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Everything posted by thezerosystem

  1. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1] [B]Name:[/B] Eddy but often called "Monster" by his closer friends... [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Position:[/B] Medic [B]Appearance: [/B] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v97/Jipsie/A_Prayer_for_PardonCROP_by_cinquain.jpg]"Monster".[/URL] About 5'9", rakishly thin, with deathly pale skin, a mop of black hair that's almost scarier than his smile, and flourecsent green eyes. He usually wears a white, button up dress shirt about four sizes too big for him (it hangs down almost past his knees), a pair of black stretch pants that hook under his heel, and an old pair of flipflops sandles, if he must wear shoes at all. [B]Personality:[/B] Eddy is not the sort of person one would like to encounter in a dark alley. Aggressive, sarcastic, with a defined bitter streak and an even crueler sense of humor...add monkey and mix well. He's grown fond of the appelation "Monster", and it suits him. And yet... For all that the good Doctor is undeniably insane, he takes his medicine very seriously. People don't die under his knife...unless of course...well, just try not to get on his grudge list... [B]Short Bio:[/B] Rumor has it that Eddy was once a Millitary Biochemist for the Theocracy, but then, rumor has a lot these days. Eddy 'prefers' not to confirm or deny any of the rumors about himself, through whether this is out of a hidden pain or a flair for the dramatic is anyones guess. His parents were both brilliant research scientists working for the Theocracy, and no one had any doubt their only son would someday outshine them both. From early childhood the Theocracy took a keen interest in his education, pushing him through opportunities most people only ever dream of. He was a prodegny,devouring everything set in front of him, but as time passed he proved to have...not the best of attention spans. Only the most outlandish of subjects could hold his attention for more than a few days, and he soon earned the reputation of being quite the young eccentric. Shortly before the "Marauder Incident" the Theocracy took an interest in he and his mother's genetic research, though whether or not Eddy was directly involved with the syrum that created the Marauders is a dangerous subject to broach with him. Shortly after the "Marauder Incident" a lab fire broke out in one of his research facilities killing two hundred and forty three of his co-analysts, including his mother, and, according to all official records, Edward D. Jones. His father...is another one of those conversational tabboos... "Eddy" popped up a few months later when he hitched a ride off the planet Hades, and spent a while drifting about the inhabited galaxy on any ship that would have his services as a medic or elsewise. Eventually, his wanderings brought him aboard a bounty hunters ship... [B]Weapons:[/B] Eddy is more of a hand to hand fighter, unpredictable and savage; get him angry and enything within reach becomes a weapon. But he is rarely without a syrynge, the size of which alone could qualify it as a weapon... Let alone what might be in it.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. Marie was trying to decide what the devil to do with her hair when she heard the low buzz of the alarm systems being set. She paused, listening. She didn't smell anything unusual, so she assumed it was Troy. She tunred back to the task at hand and sighed. It was growing dangerously tempting to whack the whole mess off. But she wasn't sure how Troy would handle it... He liked her hair, he was always staring at it, and heavens knew she was about the only thing that could distract him from his quest for revenge. Marie turned in her seat to call to him, dinner was in the oven and she wasn't going to be home to take it out, but stopped. He shuffled past her room and into his own without saying hi the way he normally would have. She grumbled to herself. It was going to be one of [I]those[/I] nights then. To be killed by your father, or to watch your father die... She thought perhaps that Troy had it worse. She would not be at peace untill she had killed the vampire she had once called 'father', but afterwords... She would go on with her life, she supposed. But Troy... Marie doubted anything could ease the pain of loosing someone you still loved. She didn't want to think about that. She pulled her hair up into a half bun and pinned it there, letting the rest of her curls cover her bare shoulders. Perhaps she was beautiful, she'd had enough men tell her so... She gave up and pulled on her jacket. Marie was not...pretty...not the way the princesses in the ols storybooks were supposed to be. She was just a little too tall, her bones were just a little too solid, and well, she was just too brown. Brown hair, brown eyes... she was too earthy to be pretty. It was another reason she hated Vampires. They made her feel like a cow. She didn't bother leaving a note for Troy. He knew where she worked. She didn't think to expect anyone to still be poking around her alley shortcut, so the sudden question from the shadows caught her off guard. "So, have you changed anyone recently?" She yelped. "Damn-I have [B]got[/B] to find a new shortcut." She rounded on the voice angrily. "What are you trying to do give someone a heart attack!?!?" The question registered... "Oh....crap."
