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Jake of Bodom

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Everything posted by Jake of Bodom

  1. Jake of Bodom

    The Used

    [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]Yeah I've heard of the Used. I've also heard of the Killers (If I hear Mr. Brightside one more time I'm going to shoot a radio) [color][/QUOTE] :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Word.
  2. [quote name='Generic NPC #3']They're also useful if you want to recommend something to someone... but as far as arguments go and the general call-it-this-or-you'll-die-a-thousand-painful-deaths mentality some people have, I think it just goes too far.[/quote]:laugh: I know you're referring to me here! lol. I actually only [i]really[/i] care when people say thatl nu-metal is Metal. Because it's not.
  3. Jake of Bodom

    The Used

    [QUOTE=SilentSecurity]No they're from Orem. (Off topic: you live in utah?)[/QUOTE] Yup. I'm in Park City.
  4. [QUOTE=Aiyisha][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial] To Jake: How many people who actually follow metal know that crazy list of subgenres? How many people do you talk to daily about the stuff that responds in turn with 'They're kind of Avant-Garde Metal, but some might say Brutal Death Metal.' Unless you're hanging around forums filled with hardcore folk like yourself, I'm betting most of those genres go unused. It all seems so useless, I'm sorry.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Actually, most of the forums and friends of mine that are into metal know most of those. And to you it probably [I]is[/I] useless because you aren't really into Metal in the first place (because if you were, you'd probably know at least a handful of those). It all really is just for us metalhead folks and the bands that play each type of music. If you're into hip-hop, you won't (and have no need to) know what Blackened Speed Metal is.
  5. Jake of Bodom


    I do, believe it or not! I love them! I know this is strange coming from me, but I think they're great. They've got some killer riffs and even some leads! I also love all the strings and choir sounds they use - very effective indeed. And while there are tons of vocalists who are technically better than Amy, I love how haunting and passionate her vocals are. Plus she's utterly gorgeous :D I've got 8 CDs of theirs (Evanescence EP, Origin, Fallen, Anywhere But Home, Fallen Angel, My Immortal EP (Import), Ultra Rare Trax vol. I, Utra Rare Trax vol. II). It's all great stuff. They're also one of those bands that's really hard to classify. People tend to call them a Goth band, but that's definately not it (they sound nothing like the Cure to me, folks). They could almost be a Nu-Metal band, but I don't know.
  6. Jake of Bodom

