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Everything posted by shinji172
Id love to be able to control light (e.g. Increase its intensity, focus light on a particular spot e.t.c). Yes I know its lame, but in all honesty, im not the kind of guy who would use superpowers to fight crime/rule the world e.t.c. So abilities (such as fire manipulation) while fun, wouldnt be much use to me. However, if i could control light, I would: 1) Always be able to have a light source when the power goes out (a disturbingly frequent occurence n my area). 2) If pressed, i could always blind someone temporarily with a bright flash. 3) Similarly, if i DID go power mad (unlikely) i could focus all light in a specific area (lets say, a forrest), causing large fires worldwide whilst i made a list of demands to present to the UN. Time manipulation [I]does[/I] have many more uses. However, one wrong step could result in a paradox of some sort. So light manipulation for me then.
Well when it comes to the opposite sex, i tend to find that [B]most[/B] girls are preaty logical in their thinking. Guys on the other hand tend to be stubborn and will not give up a good argument even if they are in the wrong. When it comes to attractions, well im not attracted to females. Still, at least the girls i know are good for advice. Also: [QUOTE] [B]jigglyness said:[/B] anwyays. I think that personality is probably the most important thing in a relationship whether it be hetero's or homo's. Personality and compatibility is most important. Just think of the looks as a bonus if they are somewhat attractive.[/QUOTE] Preaty much sums up my view on the subject.
Heres some a friend told me: "Why don't you come over here, sit on my lap and we'll talk about the first thing that pops up?" "Do you want to see something swell?" I personally have never used a pickup line before. They just seem tacky to me. Besides, isnt it better to get to know someone through conversation and earn love rather than score a quick night of passion through a display of wit? Just my opinion
Id rather be the effect of the event. Although it could be humiliating, id be able to fill the "cause" with undying guilt :animesmil . Ok then, would you rather: [B]1) [/B] Give away all you own and live a life of seritude (e.g. through charity work) Or [B]2)[/B] Keep all your posessions, but be hated by everyone. I'd like to say i'd go for choice number [B]1[/B] since i'd hate to be an outcast in society. However, cruel as it may be, its hard to imagine giving up all the wonderful items ive gained so... number [B]2[/B] for me.
When struggling with a class, I found that it was usually a lack of interest in a subject more than a "monotonous teacher" that made me bored. Im [I]guessing[/I] that this teacher teaches a subject you are weak in/have no interest in. If that is the case, this may help: 1. During a lecture, repeat what s/he says (in your head) to yourself. I found this incredibly useful during French lessons (although i still find it useful in other subjects). 2. Hopefully, you do this anyway. However, make sure you TAKE NOTES during the lecture. Chances are that, if you find it boring, you [B]will[/B] forget it. Reading your own notes will be good for refreshing your memory after a lecture (and during revision). I know it can be tough but these years of your life are important. Pay attention or you will regret it later.
Of all things why make me even more hateful/angry than normal? Hopefully this will teach you not to make me an even worse person to be around than normal! Wish granted, you have high speed connection. Unfortunatly, mere minutes after establishing a connection, your mouse breaks. Now it wont. Stop. Double clicking. Your P.C. Freezes after 20 popups to allow a virus into your pc are allowed. All data is lost and you have to start again. However, its at this time that I use my newly obtained 1337 skills with the dark side to harvest your organs. I wish i was [B]happy[/B]. Permanently.
[QUOTE]I wish I wasn't sick.[/QUOTE] Congradulations. I have granted your wish. Thanks to the removal of your lungs your now dead (and im rich). Everyones happy! What? it isnt what you wanted? Bah! At least your no longer sick (I swear, some people...) I wish i wasnt angry!
Wish granted, you have an X box360. Unfortunatly, due to faulty cables, it explodes in a fiery inferno and you die. Ouch. I wish my college staff were more orgonised.