  3. [CENTER]Dude, every single one was freakin' hilarious. I'm pleased no one went with the obvious "Barrel" gag. But at the same time, I am rather surprised.... Anyway. These were my favorites. Third Place goes to [B]KatanaViolet[/B] with: "The new type of intestinal worm that was discovered made avian bird flu look like the common cold." Second Place goes to [B]CelestialCharm[/B] with: "That's the last time I eat Sushi..." But for some reason this one made me laugh so hard I almost had an asthma attack. " Remember kinds don't go swiming in unknown places, Or the tentacle virus will get you and do....horrible...horrible things" You win [B]Illusion[/B].[/CENTER]
  4. Name:Lydia Rook Nickname: Lady Rook Age: 19 Gender:Female Origin: Maine, USA Current Residence: Missouri, USA Appearance: [URL=http://s.deviantart.com/styles/blank.png]Here.[/URL] About 5'4", with fair skin and dark brown, almost black hair cut short around her chin, and wide, empty blue eyes. She wears alot of black, simply to avoid mismatching, and is often mistaken for an old fashioned goth. (Pictues coming) Curse: At the age of ten Lydia began having vision problems. Vision problems, meaning that she would suddenly have visions of people and places other than those in front of her. As her grandmother suffered from the same curse, Lydia gradually learned that she was not (as the other children in school aunted her) clairvoiant, nor a witch; she was simply seeing through the eyes of the neighborhood animals. As her own sight faded, she learned to control her curse somewhat, using the eyes of the animals around her in place of her own. Every great once in a while, she will see through the eyes of another human, but this she cannot control. She is very greatful it does not happen often. Personality: Soft Spoken and reclusive, Lydia is nevertheless a very headstrong young girl, and the rest of the world be tossed. She wants her eyes back, but at the same time I as her writer would like her to learn to put others interests ahead of her own. She's learning, but there is a great deal of bitterness and fear inside her because of the way she and her grandmother have been treated by the townspeople. She is very lonely. Biography: Lydia remembers very little of her parents, they were killed in a fire when she was four and visiting her grandmother one summer. When the news came, her grandmother simply nodded and told her she was going to be living with her from now on. Lydia may have cried, a little, she was really too young to understand very much. School was always a nightmare, as the other kids favorite pastime seemed to be to taunt Lydia about the rumors about her grandmother. She learned not to fight, but to take her revenge quietly... When she turned ten, and began to inherit the curse, her grandmother taught her everything she could about sight shifting, as well as just generally living blind without cutting yourself in the kitchen of falling down the stairs of their old manor house. But the old woman died when Lydia was fourteen, leaving her alone on a farm no one in the small town would come near. The grocery man, an old friend of her grandmothers, stops by twice a week to bring her supplies, but for the most part Lydia preferres the company of her (God only knows how many) cats and ancient crow that lives in the tree in her backyard. She named his Quirky, but he isn't a pet by any means. He bites.
  5. The Scarlet Pimpernel. I doubt many people have heard of this opera, and I think it was kind of a flop on broadway, but it is still my favorite in every catagory. Romance, Adventure, Humor, Suspense, Tragedy....About the only thing I wouldn't label it is a mystery, because you as the audiance know the hero's secret. Percival Blakeney is an exceedingly rich, disgustingly shallow fop living in england during the time of the French Revolution. Somehow, the fool managed to marry the most beautiful, talanted actress in France. The day of thier wedding however, Percy learns that Margurete signed the denunciation of a close friend of his and thus he and his entire family were sent to the guillotine. And here is where the whole mess starts. Margurete, (who, for someone of her wit seems to me rather gullible) doesn't know anything about the matter. She was promised that the man and his family would be set free, and was just as horrified as everyone else when they were executed instead. But Percy, who is too stricken by the news to think clearly, doesn't think to ask his wife what really happened. He decides that he is going to rescue as many people from the Guilotine as he can, donning the alias of "The Scarlet Pimpernel". (which is a flower and part of his family crest) Meanwhile Margurete, who is already upset enough about her husbands sudden bitterness and coldness to her, finds out the new French government (or rather, her ex lover Chauvlin) has kidnapped her brother and wants her to find out the identity of the Scarlet Pimpernel or they will kill him. You can see how this puts her in a bit of a spot. Anyway, I can't really say more without giving away the plot. But everything about this musical was jaw droppingly good. Despite the sadness of the plot, or perhaps enhanced by it, Percy's antics as a goofball are hilarious, the music is beautiful, and the lyrics to the scenes are amazing! [url]http://theatre-musical.com/pimpernel/libretto1.html[/url] I guess the lyrics kinda spoil the plot a bit...but I'm posting a link anyway. I can't even decide which song is my favorite.
