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About Kiyu-chan
- Birthday 11/26/1988
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I'm still in High School...sometimes you can tell, sometimes you can't. I tend to get hyper, so please excuse that kinda stuff...I might say things that are offensive, but I don't mean them to be, most of the time
Supposedly learning things as a student in high school...note the supposedly.
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So, my birthday? Well, November 26th, 1988. That makes me a Sagittarius. I'm happy about that. But I share traits with the Scorpios.. My birthday was also the very first Thanksgiving...pretty neat, actually. That's about all I know about that particular day. It was the year of the Dragon. The Earth Dragon, if I remember correctly.
Hmm, well, this topic is my new love. I've found a few titles to check out while reading through it so far, and so now I'll share my favorites. At the moment, I've just finished [B]Banana Fish[/B] volume 6, and I'm eagerly awaiting the next one. I really love this series, it's got all the essentials of a good manga. Now to own it... :catgirl: Also, I'm reading [B]Gravitation[/B]. I'm not sure whether I adore it or am bored of it. It kind of switches off. The characters are pretty neat and the plot *is* good...I guess I just need a break. I read [B]Eerie Queerie[/B] but I didn't really like it that much. I mean, it was good and all, and the characters were hilarious what with the way they interacted...but I just couldn't really get into it. The ending, that sucked. I really disliked that. It kind of ruined the series. I've started [B]Hands Off![/B] but I can't really tell you if there's any shonen-ai in it, because I've just read the first book. I caught some hinting, but nothing else so far...I'm liking it though, it's similar to Eerie Queerie.
While I would absolutely adore seeing Dragon Knights animated, I don't want to hear the English voices. They're never done properly. So if it's to be animated, it should be done in Japanese, and have it sub-titled. And I would *love* to own Dragon Knights plushies! That would make me squeal with happiness, and then hide from my friends while they try to take them... :animesmil
Well I used to want to be famous, but I've decided I really don't. Why? Because quite simply, the media would drive me nuts. I'd be one of those really scary famous people who go all nuts on the reporters and photographers, and they'd all run for their lives as I chased them down the streets laughing maniacally. Yeah. I have that big of a problem with people invading my personal life. Not that that wouldn't be funny. Because I'd enjoy seeing that on television. Really I would. :animesmil But I've always wanted to be remembered after I died. That's probably just human nature. So. What would I want to be remembered for? Well I've always had a passion for writing. So I've always wanted to be an author. But I would never use my real name. I'd use a pen name, and listen to everyone try and figure out where I'm from and what I look like. That would be amusing. I also think it would be cool to be a stand-up comedian. I don't really think I could do it, but it would be pretty neat to be known for that. My friends always say I'm funny enough, but sadly everything funny that I do is unplanned. So that would never work. Ah well.
Oh, I dunno SadBlue, Seattle's just about that bad. :animeangr Speaking of, where do I live? I live on the west coast of the US. Washington to be more precise. Near the Pugett (or however the heck I'm s'posed to spell that. Kind of sad, living here and not knowing, but oh well.) Sound. Around Everett and Seattle. We're a small little town where nothing exciting ever happens. Oh, ocassionaly we get a bomb threat from some stupid kid who doesn't want to go to school. There was one time that the police had some idiot confined to a house across the street from my school. Fun times there. No one in my classroom, or the rest of the school for that matter, was allowed to move around. Pretty boring. Once a year we get a street fair. Our little town just turned 100 this year, so maybe the street fair will be more exciting. It's a nice thing to hope for...but it probably won't happen. Everyone hangs out at the library or the elementary school. What does that say about my town? Pretty sad, huh? We have a park, but no one ever goes there...waste of money to be honest. All that said, I'm pretty attached to this place. I like living where I do. It's just that there's a lack of things to do during the summer.
Has anyone ever had a grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwich? It sounds terrible, but it's pretty good actually. And speaking of sandwiches, I now want a peanut butter and banana sandwich. Yeah. That's what I get for even viewing this thread. Now I'm hungry, and it's 10:30 at night. Hmm...time to go rummage in the fridge.
