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Everything posted by Kiyu-chan
Nope, that's not the one. It's called...ermm...I think I'm gonna mispell it, but please forgive me that.. The Legend of Chun-Jung (or something like that) Then there's Shirihime-Syo (and I think I spelled that wrong too.)
What is your most embarrssing moment?
Kiyu-chan replied to WhiteAoiFox's topic in General Discussion
I do embarassing things every day...but I think the most embarassing thing would be the time in the...second grade...I think that was it... I was in a play that was being performed in front of the entire school as well as all their parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts...you get the picture. Well I messed up and said my line in the wrong place...and everyone knew...I sat down and cried...which was equally embarassing. And everyone had it on tape. :animeswea That scarred me for life. I've now got stage fright... :catgirl: -
Manga's a part of my life...it's what I do when I'm bored/stressed/angry/need to retreat from life...whatever else ya throw at me. Usually I read the manga, and if I thouroughly enjoy it, I'll watch the anime (should it exist). I've tried my hand at drawing it, but I'm a very short-tempered person...and I can't seem to be patient enough to draw manga...or anything really. :animeangr But it's a link between my friends and I as well. I got my best friend hooked, and so now we swap manga back and forth...I buy her something she's collecting/is hooked on and she'll let me borrow it. She does the same for me! Granted...it irritates my parents/other friends/teachers/anyone who dislikes "backwards books"...but that's half the fun! :D Okay. I'm sounding obsessive again, so I'll quit while I'm ahead. Sorta.
Yes, that is quite irritating...Does anyone know the name of the book they did that involved a Chinese legend? Or maybe there was more than one...I can't think of the name, but I know it was theirs... :animeswea
What thought comes into your mind most often?
Kiyu-chan replied to Filipinorocker1's topic in General Discussion
Welp, actually, I'm known for my random thoughts...however...there's no *one* random thought that happens...it just goes from a nice normal day and a wonderfully normal conversation with someone to...something completely random that has nothing to do with anything. Which is mostly what random means to me, so now I've typed unneccesary (or however you spell that stupid word) words...okay...I'm getting random again, please forgive that. But I mean, I'll be talking about what happened in my last class, then all of a sudden I'll stop mid-sentence and say something like "I should really track down so-and-so and forcibly remove that book from their possession..." or talk about how I should clean my room... I'm odd like that though. It's considered normal for me, and anyone who has conversations with me no longer even blinks when that happens. They just gently guide me back to the conversation... -
Manga Manga or the Real world, which would you choose?
Kiyu-chan replied to WhiteAoiFox's topic in Otaku Central
I think actually, I prefer to live here in the real world...I'm a bit of a realist... :animeswea While it would be enjoyable to be able to go on an adventure or something....I wouldn't want some author deciding what I'm going to do all the time...I like being here in the real world... That's odd... :animesmil -
Heh...my little circle of friends always treat me like a weirdo. My family thinks I'm nuts...and ya know what? I probably am! :D But I understand what you mean.
Hmm...how to define friend...well honestly, I'm not sure I know. I don't think I really have any...friends. I have aquaintances...but I don't normally let people get close enough to be friends. I have one person I think I can call a friend...and even then, that's tentative. So, on that topic, why do I call her a friend? Well, I know that if I need to talk about something, she'll listen. That's very important to me, because I don't *talk* to a lot of people. I make small talk and generally socialize...but when I really need to talk about something, it's hard for me to do. So it means a lot that she's there for me for that. She doesn't pass judgement on me while I'm telling her things, and she doesn't offer advice unless I ask for it. Which to some people may seem rather cold to some people, but I don't like it when someone just automatically tells me what they think I should do. She will flat out tell me when I'm doing something rude, mean, or otherwise stupid. I like that she's very upfront about what she thinks. Of course, that means that when she's angry with me I hear about it until she's cooled down, but that's important too. She's willing to give me my space when I need it, and she knows when I need someone to be there for me, even if I don't say anything. Which I frequently don't. So what makes her a friend? The fact that she knows me so well, and that she's there when I need her. More than that though, I think it's her willingness to depend on me, and her brutal honesty. I call her my friend because she needs me just like I need her. And that's what friendship is about, I think... :animeswea I kinda rambled...but yeah...there ya go...
Ya know, I never pay attention to what nationality the comics I read are...if it sounds good, I read it...granted, mostly I read the Japanese stuff, but that's just because that's mostly what I've heard of. I really enjoyed Les Bijoux though... :D
What's the meaning of life? Well, if I believed in God, I think I'd probably say something about proving myself worthy of redemption and getting to heaven. Personally, I think it's all just a huge game. We live short lives and learn nothing really...We do well for a short period of time, and then we hit a pitfall and flounder around for a time...it's like a wheel... The meaning of life is simply to live, I suppose...that's what gives life a meaning. Looking at it from a more depressing point of view, I guess one could draw the conclusion that there really isn't a meaning at all. I mean, what do humans do with their lives? They spend their time on earth hurrying around trying to prove to everyone that they're the best, they reproduce out of the strange need to further their pathetic race's existance...and they spend so much time trying to achieve immortality...what for? To die of course, because no matter what...that's what happens. :animeswea
Manga Has anyone read the series Escaflowne?
