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Everything posted by Lindus

  1. Glad to see that green seems popular here. It's usually not when I see these kind of discussions. I really find green to be a very calming and cheerful color. My room is actually a warm garden green color that looks great since I have an east-facing room. I like Cerulean too. I hate to be too specific with colors, but since there's so many blues, I felt the need to specify. XD
  2. Hm, my all-time favorite anime movie would probably be [B]Castle of Cagliostro[/B]. A Miyazaki film yes, but unlike the works we're more familiar with. Heck, this film's one of my favorite animated movies period. I saw it before I was truly aware of anime (and so was unaware of the actual Lupin III tv show) and just loved the story and the characters. I don't really watch many anime movies, but if I had to choose a runner-up, it'd probably be [B]Memories[/B]. Yes, it's made up of three different stories, but they weren't episodic at all, so I can't really consider them to be episodes. My favorite story in it was definitely [B]Stink Bomb[/B], although each portion of the film had it's own unique story.
  3. I think that it looks very nice, especially since you're first starting out. I do have some tips that I think might help you out, though. First, it looks like you aren't using too many layers, which can make it difficult to color lineart. So, either create layers underneath the lineart for coloring, or put them above the line art and set the mode to [B]Multiply[/B]. I also think it'd be a good idea if you used the Brush tool and not the Pencil tool. The coloring on the pic (especially the bg) has a very soft look, but in comparison, the lineart looks very rough and jagged. I also wouldn't rely too heavily on Filters or textures until you're fully satisfied with your work as it is. Filters and such should compliment the work, but not take away too much attention from the rest of the picture. I think you're doing great so far though! Keep up the good work. Also, a really nice and lazy way to make neat clouds is this: -Create a new layer -Go to Filter>Render>Clouds (make sure your colors are the default black & white) -Press Ctrl L and set the second Input Level to .5 (it should automatically be set at 1) -Go to Select>Color Range, and select Midtones from the top box -Delete the layer and create a new one (the dotted lines should still be there) -In the layer box, click the black/white circle at the bottom and choose Solid Color -Choose a color (probably blue) and click OK And you've got clouds! I find that to be a nice solution to a bg when I'm lazy/in a hurry XD
  4. You know, I really don't like the Inuyasha series [I]now[/I], but four years ago, it's what really got me into anime. I think that it's a great stepping stone for newer/younger fans and it compels them to watch other anime. I've since moved on, but even though it's not appealing to me anymore, I can see why it is to so many, I think. (And just for the record, I really did once like Inuyasha. I saw up to ep.135 subbed and the first two movies before it fizzled out for me XD)
  5. Does.....does no one like Alexander? He's my all-time favorite summon from the final fantasy games. When I was torturing myself by playing ff8, that summon was one of the only things that made the game cool. And the way it was put into ff9 was just so cool, I only wish I had been able to summon him during battles. The other aeons are all well and good, but to me Alexander's so awesome that there's no more room left in my heart for the others. XD
  6. [quote name='Mage17']I was watching the show last night and they had a new opening song ans clip along with the ending scene, also they dont give out infor on the next episode, is this season 3 or something??[/quote] So, according to the A-S schedule, the episode from last night was #42. That means that the show's in its final stretch and the ending you saw is the fourth (and last) one. It's also my favorite ending ^^ If you wanted to know what the song was, it's "I Will," by Sowelu. I'm not sure why they didn't show a trailer for next week's episode. Did they do the same thing in the original? I can't remember since it's been over a year :animestun I don't remember things getting [I]too [/I] spoilery at this point in the show...
  7. As a matter of fact, I have read Light Note (thankyouverymuch A-T XD), and it's one of the only Death Note doujinshis that I've had the pleasure of reading. The shower portion was so amusing and so was Light's tendency to overthink. XD very cute. I haven't read the other title you mentioned, but if I get the chance, I'll definitely take a look. There are just so many chances for spoofs and such for a series like DN. I find [U][URL=http://go-devil-dante.deviantart.com/gallery/]Go-Devil-Dante's [/URL] [/U] gallery to be good for a giggle.
  8. What cute music they make! XD I think I first heard them a couple years ago, with their songs Locolotion and Zung Zung Funky Music. It's very light, silly sounding stuff that I enjoy. I thought Hana was pretty too. I really liked Asterisk after first seeing Bleach, but the effect wasn't the same for Viva Rock after seeing Naruto. The song's okay I suppose, it's just not my favorite. I think my favorite's continued to be Locolotion. It's just so...XD I don't know. It was the first song of theirs that I heard, so maybe it's the nostalgic feeling.
