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Jake of Bodom

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Everything posted by Jake of Bodom

  1. Avenged Sevenfold: Only heard one song... Simple Plan: I'm not into the whole boy-band thing. I thought groups like this died along with the Backstreet Boys... Good Charlotte: Wearing an entire Hot Topic doesn't make you an edgier musician. Blegh. Hatebreed: I - will - be... I WILL BE HEARD! (Kamuro :p )
  2. lol Ah, who cares, I don't mind the double post. But the moderaters will be all over your butt if you keep that up! :laugh: Yeah, Elegy is pretty cool, but my favorite song on Frail Words Collapse is definately Collision. And Kamuro is, as usual, spot-on with his assesment. \m/
  3. Yeah. I'm alright with Brocore vocals, but most of my friends aren't. As I Lay Dying has some pretty awesome death vocals! Contrary to popular belief, they aren't a hardcore band. Even the band memebers consider themselves a Death Metal band. But that's besides the point. Just check out Bloodbath and tell us whatcha think!
  4. No problem, Fall! However, all the bands listed there do tend to have the Death vocals you don't like so much... oh well, maybe hearing them in their native environment will give you a different perspective! I wouldn't call Throwdown "death vocals", that's what's called "brocore" or "toughguy" vocals. Death vocals are way better! Yeah, check out Bloodbath first. Take a listen to the album Nightmares Made Flesh. Absolutely SUPREME! Prolly my favorite death metal album of the year. Amazing stuff.
  5. I've always considered As I Lay Dying to be more of a Death Metal band then a Hardcore band. All the "scene" kids at school friggin' crucified me for this: sadly, they pretty muched based their "hardcoreness" on the band member's style more than the music! And apparently, the inclusion of a couple breakdowns automatically makes them hardcore. No, wrong - Lamb of God and God Forbid both have breakdowns. They are NOT hardcore bands. Thus I was VERY pleased to hear the lead singer of AILD (cant remember his name) say that he considered their work to be mosly Death Metal! The words came from the band itself! HA!
  6. Actually, accorting to Varg Vikernes, there never really was tension between Mayhem and Burzum (read the interview [URL=http://www.metalcrypt.com]here[/URL]. Click the link and click on Varg Vikernes' name under Latest Interviews). Anyway, about female vocals: we're not going to have one unless the girl can really [I]sing[/I]. I know the perfect girl (her voice is out-of-this world amazing) but she had an obsessive crush on our guitarist/fiddlist/bazukist a year ago and he's still scared of her :laugh:. We'll find one one day! And I do realize that there is lots of mediocre Folk Metal out there. Hopefully we can pull this together though. With Nick in the band, we can't go too wrong... you really should hear this kid play! He's incredible. He plays Bodom like it's nothing. That's no easy feat! Sounds like this Circle Takes the Square business sounds interesting... I generally [I]really[/I] don't like hardcore, but they sound a little more artistic about it, plus I'm a sucker for good female vocals. I'll give 'em a listen.
  7. Actually, Amorphous, those are my favorite on that little list as well! :laugh: I was just going through some of my playlists suggesting stuff that was rougher and less melodic, not nescissarily stuff I choose to listen to frequently; for example, I don't like Gizmachi very much at all, or Ektomorf for that matter. These aren't my favorites by any means (besides Bloodbath, and sometimes Kataklysm), it was stuff I thought Fall might like. Here's a little list of [I]my[/I] favorites in no particular order: Children of Bodom Kalmah Finntroll In Flames (mostly the first album through Clayman) Imperanon Nightrage Nightwish Opeth At the Gates Sinergy Bloodbath (new album... the old one just didn't do it for me...) Dark Tranquillity Dimmu Borgir (I don't like the really old "cvlt" albums though) Sonata Arctica Tool (yes, I realize this seems out of place, but hey! They're amazing!) As I Lay Dying (and dont you DARE say they're a hardcore band, because they're metal.)