This is a very serious subject. Lets not dissolve into a large argument over truth telling. We have no right to pass any Judgements. Hopefully that will be the end of that. Im really sorry to hear that happened. Im not going to say anything like "its not the end of your life" because, whilst it may be true, I really have no Idea what your going through. I will Keep you in my thoughts. However, It should be noted that not all sufferers of HIV develop AIDS. Also, After studying Antiretroviral drugs (one of the treatments for HIV) I found the following information: [QUOTE]A combination of several antiretroviral agents, termed Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy HAART, has been highly effective in reducing the number of HIV particles in the blood stream (as measured by a blood test called the viral load). This can improve T-cell counts. This is not a cure for HIV, and people on HAART with suppressed levels of HIV can still transmit the virus to others through sex or sharing of needles. There is good evidence that if the levels of HIV remain suppressed and the CD4 count remains greater than 200, then the quality and length of life can be significantly improved and prolonged.[/QUOTE] This at the very least shows that HIV patients can still live a long life. However, a point I must stress is that you must be careful with regard to sexual partners as here is always the chance that you will spread the disease to them. I hope this is of some use to you. I am really sorry about whats happened and I hope things improve for you. Also, I believe that Starks post (above) is very good advice.
Congradulations. Thanks to Bill Gates, you are now one of the richest people in the world! Unfortunatly, your parents/guardians dont take kindly to his "adoption policy" (I.E. bribing the relative officials). They hire an incompetent hitman who is (suprisingly) successful in killing Bill Gates. Unfortunatly, he is linked back to your parents so your parents are arrested and you dont get any inheritence. Worse still, your things were sold to pay the hitman so you now wander the streets hungry. I wish that certain close friends were no longer dense (I.E. they understood my hints better).
[QUOTE]I wish I owned a first edition copy of every marvel graphic novel in creation.[/QUOTE] Wish granted. You now own a first edition of every marvel graphic novel in the world. Unfortunatly, you also attract the unwanted attention of several marvel fanboys who have decided to hold a convention in your house. They get into a fight over a continuity paradox, resulting in a large large sweaty exchange of shouts that drives you to the depts of insanity. You finally snap and go on a killing spree after one of the fanboys accidently spits on your first edition Spiderman #36. Unfortunatly, the torment doesnt end there. After killing said fanboys, you realise that there is now heaps of bloody corpses spread all over your first editiond. In a depressed state, you shoot yourself. I wish the world could be sent spiraling (yes it must move in a spiral) into the sun. NOW.
BANG! Youre now a well respected voice actor for ADV. You go on to voice many popular characters. Unfortunatly, your career hits a snag when you are abducted by rabid fangirls who have grown so attracted to your voice they want a piece of you with them always. You are chopped into several parts and distributed among the insane fangirls. I wish i hadnt eaten all that paper during childhood.
SunfallE said: [QUOTE]One should forgive one?s enemies, but not before they are hanged.[/QUOTE] I follow this one two, although its possible that my interpretation is a bit different. The way i see it, if someone messes with you, make them go through judgement before you forgive them. A basic example would be what some people call the "silent treatment" (or ignoring them completly). This causes misery to the person who has wronged you. Therefore, you are putting them through a pennance of sorts before you forgive them. Theres also something cheasy my friend told me once which goes: "a flaw only becomes a weakness if you refuse to acknowledge it". This can be interpreted as know yourself or work on your flaws. This may seem like a strange one (due to my explanation). Still, thats one more flaw i need to improve (people skills :animeswea ).
\BALING/ you now have healthy chocolate. It has all the benefits of eating an apple but with none of the crappy taste you usually find in healthy food. You also have an unlimited supply, provided to you by a magic mirror in your bedroom. Life couldnt be sweeter. Unfortunatly, youve attracted the wrath of chocoholics around the world. Your house is raided and, in the chaos, you are litteraly crushed under the swarming feet of an angry mob who soon take off with your endless supply. You spend the rest of your short life on life support before all your organs fail. I wish my arms were 1 inch longer.
KABOOM! Your wishes will no longer be messed with. However, the powers that be have decided that, in order to prevent the intent of your wishes from being twisted, maimed and/or completly ignored, they will no longer be granted. Isnt that nice of them? I wish all anime previosly dubbed by 4Kids would be re-dubbed (and in uncensored japanese/ english) by ADV.
For me, my strongest (though not neccesarily my favourite) emotion is generosity - I am giving to the point that if someone wants something (for this example lets say a book) I will either give it to them or give them enough money to buy the book. My reasons? I honestly dont know. Its possibly due to my love of helping people be happy (though it could also be insanity :animeswea ). After that, my strongest emotion is happiness. No real reason for it, im just a happy person. However, I can get depressed or angry over very small things-I have recently gotten over a one month grudge with my cat (yes, my cat) after he walked over my DVD player and broke it (Hes very fat). In other words, i get very emotional over little things
The Boss: lmajcaosksenul=Samuel L. Jackson (im guessing you forgot to put spaces between the individual words) Box Hoy: Maktraia Shadima= im not sure... I thought it would be Katamari Damacy so either the second word isnt spelt correctly, or im completly wrong. Well, if i am right, heres a new scramble: NGURTI MXAIUMM Hint: manga sequel to a popular anime/manga series.
