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Name: Johnny Chi (aka: Dragon) Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: 6'2", 200 lbs. He looks like a younger version of Dante from Devil May Cry with black hair. He wears a black suit with a black trench coat. His eyes are black. Power: He is able to create concentrations of pure energy of any size and blast things apart, capable of destroying large cities. He can fly faster than a jet and run faster than any car. He has incredible strength, able to lift large cars with one hand. He can increase all of his powers with training. He can crush 5" thick steel bars into dust with his powerful grip. Personality: He pretends to not care about anyone else but he will help those in need. He only wants to improve himself and become better and stronger. He really likes girls but doesn't know how to approach them. The only emotion he really has at the moment is rage. He is headstrong and can't be controlled by anyone else. He likes to be alone with his thoughts. He tries to not let his emotions get the best of him. He always tries to suppress the rage that burns through him and keep a cool calculating head. Bio: He was an orphan from China brought to the USA by the government. The government took him to NASA and began to modify him. They tried to make him the perfect warrior, making him like a Super Saiyan. He won every fight that he was ever put in within less than 10 seconds. NASA was proud of what they had created. They wanted to keep him and make him even stronger and better. After they completed his last modification they placed a tracker on him, in case he escaped. NASA placed him in isolation, away from all of their other experiments. However their plans to keep him backfired. They had made him too powerful. One day, after NASA had erased his memory, Johnny broke through the 4 foot thick concrete walls that had imprisoned him earlier. He flew into the air, a power that they had never seen him use, and blindly headed north east, eventually reaching New York City. The NASA people loss track of him, Johnny?s energy had burned away the tracker that they had placed in his body. He still resides in New York City, being a vigilante. You said go wild. :animesmil
?I?m dead.? Ryu thought as he drifted through darkness, ?Well, I?m pretty sure I?m not in Heaven. Because why do I hurt so bad? I thought Heaven didn?t have pain. I?m probably in the underworld. Why did I have to go to Hell!? ?You?re not dead you idiot.? an ancient voice said from the darkness, ?You are in a place that is kind of like Heaven. Wake up before I am forced to pour cold water on you.? ?Who the heck are you?? Ryu thought, ?Leave me alone. Stop lying to me. I know you?re the Devil and you are trying to lead me into sin.? ?What?!? Who did you say I was?? shouted the voice, ?That?s it, no more Mr. Nice Guy, you?re getting the water treatment.? Something ice cold and wet struck Ryu?s face. ?Aaaah! Save me God! The Devil is pulling me into Hell! . . . Wait up, Isn?t it supposed to be hot in Hell? Why the heck am I so cold.? His eyes jerked open to behold an ancient Chinese man, straight from the martial arts comic books, staring at him with a huge grin. ?I told you didn?t I.? he spoke, ?I knew these buckets of urine would come in handy someday.? He cackled as Ryu began struggling to wipe the cold liquid off of his face with his shirt. ?Got you there didn?t I? I was just kidding, it?s just water. It?s funny how gullible people are.? The ancient man burst into another fit of laughter, watching Ryu glare at him. ?What in the world is wrong with you? Go bother someone else. My parents just died, my life just ended, and all you can do is tell jokes and laugh at me!?!? Ryu yelled as he jerked up and attacked the old man out of rage. The old man?s face became serious and he easily grabbed Ryu by the back of his neck and lifted him with one hand. ?Is that how Asian Americans treat their elders? You will have to do better than that. Laughter is always good for the soul, especially when times are as bad or worse than what you?ve experienced.? He dropped Ryu to the ground like a doll. ?What right do you have to say that? You don?t know how I feel.? Ryu mumbled as he tried to force the tears back down, ?Why did this happen to me?? ?Stop pitying yourself you selfish brat.? the old man said, ?You think that this hasn?t happened to anyone else? Just be thankful that you are still alive and able to talk. There are millions of people who have been killed by the agents. You were just lucky that you were good enough to outrun them for a time and you were also lucky that I was here to save your sorry butt.? Ryu looked up at the old man and said, ?You?re right. But that doesn?t make this any worse. Why did they come after my parents and me?!? We didn?t do anything wrong!? ?So you don?t know why, eh? It was because you are special. Haven?t