    The Used

    [QUOTE=Ailes de Velour][font=arial][size=1][color=darkorchid] No, Bert (lead singer) is 23, or he was last time I checked. I think it might've been close to his birthday. And MCR's singer, Gerard, is 27. Not every band is full of teenagers... I like the Used, just because. I like some of their songs and I mooched In Love And Death (edited) off a friend because I liked Take It Away. I don't consider them pop at all, just because a band might be a little well-known doesn't mean they're pop. Mainstream rock is probably the best title for their genre.[/font][/size][/color][/QUOTE] You're right. Just because the Used is popular doesn't make them a pop group. It's their music that does. Kamuro pretty much covered it. They are a pop group. While a group isn't pop just because they're popular, they aren't NOT pop just because they have guitars either. But without being genre-picky, I think their music lacks integrity. It seems like it's completely geared toward making money as opposed to music. Oh well, to each his own.
  7. Okay, I'll have fun with this one! First of all, there are Genres. Genres are umbrella terms that are used to describe entire families of music. This includes Rock, Folk, Metal, Hip-Hop, Country, Jazz, Nu-Metal, etc. Then there are subgenres (Rock - Psychadellic, Folk - Bluegrass, Metal - Melodic Death Metal, Hip-Hop - Rap, Jazz - Smooth Jazz, Nu-Metal - Rapcore, etc). Okay, first thing's first: Subgenres exist for the exact same reason everyone in your family has a different name. You're all part of the same whole, but each of you is a completely different person! Now the only genre I really know anything about subgenre-wize is metal. There are quite a few. Now most people say that they aren't important and it's just nit-picky, but here's the thing those people fail to understand: they're important for describing a band. For example: I listen to Metal. Awesome. But do Sonata Arctica and Nile sound alike? Hardly. Almost not at all. They're part of the same genre, but are completely different. That's why Sonata Arctica is called Power Metal and Nile is called Technical Death Metal. It helps one know if they will like a band or not. For example, let's say I don't like Doom Metal at all, but I totally love Folk Metal. If someone said "we can listen to My Dying Bride or Elvenking." I would ask what subgenres they were so I could decide what I'd enjoy more. I wouldn't like My Dying Bride because I hate Doom Metal, but I'd love Elvenking because I'm totally stoked on Folk Metal. The point is, subgenres exist because just metal is far too vast a world to encompass properly with one term. Yes, it's all metal, but it all sounds so incredibly different. That's why the difference between Blackened Death Metal and Progressive Power Metal matter. They're completely and utterly different styles, but they're still part of the same whole. It has nothing to do with making sure everything has a label and catagorization (hell, there's plenty of metal bands that are completely impossible to classify!). It's about describing the music. It's about understanding the style and ethos behind the music. That's why subgenres matter. Also, some bands would hate to be associated with certain types of metal. For example, nearly all Black Metal bands to want to be recognized as Black Metal and would never accept just being called Metal. And I also know that this post will probably be followed with a bunch of posts telling me that . :animesigh Whatever. Anyway, here's a list of metal subgenres for you all to criticize and say I'm stupid for knowing: Avant-Garde Metal (Arcturus) Black Death Metal (Behemoth) Black Metal (Naglfar) Brutal Death Metal (Mortician) Celtic Metal (Geasa) Dark Ambient Metal (In the Woods...) Death Doom Metal (Poema Arcanis) Death Metal (Bloodbath) Deathgrind (Circle of Dead Children) Deathrash (Deathchain) Doom Metal (My Dying Bride) Epic Metal (Midieval Steel) Folk Metal (Finntroll) Glam/Hair Metal (Poison) Goregrind (Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition) Gothic Metal (After Forever) Industrial Metal (Godflesh) Melodic Death Metal (Opeth) Metalcore (Unearth) New Wave of British Heavy Metal [a.k.a. NWOBHM] (Iron Maiden) Oriental Metal (Melechesh) Power Metal (Hammerfall) Progressive Metal (Nevermorel) Scandinavian Style Death Metal (Kalmah) Speed/Thrash Metal (Slayer) Stoner Metal (Kyuss) Symphonic Metal (Nightwish) Technical Death Metal (Cynic) Tolkien Metal (Blind Guardian) Unblack Metal (Admonish) Vedic Metal (Maha Yadnya) Viking Metal (Amon Amarth) Winter Metal (Immortal Souls) There's a pretty comprehensive list of Metal subgenres. There are some prefixes and suffixes you can add (such as Blackened- or -core), but I haven't bothered with those seeing as they're more like extra descriptors than subgenres themselves.
  8. [QUOTE]Heh. Anyway, I've never really understood why hardcore is so appealing, considering so much of it is shear chaos that drowns out any hint of melody... some sort of desire to have your brains blown out your ears, I suppose[/QUOTE] Exactly why I don't like it. As for Atreyu... more Metal mixed with Screamo than hardcore, I'd say. It's too flowy and melodic to be hardcore. There's some seriously cool metal riffs on Suicide Notes and Butterfly Kisses (the only album I have). They're pretty good. And on the Atreyu note, there's a similar band that kicks heaps of *** (I know they're not hardcore at all, but they're awesome and are similar to Atreyu): Avenged Sevenfold. Their new CD (the only one I've heard) is very interesting and mixes in tons of elements - everything from Metal to Southern-fried rock n' roll. There was even a folksy-type guitar wankery section toward the end of one song... awesome.
  9. Jake of Bodom

    The Used

    [QUOTE=SilentSecurity]I like the used. They're voices do get out of hand sometime, but the lead singer is only 18 so I think that could be a reason. I prefer My chemical romance, CKY, crossfade better, but since The Used are from my hometown I like them a lot too. ~Wes~[/QUOTE] Aren't they from something like Provo or Heber in Utah or something? If so, you live really close to me.
  10. [QUOTE=ILStory][SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]Right now I'm listenin' to [B]Lament of A Mortal Soul Live[/B] by Arch Enemy. So far listen to: Audioslave (album: Out of Exile) Dir en grey (album: withering to death) Dope (album: American Apathy) Dark Tranquillity (album: Character) Avenged Sevenfold (album: City of Evil) last but not the least Opeth (album: Ghost Reveries). and more........the list would be to long[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] Dude, you are my friend. Opeth, Dark Tranquillity, and Arch Enemy? Oh yes. I must PM you about how you got Ghost Reveries now. Anyway, I'm listenig to: [B][U]Finntroll[/U] - [I]Det Iskalla Trollblodet[/I][/B]
  11. I saw a Stutterfly video once... it seemed like Screamo to me, not really hardcore. Then again, it could just be that it's their radio single. It was interesting, and they even managed to thrown in some metal-esque riffs in there. Not bad. Between the Buried and Me seems awesome, actually, but I haven't heard enough to have a solid opinion. And you forgot one subgenre for Dillinger Escape Plan: Math-Thrash. They helped invent the style in the first place! You gotta include it. Well, Kamuro, here's the hardcore bands I actually kinda like: xXxTHROWDOWNxXx : Ok, I know they're really more of a metalcore band, but I LOVE THEM! For myself, for my friends, for my family... STRAIGHT FUCl
  12. lol! I saw [I]that[/I] coming from a mile away! You know what, that's it. I'm looking them up right now.
  13. Jake of Bodom

