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Everything posted by shinji172

  1. [QUOTE]On that note: We should then ban all guns since all guns have the possibility of killing someone. After all isn't that what they were made for...shooting. Not to mention knives..they are pretty sharp and can kill people. Banning all cars will be good too since a drunk might get behind the wheel. While we are at it we better ban all water. Someone might drown. /sarcasm[/QUOTE] Good argument. After all, everything has the potential to be dangerous. Adding rules only tends to push people into breaking them. For example, guns are illegal in the uk but thats not to say we dont get gun crimes now and then. However, for the record, if anyone from this point onwards wants to talk about gun crime, lets [B]open up a new thread[/B] (im only using it as a one off example). My point is that people, no matter what, will find ways to break these rules. Animal cruelty (arguably the main cause of violent dogs) is already illegal. All we see is more reports on the crime now that the police are actively looking into it. Another point I'd like to make is that so called "violent breeds" are popular with people who are (more often than not) likely to commit crimes of abuse towards said animal. This is usually because, after hearing a certain dog is a good fighter (or something to that effect) they strive to obtain one and abuse it for their own means. Needless to say, these animals are likely to become fearful, aggresive and/or violent. However, i must point out that, just because someone owns one of these breeds, it [B]doesnt mean that they will abuse it[/B]. If a new law must be enstated, it should be that people with a history of anti social or violent behaviour should be banned from owning animals of any kind. Im sure that would work better than banning a breed from ownership.
  2. Horay! you now have the ability to learn the contents of a book through touch. It works well for a time. Unknown to you however is that, as a side effect, whatever you learn through this method becomes stuck in your head...permanently. A few days later, a man walks past you on the street, dropping a book on the ground. You go to pick it up. However, the book in question is a murder mystery novel. The graphic information of each murder enters your head so quickly that it traumatises you for life, resulting in your confinement in a padded cell. I wish i was more social.
  3. Congratulations. Thanks to the powers that be, your mosquito bite is gone. Unfortunatly, they forgot to remove the malaria incubating in your bloodstream which (after laying dormant for a year) rears its ugly head. Your doctor diagnoses you as a flu sufferer and you die shortly afterwards. I wish i knew the meaning of life.
  4. Congratulations! You now have cancer. It turns out to be a very rare form which is unable to spread away from the source (in this case, a mole on your neck). Whilst non life threatening, doctors theorise that it holds the secret to a worldwide cure for the disease. Your body is taken by order of the government and you must endure a live autopsy (fortunatly a cure is found... but you obviosly wont live to see it). I wish i could sing (chosen genre=opera).
  5. [QUOTE]why do people in these situations always seem to go to a Catholic school? [/QUOTE] Perhaps God has a sense of humor :animeswea ...I guess i could be taking this too seriosly. After all, i am the type of guy that pannics a lot. Thanks to everyone who posted. Im happy to know that theres people with sympathy here on the boards.This whole conversation has really calmed me down (well a little :animeswea ). I do have one other small problem. [B]When[/B] do i tell them? I know that the sooner i say something the better but (as always) theres a complication... We (the college students) have just started Easter vacation. Now im beginning to wonder whether i should: 1) Tell them online or via a phone call. 2) Tell them the next time i meet them during vacation (potentially difficult due to the distance apart from each other) 3) Tell them at the start of the new college term. On the one hand, the online way is faster. However, i dont feel that it would be fair to do that to them. In other words, i feel i should tell them face to face. However, im uncertain when i will next see them on vacation and im a bit nervous. So now, my problem is whether to try to arrange a date during vacation to meet up and tell them (potentially difficult), or wait until the new term starts. The second coice gives more time to prepare but... I dont know... it seems unfair to just wait. Any suggestions?
  6. Thank you for the supportive info posted so far. Also,Touchstone, thanks for the book info. I will have to look into that. And thanks for sharing your experience (its encouraging). I guess i should elaborate more. My main concern is that i dont want my friends to start thinking im attracted to them. I know this may seem farfetched but its stuck in my mind. I should also mention that i go to an all boys catholic college. In other words, im worried that they will accidently spread the word around the school that im gay and that the wrong type of people (e.g. extreme christians, homophobes) will find out. Yes they may seem farfetched but they are concern's non the less.
