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Everything posted by Lindus

  1. I think right now it's a tie between [B]School Rumble [/B] and [B]Eyeshield 21[/B] They're both so crazy, and School Rumble feels Azumanga Daioh-esque a lot to me, just in the art and in the behavior of the characters. And despite Eyeshield being a manga about American football, it's really insane and has made me laugh out loud multiple times.
  2. I consider myself more of a shounen-ai fan (What can I say? I likes the fluff ^^), but I won't flee in terror from yaoi. XD I agree with the girly boys comments made though. I tend to stay away from those flowery types of series because really, I don't see the point in a series being boyxboy if one of them is practically a girl.
  3. Ah, thanks a lot! I knew that we could change members' groups manually, but I knew that wasn't how it was really done. Now I know :animesmil I'll spread the word of the Senior Artist Fairy asap XD
  4. [quote name='Panda']After you have a proven track record of sticking to the rules your member status will change from "member" to "senior member" and that means you do not have to go through the approval process and your submissions are automatically approved. You still have to stick to the rules, you just don't have to have each and every piece reviewed before being published on the site.[/quote] Do you know the exact guidelines for that? I get members asking me how to become a senior artist sometimes, and I'm really not sure what the answer is.
  5. Yeah, there's definitely the possibility of being too obsessed. I've never been like that in the four years I've actually been into anime/manga, but I've seen others that are (though not to the degree mentioned by you guys). I notice it at my school's anime club for sure. The sophmores and freshman that are in it keep referencing things or (try to) act like anime characters and it's reeeeaaally creepy. There aren't so many juniors or seniors in the club save us, the officers, and a couple others, so seeing the underclassmen act obsessed like that is a bit [I]concerning[/I]. They talk about Suncoast and Barnes and Noble like it's the Holy Land and always seem to wear something anime related whenever I see them. I hope they grow out of it by the time they're juniors. e_e
  6. I think about 50 or so episodes is good for me, though I was going to say something similar to Dagger. XD But I think 50's an all around good number. It gives you time to develop the story and flesh out the characters some without having to rush, but is typically short enough that you don't get tired of it before finishing the series. And I think I'd even prefer the longer 100-ish episodes kind of series compared to a 26-or-less series. They're able to do what the 50 episode series do, but they have fillers and whatnot. But you can skip over those episodes (something I tend to do with Naruto XD) and tune in for the good parts. Of course, that's just in general. There's series that pull off the 26 and less *really* well. I guess I just like to stick with series for the long haul. ^^
  7. hmm, I'm thinking that my favorite concert would have to be the Jethro Tull concert at Navy Pier a two years ago or so. It was a nice smallish concert and we felt relatively close to the stage for a reasonable price. Not to mention, Jethro Tull's one of my all time favorite bands, so that's a major plus ^^ Can't say I've been to a concert that I've really hated, though I'm sure if I had to choose, it'd be one of the country ones my friend dragged me too XD
  8. Girl:" Eeeeee! I stepped in gum!" Boy: "Those litter bugs will pay!" >=O XD
  9. [quote name='AnimeFront']Curfew is super flaming. I hate it. I was going to the movies and the movie let out at 11:05, and they would'nt let me go in. That is the most ******** retarded thing ever.[/quote] Well, I don't think all places with curfews are that strict. I often go to movies that let out after 11 or 12 (our curfew's 11) and you don't get in trouble. There's even a cop that waits outside the theatre (probably to prevent teens from going to a movie that *starts* after 11). I also think curfews might help to deter the more timid types. Sure, there's plenty of people that will commit crimes regardless of time or restrictions, but there are also people that are a little more cautious who would be less likely to take part in bad acts if there were more restrictions. It probably doesn't make much of a difference but it [I]might [/I]help a [I]little[/I].
  10. We have an 11 o'clock curfew for those under 17, and I think that it works out pretty well. Kids for the most part abide by it, unless there's some rare thing going on at night, in which case the cops will look the other way. Ditto for Halloween. Of course, I don't live in a [I]city[/I]. So I'm not really sure how helpful a curfew would be. Like others have mentioned, being able to find the teens would be difficult. I'm sure at first, it would seem successful, but kids'll eventually learn how to avoid getting caught. I don't really think it could hurt to make a curfew, although I'm unsure as to how useful it will be.