  8. Wow! Thanks for all the input, guys! I see the idea of female vocals was a big hit. We felt the same, seeing as many traditional Celtic story-songs are recorded with female vocals. By the way, I've decided that we have a new genre! [SIZE=4][B]JIG METAL![/B] [/SIZE] \m/ Reightous \m/ :laugh: Generic NPC #3, you're one of the few people who agree with me here. I think mixing death/black vocals with female vocals would be awesome! By the way, Elvenking is the only folkmetal band I can think of that's ever even remotely done this. Theatre of Tragedy and After Forever have the growl vs. female vocals, but they're nowhere close to Folk Metal. No worries, RiflesAtRecess! When people think metal, flutes, pennywhistles, and fiddles aren't the first things that come to mind. That's what makes us special! We've still got a strong heavy element (you guys'd like this one song we have... it's untitled, but Kamuro and Rifles would like it :animesmil ). For example, the aforementioned song is in D tuning and really chuggy on the low end for the guitars. There's some mid-range riffery (I wrote it before Shadows Are Security even came out, but think "Confined" or "Through Struggle"... they're kind of similar to the style here). So it's really heavy, but Nick is playing a beautiful fiddle "riff" (whatever you call it on the fiddle) over the whole thing. I'm not trying to brag by any means, but it still amazes me when we play it! It's very pretty, but you can sure as hell thrash out to it as well! Our other song, titled "Oi!" for now (we'll change it) is the one we recorded last week. It's REALLY rough (with a mic on my computer :laugh:), but fun nonetheless. This song is the essence of Jig Metal ( :animesmil ). I'm playing flute through the whole thing, and Nick takes traditional Celtic strumming patterns and puts them to heavily distorted electric guitar. Then there's the verse... we hadn't written any words to it yet, so we all did what we call "drunken tavern singing", which basically entails all of us just sort of mumbling a tune in unison. It's hilarious, fun, and totally METAL! :laugh: Finally, Kamuro's point. Okay... I hadn't really thought of that. Thank you for pointing that out, actually! I guess we didn't think that a vocalist would have that much of an impact on the music itself, but I guess when you look at the history of all music, it really does. Man. We need a singer. Oh, and just to keep you guys entertained - some awesome folk metal bands!: [B]Finntroll![/B] (If you want to get into Folk Metal, this is the band to start with!) [B]Elvenking![/B] (Epic songs with seriously wacky but awesome vocals!) [B]Turisas![/B] (Uber symphonic Folk Metal, and really really diverse!) [B]Korpiklaani![/B] (Super-folky awesomeness that's really high energy and fun!) [B]Ensiferum![/B] (Lighter on the folk, heavier on the metal, but still awesome!)
  9. Alright, here's the deal. My band is called Aiserigh (it's Gaelic for "rise again"). We play a brand of Folk Metal that mixes traditional Celtic music with melodic speed metal. The lineup is: Jake (aka The Fat Trollish Guy): Guitar, flute, miscellaneous pipes, keyboards (?) Nick (aka The Uberman): Guitar, fiddle, bazuki (sp), mandolin (this kid is prodigal) Linden (aka Linden): Bass Alex (aka Jake's Little Brother): Drums & Percussion First thing: we have NO idea what to do for vocals. Linden and I agree we want female vocals. What I think would sound the coolest is female vocals AND your average Folk Metal raspy midrange growl. It sounds dumb written down, but it's cool when you actually hear it. Anyway, we are most concerned with the female vocals. On the one song we actually recorded on my computer (called "Oi!" for in-the-making purposes), we all just kinda sang like we were all in a tavern or something. It's a riot to listen to, but it's not the effect we want, and it also sounds like we're ripping off Finntroll. We've got a few songs written and stuff... but does it sound interesting? Has anyone else out there tried starting a band? Any input, ideas, criticizms, sarcasm, fits of paranoia, or visions of a panda setting fire to a traffic light? Oh yeah, and if anyone is from Utah and is anywhere close to Salt Lake City/Park City/Heber/surrounding areas and you think you can contribute or at least know someone who might be willing to record/mix for cheap, PLEASE p.m. me ASAP!
