one.
Name: Ace Faro Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: 5?11?, 160 lbs. He has short black hair and black eyes. He has an athletic lean figure that is well muscled. He wears a black suit and always carries a pouch filled with extra food and a compact fishing rod. He always unsettles his opponents with the imposing way that he carries himself and his disconcerting eyes. He appears to be a cold, arrogant, and hard person. Personality: He doesn?t like to talk much. He always works alone and likes to be away from civilization. The only person he ever listens to is Professor Oak and his dad. He is extremely headstrong and never gives up. He appears to be mean to other people but he is actually a kind person. He always comes to the defense of those in need. He is a good friend to his pokemon and never treats them harshly, although it usually appears to be other wise. He trains his pokemon by pitting them against their weaknesses; putting his fire and rock pokemon under waterfalls to make them resistant to water attacks and sending electricity through his water pokemon to toughen them up. He trains his pokemon in their own elements also, often placing his fire pokemon in lava and his water pokemon in powerful geysers or making swim against rapids and the ocean waves. He physically conditions his pokemon and himself by going for long runs for hours, never permitting them or himself to rest. He also trains them by making them lift boulders and other heavy obstacles to build their strength and by making them battle higher level pokemon. He loves to battle and never backs down from any challenge. Line -up: Charmeleon- LV 36 Treeko- LV 30 Ponyta- LV 30 Wartortle- LV 30 Scyther- LV 30 Pupitar- LV 30 Extras: None, he just wants to keep what he has. I hope that this is fine. :animesmil
Name: Jace Shinogan Age: 16 Appearance: 5'10", 145lbs. He wears a black martial arts outfit. He has a lean well muscled body. He has short raven black hair and black eyes. Many girls find him attractive but few like him due to the way he shuts everyone out of his world. His eyes makes everyone feel uncomfortable, often making them feel as if they had just been stripped to the soul. He holds himself erect, making him appear to be taller than he really is. Personality: He doesn't like company. He is very headstrong and prideful. He never obeys anyones orders, always making his own decisions. He loves to fight and to be able to use his martial arts. He is always calm and never panicks or loses his head. He pushes everyone away from himself. He hates talking when it's unneccesary. Time: Aron's time Reason: He wants to go back home and help his parents live. They are both gravely ill. Weapon: Double edged sword and his body Bio: He woke up, his back soaked in water. "What the freak? Did I sweat that much?" Jace asked himself as he opened his eyes. The sun looked strange, unusually bright. "Wait a minute . . .What the heck is the sun doing in my room?" he sat up and looked around. He wasn't in his room at all. He was sitting in a large field, soaked from the morning mist. "Wow. That's weird. I swear that I fell asleep in my bed. Where in the world am I?" Jace asked himself as he got up and began to walk. "This can't be a dream since I can feel the water that is soaking me." He rationalized as he continued striding down the field. He looked up and saw a town in the distance. "That's where I should go. Maybe they'll give me some information." He walked to the town and saw that it wasn't like anything he had ever seen. There were no cars any where, only horses and other strange creatures. "Am I on a movie set?" He asked himself once again, reluctant to believe his eyes. He searched around the streets; the people stared at him, wondering why he was wearing such strange clothing. Jace just stared back at them, wondering who they were. He searched for an hour, looking for any sign of his world. He began to lose hope of finding anything that would give him any clue of where he was. "What is your name stranger?" a voice asked him suddenly. Jace turned around to behold a man dressed like a regular person would on earth. "Yes," he thought to himself, "Finally, someone who looks like they are from Earth." "My name is Jace. Are you from Earth?" he asked the strange man. "Yes, as a matter of fact I am. You just confirmed my suspisions. My name is Aron." The stranger replied as he stuck his hand out for a handshake. "Where are we?" Jace asked him. "We are on the planet of Flora. Can you believe it?" Aron answered in a calm voice. "We're on another world!"