you noticed that you are faster than anyone else and stronger. The Government fears people like you might find the Houses. So they send out squads after anyone who is too smart, too strong, or too fast and have them eliminated. But, on the bright side, you have managed to find one of the Houses.? ?I don?t feel so special.? Ryu said miserably. The rage began to burn in him, ?I?ll make them pay for what they did. I?ll tear out their eyes and feed them to the crows myself. I?ll tear their hearts out. I?ll chop their tongues off and--? Wham! The old man whacked him on the back of the head. ?You foolish hot head. Do you think that you can take the whole Government on by yourself and kill every single agent single handedly? Fwah!? the old man scoffed, ?You couldn?t even touch me in a fight with my hands tied behind my back and my legs chained together. Much less kill a government agent. They are far more powerful than you and me at the moment.? Ryu stared at the old man. As if sizing him up and preparing to attack him once more. ?Don?t even think about doing anything you hot headed idiot.? the old man scolded him, ?You probably can?t even stand up right now. I was surprised that you were even able to get up when you first tried to attack me.? Ryu tried to raise his arms but he couldn?t seem to move, not even budge a muscle. ? You have worked your body past the point of exhaustion trying to escape those two rookie agents. You were lucky that they weren?t experienced agents, you would have been dead before you could?ve reached your house.? The old man began to turn around and walk away. Ryu looked up at the old man and asked, ?Who are you and how long have I been here?? The old man replied, ?I?m the Oracle. Just kidding. My name is Hysu Lee. You?ve been knocked out for two days. Just stay right there and don?t move.? he said with a grin on his face, ?I?ll bring you food.? Ryu?s stomach growled as Hysu walked away. ?I guess I?ll have to get better first.? Ryu thought, ?Before I can get revenge.? Hysu came back with a large bowl of noodles and proceeded to feed Ryu. ?It?s good huh? Guess what my secret ingredient is? Bat guano straight from the Mexican caves.? He laughed again as Ryu hurriedly vomited the little noodles that were in him, ? Got you again.? Hysu said with a gigantic grin on his face. ?That was not funny.? Ryu replied as he began to chow down once more, a little of his appetite and fatigue gone. He knew he was going to be busy soon and wanted to be prepared for the worse . . .
Please read the background even though it is long: It all began in the year 2590 on the mother planet. People now lived out among the stars, some even traveled to distant galaxies returning with stories of wonderful planets. The Mother Earth was at peace, the people were happy, life was good. But on that one fateful day, July 4, 2590, fate turned against all of human kind. It started out with sightings of strange creatures, demonic like beast, usually from far away. Soon after these sightings, people began to disappear out of their beds, cars, and even stores. No one thought much of it though, there were too many people inhabiting the worlds anyways. But on July 4, 2590, people finally saw the terrors behind the disappearances of thousands of people. Video footage was captured by satellite image of an isolated mountain fort. It was manned by 50,000 US Marines, 50,000 British Commandos, 50,000 Chinese honored guard, and 50,000 of Japan?s finest, the cream of the crop, armed with state of the art weaponry, from plasma guns to laser guns, they were armed to the teeth. On July 4, 2590 a roaming satellite spy system captured video footage of an attack upon the fort. At approximately 12 a.m. 30 strange demonic creatures surrounded the fort. Twenty-eight of them were human in size and the remaining two were larger than elephants. The soldiers began gathering on the walls of the fort, staring at the monstrosities. One soldier aimed a pulse cannon, a weapon capable of demolishing a large city, at one of the two larger creatures and fired. At first, everything was obscured by a boiling mass of smoke, and then after ten seconds the smoke cleared away. The monster still stood in the same spot as if nothing had happened. The soldiers became agitated and worried, who wouldn?t be? They had just fired one of their most powerful weapons straight at a monster that was only 200 feet away and it didn?t even singe the monster?s hair. They brought up their next most powerful weapons, double-shot laser cannons, capable of destroying and melting mountains. They aimed two at each smaller monster and ten on each large one, they fired hoping that the monstrosities would just die. The beams struck dead center, melting the ground that the monsters were standing on but the monsters still stood, not a single one of their hairs harmed. The terror that filled each soldier was now apparent on the