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Jake of Bodom

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Everything posted by Jake of Bodom

  1. Yeah, I guess you're right. It was just a surprise to me having listened to Slipknot for so many years, I NEVER expected anything like that, especially after an album like Iowa. Forgive me.
  2. Ah, touche! I guess you're right, putting entire genres under overrated is probably a little overboard. Hey, I was ranting at 3:00 A.M.! What do you expect? And yes, punk really isn't musically challenging to begin with (it actually started as an offshoot of metal, but the bands wanted stuff that was simpler to play so they could goof around more onstage). The think with pop-punk is that it [I]is[/I] just pop music. The only difference is that they play instruments, which you must give them credit for (hence the "punk" denotation). On the Green Day note, yes I've had to sit through the album, and I'm sorry, but it truly annoys me. Then again, this is coming an avid guitar player who's favorite bands are Children of Bodom and In Flames, where mind-boggling instrument skill and musical ability is the focus - so naturally, I wouldn't like a band like Green Day. Hey, they're all just opinions anyway! Like I said at the beginning of my post, I was being an opinionated a**hole. And about rap (I don't like rap, by the way), there's definately good stuff out there! There's some local rappers (in Salt Lake City, Utah of all places) that are awesome! I didn't include rap in my post because a) it was asking about bands, and b) I don't know enough about rap to make an educated comment on it. And I'd NEVER bash a band just for being popular. For example, I don't mind a little Chevelle, I love Slipknot, and Alicia Keys is pretty awesome (hey, what can I say, she writes good songs!). They're all popular, and I think they're just dandy! The reason so many popular bands get bashed by music lovers is because a large proportion of music that makes it big time is popular because the majority of the public likes music they can dance to, sing along with, and play on their guitar (or whatever). Thus musical talent and sophistication takes the backseat, which tends to aggrivate those of us who appreciate such qualities.
  3. Jake of Bodom


    [B]TOOL - LATERALUS[/B] [I]Black then white are all I see in my infancy Red and yellow then came to be Reaching out to me Lets me see As below, so above and beyond I imagine Drawn beyond the lines of reason Push the envelope Watch it bend Over-thinking, over-analyzing separates the body from the mind Withering my intuition missing opportunities and I must Feed my will to feel my moment drawing way outside the lines Black then white are all I see in my infancy Red and yellow then came to be Reaching out to me Lets me see there is so much more And beckons me to look through to these Infinite possibilities As below, so above and beyond I imagine Drawn beyond the lines of reason Push the envelope Watch it bend Over-thinking, over-analyzing separates the body from the mind Withering my intuition Leaving opportunities behind Feed my will to feel this moment Urging me across the line Reaching out to embrace the random Reaching out to embrace whatever may come I embrace my desire to Feel the rhythm Feel connected Enough to step outside and weep like a widow To feel inspired To fathom the power To witness the beauty To bathe in the fountain To swing on the spiral of our divinity And still be a human With my feet upon the ground I lose myself between the sounds And open wide to suck it in I feel it move across my skin I?m reaching up and reaching out I?m reaching for the random Or whatever will bewilder me Following our will and wind We may just go where no one?s been We?ll ride the spiral to the end It may just go where no one?s been Spiral out Keep going[/I] I love this song because of all it's little intracacies. First of all the subject matter can be interperated in many, many different ways (my friends and I [I]still[/I] can't agree on exactly what he's talking about). I think that he's expressing his inspiration and motivation to expand his conciousness and develop his mind beyond that of the mundane and basic human functions. This song is very inspiring to me.
