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Everything posted by Lindus

  1. You know, I don't draw like that, although I do have a problem [I]with [/I] it. Mainly because on theO, a great deal of the "art" are carbon copies of official art or screencaps. Maybe I'm just more annoyed since I'm one of the people that has to approve that artwork, and it gets annoying seeing the same pictures over and over. I have no problem with the practice itself though. When I first started to get into anime when I was 13/14 (about 3 years ago), I did the same thing. I just didn't share it with people. I used it as practice to gain more confidence in my drawing and bit by bit, I started drawing original poses and such. Fanart helps a lot I think, since you're familiar with the characters, they're easier to draw than making an original character. I think that it might help if you try duplicating poses of existing art, but make original changes to it (different outfits, different characters, etc) as practice. Just my two cents. =3
  2. I had a very simple but nonetheless enjoyable Christmas this year. From my immediate family, I got a March of the Penguins dvd (which is great), a hat made of alpaca (so warm!), The Complete Works of Jane Austen (I think I may exchange this. It's a really beautiful book, gold leaves and everything, but she isn't my favorite author), some girl things XD, really comfy clothes, and that's all that really comes to mind besides loads of cash/gift cards.
  3. I've never peaked. Though I've looked so hard through out the years to find the gifts before they're wrapped. My mom's a master :animesigh I was really really close to peaking at the present from my brother the other day though. He did such a shotty job of wrapping, it would've been easy to peal off the wrapping paper then put it back on. It's especially easy since it wasn't a box and was kind of awkward. I had started pealing off the paper from the gift twice this week when I stopped myself. I don't just want to be suprised. I [B]need [/B] to be suprised. Otherwise, they'll know I knew what it was. XD Just one more day btw, do people celebrate on Christmas Eve, Christmas, or both? I celebrate with my mom's family on Christmas Eve, open [I]Santa's [/I] presents Christmas morning, then celebrate with my dad's family.
  4. I can't say I'd have a huge problem with someone significantly older or significantly younger, but I have to say, it be harder for them to get in my good graces (relation-ship wise). Love doesn't know age that's true, but I'm at a relatively young stage, and I don't believe it's right of me to consider those who're substantially different in age. With adults, I don't have a problem with it really. As long as the relationship is healthy and strong, why be bothered? heck, a schoolmate of mine has parent's that must have a 20 year age difference [I]at least.[/I] But they, unlike many many many other parents, are still together. And kudos to them for that.
  5. [quote name='SatansRightHand']That's a tough one. Hmm. I can't remember the name, but it is a westeran musical.[/quote] [B]Oklahoma! [/B] ? [B]Paint Your Wagon[/B]? [B]Blazing Saddles [/B] has some songs in it, but you wouldn't dare say you hated Blazing Saddles, right? XDD Same goes for Paint Your Wagon. C'mon, [I]Lee Marvin [/I] and [I]Clint Eastwood[/I] in a musical. What about [B]Seven Brides For Seven Brothers? [/B] (XD why have I seen all of these??) EDIT: Woah, Sage Kaley, looks like we've got a KKM theme going eh? XD
  6. [QUOTE]I acually liked the Village. It wasn't scary, but it was interesting, and some of the ending things where a pleasent suprise. [/QUOTE] You know, I might have liked The Village had I not read basically the same thing back in 3rd/4th grade or so with the novel [I]Running Out of Time.[/I] [I]God[/I], what a horrible book. Even the title looks so unappealing. Anyway, for movies I *really* don't like? The original [B]The Haunting[/B] is one. I can forgive the remake because I was expecting nothing better. But with the original, people told me it was better and pretty decent! Heck, that film was so dull, I didn't even know it was ending when it did. Jason and the Argonauts is another one. It didn't even follow the story all that closely! The actual story was more interesting (and funny [at least it was to us Latin kids]). [B]Alfred Hitchcock films[/B]: I....just can't like them. I've tried so hard to like them and have seen several multiple times all the way through but, they just strike me as very uninteresting and poorly executed. [B]The Omen IV[/B]: omg XD I shouldn't even have to say anything about this one. The third Omen was passable at best and it was MEANT to end there. But in IV, they have the Anti-Christ be a little girl....or something. I caught on UPN one day a couple years back XD This reminds me though that I need to go rewatch the first two. They were so neat ^^ especially the second one. There's plenty of other movies I'm sure (I'm looking at YOU, romantic/comedy genre), but these were from the top of my head. XD
  7. [QUOTE=CloudsOnly189][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy] My best gift that I ever got was my lapytop on my 16th birthday. [/COLOR].[/SIZE] =)[/FONT][/QUOTE] Replace 16 with 15 and you got it ;3 Although, a close second for me would be on my fourth birthday, when my dad (then a florist) gave me a basket of ivy with a #4 sucker on it. Don't ask me why (since I don't know XD) but that's always been one of my favorite gifts.