video. They brought up their most powerful weapons, the demoleculizers, capable of destroying whole planets atom by atom. They fired them at the monsters at full strength. Their most powerful weapon had absolutely no effect at all, just like every other gun they had tried. The soldiers knew that they were goners. The monsters attacked. They moved so fast that the satellite was only barely able to show even a slight blur of each creature. The entire fort, manned by 200,000 of the best soldiers in the world, was over run in mere seconds by 30 monsters. The feast afterwards was too gory to show to the human public. Yet one piece of the video was important. That piece showed humans what could harm the monsters. It was a young soldier, corned by one of the human sized monsters with nothing but a sword in hand. He was able to do what the most powerful firearm wasn?t able to do. He was able to cut the demon and slow it down with one kick before it reached and killed him. He showed the humans that only physical assaults and weapons from the old age were capable of doing any harm to the monsters. But, the only problem was that people were not near fast or strong enough to kill any of the monsters, no matter how many people were pitted against each one. After this video was broadcasted on every channel that existed, humans clamored for scientists to develop a new kind of human. Scientists developed new strains of humans that was stronger and faster than normal humans. These new types of humans were not perfect, they developed and grew into adulthood in a year but they died by the time they were twenty. Even these new people weren?t 1/50 as fast as or as strong as the slowest and weakest of the monsters. They were mass produce and thrown against the solid wall of monsters like unthinking puppets, failing miserably at their purpose in life. Scientists stopped engineering these prototypes and developed new and better super-humans. They kept it up for years, trying to hold back the monsters with newer and better super-humans. It was discovered by a few astrologists, in the year 3258, that not only did humans face these monstrosities on Earth, but a vast fleet of alien starships, that filled every telescope, was coming to the Milky Way Galaxy. Now, its the year 3590 and scientists have finally engineered the perfect super-human, model A-999 or the Dorsia. This new breed of super-humans is capable of matching the fastest and strongest of the known monstrosities speed for speed and strength for strength. They also live longer than normal humans do, up to 200 years. They are able to heal themselves much quicker than any other super-humans and are extremely intelligent, each with an I.Q. of at least 250. They are taken from the numerous bio-tech centers when they are born and are immediately educated in large facilities scattered around the galaxy. They become efficient and cold killers, obeying orders from their normal human superiors. They are humanities only hope and also the most despised beings among humans. Breakdown of story: You have the choice of saving the humans or working to destroy them. Which one will you choose? Sign up should be as follows: Name:?? Age:?? Sex:? Character description(includes personality): pic. isn?t necessary, good paragraph at least Race: Human/ Super-human/ monster/alien Abilities (max of 7) :Things in addition to the super speed and strength Job:??(ship captain, government worker, soldier, navy seal, doctor, etc.) Weapon of choice:??(mainly melee weapons) Bio: basically want a character background, two 5 sentence paragraphs at least Good/neutral/bad: Options for Abilities: Stealth-remain undetected until within arm reach of target Enhanced Awareness- able to detect everything within a 2 mile radius, sense ambushes etc Night Vision- can see everything even in the darkest places Invisibility- become invisible but things may still be able to sense your presence Eagle Eyes- able to see things clearly that are miles away (can spot a fly 4 miles away) Sensitive Hearing- able to hear the slightest of sounds that are within a 30 mile radius Sensitive Nose- can track anything, no matter how old the track is and can smell enemies within 40 miles Telepathy- can communicate telepathically with anyone within 20,000 miles radius Mind Control- able to control anyone for short periods of time Berserker Fury- when close to death or in great pain, blind fury overcomes you increasing your strength and speed by twice its current stage, however, you lose all control and try to kill all within sight. Resist Mind Control- not affected by mind control no matter how powerful the user is. Increase/Decrease Size- significantly increases the size of your body therefore increasing strength but decreases speed. Doppelganger- create up to 20 replicas of yourself, help you fight in battle, they disappear after a certain amount of time, can only use this