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Everything posted by Lindus
I really don't care for My Chemical Romance much at all. It's not because they haven't "been around" so much as their music just really rubs me the wrong way for some reason. And I like to think that I'm pretty flexible when it comes to music, so I don't really know why I don't like them... A lot of people seem to like them though, so they must be doing something right ^_^ They just don't appeal to me I guess.
I really enjoyed this movie. A friend and I went to go see it on opening night and we both adored it! It was just a good romp, and I really don't understand all the criticism it's been getting. The only thing that [I]slightly[/I] bothered me was the cg usage. It wasn't *bad* (actually, I thought the bugs looked pretty good [and disgusting]), but that scene with the scarf (or whatever it was) kind of annoyed me in the visual sense. From my understanding though, this is the first flick Gilliam used cg in, right? Jake was most definitely my favorite character here, though the other actors were entertaining as well. Cavaldi's just great ^^ [spoiler] I was so glad when he got up after getting shot. I knew he probably would, but that didn't stop me from being worried XD[/spoiler]
Request Help Tozoku with her secret anniversary project? (I draw back)
Lindus replied to Tozoku's topic in Creative Works
I might be able to contibute a pic =3 Though I'm a tad busy these first couple weeks of school -
[QUOTE]in most animes, they change the Japanese names to English ones, and i am mad about that! i mean, they shouldn't change the names just so ppl can pronounce them easier![/QUOTE] Is this just in general, or with fma? I really couldn't understand your whole post, but I assume you mean in general since fma uses mostly westsern names. =3 I actually don't mind some of the filler episodes.(with the exception of episode 4 and any of that Ishbal side stuff). There weren't *too* many of them and I still enjoyed watching them. At least there isn't as many as a show like Naruto :animesmil But if you've only seen the first half of the anime series (that's how much adult swim has aired so far, right?), then you're going to notice a lot more differences between the manga and anime. After episode 25 is pretty much when the anime stems off from the manga's plot.
[QUOTE=Orphen] Who knew... Vash = Clair... Yea, Clair's voice actor is the same as Vash from Trigun. That bothered me a bit at first but not anymore. The main reason it bothered me is that Vash is a pacifist while Clair isn't. [/QUOTE] I try not to pay attention the voice actors (truth is, I usually can't remember them). But the good ones are versatile enough that they can be part of very different roles in very different shows, and still do a good job. The animation was really what kept me watching the series at first. I started watching a couple episodes in, so I needed about 10-15 minutes to fully grasp the basic premise. But during that time, I was watching and just thinking how nice it looked. I liked the style of it a lot.
I first caught it on mtv2 as well. I never watched the station previously (or again after heat guy j), but I'd heard of it and decided to give it a shot. The dub didn't exactly "wow" me, but I thought that it was pretty decent. I'd really like to get the dvds. I should have some extra cash on me soon anyhow. I liked Daisuke the most I think, though Claire was pretty neat as well.
I thought I heard a while back that Quentin Tarantino directed a scene in the Big Fat Kill portion of the film. I think it might have been the scene of Dwight in the car, but I really don't know. I absolutely loved this movie. My friend and I saw it twice in two consecutive days in its first week in theatres. I hear a lot of the scenes were very close to the panels of the comic, and it's nice to hear that they're staying that faithful to the original story. I think one of my favorite parts was Kevin. He was so deliciously crazy and I just enjoyed that part of the story a lot. I'm looking forward to buying the dvd sometime soon.
I didn't get to see all of the series, but I did enjoy the episodes I managed to see. It wasn't a show I had to get deeply involved in, and it was just nice to sit down and watch it from time to time. I can't say it was my favorite, as the story didn't full click with me and (as I mentioned) I couldn't see the entire series, but I found it decent =3 As for the wallpapers, it's probably not popular enough so it's most likely put into misc. anime
I started out about three years ago, so about 8th grade. Not nearly as early as most of you :animeswea I had been using the internet for small things like school work and such since I was 11, but it wasn't really until I was in 8th grade that I started using it for entertainment and socializing. I started out with a 56k speed then went down to 28/16k when I got my laptop. Comcast was like a miracle after suffering through that *_* I'm still not internet savvy or anything. I still have a looong way to go XD
I suppose drawing's my strongest creative trait, although my art's starting to get on the cutesy side lately *stares at icon* Still, it's one of my favorite hobbies, so I do draw a lot. I was never really much of a writer. I'm a little to straightforward and I try to refrain from adding any fancy frills or what have you.
I don't much care for Viz, but from what I read from Tokyopop I enjoyed. Dark Horse is another good one I think, though I haven't read as much of their titles.
[QUOTE=Ilium][COLOR=DarkRed] I would like to see Keanu Reeves as Bond beacause I think it would give the franchise a much-needed air of seriousness, and get away from the less-than-serious, a tad comical movie series that it's become. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Oh jeez, Keanu? Serious? I don't think I could stomach a James Bond film like that. I don't recall the films being all too serious in the first place. They were by no means a comedy, but when you've got characters with names like Oddjob or ***** Galore, it's hard to take it seriouslyXD I heard a while back that Daniel Craig was chosen to be the new 007.