You know, that's kind of funny. You own most of what's out, and haven't read it? Why's that? Oh, yeah, um...how many are out now? I've kind of lost track.
I've read through...volume...10 I believe. Maybe a bit further. It's pretty good so far, but I really want more.
Blankets. I love them. Except, I don't love them when I get warm. I can't sleep through the night with my feet covered. Period. That's just how it is. But that aside, I own a couple. I've never made my own, I'm not the patient type. I have one that my grandmother made for me. It's my favorite blanket because it's light, so I can take it with me on cold days, and yet it's nice and warm. It's a plaid blanket, and I take it to school with me every day. Because it always rains here, and that makes it cold. It's also a comfort thing. I don't feel comfortable without it there to hide me from the world when they're irritating me. Usually after a fight with my parents I throw myself in my room and bury myself beneath the big heavy blanket on my bed. At least until I'm convinced I might just suffocate beneath it. :animeswea That blanket has been with me since I was very young, and it's starting to show. It's coming apart at the seems (sp?) and stuffing's coming out...but I love it anyway. :D
I've got something I think everyone should try. It's a meal I only get once a year, for my birthday, but it's delicious all the same. It's called Frito Chili Pie. You take Fritos and lay them across the bottom of a glass pan. Size doesn't matter, it's all about how much you want. You then pour chili over the top of that, put more Fritos over that, add more chili, add some onions, then some cheese, and toss it in the oven until it's hot all the way through. That's some good eating. :D
Smoked Salmon you say?! Now I'm hungry! That's the ultimate snack food! And amazingly, you're right, it's good with ketchup. Then again, that could just be the inner ketchup lover in me speaking.
Oh wow. I feel like I belong here. :animesmil I'm known for reading several books at once. I can't honestly say how many I'm reading right now, I know there're a few that I started a few months ago and haven't picked up since. That tends to happen when I get bored. I'm one of those people who will read for days on end, and then suddenly put down a perfectly good book and forget all about it for weeks. Not exactly a good thing. Especially when I'm checking the book out from the library. Which has happened before. I'm a horror junkie. Like Christopher Pike and R.L. Stine. If I see those kind of books sitting for sale, I have to buy them. I may have several of those going at the same time, but they don't take long to read, and I don't confuse the plots of those. Then I could have several manga books going at the same time. That's a frequent thing for me. :animeswea I just finished a really good book about a werewolf, and I picked up the third book in a series to take it's place. I was in the middle of a Stephen King book, but I put that down last summer and haven't picked it up since, much to my chagrin. Especially since it was so good! But my point? I have a short attention span as well, and I definately read more than one book at a time. Just a side question, it struck me that I might be odd this way. Does anyone else prefer to keep to themselves after finishing a good book, and just think it over? Or is that just me...? :animeswea
[QUOTE=Delta][COLOR=#7C0201][SIZE=1]^ Roll mashed potatoes into balls, coat them with tempura batter and deep-fry them. That's how you prepare potatoes for those who hate 'em mashed. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Oooh, that sounds really good! I'll have to try that! Thanks! And Bloodseeker, beef isn't something my family eats. With the exception of the stroganoff (did I spell that right?) that I made for dinner tonight...mmm...that was good. But I'll have to try buffalo. Sounds interesting! Cream cheese. That's the good stuff. I especially like it as a dip. Mix some garlic and milk in with it (heavy on the garlic in my case :D ) and grab some pretzels or chips...voila! Delicious snackage! Ricotta cheese, that I haven't had in a long, long time. I don't think I was ever especially fond of it. That brings up memories of cottage cheese. Now I think I'm going to go get ill. Excuse me. :animedepr
Yeah, I know what you mean. It gets easier to understand the further you get. I wasn't real sure about what was going on with it when I was that early in the series either. It didn't seem like it had a plot. But once you get further into the series, I promise it makes more sense. The characters grow on ya real quick. :D