  6. [CENTER]Huh? Eh? WAHHH! Woah! Crap. Okies...em....em...Picture! RIGHT! FINDING PICTURE! [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v97/Jipsie/SO225.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER]
  7. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna][CENTER] [B]"Ileus! It's been too long. I see your in good health, I wouldn't have hoped for anything less. Things are well, I would suppose?"[/B] Ileus couldn't believe this. Aldain... Of Ileus few most treasured memories the long years he had spent in the libraries pouring over ancient volumes during their youth had offered the most comfort during his exile. Aldain, whose delight at the universe swept away anyone he spoke to... whose unquenchable thirst for knowladge could have devoured the very sun! Oh....[I]oh[/I] ... Aldain drew forth his second sword, no less powerful than it's brother. Ileus shook his head in horror, trying desperately to come to some other conclusion. Not this, not the Maddness of the Scholars; Aldain could not possibly be so blind... [B]"What are you doing here!"[/B] He demanded. [B]"I refused to believe them when they told us you joined the Traitors...I begged for them to be wrong...."[/B] Aldain raised his hands defensively. [B]"You're seeing this the wrong way. I'm not a traitor. I'm only interested in---" [/B] [B]"Yourself."[/B] Ileus itnturrupted him, furious with the Queen for refusing to confirm or deny the rumors, with himself, for so desperately willing it to be untrue, and with Aldain, for being to impossibly [I]stupid[/I] ... [B]"You're only interested in yourself. How could you turn your back on everything you've ever known like this?" [/B] He raised his staff. [B]"How could you betray what you [I]are[/I] ?!." [/B] He whispered coldly. [B]"If that's the way you want it Ileus."[/B] Aldian sighed. [B]"Have at it!"[/B] The farther they drew from Seraph's own battle, the colder it became. Ileus held his ground, but he was weakening. [B]"I'm sorry, Ileus. I've forgoten the weakness Guardians of Light ha--."[/B] Perhaps, it was not in very good taste, but after almost five centuries of being patronized Ileus was in no mood for Aldain's concern. [B]"Shut up! Shut up! Your worry's fake! You don't care about us. You're trying to destroy us."[/B] [B]"What do you know!"[/B] Aldain rounded on him. [B]"You eat all of the lies and bullshit your superiors feed you! What if the Twilight Spear coulde end this tension between the two sides! What if we could live in unison. What if that's what's is meant to happen!?"[/B] Before Ileus could react, Aldain had sheathed his swords and grabbed hold of Ileus by the collar. [B]"I'm going to find out, and if you're going to stand in my way, than I'll have to fight you." [/B] Ileus landed hard, catching his back against a rock jutting up out of the cold ground. His head swam painfully, but at least, his mind regestered vaguely, he could feel his strength returning in the glow of Seraph's sword. It was humiliating to be so weak, but Ileus had learned to be grateful for even the gifts of enemies. [B]"... what you will, but I still have my morals." [/B] [B]"Wouldn't that be wonderful?"[/B] ILeus choked out, pulling himself to his feet. Aldain paused in his attack, giving Ileus just enough time to block his swing. [B]"If I could possibly believe you, my old friend, I would pour my soul into your aid. But you were not there!"[/B] He reached into his tunic and pulled out the Queen's mirror. [B] "You've read the prophecies!"[/B] Ileus cried. [B]"We-" [/B] And he faltered for a moment. [B]"The Spear of Twilight was never meant to bring about unity but the balance of prebirth! The [I]VOID[/I], Aldain!"[/B] He tossed the Mirror to Aldain. [B]"Unlife, Aldain. Hope seems to be foolishness these days, but out of our friendship in the past I indulge. Take it and see, my friend. What is meant to be will be. Defeat me, if that is what is to happen, but consider that there is no knowladge past the gates of Sheol, the place to which you would go, should you chase this [I]"balance"[/I] to it's end." [/B] [/CENTER] [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  8. I'm gonna have to say the Wolf's Rain soudtrack. It ranges from Jazz to Tribal to Rock to what I think sounds Operatic so smoothly. There isn't a song on there I dont like, but "Gravity" reminds me so much of my life it always makes me cry when I hear it. My second favorite soundtrack would have to be FF9 though. Yes, I count FF9 as an anime. I like the theme song, almost as much as I like Gravity (yesh yesh, I know I'm a sap le'mee alone!), but i think my favorite on the album of Uematsu's Best is track 17, Except that I can never remember what it's called. The one with the dragon's wings making up the back beat. Though the song with the wailing/screaming in the background was pretty freakin' awsome too.