twice a day Sleep- cause enemy to fall asleep Shape Change- change into anything for short periods of time True eyes: See through any disguise X-ray Vision- can see through walls or any obstacles Stubborn Mind- focuses your attack on one enemy of your choosing and you can?t be killed until that target is dead, downside is that if any mortal wounds are received during the fight, character dies after he/she dispatches the target Spider Hands- gives you the ability to climb anything, hang upside down from ciellings etc. Breathe Anywhere- allows you to breathe in any atmosphere, in space with out a space suit, and under water. Fly- allows the character to fly on planets and in space(requires space suit if the character doesn?t have the ability to breathe in space) Hyper drive- slows time down, allowing the character using this ability to strike even quicker or dodge attacks and approaching projectiles with ease. This only works for up to 10 seconds in real time, can only be used no more than 40 seconds every 2 minutes. Recover- recover all of your energy, can only be used at full potency once every two days. Revive- fully revives character from death without aid from medical machines, even if the character is chopped to bits and pieces, it puts them back together, automatically healing all wounds, can only be used twice in entire life. Charm- Make anything of the opposite sex fall helplessly in love with the character using this ability for a short period of time, makes them lamb for slaughter. Can be used on only up to 2 targets at a time, can only be used 20 times a day. The character I will be using: Name: Jaru Yi (Alias- Shadow, Nickname-Ace) Age: 16 Sex: Male Description: 6?2?, 175 lbs.- He has short black spiked hair and mysterious gray eyes. He is extremely good looking and carries himself nobly. He usually wears a black trench coat with black shirt and black pants. He has a medium build, his muscles stand out and are cut. He has a perfect lean figure, with only 3% body fat. Sometimes he has an air about him that makes no one want to be near him because they fear what he might do. When he is angry it shows in his posture. His eyes seem to burn into the souls of whoever looks into them. He is a loner, isolating himself by pushing everyone away from him even though he yearns for attention. He rarely gets angry but when he does, the hairs on the bravest of men stand on end. He has a cold calculating mind. He kills without remorse but only kills when there is no other choice. With monsters and hostile aliens, however, he kills first and asks questions later. Race: Super Human Abilities: Stealth, Fly, Breath Anywhere, Hyper-drive, X-ray vision, Enhanced Awareness, True Eyes Job: Vigilante Weapons of Choice: Sword and his body Bio: When he was still an egg cell in a test tube, a scientist, Hyrum Yi, stole him away from the growing facilities and took him into hidding. The scientist felt compassion for the test tube super humans and wanted him to try to have a normal life. He took him to his secret lab in the basement of his home. The scientist modified his genes, trying to make him normal, but unknowingly, he created an even more powerful version of the super humans that could not die from old age. Not only was he immune to old age, but his strength and speed were not finite. Hyrum didn?t know that his attempt to decrease Jaru?s natural powers, actually served to make Jaru even stronger. As he grew older, he would only get stronger and faster. The scientist, however, thought he had suceeded because at birth, Jaru showed no signs of being anything other than a normal human baby. The scientist raised him as if he was his blood son. The scientist was a rich man, he wanted Jaru to be able to protect himself against the monsters, so he hired the best of the martial arts teachers available to teach Jaru how to defend himself. His fighting lessons began when he was 4 years old. They lived in peace, isolated from almost all humans for 12 years, the only people they saw were the masters and the maid who brought them food. But when Jaru was 13 years old, his whole world turned upside down. It was a stormy day, lightning flashed across the sky, Jaru and his adopted father sat around their fire, Hyrum was reading a story to him. They were almost done with it, Hyrum was turning to the last page when the electricity suddenly turned off. Hyrum told Jaru not to worry, even though he knew that it wasn?t the storm that had shut off the electricity. They had finally caught up to him. Jaru felt that something wasn?t right, somehow, he could sense other people around the house. It was during this time that his true self broke free of the shackles that Hyrum had placed on his genes while he was an egg cell. Their home had been infiltrated by government agents, super humans sent to retrieve Jaru and kill Hyrum. They had been spying on the pair for years, they