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Jake of Bodom

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Everything posted by Jake of Bodom

  1. Okay, okay, that last one was a joke. I'll go back to the more metal side of things for this one. They're not very similar at all, but they're two of my favorites, so I just want to see how things go: [B]In Flames vs. Children of Bodom[/B]
  2. TRIVIUM and AMON AMARTH are going on tour with CHILDREN OF BODOM!!! Here's the tourdates! This tour blows Ozzfest out of the water! Nov. 09 - Quebec City, QC @ Théâtre Capitole Nov. 10 - Montreal, QC @ Le Medley Nov. 11 - Toronto, ON @ The Opera House Nov. 12 - Detroit, MI @ Harpo's Nov. 13 - Chicago, IL @ House of Blues Nov. 14 - Milwaukee, WI @ The Eagles Club Nov. 16 - Minneapolis, MN @ Quest Club Nov. 18 - Englewood, CO @ Gothic Theatre Nov. 19 - Salt Lake City, UT @ Lo-Fi Cafe Nov. 21 - Seattle, WA @ El Corazon Nov. 22 - Vancouver, BC @ Croation Cultural Centre Nov. 23 - Portland, OR @ Roseland Theater Nov. 25 - San Francisco, CA @ Slim's Nov. 26 - Santa Ana, CA @ Galaxy Concert Theatre Nov. 27 - Hollywood, CA @ House of Blues Nov. 28 - Tempe, AZ @ Marquee Theatre Nov. 29 - San Diego, CA @ House of Blues Dec. 01 - San Antonio, TX @ White Rabbit Dec. 02 - Dallas, TX @ Curtain Club Dec. 03 - Houston, TX @ The Meridian Dec. 05 - Tampa, FL @ The Masquerade Dec. 06 - Atlanta, GA @ Masquerade Dec. 08 - Washington, DC @ 9:30 Club Dec. 09 - Philadelphia, PA @ The Trocadero Dec. 10 - Worcester, MA @ The Palladium Dec. 14 - New York, NY @ Irving Plaza
  3. I definately pick the Backstreet Boys. One of them can actually play the guitar.
  4. Hmm... no-one seemed interested in that last one. How about THIS one!: [B]Backstreet Boys vs. N'Sync[/B]
  5. [QUOTE=René][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial] I'm more insulted at the fact that the metal community themselves created this problem, and actively ***** about it today as if it was the media's fault. I'm not insulted at any of you, reading enough pages of endless debate have shown me you're all for the distinction being extremely clear. I'm just kind of disgusted at the actions metalheads before you took to create this problem today.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Actually, it was already being called metal when the term (nü-metal) came to a head in the underground Metal community. We didn't create the problem of it being called Metal, but neither did the media, as you claim we believe. It wasn't the media (it is [I]now[/I], but it wasn't then) - it was the ignorant mallcore crowd who decided it was metal because it was loud and angry. I give props to Korn (who's music I actually enjoy, by the way) for knowing they weren't a Metal band and putting out the effort to publically distance themselves from the scene entirely. Unfortunately, some bands and many fans didn't listen, and many nü-metal bands starting calling themselves Metal (i.e. Limp Bizkit referring to themselves as a Hip-Hop/Thrash hybrid. There is [I]nothing[/I] Thrash - or Metal at [I]all[/I] for that matter - about Limp Bizkit). The media has since latched onto this, labelling bands like Slipknot, Mudvayne, and Disturbed as Metal bands. The point is this: nü-metal is just fine, but we (the Metal community) don't want it associated with our beloved music. There's a totally different ethos behind the styles. They're completely seperate worlds, so to speak. I get asked what type of music I listen to all the time, and of course I respond with "Metal" - and without fail, nearly every time, they reply with "you must listen to..." and then name a nü-metal band. It's like if you listened to the Blues, and every time you said that you listen to the Blues, the person you were talking to responded with "oh, so like, 50 Cent and Jay-Z and stuff like that?" I'm sure this whole thing will die out sometime soon. We've survived Glam, we've survived Grunge - we'll sure as hell survive nü-metal.