  9. [COLOR=Sienna][CENTER][SIZE=1]Night. Ileus knew there was a reason he never joined the other boys sneaking out at night. It wasn?t even the darkness quite so much as the cold. He hated the cold. Phailin sneezed, and even Kira looked a little blue. Ileus rubbed his hands together and reached out to touch Phailin?s arm. [B]?Hey, you remember how when you?re little the first thing they teach you is how to stay warm?? [/B] He pointed up. [B]?The moon only reflects the sun?s light. It isn?t much, not tonight, but if you focus on it it?s enough to raise your temperature a few degrees without depleting your core energy.?[/B] Phailin blinked, then smiled. [B]?Yeah, huh. Geeze, it?s been ages since I?ve used that trick.?[/B] Seraph glanced back at the whispers and almost sighed. [I]Almost.[/I] Ileus wondered how someone so?so? well, [I]cold[/I] was ever cast as a Guardian of the Light. It would have been funny, but Ileus didn?t dare laugh. Not at Seraph? Not even in his head? [B]"Ah, of course,"[/B] Seraph said, [B]"I forget how long it takes to get used to the Darkness."[/B] He drew his sword and held it aloft again, warming the air and brightening their way as they continued into the darknes. Ileus? spine crawled. It felt as thought there were things in the dark, shadows in the shadows, staring at them. [B]"Careful," [/B] Seraph cautioned. [B]"We don't want to move too slowly. There are things here that don't want us above ground."[/B] [B]"Like what?"[/B] Phailin asked warily. [B]"Like that,"[/B] Seraph gestured disgustedly to the emerging figure behind them. Kira had his weapon drawn before Ileus and Phailin even managed to turn. Everything happened at once. [B]"Traitors!"[/B] Seraph shouted. [B]?Ambush!"[/B] Phailin swung her zanbatou in a sudden burst of flame and that allowed Kira time to strike. Ileus super heated the silver caps at the end of his staff and jammed it against the head of one of the ambushing traitors, sending him howling. But Ileus barely managed to block the sword that came down almost on his head. He caught it against his wrist guards, crossing them above his head and momentarily pinning the blade. Ileus eyes widened at the radiating signature of the sword. [B]?Aldain??[/B] He exclaimed in horror. [/SIZE] [/CENTER] [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1]Signup Name: Marie L'roux the "She Wolf" Age Apparent: 23 Gender: Female Appearance: About 5'6", thin and a good deal stronger than she looks; with pale brown eyes and long, messy brown hair she usually keeps bound up in a tight bun secured with two long silver pins with a wooden handles that double as weapons in emergencies. Race/Class: Lycan Weapon: Two 1856 Le Matt Revolvers. Nine-shot, with a .44-caliber cylinder and rifled 6-1/2" barrel. She is possibly, however, more dangerous without them. Backstory: Taken from her parents shortly after her birth, Marie was given as a gift to an older Vampire as a pet. Coddled, spoilt, and kept for the most part seperated from most of her kin, she had never any reason to doubt her master and mistresses affection for her. They were her parents, and she their child. When the betrayal came, and her master called her into the library to speak with her, set her in his lap, and calmly explained to her why she had to die and why it was ok, she believed him, and offered her life without protest. His mate, however, was a half breed Vampire, and a young one at that, and did not like the thought of loosing her favorite pet. When Marie came to her to say good bye, she grew angry, and locked the little girl in her own coffin to go speak with her mate. Labled a traitor, she was killed by her husband, but in the chaos of the slaughter, Marie was not found. It was days later that her master found her, and furious at what he believed to be her disobedience, stabbed her in the stomach with the same blade he had used to slay his wife and flung her out the third story window. It was, perhaps, only the combination of his wife's blood and the moon's waxing that kept Marie alive long enough for Troy to find her. Her loyalty had been absolute... But a dog once bitten will never forgive the hand that fed it. Character Snippet: He was young, stupid, a half breed vampire still drunk on his newfound "immortality" when she stumbled into him on her way to work. Once, he had been charming, handsome young medical student, she was sure she remembered him from somewhere... And would have been still, if he hadn't reeked of sex and gore quite so terribly. "Miss L'roux, Marie! What a surprise!" He had laughed casually, teasingly, but there was a predatory glint in his eye Marie knew far to well to mistake for simple human desire. Keith Harris, she placed him. That's right, she'd taken a class at the local college with him last spring... They'd been lab partners for the semester. The idiot had never been able to keep his hands to himself, but he had always been one of those loveable perverts. A nice guy. She smiled aimiably. "Why Keith, it's been a while." This did explain his dissapearence though. "I haven't seen you around campus in ages!" "Ahh, you know, life's too short to waste stuffed away in a classroom m'dear." He took a step closer, leaning against the alley wall and blocking her route. "But you know, pretty little girls shouldn't take shortcuts to grandma's house. You never know when a big bad wolf might show up..." He wiggled his eyebrows and Marie had no choice but to laugh. She tried not to, really, but it was just ....so... He pouted. "It really isn't [I]that[/I] funny." She wiped the tears out of her eyes and straightened up. "Oh but it is, Keith. Silly, but I'm late for my shift-" "Sorry babe," He grinned. "But you know, I thought we could get together sometime." And reached out to brush a stray piece of hair out of her face. "Life's too unsure you know?" She repressed a shudder. His fingers were like ice, and the lines he was dropping would have made any older vampire cringe. Marie knew where this was heading. Right for the fan that's where. It was a shame too, she'd always kind of liked Keith. "What if I told you I'd found a way out, Marie?" He whispered. "You were the one who always told me to "seize the day and throttle the bugger". What if I told you I'd found eternety?" Marie smiled and stepped close, resting one hand on his sleeve gently, keeping his eyes trapped by hers. "I'd say..." She whispered, and jammed the gunbarrel into the junction of his throat and pulled the triggeer. "..." She picked up the head and dropped in the trash can, then put three more silver shots into the corpses heart. Somewhere in the distance a siren turned onto the street. Marie swore violently and mourned the absence of her hairpins sitting on her dressor at home. "Stealth," Troy was always telling her. "Can't you do anything [I]quietly[/I] ?" She tucked her gun into the back of her jeans under her shirt and lept, straight up, catching herself on the ledge of the building's roof and scrambling out of site. Apparently, just before a cop turned the corner, by the nature of the sudden shouting down below. Well crap. She pulled out her cell and punched in Troy's number. This was going to be a hotspot for hours. She wasn't going to be home in time for dinner... And that steak was going to go bad if someone didn't put it back in the freezer.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Silver]Whose? Mine was from Peter Pan also... Hmmmm... I can only think of one movie I've heard that in. But the quote: "I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request... It means 'no'." Is from the same movie. Am I close? What if everyone posts another quote from the movie they think it's from... oh bugger I don't suppose that would only work if everyone had it right. Nevermind. But this is a cool thread idea, I hope you find a way to sort it all out.
  12. Usually, the random people I draw look to me to have very placid, calm, kind of boring expressions. But then, for some odd reason, someone I show it to will say "Oh how terrible he looks so sad" and another will say "Ha, he looks like he's smirking at you". I dont really get this, but I think it is interesting. Other times I will try to draw a sad picture, and to me it will look sad, but to someone else it will look very positive, or the other way around. I dont really like showing people my art anymore, it makes me feel all backwards inside.
  13. Umm...I know...but are we supposed to say? Or make another quote from the same movie? "If you were me...I'd be ugly!" I loved that line, hope I got it right.
  14. I think an otaku will laugh because we know everyone else in the room with us is just as demented...and if they aren't...well...give them 'til intermission, they'll come around... ;)
  15. "It's okay honey, I called the repair man and they said they'll be right over to get you out of the tv just be patient...Really you have got to stop doing this." Or maybe... How many people wanna bet that fangirl finally cracked and married her tele?
  16. [SIZE=1][CENTER]Ileus had met the others in the hall for Seraph's announcement. In his rooms, he paused to rebandage his hands, the tattoos had burnt and torn crossing through realms, he was not fully healed yet. He dressed in preperation for the cold on the temple, glancing at the faded jeans and Kiss t-shirt he had worn as a human, now folded away neatly, and he smiled and shook his head. He had missed his warm spun tunic and loose pants. Laid out before the mirrors illuminating his rooms were his ?crutches? until his powers recovered fully. Two silver armlets and their counterpart, a silver mirror on a pendant. He tucked the Pendant away beneath his clothes and took up his staff, tracing the ancient inscriptions in absent thought as he recalled his audiance with the Queen. [I]Ileus had blushed hotly. "That was mellennia ago. I am forgotten- ? ?Perhaps? But you know my mind, Ileus, my will, better than any of my Attendants. I wish you to stand with Seraph in my behalf.? ?I am no warrior, my Queen.? She turned and took him by the shoulders. ?You killed Malachai.? ?And crippled myself in the process.? He said bitterly. ?Seraph is young. He will resent my advice.? ?I?m not asking you to advise Seraph, I do not believe he will need it. Only be there, in my stead. The wheels of prophecy have been set turning. Seraph has been appointed my heir. Should the situation escalate, the Guardian?s of Light will need a strong King to guide them in battle. I will need you to appoint him as King...? And Ileus realized something. "Does he even know who I am?" The Queen smiled, a flash of humor in her eyes. ?You are Ileus Solaros, a friend of the Queen. You need be nothing else.? [/I] He realy should have known better than to try and argue. Not with her. The others were already assembled at the gate. He barely managed to catch a sunbeam in before Seraph came into view. The girl, Phailin, glanced at him out of the corner of her eye and raised an eyebrow... He grinned sheepishly. [B]"I'm not late."