suspected that Hyrum had created a super human that was even better than the latest model, and they wanted him. The government wanted to dissect Jaru, they wanted to learn what made him even more powerful than the other super humans. But they needed to confirm their suspicions by sending 10 super humans to the house in an attempt to kill Hyrum and capture Jaru. The super humans broke through the windows and one knocked down a section of a wall. They surrounded Jaru and Hyrum. Hyrum tried to shoot them but the super humans kept dodging the bullets, calmly walking towards the pair. Jaru just curled up on the floor, tears of fear streaming down his face. ?Be calm my boy.? Hyrum told him. Jaru tried his best to stop crying. Hyrum continued to fire away at the super humans, trying to take at least one down with him. Jaru stayed huddles in a corner behind Hyrum. Suddenly Hyrum stopped firing, one of the super humans had stabbed him through the chest. The super human grinned at Jaru over Hyrums head. That was when the real Jaru woke up. The tears stopped flowing from his eyes. He flew into a helpless rage, unknowingly going into hyper drive. He first tore off the grinning face of his dad?s killer, moving on to the next, sending his entire arm into the second super human?s chest cavity, tearing his heart out. He gruesomely dispatched all ten of the super humans, making them seem like sloths compared to his speed. To Jaru, hours seemed to fly by as he killed, but in reality only a few seconds had passed. When he killed the last super human by tearing its head off, his rage evaporated, leaving a dull husk behind. But he heard a voice, it was his dad. ?I?m so sorry son. I failed you. Please . . . don?t fall to evil. Use your abilities for good causes only . . . to hide your powers would only serve evil.? Hyrum whispered to him as he died, ?Flee, and go as far away as you can . . . take all of my wealth . . . so long son.? Hyrum died, leaving Jaru by himself. Jaru went to work quickly. First he burried Hyrum in their backyard and gathered all of his money. Jaru fled, flying through the night. He ended up in a large city, 2,000 miles away from his former home. He bought a small hidden house where he lives in hiding, training himself and going out only at night. Good/neutral/bad: Good
Name: Ryu Li Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: 6'0", 165 lbs. Short black hair and black eyes. His eyes seem to pierce a persons soul whenever they try to look him in the eyes. When he is angry, it is reflected in the way his eyes seem to glint. His face is usually serious, rarely breaking into a smile. Athletic build, lean figure, his muscles stand out and are cut but they don't bulge out. He is a good looking teenager. He wears a gray martial arts outfit during the day and wears a black suit at night. Role: In the House Character Excerpt: "Finally," Ryu thought to himself, "another week of school is over!" He jogged down the street, cars passing by him. Two dogs stare at him from across the street. Ryu continues jogging, not even breaking out a single drop of sweat even though he had been running for an hour already. "Just four more miles until I get home." he thought. He began picking up speed, keeping pace with a white car that was driving by a 20 mph. The wind whipped through his hair. His backpack, filled with 40 pounds of text books, bounced against his back. "I wonder what I'm going to do this weekend?" he said to himself again. He turned the corner at the end of the block and continued running. He looked around, taking in the scenery, passing the same two dogs he had seen before. "What the hell?!?" he thought, "didn't I pass those dogs a while ago? Oh well." He ran a little faster now, anxious to get home where his parents waited for him. Bam! Something struck his back, nearly knocking him down, and he felt something whip through his hair that wasn't the wind. "What..!" he thought, it felt like eternity but it was really less than a mili-second until he heard the sound of the gun shots that had nearly killed him. He ran on, running for his life. He looked behind him and saw two government agents, 300 yards away, chasing him. "Oh ****!" he yelled as he sped along. Naturally, he ran towards his home, he passed countless spectators, unwilling to help him. He came within sight of his house. "Yes!" he thought, "I'll be safe at home, they can't find me there." He ran to his door and was about to open it, when he noticed something was wrong; there was no sound coming out of the house and some blood was on the porch. Bam! Bullets ripped through his door from inside the house, narrowly missing his head by millimeters. "****!" was all he could say. Torrents of emotions ran through his mind as he turned and blindly ran away, leaving his home, his dead parents. Tears streamed down his face as he blindly sped down the street, dropping his backpack which had