  11. Eh, for me, there are 5 seasons; Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring Part I, and Spring Part II. I just find Spring to be such a drastically different season, since by the time it's over, everything's completely changed. Everything's green, the weather is warm and sunny, and everything's just so alive. It's *that* Spring that makes you understand why vivaldi's spring sounded the way it did, yah? So let's see... Favorite seasons... My #1 favorite is definitely Winter. I live for the snow and ice around me. I just wish there was more! And since so many people around me hate it, the snow goes untouched a lot of time, making everything so pretty. Winter really makes me feel alive. I don't think the same can be said for the other seasons (in my case). #2 is Fall. Not only is my birthday in October, but I find this to be a really comfortable season to be in. The weather is crisp, but still pleasant for the masses much of the time. Not to mention the colors! I think one of my favorite parts of this season is the smell. Outside, the air has this fragrance that's really nice. It's bitter (thanks in part to crabapples I think XD), but sweet as well. #3 is Spring part II. Like I mentioned before, everything's so warm and beautiful. This would be after the world's made a full recovery from winter. #4 Is Summer. I'm just...not a summer person lol. I hate the heat, and everything just seems so boring. I do like walking around the forest preserves during this time though. Before it reaches a dry peak, everything is so lush and green. #5 Is Spring part I. Blech. This part of the year stinks. It's still cold, but everything looks like crap. It's always so damp and depressing. But, everything's in the process of growing back, so it doesn't last too long. I think the end of winter can be counted in this category too, as that is really undesirable as well XD
  12. [QUOTE=r2vq] What is commonly known as the filler episodes are being avoided by a lot of fans, even though (or maybebecause) they contain new and original stories that only further the story in terms of charactrdevelopment. -ArV[/QUOTE] Ah, that'd be me. I haven't watched Naruto for a good couple of months (I haven't read the manga in a while either, but I'm just wating so I can read a bunch of chapters at a time). I don't have time to spend watching fillers, so I'd rather not watch the current episodes, regardless of character development. Though I can't wait for the time jump. ^_^ Should be interesting.
  13. From time to time when I'm at a book store, I'll browse the how to draw manga books. I just don't find them useful at all. Not saying that I'm a great artist that knows what she's talking about, but I really don't think that they'd be good learning materials for beginners. Speaking from personal experience, when I start drawing in an anime style, I'd look at the few manga I owned for references on poses, hands, expressions, etc...then when I got online, I looked at tutorials from certain artists. That's one reason why I like Deviantart. Some really great artists there make their own tutorials sometimes telling us some of their [I]own [/I]techniques. I think I find that more useful than the How-to-Draw sorts of books because you already respect these people's art. But maybe you'd rather have your resources in book-form? I'm a digital artist, so I tend to stick to digital help ^^; Also, I thought that [URL=http://www.bakaneko.com/howto/main.htm][U]the bakaneko tutorials[/U][/URL] were helpful.
  14. hmmm let's see...my manga collection's actually pretty small, and a lot of them are outdated (in regards to my fandom XD), but there's still a few series that I enjoy and/or want to continue. [B]Saiyuki[/B]- 1-5- I love this series. Really I do. I also hear that the quality of the anime (older one) isn't quite up to par, so it's nice to have the very pretty and very interesting manga. And I've been meaning to buy the rest of the volumes, but I always seem to be in a financial slump >>; [B]Bleach [/B]1-2- I like this series too. I've read a lot of the scanlations as well but since winter have fallen behind. I'm the type who can really only hold on to one big fandom at a time, and this was around when Naruto came into my life, so Bleach sort floated to the back of mind for now. I'd like to start reading it again when I'm not so busy and interested in other series. [B]Battle Royale[/B] 1-2- Whew...I've seen the movie, and I think I prefer it to the manga. XD the manga's just so @_@ I actually remember getting a terrible headache while reading it. [B].Hack/LotT [/B]1-2-3-Very cute! I absolutely love the art for this series. And it's a nice, light, story; very different mood from //sign. [B]Chobits [/B]1-2-3- I kinda waffle on this series. On the one hand, the art is *really* nice, but on the other hand, I don't care for the story at all. So I kinda dropped it >>; [B]Inuyasha [/B]1-2-3-12 XD- What can I say? My very first manga. I haven't the heart to through them out even though I'm waaaay past liking that series anymore XD Maybe I'll flip through them again when I'm feeling nostalgic [B] Fullmetal Alchemist[/B] 1-2-3-4 (japanese)- I practically know the scanlations by heart, so English wasn't necessary for me with this series XD I probably won't *buy* any more volumes now that I've sort of moved on with this series, although I still keep up with the monthly updates for the sole purpose of seeing Ling XD [B]Naruto [/B]1- I read this first volume, ignored the series for a good six months, then [I]tore [/I]through it when I got wireless internet. XD Great series. Gotta love the looooong ones. Soon to be added to my collection is [B]Eyeshield 21[/B]. I adore that series, and the only reasion I haven't picked up the volumes that have been released yet is because I lack the funds. But! with my birthday this October, I should be able to purchase them all and then some.[B] Dnangel[/B] is another series I'd like to own, but we'll see how that goes XD
  15. I've never bought a copy of Shounen Jump, but I happen to like several of the series that are in it or are in its Japanese counterpart, Weekly Jump, like Death Note, Naruto, D.Gray-man and of course, Eyeshield 21 *points at icon/sig* XD It's an interesting way to get manga out for sure. But for me, there's too many series in there that I'm not interested in reading so it feels like a waste of money for me to buy it. I can't remember, but do you readers know if Eyeshield is even in the english SJ? I know some volumes of the manga are out already, but I'm not sure if it's also serialized in the magazine. @_@
  16. [quote name='Hidetsugu']Wow,Advent children looks great. It is more than awsome to see Cid.Any other cid fans out there?! :D[/quote] That would be me. Cid's my favorite character from ff7 X3 It reminds me of the biggest thing that I was disappointed with though, concerning advent children. And that's the severe lack of a lot of the original group from the game- cid,yuffie, red XIII, and Barret. The parts they played were really cool, but they were in the movie so little. I still reallly enjoyed the film though. It's just so nice and fun to watch. Even my older brother, who hates this sort of thing, couldn't help but stand in the living room and watch the tv while the movie was playing (the Bahamut fight).