  6. [quote name='Amorphous']Anyways, I've seen the list about a billion times, the one "101 Rules for Black Metal" is much more hiliarious.[/quote] :laugh: That's because Black Metallers are can be the most pretentious and whiny group of music listeners EVER.
  7. [QUOTE=René][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]The whole thing could apply to just about any band (though it seems to target KoRn in particular, the child abuse one was a low blow). I've seen AC/DC asked the crowd what song to play, and plenty of bands thank their parents in their albums linear notes. It's stupid, if you ask me, heh. Also - I don't understand why people hate nu-metal so much. Metal + hip hop influence is basically the core of it. There's been a lot of bad bands in the (sub)genre that have become famous, sure, but it doesn't mean the whole genre is a right off, geez. All this unrepetent hate for it just seems stupid, especially when you metalheads get into the whole 'IT'S NOT EVEN METAL >=O' argument. If it isn't metal [b]what is it[/b]? Why does it have metal in the name? Why do most of these bands cite metal bands of the 80s as influences in the sound? It's just stupid, and one of the (many) things that pisses me off about genre labelling. People get all riled up over the difference between metal and nu metal, but to a normal person the difference would probably be as extensive as a more hip hop inspired structure, or a different singing style. Oh, but that's right, metalheads like to think themselves above the masses. Silly me, how could I forget. :rolleyes:[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Keep in mind that, before I start here, this is all coming from someone who enjoys some nü-metal every once in a while. I don't mind some Slipknot or Disturbed every once in a while. This isn't just a bunch of uneducated, biased, closed-minded crap. I'll tell you [I]exactly[/I] what it is. It's a combination of Grunge, Alt. Rock and Hip-Hop. There is no Metal involved. This is exactly the problem - it [I]isn't[/I] "Metal + Hip-Hop". There is nothing Metal about nü-metal. And no, it's not a sub-genre of Metal. [B]The reason the word "metal" is in the name is an interesting one. The Term "Nü-Metal" was actually originally an insult used by the Metal community for that type of music. Notice the misspelling of the word "new" (KoRn, Limp Bizkit, etc. are also mispellings). The reason it's "nü" is because it was considered to be the "new" fad that kids were being fed at the time. The reason the word "metal" is included is because they were referring to the way people were trying to portray them as metal bands when, in fact, they weren't. Unfortunately, the name that was intended as an insult stuck, and that's why nü-metal is the term used for the genre now. [/B] The reason it isn't metal has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that they get a lot of media attention (Metallica is a metal band, and they get[I]plenty[/I] of media attention). It has to do with the music itself. Korn, for example, are the leaders of the entire genre, and guess what? The band themselves publicly [I]want[/I] to be completely dissacociated with Metal. They pretty much pioneered nü-metal, and they themselves claim it isn't Metal. And no, we (metalheads) don't consider ourselves to be "above the masses", as you presumptiously claim. We are every bit respectful of other music as any other music fan out there. The only reason we scrutinize nü-metal is because it is giving Metal a bad name. That's all. And the reason many nü-metal bands site 80's metal bands as "influences" is probably for many reasons, [I]none[/I] of which have to do with the actual music. If you listen to Coal Chamber or Ill Niño, there is absolutely NO semblance of 80's metal in their music. No influence at all.