saved his life. He tried to fight back the tears that were pouring down his face, finally succeeding after a couple of miles. He cleared his head and tried to think, but couldn't think of anything to do except run. He didn't have a gun to shoot at the agents. He ran for miles through the winding streets of L.A. The agents were finally catching up to him, he could hear them yelling to eachother now, his strength and endurance was ebbing away. "I have to stop soon," he told himself, "I can feel my adrenaline disappearing." He ran on for another mile until he came upon an abandoned house. Overcome with exhaustion, with the agents only 50 yards away now, he didn't care anymore and walked up to the steps of the door way. "So . . tired" he thought as he slumped down against the door. The agents came closer and closer, they were now no more than 10 yards away. "Thought you could escape huh?" they snickered. Ryu just stayed still, paralyzed from exhaustion. "Now you'll pay for making us chase you so far!" They began advancing on him again. "You young fool," a kind old voice whispered in Ryu's ear. Two arms reached out from the empty doorway and jerked Ryu in just as the agents were reaching for him. "****," Ryu dimly heard the agents say, "he's in a House. There's no way we can get him out now." They left the steps and disappeared, leaving Ryu to wonder what the hell a House was.
Name: Hyru Shigashi Nickname: Blaze Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: 6'6", 200 lbs. Looks like a good looking human. Deceptively light build. Wears light colored clothing all of the time. Black eyes and short black hair. When he is mad, his eyes seem to be on fire and and a powerful aurora surrounds him. Personality: He's a loner. He likes silence and being able to think with out distractions. He only talks when he thinks its neccesary. Rarely smiles and laughs. He is slow to anger because he knows what he is capable of doing. He always keeps a cool head, he never allows himself to slip into a blind rage. Extremely smart. Caries himself like a king. He is humble and is never arrogant. He only kills when he has no other choice. He is kind. Bio: He never knew his real parents. He was raised in the mountains by a kind old hermit who taught him martial arts and everything he knew about life. He first had a glimpse of his true self and his power at the age of 4 when he was attacked by a demon while his foster father was away. He was able to kill the demon with one terror driven strike. After that insident, the hermit decided to teach him every secret that he knew about martial arts so that Blaze would be able to control his dangerously increasing powers. After 10 years of training, the hermit passed away leaving Blaze with a vast amount of wealth and his sword, Rage. Blaze moved to the cities soon after, buying his own mansion where he lives alone. Weapon: Sword and his body Race: Demon
Background: It has been 5,000 years since the end of the Dark Wars when the great guardians Shinnengutsu, Ryukein, Domokir, Yensharu, Nisutaro, and Kinlowan and their great army of 1,000,000 men were finally able to defeat the 6 demon lords in the last Battle of Ryunshan by using their 6 legendary swords(names have been forgotten). The demon and zombie hoards have long been forgotten by most of human kind, only a few Sage Monks and their students still remember and guard the 20 Demon Portals. The Kingdom of Otaku is in an era of relative peace and tranquility. No demons walk the paths of men. Martial arts are still practiced and used, although they are mainly used in large tournaments held by the martial arts schools. In the past 150 years, after the death of King Mulakia, there have been reported sightings of monsters and strange beast from old wives? tales. The strength of the Sage Monks seems to be failing and the demons are leaking through the rifts in the Demon Portals. The martial arts schools respond by sending out stronger warriors and allowing others to hire warriors to hunt down the monsters and beasts. The people, however, have become overconfident and still journey when the sun is down, even though that is the deadliest time of the day. There are more bandits out in the foothills and mountains. Crime has increased due to the incompetent King Hynoshin, who allows the Kingdom of Otaku to fall into less honest ways. The land still thrives and few are homeless. The warriors are happier due to increased work and more adventures besides the usual tournaments. However, all is not as it seems. Unknown to all, two of the 10 ancient Sage Monks have begun dealing with the demons. Their names are Ponlo and Zhia, the two most powerful and ambitious of the Sage Monks. The demon hoards have begun to mass again, this time they are ten times as strong and 200 times the number as they were when they first invaded the Kingdom of Otaku. When they numbered 4,000,000 strong before, they