Jake of Bodom
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Everything posted by Jake of Bodom
YAY! I play flute too! Everyone thinks it's very strange based on the way I look (crazy clothes, long hair) and the music they think I listen too (in which case they're usually wrong), but I love it! The flute is one of the most beautiful sounding instruments out there. Awesome. Never stop playing music.
Bloodseeker, your analysis of NIN was... interesting. It doesn't seem like you really thought that one out. I don't even like NIN, so I'm not defending them. And NIN isn't Techno [I]or[/I] Rock, it's Industrial. And sorry to say, although I love Slipknot, on nearly every level they cannot compare to Tool. Anyway, I'm going with Tool on this comparison. Their music is deep and well thought out. They leave no holes in their songwriting. The lyrics are pure brilliance, as well as the vocal delivery of those lyrics. The drumming is incredible, especially if you listen really closely. Justin (the bassist) is a complete master of his art. Therefore, Tool wins in my book.
No, animated as in cartoon. Just the comic book. Sorry, I guess animated means moving cartoon. JtHM is just a graphic novel.
Oh, okay! Well, NFG and SP are decent to some (actually, a [I]ton[/I]) of people, so we shouldn't talk like that. But we agree on their overall suckage, so, yeah.
[QUOTE]I don't care for either of the pop punk bands listed either. I think the argument of what's "real" punk or metal is irrelvant here when you're comparing two bands in the same spectrum. Their sounds might be different, but genre semantics get you nowhere.[/QUOTE] O.K., but Rammstein and Dimmu Borgir are not even remotely in the same "spectrum". At all. They're completely, utterly, and totally different genres entirely. [QUOTE]Can we get some new bands, maybe somthing decent this time?[/QUOTE] Dimmu Borgir is decent!
I love "Ancient Forest of the Elves" by Luca Turilli as well. It gets stuck in my head like no other! ARGH! Yeah, I'd prolly have to go with Nightwish for the femme bans as well, but Within Temptation is prolly a close second. [QUOTE]Keep it real, like Sonata Arctica does![/QUOTE] LMFAO! I get it! Clever, Rhym. Very clever.
[QUOTE]The reason I post this in the Zim thread is because CN Anime is merged with the Comic Book, Sci Fi, Horror, and Gaming conventions. And for this year's Comic Book convention JHONEN VASQUEZ, creator of Zim, JtHM, and Squee, will be a guest of honour. ^^[/QUOTE] NO WAY! JtHM is my single most favoritest piece of animated fiction EVER!!! I LOVE JHONEN VASQUEZ AND YOU GET TO MEET HIM AND I DON'T SO I SHALL STAB MY HEAD WITH A SPORK! Happy sausage time! :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil SAUSAGE :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil
Yeah, I'm a little, shall we say, passionate about the subject of Metal? lol - Sorry I keep bringing it up, I know this is a Classical/Orchestral thread. Metal just keeps popping into my head because all these classical/orchestral songs remind me of metal songs, and then it kind of all goes downhill :animeswea Anyway, yeah, Beethoven's 9th is a great one. I don't know what you mean about it's association with football, though. Perhaps you'd like to explain... And yes, Pirates is a really great score. Like you said, it can be generic at times, but I completely agree with you that it's full of energy. I absolutely [I]love[/I] "He's a Pirate"! It's a great song! The second I got my hands on the CD, I sat down and immediately started noodling it out on my flute! I love that song! It's so fun. Oooooohhh, sorry. TSO could stand for both, so you see my mistake? :animeswea sorry! Well, you've probably heard of Trans-Siberian Orchestra as well, so what do you think of them?
LOL, yeah, Rammstein can be quite... *aghem*... [I]interesting[/I]. And remember: Rammstein is NOT metal! And Simple Plan isn't just a discrace to your culture, it's a disgrace to all we call music.
...ok... lol! So anyway, has anyone heard "Mother Earth" by Within Temptation? I can't get that song out of my head! It's amazing! Also, any other At the Gates fans here? They are one of the most incredible death metal bands of all times, and influenced bands like In Flames and Nightrage (I actually think Nightrage containes an ex-At the Gates band member or something). And while I'm on the topic of Death Metal, I've got something to say: KATAKLYSM. These guys put out one of the most pleasant surprises of 2004, the album Serenity in Fire. It's great! It's one solid Death song after another! I enjoy it from back to front every listen. Awesome stuff. They also have some great songs on the previous album, Shados & Dust (I'm talking about "Face the Face of War" and "Where the Enemy Sleeps" of course!). Just wondering if anyone's with me here. Until then, stay heavy!
Does TSO=Trans-Siberian Orchestra? That would be incredible! I LOVE the Trans-Siberian Orchestra! They actually helped create Symphonic Metal, by the way. Those guys are incredible, and if they were playing Star Wars, it would be musical nirvana.