  8. [I]oh my god.[/I] Chapter 54 is unbelievable. [SPOILER]I can't believe that Ling is the new Greed! What's worse (or better however you want to look at it) is that he doesn't even seem to remember being Ling. [/SPOILER] That's actually an interesting point, I think. I had just sort of assumed that when a person became a Homunculus, they just gradually forgot. I suppopse I can blame the anime for that-- [SPOILER]in the case of Sloth, she gradually forgot who she had been, right?I haven't seen that part of the anime in a while[/SPOILER]I never really considered the possibility of the Sins being separate entities that "poSsess" the host bodies. Relating to the anime, Lust seemed to get a sense of her self nearing the end of the series. Assuming that the same thing [I]could [/I] happen in the manga, [SPOILER]do you think Ling will be able to overcome Greed? He seemed pretty determined near the end of the chapter so....here's hoping.[/SPOILER] [SPOILER]Btw, who was secretly hoping that Ling would become the new Lust, rather than the new Greed? I know I was
  9. [QUOTE=Ningen Hunter][COLOR=DarkSlateGray] [SPOILER]Does anyone out there like Archer? I don't at all. Especially since at the end he shoots at Hawkeye and tries to kill Mustang.[/SPOILER][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Woah. Spoilers much? Seriously, some people haven't seen the whole series *especially* since not all of it has aired. Anyway, the show's made it to the point where I just started getting a little frustrated. Up until now, yeah, the story was altered since around the Greed/Dublith arc, but it didn't really bother me. But bringing back [SPOILER]Roze[/SPOILER] was a little too much. I don't like to consider her that much of a character, and bringing her back just gave her too big a role in the plot. I dunno. I guess I'm just not a Lior fan :animesigh But! The [SPOILER]Sloth[/SPOILER] fight is just around the corner! It can't compare to the moves of the Greed fight, but [SPOILER]just who it is that Ed's fighting, and with Tucker coming back again, and....[/SPOILER] I'm getting ahead of myself XD Ah but next weekend's episode should be interesting! [SPOILER] I really look forward to how Al handles having Martel die inside his suit. That was unbelievable. And he thought just having her [I]sit [/I] in there was disgusting. ;_;[/SPOILER]
  10. I go there too. I have an account there though as of late, I haven't been hanging around there as much. I just think that it's too big for my tastes so I haven't really been commenting or submitting too much. Though I still go there to look at the pretty artwork ^^ Other than DA and TheO, I can't say I really frequent any other art sites. Although I know of the other places like sheezyart, media miner, and what have you.
  11. Yeah, I'd also recommend that you go to the official website with your daughter so she can pick out the exact ones that she wants. Wish my mom did that when I first got copics!
  12. [QUOTE=Sinistra][SIZE=1] Note to all who read this since the above mentioned is banned from the OB. [B]Never ever[/B] judge an anime by the videogames that come from it. They [U]always[/U] turn out bad, and with every try, it becomes more and more true.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] I agree, though in the case of FmA, Dream Carnival looks like fun. XD but then again, I probably shouldn't group fight games with the rpgs. I actually haven't played the FmA rpgs yet, nor do I plan to, based on the less than stellar things I've heard about them. Btw, on the topic of favorite female, my vote goes to Izumi. From her first appearance, I adored her character. She's so strong and protective of others in her own way-- though Hawkeye probably comes in at a close second. :animesmil [quote name='Dagger'] Lindus, I love your banner & avatar. KKM for the win.[/quote] ha, you know it!