    The Used

    I assure you, almost everyone has heard of them because they're trend-whores. I hate to be so blunt, but I also hate the Used... though this could simply stem from the fact that everyone in my little town here listens to pop music, and naturally, the Used being a very popular pop group, is overplayed constantly. I mean come on, at least N'Sync could [I]dance[/I].
  14. Envy-sama started this thread and it got closed WAAAAAAY to prematurely. I've started it back up! Rules are pretty simple: pick one [U]band/recording artist[/U] (not genre, that's why the other one got closed) and describe why they're your favorite group! Don't make it [I]too[/I] long though, just like Envy-sama said - that way it won't get boring :animeswea Favorite Band: [B]Children of Bodom[/B] Why: Because I love music that you really have to listen to and think about, I love flashy guitar lines and insane solos, I love beautiful melodies, and I love crazy keyboard stuff. Children of Bodom has all of these qualities. That's why they're my favorite band ever.
  15. [quote name='Zhara][COLOR=Purple][FONT=Garamond]My mom bought me the new (Or, at least, I think it's their new CD...) Papa Roach CD yesterday, and I have to say I think I do like it better than Breaking Benjamin...It's kind of funny though, my stepdad refuses to listen to it because he thinks their name is stupid. :animesigh![/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] Well, it's not as if he's missing much... And what happened to Papa Roach, anyway? Their first album was decent as far as Nu-Metal goes. I finally heard Getting Away With Murder... pop music? Since when was Papa Roach a pop band? Not that Nu-Metal is far from pop, but this is rediculous...
  16. Yeah, in time you'll probably like Shadows are Security better.
  17. [QUOTE]t's basically pop with some rifts involved. And their popularity will decline as all the others have, Nickelback, Seether, Limp Bizkit, all the same.[/QUOTE] True dat, brotha. ... Except I like Seether :animedepr :laugh:
  18. [QUOTE=Unborn Lord Xion][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Aw, you beat me to it... All right, I think everyone here (except those currently engaged in the argument) agree that the metal vs non-metal argument can die now. Who, honestly, gives a flying rats behind about what the music is called as long as you like it? There are far too many genres and subgenres and macrogenres floating around these days. Can't we go back to the simple days, when things were just Rock, and Classical, and Country, and Rap, etc.? Wouldn't that make everything so much easier on everyone? However, if you insist on being bitchy about semantics...take it somewhere else. It's annoying for those of us who [I]aren't[/I] completely anal. Thank you.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] How about this? If it annoys you: Don't read the argument. And we're not bitching about subgenres. We're talking about Metal in general. Metal is a type of music, just like Rock and Country and Rap and Blues and what have you. Sorry if you don't like it (and is very different from rock - semantics all you want, the music itself is different). You can't go 50 saying 50 Cent is Classical music. [I]That's[/I] the principle we were debating. If it bothers you, then don't read it.
  19. Yeah, Lictors are awesome. You should see the updated model! It's one of the coolest looking units in the game! My army has plenty of Genestealers, and my heaviest unit is a Carnifex. The Carnifex rules have been updated tremendously, and they're now the most customizable and diverse unit available to the Tyranid army.
  20. Yeah, it's awesome! Chaos, right? By the way, you can just go to Art By Request and request a banner/avatar of pretty much anything and someone's usually willing to help. Who Am I? made my banner and avatar in response to a post I made there. [font=Verdana][color=blue][b]Edit:[/b][/color][/font] [font=Verdana][color=blue]Like I said before, please keep discussions about your avatar out of this thread as they do not relate to the topic in any way. Thanks.[/color][/font] [font=Verdana][color=blue]- Petie[/color][/font]