  8. This is absolutely HILARIOUS! I came across this and couldn't help but share it with everyone. Some of you will find it funny, others will find it offensive. You be the judge. It's a list of the 101 rules to being in a nu-metal band (and we all know how I feel about this :D ). I've included a link [URL=http://www.entertainment.inuk.com/music/numetalguide.html]HERE[/URL] to the site in case you want to see all the other funny nu-metal stuff they have. Oh, and if you want another thing to bust your gut laughing over, check out this band called Side Project! They have a music video that pokes fun at nu-metal to no end! Everyone from Limp Bizkit to Coal Chamber gets caught in the mix. Click [URL=http://www.newprojectonline.com/downloads/princesssmall.wmv]HERE[/URL] for the video! To see the band's website, there's a link at the bottom of the Nu-Metal Guide site. You can't miss it. Just post a reply! I want to see what everyone thinks. [QUOTE=The Nu-Metal Guide] 1. When asked who your musical influences are, say Black Sabbath -- always Black Sabbath. 2. Make sure you don't sound like Black Sabbath at all even though you said that they're your musical influences. 3. Make fun of popular music especially Britney Spears and any boyband. This is non-negotiable. 4. When conducting interviews always say the words "@#%$", "***", and "@#%$". 5. Accept interviews only from the following music magazines: Metal Edge, Revolver, Alternative Press, Hit Parader, Guitar World, Kerrang! and Rolling Stone. 6. Pay them $50 to mention the word "metal" in correlation with your music, in every single interview. 7. Add another $50 if they are able to invent a new genre dedicated solely to your band -- ie. Death Metal Disco (Static X), Melodic-core (Thursday), Christian Rap Metal (POD). 8. Make sure that at least one of your band members have an existing side project, or at least planning to start one. 9. Ask your mom to go to the nearest "Ross" beauty shop to buy six boxes of Lander hair gel. 10. Use the word "gay" when referring to anything you don't like. 11. No guitar solos. 12. Your drumming techniques must consist of "bass-snare, bass-snare" drumming only. 13. In order for your bassist to win a "Best Bass Player Award", make sure that they... 14. ...are female or... 15. ...use the "slap and pop" playing style. 16. Jump in the air while playing your guitar, and while in mid-air place the guitar on your side. 17. During concerts, ask your audience to sing along... 18. ...jump up and down... 19. ...put their hands in the air... 20. ...flash their middle-fingers... 21. ...and be careful not to hurt each other. 22. In the liner notes of your album, dedicate it to your parents, and to more than 15 different nu-metal bands with at least 4 bands which you borrowed your sound from. 23. Your second album must be weaker than the first one. 24. Make sure that at least one band member... 25. ...has been previously arrested... 26. ...drinks beer... 27. ...or smokes marijuana. 28. During interviews deny any form of drug-use in your band. 29. Say you hate Limp Bizkit, then contradict your statement by sticking up for bands like Taproot, Drowning Pool, and Primer 55. 30. When describing bands which you think are good, end every statement with "kicks ***". 31. When describing bands you hate, end every statement with either "sucks dick", or "@#%$ sucks ***". 32. Pretend that you've been abused as a child and when no one believes you, hold... 32. ...your depressing song lyrics as evidence, and if that doesn't work... 33. ...donate 3% of your earnings to anti-child abuse foundations. 34. Your record label must be either one of the following (and there subsidiaries): Sony, Interscope, Warner, Geffen, Virgin, Roadrunner, and Island/Def Jam. 35. Wear baseball caps, shades, wallet-chains, or any other fancy-schmancy fashion accessory EVERYTIME. 36. Your pants must be 3 times larger than your original waist length. 37. Say "shaznit". 38. Say "tight as @#%$" whenever possible. 39. Pretend that you hate MTV, and say that you detest the playing of your videos without your consent -- but deep down inside you really like the way they promote your music. 40. When meeting up with Kurt Loder and Carson Daly, be sure to meet up with Fred Durst to ask for pointers. 41. Always give credit to Korn and say they brought back "metal" from the dead. 42. Make sure you have at least one female member. 43. Be at every single "Ozzfest" tour. 44. Your t-shirts must be plain black with your logo in front and a teen-angst quote in the back. 45. Pretend that you design your own website. 46. Get Ross Robinson, GGGarth, or Brendan O' Brien to produce your record. 47. Always make sure that you delay your album release. If it's scheduled for June 5, move it to July 7. Do this at least twice per album. 48. Ask guest rappers or any member from another nu-metal band to participate on your album. 49. Always whine. 50. Close your eyes when singing to show how "depressed" you are -- ie. Staind 51. Body piercings are a must. 52. Make sure that you have at least one band member that's bald... 53. ...or have a goatee. 54. Pretend that you hate the world. 55. During live shows, make sure that you dive to the crowd and ask them to return you back. 56. Your pants must be low-waist, and must show your boxers underneath when you lift your shirt. 