Name: Shinzo Nyru Tsunami (aka: Blaze) Age: 20 Gender: Male Race: Human Appearance: 6'0", 190 lbs. He has short spiked black hair and black eyes. He always seems to see everything, often making people feel uncomfortable. He has a lean well muscled body. He has a clean shaven handsome face. He wears a black jedi suit. His bearing makes him appear to be arrogant. He holds himself tall and proud. Alliance: Jedi Side of the Force: Light Class: Sentinel Force powers: Heal and Levitate Light saber: One blue blade light saber Bio: His parents were unknown. A jedi knight found him as a 10 year old child in a deadly jungle on a rim planet, surviving with his force powers. There was no sign of his parents other than a three seater spaceship, found deep in the jungle. The jedi knight took him against his will from the planet by force. Shinzo thought that he himself was a creature of the jungle and not a human being. The Jedi knight took him to the council which tested the child and found no sign of evil in him at all. He was surprisingly powerful in the force. They sent him to the jedi training school where he learned to weild a lightsaber and the force properly and efficiently. His physical fitness level was already far above that of the other students, his speed and strength was unmatched by anyone. He developed them on the planet with a gravity that far surpassed that of the area where the jedi training facilities were located, surviving against beast that would have been able to kill grown men with a flick of their claws. The jedi knight who had discovered the young protege took him as his apprentice. He trained him in every method of hand to hand combat that he knew of. They were sent on numerous missions, completing tasks for the jedi council. When Shinzo turned 16, the jedi council decided that he was ready to become a full fledged jedi knight even though he was kind of young to accept those responsibilities. He was sent on hundreds of missions over the past four years, each of them were minor and easy missions, until this current mission came along. When the Sentinel exploded, Shinzo was able to find an escape pod just in time and escpe to a nearby planet, back into strange jungles.
The sound of running footsteps reached the ears of the towns people. Everyone was inside the town barrier, a force field that protected them from the things of the night, except for one man. The darkness was fast approaching; it came earlier everyday. The man sprinted with all of his might, he was closing in on the town, just 10 yards away now. He smiled and a look of relief came over his face. He was now only a foot away, half of his body was through the barrier, and then something jerked him back. His face became a mask of terror, he knew he was a goner. Demonic beings popped up out of the ground, one of them had the man by his leg. ?Dear God.? some of the towns people muttered as the monsters closed in on him. The one that held him by the leg lifted him up like a grown man would lift a baby, and stuck the man?s head in between his huge jaws, and closed on it. The scream was brief, followed by a sickening crunch and a grin of pure delight on the monster?s face. The rest of the monsters tore the unfortunate man?s body apart, feeding on it as they fought amongst each other. One of the monsters, the smallest one, walked forward, looking for more meat. He stretched a hand out, reaching for the people just behind the town barrier. The people cringed back, wondering what the hell it was doing. The monster, obviously an inexperienced juvenile, being only the size of a full grown man, touched the barrier and disintegrated into small dust particles. The towns people cheered, at least one of the damn monsters was dead. ?Just look at those things,? said one man, ?they are so powerful and yet they are the weakest of those that we have to fight. How in the world are we supposed to win?? The townspeople looked at each other nervously, not knowing what to say. They just looked at the monsters, staring hungrily at them. Welcome to present day Earth. For the past hundred years, the leaders of this world have lulled human kind to sleep. They seduce us with their promises of a better world, no poverty, no hunger. However, six years ago, every single political leader revealed their true selves on every television channel. They were demons, their body guards were nothing more than monsters in disguise. The pope, head of the Roman Catholic Church, also turned out to be a demon. The Hellsing organization fell to pieces. Each agent was hunted down by the monsters and killed. These monsters only came out at night. By the year 2000, every single city with a population over 400,000 people was destroyed, the inhabitants digesting in the stomachs of the millions of monsters or working as slaves. Every factory was shut down, severely depleting the development of bullets and guns that helped the humans fight the monsters. There seemed to be no hope for the people of Earth. In 2002, however, some scientists developed a force field that would be able to shield whole cities from demons during the night, killing every single monster that touched it. They distributed these to every free city. These force fields were the only defense that the people had. The monsters did not do a very thorough job of eliminating all of the Hellsing agents, a few of them escaped and were able to pass on their knowledge and skills to a select group of young people. These young people are humanity?s only hope. Sign ups are as