I have begun development on a plot for a manga I would like to write but I'd like some feedback on it first. At the moment I am with out a name for the manga or any of the characters in it, so bare with me please. (Suggestions for those would be appreciated. :animeswea )
The setting I'm still not entirley sure of. I want it to be set in a modern, if not more scientifically advanced world. I have not descided if I want it to be a modern fantasy world. Or one more like our own, that has matured past the existance of dragons, elves and other mythical creatures. Of course, suggestions for this would help.
The main character is a highschool student who is just beginning to really seek purpose and meaning in life. He is also trieing to achieve a level of normality, and hoping to settle into a slightly conformist life at last, where he can live in peace. He is kind, intelligent and and strives to do the right thing. He does have a small bully problem at times because he is of a slightly smaller stature then many but he doesn't let that bother him.
Recently a new student has joined his class. This student is very peculiar and gives the main character an odd amount of attention. He also has displayed some mysterious subtle talents. One day he tells the main character that in a past life the main character was one of the cruelest, most omni-potent tyrants the world have ever known, called, besides his real name, The Cloud King. After pressing this fact on the main character for a little while the main character descides to humor him. In doing so he learns that during the Cloud King's bloody reign, an order of rebel monks selected seven warriors to whom they gave awsome supernatrual abilities. After an incredible battle (in which one of them was destroyed and her soul banished to another dimension) the Cloud King was defeated. The six remaining warriors put their powers together to cast a spell that made it so should the Cloud King return in another life so shall these six warriors. The new student is one of the six and has come to seek and destory the Cloud King. The main character, beiing of a kind and benevolent nature, is seriously distressed by this information.
The new student does not kill the main character because he understands that a change has occured in his soul, although secretly the main character begins to feel the Cloud King's essence taint his mind. (And gradually awakens his terrible powers.) In the mean time, slowly, the other five warriors make themselves known, and most of them attempt to kill the main character, not understanding that he is good. Also, the Cloud King's demon hordes are imerging, and assembling. They sense the end of the world may be near and they seek out their lord to lead them to victory. Whether he wants to or not.
That is pretty much it. How does it sound? I'm hoping its original, although it being my idea, I no doubt have my biases. :D I do have a more extensive and intricate plot planned but I figured that this post is already long enough. But still, and example would be that there is a signifigance to the seventh warrior being banished to another dimension. Well anyway, I'm hoping to here what you think!