  9. You know, I'm really not much of a clamp fan at all, but I have to give props to their artwork (for the most part). It's very pretty, although I think all the long limbs and hair get a bit tiresome after a while. Their stories, on the other hand, just don't appeal to me. I can't really describe why since I'd rather not read them anymore, but I remember that I wasn't interested in continuing a series. I'd read the first few volumes of a series and would just stop because I felt enough was enough and that closure was unnecessary. It's a shame too, because a lot of their art is so pretty.
  10. [QUOTE=Dagger] Would you like a spoiler-free synposis or something? ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Actually, I'd appreciate that very much, if you'd be so kind. ;) I've heard the title thrown around sometimes, but I never thought to look into. Any info you have would be great.
  11. [quote name='Dagger][QUOTE=bellpickle'](I'm an L fan, by the way. ;) [/quote] Good. L fans unite! :animesmil [/QUOTE] D: Oh no...I'm surrounded (I'm a Light fan). Actually, scratch that. I'm a Matsuda fan. XD I was unfortunate enough to be surrounded by talkative DN fans while I was still early into the manga and so learned the big spoiler without meaning to. I can't say that it made the manga any less enjoyable though. I really sped through the chapters when I got a hold of them about a year and a half ago, and I really loved the little twists and turns that were strewn about. Another part of Death Note that I really like are the characters. I found myself interested in everyone's role, including Misa (what can I say? She grew on me.) I'm still unsure as to whether I like the newer characters/plot though (I'm only around chapter 65). I wouldn't say the series has "jumped the shark" per say, but the story seems less attractive to me with the lack of [spoiler]L...............[/spoiler] I'm probably sure it has picked up considerably from where I left off, since those chapters were a transition from one part of the story to the next, but it might take me a while to gather the will to continue reading. I have no problem with reading the first part of the story though. I just picked up the first and second volumes last week, and I'm loving the story just as much as when I first read it.
  12. Actually, it's not just one new series that I'm reading now; it's a whole genre. o_O I used to avoid shoujo manga like the plague. Something about it just seemed so unappealing for these past years, that I never once took a look at one (maybe it was all the flowers and girl whatnot XD). But about a month ago, I just randomly decided to read one shoujo series and I found that I really liked it. That's pretty much all that I've been reading lately. It's so addictive! I'm in the process of reading [B]Hana Yori Dango [/B] right now (at about volume 19). I find it to be a very enjoyable series, despite the artwork feeling a little dated. Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure this shoujo craze is the fault of Arina Tanemura. I started reading her series[B] Shinshi Doumei Cross[/B], and I liked it enough to look for more of it, finding other series along the way. That's enough for shoujo I think XD I also picked up volumes 1 and 2 of [B]Death Note[/B]. I've already read quite a bit of the series previously before it was licensed, but I didn't mind at all reading it over again. I've also started reading [B]Emma [/B] and [B]Koi Kaze[/B], but I'm taking those series more slowly as I feel there's no need to rush. Btw, I'd seriously recommend Emma. It's simplistic in some ways, but is really [I]really [/I] nice.
  13. How silly of them! It shouldn't matter what language something is in. What should matter is the quality of the dub. There are some shows that I prefer in English dubs, and some that I prefer in Japanese (mostly because I was introduced to the sub first, and became very comfortable with it). Sometimes I'll watch both sub and dub if I think that both are done well. The same concept applies to non-anime too. For example, I'm only going to watch the English dub of March of the Penguins because, [I]to me[/I], the French track silly. I also don't agree with the second statement about not watching it in English first, then Japanese. I've done that with several anime series, mainly when I was new to the scene a few years ago. I'd be introduced to a series in English, via t.v. or something else, and I'd check out the sub to see if I liked it better. I remember liking the Inuyasha sub more than the dub, and the Fruits basket dub more than the sub (oh god, Tohru and Yuki's voice... D: ). It's all about quality. That statement seems pretty elitist imo. Unless, for some bizarre reason, this friend has yet to watch a well done dub.
  14. In all honesty, I would be a little weirded out if I were to see a man crying over anime. I suppose it'd be more acceptable if a girl was crying too, but I dunno, it's just *my* personal opinion. The men in my life have never cried in front of me, so I'm used to that. But really, go ahead. Do what comes naturally. Just don't get mad if I get a little embarrassed at such behavior. But for the record, I feel similar when a girl cries too. I'm just more used to that.