57. Your drummer must be topless during live concerts. 58. Bite the microphone when singing. 59. Swing the microphone stand while headbanging in unison. 60. Always suck up to the crowd during a live performance -- ie. "its a good day to be here in Los-@#%$-Angeles!" 61. Insert the word "@#%$" in the middle of two words -- ie. "I like coco-@#%$-nut" 62. Zildijan must be your official cymbals. 63. Your guitars must be Ibanez or Fender. Accept no substitutes. 64. Always use seven-string guitars. 65. The more stomp boxes and pedals you have, the bigger the chances of you winning a "Best Guitar Player" award. So get to it! 66. Wear facepaints or masks, and when someone labels you a Slipknot rip-off say that you existed as early as 1977. 67. When someone asks how your next album is going to turn out, say that its going to be the "heavy-@#%$-iest album of all @#%$ time". 68. Read #67 but add more of the word "@#%$" as much as possible for emphasis. 69. Make sure that when it comes out, it doesn't sound as heavy as you said it would be. 70. Your song lyrics must have the word "@#%$" on at least 3 songs. This rule only applies to pretentious "tough-as-nails" bands. 71. Pick fights with random bands to show how "bad-***" you are. 72. If you intend to copy someone else's sound -- don't use any form of profanity whatsoever when writing song lyrics, so the attention of the critiques will be focused on the lyrical content instead of your music. For more information, ask Linkin Park because they are considered as the "masters" of this art. 73. When kids start calling your band "sell-outs", reply that if they were on your position they'd do the same thing as well. 74. When kids start calling you a copycat, say that the band you're being compared to is one of your musical influences or.... 75. ...its just a coincidence. 76. Make fun of gay people at all times. This is a perfect way to hide the fact that you're a closet gay. 77. When your parents tells you to go to your room -- go to your room. 78. You must have a studio album out every year. If you can't pull a studio album in just a year, an album with demos and remixes of old songs will do. 79. Make sure that you get into a scuffle with security on every single concert you partake in to cause a "scene". 80. Wash your sneakers only 4 times a year. 81. Wear clothes from a particular clothing company -- and soon they will ask you to endorse their wardrobe. Perfect choices are Adidas and Puma. 82. Release a video that contains nothing but backstage footage of your band making ***** out of themselves. 83. During live shows say that you're about to perform a song they already know. Utter the first word of the song title then ask the fans to complete the name of the song by pointing the mic towards them. Keep on doing it until they scream the title crystal clear, or if you've wasted 5 minutes just getting them to complete the task. 84. Your fanbase must comprise of 90% morons that have usernames on the internet patterned after your band (ie. Mudvayne fans - DeathBloomsDig99) and the last 10% with smart guys that use original names. 85. Your band name must be a mispelling of an original word. 86. When parents start blaming your band for having songs that incite violence, turn the blame back on them by saying "you never spent time enough with your kids". 87. When someone points out the similarities of your music with another band which rose to popularity just recently, pretend that you've never heard of them before. 88. Cancel at least 5 of the tour dates you intend to play in the near future. 89. Claim that the posturings of anger and depression in your songs are genuine. 90. Insist that your band is "metal" at all times. 91. Best Buy and Hot Topic must be your core album distributors. 92. Say that you're going to commit suicide whenever no one pays attention to you. 93. Your idea of being unique is donning black and white facepaint and acting like a depressed troll in your bedroom. 94. Pretend that you like Kittie's music but in reality you just want to score on at least one member. 95. Say that rule #94 is a lie! Then stomp your foot on the ground repeatedly while screaming "that's not true! that's not true!" over and over again. 96. Your first radio single must have clean vocals or at least melodic riffing. 97. Waste your time writing a song dedicated to taking potshots at the critiques and the people that make fun of your otherwise STUPID music. 98. If you are a new band, cover an old 80s song and make it as catchy as you can. Ship this song as your first radio single -- instant success! 99. Participate in as many compilation albums as you can. 100. Strictly no guitar solos. 101. You are offended personally by every single rule written above.[/QUOTE]
  9. Well, I haven't heard much of either band. Pretty much just the singles from both. It's difficult seeing as I don't really like either... Hawthorne Heights has more complex songwriting, but the lyrics and vocals are really hella annoying. Fallout Boy has a very simplistic pop sound, but the single "Sugar, We're Going Down" was (and I [I]really[/I] hate to admit this) really catchy and fun. So I'll go with Fallout Boy here.