  21. My opinion is very singled out here but oh well: We Are Not Alone a piece of hackneyed, passionless, talentless, sell-out garbage. If you [I]have[/I] to listen to Breaking Benjamin, at least stick to the first album where they halfway showed some promise. I bought We Are Not Alone after hearing "So Cold". It was a strong single, so I thought I'd pick up the disc. Mistake. The entire rest of the album is filler! It's almost like they knew So Cold would sell records, so they rushed the rest of the CD. This isn't music, it's marketing. Oh, by the way: THEY DON'T EVEN WRITE THEIR OWN SONGS. Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins wrote most of the album for them. The songwriting is bland and the vocals are monotonous. By the end of the album, I was so utterly dissapointed, bored, and disgusted I couldn't believe it. I gave it a few more spins (namely because my girlfriend loved them - but guess what? She got bored of them too!), and every time was worse than the last. Did I mention the songwriting is really really really bland? The best songs on the album are So Cold and Follow. They also happen to be the only songs with any energy behind them. Oh, by the way, Follow sucks, and So Cold is mediocre. At least there's a guitar solo somewhere in there, even though any six-year-old with a guitar could play the thing twice as fast. In conclusion - this is a fad band that the masses are gobbling up because MTV says they're cool. Hopefully they'll follow suit with all the other hacks they belong with and dissapate into the swirling void of bad music that nobody listens to anymore (kind of like Nickelback!).
  22. [quote name='Killer7']At first I hadn't liked them, but lately I have been listening to some of thier music and they have been growing on me. Kinda sad for fans, but thier is still alot of other metal bands out there.[/quote] [I]Other[/I] metal bands? Slipknot isn't even a metal band to begin with... Yeah, they sold the %@#$ out. And they lost the passion. I just seem to like the music a bit more on Vol. III - it's more complex, tighter, and there's leads (which I love). Oh well.
  23. [font=Verdana][color=blue][b]Edit:[/b][/color][/font] [font=Verdana][color=blue]You yourself said that this post is irrelevant. Please, keep that sort of comment to PMs (or some other form of communication) as it really has nothing to do with this thread.[/color][/font] [font=Verdana][color=#0000ff]- Petie[/color][/font]
  24. I'm talking about the ones that didn't have any symphonic element at all. There were like two before they started using keyboards. I like Enthrone Darkness Triumphant, Spiritual Black Dimensions, Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia, and Death Cult Armageddon. They have one album called Godless Savage Garden, but I've never heard it. [QUOTE]As I Lay Dying IS NOT metal. [/QUOTE] ... Well, maybe you haven't taken the time to listen to them then. All the metal elements are there.
  25. [QUOTE=Kamuro][SIZE=1]I really don't understand why you don't like hardcore Jake? I know you dislike bands such as Underoath, which is more screamo anyway, but maybe hardcore means something different to you? lol As I said in another thread, having certain elements from different genre's is a good thing. Don't limit yourself to a certain type of music and close off the possibilities for a different sound. Even if it wasn't what you previously intended, you might just like the way it turns out after everything is said and done. You seem to have your heart set on a lot of the band's elements, which is good, but sometimes you just have to compromise to create the best work possible. As I said before, having a girl singer is great, but it also means it's even more important to have her around while creating the music. No offense to the opposite sex or anything lol, but from my own experience, female singers are more picky about the sound of the music. What you think sounds great, she might not like all that much. And depending on her personality she might just decide to change it. Compromising is a big deal concerning bands. I'm sure you know already, even without a singer. Everyone has different ideas and things they'd like to do. It's important to consider everything so that the band's happy [I]and[/I] the music sounds good.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Don't limit ouselves to one kind of sound? That's just the thing we're set out to avoid! Hell, we've got a song in the works including crazy bluegrass banjo solo played over a breakdown-ish thing! I just don't like hardcore that much. Hardcore just seems a little too hectic and discordant to me. I do like some hardcore elements (breakdowns, namely), which is why I like metalcore! To me, Metalcore takes hardcore and makes it a little more focused. Like Throwdown for example: obvious hardcore influence, but there's that metal element that makes their songs a little more focused in the direction they're going. There is one hardcore band I really like though, and that's Walls of Jericho. They're pretty awesome. But trust me, you won't be hearing many hardcore influences here. As far as the metal part goes (folk part aside), it's mostly a mix of Black and Melodic Speed. Thanks, Generic. We do realize that female vocals arent a gimmick! No, we need them for the Celtic feel, and also because it adds a certain ethereal element that I really like.
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