  10. WOW! Awesome! Thanks so much! It looks great. The banner is amazing! And yes, they're a band - an INCREDIBLE, AMAZING, AWESOME band at that.
  11. I can fully play (guitar) "Meaning in Tragedy", "Confined", "The Darkest Nights", and "Through Struggle" now, and it's a blast! I love the way they write their music, even if it is a little bit formulated at times.
  12. 1. [B]Underworld[/B] 2. [B]The Nightmare Before Christmas[/B] 3. [B]Monty Python and the Holy Grail[/B]
  13. [QUOTE][I]Originally Posted by ChibiHorsewoman:[/I] Cranberries- No Need to Argue Cranberries- The Faithful Departed Cranberries- Everybody Else is Doing it, So why can't We? Cranberries- Bury the Hatchet[/QUOTE] Yay! The Cranberries are awesome! I have an album of theirs but I cant remember the name of it for my life... I really love the singer's voice though. Okay, I've added a few: Fragments of Unbecoming - Chapter II: A Sylphe's Ascension Marduk - Plague Angel Dark Funeral - The Secrets of the Black Arts The Agony Scene - The Darkest Red Chevelle - Point #1 Cannibal Corpse - Butchered at Birth Cannibal Corpse - Gore Obsessed Daysend - Severence My Dying Bride - Songs of Darkness, Words of Light Moonspell - The Antidote Behemoth - Demigod Behemoth - Zos Kia Kvltvs Seven Nations - The Factory ??? - Traditional Celtic Dance
  14. :laugh: That would make sense! By the way Fall, since you like your music a little rougher with less melody, check out some of these bands! Just humor me! By the way, I'm going to use subgenres, but only for their true, intended puropse: giving you and idea of what they might sound like! [B]Nile[/B] (Technical Death Metal) [B]Ektomorf[/B] (South-American Groove Metal (think Sepultura or Soulfly)) [B]Kataklysm[/B] (Death Metal - probably the most melodic on this list, but badass) [B]Naglfar[/B] (Black Metal) [B]Gizmachi[/B] (Nu-Metal - you prolly already listen to them, but if you don't you'd prolly LOVE them!) [B]Bloodbath[/B] (Death Metal (only listen to the new album "Nightmares Made Flesh") [B]Throwdown [/B] (Metalcore (many people say they're a hardcore band, but there's too many metal elements in their music to be simply hardcore)
  15. I was wondering if anyone would mind making me an Opeth banner/avatar.
  16. I was wondering if anyone would mind making me a Finntroll banner/avatar.
  17. [QUOTE]"Nu-Metal" is a sub-genre of metal[/QUOTE] Then why'd you say that...? [QUOTE]For example, there is no Alternate-Rock in Spineshank. None at all.[/QUOTE] Actually, I think Spineshank is more of a hard rock band more than anything, and if it's numetal (I've only heard 3 songs, so I cant say much) then it's really really rooted in alt-rock and such.