  7. Before I begin, some ground rules: 1) This is NOT a discussion on the morals of sexuality. If people start talking about religion, damnation or personal beliefs regarding sexuality I will ask that this thread be locked. 2) Everyones entitled to their own opinion. However, that is not to say you can post homophobic comments on the topic at hand. If you dont have anything helpful to say then just [B]dont post[/B]. 3) If for some reason you want to give advice (but dont want to give advice on the thread), you can pm me. However, once again i ask that [B]no moral/religious beliefs be sent to me[/B]. you will be ignored and (if too offensive) reported to a moderator. Right then lets get started. After lots of time and thought, ive come to the realisation im gay. I have told my brother (who was fine with it) and dont really have any concerns regarding the rest of the family. My problem is, should i tell my friends and, if so when? Whilst i have known them for a number of years, I have very few friends and have no idea how they would react (its not as if we really discussed homosexuality in the past). To be frank, i am utterly clueless as to what to do. So i have to decided to ask the people on this board. Yes i know it seems odd to be telling a bunch of people ive never met my secret but I have my reasons (the main one being that no one on the boards really knows who i am). So, In short, does anyone have any advice/experiences they would like to share? im open to any advice at this point (though i do ask that you follow the set rules of the thread).
  8. [QUOTE]I'm just saying that I can be logical, I just include my logic with my spirituality and belief in God.[/QUOTE] I guess i have beliefs similar to that. For example, i believe in the big bang theory. However, you have to wonder what caused that specific reaction (or the substances existance in the first place) to occur. More importantly, you have to ask. Why is most (known) intelligent life present on earth? Why wasnt there adaptions on other planets? Its likely that these reasons will be found through the progress of science. However, my belief is that there will always be something unexplanable/illogical to us. Therefore one (possible) cause could be a higher being (a God). Im guess ing you were trying to say something similar (feel free to tell me if got it wrong).
  9. I was brought up to believe in God. However, for me there are too many factors which stop me from joining a religion. For example, for a long period of time, the bible wasnt even translated from latin. It wasnt until around the 13th-14th century that translations were available (feel free to correct me on the exact timescale). Regardless, only the priests/monks e.t.c. could understand the text. Whilst in an ideal world, it would have been understood word for word, the fact is that language barriers can cause all sorts of problems when it comes to translation. This isnt even including the possibility of ommisions/changes by corrupt members of the clergy. Another problem i have is the creation story (yes, im a believer of evolution). To me, it just seems more logical to follow scientific reasoning. [QUOTE](reguarding evolution) DeathKnight said:I'm sure some egghead OBer could give you a short tangent essay that would better answer your questions.[/QUOTE] Happy to oblidge :animesmil .Any questions on this, PM me. No guarantee i will have the exact answer to your questions but i dont want to spam up the thread. I do believe in God. Im just not as accepting to the religious texts. However (this goes to everyone here) dont let other peoples views force you to change your religion/beliefs. Every opinion is valid in some way. Just follow the one that seems right to you.
  10. [QUOTE][B]sacurasuka said[/B]:Fiiiiire. Feed the flames, they'll live, douse them with water, they go out.[/QUOTE] Correct again. as for your riddle, they dont bury the survivors. Cant think of another riddle at the moment. Ah well. I'l post one later.
  11. [QUOTE][B]sakurasuka said[/B]:Corn? You throw away the husk, cook the inside, and eat the corn and throw away the inside.[/QUOTE] Correct. There is another possible solution to it though. I can only think of one other riddle at the moment. Good luck (you probably wont need it though :animeswea ). [QUOTE]Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I?[/QUOTE]
  12. [QUOTE]Rezard said:Quote: Originally Posted by shinji172 2)What can you catch but not throw? A Cold. Any other microbe as well i suspect.[/QUOTE] Correct! Theres still one more to solve though. (for reference, its: You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat? )
  13. [QUOTE]silver_blade:The answer is teacher i believe[/QUOTE] Correct :animesmil . nice job on that. Damn that riddle. Ah well, il just have to give the next one a try. Ummmm...ok im going to have to work on this one. I think it may be to do with american history. And finally, two new riddles: (I think there are 2 possible answers for the first one...) 1)[I]You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat? [/I] 2)What can you catch but not throw? Good luck.
  14. Well, as long as a guy has a good personality (smart, funny-that kind of thing) i'd give them a chance. Preferably, the'd share at least some of my interests. I dont really care about looks but i cannot stand people who put others down/are violent. Also, anyone who tries to act like a playboy/casanova or just wants sex i wouldnt even consider. Ah well. At the very least i'd like to finish my education before thinking about stuff like this. Besides, it would be challenging to find someone like that at this time of my life so i try not to think about it.