  13. So I haven't been keeping up with the English dub's run on Adult Swim, but I tuned in last Saturday, and thank goodness! I wasn't aware they were already on episode 36 already @_@ I'm glad I didn't miss episode 37. If you thought 13 was funny, this one is x10 better, and it features my favorite character Havoc! ^o^ Actually, when the series first started airing in the U.S., the main thing I was worried about was how well Havoc's voice actor would pull it off. Here's hoping! episode 36 kinda reminded me why I wasn't watching the series the second time around. I really don't care for the Ishbal storyline as much as the military drama. Though I'll probably tune in from here on out, because I just want to see the craziness of the last 10 or so episodes again. [spoiler]Plus, there's Selim, who's just adorable. (dunno if a name drop really counts as a spoiler, but just in case![/spoiler]
  14. I'm going to side with Chouji. I remember when I had first started watching the anime (around ep.112 or so...and I had only read 2 volumes of the manga.. @_@) when I got to the Chouji episode, it was just so great. I don't typically cry for any show/movie/book but that got to me for some reason. And then I went back and watched/read the rest of the series, and I found him to be a likable character despite the lack of respect he recieved. But with a series like Naruto, you have such a large cast to pick from. Shikamaru, Gaara, Lee, and Kiba are all favorites of mine. They had such great fights in the series and I found them likable and relatable.
  15. [QUOTE][SPOILER]And also about Pride: if you haven?t already noticed on page five of chapter 49 when Wrath?s talking to Pride they kind of show his face shaded.[/SPOILER][/QUOTE] :O I didn't notice that! [SPOILER]Too bad the silhouette is so simple, you can't get many details out of it... however! his shirt collar seems similar to the military garb. Maybe Pride is another officer? ]:O [/SPOILER] [QUOTE]Ah who?s the Crimson Alchemist again? *Feels really dumb for not being able to remember*. I think it?s Marco? Or Kimbly[/QUOTE] *had to look it up* It's Kimbly. [SPOILER]However, I [I]don't [/I] think he's Pride, not just because of that silhouette from chapter 49, but he was imprisoned by the state. Wouldn't/couldn't he have escaped if he were a sin? Like, Wrath could've gotten him pardoned or something. I just think he's crazy XD[/SPOILER] FTA says the chapter should be out within the next day or so. ^0^ Not that I mind waiting (though the Ling suspense is killing me!)
  16. Well I get embarassed [B]all [/B] the time, but there's one that seems to stand out. It was in 9th grade, and in Bio Honors, we were dissecting frogs. It wasn't really a big deal; I had dissected worms and the like before and I wasn't squeamish at all. But then my teacher heaves this big white bucket on to the table that's packed to the brim with frogs. Somehow the sight of those frogs knocked the wind out of me and I just started sobbing on the spot. I had to sit outside the entire class period. What's WORSE is that my teacher tried to comfort me. I thought he was a great guy and all, but he's the last guy in the world who you'd want sympathy from. That was so embarassing. XO I heard from some classmates that in the later classes (we were the first), my teacher warned them first that someone in the first class was unable to do it. Now that I think about it, in 7th grade I had another embarassing moment as well (though it was only embarassing the day it happened). To sum it up, I blacked out in class while on the computer. I fell from me seat really quietly though, and people didn't notice at first since I was in the back of the room. I woke up pretty quickly and it felt like I had taken a nap. When I looked up, everyone was turned in their seats, staring at me. For some reason I got mad and said,"WHAT?" in a kind of rude way. Then I noticed I was on the floor XD and it just sorta went from there.
  17. [quote name='Gin][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=navy][/size][/font][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]Now we know that both [spoiler]Lust and Greed have died, and if you look at the link Lust?s punishment is being smothered in fire and brimstone, and she was killed by Roy repeatedly lighting her on fire. And Greed?s punishment is being boiled in a cauldron of oil? sound familiar? Yup that?s how he was killed! (Wasn?t it by Father? ?can?t remember >.
