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Everything posted by AlishaKitten

  1. Anything that's cocolate I guess.... It just can't be to sweet. Having to much of a good thing is bad. ;)
  2. lokis01 Ava - Maybe is saying you have a drak side o_0 Sig - Is questioning and is hiding something
  3. I don't very much like the rain because it just makes me feel worse about myself when I'm already having a bad day. I love Fall days when the leaves are just changing into those beautiful Fall colors. And the weather's not to cold or not to hot it's just perftect....
  4. My fav Zelda game has to be Zelda Wind Waker. Are you talking if I like the look of Zelda Wind Waker? If you are then yeah I like the way he looks in Wind Waker then the original Zelda. I don't know he just looks cuter...
  5. Oh gosh you guys really want to know what I'm addicted to? Well........ Then Net... [COLOR=DarkRed]Edit: Why are you addicted to the net? Please explain what about the net has you hooked. [/COLOR]
  6. *laughs* This is kind of a funny question but what I think what makes people popular is probably looks or something like that... Maybe it's because it's who you are? You know like a prep or something... But who knows? I don't... But is this suppost to help you become more "popular"? Because if it is I see a desperate person... I really don't care for popularity. I could really care less about that topic. As long as you have some really great friends that will fight with you in a battle then who needs popularity? Even if that means it's only one person that would go through hell with you. Popularity really means nothing...
  7. Awww. What a sweet story... But what I think you should do is that tell her that she has someone that already loves her and she needs to respect that. I know you might be a little hard telling her that because you like or even love her also but she already has someone. I mean the guy proposed to her so I think he must really love her... She might just be a little heart broken and lonley right now because Jeff is in the Army but I think she still has feelings for him. She probably just dosen't remember. I mean it's hard keeping a relationship when your love one is so far away... Trust me I know... You should move on with your life even though it might be hard knowing you left your love one behind. But you shouldn't let something like that bring you down. You'll find someone else. Don't worry. Everyone has there own loved one. But you know that's how love is... Conffusing...
  8. *laughs* Why would politeness be something that's wrong? Anyway I know some people like to be a$$holes by back stabing you but I don't think that's something that's gotta stop you from being nice. I mean just go on living your life even though there's gonna be jacka$$es in it. You just gotta learn from your mistakes.
  9. No I'm not hot tempered at all. The only way your gonna get me mad is if your EXTREAMLY stupid. Other than that I'm pertty much am O.K with people.
  10. No way. Loving someone is not a wrong thing at all. It just seems that when you are loving someone you did or made a bad coice. Which you didn't but you know love can be conffusing sometimes...
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