  15. I like guys who choose not to be in the spot light. For example, the one guy I've had a crush on since....junior high or so is very smart and talented in the arts; however, he doesn't really talk. at all. unless it's to voice his opinion when it occasionally strikes his fancy. He's also taller than me, not by a lot, but enough. And I'm already 5' 8" ^^; Also, he drives me absolutely crazy sometimes. We've been in at least one class with each other since 5th grade, and he seems to enjoy making me mad. Those times are some of the only times he laughs too, which makes me really happy even though I have to pretend to be mad at him for a minute or two. Also, a good sense of humor is good. He doesn't have to laugh a lot, just make me aware that he appreciates it with a smile or something. So, I guess the silent, brooding type is a turn on for me. That, to me, is perfect. *sigh*
  16. [QUOTE=CoLoR_Me_EviL][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=Indigo] I agree, mostly. Jack Black did a great job of stepping into a serious role, but I found his ending line [spoiler]"It seems that the beauty has killed the beast."[/spoiler] or whatever he said to be really really really REALLY lame. I actually laughed. I was sad about Kong, but I couldn't help but laugh. [/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] Quoted for truth. XD I was feeling so sad near the end and when he said that, I'm like, "wait. What?" XD I really did like him in this movie. I thought he did a really nice job and his facial expressions were great. I saw the film yesterday and I was absolutely blown away. I really wasn't bothered by the length either, as I was too emersed in what was happening to care how sore I was getting. Like everyone has mentioned, the cg was fantastic and my friend and I were clinging to each other during the bug scene. This was a great film and I'd really like to see it again in theatres. I'm a bit concerned with how it will do with home release. I don't think it will be so great on a smaller screen. That movie was epic. A big movie needs a big screen. I dunno...guess I'll find out when it comes to dvd.
  17. [quote name='"Tatsubei Yagyu"']Does anyone esle here read the manga and watch the anime? I just want to know how you do it...[/quote] Actually, the way I read the manga/watched the anime was a little unorganized. I first saw the first 8 episodes in Hong Kong subtitles my freshman year of highschool at anime club. Then, when the anime became temporarily unavailable over the summer, I read the manga up to the Greed arc. Then I saw the anime up to the 5th Lab arc, then read the manga up to the Ling arc finished the anime series and have kept up with the manga ever since. ...phew XD and you folks who have read the manga, especially the newest chapters really need to go to the FMA manga thread. It's like a ghost town over there and I have no one to talk to about December's chapter XD [QUOTE="Kotoko_Hikari"]Hey I've got a question for all of you. [IMG]http://photobucket.com/albums/v607/Kenshin018/th_FullmetalSymbol.jpg[/IMG] Do any of you know specifically what this symbol means, and please don't say "It's an alchemist symbol." [/QUOTE] Well, according to [COLOR=RoyalBlue][U][URL=http://www.north101.net/Chara/serpents-cross/index2.php?act=information/background/flamelsymbol/index.com]Serpent's Cross[/URL][/U][/COLOR], the flamel has some interesting symbol's in it. I'm not sure if that is entirely correct, but I still find it pretty interesting. btw, this thread is getting really...spammy/pointless. It's great if you've seen a bit of the anime and read some of the manga, but really, bring up something we can actually [B]discuss[/B]. It's more fun that way.
  18. This reminds me of the Book of Bunny Suicides (funny stuff; a bit gruesome, but funny), except that it doesn't show how it happened. I'm not sure if this belongs here or in the Art Studio (like Dragon Warrior's "Slackers in Slacks" comics), but it's an...interesting concept. XD
  19. [quote name='orbindo][COLOR=Red']I am a hardcore Christian(bet some of you just groaned), so i can honestly say that outlawing same sex marriages is a smart move. It is in the bible. Sodom and Gomorrah were two cities that were full of gays and lesbians. Guess what happened to them, both obliterated (or so it says).[/COLOR][/quote] You know what I had MORE of a problem with concerning Sodom and Gomorrah? The fact that rather than have the visitors [B]gang raped[/B], he was willing to give up his own daughters D: I don't think that God's problem with the city was so much that they wanted to do things with [I]men[/I], as much as [I]what [/I] they wanted to do with them. Gang rape is messed up whether it be homo [I]or [/I] hetero-sexual. Plus, they'd obviously committed a lot of other sinful acts before this, and I'm sure it wasn't all homosexual acts. I personally have nothing against homosexuality. Why should I? As long as people are able to maintain healthy, loving relationships, why should I have a problem? I wasn't even really aware that people were bothered by homosexuality till I was 14. I've been around a fair few since I was a kid, and they're no different than straight people. It's natural, and I'm confused as to why people feel the need to meddle in others' personal affairs.
  20. It's good to remember to use more reddish purply colors for shadowy areas, and more yellowish colors for lighter areas. I'm not sure what your medium is, but that should help I think. Remember also to blend your colors; don't just do this part red and that part peach, etc....