  15. [QUOTE]Different Ki said:I'm still a virgin though. I don't like the idea of casual sex for safety reasons - and I don't just mean STD's but also people being violent. Even though I don't approve of marriage I will wait for someone I really like. (This is unheard of in the gay community and probably means I'll die a virgin, but I've made my choice).[/QUOTE] The probelm i have with these debaits is that just because someone is gay or has sex before marriage/underage, some people will automatically assume that they are promiscuous. Whilst that [I]could[/I] mean the persons involved are sexually promiscuous (and therefore more likely to spread disease) the same can be said about people in a marriage/straight people/middle aged adults (and so on). In terms of disease, the main problem is that more and more people are being sexually promiscuous (regardless of age or sexuality). However, whilst a stable relationship/marriage is less likely to result in STD's, the chance that it could result into one (of many) disease's shouldnt be ignored (id say more but its already been covered). Personally, i dont think pre marrital sex is wrong as long as: 1) you are in a stable relationship. 2) you have past your teen years. [U][B]Reasons[/B] [/U] 1)In a stable relationship (one that is meant to last for the rest of the partners lives) the partners are commited to each other. Hopefully it will result into marriage but certain cercumstances can get in the way of that (lack of funds, said marriage being considered shameful e.t.c.). As far as im concerned, commitment and love are all that are ,needed. 2)When you are in your teen years, your body goes through drastic changes (Hormones being the worst). These have a chance of causing a person to perform irrational actions (e.g. promiscuous, underage and underprotected sex without thinking things through) due to the confusion caused during this time. Well thats my two cents.
  16. On a DAILY basis, my feet will give way. Somehow, my feet always find a way to angle themselves when i take a step (e.g. the left side of my foot will hit the ground before any of the others). Every so often, the angle will be so great, I lose my balance.Badly.Many a time i have seriosly ingured myselph (or someone unfortunate enough to be within a 2 meter radius). Recently, I moved into a house with slippery wooden floors. Hence, my falling is more and more common these days :animeswea . My worst moment was a camping holiday when i was about 10 years old. At the time i had a really great fear of heights. My Sister asked me to go on a climbing frame with her and i agreed. About halfway up, I frose with panic and needed help getting down. The worst part? I was actually TALLER than the climbing frame (give or take a few inches) :animeshy: .
  17. [QUOTE]would you rather live forever but not be able to move properly (limp and not be able to travel short distances) or live a moral life until you die[/QUOTE] Well assuming we are not involving religion into this (too many contradictions), I'd choose to live a moral life. Otherwise, id go for the limp. Im not very active anyway. Most i need is access to my own room and an internet connection :animesmil . Heres a tough one: 1) Kill one member of your close family (yourselph can not be included) 2)Kill all your friends (this one has the potential to be very bad depending on the number of friends).
  18. If your problem is boredom during a lecture, my advice to you is to eat something with a high sugar content (e.g. chocolate) before the lesson begins. At the very least it stops you from falling asleep from boredom (i know this one through experience^_^). If its during a work exercise, do very quick sketches to stimulate your mind (e.g. give yourselph 1-5 minutes to draw a persons face). With any luck, you're mind will be stimulated enough to do the exercise and you wont have to worry about missing too much work. Yes, I know its more fun to do origami/poke friends e.t.c. but at the very least, these steps avoid making you look lazy and prevent your time in school from being wasted. Hope that helps^_^.
  19. [QUOTE]D Resurected posted: This is a most unusual paragraph. How quickly can you find out what is so unusual about it? It looks so ordinary you'd think nothing was wrong with it - and in fact, nothing is wrong with it. It is unusual though. Why? Study it, think about it, and you may find out. Try to do it without coaching. If you work at it for a bit it will dawn on you. So jump to it and try your skill at figuring it out. Good luck - don't blow your cool![/QUOTE] Im guessing that its unusual because the paragraphs subject is itself. Heres one: My first is in tea but not in leaf My second is in teapot and also in teeth My third is in caddy but not in cosy My fourth is in cup but not in rosy My fifth is in herbal and also in health My sixth is in peppermint and always in wealth My last is in drink, so what can I be? I?m there in a classroom, do you listen to me?
  20. If you mean cheating on someone (in a relationship) I personally find it disgusting. After all, if you're in a relationship, there is a bond of trust witch should NOT BE BROKEN! Cheating causes all sorts of problems (too many to list).I personally view cheaters/love rats (or whatever you want to call them) as cowards when it comes to love. Now when it comes to other cheaters (be it in tests or games) im preaty harsh against them too. They are just proving that they are unable to follow the simplest rules in life. However, thats not to say i dont have sympathy for some cheaters (e.g. scared kid).