[/B] They followed Seraph in silence for a while, until Ileus' curiosity got the better of him. [B]"So what exactly will we do when we get there?" [/B] He mused aloud. He could have kicked himself, but Seraph didn't seem to hear him. It was Phailin who answered. [B]"We'll probably try to make a temporary alliance with them until we can eliminate the traitors. But Seraph, are we trying to formulate a plan as well?"[/B] [B]"Yes."[/B] He answered. Seraph had a plan already, Ileus could see it in the set of his walk. He wasn't divulging the information to his party just yet though. Ileus could take a few guesses as to why. Whatever the proposed reason, Ileus couldn't blame the General. [B]"... It's like the saying 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend.' Who would've thought that we would've had to resort to this?"[/B] [B]"The Guardians of the Darkness have their place. As do we."[/B] Ileus stated quietly. [B]"Do not forget that we were not always enemies."[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE]
  17. Brenden Fraiser (spell that right or not?) is an actor. George of the Jungle, Mummy and Mummy II...um.....what else has he been in? the Rocky and Bullwinkle Movie...and...I can't think of anything else. One time I was sick and I dreamed I was rollerblading around my neighbor hood when there was an earth quake. The ground opened up in front of me and these six foot tall red ants in pink french maid uniforms kidnapped me and offered me tea. I'd blame the Nyquil, but I think my brain is really just that wierd. And then there was this one time when I was rreeeeaaaly young and i dreamed that the turn signal in this woman's car was evil and after me (note: Not the car, JUST the turn signal) and I couldn't get out and then when I did these werewolves were after me and I climbed up on this water fountain and then aliens were landing so I hid in a chruch, only it wasn't a church it had been remodeled into a house and my whole family was there and our butler was a really nice zombie lady who lived in the closet.... No. I didn't think it made much sense either. And then the other day i dreamed I was Omi from Weiss-only i was a cop, and had to negotiate with this mad scientist for the release of these hostages on a gient pink zepplin/mobile suit thingie. He was trying to perform human alchemy and bring the frankenstein monster to life, so I promised him my heart and left kidney (dont ask about the left kidney, it's a very old story i wrote i didn't expect it to come back and bite me like this) if I couldn't find a doner within eleven days. And for some reason I thought that a perfectly reasonable request... And then i got home and everyone was mad at me and I was going "Hey, whats the big deal?" But I couldn't find a doner so I died. And then I was back at level one trying to negotiate for the hostages again, like in a videogame. I thought it was freakin hilarious, but when I told my boyfriend he freaked out. Which I also thought was kinda funny, but in a sweet way.
  18. OOC: I noticed no one but Blayze has volunteered to be a GoL, so I thought I'd offer a character. Name: Ileus Solaros (pronounced EE-Looss) Derived from the word Lleu (h-loo), meaning bright, or shining. Human Alias: Ellis Allarios Age: Looks about 13, but is actually one of the older Guardians of Light. His injuries during the war left him stranded among the humans, seperated from his own kind and left with nothing but children's magic. Passing as a child proved condusive to survival, Ileus found it more practical to be underestimated than give away his true condition. Gender: Male Race: Guardian Position: Guardian of Light Appearance: He certainly looks like a child. With his butter white curls and pale brown, almost gold eyes, 'cherubic' is another word he gets dubbed quite often. Ileus is 5 foot 4 inches tall, with an almost sunburnt complexion and quite a few freckles. There are twins suns tattooed in the palms of his hands and one on his forhead, which, like those of all Guardians, only show through his skin when he uses his powers. He is, to the lament of his foster parents, school counselors and author, horribly camera shy. Personality: Initially, Ileus can come across as something of a ditz. He has had centuries to perfect the mannerisms of a human child, and he plays the role well. He is by nature a gentle and very kind person. His age and time spent among them has given him quite a bit of insight into the lives of humans, and he usually knows exactly what to say to make someone's gloomy day a little better. He's a bit of a techno geek as well, the magic humans have been able to mimic with thier technology facinates and delights him. Gaurdians of the Light are not Angels, however, for to call them that would be to call the Gaurdians of the Night Demons, which is a slanderous untruth. They are as their nature and their environment shapes them to be. It is difficult to explain, but Ileus has a...well, lets call it a bitter streak. He disliked the war, he missed the peace and was happy for the truce, but bad memories and a betrayal have left him wary around Guardian's of the Dark. He [I]knew[/I] Malachai. Weapons: A thin, ironwood quarterstaff capped with silver on the ends and egraved with the ancient letters of an even older lyllabye chant mothers used to sing over the cradles of thier young to protect them from the darkness. Powers: The manipulation of fire and light, as well as being able to move far faster than the naked human eye can follow, and while Ileu is stronger than he looks, his real strength lies in his endurance. However, due