were now at least 800,000,000 strong. But the unknowing people of Otaku went on with life as they had always lived since the end of the Dark Wars. The people aren?t really ready for another war, but they were going to get one sooner or later, and this time they didn?t have the great guardians of before to help them . . . The Martial Arts Schools and other schools: The most prominent of the schools are: KongYin, founded by Shinnengutsu; YuYeshi, founded by Ryukein; Zhoazen, founded by Domokir; Ninjusho, founded by Yensharu; Kyn, founded by Nisutaro; Xian, founded by Kinlowan; and the 4 monk temples, Yushan, Domaru, Kinta, and Rynashi. Besides these martial arts schools, there are countless other smaller schools. The head of all of these schools is the Martial Arts Headquarters. It is in the city of Niglimund, settled in a large valley, high in the Rouni Mountains. This is where every martial arts tournament is held every year. There are only 2 magic schools scattered around the kingdom. The first of these is the Mooyung school of White Magic, the students learn to heal and cure millions of sicknesses and magical ailments. The Vortex School of Black Magic teaches its students the arts and various ways of destroying things. However many of their secret arts remain hidden from outsiders. Almost half of its students turn out to be evil geniuses. There are 3 schools of assassins open to whoever wants to be an assassin and 7 clans of assassins. The three schools are the Wungtang, Moonyung, and Silent Arts schools. The most feared clan resides in a fortress on top of Mount Fooyin, they are the Dynast, little is known about them or the other clans. The Land of Otaku: The Kingdom of Otaku stretches about 900,000 miles wide and twice that long. It is surrounded by the Mystic Sea and some islands off the coast. It has 10 major mountain ranges: the Rouni, Kintia, Shingon, Hia, Vosh, Greenlock, Dread, Demon, Fian, and Myrid mountain ranges. It has 12 major rivers: the Green, Drom, Wynd, Swift, Huit, Preen, Death, Flame, Dragon, Typhoon, Rais, and the Gond rivers. Each one is at least 500,000 miles long. It has one desert, the Reech Sands which stretches out 100,000 miles in any direction. There are also 3 Great Plains: the Rizzen, Windlash, and Tigris plains, each one is at least 90,000 miles long. The ten largest cities are: Grund, population of 9,000,000 people; Ningun, population of 8,900,000; Hyce, population of 10,000,000; Niglimund, population of 20,000,000; Untia, population of 9,900,000; Syagon, population of 13,000,000; and the port cities of Cyan, Jing, Zian, and Gong each with a population of 16,000,000. There are thousands of other villages and cities. There are millions of square miles of unexplored land and regions. The population of Otaku is 1 billion people. Story Lines: Necessary events: -Start at level 1 -Leave schools/ apprenticeship at level 5 for jobs/quest/etc.( No one will encounter any other characters until they reach level 5 unless they go to the same school, apprenticed by same master, or live in the same area.) -Everyone attacked by 1 or more demons that are 3 levels higher than each character when everyone is at level 12 or higher, doesn?t matter where the character is at or what they are doing. -After first attack by demons, you can try to investigate or continue with daily life. -As each character becomes stronger/ more time passes, the land will become increasingly filled with demons/ zombies/ monsters and there should be more fighting. -Martial Arts tournament held when everyone is level 20 or higher, during last match between the two different teams of main characters everything will go crazy because 200 demons appear in the stadium. Both teams team up on demons. -First major attack comes when everyone is level 25 or higher. Now people are aware of the new demon and zombie hoards that haunt the lands. -Don?t know that the two most powerful Sage Monks are on the demons? side until everyone is level 40 or higher. One of the main characters should be the one to find out, the one doing the investigating. -Some of the characters hear about 6 powerful swords from wise men and go in search for them so that they can give humans the edge in the war against the demons. -Swords are guarded by creatures of Hell to prevent the swords from being taken. Swords are recovered after a long battle. -Major battle at each major city(named above) when all characters are at least level 50. -One major battle at the Martial Arts city of Niglimund after the other cities are secured. -March to the Demon Portals to confront the 120 Demon Kings(names not known). -Meet Ponlo and Zhia on the way to the Demon Portals, both level 179, leading their followers along with 10,000 level 100 Demon Guardians. Major battle, characters arrive at different times, some later than others. Battle of Goonhun Pass. -Continue towards the Demon Portals, running into difficulties along the way. -Battle of the Demon Portals commence after one character reaches the portals. -After the Last battle of the Doom War everyone should be at least level 100. -Go back to regular lives. -Martial Arts Tournament held after everyone is level 120 or higher -As the tournament commences, all of the main characters are suddenly transported to a different world: modern day Earth . . . Fill in the time between these events with own adventures/ fights/etc. Must Have: Character Name:?? Age: ?? Height/Weight:?? Good/Bad:? Physical Description:??