  21. [QUOTE]Then Tenchi Universe is better then tenchi in Tokyo and will tenchi decide there wich of those girls he want to choose i want to know it or mabye in the movie.[/QUOTE] Not quite. Whilst there are hints about his preference, it is never outright stated. As for which is better, it depends on personal preference. For example, Tenchi in Tokyo not only changed the art style, it also made changes in some of the character personalities. Add to that the addition of a new love interest and more comedy based episodes (with little plot) and you can be certain that there is going to be dissagreement among fans. The universe series gave the characters new origins, but kept the personalities (mostly) the same. However, many fans Believe that the origional OVA's were better. The movies have a mixed responce. Whilst Tenchi muyo in love and the daughter of darknesswere very similar to the OVA's/TV series, tenchi Forever focuses on the theme of love, removing most of the comedy with focus given to the main love triangle. Because of this, some fans gave it nothing but scorn. However, many fans (myselph included) believed that it was a huge step forward due to its increased detail on the romance aspect. Its also probably the closest one to have tenchi drop hints on his favourate girl. Having said all that, i still think that you should give them all a try at least. After all, each fan has their own preferences, and all the series hve their own charm to them.
  22. [QUOTE]Wow, I didn't know it was possible to get a U...[/QUOTE] Anything below an E grade is classed as "Ungraded" or U over here (United kingdom). Also, its only a couple of teachers that are like that to me. I should have pointed that out (sorry:animeswea) . Back on topic, There are currently two little thinsg that are bothering me at the moment. The first one being exams. My biggest problem is coping with the time given to plan an answer(especially in an english exam). By the time youre done reading the source material, the planing time is up, leaving you no time to hilight key sections, plan out the answer (and so on). I guess everyone has to deal with that though :animesigh. The other one is just something thats (for lack of better description) bugging me. A guy at school whom ive known for a while has recently hugging me. Hes also danced on my desk (in a seedy way)while i was sitting there .He also tried to kiss me once. Im almost certain hes not homosexual because... 1. From what i know no one acts like that to someone they are were attracted to (in an attempt to get to know them) 2. If he was gay, surely he would "come out of the closet" in a more discreat way. I dont think I need to go into why. Does anyone have any idea about what i should do about that?
  23. [QUOTE]Anyway, my worst problem is actually people trying to say things "aren't my fault" and are because of the fact I have Asperger's Syndrome. Well, if things aren't my fault, then how they hell am I supposed to fix them? It's really annoying.[/QUOTE] I know exactly what you mean. I also have aspergers and at times, it feels like no one reallytrusts my abilities (mostly teachers). For example, in the chemistry A level, the exam board has predicted me a D. However, one of my teachers has predicted that I will get a U (failure) :animestun . What I find worse is when someone addresses any of my failings (e.g. [B]one[/B] poor practice test mark) as being due to my "special needs". For some reason it makes me feel retarded (especially scince i get high grades overall :( ) I also hate it when, in class, they describe processes repeatedly simply because i have aspergers syndrome (despite me showing clear understanding the first time they explained it :animeangr .Ah well...At least my family/friends dont treat me differently.
  24. I just want to elaborate on a point you made in your last post. You use some of the texts on NAMBLA.org. I can see your point of view as, in [I]some[/I(this being the key word)] of the texts i looked at, tries to justify sex at a young age. among other things it says... [QUOTE]Children are people. Some children have good ideas and others don't. Children are human. Age is an irrelevant factor in the ability to comprehend rationally.[/QUOTE]. If this was an attempt to lower the consent law for homosexuals to "express themselves" I.E. from 21 to 18-the same age as for hetrosexual couples (this statistic varies) then i would probably agree. As far as im concerned, hetro/homosexual couples deserve the same rights. However, when the party involved is [B]twelve years old[/B] (if anyone doesnt believe me check the site) we begin to enter the relm of the pedophilia. As we all know, that is very wrong. However, you are also making the assumption that all homosexuals are pedophiles. I now you to this info (fromhttp://www.answers.com/topic/pedophilia)... [QUOTE] Pedophiles are almost always males. The children are more often of the opposite sex (about twice as often) and are typically 13 years or age or younger[/QUOTE] As the info shows, there are more hetrosexual pedophiles than homosexual. for this reason, i find your view, which seems to be condeming all homosexuals as pedophiles to be very short sighted.
  25. In my opinion, Id go for the DS for now. Whilst the PSP looks to be a powerfull machine with a good lineup of games on the way, The current price for the console alone (nevermind the extra for the memory stick) is a bit much. On the otherhand, the DS has a lot of unique, fun games that cannot be put onto any other format (e.g.Trauma centre: Under the Knife), Yet remains affordable. Dont get me wrong, I dont hate the PSP. I Just think that its a bit expensive at the moment. Personally, Id wait until the price drops and the PSP has built up a greater lineup (probably around next christmass).
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