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Everything posted by shinji172
on the subject of region codes, these are usually averted with a multi-region DVD player. However, they are (sometimes) expensive and you would probably be better off looking for your region code. [U][B]Please note that im not 100% sure about the following info as i only just recieved it from a friend (He seems to know a lot about this sort of thing so i emailed him on the subject) [/B] [/U] [QUOTE]Another important point is what type of TV you have. whilst im not 100% sure on the areas I know that TVs use 1 of 2 systems (although some use both) these are PAL and NTSC (i think thats what its called). In europe and australia (and other areas) the TVs only display PAL DVDs/videos wheras in other places such as north america they use NTSC .This means that if you use a PAL disk on an NTSC TV it may not work. My advice... Check every possible factor before you buy. However, if all works out, it can be well worth the hastle[/QUOTE]. Im preaty sure hes right but someone please tell me if im wrong (in which case im sorry) one more thing. according to another friend of mine bootleg disks are coded for both PAL and NTSC. However i strongly recomend avoiding bootlegs. Aside from the fact that they are illegal some can often be of poor quality and have crummy subtitles (e.g. they appear a second after the person(s) speaks.)
I Had a drink once at my brothers 18th (I was 15). However after a couple of mouthfuls I just left It. The taste wasnt exactly something id like in a drink. well in any case i much prefer a glass of milk. yes i realise thats a cliche but i really do love milk. whoops went slightly off topic there. I live in the Uk and the legal age is 18. I still dont see the appeal of alcohol but thats probably because i just dont like the taste :animeswea
Im sure there isnt a thread for this so here goes... How do i switch the dubbing to the japanese audio? In the options menue the only choices available are... Cursor mode sound mode (stereo or mono) master vol BGM vol voice vol SE vol Does it have to be unlocked or are european gamers stuck with the short straw?
The problem with buffy is that It mostly follows a "monster of the day" theme for the majority of the episodes (although their are exceptions such as the musical episode). Its not that Its a bad show, It just becomes a cliche of itselph (which is never a good thing). heres some good examples. 1. How many times has an apocolypse been averted 2.How many times has Buffy been brought back from (or the brink of) death? 3.How often do they rely on Giles? [spoiler] he even came back at the end of season 6! [/spoiler]
Too much Sex? (slightly mature discussion)
shinji172 replied to vegeta rocker's topic in General Discussion
I wouldnt know first hand (what with me being underage) but in my opinion, the fact that you are asking us if your having too much sex means you are probably having too much and should cut down (even by just a little). I would just try to strengthen the relationship through other passtimes. You mentioned that you both enjoy your conversations- thats the best place to start. Personally, I think sex should be reserved for people in love (although thats how i was raised :animeswea ). If you become sure that he doesnt love you then you should stick to being very good friends. One more thing (this is aimed at anyone), [B]BE CAREFULL![/B] Lots of things can go wrong after just once at the wrong time with the wrong person. Only do It if your both sure about the decision. -
Older siblings, Younger siblings; What's with them?
shinji172 replied to Shadow Blade's topic in General Discussion
Your definatly not the only one. I am made to suffer by my little sister who does anything to get her way as well as make my life (no one elses) hell. Other than her I get on well with my family. -
The only part of the movie that I think could be happening at the same time is the first part "air" and the first few minuits of the second part. [spoiler]They at least provide a guideline on how third impact was initiated.[/spoiler] However, I think you should view it as an alternate ending due to different events that take place.
What deep thought or quote do you think of regularly?
shinji172 replied to Kyoko Makashiro's topic in General Discussion
This basic quote I use often (Which i didnt get from a cereal box or other food product) is "To achieve your dreams, first you must wake up". This basically means that you have to work for your dreams In order to achieve them -
I once met Cilla Black, whom I Idolise at a book sining (spelling error?) a few years ago. I got so excited that by the time she saw me, I couldnt say anything :( . However, I soon found out how kind she is. She told me and my family to come back after the sining. When we did she had left me a SIGNED CILLA T-SHIRT (which i soon framed and still own :D ) :animesmil :animesmil . I wish I had a digital camera to prove it as Im sure some ******* is probably going to accuse me of lying (they have in the past!) sorry If that was a little long winded but It was seriosly one of the best days of my life.
