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Everything posted by shinji172
I have an idea of whats gonna happen. Their going to take the powerpuff girls which, last time i checked, was already very popular and give the characters, settings e.t.c. "Anime-like elements" (such as the sweat drop). This is probably in an attempt to reach out to a larger audience (Kind of like "Teen Titans"). Personally, I dont think it will be very good (in comparison to Anime from japan). Whilst Japan's anime tends to focus tselph around a plot, building up characters as they come closer to their ultimate goal) this idea reeks of quick cash in :animesigh . Still, this is just speculation. Hopefully i will be proven wrong (I doubt it though...).
Your MATURE opinions on homosexuality
shinji172 replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
Theres been a lot of references made to the bible on how homosexuality is imorral. However, forgive me if i missed one but why have i not seen any comdemnation from the new testament. if both the old and new testaments are equally important, surely the point would have been brought up in both. Another problem i have is the fact that the bible is incredibly old and over the years the church has been known to withdraw certain texts from the public (e.g. the dead sea scrolls). Its a safe bet to say that the bible could have been open to manipulation. After all, up until the middle ages, the vast majority of people couldnt even read. Then theirs the problem of translating the origional texts from the origional language (Latin if im not misrtaken). When the texts were first translated, Latin was a long dead languadge known only to members of the clergy. Hence it would have been easy to omit certain details. I could go on but all other points (that i can think of) on the matter have already been stated. For the record, Im not saying they were manipulated. Im just suggesting that their is a possibility of manipulation. -
Your MATURE opinions on homosexuality
shinji172 replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
Personally, I dont think it matters whether people think their born with it or it develops. Either way, a persons sexuality is a part of their character. Ive got no problem with it. Why should I? After all, where all different in some way, be it race or interests, so why should sexuality be a problem? The problem is that no matter how much time passes, there will also be people who believe in a discrimination of some kind that drives others into seclusion (or worse). In my opinion, Its these people who are the greatest threat to society. For the record, im not refering to christians who dislike homosexuals because of their beliefs. Im against any person of any religion who feels it is right to beat, kill or abuse homosexuals because of their sexuality. -
The problem I have with the phrase "act your age" is that people have different views on how to "act your age". For example, your parents would tell you to improve your behaviour to show maturity. However, your friends may want you to take more risks to show that you are an independant adult. Personally, I think that people should just look after themselves as they get older, but still try to get fun out of life as much as possible.
My least favourate would be any "enigmatic character". In every conversation the responce would either be nonexistant (e.g Rei Ayanam, [I]Evangelion[/I]) or some cryptic/pointless riddle (e.g. Quon, [I]Rahxephon[/I]). [B]Example[/B] ME: we need to find shelter. Any suggestions? REI:.... QUON: Consuming darkness...Bitterly cold... That sourt of thing would drive me insane.
Im not sure if you would classify this as love but the strongest emotion i have felt (and still feel) is the dedication to someone who i would risk my life for to protect. For me Its not for a girlfriend but just a few very close members of my family. I think That sort of dedication can be the strongest emotion of all. However,if your not careful, it can also lead to the deepest despair if you are betrayed.
First drink some water to calm your nerves. also (if you can) id recomend getting there early as employers love reliable people (5-10 minuits should be enough). from the top of my head, you will probably be asked why you want the job, where you see yourselph in the future (in terms of carrer), what qualifications/experience you have and also if you have a crimonal record. Just be honest and try to stay calm. One more hint i can give is to ask if the job provides opportunity for promotion. It tells your employer that your thinking about the future Good luck^_^
This is what my older brother had to say on the matter, "God damn extremeist Christians, i dont want to offend anyone but im sorry, you cant take the bible at face value because its been manipulated so many times!! Its this type of thing that made me renounce my christian faith :mad: Someone earlier said that its something the institute added and their correct, the evils of homosexuality is an outdated concept that was added during the early days of the church to attract people from religions that already maintained that belief. Christianity is the evil, not homosexuality!!!! :mad: :animeangr "
[QUOTE]bite the Bear's head off first. That's the best way to eat them Gummi fellas.[/QUOTE] How very true :animesmil . My favourate Is constantly changing. Currently it's Twix but last month it was Mars bars :animestun . In my oppinion, The best way to eat a twix is to eat the top layer first, leaving the bottom layer which should considt of the biscuit and most of the chocolate (same applies to mars bars). if theres nothing chocolate then i settle for some gummy bears, Jelly babies or something similar.