follows: Name: Age: Sex: male/female Weapons: Description: (picture or detailed description) Personality: Bio: I hope some of you will find this story interesting enough to sign up for it. I need at least 4 more people on this one. More than that would be great. My character: Name: Blade Age: 18 Sex: male Weapons: two custom handguns, a double blade sword, and his martial arts Description: 6?2?, 200 lbs. He looks like a younger version of Dante from Devil May Cry. He has jet black hair and steel gray eyes. He has a lean but powerfully built body. He always seems to be on edge. He is extremely light on his feet, seeming to walk on air. Personality: He is a cold killer; killing without remorse. He jokes around a lot but when it?s time for business, killing monsters, there is no one who could be more serious or deadly. He has a strong sense of honor, never allowing anyone to fall behind and get killed. He?s a born leader and yet he hates leading people. He is never afraid, losing that emotion when he was 5 years old. He likes to be alone, almost always preferring to stay outside of the barriers at night than with his fellow humans. He has a cool calculating brain. Nothing can faze him. Bio: One of the Hellsing agents, found him on the side of a road as a 5 year old boy, his family slaughtered before him. The agent took him in and raised him, teaching him everything that he knew about monsters. He taught Blade how to fight by the age of 10. He made Blade hone his techniques until Blade never missed shooting his moving target dead center. He trained him in martial arts until they became a natural part of Blade?s body. He physically toughened Blade with 12 mile runs everyday. After that, Blade was forced to lift weights until he became paralyzed with fatigue. He made him run while carrying 60 pounds of weight on his back. Blade became extremely strong, fast, and tough thanks to the agent?s efforts. This served to prepare him for the future. When Blade turned 12 years old. The Hellsing organization was destroyed, Blade?s master and up bringer was killed along with it. Blade swore himself to a life of good. He killed every monster that ever came into his sight. He lived in the woods until he turned 16, when he was reunited with civilization and all of its problems.
What would have happened if Hitler had won the war? It is now present day earth and everything is good and well, for the Germans. Hitler won WWII, he took England in one night along with Russia and conquered the rest of the world within a year. Even the mighty USA and it?s Latin American cousins were defeated. The great countries of China and Japan were overrun and the rest of Asia along with them. Pockets of underground resistance still remain. Hitler didn?t succeed in capturing every non-Aryan, forcing them to become his servants. But something extremely unnatural happened, Hitler is still alive and he isn?t a day older than when he first invaded Poland. He has used his scientist to alter his genes, making him immune to aging and extremely powerful. He has taken millions of people and genetically modified them, making them super killers to become his secret police. He has taken people who are not German and not of the Aryan Race and changed their genes to make them look like they are of the Aryan Race. He wiped out their memories and brainwashed them to become his most loyal soldiers. He made a mistake, a few of the millions of genetically modified people escaped from his laboratories. He is extremely worried about these few people because they were given the best genetic modifications; they were given powers beyond the scope of human imagination. You can be whoever you want, even Hitler. One of the escapees, preferably. Your job is to stop Hitler or help him, it?s your choice. Hope I got your attention. Sign ups are as follow: Name: Age: (Any age will do.) Homeland: (USA, England, China, etc.) Sex: Male/female Job: (leader of a resistance, soldier, German agent, civilian, etc.) Appearance: (picture or detailed description) Personality: Powers(If you are a genetically modified human) : (use your imagination, just don?t be something akin to God or able to kill God with one hit.) Bio: What was your past? Against Hitler or Helping Hitler: My character: Name: Striker Age: 18 Home Land: USA Sex: Male Job: Vigilante Appearance: 6?0?, 180 lbs. He has short black hair and steel gray eyes. He has a well-muscled lean figure. When he is angry or in distress, a powerful force surrounds him. He seems to fill the air with electricity whenever he is angry. He has charming good looks and a face that is always serious. He carries himself like a very prideful person. Personality: He hates losing and failing. He has a cold and calculating mind. He never smiles and rarely talks to others except when it is necessary. He is slow to anger and kills without remorse. He never shows what he is feeling inside. He is extremely stubborn and will never cry out in pain. Powers: He has all of the powers and abilities of a Super Saiyan, but he isn?t as powerful. He still has to train to become more powerful. Bio: His whole family had been killed, his sisters raped, when he was a mere 8 years old. He was taken from the streets of New York by Adolf Hitler?s men at the age of 12 and was sent to the laboratories in Berlin for experiments with genetic modification. They worked on him for years, keeping him unconscious and barely alive. They finally succeeded in making him into the perfect super human in two years. The Germans feared that Striker would one day escape and try to kill them all so they imprisoned him in an underground base. It had 6 foot thick walls of concrete surrounded by another foot of steel. Striker was brainwashed for a year, losing all of his memories of his family and life but not his personality. The Germans closely studied him but were never able to witness his powers until July 4, 2004. Striker?s mind had finally had enough. On July 4, 2004, he exploded into a storm of fury. The scientists had watched in fear as their project blasted the roof off of the underground base and flew out into the world. They knew the Hitler was going to kill them for that. Striker went back to the USA and landed in San Francisco, California, where he began to plan his revenge. (Good)Against Hitler or (Bad)Helping Hitler: Good