Anime What anime world would you be most afraid to live in and why?
shinji172 replied to Otaku America's topic in Otaku Central
Cowboy bebops world scares me simply for the following reasons (im not sure if youd call these spoilers so i shall use the tags just to be safe) [spoiler] For one thing the only way to make a decent living would be to become a crimonal, bounty hunter or both- Id be terrible at this and would probably have my *** kicked by the competition (there is also WAY to much crime in that series). The other worrying thing is those stuck on earth (which I would probably be one of) would have few resources to live on and fear the contantly changing landscape. One more would be with all those smokers in bebop, You'd be hard pressed to find anyone that wasnt developing some form of cancer :D [/spoiler] -
Well this is a constantly changing world. What was once shunned is looked at in a new light. Personally Im against doing it but we should remember that nothing ever stays the same-for example most women were not allowed to work until the early 20th century (only example that comes to my mind at the present time). Also, what if said cousins/halfbrother/sister e.t.c. didnt know they were related? As I said Before im against doing it but im trying really hard to show both points of view.
Michael Jackson: Guilty or not Guilty?
shinji172 replied to foxfire_2008's topic in General Discussion
Lunox said:[QUOTE]I have much sympathy for this guy. It's obvious his child life completely sucked a** and father messed him up somehow. It's so obvious that this is a mental problem, but all I can hear people say is "OMG MJ is a freak ew". Did I think he did it? Since the media is OH SO reliable, I'll definately come back to you after thinking about if for two years. Seriously, this is the first time I've ever actually written something about MJ. It's possible that we could all just shut up and realize that there are many, many child molesters out there. Go ***** about them, please.[/QUOTE] [B]Before I say anything I should point out that Im not a fan of MJ in any way. I should also mention that certain aspects about him scare me (e.g. dangling his baby from a balcony). However, I will try to be as non biased as possible[/B] You raise a good point. Setting asside whether hes guilty or not for just a second, its easy to Miss all the other (and greater) monsters and murderous paedophiles in society who are much closer to home and would kill us/our children or permanently scar them. This trial is only getting noticed because MJ is a celebrity. That aside, I believe that he is probably guilty ( im not 100% certain with the media being what it is). Also if he is guilty then, even if he had a troubled childhood, didnt have the right to molest children. Nethertheless, I congradulate you for bringing up another viewpoint. -
Interesting question. To me, Life is a test. Its all a trial of a persons reactions to any situation that they encounter (and I mean ANY) which will be rewarded or punnished by some greater being/thing/deity... Life to me is also an experience. Your life, however **** or great it may be, Is always different to someone elses. Still this is only my view and therefore, you dont have to take it seriosly-In short, believe what you want to believe.
Although people can sympathise with her marrital worries,I dont think anyone here is going to feel sorry for this woman. Sure she got cold feet but why the **** would you pannic your loved ones to death! Not only that, the sheer ammount of police searching for her could have been better utilised to crack down REAL crimes. As has been said she should have postyponed the wedding. By the way thanks for giving all the details ChibiHorsewoman. The last time I posted In a thread like this I soon regretted my responce because the first post didnt give all the details.
This is something ive been pondering for a while. How do you define a friend? Is it someone who likes you or someone who will stick with you no matter what (or something else). The problem I have with this is that what sort of friend would abandon you when you need them (argument solved-I thought). However, What if someone who treats you terribly were to stick with you despite your faults, does that make him a friend? If this is the case, what causes the bond of friendship? On another note, do you classify family as friends or "Just family"? Id appreciate any points of view on this.
What Does your sig, avi and username say about you.
shinji172 replied to shinji172's topic in General Discussion
Hmm... I guess I will try Sailor Venus. Please note that all comments are PURELY speculation on my part... Your the type who believes In love-not the fake kind but the [I]Id die for you[/I] Kind. However, you dont believe in second chances as you have had your heart betrayed in the past. This hasnt stop your belief in love and you will look for it as long as it takes. By the way the only thing I can say about Desbreko WITHOUT being called a cheater for reading her (at least I think your a girl :animeswea ) post is that your the type who would go out of the way for anyone, even those you dislike if they were in need. You also seem to be more of a cat person -
Not that Im trying to pry or meddle but Ive noticed that a few of you seem to vomit at breakfast time. If i were you Id get to a Doctor. My brother had this problem for a long period of time. He went to the doctors and after several checkups found that he had an infection in his kidneys. It went away after he took some antibiotics but I guess what Im trying to say is look after yourselph- If theres something unusual in your eating habits then see a doctor. Well now that Ive made my point the only thing I can say about my eating habbits is that i eat too much junk. other than that there normal.