First of all, [B]Rammstein is [U]NOT[/U] metal.[/B] O.K., I feel better now. It's difficult to compare the two, seeing as they are completely different genres. I will have to support Dimmu Borgir, though, because I like them a hell of a lot more. Dimmu has mixes in some truly brilliant orchestral compositions in their music, and I love how epic their songs sound. I also love how at times they can be really blasty and at others beautifully melodic. [I]Spiritual Black Dimensions[/I] and [I]Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia[/I] are absolute masterpieces as far as Symphonic Black Metal goes. Simple Plan and New Found Glory? Eeeeewwww. Sorry, that's just my opinion, but then again, I'm biased: I'm a fan of music that requires skill, passion, and creativity to play. Even though I despise both, I'm going to go with NFG. Their songs are a bit more interesting and diverse (but only a BIT) than those of Simple Plan. And by the way, Simple Plan and New Found Glory are not punk. They're pop groups. There's NOTHING punk about either band besides simple chord progressions that any 12-year-old could play after a day on the guitar. [QUOTE]FF pissed me off ALOT! Take Me Out is the most annoying song I ever listened too, I hate the tune, I hate the lyircs, and I hate the singer. FF Crap. [/QUOTE] Word.
[quote name='Godelsensei]All I really have to say is this: [i]count the chords[/i'].[/quote] I have! I'm a music lover, so I've dabbled in everything. Metal and classical/orchestral are my favorite. Have you ever counted the chords in a true metal song before? Ever listened to Opeth? Nightwish? Children of Bodom? Ever counted the chords in any of their songs? Probably not. And anyway, more chords doesn't equal a better song. I know that's not nescissarily what you're saying, but still. Anyway, I listened to strictly classical/orchestral music up until maybe 4 years ago. Metal is truly amazing if you just give it a chance (I'm talking about the true stuff here). I noticed on another thread you're into stuff like The Arcade Fire and the Gorillaz (at least I think that was you... I apologize deeply if it wasn't). Trust me, Metal is much much much deeper than that stuff. Not that there's anything wrong with any of those bands, but if you're counting chords, technical skill, songwriting ability, overall composition, stuff like that, then you really should look into metal. If you want to I'd be happy to send you some info on bands you might enjoy. And Metallica playing with the orchestra isn't all that great, mostly because it's Metallica (okay, this is probably a little biased because I really don't like Metallica). For [I]real[/I] symphonic metal, try Nightwish or Rhapsody. You know, the good stuff. [QUOTE]That said, Bach, Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Vivaldi, Mozart. Amazing. Sheer brilliance. Utter genius.[/QUOTE] YES! Gotta agree with you here! Some of my faves, especially Back, Vivaldi, and Tchaikovsky. Great stuff. Ugh! I [I]hate[/I] Elgar's "Pomp and Circumstance: Land of Hope and Glory"! To each his own - it's fine if you like it - but I can't stand it! Not bashing you here, I just had to say something. [QUOTE]And I loathe harpsichords. If there's one way to instantly make me edgy, play a harpsichord. I just hate the sound it makes. So. Much.[/QUOTE] :( ... I like harpsichords! lol Speaking of film scores, I think the Fellowship of the Ring score is incredible! The orchestration is really tight, and It covers everything from quiet and solemn to epic and full. I love it! Anyone else with me here?
[QUOTE=Godelsensei]I'll just take for granted that, by classical, you are referring to "old, instrumental music". That said, Bach, Tchaikovsky, Chopin, [b]Vivaldi[/b], Mozart. Amazing. Sheer brilliance. Utter genius. I like classical music because it is something you really have to [i]listen[/i] to. Things like Winter, anything from Carmen, or even Peter and the Wolf. The music tells a story, is full of nuances, is so ingrained in our culture, it is considered artistic to re-adapt them. There are so many instruments in most classical pieces, so many chords. It is far superior, technically, than any new music you'll hear. Any one can create a catchy tune, but it takes [i]skill[/i] and [i]genius[/i] to create the kind of music that would have met past eras' standards.[/QUOTE] Mmmm... I disagree. Here I go onto metal again (Bloodseeker, if you like metal, you'd better try out some classical! Metal is deeply rooted in the classical composers. Unless, of course you consider stuff like Slipknot and Korn to be metal, WHICH THEY'RE NOT, then I could see why this would be an issue). Try bands like Haggard, Kamelot, Nightwish, Children of Bodom, Kalmah, Opeth... the list goes on and on! These guys put tons of effort into balancing their music, making sure that every piece fits, fine tuning the little details to get the perfect cascade of sounds - just like classical music. In true, real metal, you also have to really listen to get everything out of it. Trust me, some of these guys truly are skilled geniuses, but sadly the genre is very rarely given a chance because bands like Slipknot and such parade around pretending to be metal and turning everyone off. It's not all about screaming and beating on stuff. It's about skill and musicality, melody and song structure. Like I said, Classical and Metal are very closely intertwined. Sorry about that, I got carried away again :animeswea
[QUOTE=Leofski]For further (vaguely) Tolkeiny Metal, Rhapsody tour with Christopher "Saruman" Lee dressed as a king. I heard some Nightwish and just couldn't get into it. To me it just didn't seem like proper metal and gave me bad memories of a night at the opera :animeswea .[/QUOTE] Mmmm... maybe try them again, but with the right songs. I suggest the song Ghost Love Score off the album Once. Amazing truly. If you like Symphonic Metal, Nightwish is one of the best bands out there, so I'd be surprised if you didn't find something to like about them...