This is sickening... How can anyone do this to anyone. Im ashamed at these people for calling themselves christian. I pity anyone who has to go through this hell on earth. I'd die before my children (if i have any) were sent to one of these places. not only is this psycologically damadging and just plain wrong, these people are manipulating the religious texts. for example, in one of the passages mentioned it says that those who are guilty of... [QUOTE]adultery, sexual immorality, uncleanness, lustfulness[/QUOTE] will not inherit the kingdom of god. Anyone else notice the inconsistencies... First off, those sins apply to ANYONE.Its not a preach against homosexuality. uncleanliness and sexual immortality are far too vague to be linked to homosexuality. Like hitler and the Nazis, they are exaggerating points to try and make their ideal dominant (remember hitlers aryan beliefs?). This next point, im almost 100% certain about (its what ive been taught at school for the last two years) a major misconseption made by many people is that (in the eyes of the catholic church) being homosexual is a sin... that my friends... is not exactly true the majority of christian officials will not marry homosexuals and do call them to chasity (sp?). However, it is [B]not[/B] a sin to be homosexual. these extremists are completly out of order. I hope that whoever is forced into it doesnt fall to the evil of their brainwashing. p.s. Im preaty certain that what ive said (regarding christianity) is 100% accurate. If anyone finds that i am wrong and/or is offended then i apologise
Ok maby some people enjoy them but i am sick of having my inbox full of letters that threaten to "ruin my love life" or something like that unless it is sent to 10 other people (or something along those lines). does anyone else think that they (and indeed the senders) are pointless? I did respond to (addressed to the origional sender) in which i used lots of bad language and basically told him to stop. I should point out that this guy had started off a ton of pointless chain letters (such as the one stated above) in the course of just 3 days that inevitably arrived to me. suffice to say, i was mad. However, just 10seconds after sending this responce, I feel really bad. Should I? these letters are a plage to me and the most annoying was a "chain letter against chain letters"....(need i say more). On the other hand, my reply was harsh and im beginning to feel really bad. so in short, is it ok to be ****** off about chain letters and respond with a very angry e-mail?
I love "neurotically yours" (thats the name of the cartoon for those that dont know). It [B]is[/B] full of cursing but the humor makes up for that. [QUOTE]I do think that Foamy's getting a little stale though.[/QUOTE] I sort of agree with that. I didnt like that "Bigfest fear" one (or whatever it was called). However, they did make up with it in foamys fan mail VII. I loved that one. Also, a lot of points made in the cartoons i agree with, for example, foamys view on crazy diets and drunk people. Anyone who has not seen it should check it out.
At the start of the trial, I simply believed he was guilty without a doubt. Now I really dont know If Im happy with the verdict or dissapointed. On the one hand, as some of the evidence has been untrustworthy, It can be hard not to see him as innocent. Also, as many of you have said, hes still seems to be a child (mentally) However, on the other hand, he has been accused of this before and the fact that hes slept in bed with children as well as surround himselph with them makes you consider the possibility. Despite this verdict he does need some sort of help. after all, if he did do it, he needs the problem to be rooted out of his system so that he poses no threat to society. Even if he didnt, hes had a tough childhood and with councelling, may finally become an adult. well thats my oppinion.