  18. [QUOTE=Ailes de Velour][font=arial][size=1][color=darkorchid]I'm sick to death of people labelling Evanescence as a gothic band, which they're not. (I'm also weary of people calling Nightwish goth, but at least they're closer to it than Evanescence is). I'd say Evanescence is some kind of alternative rock, not metal, definitely not goth. They might be one of my guilty musical pleasures, but Amy Lee's voice pales in comparison to other singers. I.E. Tarja Turunen, Liv Christine (I think that's her name, whoever's in Theatre of Tragedy), and Sarah Brightman (who isn't in a rock band, but her voice is ten zillion times better than Amy Lee's). So, as I've said, I don't mind Evanescence, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't call them goth. Please. And their cover of "Heart Shaped Box" is vomituous.[/font][/color][/size][/QUOTE] First off, Tarja and Liv are definately technically better than Amy (and both of their bands are way better). I do, however, agree with the reviewer Amy's emotion and passion. Granted, she'll never, EVER live up to Tarja or whatever, but at least she means what she's singing. [QUOTE]There are plenty of singers with more range, and more technical skills, but she has a marvelous tone and puts a lot of emotion into her vocals[/QUOTE] See? There ya go. And don't worry, I didn't call them Goth - the reviewer did. I was always under the impression that Goth music was started by bands like the Cure, which means that Evanescence isn't a Goth band. And the reason you see Nightwish called a "Goth" band is because they are in fact a Gothic Metal band (or at least mixes Gothic Metal with Neo-Classical/Symphonic Metal). Gothic Metal is VERY different from Gothrock, so don't worry, they're not intruding on your beloved genre (because that sucks, I know how it goes!). [QUOTE]I don't really care for this band myself... Others have done similar things before and better, but have been largely ignored. On the other hand, I don't think they're bad by any means, although I think everyone should hate that single with the rapping in it lol.[/QUOTE] Yeah, I think we all kind of wish the vocals had just been left to Amy. :laugh:
  19. lol Alright, thanks! We're all still saving money to complete our armies, so it'll prolly still be a while yet, but we're really stoked.
  20. I'm sure nobody probably frequents [URL=www.metalcrypt.com]Metal Crypt.com[/URL] (the best metal review site on the NET!). They are very picky about their metal (even more so than [I]me[/I] :eek:). They tear down EVERYTHING nu-metal (because they are posing as metal bands :mad: ) and everything else pretending to be metal, including stuff just confused as metal. I mean EVERYTHING. I was reading their section titled "Not-So-Metal Reviews" (reviews on albums put out by bands that aren't metal). I found this, and was almost shocked! [[I]By the way, if you see the term "mallcore", it's referring to all the nu-metal and alt-rock "wannabe metal" bands that people tend to consume in mass proportions because they wear a certain fashion or MTV tells them its great or whatever[/I].] [QUOTE]By now, everyone knows about this band, as they have mushroomed from a local act in small-town America to a big name band in just a year or so. Since that was mostly on the strength of the rap-infested single "Bring Me To Life" and then the ballad "My Immortal" a lot of metal fans have no doubt written this band off as a chick-fronted mallcore band flavored with ***, and that would be a mistake, as there is a lot more to them than that. Firstly: the terrible rapping part on the otherwise fine tune "Bring Me To Life" was an addition made by their label, in an effort to push one of their other acts, some horrible mallcore band that has hopefully been flushed into the toilet of obscurity by now. But anyway, there is no more of that **** on the rest of the album, and "My Immortal" is the only ballad, so it follows that the rest of the CD has plenty of room to be killer, and a lot of it is. Say what you will about Evanescence: say they are not metal, say you don't like them, say you hate Goth music in general and this band in particular, but you can't say they are not any good, because they manifestly are. Amy Lee is the obvious focus of the band with her haunted, tortured voice. There are plenty of singers with more range, and more technical skills, but she has a marvelous tone and puts a lot of emotion into her vocals - sometimes a scary amount, as on "Taking Over Me", or the stunning "My Last Breath". And the music behind the vocals is worth hearing too. Despite getting tagged as a Nu-Metal band, main songwriter Ben Moody lays down some killer riffs on "Tourniquet" most notably, as well as on "Going Under" and "My Last Breath", and contrary to what you will be told or assumed, there is some good leadwork on this album too. Leads! Imagine that! Evanescence are not a metal band, not really: they pull in too many non-metal elements, and the attitude, the ethos behind their music (which is patently Xtian in feel, but never explicitly stated - the word "Christ" appears once on the entire album, as opposed to about 200 times on the average Marduk CD) is all wrong for metal. But this is still an excellent album that has no doubt been unfairly dismissed by many metalheads because of the songs released from it and the general image cultivated by the promo material. If you doubt me, at least give the song "My Last Breath" a listen - smoking riffs and a stomping, catchy chorus make this a highlight of the album - Lacuna Coil would sell their limbs to write a song half this good. Much as I might hate to admit it, "Fallen" is a really good CD, and those who enjoy heavy Gothic music would do well to look past the hype machine and check it out. [/QUOTE] Wow. I visit this site daily, and I never, EVER expected something like that! Now personally I love Evanescence (strange, I know), so I was [I]very[/I] pleased when I saw this. I know a lot of people hate them just because they got so popular, but I think this review shatters that perception. Whatcha'll think?