Kiyu-chan replied to WhiteAoiFox's topic in Otaku Central
I've never seen the anime...so I don't know that my opinion here would matter much...but I did enjoy the manga. It was pretty good...but I'm not sure if I'd spend the money on it. Read it, definately, but decide whether to buy or not after you've read it. -
Hmm...let's see now...I've got... Princess Ai volume 1 .Hack volume 1 Excel Saga volume 1 Real Bout Highschool volumes 1 and 2 Dragon Knights volumes 1-5, 14, and 17 Descendents of Darkness volumes 1-4 Here is Greenwood volume 2 Getbackers volumes 4, 6, 7 Saiyuki volume 2 The Demon Ororon volume 4 Petshop of Horrors volume 10 Fushigi Yuugi volume 11
There's really no one religion I identify with...my religion is all my own...or something like that... I just have a hard time believing in anything at all...very skeptical...oh well, I guess if the Christians are right I'll be regretting that... :animeswea If I had to pick a religion that I identified with the most, I think it'd be Buddhism...but yeah...I'm not big on practicing religions.
A survey! Hurrah! I love surveys!....sorry....I'm just odd that way. Right. On to the important stuff that you wanted.... [B]1. Age:-[/B] 13-18 Yep. That would make me one of the masses. 16 to be precise. [B]2. Gender:-[/B] female [B]3. Where are you from? (nationality, country)[/B] Hrm...I guess I'll go with Washington (the state, not the dear capital of the US)...but I don't consider myself....ack. I'm having a hard time explaining it...So I'll just stick with that. [B]4. How did you come across anime?[/B] - friends - media - interest in Japanese culture [B]5. Do you think Anime influences you as a person? Explain[/B] Oh yes, I do definately believe that. There's a lot one can learn from it, even if it is just a 'backwards comic' in the immortal words of the stupid people at my school. Recently I've taken a bit more interest in soccer because of the series [B]Whistle![/B] And it influences how people see you. I'm considered an 'anime freak' at school just because I read it...not that I see that as bad, necessarily...but you see my point. [B]6. Research shows that anime is increasingly popular with the western world. Why do you think this is so?[/B] Simple. Everyone tells their friends, then gets them hooked on the stuff! That's what's happened to me, and I do it to my friends! So that's what happens. I think... [B]7. What attracts you to anime?[/B] - it?s different - humour - appealing medium - violence -Other: A good storyline And much much more...I just love it all around... [B]8. Is your interest in Anime, in any way related to an interest in Japan or to learn about Japenese society?[/B] Well originally no...but I'm learning from it...not much mind you, but it provides an interesting insight into the mind of the culture, depending on the popularity of the series... [B]9. Have you taken a Japanese language class or been to Japan?[/B] Not as yet...but I'm getting there. [B]10. Have you learned anything about Japanese culture, and if so, give 3 specific examples?[/B] Yes, I'm sure I have. But I can't provide specific examples because that would make my brain hurt, and my WASL (standardized testing junk) already did that once for me today. :D
Sad! I'm sorry...it would be hard to deal with that...if I prayed, I'd definately keep them in my prayers...I'll just think about them instead, like Gelgoog....
Ah yes. The ever difficult question. Well let's see. I absolutely *adore* [B]Descendents of Darkness[/B]. Love it to pieces there. The characters are hilarious, and I love the element of mystery it has to it. That and the hints of boy-love....heh...as far as I can tell it's mostly just hinted with the main characters...but it does touch on it in other stories. I am anxiously awaiting the fifth volume's release...and watching it on AZNtv... :D Good stuff. I love [B]Dragon Knights[/B] as well. The story's light-heartedness at the beginning is what drew me in...but now I'm so absorbed I'm practically biting my nails off awaiting the precious moment that the next book will be on the hold shelf at the library. I love Rath and Kharl...and all the other characters. They almost seem real to me... :animeshy: Maybe I'm just weird that way...
RGVeda is also out now. And I agree. I adore CLAMP's work. :catgirl:
Michael Jackson: Guilty or not Guilty?
