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Silent Whispers

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Everything posted by Silent Whispers

  1. [COLOR=Magenta]hey peoples if you had lots of money....i would like to know what you would spend it on? if you ever choose other please tell us what you would spend it on! TwoMoons[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkOrange]*shouts at Wavemaster Tsuka* NOT IF I CAN HELP IT!!!!! i will be your oppenent this time Tsuka: *gasp* TwoMoons: thats right and you know the rules to a pokemon battle dont you? Tsuka: *nods* TwoMoons: well get ready because here I COME!!! *grabs pokeball from under her dress* TwoMoons: GO! ABSOL!!! Tsuka: okay GO! ALAKAZAM! (the two face of in a huge pokemon battle...who will be victrous?) TwoMoons: ME OF COARSE!! Tsuka: no i will TwoMoons: no i will *the two begin to bikker on who will win TwoMoons first Pokemon battle?* TwoMoons[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkOrange]well with me it would have to be Tsukasa from .Hack//SIGN.... even as a main character he/she has no real purpose in the "World" and he/she keeps distant from everyone else who is just trying to help him. like MAKE SOME FRIENDS TSUKASA!!!!!!! but that is just my opinion.... :animesigh TwoMoons[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkOrange]most anime convention do let people of all ages in...so you dont need to worry about it... :catgirl: :animesmil I read that all of England is that way...they recieve little or no anime but only the older ones...am i right...hope so! but i envy you...i have always wanted to go/live in England.... :animesigh TwoMoons[/COLOR]
  5. Hey I?m Tiffany in Year 12 from sydney australia. This is my Society and Culture major assessment worth 30% of the whole course mark. It?d be greatly appreciated if you could fill out this quick survey as accurately as possible. all information disclosed is kept confidential and anonymous. [Preferably done by 23/04/05] THANKS =D 1. Age:- □ under 12 □ 13-18 □ 19-24 □ 25-30 □ 30 and above 2. Gender:- □ male □ female 3. Where are u from? (nationality, country) 4. How did u come across anime? - friends - family - media - interest in Japanese culture - Other_________________ 5. Do you think Anime influences u as a person? Explain 6. Research shows that anime is increasingly popular with the western world. Why do you think this is so? 7. What attracts you to anime? - it?s different - humour - appealing medium - violence -Other_____________________ Please explain your answer 8. Is your interest in Anime, in any way related to an interest in Japan or to learn about Japenese society? 9. Have you taken a Japanese language class or been to Japan? 10. Have you learned anything about Japanese culture, and if so, give 3 specific examples [COLOR=DarkOrange]Okay here i go Age: 13 Gender: Female (last time i checked i was) :animeswea From: I was born in Panama (Central America) my most nationality is both Italian and Indian. How did you come across anime: well actually my next door neighbor gave me mt first experience when i was 8 years old Does anime Influence you: Probably, it has changes my everyday life and the way i approch things. I think anime is popular in the west because so many people have been introduced and they keep spreading the tradition of anime to other people. What attracts you to anime: well i perfer Humorous and sometimes Adventure genres Well i learned Japanese when i was six so i kinda got intrested in anime after that.\ I learned Japanese at the age of 6...i think i already said that :animeswea 1. The Japanese Goverment is called a "Diet" 2. Japan has fought in many wars 3. Ainus were some of the first people to inheret Northen Japan Hope that was enough.....man what alot of typing.... TwoMoons[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkOrange]well with me the anime song that keep ringing a bell in my ears that i cant ever get rid of are the following: Neon Genesis Evangelion-"Cruel Angels Thesis" His and Hers Circumstances-"Angels Pinkey-Promise" Ah! My Goddess *the Movie*- "the Goddess Song" Cardcaptor Sakura-"Opening theme song" and so many more.....those are just the ones at the top of my head... :animeswea TwoMoons[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Cyan]i think it is all amazing...only because everyone has diffrent tastes in anime... i also notice some like.... Action, Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi, Drama, and Romance... i have not really seen one perticullar anime with all of those subjects... :animesigh ANIME ROCKS...........LET IT RULE THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^ :catgirl: TwoMoons[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkOrange]well Canada and all countries have diffrent money systems :animesigh ....and it all depends what you want to spend it own...i guess...but my parents buy me a subcrission every year...sometimes it is worth it...and i enjoy reading about what eveyone has to inform in it...i also like to see the latest anime in the markets! :animesmil TwoMoons[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I can trully understand....it is very expensive but i believe it is worth every penny :animesigh ...and for $90 you get twelve issues and two free ones.. TwoMoons[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Magenta]hello TwoMoon here[/COLOR] and one question have any of you ever read one of America's hottest anime magazine "NewTypeUSA?" :cool: if you havent i would highly recommend that you do because you are missing out on [COLOR=Blue]A free DVD a issue[/COLOR], [COLOR=Orange]Posters[/COLOR], [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Fanarts[/COLOR], [COLOR=Red]Fanfictions[/COLOR], [COLOR=SandyBrown]The[/COLOR] [COLOR=SandyBrown]AnimeNetwork[/COLOR], [COLOR=Olive]Anime Updates[/COLOR], and [COLOR=RoyalBlue]information about your favorite anime/manga[/COLOR]. and so [COLOR=Lime]MUCH MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!![/COLOR] [COLOR=Magenta] If you have read NewTypeUSA, please tell me what you think about it!!! :catgirl: [/COLOR] [COLOR=Magenta]TwoMoons[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Purple]no doubt about it Neon Genesis Evangelion is a rather hot topic and anime... i agree with everyone here.. I love it![/COLOR] [COLOR=Lime]I also read in a NewTypeUSA magazine it was the #1 anime in America! that really is impressive also running close behind was Cowboy Bebop and TriGun.[/COLOR] :catgirl: [COLOR=YellowGreen]TwoMoons[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Orange]hello everyone, TwoMoons here and i only have a few questions[/COLOR] :catgirl: [COLOR=Magenta]have any of you ever attended a NanDesuKan in Denver, CO? if so i would like to know who/what you went as? did you have any fun? would you go again? and would you bring a friend to NDK?[/COLOR] :animesmil [COLOR=Yellow]TwoMoons[/COLOR]
