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Everything posted by Lindus

  1. Lindus


    I found Asu e no Brilliant Road and Shangri-La via radio blog and found I enjoyed them. I really liked Brilliant Road. If I ever spot one of their cd's I'll make sure to give it a shot.
  2. Lindus


    [QUOTE=are i][COLOR=DarkRed] perhaps the creaters were simply adding emphasis to the word "cry"...? [/COLOR][/QUOTE] In the July '03 issue of Animerica (yes I kept it XD) the director explained: "The first lower case "s" is a representation of the Japanese word "su" which means something in its natural form and not artificial. "Cry" as we know comes from the English, and the last "ed" represents a person. With all that combined we wanted to express the idea of how people react or interact when they are in their most natural state." Maybe that explains something? ...maybe? XD
  3. [quote name='psyco mobster']THE SHOW IS ALOT BETTER but just because theres no crappy editing or scene cutting[/quote] Care to elaborate? What do you mean by scene cutting and editing? When did the manga do that? =/
  4. Well, in the anime, my #1 favorite character is definitely Lt. Havoc. He's nowhere [I]near [/I]as awesome as he was in the manga, but he still struck me as cool. I think I just like his attitude and even though he seems a bit unwilling at times, he's incredibly loyal and a great person. Greed's probably my second. I won't list any spoilers, but he was so different from the other sins. He had a more human feel than the rest of the homunculi wasn't reall even a bad guy. He cared about his comrades and was an overall likeable guy. Izumi was another great character. I really didn't like her as much as I did in the manga, but she was still incredibly cool to me. I liked the relationship between her and her husband too. They're so lovey-dovey with each other, but with Ed and Al, she seems to prefer tough love and is pretty hard on them at times. There's a lot more great characters in the series, more so in the manga, but these three are probably my favorites, excluding Ed and Al.
  5. I think if you aren't going to be specific with your favorites and merely name a genre, it should go here: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=47858[/url] Anyway, one of my favorite bands is Jethro Tull. My dad adores them and really got me and my brother into it while we were young. I just really like the sound of it I guess, and it's pretty neat how much they use the flute. Chicago's another great band I love. Their use of brass is very nice and they have a recognizable sound.
  6. well actually, Viz announced that they acquired Black Cat only a couple weeks ago. So, when the manga officially hits stateside, it'll probably get more fans =D
  7. Lindus