Id probably go for Anime DVD's. Right now I cant even afford one DVD let alone the box sets available. Ah well...
Ah Evangelion. The first anime I was able to see that WASNT ruined by the monster that is 4Kids! Personally, I really enjoyed it. It was a huge contrast from the norm (at the time) and really got me into Anime as a whole. Ah well moving on I have a (slightly off topic) question. Does anyone know of anime similar to eva (other than rahxephon) In terms of the complex plots? I dont mean a mecha anime specifically, just an enjoyable story that is impossible to understand on the first viewing. Thanks in advance :animesmil .
Well Ive just finnished re-watching Rahzephon for the second time and now have a good understanding of the plot. It was a very interesting and origional anime. One question plaged my mind which was [spoiler]How was Bahbham (spelling error?) able to keep Quons age kept the same? [/spoiler]. well I manadged to think up a theory which works (I hope :animeswea ). [spoiler] Quons life module wasnt Just a life module, but a machine that was used to supress her growth so that the olin's could be produced (this module is most likely of a mulian origen). When the module was taken off of her, her body would most likely grow to her real age which I believe, was shown whenever she went unconcious after being separated from the module.for a long period of time. The fact is that in the last few episodes, she doesnt even wear the module, proving her to be in good health. Of course if she aged too quickly the world tuning would probably fail, hence the tuning is set in motion mear days after she is seen with babhem [/spoiler]. Is this a good theory or am I completely wrong?
Who would you take a bullet for and who would you die for?
shinji172 replied to Krycifer's topic in General Discussion
Id die for my older brother in a heartbeat. he is the only one who truely understands me and has always been there for me no matter what. If i lost him I dont know what I would do. -
What Does your sig, avi and username say about you.
shinji172 replied to shinji172's topic in General Discussion
This is probably self explanitary but I forgot to mention that there is no limit to how many of these analysis you can do. So if you like this you can do it again with a different persons avi, sig and username. Ok enough interuptions from me. Enjoy the thread. -
When I first posted in this thread, all i thought was that it was a girl being destructive. Now that I know these details I feel like such a $@£&. I dont deserve forgiveness and I just want to say that im so sorry for that girl to go through what she did. I also want to apologise greatly for any offence that my views caused.
Sage said [QUOTE]Excuse me, but what kind of a sick thread is this?! Somebody tells a story of a little girl getting arrested because of a nervous breakdown, and bunch of other people write that she should be beaten more often or locked up in a closet? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?! If the story is from real life, it is apparent that the girl (we don't even know how old she is!) has serious mental problems, maybe she is a child with special needs (like authism or ADHD). If that is the case, she should be in a special class with professional directors (not people who call the cops!). What the teacher and the principal did shows a great ignorance and lack of professionality. I sincerely hope the girl has gotten help by now. What makes it even worse are you guys! Xy GGU had a good point, he should've just outspoken it more clearly. Beating and locking up aren't acceptable ways to raise children of any age, and until you realize that I hope you will never have children of your own! Now some of you maybe thinking "what is he to say those things?". Well, I'm actually studying to become a child and youth worker, plus I went through hell in my own childhood, so I know what those things do to a developing psyche. People, honestly, THINK before you go shouting your immature opinions! Okay, now I'm shouting, but only because there are so many levels of wrong in this thread. Makes me wonder what kind of twisted method of child-raising you support there in Florida... Cops, for life's sake![/QUOTE] Whoah there. Were not saying she should be locked up in a closet. Where just saying that what she did was wrong and that as she was being violent the police needed to intervine and lock her in a cell (TEMPORARILY) before she seriously hurt someone else. You have raised a very good point that she had mental problems (which I briefly mentioned). However, we (As in everyone but you and Xy GGu ) didnt look at the full picture and i feel i should apologise for my argument (and thank you for bringing this into the light). As for those who said she should be beaten Im sure they were just joking around and that they wouldnt do this in real life which is why I encourage (not force) them to apologise.
Breast feeding is naturally healthier than formula. However, if the mother is in public or the baby is being looked after by a guardian (rather than the mother) Formula should be used at all times simply because Its not the type of thing you want to see in public. As for the trouble with seeing your sister do it Hells Fire , try to stay out of the same room and if she does it in public, tell her your concerned that she could get in trouble For creating what others view as a public disturbance. Other than that I cant suggest anything else.