Anime The Official Otaku Boards Top 50, erm, 45 Anime Series!!!
shinji172 replied to EVA Unit 100's topic in Otaku Central
Im fine with the list (asside from certain placements) but then again i didnt vote so theres no right to complain. However to be honest, I can see why less popular titles such as pokemon would get on the list. basicly (in my oppinion) they are there because of two reasons. the first being (as this was from a while ago) some of these titles would have been hard to get a hold of, especially in the uk. For example the only gundam title to air in the uk (as far as i know) is Gundam wing. Second, whilst titles such as Love Hina are incredibly popular, more people had only heard of shows such as pokemon and therefore vote for them despite the fact that there are better shows available. all that asside I dont see the point of complaining about it. After all, this is a tally of everyones votes and everyone has there personal favourate. Most of the time Complaining will not change other peoples minds and in some cases, be offensive. Just keep your thoughts to yourselph . oh and thank you for putting this up. Its always interesting to see what the current/previous views are -
Abstinence only programs Yay or nay?
shinji172 replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
well in responce to the whole baby program thing there is a (admitedly limited) method that does work: babysitting chibi has made a good point and whilst this isnt exactly what she was suggesting, just looking after a child for a few hours can make you think twice! thanks to ONE one hour job (the only one i did in my entire lifetime) I decided that I wouldnt be ready for any fatherly duties for a long time (not that id want to at this point in my life anyway). of course the problem is getting the opportunity to babysit :animeswea as for the abstinence programs themselves, they are only useful to an extent: whilst they do show how birth control isnt perfect,only focusing on the negative can cause some teens to think of these contraceptive methods as completly ineffective. not only that but after listening to one of these programs at school I found that it didnt cover (in great detail) how contraception can be helpful for the protection of sexualy transmitted diseases.Only that sex can lead to them whilst i do realise that that is only one program, If that [B]is[/B] the general teaching of abstinence only programs then there NOT the sort I would like to hear. -
My dream is a simple one. I want to become a dentist. always wanted to. why you may ask? well... I have no idea :animeswea . I just decided its what i want to do scince i was 3 years old. however a dream id love to come true (though will never happen for obvious reasons) would be to have the ability to fly :animeswea. I suppose id also like to fly a fighter jet at least once. for me dreams are very important. i wouldnt be able to function without dreams. they simply give me a reason to work hard.
i dont wanna be pecimistic but if i were you id make sure she doesnt have feelings for these other guys before you start anything. also you have to consider these other guys-do they have feelings for her? I hope it works out for you but like i said be careful I also dont wanna seem harsh but lets face it:at the very least despite what you may think this relationship isnt the end of the world if it doesnt work out. you will most likely find someone after youve left school, maby even forgeting about her completly! just dont get too stressed ok? like i said i dont wanna be harsh or rain on your paraid (or whatever you wanna call it). Im just trying to say that not all relationships go on forever or even get their feet off the ground. I accept that i may be wrong but its best to be prepared for what could happen (at least i think it is). so in short: be carefull, consider all the posibilities as well as the desired ones and dont forget that its not the end of the world. I do hope that it works out for you though.
Love at First Sight.......Does it exist?
shinji172 replied to Shadow Blade's topic in General Discussion
I think this depends on the person. after all many people have a different view on what love is. Sadly, Many only look at physical characteristics. Whilst this is more lust you could debait that the sudden (sometimes supprising) attraction to a certain type is love at first sight. I however believe differently. In my opinion true love isnt about physical attraction but more on the deep trust and care that two people feel for each other. Even if you were to find your soul mate through a sudden attraction to them, love needs many things including (but not limited to)... feelings on both sides a deep understanding on each other and as mentioned before trust therefore, i think that at the very LEAST you must have a few conversations between someone AND get to know their personality before love can develop. -
Request Big O avi and cowboy bebop banner request.
shinji172 replied to shinji172's topic in Creative Works
That one is Perfect! Thank you for your help (of course credit will be given :animesmil ) -
Unsure......(plus a rambling rant....)