    I never really thought about it XD I had always assumed it sounded like "cried" with an S put in front of it.
  8. Do your friends read scanlations? I mean, I know Black Cat isn't mega popular, but it's still available on direct manga and such. I haven't been able to read much, but I liked the art and the story.
  9. It kind of bothers me that this is a recreation of a panel from the Inuyasha manga. Because of that, it wouldn't be as difficult to find a pose, draw the face, etc... Other than that, this is a good piece. It could use some more work though. I think more shading would help strengthen the picturet. Overall, I believe this is a fine piece. I'm just of the opinion that more detail would make it even better. ^_^
  10. D.Gray-man. It isn't very long so far, but it's reeeeaaally great. I adore the characters and the artwork is beautiful. It reminds me of the FMA manga. Not because the stories are similar, but rather, the way it's told strikes me as familiar. Like, it could be a serious scene, but then there will be a humorous panel in the middle of it. I dunno. It's a really great manga though, and I highly recommend it.
  11. I'd suggest D.Gray-man. I've just gotten into it and I really like it! It's not in the u.s. yet though, so you'll have to look for scanlations. In a nutshell, it's about exocists having to battle akuma (some sort of weapon) and protect humans. It's really cool so far and I'd say it's worth a shot. =3
  12. My first was also Inuyasha =B Though, I've moved on to other series by now. I think Rumiko Takahashi's series are good for beginners. Ranma 1/2 was another of my earliest reads.
  13. No one's recommended Azumanga Daioh? Yikes. Well, I'd suggest you read that. It's not all that long (4 volumes I believe) and it's very entertaining and humorous.
  14. Ha ha! You make me just as happy. I've seen images and such from the Perfect Guide Book, and I've craved it ever since. I'm going to Chinatown this Friday, so I may be lucky and come across a copy of it. Pardon me if I'm wrong, but isn't Arakawa a she? At least, that's what I've been seeing 'round. Ah! I just remembered!I've seen that Black Hayate short. I'm pretty sure that before the FmA manga was bought by Viz, Anime-source.com had translated that and a couple of other little comics. I seem to recall one of Hughes (was it Hughes?...shoot, it's been about six months since I've seen it XD), Armstrong, and a bathroom stall. Oh! And one where Gluttony shows Envy's head to Lust. Or something. I don't know if these were from the perfect guide book. I liked them though XD I'm at the same point in the manga as you. *waits for the August chapter* I really was upset when I found out the guys from Xing weren't going to be in the anime. At that point, I had seen about 20 of the episodes, and I was current with the manga. I think I actually may have liked the anime less knowing that Ling, Mei, and all the rest wouldn't be making an appearance. Ah well, there's always the manga ^^
  15. I agree with you Panda, on many points XD Barry's story in the manga was just so much more interesting, and I really liked him as a character.[spoiler] It's so different than the anime, where they actually had Ed and Al meet him [I]before [/I]he became #66. And how he fell in love with Riza! That was so unbelievably amusing to me.[/spoiler] I think one of my favorite parts of the manga that was sadly left out was the whole Xing portion of the story. Ling Yao is one of my favorite characters, and I was heartbroken when I saw he wasn't in the anime (I read the manga before seeing the anime in its entirety) [spoiler]Not to mention the Roy vs. Lust fight which had me in tears over the fate of my favorite Lt. (and #1 favorite character). I was upset for a while over that ;_; [/spoiler] The storyline of the fma manga sure is a lot different than the anime. I definitely prefer the direction that the manga took after Ed and Al's encounter with their master. The plot is much more solid, and the story moves at a comfortable pace that really allows you to really get to know the characters. I think what I like best about the manga overall is the humor. The anime started out well enough, but as it progressed, it got a little too angsty for my tastes. The manga is lighter and has great humor and I really enjoy the battles. Shoot, there's just so many things about the fma manga that I could talk about! If only some more people here were up-to-date on the manga.
  16. I'm alright with yaoi. I like shounen-ai much more as it's fluffier and the stories are more appealing to me. And I can see why some people might be annoyed by yaoi because of factors like the fans. More than a few of them are little obsessive, and it can make people, even those that enjoy yaoi, uncomfortable. But I really wish people didn't immediately condemn it. Posting mildly suggestive art on TheO, even if it's only meant to be humorous, is flamed. >_> I'm not saying that they have to like it, but a little more tolerance would be nice. For me, I guess it's all good. As long as the pairings make sense (or no sense if I'm feeling crackish) and the story is good, I'm for it. People have made some really good points on this thread so far ^^
  17. hmmm, well here are three favorites that I can think of at the moment. But there's so many other than this, and they're in no particular order: [B]Snatch:[/B] I LOVE this movie. Apparently no one else does though, or have heard of it. That's sad since it's a really entertaining film. Also a bit odd, since Brad Pitt's in it. You'd think people would of at least [I]heard [/I]of it if Pitt's involved. It's sort of a couple little stories that blend into each other. Unlisenced boxing, a diamond heist, searching for said diamond after it's lost...etc It's really entertaining! Sometimes I have to turn on the subtitles because of the english is barely comprehensible at some points. The movie seems to understand that though as one of it's many great lines is as follows: "Do me a favor, Tony, speak English. I thought this country spawned the ------- language, and so far nobody seems to speak it. " I recommend that movie so much. [B]Anchorman:[/B] I found this movie so much funnier than Old School or any movies like that. It's just so quotable! and it's the type of movie that you can watch multiple times and not get bored. [B]Mr. Deeds Goes To Town:[/B] Not the bland Adam Sandler remake, but rather, the original film starring Gary Cooper. I've loved this movie ever since I saw it several years ago. It's just so incredibly sweet. It's about a man living in a small town who inherits a very large fortune and comes to New York City to live in the mansion left to him, and tend to the business he's now part of. But then you have all these people trying to corrupt or take advantage of him. It's a [I]really [/I]nice movie, and it's great for all ages.. ^_^
  18. Escaflowne's a series I've really been wanting to see. I'm definitely looking forward to it!
  19. Lindus


    Not my favorite cary elwes film (Robin Hood: men in tights owns my soul! XD), but it was entertaining. I saw it for the first time at the beginning of summer or so. Freaked me out a good deal. Luckily, we watched Shaun of the Dead straight after and it made everything all betters. :D
  20. I've never been seriously into sports, but my favorite is definitely pond hockey. So much fun!
  21. I adore Monty Python. I actually got to go to a midnight showing of The Meaning of Life, which I loved! It was so funny. I haven't been able to see much of the show, but what I did see was great stuff XD I can't understand why some people don't like the humor of it. I was talking with a classmate once, and she told me that her family watched about 10 minutes of The Holy Grail before turning it off. But, I guess it's like why some people don't like Seinfeld (another fantastic show)
  22. I personally can't stand Zim. And before you yell at me, I did actually give it chance. I watched the majority of the show, seeing some episodes more than once. I've also read johnny the homicidal maniac. It's interesting, I'll give it that. But the whole series justs started to blur together for me after a while...and I think I can understand why Nick would take it off the air. A lot of pre-teens seem to drool over it, as well as slightly older kids. But, there's even younger audiences that could see it, and with them, parents who might feel uncomfortable with their children watching a show like Zim. I dunno, guess that's how I've always felt about it. Though I gotta admit, when the show *first* premiered on nick, I loved it.
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