to his injuries, Ileus was left with scarcely enough magic to survive the cold of nighttime. Left untreated, it is taking centuries to heal. Character Snippet: (Happens the evening of the Finding of the Spear of Twilight) Martha found him sacked out on the floor in front of his window, sound asleep in the sunshine. She chuckled. You could set a clock by that boy. Every day when he came home from school: The front door slammed 2:30, the fridge was empty by 3:00, and the cat was trying fretfully to reclaim it's sunny patch of carpet by 3:15. She didn't worry, he'd rechage his solar panels and have whatever his homework was done by 6 o'clock, like always. Ellis was a good kid. A little strange, sometimes, and Martha wondered at his taste in clothes recently, (she suspected that little gothic girl from school was the culprit), but a good kid. She and her husband had fostered children before (thier own daughter, long since grown and moved on, had been adopted), but never had she met any boy quite so...pleasant. Or secretive. Ellis never talked about his parents, or why he'd been put into foster care, or why his papers stated that he would only be spending two years with the Dallases, as he had with the Monroes before them, and the Bromleys before them. For being plucked from home to home every two years he was remarkably well adjusted. But he wouldn't really talk about it, or how long it had been going on, the one time she's asked he just smiled and shrugged. "Dunno, but I get to make alot more friends this way. It is kinda wierd, but I dont mind. I'm used to it." And gone back to his peanut butter sandwich. "Ellis, hon," Martha knocked softly on his door and smiled when he snuggled into the cat and mumbled something that sounded like "Bmmdaffus umsleffing." "I know kiddo but I have a surprise for you." And just like that she had his complete and undevided attention. "Is it ice cream? Are we going camping? Oh! Did that new Sager plasmascreen laptop go on sale? I've almost got enough saved up, I just need-" Martha laughed out loud and held up her hands. "Woah there, honey! There is ice if you want it, and we'll talk about the computer later... I wanted to ask you... I spoke with child servces today, and they said, if you agreed, they could arrange for you to stay with us to finish highschool." Ileus froze. Stay... three more years... He...He couldn't... They would notice... He had never been able to pass for an eighteen year old, even when he had been only eighteen years old... Guardian's didn't age the way humans did... He was, by human standerds, ancient, but he wouldn't look like a human adult for another two hundred solar eclipses! Damn, he hadn't expected this. "I...I don't know what to say..." He stammered. "I...I want to..." Oh God did he want to! It had been centuries since anyone had known what he was. After the war, when he'd been injured and too weak to contact his own kind, and the few Human's who had known hadn't trusted the Guardians anymore... And he'd stolen [I]it[/I] and hadn't been able to [I]warn[/I] anyone and so he'd hidden [I]it[/I]... "I can't can I?" He whispered. Martha sighed and sat on the edge of his bunk. "Come here, kiddo, it's ok." Ellis gave it up and crawled up beside her, burying his face in the old woman's shoulder. "It's ok baby, it's all right. You can. Roger and I talked it over, we'd like you to stay. Hey, hey it's ok, honey-" "No...no, it's not you don't understand I can't...they...they..." They would find him. Malachai knew he had taken [I]it[/I], and if he stayed in one place for too long-and even two years had been such a risk- they would find him... And if they found him they would know where [I]it[/I] was... Martha rubbed his back and held him till he quieted. "Oh honey, I'd like to get my hooks in whoever has been approving those transfers. I knew all that moving wasn't good for a boy like you. But it'll be ok, you dont have to go anywhere. You [I]can[/I] stay and you can finish school and you can take that pretty little gothic girl to the prom and everything will be all right you'll see. Don't worry. it's all right." He sniffed, and rubbed the tears out of his eyes with his sleeve, the mask slipping back into place. "...Yes. Yes, thank you. Thank you so much for everything Mrs. Dallas... I would love to stay." Martha smiled. "Wonderful honey. Comeon. Let's go downstairs and get some ice cream to celebrate. Then we can tell Roger when he gets home." Ileus was up before dawn, his school books put away and his room clean, his laptop tucked away in backpack along with a few other things he'd found useful living as a human. Socks, laser camera, toothbrush, mp3 player and the like... He paused and grabbed the photo of his foster parents he'd snapped a few months back at a baseball game. He hated baseball, but he liked the Dallases. He hoped they would be okay. Last he pulled his quarterstaff out from under the bed and changed the endcap, screwing a cut prism into the top. And then he waited. He pulled the first rays of sunlight in through his window to slide it open silently, then strung a few stronger beams through his prism and began to braid them. Sunplaiting was children's magic, he'd long since mastered, and it was quiet, which, Ileus found, was often far more useful than any weapon. And it was all he had left. The next morning, Roger called the police. Ellis was gone. And Ileus sank to his knees in the darkness where just hours ago the doom of the Guardians had been locked away safely. It was gone. He was too late.