Yeah, we have an anime club at my school. This coming year will be it's second year (not counting the pilot year). I personally think it kind of sucks and that it needs more direction, but what're you going to do? :animeswea I think 15 people is pretty much the number of members you need. It has to have enough support. We had to change sponsors this year since the old teacher couldn't do it. So now we have the librarian as our sponsor XD A gimmick is also a neat way to help build up members. Our club hosts a DDR party 3 times a year, and it's always very popular. Of course, my school's a lot geekier than most XD
This thing is so fun. I found my house in the huge brown area around Chicago.
I pronounce it 'main-gah', though, apparentlyl that's wrong, and everyone at school didn' mind telling me so. XD At least Encarta Dictionary agrees with me. Actually, as of late, I kind of switch between the two ways of saying it.
I've only read a couple doujinshi, but I mainly go for the humor oriented ones. Or shounen-ai. Or both (often the case ^^). I think I've read more fma ones than anything, but I can't really remember. I personally like the hp doujinshis ^^;
When I was three, I had this horrible nightmare about an gigantic red-eyed gorilla that was in my house (I can still remember all the details, 13 years later XD). After that, I was always scared it, or one of its evil friends (possibly), was hiding in my room. So I'd have to check my closet and under my bed every night, and make sure the closet door was closed ALL THE WAY before going to bed. I also couldn't leave my door or many others closed without someone else in the room with me. I had to be sure I had at least one escape route. I still have to close my closet all the way. XD This brings back memories. =D
I've really *really* wanted to see it. But I can't find any direct downloads (I'm not real internet savvy, so bt's kinda out of the question for me). It looks like a great series from what I see and hear. Suppose I'll have to wait until it comes out on dvd ^_^
I still like manga lust better. I just liked how awesomely cool she was. In the anime, all the characters were practically spouting angst near the end and I felt it was unnecessary. *shrug*. Can't say I didn't like the anime's ending. Just that I found myself going "wtf" a little too much while watching the last few episodes. I think Arakawa did talk with the anime staff about her plans though. I *think*. I'm not 100% on that. Anyone else know for sure? But the anime did have to wrap itself up. With the manga on-going, they had to find a way to end it. The ending wasn't great, but it was decent and tolerable imo.
[quote name='Lunox][color=darkslateblue'] Other than that, does anyone know about the US release of the FMA manga? [/color][/quote] What about it? I think a couple volumes have been released so far. btw, this should probably go in the [U][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=43369&page=1&pp=15]FMA manga thread[/URL] [/U]^_^
I don't watch too many series that have really big cliffhangers. FmA's the only one I can think of. Episode 50 was soooo big. With only one episode that followed it, you had to wonder how it was going to work out. That episode made me cry ;_; XDD I remember a lot of people were going crazy when it came out.
[QUOTE=AzureWolf][COLOR=teal]No raw was secured while FMA was airing in the theatres. It would have been bad quality anyway. From what I heard, there was a ton of security checking for any recording devices, and no one was in a "I'll be bribed" mood. So be wary of any postings/listings of the FMA movie for download. It's probably spam, or a ton of gay porn like some of the Naruto movie torrents were. XD[/COLOR][/QUOTE] omg, I remember that XD We'll just have to wait until the movie comes out on dvd in japan when the fansubbers can get it (which I personally don't mind). do they have extra security in theatres in Japan compared to the U.S? I mean, with all the bootlegs of Hollywood movies, you'd think they'd be able to do the same.
I'm a quarter Irish and a quarter Scottish and then the remaining half is Mexican. Though, since my mom was so light skinned, people wouldn't know I was Mexican unless I told them. XD My names are pretty normal, Lindsay being English and Donovan being Irish.
[QUOTE=Siren]Christopher Walken. How he wasn't anyone's answer is beyond me. He's fricking Christopher Walken! You name it, he's probably been in it as something. Walken can do anything and it'll be awesome, cause he's frigging Christopher Walken. ^_^ Who else...and pretty much anything with Christopher Guest's name on the billing. He's the guy behind Best In Show, Waiting For Guffman, A Mighty Wind, and one of the major creative forces in This Is Spinal Tap. I see a new Christopher Guest movie coming out, I'm going to make sure my *** is in that movie seat.[/QUOTE] Get out of my head. Those were two I was going to mention =O Jason Statham's another one, though that's mainly on account of Snatch. Clint Eastwood's one, as someone already mentioned here. I've been in love with his movies, old and new, for a while now. I love his westerns, but also the movies he's been involved with later on in life.
Anime What if you could have any Anime turned into a movie?
Lindus replied to a topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='SilentSecurity']They're making a FMA movie.[/quote] [I]Made [/I]an FmA movie. Though, I'd like it if there was another FmA movie based on the manga. The story would be so different and I'd sure like the characters more than their angsty selves in the anime plot line [QUOTE] I'd have to say that they should make a Hellsing movie, and have Johhny Depp play Alucard, he'd be perfect. I'd think that'd be the BEST vampire movie EVER!!!!!!!!!!![/QUOTE] I'd rather not have him be Alucard. He's already everything else. I need a Depp break. There are loads of other actors, some of which would probably be good for the role (I'm not sure who exactly as I've not thought about it before). I know that as long as the actor's good it shouldn't matter (and I think Depp's pretty nice), but I'm really sick of him at the moment.