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Everything posted by WhiteAoiFox

  1. I would really like it if someone told me if it is any good or not. i mean the anime was good and all but i never heard anything good about the manga. Is it as good as the anime and should i buy it anyways? :animeknow
  2. I Have to agree, because i have read all of them, and they are great. They made me laugh so hard. It's really cute too how they act around each other and how they try to deny their feelings, somr of them are just open and would do anything to you. Do you know if they made a anime out of it. I would like to watch it if they did. It would probably be way fuunier to see it. ;)
  3. Anything done by CLAMP. they are the best manga out there. i also like anything that is funny and romance and horror too
  4. Ha, i read the whole series of Dragon Night in one day and it was 27 mangas to it. Boy i was tired. My heard hurt like hell, but i was happy, because i finished all of them. I also addicted to running. i love to run for fun, not sports though i am in track. but i love to go out side and run around with my dog. we both get tired at the same time.
  5. I was just wondering this one day. Why do people read Manga. I read it because i love to read and manga is the best kind of book you can read. Plus they look like regular books and they dont get you in trouble in class with your teacher. I also read them becasue i want to see how the anime will turn out and if it's the same. They sometimes change it and then they make it almost close to it. I own about 38 books now and i am still on a roll. So, i was wonder why your intersted in Manga. Please tell me and which ones your favorite.
  6. I am addicted to playing video games and watching T.V at the same time. At first i couldnt do it, but i just keep it up and now i watch T.V and play games. It's werid and sometimes it gets in the way but what the hell. I dont care. I am also a manga freck, i read those suckers like it's my mothers will. i can't get enough.
  7. Seen it, watched it and loved it. its funny, it sad, its scary and it has drama. the only thing it's missing is the love. i mean romance, but hey, all the same it's going to the top ten of the year in my book. i love Al and Ed. they are great and Ed is hilarous when people call him short and when Al gets sad when they make a comment about his armor. I just finished watching the show and i bought some of the music for it because the music is great. The art work is awsome and i hope they make a movie.
  8. [QUOTE=Havokio][COLOR=Indigo]It seems everyont is talking about Japanese Manga, and always bypasses Chinese Manga. Wow i never thought that the chinese made manga, now that i know i think i go and try them out and see for myself. the only proplem isthat i am in California and all we sell is Japanese manga and i never experince anyother manga. I knew that Couching Tiger Hidden Dragon was a comic, but i thought it was of Japanese culture or area. Now that i know i think i'll try it.
  9. [QUOTE=Ban Midou]Lets see i have Saiyuki Vol. 1-7 Chrono Crusade Vol. 1-4 Get Backers Vol. 1-5 Inuyasha Vol. 1-3 Dragonball Z 1-5 So i guess i have 24 manga[/QUOTE] Thanks for the response. Which one is your favorite?
  10. So i was wondering how many Manga do people own in their house? I own about 38 so far. But the number is going to get bigger. I want to have a libary for my own of all Manga. I want to fill shelf after shelf of Manga, like Read or Die, but not that exstreme. I love to read so i was wonder who else likes to read as much as i do and collect Manga. Please tell me how many you have. :D
  11. [QUOTE=SpiritWolf]I know that you probably don't know her, but I feel like I need to put this out there. I am really sorry about that. She must of been a real good friend. But just remember, she is not really gone, for she lives in your memorys and in your hearts. so i will say a prayer for her. Hope you feel better. :catgirl:
  12. [QUOTE=SpiritWolf]I'm hoping to get some advice from this thread, but if I can give some as well, all the better. Just tell your stories, and I (and hopefully others who read this) will respond. Wow, i think that is so cute, but you must understand that if she still loves this Jeff that all you can do is stay her friend. You must always be by her side and make sure she is happy. Because if that was me, i would want my friend to be happy out of everything. Like this saying goes: [I][I]xxx[/I][/I] All i want is for the one i love the most to be happy, if the person i love is happy then i am happy. Thats all you can ask for right now for your friend and dont worry if you care for each other that much and dont want to hurt each other, take her to see a movie and have fun like you use to in the old days and then tell her, that even though you like her, you want more than anything for her happyness and if this Jeff is it, you stand behind her 100%.
