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About shakon

  • Birthday October 21

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  • Biography
    Uh... I like Manga and Anime (of course) and I also like drawing my own. I have my own on the net! (it's my website) you should check it out! Oh, and I don't like fish... Don't ask.
  • Occupation
    None so far.... X_x

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  1. I'd say so... It's kinda scary lookin', but I'd think that's what you were going for... I think that the shading in the various places is kinda cool... *thumbs up* good! (I hope that's not what you consider spam.... heheh)
  2. Hey, when I wanna start a new manga, I usually have Characters made already... If I don't, then, here's what I do - 1. Come up with an idea. 2. Make characters (you can switch the two around). 3. I write a story. nothing brilliant, nothing long, just a story to get it out. 4. Decide on style, plot twists, etc... etc... And with that, I start Drawing thumbnails and stuff.... ^^;
  3. I personally think that if it looks like Japanese comic, and reads like one, it should be considered manga. Like, there is quite a bit of people in North America who have manga published. Some are considered manga, but really don't look all that Japanese. Some of it, you can't really tell... Where it's produced, shouldn't matter... The style and quality, amoung other things on the list, is what makes the manga... As for "Americanime" like Teen Titans and Totally Spies..... I'm not big on it... In fact, I think it's wierd... I do not think that should be considered anime, as it's not, at the moment... thank goodness...
  4. My first one was.... Yugioh... heh, I don't really read much of it now (only in Shonen Jump Monthly)
  5. I, myself, don't come across that much doujinshi... Wish I did... I've seen one for Naruto... And it was okay... short, but good. But, I'm thinking about making my own Doujin for naruto, so I've been drawing the characters a lot. :P
  6. No, it's there... you just kinda have to refresh it once you get the "cannot find server" page. It'll come up... ^^;; should have mentioned that.
  7. Okay, so, here I am again, in DESPERATE need of critiquing and advice in the art department. it's a page from my manga (tomodachi), and, even though it's not done yet (words, and my art assistant's gonna spruce it up slightly), I was wondering if anybody could critique the art.. y'know, tell me what's good about it, what I can improve on, what I NEED to improve on... yeah... that'd be GREAT! [url]http://tomodachi.t35.com/pictures/ch7/705.JPG[/url] That would be the page. So, if you could say a few words on it, that'd be highly appreciated. Thanks! :catgirl:
  8. No no no... I think it's just a picture drawn for me... that's all I'd want. *laughs* Maybe I messed up?
  9. Hey, I'm wondering if there's anyone who'd take an art request... just a picture for me... One of my gracious OCs... doesn't really matter to me who it is or what they're pose is... for more info on all my OCs, visit my [URL=http://tomodachi.t35.com]TOMODACHI[/URL] website. It's my online comic... Also, PM me if you have any more questions... or you could post them here too... :animeswea ...
  10. ^^ Yeah, that's exactly what I was looking for! Thank you so much! Wow, I guess I have a lot to work on! :animeswea But I thank you for all of that. :animestun It made my head spin a bit, but that's alright. But uh... yeah, you can tell I. can't. draw. backgrounds. :animeswea So, I'll try some of your suggestions... [URL=http://tomodachi.t35.com/pictures/080.JPG]*~picture~*[/URL] And is that page more what you had in mind? (if it doesn't come up, just refresh it...)
  11. Oh! I'm so sorry! *laughs* The index page got deleted off my host, so I had to re-load it. It's up now, though! [URL=http://tomodachi.t35.com/]Here is the link again...[/URL] Again, sorry!
  12. 1. Age:- □ 13-18 2. Gender:- female 3. Where are u from? Canada. Sadly. 4. How did u come across anime? - family (my cousin got me interested in Pokemon...) 5. Do you think Anime influences u as a person? Explain Well, I think so because you can learn a lot of new things and ways to look at the world. 6. Research shows that anime is increasingly popular with the western world. Why do you think this is so? I think it's true because people are sick and tired of the same old shows we've already seen here. It's nice to have a change. 7. What attracts you to anime? It?s different (and so am I) humour (funny is always good), and I can relate to it(no real explination. I just can.). 8. Is your interest in Anime, in any way related to an interest in Japan or to learn about Japenese society? Well, I like Anime which has probably gotten me into the Japanese society.So, I guess they're related. 9. Have you taken a Japanese language class or been to Japan? I'm starting Japanese next year, and I want to go to Japan. 10. Have you learned anything about Japanese culture, and if so, give 3 specific examples? Well, I learned about several issues in the past (from Inuyasha), and I learned that the music buisness is just as popular as in the USA and Canada... and I also learned that the society over there is quite similar to ours here, but with some slight differences.
  13. Hi there! So, I'm doing this manga called tomodachi - maybe you've seen me posting my chapter titles on the fanart section of theOtaku. Anyway, I'm kinda wondering if anyone [B]ANYONE[/B] could tell me how to improve on the art. My storyline? I've already got that done, so I don't really need suggestions (although, if you wanna comment, go ahead.) I'm not going to post a specific picture because every page tends to show different levels, but I will post my Manga's Website. :catgirl: [URL=http://tomodachi.t35.com]This is it - Tomodachi[/URL] Oh, and one more thing... I suggest you make your judgements based on chapter four, my most recent. The first chapter and a half won't tell you (or me) much about my situation here.... :animeswea
  14. Hey there! I'm doing a manga right now and I think I would like some ideas on how to improve on it. I'm not going to post a specific picture because every page tends to show different levels, but I will post my Manga's Website. :catgirl: [URL=http://tomodachi.t35.com]This is it - Tomodachi[/URL] I already have the story line in place (It began as a story on Fanfiction.net and I finished it), so I don't need help with that. My question is, how can I improve the art in the pannels?
  15. Anime and Mangas are great. To me, they're something that you can go to anytime for comfort when you need something to cheer you up. And also, to me, they're a carrer choice. It's something I wanna do with my life because it's fun! :animesmil
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