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Everything posted by CapsulWiz12186

  1. :p [FONT=arial]I would definatly say Future Trunks[/FONT] [COLOR=darkblue]It's just really cool[/COLOR]
  2. :D I saw that when i got those eps. on VHS. When me and my brothers saw it we were laughing :laugh: so much we fell of the sofa. Even though i first saw that episode about 3 weeks ago, i still watch that one scene over and over again:laugh:
  3. I think it looks great [QUOTE]Why do people who piss me off remind me of Freshmen -me[/QUOTE] :sleep:
  4. [I]italics[/I] [COLOR=royalblue]royal blue[/COLOR] :blush: I 'd say either trunks or yamcha:love: [QUOTE]I'm Bulma, the brains of this outfit[/QUOTE] -Bulma DB [QUOTE]I guess if I transform, then no one will recognize me[/QUOTE] -Gohan DBZ:tasty:
  5. those r just mini sagas only bout 10- 20 eps. @ the most. Its mostly known as the Buu saga though:rolleyes:
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