  4. Jake of Bodom


    [B]EXHUMED - THE MATTER OF SPLATTER[/B] [I]Pernicious - A ghastly Gordian quandary to elucidate Pestiferous - A nebulous necrotic novelty to navigate Labyrinthine - A contumely carnal conundrum to cogitate Serpentine - An exulcerated entanglement to execrate... Hands stained and filthy from digging deep for the answer That lies at the heart of the matter of splatter... Eschatological - The grave matters with which we struggle Pathological - The perverse perpetuation of this purulent puzzle Repugnant - The wretched riddle unravels in a reeking revelation Repulsive - The final fetid farce yields such a rancid realization Now your morbid curiosity may finally be answered Deep in the heart of the matter of splatter... A morbid matter on which to meditate or mutilate A deathly detail to deliberate and desiccate A sombre study in which sagacity is tantamount to insanity An insalubrious interest in the inhumed and the unsanitary... An unhealthy pursuit of the purulent and parturient A feculent fixation upon the fetid filth and excrement An exhaustive examination of the excreted and the exhumed A tireless appetite to hill the silt atop the tomb... Nebulous - The sanguineous solution is seldom seen before the last Amorphous - Seemingly always six deep feet beyond your grasp Funereal - Carnal cartography to chart the course of life's denouement Corporeal - The wretched revelation that you sought proves harder to swallow than you'd thought... That anatomy is destiny is the unforgiving answer Culled from the heart of the matter of splatter...[/I] I love these lyrics because, despite the morbidity of the subject matter, any song that you have to pick up a dictionary to understand is awesome! The way he alliterates with these amazing words and doesn't have to resort to mundane, conventional songwriting is definately to be respected.
  5. Jake of Bodom


    If you don't mind, I've got a couple of songs I'd like to post. I'm sure no-one will read them all, but I love them, so whatever. [B]IN FLAMES - MY SWEET SHADOW[/B] [I]I'm selling heavenly sketches A world out of my mind Ready to explode in purity to fill the holes inside An ever moving stream with glowing rays of light Emotions tied to pass lies and I know I should let go Tamed with confidence of a brighter future I found a flame in the burnt out ashes... burn out, burn out! Fueled, these new shores burn, dark past lies cold Shadow, my sweet shadow, to you I look no more Another dawn collapses Do I need to be reminded A glimpse of my safe home A path to hide all anger I found a flame in the burnt out ashes... burn out, burn out! Fueled, these new shores burn, dark past lies cold Shadow, my sweet shadow, to you I look no more In circles I catch A torch carried by the immortal From depths that I created In vain echoes fade Burn out! Fueled, these new shores burn, dark past lies cold Shadow, my sweet shadow, to you I look no more Fueled, these new shores burn, dark past lies cold Shadow, my sweet shadow, to you I look no more Fueled, Dark past lies cold For you I look no more[/I] First of all, I love the song itself because it's absolutely beautiful (check it out - it proves that metal can be pretty!). I think the way Anders used metaphors is amazing, the whole thing has a haunting yet inspiring feel to it. I myself have a lot of pain I need to let go of, and this song always makes me feel better about that!
  6. I've been a diehard Slipknot fan since MFKR (Mate Feed Kill Repeat - it's the first album). I love all the albums, but Vol. III threw me for a loop. I hated it at first (Vermillion pt. II? What the hell? On a SLIPKNOT album?). I didn't listen to it for quite a while, but when I gave it a spin again I found this: I love the album, but it's just not Slipknot! Three Nil, Pulse of the Maggots, Before I Forget - these songs are awesome, but there's just something not Slipknot about it all. And yes, they mellowed out like hell, but it doesn't mean they sold out. The second a band starts making money, everyone starts accusing that band of selling out. I don't think Slipknot sold out, they just wanted to try some new stuff. They definately pulled it off well from a songwriting standpoint, but I truly hope they revert back to that raw, primal sound they used to have. Mudvayne has also undergone some changes since the songs you can hear on the Beginning of All Things to End (an E.P. containing songs they recorded before L.D. 50). I have to say that I, like many Mudvayne fans, hold L.D. 50 closest to my heart. But I got a copy of Lost and Found a couple of weeks before it actually came out (my friend owns a music store ;) ), and I must say, I like what I hear. So what if they look more clean-cut? Since when did that have [I]anything[/I] to do with the music itself? There's this one song on Lost and Found called "IMN" - sounds like it could be straight off L.D. 50, only it's more vicious. The rhythms are complex and mathlike, just like those of the beloved first album. So before you judge the whole thing off "Happy?", the first single, just wait until you hear the full album. And did everyone completely miss the first single off Lost and Found? It's called "Determined", and it's definately not mellow. You can download the whole video at [URL=http://www.hdpvidz.com]HDP Vidz[/URL]. As far as the argument between Mudvayne and Slipknot and who is better, it's quite difficult to compare the two seeing as they are very different. Mudvayne is progressive math metal, whereas Slipknot is shock-and-death-metal infused nu-metal, but I'd have to go with Slipknot. I chose Slipknot simply because their music has meant more to me on an emotional level through the years. I also am a huge death metal fan, so naturally, I like them better.