  10. [quote name='ShonenSamuraiMugen']Well, I don't like neither. Led Zeppelin's better though. What about Linkin park? Slipknot? Any thing besides these old metal bands we haven't really heard that much...[/quote] The reason I'm not doing Slipknot and/or Linkin Park is that I don't want to promote nu-metal or rapcore or whatever you want to call it. That's what we have MTV for. Yes, this is personal, but I hate the way they're giving Metal a bad name, so I don't want to use them here. See, this is exactly the problem with nu-metal bands like Linkin Park and Slipknot: we [I]have[/I] heard Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath a lot. I'm sure you probably consider Slipknot to be metal (they're aren't), and if they [I]were[/I] metal (which they're not), then their roots would be the likes of Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath. Zep and Sabbath created "heavy" music as we know it today. I can see that Led Zeppelin was the crowd favorite here! Let's see how we do with some more contemporary artists - this time I'll go with prog-rock (or something like it...): [B]Tool vs. Porcupine Tree[/B]
  11. Jake of Bodom


    [QUOTE=Zhara][COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]Mad huggles for Jake of Bodom for actually liking a band that I like. Anyways...I love Amy Lee and her band, but I haven't been able to listen to them in forever; my brother scratched my CD to all Hell. Like my Eiffel 65 CD...-sobbing- But Evanescence is...just...superb. I love them, and I want the rest of their CDs. I guess that's all I have to say, I'm not feeling very talkative today.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] :D Oh, and by the way: if you want the rest of their CDs (besides Anywhere but Home), good luck with a) Finding them b) Having enough money I have eight of their CDs, and damnit, I spent WAY too much money on them. They're all rare and out-of-print or whatever, so people think they can charge as much as they want. Oh well. [quote name='instantramen14']Oh, and, not to rock the boat or anything, neither Nightwish nor Lacuna Coil is goth.[/quote] Correct. They aren't Goth bands. They [I]are[/I], however, Gothic Metal. That's what throws people off. Goth music and Gothic Metal are completely, utterly, and totally different.
  12. Alright! I see that Kamelot is more popular than Sonata Arctica around here. Let's see how you guys do with some classics! [B]Black Sabbath vs. Led Zeppelin[/B]
  13. [quote name='Ilium']Oh man... honestly, I know none of these bands... they all seem to be metal-related bands and I know nothing about Metal... Maybe next time wanna put up some Classic Rock bands? Like Rush VS Triumph or Aerosmith VS Trooper, somthing like that. I've never heard of any of those bands :S[/quote] a) I'm not going to change what I'm doing because [I]you've[/I] never heard of them b) the next two bands were actually going to be classic rock bands, but you only gave it two VS's! I'm gonna wait for a few more responses then I'm gonna change it. Sit tight, you'll get your classics! c) Maybe you should try finding both the bands, check out a few songs, and then contribute to the thread (plus you'd be fiding some great music! You might actually like one of these bands, and they probably sound nothing like what you think metal is... everyone has this wierd view of what they think it is - just give it a try :D ) And as for the battle, I choose Kamelot. They seem to be a little more diverse, and I like the singer's voice better. Sonata is amazing, but I just like Kamelot's overall sound better. Plus they have that epic tinge to them, which I like.
  14. OK, we seem to have some good responses coming on! Let's shift gears here. These are both great bands. Both are Power Metal, but totally different styles. Which do you prefer and why? [B]Kamelot vs. Sonata Arctica[/B]
  15. WOW! This is [I]perfect[/I]! Awesome! Thank you so much!
  16. Jake of Bodom


    [quote name='toboeFan][FONT=Century Gothic]I HATE EVANESCENCE SINCE THEY CATHEGORIZED THEMSELVES AS A ''GOTH BAND'' and when they started spraying the ''Let's stop making good music and become evanescence and be ''cool'''' Virus...Nightwish did it...Within Temptation...Lacuna Coil...ah.....it makes me so sad..., AND AMY LEE...SHE'S JUST A CHRISTINA SCABBIA WANNA BE...[/FONT'] :animeangr[/quote] While Evanescence [I]did[/I] steal their recipe for success from Lacuna Coil, Amy Lee isn't a Christina Scabbia wannabe. I actually like Amy's vocals much better! And I also think that Evanescence writes better and more diverse songs than Lacuna Coil. And what do you mean Nightwish did it? Nightwish sounds, to this day, [I]nothing[/I] like Evanescence!
