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Everything posted by Azira

  1. Nobuyuki Hiyama- Hiei(YYH), Balmaug(.hack),Teppei(B'tx)
  2. I cant afford Newtype ::holds up anime-insider::
  3. 1. Yuu Yuu Hakusho 2. Urusei Yatusra Its classic, its Funny (ive..read many many liner notes to get the jokes) and its has some very 'intersting' characters and obscure situations. 3. Neon Genisis Evangelion wonderfully done. and Great plot, and character deleopment,fight scenes, Music. I love the way they mixed reliogon in with the plot. The character almost seem real ( besides the being a clone or haveing to pliot a Eva part..) all the fights are differnt and intersting, and the Music blew me away. they Pop,Classical,horns,jazz,and R&B. 4. 3x3 eyes I need to finish this later im being kicked off.
  4. I've always wanted to write Music for a Show. becaasue i absolutely idolze Yoko Kanno and Shiro Sagisu.
  5. Mehm, i saty home all the time. Sometimes i skip school other times i Cant wake up early enough to go to school. Today was one of those says where i Woke up at 10:30.....needless to say i didnt go. I dont get caught thouhg..because i jkust stay home ( my town is too boring to do anything anyway)
  6. I'm going to Anime Boston. It'll be my first time going to a convetion...Ill be cosplaying a Lust from FMA.
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