?Live on Action News Forty.? the anchor woman said, ?Our top story is something that especially affects the parents of the students of Reana High. It has been reported, that numerous teenagers have disappeared from their beds at approximately the same time. Each of them was a student of Reana High. At the moment, it is unknown how many have disappeared into thin air. Can it be magic? Or is someone playing an elaborate hoax? We will have further information on this story.? Every news channel around the world was focused on this one topic. What happened to these teenagers? Unknown to the world, some strange phenomenon has occurred. Somehow, teenagers from Reana High are warped to a strange planet that is twenty times as big as Earth. It?s inhabited by humans, of course, but also many other things. It?s a place where magic is real and all of a person?s dreams really can come true. Where no guns or explosives exist. It is a world where only the strong and smart survive. A world where one small mistake may mean death. It?s a world where chaos rules and where the impossible is possible. Where death isn?t always final. Where fears come to life and evil things run amuck. Where the sun brings life and the moon brings creatures from your worst nightmares. This place is Hell. Here?s the story. You are one of the teenagers who has been transported to the planet of Hell. You don?t know where you are, nor do you know that others have also been teleported to Hell. You are granted any powers that you have ever dreamed of or heard of in the world of anime, except for complete immortality. However, you will only be given a small amount of the power that you want, you must train to become more powerful. The reigning monarchs on this world are after you, they want your powers. You can either try to escape or stay there and attempt to conquer the planet. What ever you choose, there is always death waiting for you around every corner. I hope that was enough to get you interested :animesmil . Sign ups are as follows: Name: Age: (13-18) Sex: Male/female Appearance: (picture or detailed description) Personality: Powers: ( use your imagination, just don?t be something akin to God or able to kill God) These powers will stay with you even when you go back to Earth, you?re going to need it. Bio: Write what happened the hour when you were teleported. If you have any questions on how you are supposed to sign up, just look at my character profile for an example. Here?s the character I will be using: Name: Luke Lee Age: 16 Sex: Male Appearance: 5?10? 160 lbs. He has a light build and a lean figure. He usually wears a black suit with black shoes. He has short black hair and black eyes. His eyes are very unsettling, always seeming to pierce a person?s soul. His good looks are offset by the way he acts around people. He caries himself like a person who thinks that he?s above everyone else and appears to be stuck up. Personality: He can be funny at times but he rarely laughs. When he gets angry a dark cloud seems to form around him, keeping others from making eye contact with him. He loves girls but doesn?t know how to approach them. He thinks that everyone hates and despises him. He isolates himself from everyone and almost never talks. He has a cold calculating brain, and almost never shows his emotions. He never loses his head, he is always able to think. Powers: Able to form pure orbs of energy that can destroy vast areas. He can fly and has super strength and speed. Basically the same powers of a Super Saiyan. Bio: ?Man, finally school is over. I wonder what I?m going to do over the summer?? Luke asked himself as he laid in bed. He rolled over onto his side and continued thinking. ?I wish magic and super powers were real. I?d be flying around right now, saving hot girls in distress. Yeah right, in my dreams.? he told himself as he stared at the ceiling of his room. He laid there contemplating for an hour and finally fell into a fitful sleep. Dreams came to him, of a distant land. He dreamed of a voice asking him, ?What do you want to be?? He replied, ?I wish I was a Super Saiyan, then I?d have everything that I have ever wanted. I would be a vigilante and save people?s lives. I also wish that I was immortal, never aging. Of course I?d still be able to be killed by physical harm, but that?s different.? ?Your wish has been granted.? the strange voice told him in a sinister tone, ?happy dreaming.? Luke fell into oblivion. Streaks of pale blue light flashed from his room. A loud pop sounded from his room. His parents went up to check on him, wondering what he was doing. They walked up the stairs, quietly opened his door, and looked into his room. His bed laid empty, Luke was gone.