  13. well almost everyone likes anime if everyone liked anime the world would be a better place. :catgirl: well while on the subject i guess i will explain my favorite animes: [COLOR=Lime]NeonGenesisEvangleion[/COLOR] because its so creative and GIANT ROBOTS and Shinji! [COLOR=Lime]SuperMilkChanShow[/COLOR] because tts the stupidest and funnest show ever [COLOR=Lime]DNAngel [/COLOR] because there are hot guys [COLOR=Lime]Shaman King[/COLOR] because it deals with spirits and ghosts [COLOR=Lime]Ah My Goddess[/COLOR] because it deals with everyday life [COLOR=Lime].//Hack[/COLOR] because it deals with the internet! there are alot more but those are the ones at the TOP of my head! lol :animesmil
  14. doesnt it make you wonder how the creators can come up with anime like HikaruNoGo and GetBackers and ect. :animesigh personally i used to think that they [COLOR=Black]pulled colored pieces of paper out of a hat!!![/COLOR] pulled colored pieces of paper out of a hat!!! :animeswea isnt that a ridiculous thought? :animesmil TwoMoons
  15. i would really hope i would get paid alot.....i would have to put waffles on the table for my good friend Gir...*my signature* :animestun oh and by the way i got a e-mail from ADV Films i will post it here as soon as i possibly can.....hope you all can wait...gomennassai everyone but it was a good e-mail though... if i cant be a VA i would probalbly be the Director or the Producer or better yet the Creater or Character Designs...that would probalbly be just as much fun.. :animesmil TwoMoons
  16. thanks everybody, but i heard you dont get paid much money if you get in the anime buisness i would only hope that what i heard was incorret or i heard it wrong :animecry: ...but i still oneday will move to Texas and become a voice actress....one-day.. :animesmil (i really wish i hade some donuts and coffee right about now) :animesigh TwoMoons
  17. well everyone this is really a surprise to me....i never knew everyone hade the same dream as i hoped to accomplish... it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside..... thanks everyone.. and Dagger, i would probably consider this an anime dream...... but thanks everyone.... please everyone keep posting....and tell me what your anime dream is to be.... a voice over, or a director or something else............ :animesmil TwoMoons
  18. [QUOTE=Dagger]Hikaru no Go proves that a good story can make anything exciting. It's structured like your typical Shounen Jump action title--except that instead of revolving around a young boy saving the world or slaying monsters or playing ridiculously unrealistic tennis, it takes place in a modern-day setting and revolves around the ancient Chinese board game called Go. The protagonist, Hikaru, stumbles across an old Go board and discovers that he is the only person who can see & converse with the ghost (Sai) who haunts it. While still alive, Sai was a master player; once he and Hikaru become acquainted, he begins using Hikaru (who starts off without any knowledge of the game) to play Go for him. This is easily one of the most addictive anime I've encountered--without intending to see more than one or two episodes a day, I ended up watching the first 40 episodes in less than a week. I could go on and on about how thrilling HikaGo is, but that would probably get sort of tedious. I will say that it manages to infuse the important matches with an incredible amount of emotion--pretty much every other episode has my heart pounding, and the only thing going on is a bunch of junior high school kids (and some adults) placing black and white stones on a wooden board. I'd buy the graphic novels, too, if they weren't edited. But that's a story for another thread. :animesigh The Hikaru no Go anime is currently unlicensed; I hope it gets picked up soon. I'd be particularly happy if FUNimation got it. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] I believe that your avatar says it all....you like Hikaru No Go! i like to read it it the ShounenJump books...i believe that it has a good plot to it and the charater designs are something to be admired :animesmil ....but i have one question for you...why would you be happy if FUNimation got it versus all of the other companies? :animestun TwoMoons
  19. Hello TwoMoons again and let me tell you a story.... ever since i was a little girl and when i saw my first anime i have wanted to become a voice actress for ADV Films ever since.... :animesmil well i have not had much success with my dream but one day i hope i can grasp it and become one of the largest names in ADV Films... What are your anime dreams(if you have any) Even if my dream saound silly...who knows what can happen, until then i will keep reaching for my goal!!! :catgirl: TwoMoons
  20. Hello everyone, TwoMoons here, and i have a question for everyone... What is your favorite Anime or Manga? it can be anything? i am pretty sure that we all would like to know (even me) :catgirl: Personally my favorite animes are: DNAngel, FullMetal Alchemist, DiGiCharat, Shaman King, Tokyo Mew Mew, SuperMilkChan Show, Maburaho, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Read or Die TV, Ah My Goddess, and so many more (but those are just the ones at the top of my head) :animeswea Favorite Mangas are: AI Love You, Pita-ten, GTO, Fruits Basket, AzumangaDioh, SGT.Frog, Oh My Goddess, Ranma 1/2, Negi-sama, and so many more.... So....what is your favorite anime and/or manga? :animesmil TwoMoons
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