Welcome to the school of three dimesnions...where children from all three worlds can come together and learn the skills of magic, fighting and herbs...
You come from one of 3 places: Demon world, Human world or spirit world.
Name: Tao Miho De'il
Age: 15
Eyes: Pale blue
Hair: Black, spikes at the bangs and goes into a short ponytail
Type:Wolf/dragon demon hybrid
Normally seen wearing: Black tanktop, and baggy black pants stitched in red...
wrist bands(Red) and his wolf ears have silver earings on both sides...
chains hooked to the sides of his pants...and a hole in the back for his tail...^^
Skidding around a corner the wolf demon almsot slid into the street, but fortuantelyl he caught himself in time and hurried down the block "Chikoku da.." he muttered
(Im late) "I should not have slept in" looking at his watch he almost screamed outloud