shinji172 replied to Inuyasha Fandom's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE]You two have been immature beyond words. Maybe worse than the homophobes. I myself think that if you're happy with one of your own gender, go ahead and have a go at it. I do also think it's idiotic to be afraid of people just because they're homosexual, and a part of me thinks that most of these 'homophobes' just don't like gays. They wouldn't go insane if they were confined with a gay person for a week or so, they'd prefer not to though. Homophobia is irrational to me, but again, you two must at least not burst out in yelling when you're demanding open-mindedness yourselves. Don't be hypocritical. Although you don't have to agree with the person, you need to at the very least hear the other side of the fence, and stop being such children.[/QUOTE] Im sorry. I let my feelings on the matter get in the way. I just strongly believe it wrong to hate someone for their sexuality. It affected a good friend of mine (im [B]not[/B] going into this) and that really made me feel a great hatred towards it. Even so I shouldnt have reacted in such a way and im sorry for acting like that -
Unsure......(plus a rambling rant....)
shinji172 replied to Inuyasha Fandom's topic in General Discussion
Wow this is a serious problem. Im not sure how I can help (I may have misinterpreted) but I will try my best. Also this is only my oppinion and so you dont have to follow it... Firstly Is he in love with the girl hes with? If so then I would try and be supportive of him as much as you can and if/when their relationship ends, be there for him. His family is homothobic (sp). A lot of people are and it truely is sad. Many can be real ********. Even so as hard as it is to do than I would do your best to ignore them as much as possible (After all, the only oppinions that matter are yours and this other persons). I have no right to say this but PLEASE dont kill yourselph. Im not saying this because of a fear of heaven or hell. However, someone out there does care for you deeply (it doesnt matter who). beside that It Would be terrible to kill yourselph because the family is a bunch of idiotic *******, *************, **** ******. As you may be able to tell, Im not against swearing-Homophobes are one of the lowest of the low. Besides you censored your's so theres no reason to be offended. I do have a question though-Has someone been agressive to you on the forum? This should be dealt with immediatly (by mods). As I said these people are *******, *************....(the words go on) -
My preference Is someone whose honest. Someone who cares for me and has morals. In terms of dress I dont mind anything as long as it isnt too ridiculous (I.E. Bunny ears in public :D ). the body and build are fine with me. Overall, they should accept me for me what I cant stand is anyone who smokes.I also dont like heavy drinkers or violent abusive types! One more type I cannot stand is the arrogant jerks who think they are better than anyone else!
I would need more detail on how he is breaking your heart each day before I could tell you how to solve your relationship problems ([B]If my next comment's seem mean then I apologise[/B]) However, Even if the relationship doesnt work out (it happens) then you can still be friends. worst case senario is that You may feel bad about it for a while but its nothing that time wouldnt soothe (and possibly heal) and certainly not the biggest thing to worry about in life at your age. Also Id think carefully about your feelings towards him. Are you [B]sure[/B] hes the Guy you'd die for? Seriosly there are not many people in the world that anyone can say that about. I do hope it works out for you and wish you the best of luck
Ah well :animesigh . At least the game is good and the voices can be turned off (i hope :animeswea ). I actually bought a new copy of disgaea last week (:animesmil) so im sure you can still get it. Back to la pucelle Im currently on chapter 4. right now im wondering what the best equipment is for cullot(sp?) as I havnt been giving him as much attention [spoiler]what with him leaving the group temporarily in chapter 3 [/spoiler]. Also Does anyone know where the best place to level him up is? Hes level 6, the rest (including monsters) are level 10-12. I dont use him much but now im wondering if its worth giving him some attention.
EDIT: I should mention that i will be using these on a different site. However after seeing the work from here i decided it would be worth asking. Also I managed to get an avi so I just need a banner. any responce will be apreciated. All I want in the banner is spike pointig a gun at someone over a red (or blue)background. Believe me Id do this if I had the proper programs.