  18. [quote name='MangaFan007']I am proud to say I own all volumes of FMA released by VIZ in USA. However, I have to say there is an edit in volume 1 which I did not like one bit (pg 89 pannel 2, there is a black/grey box added).[/quote] Hm, I have the Japanese volume 1, but its pg.89 also has a gray box. Is the one in the English one put right after [SPOILER]Ed "crushes" Cornello with the stone fist? If it is, I think the box may serve to say the arm has stopped.[/SPOILER] I dunno actually... Are they on the Greed chapters in the English version already? ^0^ I love those. [SPOILER]I'm going to stick to the theory that Father is Hohenheim because of the physical resemblence, as well as his role in the anime (as different as the story may be).[/SPOILER]
  19. Lots of comedy and horror fans here! I think I'm going to side with comedy too, it just has the tendency to entertain me the most....and that's why we see movies XD although, I really love all sorts of movies, especially much older movies like Mr. Deeds =^_^= those old flicks are just so sweet, I can't help but like them. As for favorite movie? I think I'm going to go with [B]Snatch[/B]. I never get tired of it and just such a great film. [B]Lock Stock...[/B] was good as well, but Snatch just went above and beyond it imo.
  20. Yeah, I see that too, especially with longer series. I think in that case, the budget isn't as high in the beginning as it is in later episodes. At least, that's what I've been assuming (for shows like Naruto and the like) XD Or maybe with some series it takes a couple episodes for it to hit its stride. Not quite sure... I'm sure someone knows the reason(s). ^^
  21. [quote name='lilkid']where you get mspaint at?better be free[/quote] I think it comes with computers with Windows on it (I THINK? not sure.... o_O). You wouldn't want it anyway. Oh waiiiiiit, judging from your art thread, you have Paint. Paint= mspaint XD (unless I''ve missed something :animestun )
  22. [quote name='lilkid']whats a curve tool?[/quote] It makes the lines curve instead of being perfectly straight. It helps a pic to be less blocky (which is a tendency pictures seem to have on MSPaint) I like the first sketch. The eyes seem a little odd to me, but it's not bad at all. The Paint picture is nice as well. You seem to have a good handle on that program. You should try using an oekaki program; I think you'd do well with it ^^
  23. I *love* this series. Actually, it was licensed a bit back, by Viz. I'm definitely looking forward to that release. I really love the art style of the manga and like you said, there's kind of an FMA vibe within it. I've heard that people that liked that series liked D.Gray-man as well (I could be an example of that I guess XD). While the newer chapters seem less appealing (to me), it's still a very nice series. I especially like it when Ravi made his debut. He's my favorite character by far after Komui XD If the series manages to get back to how it was for the first 40-or-so chapters, I'd be ecstatic, but it might take a bit for it to get out of it's little funk. Not to say it isn't great anymore. Just.....not *as* good a read as it was near the beginning. :animesigh
  24. Ditto on what others said about seeing the images. [quote name='ChronosDevil']and people don't diss Anna she's had enough with people thinking she stole pics when i saw her draw them a while back ago[/quote] Honestly, she's done nothing really to prove that she drew those images other than saying so (to me anyway). I'm just not too keen on believing her when she seems suspicious like that.
  25. [QUOTE=Panda] [spoiler]The other part that really bothered me was with Roy and Bradley. Bradley said it angered him when Alicia was making noise at her father's funeral! I just wanted to strangle that...argh! I can't even say what I think that "jerk" is!![/spoiler] [/QUOTE] OMG I know! I couldn't believe he said that. [spoiler]I feel so sorry for poor Selim. Even if he's "well behaved" I bet he gets kind of nervous around his dad ;_; That said, Envy looks really freaky. I'm really reminded of some of the later chapters of D.Gray-Man when I look at him (spoilers?) (like, around ch.50 [I THINK- it's when they fight that big thingamabob with the halo] if anyone reads it). The faces look similar and very freaky.[/spoiler] I'm really excited for the next chapter! >w< Oh btw, I absolutely adored Mei-chan's mental image of Al. XD cracked me up.
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