  19. [QUOTE=Lindus]Oh? And which series would that be? ;) And that seems like a bit of a blow for shounen/shojo-ai by categorizing them with Yaoi and Hentai. I'm not going to watch Yaoi because a lot of the time, it's too much for me. dunno, not so much of a complaint here. XD it's just that you listed shounen/shoujo-ai as if they were perverted like hentai. I have never seen a dessert wearing spectacles XD[/QUOTE] You have a good point, Yaoi/Shonen/Shojo-ai would follow the same ratings as any other genre. I don't personally care for it, but then I'm not much of a romance fan at all. I just thought I'd mention it because a friend of mine went surfing one day and then grouched at me for not explaining the 'code' to her. :p It would have been funny except she was so mortified (I think she ran into something with a heavier rating). The series I almost missed was Pet Shop of Horrors. Some would class it as Shonenai, but I have never been able to quite grasp where they are getting that. It's [B]weird[/B] , but it isn't a romance. Mousse: The blind guy from Ranma1/2 (which may or may not be hentai depending on your point of view-but is a masterpiece of anime none the less.)
  20. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=1]SIGNUP: Character: Name: Lillandau (pronounced Lee-YAN-Dow) meaning "the bird that dives" in the old language. Age: 17 (approximately) Sex: Male Race: Elder Alignment: Drifter Profession: Merchant/Scavenger Appearance: Dau is 6 ft even, brown skinned, barefoot, and perpetually sunburnt. Only twice in the past has he ever been mistaken for a human. He keeps his bleached out hair bound in hundreds of tight braids that only cooperate with gravity when they are water-logged. Which they are most of the time. Several of his braids are woven with small trinkets; glass beads and seashells. His eyes are a very pale blue, just lighter than the sky at midday. Or the full moon, depending. He doesn't wear much, a pair of old, patched, cut off shorts that hit his knees. They may have been blue once, or maybe brown, it's impossible to tell. He picked up an old, hooded poncho somewhere to the north, which he only wears to cover an old prayer of his kin, tattoed down his back, and then only when he's done something he's in trouble for. He carries a millitary issue knife at his belt, and always seems to have something bizarrly convienient stashed in one of his pockets. Ship: Name: The Smuggler's Fish Number: (Long ago rubbed off the bow) Class: 12 Meter Sailing Clipper Size: 65 feet from bow to stern, sloop rigged, with a 60 foot mast. Small. Speed: Top speed approximated at 30 knots. Weapons: A jury-rigged grenade launcher, and a fishing harpoon. Armor Level: 6. It's a surprisingly sturdy little boat, if it doesn't look the part. And it doesn't look the part. Description: Dau's ship is without insignia, and this combined with it's small size is enough to set it apart in a shipyard. Dented where it is metal, splintered and patched where it is not, the Smuggler's Fish has a certain charm, to be sure, but it could hardly be considered worth stealing. Below deck there is just enough room to duck into a bunk Dau only uses when the weather's hostile- the rest of the birth is cram-packed with random trade stuffs ranging from tinned fruit to rare books to a few odd trinkets pirates have been killing each other trying to find traces of for decades. Behind it all, tucked away in the back of the mess, is a freshwater still; the only thing on the boat that has never been for sale. Note: Dau has been known to travel under hire with other merchant ships, often leaving his boat untethered and unnatended on open water for weeks at a time. Mysteriously, though one might hesitate to say magically, it always manages to show up where he needs it to be when he needs it to be there, just a few meters out of site... Writing Sample: Dau had never seen land. He?d heard of it, of course, who hadn?t? The Oil company made little secret of their holdings, bragging as though the last few barren patches of dirt above the water were something special. The Great Sea had always been mother to Dau, he had no interest in a few piles of dried out mud. But this ?free land? they whispered of as though it were something sacred? He couldn?t remember where he?d first heard of it. Some back alley tavern on some overcrowded colony ship, perhaps, or maybe from that crazy old woman who had used to give him hot bread when he brought her seashells when he was younger? The notion had quite snuck up on him, one idle afternoon when Madeline had turned to him and offered him a kiss in exchange for a yellow flower. He had been so surprised, at the time, he had agreed without pausing to consider where one was supposed to get a flower. It would be days before he realized that he would have to find land not infested by the Company?s rigging? He wasn?t sure he really even believed in free land, but when Madeline had leaned over the railing of her father?s trade ship and tried so hard to imitate a smile, Dau decided he would find it. It would be something to think about in the idle weeks on the open sea, and Madeline, for all her oddities, was worth it.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. Hmm. If you aren't the sort to watch Hentai here are some other words you may want to remember to avoid. Shonen ai (or shonenai) Shojo ai (or shojoai) Yaoi (sometimes called slash) Unfortunately, people opinions on exactly what qualifies as the above differs. I almost missed out on a wonderful manga because I kept reading that it was shonen ai/yaoi/slash, and I'm really not into that. On the other hand, someone else swore to me that I would love this other anime-and I was a wee bit on the horrified end of the scale. My advice to you would me to trust official web sites only, internet rumors spread like the plague and are about as accurate as Mousse without his glasses. Speaking of internet rumors.... Oh no, i really shouldn't. I'm in the wrong section anyway.... ;)
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