Wonderful! I love confessions! Well the only thing i can think of (that hasnt been said in an "official" confession) is that im a MUCH better liar than i let people believe. I have developed a "fake tell". When i say a petty lie (e.g. in a joke) i have a very large grin on my face which i have led people to believe is involuntary on my part. However, in a more extreme situation (e.g. taking the blame for someone) i am able to just lie to my hearts content. Unfortunatly, if i lose focus (e.g. someone gets me laughing or even smiles at me) I cant keep it up. However, it is helpful when dealing with people i hate. I also tend to act a lot more distant at school. Im not exactly sure why but its just the way i am (Im guessing thats acting like someone im not).
Hi there. Unfortunatly, introduction threads are not allowed on the otakuboards :animeswea . It is prefered for people to get to know each other through conversation in other threads. Whilst this may seem odd compared to other forums but you will get used to it. Enjoy your time on the boards. Remember to check the rules or ask a moderator if your unsure of anything :animesmil .
Since your in study hall, il make this brief. Calm yourself down! Take some deep breaths, try to focus your mind on something else (work for example). If you want, talk to her during break, lunch or whatever but [B]dont[/B] ask her out on another date. Just be friendly and dont do anything stupid. Good luck.
Oh boy, i hope i spelt this one right :animeswea . cougeixdiciiarsfilpualiatsolipcsre=Supercalafragalisticexpealidocious (From Mary Poppins for those who dont know). I know its only one word but i cant get rid of the gap between the fragal and the istic. New Scramble: sisetje nvo tug sud eobs Hint: the subtitle of Xenosaga Episode 2. Is also the German name of a game made by Ubisoft
Chuck Norris. next: LUMATLFEL TISMCEHLA Hint: Popular anime, one character is short.
KatanaViolet: poeobigpo tpoahnm= Boogiepop Phantom. KenshinFreak987: Etadh Tone= Death Note heres one: LEXCE GSAA (hint: insane anime/manga) edit: darnit, someone worked out death note before me. Oh well. Im guessing its Daffy Duck.
I know that certain aspects are about interpretation. What i was hoping for people to look into was disagreements within the text itself. In the example I provided, the inconcistancy was that it couldnt agree on a name. However, there are other examples of (possible) inconcistancies, such as the sudden shift in Gods personality. For example, he tends to be vengeful in the old testament. A good example of this is Genesis chapter 6, verse 7, which says: "And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that i have made them" Compared to the loving God of the new testament (who sacrifices his son for the sake of mankind) doesnt this seem a little strange? Also, i should note that when i asked "Is the Bible right?" I should have asked "Is the bible consistant?". I apologise for that misunderstanding. To clarify, does the text agree with itself? Hopefully that should get rid of misunderstanding. However, if this is still unclear (to anyone) pm me.
OK, before i begin, im going to lay down some ground rules: 1) The purpose of this thread is to discuss the christian bible. What i am hoping for is a debait over the consistencies (or inconsistencies) of the text. Im also looking for peoples views on whether or not the bible is correct. [B]It is not a talk on the existance of God, beliefs in other religions e.t.c.[/B] 2) Whenever you make a point, please make a basic reference to the text. For example, if you want to look into the creation story (Adam and Eve) then you should (at the very least) mention the book it is from (in this case, Genesis). Keep in mind that more accurate references (such as chapter and verse number) are better. Heres a basic example of what i want to see. I personally dont believe the bible is correct due to inconcistencies that occasionaly pop up. For example, in the book of Matthew, we are told that Joseph's father is named Jacob (chapter 1, verse 16). However, in the book of Luke, we are told that Joseph's father was named Eli (or Heli). Notice that, when refering to the text, a book name is given. Also note that, when certain details (chapter, verse number) are unknown, the book name is still mentioned. Well, thats the rules covered. I hope to see a good debait emerge from this. Enjoy :animesmil .