  21. Oh my God, I totally forgot one of the most important ones! [B][U][SIZE=4]BLACK SABBATH - PARANOID[/SIZE][/U][/B] If you call yourself a metalhead, you better own this effing album! A true classic that's stood the test of time and is STILL influencing bands today!
  22. [QUOTE][I]ORIGIONALLY POSTED BY KAMURO[/I] - Jake of Bodom - Me and Jake are big metal heads, so what better duo then this? I gotta have someone to go all crazy with me and mosh all over the place. It'd be kinda weird if everyone else walked in on me moshing all by myself lol.[/QUOTE] LMFAO!!! Dude, I love you. Do you practice pit-dancing in your room as well? :animeblus me too! :laugh: :animeswea First off, Fall and myself. If you want to know why I choose Fall and myself, just check out the "What's Your Favorite Type of Music" thread :laugh: Then Kamuro: a) because he's awesome, and b) because he's uncannily level headed most of the time, and I'd like to see what would happen if he got caught up in a debate between Fall and myself! :laugh: Beyond that, 0ber0n the Neko, because I know the kid in person and he's awesome, funny, nice, and capable of pissing [B]anyone[/B] off without even trying! :laugh: Tyler Koregaten because I really respect him. I doubt he'd cause much of a ruckus, he's just way cool. Amorphous, because he's really into "true" metal like myself, and I'd need someone to talk to about the differences between this Tech-Death Metal band and that Funeral Doom Metal band! :laugh: Plus, he seems pretty opinionated which is always interesting in "Real World" type shows. ChibiHorsewoman, because I annoy her and she hits people with frying pans. That HAS to get interesting. Finally, Rhym. I know him in person as well. VERY opinionated politically. Politics always find a way to piss people off, so he'd be fun!
  23. Wait, wait, wait. Fall, I didn't say that Nu-Metal is structureless or has rough structure at all! Nu-Metal has plenty of thought-through structure! My brother just got into a nu-met band called Gizmachi - they have some super-complex song structures! Bands like Korn and whatnot have structure, it's just waaaaay different than that of metal. Like Amorphous said, Nu-Metal came from grunge and alt-rock with a light (or sometimes not so light *cough Limp Bizkit cough hurl*) sprinkling of hip-hop. And as for your comment about Bodom's song structure, I disagree kindly but very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very firmly. Their structure is effing [I]brilliant[/I], solos and melody completely aside. What do you think I mean by structure? We could just be on totally different pages here... [QUOTE]Barely as it may be, it's still related. Some can see it, some can't, it's what you like in your music.[/QUOTE] Okay, but just because it's related (and BARELY) still doesn't make it metal. Just like Black Sabbath doesn't play blues, but it's deeply influenced by it. [QUOTE]CHILDREN OF BODOM RULES CURRENT METAL AS WE KNOW IT.[/QUOTE] Thank you Tyler. You happen to be correct. \m/(>.
  24. Yeah, Master's Appretices was kickass. But all of Blackwater Park owns it.
  25. OK, so here's the deal. My friends and I are starting out. I'll just use their names because it's easier. I'm playing Tyranids, Nick is playing Tau, Patrick is playing Eldar, Henry is playing Witch Hunters, and Colin is playing Necrons. Will this all be balanced? Will we have fun playing such armies against each other?
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