  17. While I do like both, I'm going with manga on this one. Manga's allowed to move at a slower pace than anime and as such, can develop characters more and put in more little extras here and there which you can't always get with anime. I've usually found that the story is told better in manga format as well. I do love anime though, especially if it's based on a manga I've read. It's nice to see characters you love moving around and to compare the anime and manga with each other while watching.
  18. Bad mouthing Digimon? ;_; I think it's kind of silly to just be naming all of these kids shows. OF COURSE they're going to be cheesy now that you've (hopefully) developed better taste over the years. Some older anime is kind of cheesy. I can't remember the title of the one I'm thinking of (it's kind of obscure), but it was a pretty old bootleg that I don't think was even dubbed. XD It was just so weird and well, cheesy. Just the acting, and the storyline...all of it fit perfectly into this big cheesy mass XD It was kind of like Eva, only not, and it was older and a bit more *mature* Ugh, it was so dumb Xl
  19. I checked out that link. From what they show, I think I'm satisfied with the voices (at least for Naruto and Iruka ;3). I honestly don't think Mizuki was too bad. He won't be around long anyway, so his voice doesn't really matter to me. From the little clips I heard of Naruto's voice, it seems pretty good to me. Guess I'll just have to wait and watch to get a more solid opinion. ^^
  20. Yeah, those darn Church People. Because we know they're the only ones that make a stink about anime, right? :animesmil This is one of those scenario by scenario things. It's not fair to judge an entire religion that way. Just like with lots of other things, you can have two sides of the extreme, where people can be very accepting or not. Being Mexican and Irish, I know plenty of Catholics that are very open to things like anime, but there's a few who aren't as well.
  21. Well, of course I like a mix of both. But I suppose I lean a little (just a smidge!) towards predictable. If it becomes too unpredictable, it becomes a little annoying plotwise, unless it's a very random, humorous story. Suprises are great, I just don't want to be disatisfied with a weird twist. I suppose it depends on what kind of story it is >_>;
  22. [quote name='Meggido']AHHH shoot I should have said male. I was thinking of Lust when I was saying female. damnit someone shoot me in the head.[/quote] XD oh good. I read your post yesterday and got really confused. And then I started to think I might have missed some important detail regarding Envy that classified him as a woman XD
  23. I do actually have a scanner. But since I would have to unplug my laptop from all the junk it's connected to and carry it to my brother's room to hook it up, I find taking a picture much easier. Not to mention, I can't get the scanner to work with me. My pic always look awful with it. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but I'm not exactly sure what [I]something [/I]is yet. And you're right. I should have done it on white paper XD But I don't think it would have been much more helpful to me since my hand is shaky when using my mouse, so using the pen tool and creating new lineart is pretty much necessary
  24. Lunox basically read my mind. Those two fights were the first that came to mind for me. Though, I wasn't aware that people didn't like episode 133 of Naruto. Heck, I thought it was fantastic. I even went and downloaded a higher quality version so the fights could look even [I]better[/I]. The fma fight with Greed was really good too. I didn't like how the plot was going at that point in the series (and onward), but the moves were so goos *_* Most anime I watch don't consist of many fights....ones worth noting at least. Though I do know I dislike the drawn out kinds of battles unless all the really good moves are reserved for one (maybe two) episodes.
  25. Just recently, I've tried a new way of drawing pictures on photoshop. And that is, to take a picture of a sketch in my notebook and draw over that. I've never done it before, and I spent a great deal of time over the last three days working on this. I really liked how the final product turned out, so I thought it would be nice to share it with you all. I included the original pic of the sketch as well as the (very bad looking) lineart so you could see the three main steps. I think this gal is from a video game. This is my half of an art trade with someone on TheO ^^ These might be a little big. Final Pic [URL=http://img107.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ggxfinalcopy0bn.jpg][IMG]http://img107.imageshack.us/img107/9728/ggxfinalcopy0bn.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Lineart: [URL=http://img107.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ggxlineart5jr.jpg][IMG]http://img107.imageshack.us/img107/3540/ggxlineart5jr.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Sketch: [URL=http://img107.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ggx0040gg.jpg][IMG]http://img107.imageshack.us/img107/765/ggx0040gg.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
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