  17. [QUOTE=skyatyourfeet]Well yes your right, Finland Is more for the White Power Metal. Mainly what I was trying to get acorss is it all basically sounds the same. Just they have fancy names. Like theres: Thrashcore Grindcore Powerviolence Hardcore Punk but most of them sound the same its just the fact that its too many genres that useless, when they can all be the same thing.[/QUOTE] No, Finland is more for Blackened Power Metal (Children of Bodom, Kalmah, Imperanon, Norther, etc.), and all kinds of Metal for that matter. Grindcore and Hardcore Punk aren't even Metal styles to begin with, the -core suffix is just a descriptor, not a genre, and whoever claims to play "Powerviolence" (WTF?) obviously pulled that "genre" out of their @$$es to try to start some movement or something. Powerviolence? What the hell [I]is[/I] that, anyway? And if you want to try to convince me that Power Metal sounds like Death Metal, go ahead, but they don't all sound the same. You can't get around that. [quote name='toboeFan']Ah! and I'd put Therion on ''Symphonic Metal..''They're just...amazing! ''Once'' has 3 great songs...the rest is just...bull****! who said Slipknot plays music??? Clowns...[/quote] Yeah, Therion probably would have been a better choice. You know your stuff and make me happy :D
  18. [QUOTE=skyatyourfeet]To Jake Of Bodom: You cannot really say all those types of metal are different sub-genres because of the fact that most of those bands made that up, even though they sound just like the others. I mean there are some main sub-genres of metal: Black Metal (Most of the stuff from finland) Medival Metal (Dragon Slayer) Gore Metal (Exhumed) Thrash Metal (Hirax) Folk Metal (Agalloch) also, no Americans make good metal, unless your in a hair metal band, other then that. It just doesnt work. Like all this slipknot crap its all the same mindless generic crap they feed you on MTV. But still, Its better not to stick to sub-genres, people use them to make it seem like their more into the music because they know of the "style"[/QUOTE] Okay, first of all, most Black Metal comes from Norway, NOT Finland. Black Metal was born in Norway (unless you count Venom :laugh:). Finland doesn't have a whole lot to do with Black Metal. And the subgenres you listed are definately not the "main" subgenres. If you are listing the "main" ones, you absolutely [I]have[/I] to include Power Metal and Death Metal. As for the ones you listed: Folk is actually a subgenre of Black (usually), Gore is a subgenre of Death, and Medieval is just a descriptor, not a subgenre. As far as your comment on American Metal - it's true that the American Metal scene is weak (plus the fact that American television and radio has everyone brainwashed into thinking Slipknot and Korn are Metal bands), but there are some absolutely phenomenal American Metal bands out there ([B]Kamelot[/B], [B]Lamb of God[/B], [B]Nevermore[/B], and [B]Nile[/B] to name just a few off the top of my head). [QUOTE]Very interesting...u almost had them all hehe...but I have to disagree with you on this: I just don't think that Nightwish can be cathegorized as ''Just'' Symphonic Metal, they have classical/symphonic influences of course! but I'd considered them as Power/Gothic Band with a classical (wonderful) touch! Unfortunately, their latest album...(Once) sucks...everyone thinks It's a masterpiece, but I THINK it's too commercial, at least for my taste... [/QUOTE] I know that Nightwish is more than just Symphonic Metal (thanks for noticing though! :D ). I just put them there because they are at some point Symphonic Metal and it gives people a good idea of what that might sound like. :animedepr And I liked Once the best! :animecry: I thought it was their most mature album in nearly every aspect. Plus the symphonic orchestration was superb! Epics like Ghost Love Score and Dark Chest of Wonders made the album for me.