  21. I love you. Eyeshield 21 is a fantastic series, not only for football fans, but for comedy fans in general. I can honestly say that I've no interest in real American football games, but the sheer over-the-toppery and craziness of Eyehsield 21 is appealing to everyone. The manga is even better than the anime in my opinion, but I still think the show did a pretty decent job with the transition from manga to anime. I absolutely love how Kurita turned out; his voice is so gentle and friendly, just what I had imagined him to sound like. I really like Hiruma in the anime too. His "YA-HA!" is very energetic. One thing that turns me off a little are the colors. Sometimes, they just seem to clash, or they just don't look good in general. I can't stand how the school blazers are this teal-ish color. As for favorite character...I think I'm going to have to choose Hiruma. It's a difficult decision too since so many characters in Eyeshield 21 are very lovable and relatable, but the humor that Hiruma provides the series is too much. He's what keeps the series going with his intereference and constant harassment of other team mates. Eyeshield 21's a great series, and I'd really recommend both the manga and anime to anyone.
  22. [QUOTE=Katana][size=1][color=royalblue] It was way too freakin' predictible. Nothing surprising or shocking at all. "Yeah, he's gonna die, they're gonna die, that's not gonna work out..." It was easy. >.> At least I have minor respect for the originals. [/color][/size][/QUOTE] Of course? It's easy to tell that people are going to die, or that things aren't going to work out since IV-VI tell us so. Everyone should know what's basically going to happen...unless they for some reason didn't bother with the original trilogy. Not that I'm defending the film or anything, just that that reason seems very silly. I only liked Ewan in there anyway XD and imo, Episode II wasn't [I]that [/I] bad. I think people were just pissed because it's not like the originals. I've seen much much worse than Episode II and III. I can't/won't vouch for Episode I. XD [quote name='The Newfie']Also, The Perfect Storm makes be VERY angry as a sailor, as they were illegally fishing in the Canadian Waters and the Grand Banks. Plus the actors who normally do very well (George Clooney et al) were quite atrocious.[/quote] YES. THANK YOU. I saw that film when I was 11/12, and I couldn't stand it. To this day, it's just such a snoozer for me. I can't summon up enough interest for those types of films. Which reminds me, from the movies I've seen so far, I think I can come to the conclusion that I don't like movies that are about/are involved with/or are, for the most part, on boats. I'm trying to think of something I liked, but all I can think of is The Perfect Storm, Speed II, Jaws, Posideon Adventure, Titanic...you probably get the picture XD
  23. [quote name='Dagger']You contradicted yourself so many times in those two paragraphs that I can't tell whether you're being serious or just not-so-subtly mocking all of us. I almost hope it's the latter... [/quote] Good, it's not just me. XD I had to re-read that one so I'd be less confused. Didn't help much. Anyway, for me, I only refer to anime when I'm talking about animation from Japan. That's it. I've never really talked about other animation like Korean or Chinese, but I'm sure I'd say "Korean animation" or "Chinese Animation" as there isn't really a specific word that would help separate it from animation of other nationalities (In [I]my [/I] vocabulary anyway XD;; ). I hate using the word cartoon unless I'm referring to something that's meant for children. There are anime [I]styles[/I], but that doesn't make something anime in my opinion. It just makes it anime-esque animation. Guess I don't like lumping everything together. I don't really mind if other people called other non-Japanese animations anime though. It's all a matter of preference.
  24. [quote name='ozmos']Actually to be quite honest my tip would be to stop tracing, compleatly. Tracing doesn't help much becouse when your about to do something on your own (which you eventually will want to do) your at a loss since you havn't done it before :/[/quote] I think that copying [B]does [/B] help, to an extent. Like I said, when I first started out, I was really unfamiliar with drawing people. But by looking at manga and official artwork and the like, I was able to get a feel for what it was like to draw. Then when I drew original pics, I sometimes needed references for poses and such so it would look awkward or bad. I think that copying is good [B]practice[/B]. But I don't think it's good to concentrate too hard on copying. Do it only if it helps you. I can't tell you how crazy it drives me when I see art on TheOtaku that are just copies of other art/screencaps, and the "artist" says something like,"I worked ___ hours on this! It took a lot of effort!" I'll never ever believe a comment like that because it [B]isn't [/B] hard to copy and no matter how much time it took to do, I can't respect it as much as art that's original.
  25. [QUOTE=Sinistra][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1] Ah! Me too! I got a Dell Inspiron 5160 last year for my Birthday and I almost cried. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Replace 5160 with 5150 and that's what I got. XD Only, mine was given to me about two years ago. My brother and I both recieved matching ones from my dad. Talk about generous! I also forgot to mention the dog I got for my 16 birthday. It was so unexpected too, since my mom really doesn't like animals all too much. But she kept asking me what I'd like for my birthday, and since I never can decide what to ask for, I just kept saying "a dog," knowing it was a completely outrageous request. XD But for some reason, she caved. That dog of mine is such a demon, but I love him anyway
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