Hey! I definately share your love for classical music. If it weren't for me listening to so much classical music when I was younger, I wouldn't appreciate music nearly as much as I do now. I do disagree with you on one point, however. I wouldn't say that Classical is the [I]only[/I] form of music that should be considered a fine art. For example, Metal music. Now, bear with me here - I'm guessing your conception of what Metal is is very wrong (don't worry, almost everyones is, and I definately don't blame you for this - there's a lot of crap out there that's labelled as Metal but isn't even remotely). Believe it or not, Metal is the closest relative (in song structure) to Classical, as far as modern music goes. Take a look at bands like Nightwish. Nightwish is a metal band that features a female vocalist who sings opera-style, and the music is accompanied by beautiful orchestral arrangements. I'm not saying that Metal is the only other style that could be called a fine art, it's just the only one I know enough about to back it up. Just curious, who's your favorite composer? I'm quite partial to J.S. Bach's work myself. Speaking of Bach (here I go again, I'm so sorry :animeswea), I have a little video of Alexi Laiho and Roope Latvala of the metal band Children of Bodom playing a beautiful minuet by Back on their electric guitars, which they had set up to sound like they were backed by violins. It was incredible! Watching them play such a complex classical piece on guitar was completely mesmerizing! It also shows how similar Metal and Classical really are :animesmil Anyway, back to Bach, he composed a piece called "Thus Do You Fare, My Jesus". I really love the way it builds up, and the end is utterly epic. Have you heard it? If you have, what do you think?
Hypocricy is not like Pain at all, but they're really good. I suggest you listen to them anyway. Anything on those femme-bands yet?
Yes, and I realize this. But many, many, many people claim they're metal. I don't blame the bands for this. It's just very frutrating. And like Sargon said, the reason it matters so much is that I feel a need to defend the music I love. It's important to me that people realize that stuff isn't the music I adore so much.
Hey guys, sorry to post twice in a row, but this was too classic to not put up! It's a quote from an editorial written by "Sargon the Terrible" for [URL=http://www.metalcrypt.com]Metal Crypt[/URL]. To read the full editorial (and I suggest you do, it's a fun read and it made me laugh out loud a couple times), just click the link and then click the first editorial (titled "Metal Only"). [QUOTE]And why does all this matter? Why do I care so much about what is and is not Metal? Because I have to. Somebody has to, or we just let in all the jock-rap date-rapist Mallcore jackoffs with their shaved heads and their baggy shirts, the goth queers with their ennui and sneering, the metalcore/hardcore losers with their monotonous screaming. If we don't keep the ramparts clear, we are just admitting those guys are not only just as good as we are, but that we are the same. Back in the 80s we all had to put up with glam idiots being touted as 'Metal', and we had to fight to keep them out. Then in the 90s it was the grunge wave, and we were all so 'open-minded' we just let them come in and trample all over everything and sh1t on the porch, and everything just went to Hell. It matters because if we don't fight to keep that sh1t out, it will get out of hand and take over, and everyone will think that fairy cockshit is the music we love. It's the reason we swear allegiance to metal, why we toil in the underground so hard to get the word out. Metal is the fucl
I'm going with Modest Mouse here. The problem with Franz Ferdinand is this: all their songs sound sooooooo similar! Comparing Take Me Out and This Fire (the band's singles), the song structures are nearly identical! My friend was listening to their album, and I could barely discriminate between the songs. They're just to repetitive in my opinion. Modest Mouse seems a little more diverse in their song writing, and a little more original overall.