  19. I was wondering if someone could make me a banner and avatar for the band Finntroll. Thanks!
  20. Yeah, I'll go with As I Lay Dying as well. I just got back from their show with Killswitch Engage. Killswitch's live show was better than AILD's, but I like their music more. And their vocalist is a really nice guy. He took the time to talk to me, which I thought was cool.
  21. Kamuro made the original one of these, but it's gone under. Since I thought it was awesome, so I'll start another one! What I'll do is post two bands that are at least [I]somewhat[/I] similar and you post which one you like better and why. Every so often I'll come in and post another two bands. I'll start with some pretty well-known bands here, and I'm seeing them both live tonight so why not. I know they're very different, but oh well: [B]Killswitch Engage vs. As I Lay Dying[/B]
  22. [QUOTE]Jake of Bodom: Do we really need another metal-head? YES!!! I have a feeling that Jake would be the "b1tch" of the group, just considering how opinionated he is about everything.[/QUOTE] :laugh: Not [I]everything[/I] - just metal!
  23. [QUOTE=Aiyisha][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial] Noone said subgenres are dumb, geez. I use them too, as I said myself at the start of this thread - it's just your own use is somewhat excessive when compared to some [and, if Tony's post is to be believed, pretty normal compared to others]. I honestly [i]cannont[/i] see the need to have that many subgenres, and even Amorpheus said some of them could easily be combined because there extremely similar. If you can that's cool - but you'll never convince me that a list that big is necessary, heh. Like Tony said it's probably even detrimental so some degree. But whatever. [i]It's all good[/i]. Chill out man. lol Throwing curses around was never a conducive way to get your opinion across.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Oh, that list is definately far from necessary for sure. Like I said, I just like it myself, and I know most people don't. Look, even I draw the line at some point. If you think [I]I'm[/I] bad, I say (on a music board site), there was this huge flaming argument about what was "real Troll Metal". Even [I]I[/I] thought that was utterly rediculous! :laugh: Apparently I came across to everyone as trying to say that all those subgenres are necessary, but I really don't think so. I mean, knowing the difference between Death Metal and something that's not Death Metal is very important, but beyond the really general stuff like that it's not all that important. I just like it because it gives me the feeling that Metal is it's own entire world to explore. I dunno. [QUOTE=Jake of Bodom]And I also know that this post will probably be followed with a bunch of posts telling me that this entire list is utterly useless. Anyway, here's a list of metal subgenres for you all to criticize and say I'm stupid for knowing:[/QUOTE] :laugh: Boy, did I see [I]that[/I] coming from a mile away.
  24. [quote name='Sean][SIZE=1]Ahem...[color=silver]get a life[/color'].[/SIZE][/quote] Ahem... [COLOR=navy][DELETED][/COLOR] And you know what, music [I]is[/I] my life, and it's the only [color=navy][EDIT][/color] thing I have to hold on to right now. If I want to memorize every subgenre for metal, then I damn well will. I love the subgenres. I love being able to search for Folk Metal and find a listing of an entire group of bands that all have that sound that I'm in the mood for at that time. If I'm really in the mood for [I]specifically[/I] blackened power metal, then I'm gonna search for blackened power metal bands and get an entire list of stuff that is going to fit what I'm in the mood for perfectly. Not once did I say everyone should care - and I'm very, very aware that most people don't. I'm not sitting here telling you that [I]you're[/I] an idiot for [I]not[/I] knowing them, am I? No, I'm not. And look, if subgenres are so dumb, I'll bet you've called a movie an "action movie", or a video game an "RPG", or a car a "Ferrari", or a computer a "Dell", or a store a "supermarket", or a resturaunt a "buffet" - so you know what? Quit saying I'm an idiot for doing the same with music. I quite frankly don't care at all whether you don't want to take the time to care about subgenres, so quit telling me why they don't matter to you - because I really don't care. Thanks. [color=navy]Watch the language. OtakuBoards doesn't allow members to work [i]around[/i] the censored words, either. Also, watch the flaming. If you both continue this, I [i]will[/i] close this thread. --Manic[/color]
  25. Vince Vaughn, Will Pharrel (sp), Ben Stiller, Angelina Jolie, and Tim Burton (I know he's not an actor, but if he's involved, I'm there). There's my five.
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