Name: Ace Age: 18 Appearance: 6'0", 190 lbs. He has short jet black hair and black eyes. His eyes are piercing and always seems to see everything. He has a lean body and a medium build. He caries himself like a proud man. His body always seems to be on edge, his muscles constantly tense ready for anything. He has good looks but his lack of humor and serious face usually puts the girls off. Personality: He won't take anything from anybody. He is head strong and works his own way. He doesn't obey anyone's orders. He has a strong sense of honor. He will not allow innocents to be killed or harmed. He is extremely cold and calculating. He doesn't like to talk when he doesn't have to. He has his sense of humor but rarely shows it. Weapon: Double edge sword and two special made handguns. They load explosive shells and other bullets with different affects. He also carries a rifle that is powerful enough to down anything. When out of bullets, he uses his sword and martial arts. Previous Job: Assassin Reason: ALs killed his parents in their isolated home. He hates their guts. Background: He was 2 years old when the ALs struck his home. They killed his parents but somehow missed him. He was found a day later, under a bed, by a GDF employee when he came to investigate the scene. The GDF agent took him in and raised him. From the age of 4, the GDF agent trained him to fight and taught him about everything in life. The GDF agent devoted all of his time and energy to training Ace. By the age of 12, Ace was already a profficient killer, unmatched by any his age. The GDF agent had put him through extreme training, forcing his body to train until he could no longer move. He built up Ace's endurance, speed, and strength to the point that he was considered unaturally powerful. When Ace turned 15, the GDF agent was sent on a mission and never returned. Ace was left to himself, alone in the small house he had lived in for the past 13 years. The GDF came to him one morning and took him to their training facilities. They put him with the beginners. Ace easily out ranked every single one of them. They moved him to the advanced training area within a few weeks of his arrival. but he proved to be too good once again. They made him an official agent at the age of 16, which was really young, and immediately began to send him on missions. Ace never had friends.
[I]New York City, 8:00 P.M.[/I] A young man stood on the top of the Empire state building. His cloak flowed in the wind. "Time to get to work." Dragon said as he heard the police sirens wailing."I wonder what it is this time. Robbery, murder, fire? Oh well." He leaped off of the building, following the police sirens. He dropped, 10 feet, 30, 50, 100 and finally leveled off, 100 feet above street level. He sped on, leaving a strange whistle as the only sign of his passing. "I love flying." He thought to himself as he twisted and turned following the sounds of the sirens. "I feel so free. Even gravity can't master me. Look at those people down there, driving in their cramped little cars. I wonder what it's like to be them?" He turned one more corner and saw the source of the sirens. Four police cars were chasing a vehicle, they sped down the busy New York streets. Suddenly a man leaned out of the window of the suspect vehicle and pulled out a machine gun. Shots were fired between the police and the suspects. One of the police cars was hit in the engine and a fire started. Dragon sped on as the car continued speeding down the streets. They turned a corner and Dragon followed them. The suspects were nearing a pedestrian crosswalk, suddenly a family stepped out in front of it. "Oh, man. Now it's getting serious." He went even faster and barely dropped in front of the car as it reached the family. He put out one hand and knocked the car that had been going 110 mph backwards into the air. The family stared at him in shock. "Sorry about that." Dragon said as he smiled at them, "I was fooling around earlier." They just nodded as Dragon headed over to the overturned vehicle. The two suspects were crawling out, one still had the gun and he fired it. Dragon easily caught the bullet and threw it to the ground. "I don't die so easily you bastards." He picked them both up and flew over to the cop cars that were just arriving. "Here are your suspects." He told them as he threw the crooks at them and smashed their weapon. "I don't think they'll be needing this." The cops just stared at him, dumbstruck. He gave them a grin and took off into the air. "Man that was stupid of me to wait that long to stop those guys. I shouldn't do that again." He said, "I can already tell. Tonight is going to be a long one." More sirens sounded as he took off into the air, in search for more prey. Sorry, I was kinda late. :animeswea