(no pic of character required) Personality:?? School-(ex: KongYin, Mooyung School of White Magic, etc.) (Can make up own school) Job/Position: (ex: warrior, knight, dragoon, thief, etc.) Weapon of Choice:??(No guns) Special Abilities(Up to 7 special abilities/attributes): Can have immortality but it doesn?t stop them from being killed by physical wounds. Weaknesses:?? Background of Character:?? Anyone can enter this one. I would like the people to be active in this RPG. Just don?t post a lot of sex crap, okay? Everyone starts at level 1. Leveling up: No limit on level, but if you want one just tell me. To level up: Have to get a certain amount of exp. Exp. is the level of the monster a character beats, Ex. LV. 1= 1 exp. To level up from 1 to 2 must gain 10 exp. 2 to 3= 20 exp. 3 to 4=40 exp. Add 30 exp. needed to each one after this At each level 1-9 you can only beat opponents that are 4 levels ahead or less, you can only beat an opponent 10 levels stronger or less when you are at least level 10. Add 5 levels higher that you can beat to every 10 levels you gain. Doesn?t apply when fighting other players? characters. Anyone is welcome to join. I'll anounce when no more people can join. My character: Name: Drake Age: 16 Height/Weight: 5'8" 145lbs Good/Bad: Good Physical Description: Light build, with a lean look. Looks deceptively weak. Short black hair and black eyes. Wears his hair spiked. Has a noble posture that makes people think he is royalty. When angry or in distress, a powerful aurora surrounds him that can be seen, setting the air charged with energy. He wears a white longsleeve warrior garb during the day, at night he is usually wearing dark ninga clothing to conceal himself. Girls fall down before him lovestruck. He hardly ever notices. Personality: Likes to be alone, cool and calculating, and always on edge. He is always ready for everything. Occasionally he laughs, but never at other people. He is kind, smart, brave, daring, adventerous, and slow to anger. His personality draws people to him like money brings golddiggers, which is what he doesn't want. He always pushes everyone away from himself, afraid of bringing them harm. School: None, ex student of KongYin. Job/Position: Self-teaching Warrior/Martial artist Weapon of Choice: Sword (able to use anything) Special Abilities/Attributes: Immortality(doesn't know yet) Super Human Strength- can crush steel bars into dust with bare hands Super Human Speed- faster than the speed of light in battles Able to Fly Resist any Magic Energy Blasts- Doesn't like to use this due to its destructive powers Teleport Weaknesses: Cares too much about others- It may also be his greatest strength Background: Parents were unknown because he was found as a new born by a master warrior in a basket on the side of a road. Taken to and raised at KongYin School of Martial Arts. Began training at the age of 4. Was feared by his peers and therefore had no friends. At the age of 10, one of the Prime Masters tried to end his life, however, little Drake fought back and ended up killing the master. The whole school prosecuted him and accused him of murder. He was chased out into the wilderness and was told never to return on pain of death. A band of rogue warriors took him up for a while until he saw that they were bad people and tried to flee them. This was when he first learned of his abilities to fly and teleport, he already knew of his super speed and strength, because he somehow used them to escape the clutches of the rogue warriors. He roamed the vast wilderness, wanting to get away from humans, fighting for his own survival, competing with the beast and monsters out in the uninhabitted land. Unknowingly, he learned the Arts of Concealment, which he just regarded as survival skills. When he turned 13, he was lured back into human civilization by a merchant who was attacked by bandits. Drake's conscience pushed him to action when he saw a merchant being attacked by bandits, he took out the bandit leader and several of his men within a few seconds. The merchant was too injured to continue on his journey by himself so Drake took the merchant to his destination, Nescouge. The wealthy merchant gave him a giant bag of gold coins in return for saving his life. Drake remains in the City of Nescouge, living in secret, keeping the streets safe at night.