  13. I have many nicknames from all of my friends, here at school. Most of them are from cartoons since i like cartoons. Like[B] Sonic[/B], i got from my friends from track for being fast. I also go by Fox, Jeannie in the bottle. But they usually call me[B] Fox[/B]. I dont mind, i love foxes so much that i am glad they call me that. My new friend is now calling me [B]Cat [/B] , because she says i act and sleep like one. ha
  14. [QUOTE=Sugar-chan][COLOR=Navy]Well...I've been wondering what everyone's favorite anime was and why they liked it. ^^ IT's just a thing to think about, and I wanna know everyone better here, so it's worth a shot.[/COLOR] ^^ And I'm kinda new here...O.O and I wanna make a lot of friends cuz friends are so awesome and amazing, right? ^^ So please post your favorite anime here and tell me the reason WHY you like it!~^^ Personally, my favorite anime is Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne (kinda old, but it's still kewl) and D.N.Angel. They both kinda have the same story, but that's why I like it. ^^ Daisuke-san in D.N. Angel is SO kawaii (cute in Japanese-- in case if some of you didn't know)...^^ And I just LOVE Chiaki in KKJ. But it's not only the boys, it's the girls, too. I'm not trying to sound ...uhm...o.O like bad or anything, but Jeanne and Fin are really pretty!~^^ You know, in a good way, especially how the creator makes 'em. And I LOVE the actions they do in both DN Angel and KKJ. It's awesome!~ So tell me yours. ^^[/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][FONT=Comic Sans MS]xxx[/FONT][/FONT] [COLOR=Navy]My favorite would have to be anything done by Clamp, like Cardaptors and Chobits, Rayearth and X. Their work is so good and the stories are all about love and freindship and saving the world. it's worth every penny that I spent on them. i love to READ them too. i have collected alll the manga for a few of them. I even have posters and stuff like that. I am now waiting for the new Clamp addition Tusbasa. Now that is going to be good. I like other shows too, like Inuyasha and Fullmetal. they are really good. Show like Wolf Rain get me crying and shows like Ranma 1/2 get to crack up. Anime comes in all styles and it fun to see all the new ones coming out on T.V and also on movies. Only problem, coming up with the money to buy all these wonderful shows[/COLOR] :animedepr
  15. Age:-18 2. Gender:- Female 3. Where are u from? California, US 4. How did u come across anime? Father 5. Do you think Anime influences u as a person? Yes, because it teaches us alot about life, like love and sometimes the reality of the world. 6. Research shows that anime is increasingly popular with the western world. Why do you think this is so? Because i think most of us are open minded and we like anything that is foriegn 7. What attracts you to anime? Everything Please explain your answer Because i have grown up around anime, i have learned many new and interseting things about all the diferent anime out there. There are all sorts of stories about different things, unlike real movies and t.v shows most of them are all the same. that gets alittie boring 8. Is your interest in Anime, in any way related to an interest in Japan or to learn about Japenese society? Yes, sure is. i want to learn abouit Japan as much as i can, and anime helps alot. 9. Have you taken a Japanese language class or been to Japan? no 10. Have you learned anything about Japanese culture, and if so, give 3 specific examples? Yes i have learned about Japanese culture. Like they go to school on saturday and that they love to read. They still have temples and belive in the concept of Ying and Yang. They bow to say hello or to say sorry and good-bye.
  16. Wow that great i cant wait until it comes out. i have to keep my ears and eyes open because CLAMP is one of my favorites ever. I have almost most of their books and i am still collecting them. Have you heard of Tusbasa by Clamp. i hear they are making an Anime for it.
  17. Clamps the best manga out there. Four women who do all the work in their studio. They create alot of manga and alot of people including me are really into them. Like Cardcaptors and Chobits. These mangas were the most popular in the U.S. There also Rayearth, the first manga i read. Alot of the books i read that were made by Clamp, but if you want to know about each of them, i will gladly tell you. That way you dont have to go looking them up and trying to find them. here are the list of the Clamp Books that are out there: [list=1] [/list] Cardcaptor Sakura Rayearth Chobits Wish Anglic Layer X Tusbasa Reservoir Chronicle XXX Holic Legal Drug Clover Clamp School Detectives Duklyon man of many faces Tokyo babylon and that about much i know that are out, there more, but these are the ones that have been the best so far. so if you love or have any questions about any of these i would love to hear about them.
  18. [quote name='Filipinorocker1']Whats your favourite manga(s)? Mine is D.N. Angel, Ragnarok and Naruto. They're realy interesting and they're fun to read. So just reply ur favourite mangas.[/quote] My favorite would have to anything made by [B]CLAMP[/B]. Clamp is the best. i have read almost all their books. i can't wait for the fith vol. of Tusbasa to come out this month i have been waiting for so long for it. i have 1-4 so i am so gald that i am able to catch a manga that is still be written. i also collect other mangas, but Clamp is the best, i would have to say. i have read DNA also, it's really good.
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