I thought Demon Days absolutely, totally, unequivically PWN'd the self-titled, G-Sides, [I]and[/I] Laika Come Home. The music was just much more interesting, the production was way better, and the lyrics cover more topics in a more engaging way. I think it dabbles in just as many styles as the self-titled, so I disagree with you there, DeathBug. The self-titled was a good album, but like Leofski said, there were a few songs that just never grew on me. I think that overall Demon Days is their best album. But then again, what do I know? I'm a metalhead. \m/
[quote name='Sir Auron']i thought hammerfall, blind guardian, sonata artica, iced earth is power metal bands. well whats the difference between symphonic and power metal..?[/quote] Hammerfall and Iced Earth are power metal (there's really no symphonic-ness to either of those bands). Blind Guardian is Symphonic Power Metal, and Sonata Arctica is... difficult to classify, so I won't even try. Gwynva, I've put together a little list of Tolkien Metal bands for you: Arwen Battlelore Blind Guardian Gandalf Isengard Rivendell Summoning All those bands have LOTR-based lyrics. I hope you enjoy them. As for which band you should listen to first between Kamelot or Luca Turilli, it's hard to say. Both bands are incredible. I'd say Luca Turilli, though. They're super epic and awesome.
Yeah, sorry about that, Fall. As far as Shadows Fall goes, it's great stuff indeed. Although I wouldn't call it hardcore, because there's waaaaayyy too much Metal stuff going on for that (Metal and Hardcore are seperate genres [Hardcore isn't a subgenre, it's a full-on genre]). They have great breakdowns though (Metal can have breakdowns too!). I think I like War Within best, but Art of Balance is a great album as well. Art of Balance seems to be the most experimental, creative, and advanced musically. And Otogi-san, if you're trying Nile, know that they are usually an aquired taste. Here's some suggested songs to get you started: Album: [U][B]In Their Darkened Shrines[/B][/U] "The Blessed Dead" "Execration Text" "The Winds of Horus" Album: [U][B]Annhiliation of the Wicked[/B][/U] "Sacrifice Unto Sebek" "The Burning Pits of the Duat" "Chapter of Obeisance Before Giving Breath to the Inert One in the Presence of the Crescent Shaped Horns" I hope you enjoy them, 'cuz I sure do! By the way, another great band that mixes growling/screaming with singing is Into Eternity. They mix Death Metal with the occasional Progressive Metal element and it works out beautifully. Check out the songs "Embraced by Desolation", "3 Dimensional Aperture", and "Beginning of the End". Kamuro, you should check out "Beginning of the End", as it starts right off with a pretty cool breakdown, and then later on in the song (approx. 1:32 into it), the vocalist actually sings over a breakdown, and it sounds amazing! I've never heard a band pull that off before. Has anyone here heard of Within Temptation? I think they're a great band, and the vocalist has an absolutely beautiful voice (female). Has anyone seen Machine Head on tour yet? I'd like to hear how that went. I absolutely love Machine Head (anyone else with me here?), but I'm not going to be able to catch their concert in SLC on Monday. I just want to know what some of the songs they played were and stuff like that. A little debate to start here: Pain or Hypocricy? Both bands are awesome, and they share the same frontman (I can't remember his name for the life of me, though). I'm just wondering which band seems to be more popular here. I'm gonna have to vote for Hypocricy here. Hey Rhym, on Dark Tranqullity's [I]Damage Done[/I] album (the one I gave you just a while back), what did you think of the song "Hours Passed in Exile"? I flippin' LOVE that song! By the way Kaka--- I mean, Kamuro ;), I checked out All My Heroes. I wasn't too stoked on them, but I don't like the Emo/Post-Hardcore style very much. I do have to say that within their style, they are very good. I definately respect it, I just don't enjoy it very much. It's all good - music rocks. \m/ (>,
Hey, Fall, no worries! I was just backing up my side. It's not a brawl. I'm actually glad you have a differing opinion so we can debate on it. I probably did come across a little harsh (because a) I'm a little over-the-top passionate about this and b) I was in a very bad mood to begin with when I responded). I apologize for that. And I definately see your point. You don't have to memorize 30+ subgenres, just enough so that you can tell the difference between Death Metal and Power Metal. That kind of thing, you know? And Kamuro, I definately agree with you that there is uncatagorizable music out there (for example, I have no flippin' clue how to catagorize System of a Down). I don't try to catagorize those bands. I just do it with groups that belong to a certain genre for sure. And yes, Nile does = crazy! \m/
Okay, first of all, I was just getting frusturated with everyone getting all high-and-mighty. I don't care if you post more than three bands (that wasn't even something I was complaining about!). It was just that I think we all understand that all countries have great music, but everyone had to go off on how all countries make music blah blah blah and it kind of killed the fun nature of the thread. That was all. Not only that, but I wrote that post at about 3:00 A.M., so my fuse was short to begin with :animeswea By the way, I'm 16, not 12. And one more little tirade: MOST DEATH METAL IS NOT SATANIC. I can name far more death metal bands that aren't satanic than are. Please stop saying that. Please.