Kiyu-chan replied to foxfire_2008's topic in General Discussion
Heh. Of course someone would want to have this debate...or at least talk about it. As if that isn't what everyone else in the world is doing anyway. Did you know that many countries in the world think that Michael Jackson is our role model?! But right. On topic. I can't say that I think he isn't guilty...but that's just my strong dislike speaking. Stepping aside from that...I can't say he is guilty either.... Sure. He's guilty in the past. Everyone knows he's guilty of something like this before. It's just that his insane amounts of money and fame got him off. I hope the lock him up...or something. That man scares me. Horribly so. :animedepr -
Hahaha....yeah...that's me all over. I'm prone to do/say mean things that I don't at all mean...except for at the time I do/say them. But the thing about it is...my good friends and family are all well-informed about this. So there's not a thing to worry about in my case. Besides. I've never hurt anyone more than emotionally...and most of the time the mean things that I say are directed at someone equally as mad...or madder...so it isn't as though either of us will really have a fit about it later... :animesigh
You know, that's what's so funny about popularity...no one really knows why certain people are popular, and others aren't. In my experience so far, and especially at my school...the popular ones tend to be the jackas---I mean, the jerks that no one really likes but everyone thinks are so cool just the same. I don't understand that at all. And sadly, that's just how it is. I always find myself wondering why it is that my friends aren't popular, because they are the nicest people I've ever had the good fortune to know. But maybe that's just it. Maybe popularity is just slang for "I'm the biggest jerk in the world" or something like that. Because it seems like everyone popular must pick on the less popular. If someone has expensive clothes they're popular. But the people who shop at the thrift stores and have cooler clothing are picked on. I don't quite understand that. I'm not sure where you'd classify me...I'm just kind of...there, you know? I know the popular kids, and they actually talk to me, which is rather scary actually...So I'm just in the middle. So what am I saying? Popularity's no where near what it's cracked up to be. Trust me. I've been there. And it's not based on the people. It's based on what they have.
Getbackers is definately worth the money. I'm collecting them...kind of. Anyway, it's got a good storyline, plenty of humor, but it's balanced by the serious moments as well. The characters are pretty neat as well. Basically Ginji and Ban are retrieval agents and they'll take just about any job as long as it pays well...and sometimes even if it doesn't. No matter how easy the job seems, it's undoubtably going to be harder than that...as they learn pretty quickly. Anyway...that's what I think. It's pretty good.
Oh...this'll be fun. Phobias. I have one I'm sure you'll end up laughing at...in fact, when I'm not being exposed to the source of my fear, I myself laugh about it. I'm not sure what you call it, but I looked it up once out of sheer curiousity. I'm scared to death of moths. I will not go near them, and I have a tendency to scream when one comes near me, or I suddenly notice one near me. One time, I was sweeping the floor in the bathroom, and I hit a moth with the broom...I hadn't noticed it until it flew up at me. I screamed so loud. My parents always laugh about that. I had one in my room one time, but it was above my door, so I didn't notice until I got up to leave my room again. Let's just say I refused to come out of said room until that moth was taken care of. I'm scared of spiders, mostly because I'm scared they'll jump up at me. The ones I'm really scared of though, are the huge and furry things. I don't mean Tarantulas, though those make me shudder, but there were these big spiders that invaded my house this one year...awful...~*shudders as she remembers*~ Terrible. I was traumatized. I'm scared of water over my head...and I honestly can't explain that. I think it's just because I've come close to drowning several times. It isn't that I can't swim. It's just that I panic. So yeah. I guess that too was explainable. And I'm scared to death of silence. Of nothingness. The feeling of being absolutely alone, no one can hear anything you say, even if you scream it at the top of your lungs. I'm so scared of that. I guess that's probably just insecurity though. But if there's one thing I'm afraid of above all others, it's that one day I'll just be alone in the nothingness...forever. I'm slightly scared of needles...but that goes away if I just don't watch them. I used to be scared to fly...but I conquered that after the mass amounts of airplanes I rode last Spring Break on my trip to New York City. It was mostly the taking off and landing...but after riding those things so long, the only thing I dread is the actual flight. I can't sleep on the plane, no matter how I try...and I get so bored... I'm scared of the dark, to an extent. I'm scared of the dark when there's no one home, or when everyone's asleep. I get panicky and start to think there are people with knives and axes lurking around every corner and wherever I go... I think I've pretty much covered it...may be a few more things I didn't mention, but that's all that comes to mind...I probably sound like I'm paranoid or something. :animedepr
Addictions? Oh my...wow. Well, let's see here...I'm addicted to my soda. I have to have at least one soda, with caffeine, a day. If I don't, I feel funny. Can you be addicted to sleep? Because if that's possible, I think I might be... :animeswea Whether or not that's a bad thing, well I'll let you decide. I'm definately addicted to manga. I have to have it. I spend hours in my room reading, I go in search of manga I haven't read, and I get grouchy while waiting to read the next book in a series. That's kind of sad, but I'll go ahead and blame it on the girls who got me hooked. That's right, you heard me, it's not my fault! They introduced me to it! It's them I say! I'm addicted to writing...which probably sounds weird, but when I go for long periods of time without actually writing something (I mean creating in that sense. I can go for typing it up on the computer, but I hafta be creating...) I start to feel restless and can't do anything. I'm addicted to challenges, especially in the form of my teacher's tests. I love those things. I'm so sad that I don't have a class with him this semester...I miss those tests...That's rather sad as well. I'm addicted to...um...I'm gonna stop there, because you're probably all thinking about how weird I am...I don't need more of that...enough people think I'm insane as it is... :animestun