  7. I will start with this: WARNING: In this post, I am going to be an opinionated asshole. WARNING: Educated, intelligent views on music that I actually [i]know[/i] something about ahead. Proceed with caution. Whoever the **** decided it was O.K. to not only catagorize Metallica, Ozzy, AC/DC, and [i]Radiohead[/i] in the same group, but call them [i]buttrock[/i] needs to become a little more educated about music! You probably don't even know what buttrock is (it's an actual genre, you know). AND HAVE YOU EVER ACTUALLY [i]LISTENED[/i] TO RADIOHEAD BEFORE? I don't even [i]like[/i] Radiohead and that pissed me off! Second of all, a band can't be overrated if EVERYONE hates them (aghem, Slipknot or Evanescence). Guys, everyone hates them, therefore they aren't overrated. I, for one, like both of those bands, although I can't say they're favorites of mine (and the person who decided they were going to go as far as to say that Slipknot's lyrics are all about death and killing - shut the **** up until you actually take the time to read them before you make yourself look like an idiot by judging a band from a genre you know absolutely nothing about based on your own pure, unbridled ignorance). There, that feels much better. [u][b]OVERRATED:[/b][/u] [b]GREEN DAY[/b] - Let's get this straight [i]now[/i]: GREEN DAY = NOT PUNK. Greenday is POP-PUNK. P-O-P PUNK. Got it? Good. Now on to why they suck: Bland songwriting, blander lyrics. Sure, their first album or two were interesting and innovative, but the whole 3-chord song thing gets a little old. And if I hear American Idiot one more time, I will kill someone. [b]FRANZ FERDINAND[/b] - While their music is definately original and fresh, it only stays original and fresh through about the first three songs on their debut. It's highly repetitive and starts to annoy fast. Their constant rotation on television is wearing at me (I only watch television when I'm truly bored, mind you). [b]MOTORHEAD[/b] - Again, they were original and fresh when they started out, but hey, just because you're classic doesn't mean you're awesome. [b]SLAYER[/b] - Another band that I have to thank because if it weren't for them, many of my favorite bands wouldn't exist. However, Tom Araya's vocals are the most annoying thing since that one kid who said that Metallica, AC/DC, Ozzy Osbourne, and Radiohead were all buttrock. [b]BREAKING BENJAMIN[/b] - THEY DON'T EVEN WRITE THEIR OWN DAMN SONGS! Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins cowrote (and half the time, just plain wrote) all the songs on Breaking Benjamin's latest album. Saturate, their first album, was a hell of a lot better, but still reeked of hackneyed riffs and cliche lyrics. [b]ANY AND ALL BLACK METAL BANDS (besides Dimmu Borgir and Naglfar)[/b] - Because tthey're a bunch of pompous pricks who take pride in ****** sound production and shittier playing. Not to mention that, but if at least one member of your little black metal outfit hasn't killed at least one person in the name of Satan, your band automatically sucks - which is one of the most rediculous things I've ever heard. And for all you ignorant idiots out there who are reading this saying "Omigawd, he's a racist!", please realize that a) you're a moron, and b) it doesn't mean black [i]people[/i]. [b]UNDEROATH[/b] - Their new album... just... just... AWFUL. Their old stuff was alright, but even then it kind of sucked. There's just nothing special here! [b]THE ALKALINE TRIO[/b] - One word - hackneyed. Well, I guess if you wanted to, you could add "to death" to the end of that. [b]ANY AND ALL POP-PUNK BANDS[/b] - Why this is so popular, I do not know. Since when was mediocrity, repetition, blandness, talentlessness, and the overuse of horribly blatant cliches the ideal form of entertainment in the modern world? I hate to generalize a genre, but they're all so pre-packaged! They all sound the same! I guess it makes it easier for the average pop-punker to find more bands - every single one of them sounds like your favorite band! Yay! Now you don't have to use your brain! What? You don't know what a brain is? Oh, nevermind. I'm not even going to bother with rap, because we're talking about bands here. I don't disregard rap as music, I'm just sticking to the whole band thing. [u][b]UNDERRATED:[/b][/u] [b]POP PUNKERS BEWARE: The following bands may actually consist of talented, intelligent [i]musicians[/i]. If this worries you (which it probably will), just look away and stick in your Green Day C.D. It'll all be O.K.[/b] [b]CHILDREN OF BODOM[/b] - Alexi is THE guitar god. End of story. My GOD, that guy can play! And Janne on those keyboards? Metal doesn't get much better than this! It's so melodic and awesome! Yes! "Trashed, Lost and Strung Out" has the COOLEST MELODY EVER in it, what with the dual keyboard-guitar run and all. Follow the Reaper is one of the best albums ever recorded in the history of best albums ever recorded. Go buy it now and be happy. [b]TOOL[/b] - Just read the lyrics to the album Lateralus. They make music that truly makes you think. Tool is often referred to as the "thinking man's metal". The music itself has this incredibly crafted atmosphere that's dark and cerebral, but makes you feel warm, comfortable, and capable of expanding your mind and conciousness to levels previously believed to be impossible. Maynard's vocals are soothing yet psychotic. Everything about this band is amazing! Danny's drum beats are syncopated enough to drive even a die-hard Jhonen Vasquez fan insane, and Justin's bass lines are simply out of this world. Top it all off with Adam's innovative guitar playing and you've got yourself one of the most amazing sonic experiences of your lifetime. [b]IN FLAMES[/b] - Just because the vocalist screams doesn't mean they should be written off, damnit! The guitarists write tight, technical, melodic riffs that simply soar over the songs. The solos are beautifully composed, and the lyrics are meaningful and deep. [b]NIGHTWISH[/b] - Okay, Nightwish is officialy the most epic band of all time. Melodic power metal accompanied by an orchestra = epicness. Go listen to the song "Ghost Love Score" off the album [i]Once[/i] if you want to know what I'm talking about. And I don't care what anyone says, it's totally not cheesy. [b]EXHUMED, CANNIBAL CORPSE, NECROPHAGIST, ETC.[/b] - I'm so ******* tired of everybody assuming they hate death metal without actually [i]listening[/i] to it first. There's this huge misconception of what death metal is in the first place. It's NOT just pounding and yelling! Get it through your heads! Death metal is the most technical style of music out there - ask any guitarist who's ever tried playing "Bent Backwards and Broken" by Cannibal Corpse or "Stabwound" by Necrophagist! This music is amazing! The intricacy and coordination of these songs is incredible. [b]GORILLAZ[/b] - Because they're awesome. [b]AS I LAY DYING[/b] - Just because they wear tight jeans doesn't mean they can't play awesome melodic death metal! AND THEY AREN'T A HARDCORE BAND! They said it themselves! ARGH! Anyway, the first breakdown in "94 Hours" has got to be one of the COOLEST THINGS EVER. And "Collision" is a beautiful song all around. [b]THE METAL GENRE IN GENERAL[/b] - I don't think I've seen as many ignorant, stupid, moronic comments about metal as I have on this forum since last time I tried discussing the genre with my mom, who hates [i]all[/i] music in the first place. I can name at least a hundred (probably two hundred) metal bands who DON'T EVEN SCREAM OR GROWL ONCE. EVER. It's not just beating and screaming! I could list all the metal bands that don't scream, but I need to get some sleep. Not only that, but many musicians in metal have more talent and songwriting skill than anyone in many other genres. Metal has Alexi Laiho, Jesper Stromblad, Roope Latvala, Bjorn Gelotte, Zakk Wylde, Steve Vai, Randy Rhodes (RIP), Luca Turilli, and Toni Iommi in the ranks of guitar players. I would go into the other instruments, but I truly don't know enough about who plays what in those areas to say anything. I'm sorry, but when comparing Billie Joe (Green Day) to Alexi Laiho (Children of Bodom), or Ben Burnley (Breaking Benjamin) to Jesper Stromblad (In Flames), the former of both examples don't just pale in comparison, they completely die. Anyway, before you decide to comment about anything, at least know [i]something[/i] about it first!
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